Exeter Times, 1903-4-9, Page 1tt
13 :•.•4+++ • ••1*+h•++ • •+4•H+++4+ ,4.+4..+++4.+++4.+++++++ Hensel)
st3 4
We have received a shipment of Barb and Spring
Coil Wire, No, 9,12 and 13, Noy! is the time to get
your Fencing Wire.
Q. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convoyan-
•4 oer, Commissioner, Tiro Insurance Agent, and
4. Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents
+ carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money
4. to loan on real estate at low rates of interest,
*.e; Oflieo at the Post office Bensail
,;. Bzclgrs.-Mr, Win, Welsh has the
l contract of erecting a One house for
4. Mr. Thomas Wren, near Chiselhurst.
load of Durham Portland ()merit
We expect a ,.ai - +1•
this week.
Paints _ •
Now is the time to do your Spring Paintings We
have just what you need, the celebrated Sherwin &
s Ready -Mixed Paintsput
William y , up in Pints, ,
quarts, half gallons and gallons.
We have a quantity of first class Timothy, Red
and Alsike Clover seed, also Garden seeds of all kind .
We carry full stock of Bee Supplies of all kinds
foundations,frames, etc.
3 locate here if they can find a suitable
,'ll,' dwelling. -.-Service will be held in St,
.a. Pauls church to -morrow, (Friday) af-
•i• terr,00n,-Our newly organized band
are regular in their practice and
.;. promise to be in good form for enter-
' tainnaents, garden parties, etc, -Mr
,1, and Mrs. John Blatchford spent part
f aLst k and this vision relatives
*Ea 4,444444-.;..ti•+4+?°••ta•i••l••4.4-1 •tete •+ ++4f-rel,.t.,r•+r+444.+++++,1.+.1 •Fei"1••r.
Bream. -Mr. Thos. Swale of,Chisel.
li nest left this week for Manitoba
where he has taken up land. He took
two ear load of implements; boggles,
sleighs, horses etc. -Master Earle
Southeott of Exeter is visiting for a
few days at Mr. J'. Dinsdale.
-The Epworth League elected oftl- ••- r-
cers on Monday night, President, OL'rru. %Y, --After a lingering illness
Miss E, Murdock; let Vice, Miss Mc- Mrs. James lkturdock passed away "on
Taggert, 2nd Vice, Fred. Manns; 3rd Sundays, lie age a iv yof Scot -
months, She was a native of Scot -
Vice, Miss Annie Wren; 4th Vice, land and came with her husband and
Ben Caldwell; Secretary, Miss Kate lived for a long time on the farm on
Chapman; Treasurer Miss Shepherd; which she passed away. Her husband
p p pre -deceased her some yearsago, the
Oor.-Secretary, 0, Geiger; Organist, was a consistent member of the Pres -
Miss B. Kemp. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. byteriau church.. She leaves to mourn,
Graham of Brncefield, are the guests the following children: -John, on the
of Mr. and Mrs. Davis. They will homestead William, ino Stanley ;
Mrs, John Eikenhead, of Tuckersmith ;
in Exeter. Miss Hannan Craig passed
q, through here this week on her way to
.g. Brucefeld, We regret to learn that
` through ill health Miss Craig has been
+l'compelled to return to her home.-
4.' Mrs. Case and Miss Case of Seaforth,
,'1• were visiting in Hensall during the
,i, past week. -Mr. Jas, 0, Troyer has
:g• secured a position as engineer in Mr.
+ Cook's Flouring Mill, and starts his
duties this week, Mr. Troyer will
make a. good, capable and worthy
employee, having hada good deal of
experience in handling machinery.
The Millinery displays of Miss Smith
and Messrs J. W. Crtwein and E,
Rennie, on Friday and Saturday last
were well attended, considering the
state of the roads. The displays were
very attractive and were a credit to
our village. --Mr. Wm. Bider, machine
agent, Barrie, was in the village for a
few days this week. -Mr. E. Butt and
family are this week meting into the
dv,;elling they purchased from Mr. T.
Ballentyne. We are always pleased to
see good residents moving into our
village. -Mr. Fred Bueh who was re-
cently married to Miss McTavish,near
Brucefield, has moved into the dwell-
ing, at one time owned and occupied
by Mr. 3'. Gould. -Miss Aggie Blair
left here last week for a visit with re-
latives and friends in Fairgrove, Mich.
-Mr. R. Cudmore, contractor of this
village, has secured the! contract for
some five or six brick dwellingsas
well as several barns, and will have a
very busy season. -Miss Ida Wigle re- Menno Callfas, Those Wilson, Edna
turned to Kingsville last Saturday McNaughton. Sr. IV ; Laura Sims,
after•spending two weeks with Mrs. Leslie McNaughton, 0. lulphan, Allie
Medd.-fiev. J. S. Henderson of Car- Haggith. Jr. IV ; Harold Duplin,
mel church will preach in the Method- S. McCoy, Frank Mitchell, Pearl Bis-
ist church, Bethesda next Sunday at sett. Sr. III ; Joseph White, Gifford
2.30 in the afternoon. -Rev. Dr. Medd. Hogarth, Czar, Wilson, Vern Shear
will preach in Wingham on the 1Oth,it down. Jr, III ; Chas. Grafton, Willie
being the Sunday School anniversary. Sims, Murray Elliott, Gordon Wilson.
-Mr. Henry Welsh, and wife, who .Sr. II ; Lillian Robinson, N. Heaman,
left here about a year ago for British M. Callfas, Noble Ttissett. Jr. II ;
Columbia, have returned to our vil- Archie Robinson, M. Hepburn, M.
Elston. Jr, II A. ;Hazel Hicks, Flor-
ence Heiman,; ,
Eddie,Sims L+1 Hier
Wilson. Sr. Pt, II ; E. Baker, N.
Baynham, R. Wallace, Gretta Bissett.
Jr, Pt. II ; J. Hogarth, H. Windsor,
F, Fairhall, Wilson, Colbert. Pt. I
A. White, E. Callfas, Muryan Callfas,
7. A MCNAUGIITON I Teachers.
L M Smrrll
May be you're not particular about
litany things, but you ought to be so
About your clothes. There are some
particularly nice things here in.
Canadian Tweed Suits at 10,12, $
`Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16. $18.00
Worsted and Serge Suits at 13, 17, $20.
Pants and. Fancy Vests from $3.00
up to $7.00. The price includes the
Ugh est grade of workmanship in 'the
W. W. Taman.
Mlerclliersi:t Milker.
affeseosoceeseeee 0889088100,110
_ el :ver and
; Timothy Seed 2
Farmers wanting good w
0 Clean Clover Sr Timothy
2 Seed will save money by
ee calling on W. H, Levett 8
before purchasing.
® Price and Quality Guaranteed.
® ® p
'We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. See for
BRIEFS, -Jas. B. Atkinson is ser-
iously ill at present, -Miss irayree An-
derson and Frank Lancaster of St.
ararys were guests of errs.. Jno. Ander-
son Sunday,-W..E. S. Brown of St,
Marys, Sundayed at home. -Miss
myrtle Lankin of Metropolitan visited
with her friend;afaggie Anderson last
week. -Miss Zeta and • Fred Lankin,
spent Sunday with Maggie and Sarah
Anderson. lage, Mr. Welsh is only one of many,
who have found that Hensall is as
good a place to live in as can be found.
___ -Mr. H. SI . Pousette, agent for the
The following is the correct report Canada Life Insurance Co., was in
in order of merit of the standing; of village this week, visiting the local
agent. -Mrs. Thompson, of Denfield,
the pupils of S. S. No. 1 'Osborn e for
Grand Bend
BrU.Exts,-Mr, II. Bossenberry and
family are returning to their summer
hotel after spending the winter at St,
Joseph. --Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock jr.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ab-
ner Mollard at Maple Row Farm, --
Miss Annie Stewart of Exeter, is
spending her holidays with Mrs. Jos-
eph Brenner, -Mr, R. Pollick has en-
gaged with Wm, Sherritt Esq. to as-
sist in framing and moving buildings.
Mrs. Silas Grattan and family left for
the West where they intend making
their future home, -Mr. John Gill, jr.
spent a few days with friends in Green-
way. -Mr, Balkwill of Exeter, is build-
ing a summer cottage for Dr. A.nder-
son,--Mr. John Southcott spent a
couple of dayswith friends in Exeter,
-Mrs. Maria Gill of Exeter has return-
ed to her summer home here. -Misses.
Emma and Lou Zaple have returned
home after spending ss infer in
Detroit, -Mr. J. W, Holt is ; t•eliaring
and Mrs, Loelshart, of Detroit, She the cage, look out for the bird. -Mrs.
was buried on Wednesday in Ross' Jas. Bannon jr,, of Shipka spent Sun -
cemetery, when she was laid beside
her husband and son James, The
funeral was large showing the esteem:
in which,she wee held in the neighbor-
day with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Bren-
ner,-11Ir. Henry Bossenberry has
purchased from Mr. 0. Shaw a house
and lot on Ontario street. Mr, Shaw
intends 'movingout West. - Mr.
'Westcott of Exeter was in the
villiag;e a few days last week endeav-
oring to organize a R. T. of T. lodge
BRIEFS. -Mr. Walter Hern is con - here.
fined to his house with a severe attack, -�"--
of La Grippe. --Mr. Henry Johns^ and i ; Winchelsea
three of their children are confinecli.to--
the House with mumps. -Miss Pdweil BRIEF$, -A number from this vial -
left for her home in Wroxeter on
Wednesday morning, she was accom-
panied by her brother, Ed who will
visit relatives there for awhile till he
is able to work again, -Miss Julia Spi-
cer spent a few days the past week
with her sister, Mrs. J. Andrew. -
Mrs. Thompson Goderich, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks visitii,e• her
daughter Mrs. Walter Horn, - The
Ladies Aid Society intend holding an
egg social on Easter Monday evening.
No doubt the menu will be along the
European plan. -Quite a number of
the farmers delivered their fat cattle
at Exeter the other clay the average
price being 41/ cts a lb. - Mr, Joseph
Hawkins has erected a new wind mill
to do his pumping, forcing the water
through. his large .commodious barn.
It is a Toronto mill and sold by R. T.
Johns of Exeter.
• Centralia
nity attended the funeral on Saturday
of the late John E. Greery of London,
who was killed in the Grand Trank
yards on the night of April let. He
being a son of Jho. Oreery of Alyiu-
ston, and leaves to mourn his loss a
wife, and one child three months old,
-Hallie Brown is improving nicely
from his recent accident, having had
the misfortune to cut his foot while
cutting wood. -Oran Francis left on
Saturday to take his situation as
cheese maker at Oulloden.-arr. Ben
Allen paid our town a visit one day
last week. axr, Allen intends starting
west this week. -Mr, and Mrs. J. C
Bell left for their new home in. Lon-
don on Tuesday. arae. Bell has accept-
ed a situation as district inspector of
ereamerys for Western Ontario. Mr.
Bell is to be congratulated on secur-
ing such a position, -Mr. Ed. Clark,of
Jones & Clark, has accepted a situa-
tion as manager of the gents furnish-
ings de artment in Robinson & Cos.
SoHooL REPORT. -The following is large departmental store in Wilma
the report of S. S. No. 1 Stephen for peg and will leaye for that city the
the month of March. The names of lst of June, arr. Jones will take over
the four highest in each class only are their present
dle susinassiststo ng F. E. hims awn
given; - V class ; Warren Mitchell, ranat the creamery at present. The
board of directors expect to secure
another butter maker in a few days.-•
err. axoncuer, druggist of Exeter, is
thinking seriously of changing his
vocation and taking up school teach-
ing, as he spent part of Monday after-
noon intoe junior department of our
school and reports everything satis-
who was. visiting Mrs. Rae, has re -
the month of March. -V class, Albert turned home. - Mr. Geo. O'Brien,
Etherington, Bella McDougall, Frank who went out to Manitoba cin the re
Blatchford ; sr. IV, Eddie Oke, Lena cent excursion, in writing to a friend
Blit hf d "Srt ' F aeon jr IV
c or is oris er • re or
Mabel White Bert Wits, Garnet p
Mab is that when near NorthBay,
Case ; sr. 111 Mabel McTaggart, Ella their train which was drawn by two
Down, Lille Oke ; sr. II, Edna White, freighengines, ran into the rear end of a;
ars to
Ethel Bell, Carrie Oke ; jr, II, George atomst. but forsmashing
ono cserious
Blatchford, pt. II, Laura Harvey, Jen- damage was done to their train, and
nie Strang, Gordon Oke ; pt. I Roy after a short delay were able to pro -
White, Ira Moir, Earl Cell.
M. HORTOi7, Teacher Softley,
on their way. - The Rev. Mr.
Softley, of Toronto; who preached re -
Mooresville St. Paul's church, has returned .to
Toronto. -Dr. Blackail,of the Queen's
PRESENTATION. - About 100 old Hotel is having a very stylish driving
friends and neighbors of the Millar outfit made up fpr him. - Mrs. Hig-
family assembled together, last week, gins, who has been visiting her moth -
the occasion heing presentations to er Mrs Humestoii has returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Millar, and son,
- - . '' Alexander, who are soon to leave here
Granton for the N. W. T., and who has for
many years been a prominent family
cently with very much acceptance, in
Large stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. 'rices
reasonable. JAS WILLIS, Yard : !Gast side of
Main st
BRIEFS. -A. Leavett, of Waiker-
ville was in town on Friday. -A. Mair
the student who is practicing with Dr.
Dann this summer, took honors in
every subject at the recent exams of
Ontario Vet. College. -Wm. Duffield,
of N,• Boundary, Biddulph, died on
Saturday last after a short illness, in
30th year. The funeral took place
on Tuesday to Zion cemetery.
iu this locality. -Mrs. Millar, sr. was
presented with a handsome fur coat,
as a small token of the esteem and
good -will of her many friends, while
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Millar were made
the recipients of a handsome conch,
and to their son, Alexander was pre-
sented a gold chain, . with the
wish that its links might tend to bind
Their memories together even in far
distant lauds. Mr, Millar and family
will lesve here shortly for their new
home in the West, and will carry
with them the best wishes of a host of
dl H E
CAPITAL (all paid up)
General Manager
E. F. lIEBDEN, '
.Superintendent pC Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings,,Bank, accounts and Deposit Receipts.
�'Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japn and
rroi other,,loreign countries.
we 8 CHIS H LMV9, Manager'
BRIEFS.- A number from around
here attended the barn raising at Mr.
Marshall Mathess, on Thursdaylast.-
Mr. Orr, horse dentist of Stanley,
spent a few clays in this vicinity last
week. -Mr. L, Brophey purchased a
valuable horse, recently. - Mr. and
Mrs. William Baumgarten gave a
party to the young people of this
BRIEFS. -The Epworth League An -vicinity on Wednesday evening last.
niversary was very successful Sunday All returned. home next morning well
and Monday last. Rev. F. E. Malett, pleased with the evenings enjoyment.
of Kippen, preached instructive and -Miss Annie Deforis, who has been
acceptable sermons. On Monday, so seriously ill is able to be around
again. -A number of our young men,
who spent the winter in the ,Michigan
lumber woods, have returned home.
-Mrs. Thomas Keys still continues
very poorly.- Mr. Lindenfield, who
served as clerk with Mr, H. Wing,
for the past year has accepted a posi-
ceeds $45.00. -Wm. Baker, one of the tion with Mr. Stewart, of Exeter. -
oldest and most respected citizens has Little 'i'ommy Aesterd, son of Isaac spent Sunday at his home in Centralia ��" s j ,� e - L3r.� stF.,� az =a,_ er:n�2�
lately been very sick, and is yet low, Aesterd, who has been sick for some -Mr. C. Feist inet with an accident a " t* - q t ,- "``'
but there are indications of improve- time with bronchitis, died early `un-
inent.-A large number have had la- day morning, March 29th, The fun -
the tea was first-class. Revs. Knowles
and Malott gave addresses. Miss
Smith, our teacher, and Mrs.Knowles,
of Crediton, gave recitations, Dr.
Orme and. Abbott an instrumental,
and the James street quartette. de-
lighted the large gathering. Pro-
Jol;,:x Warm & Sods
guarantee you wont gob hot under the collar waiting for your orders,
We sell sweat pads for horses, not for our customers, Nor with you kick
over the traces. nor chew the crupper about the quality of everything'
We will
us al
Curb your Temper
By always treating you right.
Bridle your tongue
With bust goods and low prices.
addle your Desires
With lowest prices,
a s your k y
With the best goods made on the market,
Collar your Money
After having given good. yalue
'heck" up your Head
With wonder and surprise at our beautiful up-to-date
saddlery goods,
You will find ways in the breeching for business, and ready to
whip up newe, and curry,brush and blanket the old stagers.
millinery openings are in progress at
present, plumes and feathers are . all
the go this season, Easter bonnets
are expected to be profusely scattered
throughout the congregation next
Sunday. We want no' Latter -Day
Saints in this village we want present-
day Saints. -Rev. Knowles and wife
took part in the program given in
Centralia Methodist climb this week
being the occasion of their Epworth
League anniversary. -Don't forget the
Sunday School Anniversary services
to be held in the Methodist Church.
Rev. George Baker. B A. of Thorn -
dale an ex -pastor of the circuit and an
esteemed friend of many here will
preach in the morning at 10.30, in the
evening at 7, An open session of the
Sabbath School will be held at 2.30
p. m. in the body of the shurch, ad-
dresses by Rev. George Baker, and
while peddling bread on Wednesday,
The axle broke and gave bread box
and man an unwelcome shaking. -
Mr. G. Holtzman sr. who spent the
winter with his son at Elkton, Mich ,
returned to his home here. -The Mis-
ses S. and, L. Boice from Lumen, were
the guests of the Misses Beavers for a
few days this week. -Mr. J. Ferguson
moved into Mr. John Wein'shouse on
Wednesday. It is the place that was,
previously occupied by Mr, • W urtz.-
Mrs. E. Rogers and family who were
visiting relatives and friends for sev-
eral weeks returned to her home in.
Salina, Mich„ on Wednesday. - A
meeting was held in the fire hall on
Monday night and matters regarding
the requirements of the hall were
settled. --Miss Wyatt who is attending
theAlma College of St, Thomas is
visiting here during her Easter holt-
Dr. Anderson of Exeter. Singing by days.
School choir morning and afternoon. EASTER SERVICES. -Special Easter
Everybody invited and welcome to
all of these services. On Monday
evening April 13th the entertainment
to be given by School local talent and
others, promises to be the best for
many years. Short addresses will be
inter?;persed by Revs. George Baker,
G. J. Damm, B. L. Hutton. Admis-
sion silver collection in aid. of Sabbath
School Fund will be taken at the door
Come early to avoid the rush.- We
are pleased to welcome Mr. James
Lamport to the euhurbs.of our village.
-William Lewis V. S. is so thorough-
ly rushed in his lucrative business he
is compelled to secure services of an
assistant. -Rev- Crompton is still very
ill at his sou -in-law's house. We hope
he will improve as spring advances. --
The Epworth League of the Methodist
church enjoyed very much then visit
to the .Epworth League of .Tames st.
church Exeter last Tuesday week,
Rev. Darwin's address was instructive
and inspiring. All the services on the
at the outlying
' nit
c .
Crediton circuit p
pointments will be withdrawn next
Sunday owing to the Anniversary ser-
vices at the Methodist church, Credi-
Mr. Samuel S. Lampoi^t of our vill-
age has purchased the celebrated shire
horse Lockings Granby from Mr. T. J.
Berry of Hensel. for which he paid a
handsome sum. He is a grand type of
a draught horse being only four years
old and weighing 19001 pounds, - Mr.
Fred Seigner from Derham is around
town this week. He is giving Oredi-
ton shareholders, of the Cement fact-
ory there, good encouragement. If
there are any more who wish to pro-
cure cement stock, can do so. by call-
ing on him. -Miss McBean who was
on the sick list last week has recover-
ed and is again able to attend to her
duties at school. -Mr. R. Huxtable
Services will be held in the. Evangeli-
cal church next Easter Sunday.'On
Sunday evening an Easter song Ser-
vice will be given at 7 p. m, The
programme, has been prepared with
the object of giving expression to the
solemnity and joyousness of the East-
er occasion. Ail are invited to attend,
The following is the programme: -
1, Opening voluntary, church organ-
ist; 2, hymn, "Rise Glorious Conquer-
or, Rise," (MVlatth. Bridges) congrega-
tion ; 3, invocation. ; 4, Scripture Les-
son ; 5, anthem. "Alas and did my
Saviour Bleed," (M. L. McPhail)
church choir ; 6, chorus, "0 Joyous
Bells," (W. A. Post.) juniors ; 7, or-
gan voluntary, A ndantin (Zemare)
VV. S. Chisholm Esq. ; 8, "Christ our
Passover," (M. L. McPhail) church
choir ; 0, solo, (selected) Miss Ruby
Wyatt, of Alma Ladies' College ; 10,
"Redemption Story,"(P. B. Bilhorn.)
male quartette ; 11, address, "Music
in Worship," Rev. G. D. Damm, B.
D. ; 12, "Christ, the Lord is risen to-
day," (M. Lindsey,) church choir ;
13, duett, "Sie Preisen den gnaediger
Herrn," (W. M. Gabrielsen.) Misses
Edna Eliber, and Pearl Boltzmann ;
14, organ voluntary, "Hallelujah
chorus," (Messiah Handel.) W. S.
Chisholm, Esq. ; 15, solo, "The Choris-
ter," (Armstrong,) Mrs. W. S. Chis-
holm ; 10, anthem, "0 Tag der Freud."
(A, Bierly.) church choir ; 17, offering;
18, Doxology and Benediction ; 19,
closing voluntary by church organist,
'suo;5uj alit an -0 5 atteltuzprlfi7 puigat;