Exeter Times, 1903-4-9, Page 8MOM e i„4.'' .. a nse6 ..'., 1..1S.', n' . ' '.I •' nS:e ket:" . • BA B. Rt i l l I NIfy: S A PBL J t 4I 1 1903. WART'S Weenie Hflih -iery Show Rooms Ope*i.--Every, thing in apple pro order, and ready for early spring buyers, Perhaps the choicest lot of new ready to wear and trimmed hats that we have ever shown. Come and bring your friends with you. Our show rooms are for the public. Come and study the new styles you are under no obligation to buy. You are always welcome, come as often as you wish, always something new to interest you. Spccia.ls for Quick Spring Selling Ladies' new broadcloth Dress Goods, pure wool, mirror finish, correct for suits, 15 new shades, and blaek, per yard, only 65c. New Jap, Washing, Silks, for ladies' vaists, heavy cord effects, in creams, blues, pinks, and fancy shaded stripes. Our bargain price, per yard 40c. New Just lovely ! Is what the ladies all say, when they look through the beautiful lot of New Muslins and fancy 'Cotton Goods that we are showing. -and then the valu- es are so good. Best English ,Linoleum, 4 yards wide, new floral and block designs. A sure bargain $I.95. Direct from the mill to us, 125 pieces heavy Canadian Prints, pure fast dye all the new colors and patterns, regular values 121c. Our big bargain price only See. A &nip for the Men Here is a • snap for the Men. New Swagger Raglan combina- tion rain and spring Overcoats, new grey and new olive shades. The swellest coat that's out, and our price only $9.50. MO COSI STORE dfk. STEW -FAR --THE Sovereign Bank of Canada. fey Marriage Licenses, Capital paid up $1,300,000.00 Surplus ... 270,00.001 IIEAD OFFICE TORONr0 EXECUTIVE OFFICE, MONTREAL President, - - - H. S. HOLT, '+ so. General Mgr. - 11 M. STEWART, ESQ. SUMS BANK DEPARTMENT i Deposits of $L00 and upward re- ceived and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at favorable rates. Loans made to far - niers on their own names at reason- able rates. A general Banking Business done. OFFICES AT Exeter and °modoton F. E. WARN, C. W. GILMOUR, Manager. Manager. GLADarAN & ST_LNBURY, Solicitors. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisementr accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, APRIL 9Ter, 1903 Locals 14e:sae:L ag Feirigs, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spcct ides Eta CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mrs, A. Q. Bobier and daughter, left this week, for Chicago, after which they will visit friends in Cry- stal City, 11fau i to ba. Mr. Samuel Rowe has moved his family to town, and is occupying the house lately vacated by Mr. Albert Pym, Huron St. Mr. Fred Gould spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Levett, spent 'Wed- nesday at G -rand Bend. The Misses Gerry of Mitchell,spent a few.days ot last week with friends here. Miss Evelyn Gill is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Theo, Sweet, of St. Cath- arines. Miss Effie Treble is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Hoskins, of Kirk - ton. Mr. and Mrs, R. Hoskins, of Kirk - ton, spent Monday at the latter's home here. Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson and children, after a pleasant visit with relatives in Mitchell have returned home, The Misses McGillivray and Link - later of Wingham. are the guests of the letters aunt, errs. G. aranson. Mr. and Mrs, Williams and family, of Exeter North, left on Monday, for Manitoba, They will locate near Virden, Mr. Fred. Davidson, who recently underwent an operation for appendi- citis, at Victoria Hospital, London, is progressing favorably. Messrs Thos. Cameron, Wm. Quin- ton and Hugh Norris have each pur- chased a McLaughlin mikado from Bissett & Johns, machine agents. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druAgists refund the money if it fails to oure. E. W. Grove's signature is on emelt boy. 25c We were in error last week in stat- ing that Mrs, Fowell, had rented Mr. Hooper's house, she having rented Mr. Stanlake's house on Gidley street. Mr. James Willis, who has been confined to his room, for the past three months, shows no signs of im- provement, but gradually becoming weaker. Mr, and Mrs. John Fenwick of Wa- wanesea, Man. are visiting Mr. Fen - wick's sister, Mrs. E, Follick sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick were former resi- dents of Sarepta- Mr. Harry Hooper having rented his residence on Main st. which he has been occupying, to Mr. J. D. Atkinson is this week moving into his brick residence on Wm. street recently va- cated by Mr. R. S. Rogers. Mr. H. Smith of Springhurst farm has sold to Mr. Win. Glenn of the Northeast Boundary of Usborne, a young bull of the Cruickshank family. Mr. Glenn paid well up to the $150 mark and is to be congratulated on the purchase of so fine an animal. We are pleased to announce the convalescence of errs. Jno. Kerslake of Usborne, who a short time since un- derwent, at the hands of Dr. Brown- ing of this place,assisted by Drs.Gunn and eracDearmid, one of the greatest operations known to surgery. Mr. J. T. Cairns, has rented Mr, J. P. Ross' store and dwelling, and will open up in a few days with a full line of general dry goods, gro- ceries, etc. Mr. Cairns was in the mercantile business in Kirkton, and gave up business there on the 1st of March. Our attention has been called to a communication in the Clinton New Era regarding the York County Loan & Saving Co. of Toronto. The writers claim that they have evidence that the Co. has no Government security, and if the company fails, the sharehol- ders would have to pay the balance of their unpaid shares. The temperature during March averaged 10 degrees warmer than in any previous year, and there was no, an exceptionally heavy rainfall, eithe only 1.00 being shown at the local o servatory. The warmest day of the; month was the 19th, when the there urometer showed 76 degrees, and the coldest day was the first when the reading was 12, degrees, Furniture! Furniture! ' AVCNG PURCHASED the Furniture and Un - r dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand, without doubt,they largest and best stock of Furniture in the county . A visit to our store will convince that she are selling at the closest mar, i n possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock .i. d get our prices before placing orders elsewhere, We do all kinds Of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing n the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed w,th every purchase. Undertakers and Funeral Director nown J. D. Atkinson, Practical Lmbaltner,Gr'aduate of Embalming College, Toronto. Aa • e Miss Julia Spicer will spend the Easter holiday with her brother at Brantford Mn R. Hannon left Monday for Prince Albert N, W. T. 'inhere he will remain sone length of time, Miss Charlotte Sweet has moved her dressmaking parlors to the rooms oyer A. Q. Bobier's office, two doors north of the Sovereign Bank. Mrs.. Beg. 'Elliott who was called here some weeks ago on necount of the illness of her moths i, ,;lire. I: was Oarls Ing left Tuesday for her home in Nor- wich. The Huron Old Boys have decided to hold their annual excursion this year to Goderich and Wingbarn, The excursion will start on July 4th. So saith the Toronto Daily Star, The speckled trout season opens on the first of May and continues until the 14th of September. The news. paper announcement last year that it would open an the 15th of April was a mistake. Canada evill have a fresh issue of stamps an Dominion Day bearing the image of King Edward, The supply of old stamps bearing the lineaments of the Queen will be disposed of before the new stamps are issued. Mr. A. Q. Bobier has received a car of Michigan potatoes a few days ago and the farmers are availing them- selves of the opportunity of changing their seed. They will make a splendid change for here having been raised on sand. The Misses Gill and Davidson and Messrs. Anderson and Heywood with Miss Brown as organist drove to Cen- tralia on Monday evening and sup- plied the vocal music for the Epworth League Anniversary entertainment iu . the Methodist church. :'r. S. M. Sanders, was in Toronto, a fess days Iasi week in connection with the Farmers' Co-operative Har- vesting Machine Co., and accepted a position as manager for the County of Huron for the sale of stock and otber general bueiness. Saturday's Canada Gazette contains the following postal regulation: -"On and atter this date (April 4) the rate of postage on third-class matter, ex- cept seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, bed- ding plants, scions and grafts, shall be one cent for each two ounces or frac- tion thereof, and on fourth-class mat- ter the rate shall be one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof." •n MOOTS BAZAAR + 4. + . fit. It is acknowle- dged on all 4. es sides that our + 4.' Easter Cards + + are the best lot yet shown in ,1. town. Ask to hove them 4. shown to you. We also keep a ';' full range of egg cups. 4. 4. (This ad. Changes Every Week Nice sweet oranges...20c, doz. Banan as 25c, doz. It isn't necessary to mention Peanuts because people know what ours are like but we will do so just this once and that's all. We have just sold 2000 lbs since coming to town, ask for package 5c. Talbots Bazaar Wedding Presents a Specialty. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. The foliowing recipe was given at a Farmers' Instite, as a preventative of smut in oats, and is -worth trying: - "Get some formalise at the nearest drug store ; mix in a barrel in pro- portion of one ounce to seven gallons of water ; put your seed oats in a sack and leave the sack to soak twen ty minutes in the mixture ; lay tile sack over the top of the barrell of ter soaking so as to allow the liquid to drain back into the barrell, spread oats out on barn floor to dry; turn two or three times to facilitate drying, then sow By treating your oat seed in this way you will avoid all danger of smut in the crop and may make a difference of five or ten per cent. in the yield." APPRENTICES WANTED. -TO learn dressmaking apply to Mess ARM- STRONG at Snell & Rowe's WANTED. -Two (2) first-class coat - makers, male, at once. Union wages. A. H. LOFFT, & 00., St. Marys, WANTED -Wanted at once a good general servant apply to Mrs, Hurdon at the Molson's Bank, Exeter, FOR SALE ori LEASE. -The hotel in North Exeter will be sold or leased on reasonable terms, apply to L. MaTAG • GART, Hay P. O. RIN5HED CnTTAGE TO RENT. -A urnished cottage with good garden nd fruit bearing trees also smaller fruits. Will rent for summer months o small family. Apply to G. A. }.. acleod, Exeter. Bre DELIVERY. --A big delivery of McCormick's Harvesting machines on Wednesday. April the 15th 1903 Come out and spend a day in Exeter and have a good time. Don't forget the date. HARRY BROWN and efts, NELL agents. TO TEE FARMERS. -Why not follow the advice given at the Farmers' Insti- tute meetings and introduce new poultry blood into your flock. I am booking orders now for eggs from pure bred WHITE & GOLDEN wyandottes The best general purpose fowl. Eggs 15 for $1.00. Speak for a setting early. J. SENIOR, Exeter. e give you 5c. per pound in trade for all kinds of old rubber. Bring them along with you. GEO. MANsort, Boots and. Shoes, Exeter. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A story and a half frame house, containing 7 rooms and summer kitchen, bridk foundation. A quarter of an acre' of land with good well of spring water on the premises, corner lot, situated Huron street three blocks east of Main street. Will sell cheap. Apply to SAai'L. SANDERS, Telegraph Office, Exeter. GRA DISPLAY OTIC Vett BROS. Millinery and Dress Uoods NO BETTER PLACE TO We have just received a lot of new Dress Goods, the very newestmatnrials in all the latest shades we would like to have you call and see them before buying your new spring suit. Basket Suitings in navy, green and black,' the latest thing for unlined skirts and suits, good quality, wide width $1.00, Zeberlin e, aheavy dress goods with New Flake Tweeds in all the latest colors, good weight, very pretty and stylish. See them before buying. 60c per yard. We have a. nice lot of new Linens, wooly finish, very stylish, and good Zephyrs, with trimming to match wearing, just the thing for skirts and they are vary pretty for Waists or suits, only $1.00. Dresses, quality good, prices right. Wall 1pers 6llrtfflns 6arn6ts House cleaning will soon be here, We have a lot of Remnants of Car- we have a lot of Lice and Tapestry Curtains that must be sold. If you Pets in Union, Wool, Tapestry and want New Curtains dont forget to Brussels which must be sold quick, come and inspect our stock, for Before buying your Carpets call and. quantity, quality and low prices we see what we can do for you. can't be beat. LilloIeuffls ani 011610t11S all Ooiuu at Goss. We have a few men's and boys' Suits left, which will, go at cost'. Now is your time, the chance of a life time. We pay highest Prices for all Farm Produce: Remember the Place the E. Pickard Store, MINISTERS TRANSFERRED. -Among the changes made by the Methodist transfer committee are the following: ea) London, J. C. Pomeroy and W'', Kettlewell, from Hamilton : Wm. Patterson,froin Newfoundland ; W. H. Taylor and Alfred Andrews, from Manitoba.and A. Langford, D.D. from Toronto. E. N. Baker goes from London Conference to Toronto; H.W. Crews to Lfamilton ; Reid, G. H, Tuckey and 0. G. Corneille, to Mani- toba. • HIdes' FORECAST&FOR NEXT WEEK --After a few mornings of chill and frost, over all sectiuns central and northward, change to warmer. with falling barometer and more April storms will center about the 13th rind 14th, The transition state of the season throueh the most part of April brings, as a rule, scattering " April showers" at a.lrnost any time. But this tendency to showers and squalls becomes decided, general and often violent as we pass into the regular and reactionay storm periods. In the nature of things, hail storms are more numerous in April than in almost any other month in the year, flashes of hail being common from almost any local and dense thunder cloud. CIRCULAR TO INSPECTORS-- The Education Department has issued a circular to school inspectors, asking that Arl:or Day and Empire Day be properly observed in every school, This year the former falls on Friday May lst, and the latter on Friday, May 22nd. Mr. Harcourt remarks: "Let Arbor Day be a bright., joyous holiday, devoted to the pleasure of making beautiful what should be beautiful, and developing in the young minds a keen appreciation of nature. Let Empire Day be also a day which will foster a healthy national patriotism and awaken all the pleasur- able emotions which the love of our country and empire should inspire." The circular suggests that prepara- tions for Arbor Day should begin two or three weeks before hand, for the work to be done and the kind of trees BUSINESS A. few snaps for the Easter trade, in dainty Cotton Dress, Goods and Gent's Furnishing. PRINTS 5c for a slice choice of new patterns, fast colors. So for a good choice of new patterns, heavy and fast colors. 10c for a large range of the newest patterns and the heaviest print made. All perfectly fast colors, DAINTY WASH DRESS GOODS 15c. the yard for a beautiful silkeen, Something new, 10 new patterns. 20c a yard cotton Crepe de Chene, very new beautiful colors. Se. to 25c. a big assortment of colcr- ed Muslins, A full range of Dimities, Organdies and Lawns. flillinery Millinery We have an up-to-date milliner iu connection with the store in the per, son of Miss Morlock. We will accept produce in payment of same. Satis- faction guaranteed.' Goods, Diets . GondS 50e and 75c for the new shades in alt wool Violes. 75c. per yard, the new Btarnine Cloth, $1.00 per yard, Flaked Homespun. New Waist goods in fancy Velours,. fancy and plain Lustre, Silks and Vel- vets, Gent's Furnishing Just in and ready for your inspece tion, a line of spring Shirts, that for beauty of pattern has never before been matched, The best and newest Neckwear for Easter at popular prices.. •HATS; -The most stylish line ot Hats that we have ever displayed, is ready for your inspection now. We have the best the market affords. Ordered Clothing A fine range of spring Suiting, in the newest shades of Scotch and Can- adian Tweeds and worsted. Prices- away ricesaway down. . A complete line of ready-to-wear Clothing. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. SayLield Bumps.- Gillis Haines of Hollik Rood spent a few days with' Mr. H. Wesley Vanstone of Regina N. W. T. is visiting friends hete this week also visiting his father at Benmiller who is ; very ill at present. He leaves for t Re gine, this week where be is engaged in tbe bnsiness.-The Govern- ment engineer was in town on Monday last inspecting the harbor improve- ments, -Mrs. H. Drehman is visiting her parents at Holy Rood this week. - Miss Maggie Vanstone of Benmil- ler visited friends here on Sunday last, -Mr. H. Darrh is improving the Com- mercial Hotel this spring by a new double vera,ndah and granolitic walk on 'both front and west side. This will no doubt be an up-to-date hotel when finished. --Mr. Wm. Sturgeon, who left here in November for Lurgin Ireland, having been over arrived back on Saturday last accompanied by his cousins Mr. John and Miss Min- nie Sturgeon, of Lurgin, Ireland, This is the -second trip for Billy to the old sod. -Mr. Wm. Brandon our but- cher is putting up a new verandah in front of his residence on Main street which will improve the appearance wonderfully. -Mr. Dan McDonald of Berlin arrived in town on Monday last and intends moving back to our village shortly. -Miss Ella Tippet is visiting friends ae Varna this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Oliver rthynas of Gode- rich visited friends in town on Sunday last. -Miss Dolly Parsons is visiting friends at Hills Green for three weeks. -Mr. George Castle, wife and family of the &mete line moved into the vil- lage last week. -Mr. Allen McGee moved to the farm on the Sauble line which he rented from W. G. Johnston this week, -Miss An.nie Whiddon who is attending the Conservatory, Lon- don is home on her Easter holidays. - ilinWill Robinson, Principal of Public School. left for his home at Winthrop to spend Ins holidays. Miss Wright, assise teacher Public Sehool is spend- ing her Easter holidays at her home in Stratford. -Mr: Frank Kegan left on Monday for Sarnia where he in- tends fishing for a couple of months. - Mr. Harry Marks who is attending Business College in London is home for holidays. -Miss Annie Sturgeon and Lizzie „McCormick of London are home to Mr. James Sturgeons on a ORIGIN OF THE eNATIONAle ANTHEM. e "God Save the King" was originally' a old Stuart song of unknown author- sh p. How it came to be adopted as t e National Anthem. is told in ati ticle in the April number of Cenadian ood Housekeeping. Other features of this number are "Recreation for Busi ness ellen", "Window Gardens", "Rousebold Economy", "The Higher Life" and a great variety of useful in- formatiob for practical housekeepers. This magazine, which is published by Dominion Phelps, Toronto, is now teeognized as the standard woman's magazine of Canada, It is handsome- , ly printed and well illustrated. Zurich Beene's. -Mr. Solomon Hardy and tbree children arrived, in town on Tues- day evening. Mrs. Hardy remained with her sister in Michigan till Mr. Hardy can procure a house. We svel- come Mr. and Mrs. Hardy's return ste town. -The regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U. was held at the home of Miss Lydia Koehler, Monday evening, April eth, at 7,30 p. m, -Mr, P. Sipple took a lunatic. named Wild, from near Dashwood, to London asylum this week. -Miss Laura Hartleib has gone to Seaforth to learn the are of dress- making, -Mr. E. Rennie, of Hensel]. was in tovvn on Tuesday, - Messrs. James Dick and George Chesney of Seaforth were in town on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Paulin of Dashwood visited al Mr. 8, Rannies Suriday. -Mr, Simon Geigsr returned to Pig- eon ou Tnesday after spending a few weeks here. -Mr. Ches. Finkbeinee, of Milverton spene Tuesday with friends in town, -!Mr. ja,cob Zimmerman and family left Monday lest for North Da- kota where he has secured a situation as manager of a large ferns. - Mr, Solomon Hardy and three children of Carsonville Mich„ arrived in town on Tuesday evening, We welcome Mr. Hardy's return to town, - We are pleased to note thailr, Henry Beaver who was confinedW is bed last week with a severe attacli .nf appendicitis is now sufficiently. recovered. to be up and around agam,-The regular meet - Monday evening at the home of Miss Lydia Itoehler.-Mr. D. Pfaff of Dash- We Carry Qood Lines ing in Furniture AND MAKE PRiCES EASY FOR ALL USTO Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. wood was in town on Sunday. Mes- srs. William Willis,Chaeles Guenther, Charles Steinhagen and John Edit, of Dashwood were callers here on Sun- day. -Messrs. T. and M. Johnston took several loads of furniture to Seb- ringville this week, -Mr. John Hoff- man of Dashwood. was in to en on business on Monday last.- Mr, and Mrs, A. valentine, who have been residents of Znrich for the past eight years have removed to Windsor this week. They have made many friends here who regret their depareure. Their removal was occasioned. by the illness of their son, Father Valentine, and who is still unable to take charge of his congregation. We have not learned who the successor of the Reverend gentleman will be but the citizens express general regret that his improvement in health was not more rapid. Father Valentine and Ins parents are held in the highest esteem by all, and their departure will be a distinct loss to the town. A SURPRISING- DISCOVERY You will be surprised in trying Ca- tarrhozone to find how quickly it cures cold,in the head The agreeable penetrating vapor traverses every air cell and passage of the nose, throat and lungs. In one breath it carries instant death to the millions of germs infesting the respiratory organs and breaks up a cold in ten minutes. A trial will convince you that Ca- tarrhozone is the most potent. satis- factory and pleasant cure for Colds, Catarrh. Deafness, Bronchitis, asthma and Lung Trouble. Complete outfit $1.00 ; small size 25c. Druggists or N. C. Poison Co, Kingston, Ont. Sprm Opera House Block -GO TO THE - Roll For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (staa) Pastry (Princess) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial ahd be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. MILLERS CIREOrrON Ltunher,Ooal and Wire All kinds of Hemlock or Pine, either in the rough or dressed as you wish. A few of iny Spring Pieces. • Coiled Spring Wire per cwt $2,80 Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at Dry Hemlock Jointiug and Scant- ling at $15.50 per M. No. 1 B. 0. Shingles at 80c per bunch Cheaper grade 68c per bunch SPECIAL 1 inch Pine $12 SO per It will pay you to write or call and, see me before you buy. A. J. Clatworthy's Lumber Yard, Granton. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Dry Fen Weed Wanted SWEITZEIL WANTED. -Fifty (50) girls, at Mc- Oormick's new biscuit factory, Steady employment and big pay. The M0 Wetmore M'rece. 00„ Ltd., London FOR SALE. -One large copper kett e laolds 110 gallons, splendid for boili g maple sap, original price $75, now at $25. Also one splendid: boxing machine. heady new, price 44 will sell new for $25, at D. BRA:UNDO, Exeter North.