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ondes oro Lions Club to hold. supper Septernber 4
By Dora Shobbrook •
• 1r.QNI?ES1 O1t0 - Seventeen manners
„ plresexit for the Londesboro United
church Women's meeting held on July 15.
Those present repeated the United Church
Women's purpose and the minutes of the
last meeting were read by secretary Ber-
nice Norman.
Thanks were read from Guy Leiper, Viet -
1111 ta Hoggart, Gerrit and Reino Wilts and
family, George and Mae Smith, Gordon and
Madelin Radford. A letter from their foster
child was also read.
Margaret Good gave the treasurer's
report, telling the group they had a balance
of $290. ,
Group foul' is responsible for the next
meeting which will be held September 16.
Group eight will provide the flowers.
Everyone is reminded -of the Lions supper
to be held September 4 and Alma College
Day is August 19, but no bus will be going.
Margaret Good and Betty Hulley then
read poems and letters. Margaret . read a
poem called What Kind Are You and the
hymn Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts was
sang with Gail Lear providing the piano ac-
companiment. A scripture was then read
and a prayer was said.
Betty Hulley read letters that were receiv-
ed from the missionaries and Brenda Rad-
ford read a letter from Phyllis and Bob
Walker from the United Missions Business
A closing prayer and the hymn, Let There
Be Light was song and Brenda Radford read
what Jesus Can Do.
Before the meeting was closed, a Bible
quiz contest was held by Margaret Good.
Grace was then sang and lunch was served
by June Fothergill, Betty Millar and
Margaret Whyte.
Cheerio Club
Eleven members of the Cheerio Club
answered roll call with a current event and
paid their dues at the July 17 meeting at the
home of Margaret. Good. Kay Longman was
the only visitor present.
Minutes of the May meeting were read by
Dora Shobbrook and correspondence was
received. Among the correspondence were
thank you letters from Mary Longman and
the South Huron and District For the Men-
tally Retarded.
The treasurer's reportwas given, follow-
by a draw that was won by Edythe
Beacom. The prize was donated by Vi
It was announced that group three would
look after the next meeting which will be
held on August 21 at the home of Vietta Hog-
The remainder of the program consisted
of a reading entitled, "The Pill" given by
June Fothergill, and a contest on places in
Huron County was prepared by Margaret
Good and won by June Fothergill.The
reading; I Always Wanted' Only Him, was
given by Tri Duizer.
The event closed with a few card games
and a lunch was served by Margaret Good,
Tri Duizer and June Fothergill.
Music Students
The following students, taught by Gail
Lear, passed their theory exams with the
Western Ontario Conservatory of Music in
Piano - Gr. 10, Kim Craig with honors in first
part; Gr. 9. Ron Greidanus with first class
honors. (Ron's mark was 85 with only four
years of study); Marsha Szusz received
honors in both Gr. 9 piano, first part, and her
Gr. 3 harmony paper; Gr. 8, Lori Liver-
more, honors in first part and she also pass-
ed her Gr. 2 rudiments; Julie Howson, first
part; Gr. 7, Andrea Grant with first class
honors; Gr. 6, Patrick Cull with honors;
Shannon Duizer and Leanne Simpson; Gr. 5,
Christa Crawford, Jennifer Hunter and
Jason Nott; Gr. 4, Jennifer Nott and Sara
Lyons with first class honors; Glenna Buff-
inga, Melanie Knox, Theresa Overboe and
Kira Stuckey with honors. Also passing
were Todd Chadwick, Heather Bishop and
Amy Bateman. Gr. 3, Jennifer Sottiaux with
Also trying written papers. with the Royal
Conservatory of Music through the year in
Gr. 3 history were Bonnie Turner, Janine
Buffinga and Gwen Holland, finishing with
first class honors. Susan VanEgrnond finish-
ed with honors. Lisa Duizer had first class
honors' in Gr. 3 harmony.
United Church
Gordon Shobbrook greeted the congrega-
tion of the ,United Church on July 21 with
Mervin Durnin, John Hoggart, Elgin Pen -
found and Rick Konarski acting as ushers.
The organist for the morning was Lisa
Rev. Mrs. Ruth Snider,"Ontario Director
of Hope International Development Agency,
welcomed everyone to the service and then
led in call to worship. Among the an-
nouncements she gave, was the information
that July 28 would be the last summer ser-
vice. Rev. Snihur will be on holidays.
Mrs. Snider also announced decoration of
Hope Chapel Cemetery will be held on
August 25 at 3 p.m.
Mrs. Snider sang I Want to Be A Sheep for
children's time. The junior teacher was
Darlene Hulley and the scripture .reading
was Psalm 91.
The sermon was about the Third World
and told everyone to have faith - not to be
taken forgranted.
. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Burns on death of his brother-in-law,
Chester Smith off Port Elgin, on July 19. Mr.
Smith was 78 -years -old. The Burns family,
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Paterson and Kate of
London attend the funeral on July 22 in
Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan returned
home -on July 12 after spending a week in
Montreal. Don attended the High Court of
Canadian Foresters held at the Holiday Inn
in Longuevil, Quebec. Enroute home, he
visited with Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Wilbee at
Napanee and Mr. and Mrs. Weston Knox at
On July 20 they attended the funeral of
their neiee, Joanne Pearson at Ajax. They
also visted their daughter Donna, Mr. and
Mrs. Mel, Dempsye, and their new baby
David, at Oshawa,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McEwing attended a
camperama on July 16 and 17 at Taymouth
Township Park in Michigan. Campers were
there from Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Penn-
sylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Ontario. The
following day, the McEwings visited in
Frankenmouth, Michigan. •
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bosman, and children
Lisa and Kelly, also spent their holidays last
week in Frankenmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Carter returned home on July 16
from a 12 day tour to the West Coast. They
attended the Calgary Stampede and visted
with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crawford at
Kelowna, B.C.
Edythe Beacom, Laura Lyon and
Florence' Cardiff visited with their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McGee in Mason,
Michigan from July 18-20: •
Group is seeking "-wetlicence
MORRIS TOWNSHIP - A group called the 4111 members in on their plans for' the new
Heimatland Euro -Canadian Club Inc. has
applied for. Morris council's approval for a
lounge license in the township.
The request came at. the last meeting of
council. The proposal is to obtain a special
lounge license for the Helmut Sieber proper-
ty at Lot 5, Con..9'.
'Morris township is "dry", meaning liquor
cannot be bought or sold in the municipality.
However groups such as the Wingham Golf
and Curling Club have a lounge license to
permit the sale of spirits. '
Morris Clerk -Treasurer Nancy Michie
reported council' has requested represen-
tatives from the Heimatland Euro -Canadian
Club attend the Aug. 6 Meeting of council to
In other business at the meeting, a request
for $700 from the Town and Country
Homemakers was tabled as council has no
funds.budgeted for thedonation in 1985.
A petition for work on the Grasby Drain,
Con. 6, Lot 1, was accepted and forwarded to
Dave Johnston of the engineering' from
Dawson and Johnston of Stratford. A peti-
tion for repairs to the Rintoul Drain, Con. 6,
Lot 22, 23, also was accepted:
Council accepted the resignation of the
township tile drainage inspector George
Michie as of July 31. Mr. Michie is comply-
ing with atownship regulation which states
Surnmerhi!l.Ladies meet
SUMMERHILI.,-The Summerhill Ladies'
Club held their July meeting at.the home of
• Donna Gibbings with 12 members and two
visitors present. •
President Lorna Ellis opened the meeting.
In correspondence, thank you notes were
received from the Clinton Hospital Aux-
. iliary and Huron Family and Children's Ser-
vices for contributions receivedfrom the
The raffle was won by Edith Wright.,
For the program Jean Vodden had each
member write a description 'of a member
whose identity was later guessed by those
Joy Vodden read Gisele Ireland's
humoro . experience in "Going Strawberry
Picking Nancy Snell guessed the contents
of the mystery can.
Helen Lyons conducted a contest on the
names of places in Huron County which was
won by Donna Gibbings. . • -
The August 14 meeting will be held at the
home of Sandra Westerhout at 8:30 p.m.
Sandra Westerhout, Edith Wright and
Margaret Wright will be on program and
On July 15, a good crowd attended the
Summerhill Community annual picnic at
the Conservation Park. After a
smorgasbord supper, a ball game was en-
joyed by the teenagers and young adults
while others watched and visited. Games.
were conducted by the sports committee
Nancy Snell, Gloria Westerhout and
Margaret Wright.
11 employees must resign upon reaching
the -age of 70.
The clerk -treasurer will be advertising for
a new tile drainage inspector. .
Council held a special meeting at which
Mr. Johnston presented his report for the
Wilfred Municipal Drain.
Morris landowners Wilfred Shortreed and
Emerson Mitchell attended the meeting,
along with several landowners from
McKillop Township. The report was given
back to the engineer for further work.
Wayne Caldwell ,of the Huron ,County
Planning Department also attended the
meeting to discuss the township secondary
plan. Mr. Caldwell's office has prepared one
draft of the plan, but it requires more work
yet. Once council has accepted a .draft
anotherpublic meeting will be, held, pro-
bably in the fall.
Thur of conservation tillage July 30
The Huron Soil and Crbp Improvement
Association, Soil and Water Conservation
District is holding a twilight tour of con-
servation tillage and cropping on Tuesday,
July 30, 1985. The focus of the tour will be on
sites in Southern Huron County, starting at
the farm of Jack McGregor, Lot 25, Conces-
sion 3, Stanley Township, at 5:30 p.m.
The tour will cover ridge till white beans,
no -till and minimum till corn, as well as no -
till and minimum till soybeans.
On the IVIG n Street
of Dublin
Flee- Delivery
Drummond St., BLYTH
(Formerly Bill Huli Res.)
To get to Jack McGregor's farm, turn
west at the second road south of Clinton on
Highway 4„ drive one concession, and the
meeting place is the farm on the south-west
corner of this intersection. A total of 'five
local farms will be visited during the even-
ing. Everyone is welcome to participate in
this fun and informative event. For more in-
formation, call the Clinton Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food Office at 482-34'28.'-
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Beth Knox, Jean Scott, Clara Riley, Viola
Riley, Ora Bruce and Pam Mero enjoyed a
mystery tour on July 21 and 22 by Leisure
The following member of Hullett Lodge
568 attended the Masonic Grand Lodge ses-
sion in Toronto Royal York Hotel from July
17 - 19: Harry Tebbutt, Bill Vincent, Alan
Caldwell and Vic Stackhouse.
John and Elizabeth Lawson treated their
parents, Reg and Helen Lawson and im-
mediate family, to dinner on July 20. The
dinner was held in honor of their parents
25th wedding anniversary. Following the
meal, the guests returned to tht3 Lawson
home for the evening.
• Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson were honored
on July 14 as well. This time it was at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson of
Mrs. '.Allen Shaddick and Ethel Ball
returned home on July 14 after a two week
cruise and tour of Greece.
Staff Sergeant Richard, and Mrs. Shad -
dick, Sandra, David, Lynn and Nancy of Ot-
tawa, spent two weeks with his parents,
Mrs. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick. They also
spent time at the cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and Mr. and Mrs.
Len Archambault returned home on July 14
from a two and a half week tour of England,
Ireland, Scotland and Whales.
Cherida Tasker
Lloyd and Jean Tasker of Blyth are pleased
to announce the graduation of their
daughter Cherida from Georgian College
with Dean's Honor in Business Administra-
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