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Little Liver Pills.
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5 eent3 � y Veget le.,
need and Soothes the Lungs and
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I have used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY
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M. M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B.
Troubled -with Kidney Trouble
for Six Months.
Many Men and Women Are Troubled
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Backache Is The First Sign Of Kidney
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Of A More Serious Nature.
OF MISERY. Mrs. William H. Banks,
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was troubled with kidney trouble for six
months, and had -such terrible pains
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taken three boxes I was completely
Price 50e. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25;
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Toronto, Ont.
To the Weary Dyspeptic.
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The first step is to regulate the
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pepsin aridthe primary causes lead•
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A Field In Which They Can Make
An Honorable Living,
f lxitn:rail according to Act of tare Par-
liament of Canada, In the year Una
Thousand aline ifunctred and 'three,
by Wm. Bally, of 'Toronto, at the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.)
A despatch from Chicago says :--
Rev. Frank De Witt Talmage preach-
ed from the following text :--I Tim-
othy v, 10, "Well reported of for
good, works * * * if she have re-
lieved the afflicted."
Well, indeed, may a woman be re-
ported of for good works in such a
world as ours if she have relieved
the afflicted. Such women aro sore-
ly needed. There is suffering eve•,y-
where—in the rich man's palace and
the poor man's tenement. If any
woman desires to be well reported
of for good works, she can attain
her ambition in no surer, better,
way than in relieving the afflicted:
It is a glorious mission that has
been chosen by these noble women,
who are graduating as trained
nurses • and are going forth in their
striped uniforms, like valiant • sol-
diers, to contend with fell disease,
I • want to present to yen my eor-
ception- of Whitt. such a woman
should be, whether she stands by
the operating table or bends • over
the invalid's bed or walks through
the wards of a hospital for con-
tagious diseases or sterilizes the
surgeon's knives just before the
limb is to bo amputated. I take
this. opportunity to address not a
single graduating class of trained.
nurses, but to speak to all the dif-
ferent training schools for nurses
with which my pulpit comes into
Tho scope of my theme can best
be realized if the hearer is led into
the humble home of the most be-
loved and internationally honored
of all women living at the present
time. Who is she ? I will answer
that question by relating an inci-
dent which happened about the year
1858. •Lord Stratford was enter-
tain3ng at a London banquet many
of the prominent military officers of
the British army, who had led to
victory the queen's soldiers in the
Crimean conflict. As a matter of
curiosity, the noble lord asked
them, one and all, this question,
"Who do you think, of alI the par-
ticipants of the late war, will be
the most honored and revered by
the coming generations ?" He asked
his guests to write the names of
their choice upon slips of paper and
he would read the same and an-
nounce the result of the ballot.
When the slips were ' olloctod, the
vote was unanimous. Wonderful to
state, the name which Lord Strat-
ford announced was not that of a
general, It belonged to an untitled
woman. Her name was Florence
Who was Florence Nightingale ? I
will tell you. She was the heroic
nurse who did not want the British
people to rear for her a monument
of cold marble, but instead she took
the $250,000, which was a free will
offering given by her countrymen,
and with it built and endowed, only
a short distance • from Westminster
abbey, the famous training school
for nurses which now bears her
name. This school, established in
1860, is the foster mother of all the
modern training schools for nurses.
When a woman so honored by
church and state as Florence Night-
ingale thinks the development of the
trained nurse a work so important
that she devotes to it her fortune
and her consecrated energies, we
need make no apology for taking as
Our theme this morning• the qualities
which are needed in the ideal nurse.
The trained nurse, in the first
place, must • be intelligent. 'She • is
the right arm of the • physician: By
that we do not mean that the train-
ed nurse is to be a Mere automatic
machine and -that when the physi-
cian pulls the string she is to move
and when he stops pulling she is to
stand still. Oh, no 1 She is to be
far more. We find that to -day,, the
intelligent trained nurse is more
than the mere physical right arm
of the physician. She is his eyes,
his hands, his constant helper. What
the intelligent trained nurse Is able
to report in reference to the progress
of the patient to a great extent de-'
tides the physician's diagnosis. He
sees the patient but once in twenty-
four hours, while she is by the in-
valid's bed i?racticany all the time.
She can record the progress of the
disease by the flight of minutes. He
can only study it by the morning
ar-i evening call. The value of the
intelligent nurse is to he found in
what she sees, as well as in what
ahe is willing to do ; her usefulness
is to be enhanced by what she can
tell, as well as by her willingness to
obey orders. '
"It is high time," Florence Night-
ingale once wrote, "that the fallacy
should he exploded. that. _every wo-
man is able to become a competent
nurse." It Is high time that the
standard of our training schools for
nurses should be raised, that un-
worthy institutions should be crush-
ed out and that the, question of a'.
trained nurse's efficiency should not
be decided by her ability to buy a
gingham dress and to read a ther•-
lnometer, Incompetent nursing has
involved the loss of many a life and
caused many an agonizing pain,
Some tune ago a dear friend of mine
a brother minister, had his little
five-year-old son nearly burned to
death. Tho only tvat,y to SONO the
child's life was by grafting human
skin upon the little one's stomach
and chest. The father and the
child's two brothers volunteered to
let the doctor peel the :skin from
their bodies .to save the baby's life..
After ono of the, brothers—a noble
lad about ten years of age—had had
the skin cut off his arms and should-
ers and chest the surgeon turned to
the nurse and said, "Nurse, where
did you get that knife ?" "Out of
the alcohol," she answered. "Did
you then place the blade in sterile
water before you gave it to me ?"
"No," she answered ; "I did not
know you wanted nia to do it."
"Then," said the surgeon, "we have
cut all the skin off from this boy's
body for nothing. Yeur criminal
ignorance is to blame for this use-
less suffering. You should have
known enough to place that knife in
sterile water. You profess to be a
trained surgical nurse and a gradu-
ate of a nurses' college.'!
Thus, you women about to become
trained nurses, it is of vital impor-
tanoe that you are intelligent and
efficient. It is of vital importance
that you should know the value of
fresh air and of proper dietetics. It
is of vital importance that you.
obey the laws of cleanlinesss and
not allow • your patient to become
infected. Tbie 'iguarance' of incozri=
petent nurses has sent c': •many
patient to the grave. It you valun-
tarily enter. your noble professior
intellectually unqualified, you ar
committing a sin against the hu-
man race just as surely as is the
ignorant switchman who throws
open the wrong switch and sends the
passenger train crashing into the
freight train which has been side-
The ideal nurse should be a Chris-
tian woman. During the dark
night, when the black winged death
angel is hovering, wing and wing,
beside the white winged birth angel,
or when in tho crisis of pneumonia
or typhoid the life seems to be hang-
ing by a slender thread, no intelli-
gent nurse is so competent to bend
over the bed as the one who bo-
lieves in God and prayer and the one
who can ask for the divine blessing
when she pours out the medicine or
places the ice bag on the fevered
brow. A great deal of Florence
Nightingale's power over her pa-
tients was due to the fact that she
could tell the physically helpless and
the dying about the Good Physician,'
who was able to cure the sufferer's
soul as well as his . body. The Cri-
mean soldiers had a better chance
for getting well in this world when
Florence Nightingale's mere presence
made these rough men stop their
sweaa•rng and influenced many of
them to turn their bps toward hea-
ven with a beseeching prayer. We
know that one of the beneficent
tasks of a nurse is to inspire pa-
tients with peace of min'cl and of
heart. 'Wherefore,. is not the ideal
nurse *doubly fitted for her work
when she can impart to the sufferer's
soul a knowledge of the peace that
passeth understanding?
should be a brave woman. The bat-
tlefield, with its storm of shot and
shell, shows no greater percentage
of loss of life than that found among
the trained nurses in our contagious
hospitals. The soldier who charges
the enemy's breastworks is looking
death in the face with no braver eye
than the unifprmod nurse who tinges
the pulse of the smallpox patient or
the young girl who offers to go with
the physicians into the quarantined
city affected with yellow fever. Then
there aro the dangers which may af-
fect the patients as well as the
nurse, which result from delirium.
The other day I read an account of a
case in which the quick witted brav-
ery of a nurse saved the life of a
raving patient committed to her
charge. Having stepped out of the
room for a little, when she returned
she found the patient standing by
his bed with a knife in his hand,
ready to cut his throat. Instead of
screaming or running away, she fix-
ed her eye calmly upon his as she
said: "I would not cut my throat
with such a dull knife as that if I
were you. Let me have it; I know
where to get a sharper one." The de-
lirious patient hesitated a moment.
Then he handed it to her, Then she
calmly turned and threw it out of
the open window as she said, "Now
go back to bed or I will call for
help to put you there." Ah, that
was bravery!
But there is another way in which
the ideal trained nurse must prove
her bravery. That is when she has
the moral courage to refuse to work
for an incompetent physician. Some
time ago one of the training schools
for nurses gave this question in an
examination paper: "Supposing you
positively knew that if you obeyed
the doctor's orders to give to your
patient a certain medicine that act
would kill the patient, would you
give it?" Most of the students an-
swered "No." Some answered
"Yes." I myself believe that neith-
er answer. fully covered the duty in
the case. If there should cone a
time—and that time( will Coyne -When'
a competent nurse knows . that her
patient is being cared for by an in-
competent physician, then, that
nurse should go to that doctor and
tell him plainly what she knows and
then and there refuse to work any
longer under his orders, .A. trained
nurse has no. moral right to work
under an incompetent physician. By
doing so she becomes a party to his
malpractice. She should not disobey
his orders. Two wrongs never make
a right. She shed refuse to work
for him at all. •
The ideal nurtg should be a happy
woman. Happy! Why? Because,
as Bing Solomon wrote, "A merry
heart doeth good like a medicine."
Happy! Why? Because good cheer
is 'Contagious as well as infectious.
The nurse'§ smile in the sickroom
has the same curative qualities as
the sun bath or an alcoholic rub
,And yet there are some nurses wh
go about their tasks with the soar
ed visage' of ane under'taker's assist-
ant rather than with the radian
face of one who Is trying to cheer
up those who aro pain racked an
depressed. They never seem to re-
alize that a true nurse's facial ex
pression should be full of sunshine a
well as her fingers' touch gentle and
Brut, Ourtslde Of her 'duty toward
the patient, there is another reason
why the ideal purse should he happy
Her life is 'one of self sacrifice. It is
a life which has in it a sweet co
sciousnoss that she is trying to help
her fellow men. It is not a life o
mere money making, as many sup
pose, After the trained nurse has
taken out her legitimate expenses
she has little money to save. It is a
life of sweet anti noble self sacrifice.
Oh, the transcendent joy of the
Christian nurse's sacrifice for oth
ars!. Young women who are about
to enter the nurse's profession, if
you are to become ideal nurses, this
is to be your joy. You will be hap-.
py because you will know that your
sacrifice and devotion and faithful
ness will save other lives. You wil
have the sweet consciousness that
you have been able to lead a suf-
ferer back from the dark valley of
the shadow of death, or, if you have
to close the eyelids of the dead, you
will know that you -have been able
to place 'their -'hands' in the saving
hand of Jesus. Christian women
about to enter: the noble profession
of trained nurses, I congratulate
You, I give to you::.a gospel saluta-
tion. ' . wish you godspeed,
May God bless to -day the memory
Of Florence Nightingale! And may
the bandage and the nurse's cool
hand upon the fevered brow ever b
accompanied by the earnest Chris-
tian prayer of the ideal nurse.
reminds. us that when the kingdom
cornea and the glorified church is
with Christ reigning over it (Rev. v,
9, 10), Israel shall have her place,
t with her rebuke tcken away from oil,
• all the earth, for she shall see Mize.
d coming in Ws glory,
55-57, 0 ,death, where is thy
suing? 0 grave, where is thy vie-
s' tory? The sting of death is sin,
and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which givoth
us the victory through our Lord
esus Christ. •
In Hos. xili, 14, from which part
of this is quoted, the words' are: "U
n- death, I will be thy plagues;. 0
grave, I will be thy destruction. Re-
f pentance shall be grid from mine
- eyes," Thinking of these words, I
often say that I am glad that God
hates death and the grave and will
destroy both"- and will never alter
His purpose about it, Whilein the
case of the believer the curse of
death is changed to a blessing and
- brings only gain and the very far
butter (Phil.. i; 21, 28), yet the fact
stands that death is an enemy, and
to talk of death as the Lord's com-
ing is to confound 'one of the worst
of enemies with the best Friend,
58. Therefore, my beloved breth-
1 fen, be ye steadfast, unmovable, al-
ways abounding in the work of the
Lord, for as much as ye know that
your labor is not in vain in the
Tho glories of the resurrection, the
kingdom, the new earth, concerning
which Paul said Rom. viii, 17, 18;
II Coy. iv, 17, 18, and many such
words 'may well encourage us to be
steadfast, in. the. faith, unrnoved by
the false doctrine and gladly walking
in the good works which He has pre-
pared for us. He only wants us
to present to Him our bodies, which
is truly a reasonable thing, since He
e has bought us with a great price,
that He xray unhindrred work in us
all His good pleasure, causing all
grace to abound toward us (Eph.
10; Rom. xii, 1, 2; I Cor. vi, 19,
20; II Thess. i, 11, 12; II Cor. ix,
His Likes and Dislikes Were the
—" Same as Other Students.
Text of the Lesson, I Cor. xx.,
20, 21, 50-58. Golden Text,
I Cor. xv., 20.
20. But now is Christ risen from
the dead and become the first fruits
of them that slept.
We have to-dav a great and glor-
ious chapter truly, beginning with
the gospel by which we are saved
and ending with the complete sub-
jugation of all things unto Him who
died for our sins and was buried and
rose again the third day, according
to the Scriptures (verses 3, 4). The
writer of this epistle, with whom
we have recently been journeying so
much, seemed to know nothing but
Christ crucified, Christ risen and
ascended and Christ returning to
reign. Ie would be well if there
were many like him. In this chapter
he gives special prominence to the
resurrection, proving that the life
and death of Christ would have
availed us nothing if Ile had not
risen ; that apart from this great
fact there is no gospel to preach, no
ground for faith, no salvation; but,
Christ being risen, all is well with
those who trust in Him, and as He
is in His risen body so shall we be
(Phil.iii, 21; I John iii, 2).
21. For as in Adam all die, even
so in Christ shall all be made alive.
'By one man sin entered into the
world, and death by sin, and so
death passed upon all men, for that
all have sinned. I"or as by one
man's disobedience many were
made sinner's, so by the obedience of
one shall many be made righteous
(Rom. v, 12, 19). All are in Adam
without exception, and therefore all
are sinners and dead in trespasses
and sins (Eph. ii, 1). All who, be-
ing convinced of sin, have accepted
Christ are in Christ, and I3e is
wisdom, righteousness, sanctification
redemption and life eternal to all
who truly receive Him (I Cora i, 30;
1 John v, 12).
50. Now, this I say, brethren, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the
kingdom of God ; neither doth cor-
ruption inherit incor-ruption.
The kingdom of God will be that
conditionof affairs on earth wher
the will of God shall be done or
earth as it is done in heaven (Matt.
vi; '10), or, as in verse 28 of our
chapter, when the Son, having (dur-
ing the thousand years Rev, xx)
subdued all things unto Himself and
cast Satan and all his followers
into the lake of fire, God shall be
all in all. In order to enjoy that
kingdom and its glory, these present
mortal bodies of flesh ..and blood
must be changed and be made like
His resurrection body of flesh and
bones (Luke xxiv, 39). They will be
as real and tangible as His resur-
rection body, but no longer subject
to the powers and circumstances
which control our mortal bodies
(Luke xxiv, 31; John xx, 19).
51, 52. Behold, I show you a
mystery. We shall • not all sleep,
but we shall all be changed in a
moment. * *
In I Thess. iv, 16-18, this is more
fully set forth and so simply and
clearly that only those who do not
wish to can fail to see it. Our
Lord Himself referred to. it` in these
words: "He that believeth in Me,
though he 'die, yet shall be live, and
whosoever liveth and believetlr in
Me shall never die" (John xi, 25,
26). The natural man can never
see nor inherit the kingdom of God
unless ho is horn from above, born
the econd time, and all who, being
born again, belong to the kingdom
must in one of two ways obtain a
body fit for the kingdom—the body
must die end rise from the dead at
His coming or. be in a moment
changed without dying, as were the
bodies of Enoch and Elijah.
53, 54. Then shall be brought tc
pass the saying that is written.
Death is swallowed up in victory.
Corruptible and mortal are terms
referring to our present bodies; in-
corruptible and immortal dosexibe
the bodies that shall be ours at His
coming, .When we shall bo like flim.
This quotation from isa, xxv, 8, 9,
When the King (as Prince of
Wales) was at Cambridge Univer-
sity, his life did not differ mulch in
routine from that of the undergrad-
uates of the time, inasmuch as he
attended lectures, had rooms in
college and occasionally dined in
halt. But it differed materially in
the fact that his rooms comprised a
complete suite (and not the usual
two apartments), and that the lec-
tures he attended were especially ar-
ranged for him by the Master of
Trinity College, and delivered only
to himself and a few, of his intimate
friends, foremost among whom was
the Duke of St. Albans.
Subsequently the Prince took up
his residence at Madingley Hall — a
large Elizabethan mansion about
four miles northwest of Cambridge—
and attended at College daily. In
this particular it is interesting to
recall the circumstance that when
the Prince visited the university
shortly after his marriage he took
the Princess to see this house (which
he was desirous of purchasing) and
insisted upon driving by way of a
certain street that he had been ac-
customed to use as an undergradu-
ate, although this entailed the de-
struction of a barrier that had been
erected in view of his visit.
Hunting was one of the Prince's
chief amusements, and he was gen-
erally to be seen out with the Cam-
bridgeshire IH'ounds. He also in-
dulged in shooting in the county,
and on one occasion made his way
tg a farmhouse
The farmer's wife brought out her
beat, but was more than a little as-
tonished and chagrined when the
Prince politely refused her proffered
"sherry wine" and accepted a glass
of home -brewed ale.
That the Prince had a fondness for
a practical joke is shown in the fact
that on one occasion he saw a lad
fishing from a punt in the vicinity
of the college, and in a spirit of
mischief pushed him into the river.
The act was no sooner done, how-
ever, than he took steps to haul the
luckless lad out again, and to com-
pensate him for his involuntary!
ducking the Prince gave him an or -f
der on his own tailor for a new out- E
There is no doubt the routine and
restrictions of university life some-'
times galled the high spirits of the
Prince, ane* it is said that he one
day escaped from the care of his tu-
tor and determined to have a jaunt
in London on his own account. The
consternation of the authorities
may be imagined when be was found
to be missing; but inquiries soon es-
tablished the fact that he lead left
Cambridge by a London train. A
telegram was therefore despatched
at once, with the result that when
the Prince reached his destination
he found a carriage and attendants
awaiting his arrival, What Prince
Albert said to his erring son is not
recorded, but certain it is that the
Royal student was returned to the
university on the following day,
greatly to his disgust.
A couple of months ago a Scots-
man was watching the drill of a
body o1' Continental troops, when
one of the officers said to him :
"There, sir, do you tell me that an
equal number of Scotsmen could
bdat them ?" "No, sir," was the
ready reply, "I won't pretend to
say that ; but I am perfectly cer-
tain ' that half that . number would
Augustus (who has been looking at
a comic paper) --"I should hate to
be a public character, doncherknow,
Miss Flash, and have all the funny
papers printing things about me
that would lower me in the estima-
tion of my acquaintances. Miss
Flash "Really, Augustus, I don't
think the funny papers could pos-
sibly print anything that would
make anyone who knows you think
less of you.'"•
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Easter, Dominica gaudii, or Sun-
day of Joy, is the festival after the
closing of the austerities of Lent,
when the resurrection of Christ is
celebrated. The Toutontc tribes of the
North celebrated to the goddess Os -
tare, the personification of the morn-
ing, at this season and also to the
opening of the year or spring. The
policy of the church gave Christian
significance to such rites as could
not be rooted out, -and thus' 'conver-
sion was made easy for the heathen.
The bonfires of pagan rites gave way
to the great paschal tapers, some-
times weighing 300 pounds, which
were lighted in the churches Easter
Easter eggs are symbolical of the
reviving life in spring, and were pre-
sented as gifts by the Persian fire
worshippers on the solar New Year.
The Jews, too, used eggs in the
feast of the Passover. These eggs
were colored and stained with dye
woods and herbs and sometimes
were kept as amulets and sometimes
were eaten. Various games of egg
rolling and egg knocking were play-
In some moorland districts of
Scotland the young people went
abroad early on Pasch Sunday and
searched for wild fowl's eggs for
breakfast, for it was thought lucky
to find them. The rabbit seems to
have become associated with East-
er, but there is no trace of it in ac-
counts of ancient customs. In the
State of Maryland the children make
nests in the young grass under the
clumps of budding Easter lilies East-
er Eve and the following Easter
dawn find their filled with spotted
and gaily stained eggs.
The Christian world adorns the
Easter service with a gorgeous
wealth of ceremonial and song. The
secular world blossoms in spring
bonnets and garments new and won-
derful, for has not apringtide arriv-
ed? The business world recognizes
the carnival season with early sales
of linen, underwear and summer.
gauzes, which the worldly woman
transforms into marvelous decora-
tions when she may emerge from her
Lenten season of sewing and contriv-
ing as splendid as the first spring
butterfly from its chrysalis. The
fashionable woman either flees south-
ward, or, piously garbed in sombre
attire, attends a daily service, fasts
at a Lenten luncheon or listens to
expositions of the deeper poets.
Occasionally one meets a family
that preserves traditions and super-
stitions and celebrates all holidays,
both pagan and Christian. Such
people have inherited a blessed birth-
right. They have an interest in the
passing year not dependent on
change of fashion, on rumors of war
or on stock bonds. To watch with
joy the signs of the year, the events
of the equinox, the changes of the
moon, and even to place faith in the
ground hog, which holds its own un-
til St. Michael's day, Feb. 24, when,
if the good saint came and found .ice,
he would break it and usher in an
early spring, or if he saw no ice,
deemed wise to make it to protect
the tender Herbs and tree buds from
too early a start and warn the spar-
rows against untimely nesting—all
this adds spice to the variety of life.
It is a happiness to think that as
we celebrate Easter, so, from times
far distant, before the Christian era,
the peoples celebrated the return of
the sun and the awakening of spring,
and that gratitude toard the source
of light and heat turned the altars
of pagan temples toward the east
bowed the Parsee fire worshipper in
adoration, while the gladsome doc-
trines of Christianity have found a
place for the aspirations of the na-
tions that walked in spiritual dark-
ness and have turned the sun wor-
ship into love and faith in the Son
of ::righteousness.
Herr Krupp's income, the largest
ever known in Germany, was $4,-
760,000 a year.
The St. James district of London,
although but seven -tenths of a
square mile, has 471 policemen.
In New Zealand a government sub.
sidy is given the Salvation Army to
prevent suffering among the needy.
A year ago 1,262 women were en-
rolled in the German universities ;
now, in consequence of restrictions
and discriminations against them,
the number is but 737.
Women have invaded naany lines
of employment hitherto thought ex-
clusively masculine. There are
shown in the Iast United States cen-
sus report 126 women plumbers, 45
plasterers, 167 bricklayers and stone
masons, 241 paper -hangers, 1,759
painters, and 545 carpenters.
The King's journey to Dalkeith and
Holyrood next May will be followed,
according to reports, by a royal pro-
gress through Irelafid.
are a blessing to women in this condition. They
onre Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of
the Heart, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Weakness,
Listlessness, and all troubles peculiar to the
female sex.
Mrs. James Taylor, Salisbury, N.B., in recom•
mending them says: About eight months agga
Iwas verybadlyrundown,was troubled greatly
with palpitation of the heart and would get so
dizzy I would have to leave my work and sit
down. I seemed to bo getting worse allth•
time, until a friend advised me to try MIL -
car truthfully say that they do all you claim
for them, and I can recommend them to all
run-down women.
Price 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 ; all deal-
ers, or The Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
° 'HOUSANDS of men are prisoner8 of disease as eecurely
as though they were congaed behind the bars. Many
have forged their own chains by the vices of early youth,
exposure to contagious disease, or the excesses of manhood.
They feel they are not the men they ought to be or reed to be.
d a^' The vim, vigor, and vitality of tnanhood are lackiug. Are
r you nervous and despondent? tired in the morning? have you
r r" to force yourself through the day's work? have you little am-
bition and energy? are you irritable and excitable? eyes
sunken, depressed and haggard looking? memory poor anir
brain fagged ? have you weak back with dreams acrd losses at
night? deposit iu urine? weak sexually?—you have
Nervous Debility ells Serut al Weakness.
Our a oelrU �P ay. 25 y arra iia i etro guaranteed Dri
7, Security. Beware of quacks-Coisult old establish(
• reliable _physicians. Gonaatitation Free. iBerolr
Free. Write for Question Blank for Home Treatment.
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