HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-24, Page 157777
7^1174 air.14C40;
Rev. David Woodall will be inducted into Ontario Street United Church on August tand
begin services on August 4. Rev. Woodall' and his family, wife Donna and children Mat-
thew and Rebecca, come to Clinton from Spirit River, Alberta.
New minister for Ontario
Street United Church ,
CLINTON - With the retirement ..of Rev. another year near Edmonton. •
Norman Pick, Ontario Street United Church Rev. Woodall and his ,wife Donna are'
faced with the duty of selecting anew "originally from Ontario and decide we
would like to move back. , r
"This.( Clinton) will be areal treat,", om-
rnented Mrs: Woodall "Before we had to
drive for hours to go shopping."' '
.Mrs. Woodall is an elementary school
teacher but has been keepingg' busy.Pi heir
home looking after four -yea ---old Matthew
and two-year-old Rebecca.
Rev. Woodall will hold his first service at
Ontario Street United Church on August 4.
minister. Rev. David Woodall has received
the call and will be inducted into the church
on August 1.
Although it has been only three years
since Rev. Woodall was ordained, he has
been involved with churches for five years.
He and his family come to Clinton from
Spirit River, Alberta where Rev. Woodall'
led three churches. Prior to Spirit River, he
spent one year in a church near Guelph and .,
Mr. & Mrs. Martin •Van Ninhuys, P.R. 2,
'Boyfield wish to announce the forthcoming
Marriage of their -daughter,
Catherine Ann
Mark Allen
son of Mr & Mrs. Merlin MacLean, Clinton.
The wedding is to take place
Saturday, September 7, 1985
at 4: p.m.
in Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton.
Open Reception to follow in Holmesville,
A man who does great good,
and talks not of it, is on the
way to perfection. The man
who has accomplished a small
good and magnifies it in his
speech is worth very little.
Baha'i Faith
For more Information
Contact Boa 1230 Clinton.
(Established since 1919)
District Showroom
Goderich, Ont.
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Telephone: 524-2337
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wise of CIi on
are pleased to announce `the
forthcoming marriage of their daughter
Christine to Wayne Tideswell, son of Mr.
& Mrs. Bill Tideswell of Clinton.
The ',wedding will take place i on
Saturday, August 10 at 7 p.m. in St.
James Anglican Church, Middleton.
Open reception to follow in Clinton.
1014 JJu or Choir held their s r plc-
Ae at four Season's Vamp, ter an en-
joyable hour± of swimming, gams under the
direction Bel ce Gross were njnyed•
Choir lt�eiinbers in 1984-85 ere Anita
Gross, Stuart r Bakker, • KevinWebster,
Karen Bakker, Nicole Middlekp, Janice
Webster, Alison Chamney, Hose Marie .
Young, Jodi Webster, Kerry Bakker, Ruth
Mint.' Bakker, ' Susan Dobie, Cheri
l iyzanouski, Laurel Campbell, Ryan Mid-
dlekamp, Shane Webster, Michael Bakker,
Shelley Dobie, Melissa Hanna and April
Gross. Under leadership of Karen Webster
and Bernice Gross,
St. Mark's
Anglican Church
The congregation of St. Mar 's Anglican
Church are holding their services in August
on the first and third' Saturday evenings at
7:30 p.m. and second and fourth on Sunday
mornings at 8:30 a.m. with Rector Robert
Lyon in charge.
Members of the Knox Sunday chool have
received diplomas and seals: ore receiv-
you'I e
and don't know
which way to turn, call the
14, ATO
hostess at
524-2202 or
plow were Cheri
.A1002 a
ma H
.ey R e . J0nnite Powell,
obltelder and may
Second year seals were presented to
-Haag' Artlhur, Catherine i owelk 'Nathan
Durnin, Sheryl Ramsey and David Camp-
Receiving third year seals were Annette
Vincent, Tumuty Middelkamp, Tracy
Millian, Janice Marie Young, Bradley
Ramsey; and Cheryl Lapp.
Fourth year seals were given to Michael
Bakker, Ryan Middlekamp, Jonathon Col-
lins, Jason Rutledge, Marc Bricker, John
Arrnstrong, Michael Luna, Benjamin Craig,
Shawn Rutledge, Christy Bricker and
Laurel Campbell..,
Fifth year seals recipients were Marty
Lawrence, Scott Arthur, Peter Craig, April
Gross, Ryan Chamney, Shelley Dobie, Kurt
Marchl and Shane Webster„
Sixth year seals were presented to Ruth
Anne Bakker, Nicole Middelkamp, Kerry
Bakker, , Tyler Craig, Karin Millian Jodi
Bible School helps
ican student
Clinton Area
Goderich Area
CLINTON - The Vacation Bib a School of
the Clinton Christian Reforme Church is
underway this week and the youngsters are
learning about the theme, "Jesiis, My Ex-
ample." Trudy MacDonald, the program co-
ordinator reports a larger than expected
turnout and great enthusiasm from
teachers, teacher helpers and students.
The students are also learning about a
Dominican boy named Mickey. Mickey
comes from a large and poor family which
needs help in buying school clothes, school
books and food, sq. that Mickey can go to
school and learn properly. Mickey's family
are members of . the Christian Reformed
Church in Sabana Grande De Boya, which is
a town of 10,000 in the central region of the
Caribbean Island, the Dominican Republic.
Mickey's dad, Ulisses, is a Haitian im-
migrant who cuts sugar cane . and earns
about the equivelant . of two Canadian
dollars per day. That's not much when there
are 12 mouths to feed!
However, it is not only; distant lands who
have their social problems. On Friday
several members of the church and the Pro -
Life '
Life' committee in Clinton, will be, going to
London to encourage Premier Peterson to
keep his election promises to work toward
the closing 'of the illegal abortion clinic. in
Toronto. and to stop the measures being
taken to have abortion on demand.
While the youngsters are busy, with Vaca-
tion Bible School this week, theyoung peo-
ple and young adults are planning summer
_cangtont;,s-aoddbarbecues. Visiti*s from On-
tario, . the U.8, .» and Europe who are
visiting and c ` ipingin.the area have been
attending the Sunday worship services.
On Sunday the congregation heard • two
sermons about the prophet Elijah. The Sun -
7,5-yea/AS de
Jim McCall
Blyth, Ontario
day morning title was "Elijah's Prayer to
God". This patient prayer was a true prayer
to the true God for a true solution to the pro-
blems of God's covenant people. In the even-
ing the title was: "God's Answer to Elijah".
God's positive answer was powerful and
showed that God remains faithful even
though man fails. Special music was provid-
ed by the SWIM team.
This Sunday two baby girls will be baptiz-
..ed: Kennedy Lynne Baker, daughter of Neil
and Lori Baker and Katherine Denise
Kaastra, daughter of Gordon and Marianne
Kathrine Slotegraaf celebrated her 70th
birthday on July 22.
The council of the congregation is prepar-
ing for the installation service of Rev.
Homer Samplonius on. Friday, Auguot 2, at
. 7:30. Rev. Bernard De Jonge of Exeter and
Dr, Neal Hegeman, associate minister of
Clinton, will be officiating. The Samplonius
family is coming from the First Christian
Reformed • Church "in Edmonton, where he
.served for five years. His previous charges
have been in Iron Springs, Alb. (1971-1975)
and Maple Ridge, B.C. (1975-1980). Rev.
Samplonius inauguaration sermon will be
on August. 4.
ter,,.At!I; ,una, itchael.Schneider.
.vin We er,. Chris Marchi, Shannon
.. , .lean, Regal 11+1ilini, Janice Webster,
Sul Dobie and Alison Chamney received
seventh year seals and Stuart Bakker, Don-
-na L Armstr®ng, Sharon Ramsey, Karen
Bakker, Rose Marie Young received eighth
year seals.
Ninth year seals were presented to Leslie
Lawrence, Ian Andrews, Bryan Gross,
Cathy Nesbitt and Amita -Gross and tenth
year seals went to Lana Lawrence Lori
Armstrong. r .
Leona Cunningham was the only recipient
of the eleventh year seal.
Watson -Workman
Steve Alan Watson and Glenda Louise
Workman were married at Ontario Street
United Church on July 20. Rev. Norman
Pick officiated. The groom is the son of
Donald and Grace Watson of RR 4 Clinton
and the bride is the daughter of Harold
Workman of Mitchell. Maid of honor was
Cathy Brand of London. Bridesmaids were
Gloria Workman of Burlington, Sandra
Stanovie of Kitchener and Joanne Tyndall of
Stratford. Flower girls were Kathryn
Stanovie of Kitchener and Jennifer Watson
of Sault Ste. Marie. Groomsman was Myles
Kukurudz of Oakville. Ushers were Dean
Watson of Stratford, Jamie Workman of
Mitchell and Gary Watson of Toronto. A
,-wedding reception was held at the Clinton
"`Legidn and the newlyweds honeymooned in
the Poconos. They're living in Kitchener.
(Frank Philips photo)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klemke, R.R. No. 1
Centralia are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their daughter
Joan May to Stephen John, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Caldwell, R.R. No. 3 Blyth. The
wedding is to take place August 10, 1985 at
the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle.
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Mr. Stanley Jackson of London
and formerly of R.R. 5 Clinton
died on .Sunday, July 21, 1985.
Funeral service 'was held' Ion
Wednesday, July 24, 1985.
Fellowship Bible Chapel
162 Maple Street Sunday, July 28 Clinton
. 9:45 a.m. Worship & Remembrance
11 a.m. Sunday School & Faraily Bible Hpur
Speaker: Miller Thompson
7 p.m. Evening Service Speaker: Bruce Lobb
7:30 p.m. Tues. • Prayer & Devotion
Listen to "Just Neighbors" on Coble 12
Sundays 1:30 p.m. & Tuesdays 8:30 p.m.
Ontario Street United Church
MINISTER 105 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. ORGANIST
Rev. David J. Woodall, B.A., M.DIV. Louise McGregor
Summer Services:
11 o.m. June 30 • July 28 inclusive
Pbblic Worship at Wesley -Willis United Church
11 a.m. Aug, 4 • Sept 1 inclusive
Public Worship al Ontario St. United Church
Wesley -Willis United Church
SUNDAY, JUL i 60 _
9;45 a.m. - Service at Holmesville
11:00 0. m. Wesl,_y-Willis/Qtitario St. Churches
Summer Services in WesleyWitlts
Christian Reformed
Christian Reformed Church
243 Princess St. E. Clinton
Sunday, July 28
Guest Minister
10 a.m. Worship Service
7:30 p.m. Worship Service
All Visitors Wikom•
Watch "Faith 20" at 9:30 a.m. on Global T.V.
85 Huron St.
Sunday, July 28
11 u.m. MorningWorship & Sunday School
Guest Speaker: Mark Nicholson
Wednesday 8 p.m. }tome Bible Study
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Gordon Simmons, B.A., M. Div.
10 a.m.-1st & 3rd Sundays•Holy Communion
10 a.m.-2nd & 4th Sundays -Morning Prayer
Everyone Welcome