HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-24, Page 2•
to hyiIr� line
• from page
terms of total acid gas emissions, while MO
would have a greater impact on farmland.
Recent hydro stiadieshave.indicated that M.
is not technically acceptable. • •
Despite hydro's claims, some groups have
said the only. reason the provincial utility
wants to build the lines is to sell power to the
United Stat .
Bennett said in part, that statement is cor-
rect. She says there are three basic reasons
why the transmission lines are needed. One
is to continue, what she calls an adequate in-
terchange of power between Ontario and
electrical utilities in Michigan. She said that
in order to avoid severe disruptions, Ontario
Hydro's transmission capability to intercon-
necting points at Lambton, Sarnia and
Windsor must be strong enough to withstand
such incidents as the recent hydro strike.
Hydro's main reason for the transmission
lines is to provide adequate facilities to
deliver power from. BNPD to Ontario con-
The third reason is to meet the growing
electrical demand in Southwestern Ontario
to the year 2000. Although it has been
speculated that Hydro's load growth would
remain at about three per eent.a year, Ben-
nett said there was a six per cent load
growth last year.
Huron County Council has gone on record
as being opposed to any transmission line
that runs through Huron County. A
foodland-hydro committee focusing in the
Huron and Middlesex. Counties is also oppos-
ed to transmission lines through prime
agricultural al land.
EMI Study Area
rows Recommended Route
®®® Acceptable Alternative RoutE
IR Indian Reserve
Bruce Nuclear
Power • evelo Ment
New London Area
Transformer Station
Lake Erie
>nature's od les and laatiltOaf all attempts,.
to pe tear depths, they conitinuu to *1st
4144 .. pts tot ,. cover the setup cont-,
ed wit.
Although a rarity in many parts of On.
tario, 4ibber,;,and +uckersmatth Townships,
as well' as others he surounding area are
well stocked with thouatural geological for
mations known as sink holes.
In fact the formation is so comumon in Hib-
bert, the township logo features a sink hole
as part of the design. There are over 25 of
the formations in Hibbert and Tuckersmith
Townships with an average hole being 4.6
meters • (15 feet) deep and 9.2 meters (30
feet) in diameter.
Ernie Harburn, road superintendent for
Hibbert Township, said several of the sink
holes were used to take away water from
municipal drains, though he added he could
not explain where the water went after it
was discharged into the sink hole.
"One sink hole -has a 36 -inch pipe empty-
ing water into it at the top while at the bot-
tom the hole is only about six inches. But the
sink hole never overflows no matter how
fast the water is running," Mr. Harburn
Although the idea of hundreds of gallons of
water disappearing into the ground through
a tiny hole conjures up ideas of secret
passages and hidden treasures the truth is
far more prosaic. At least for Alex Scott of
ABCA hires students for 1985 experience program
The Ausable Bayfield. Conservation
Authority (ABCA) has hired 12 students for
the summer to work on everything, from the
Conservation . Authority's library to trail
development at Conservation Areas.
Alice Dietrich, a resident of Stephen
• Townships is Senior , Supervisor for the
Experience • Program and.as such, is
responsible for co-ordination of the
program's activities. The rest of the
employees are either divided into two work.
crews or are assigned to provide technical
or administrative assistance.
The two work crews are located in Exeter
and Parkhill. Margie Wise, •a resident of
Clinton, is foreperson of the Exeter Crew
while Darlene McBride (Exeter), Allan
Pym (Usborne .Township), • and Judy
VanOss (Usborne Township) make up the
rest of the crew. Kevin Gray of Parkhill is
foreperson of the Parkhill Crew while Paul
Love (Stephen Township), Brenda Routley
(West Williams Township), and Colleen
Smith ( Parkhill) round out the Parkhill
Crew. • Pam MacGregor (McGillvray
Township) is assisting with the
Conservation Authority's .Community
Relations Program. Kenton Otterbein
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Bonded &
( Ailsa Craig) is assisting with erosion
control survey and design and conservation
area planning. Eva Takacs (Usborne
Township) is assisting with secretarial
Ms.. Dietrich explains the purpose of the
Experience Program "is to provide students
with job skills which will hopefully assist
them in their career while helping the
Conservation Authority, in , its very
important work".
.Major projects to be completed by the
work . crews through the Experience
Program include extension of the fitness
trail at Morrison Dam Conservation Area,
construction and installation of footbridges
on trails at Rock, Glen Conservation Area
and the Bannockburn Wildlife Area, forest
. management . at "Parkhill Conservation
Areal and 'trail irhrovement at' Clinton
Conservation Area.,'
the Amiable � xv on Authori-
Mr, Scott said a reportflolia by the
Ministry of Environment In 1981 on sink
holes in Hibbert and, Tucbersrnith
Townships defloecl thafor-mations as being a
depression, caused when overlaying
materials collapse into a limestone cavity.
"Sometimes there is a crack in the
limestone and through the years the water
eats away at thesurrounding rock and a
cavity is formed.. The top layer of soil can
then collapse into the cavity anda sink hole
is formed," he said.
As a result of all the fractures in the
limestone the ministry study observed sink
holes accepting and dispersing 1000 litres of
water per minute even though there may on,
ly be one visible opening at the bottom of the
"The little hole may be the most evident
opening but underneath the soil there are
fractures in the limestone. So all the water
has to do is soak thrpugh the groundcover
and it disappears into the bedrock aquifer
approximately 300 feet down," he said. ,
Because of the possibility of contamina-
tion of the aquifer, from which well water in
the area is drawn, a proposal was made
several years ago to reroute municipal
drains which discharge into the sink hole.
Although engineering studies showed the
project to be possible, the high cost caused
the project to be shelved.
Mark Johnston
irk Johnston, son of Murray and Dorothy
Johnston of Clinton graduated from Humber
College in Toronto on June 19 with his
diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Manage-
Fire chief will resign
WINGHAM - Fire Chief Dave Crothers
has announced that, in keeping with the
terms of the bylaw governing the Wingham
Area Fire Board, he will resign from his
position either late this year of early in 1986.
In his report to the board, Chief Crothers
said he will be submitting his resignation in
writing at the end of 1985,,or the beginning of
next year.
"This will give you a lot of time to think
about what you're getting into," he told the
board, noting the resignation is "in com-
AUGUST 1st 2nd ® 3rd ..
Take a drive to Clinton and enjoy
sun-satiolnal savings on everything you need
to get through the rest of the summer.
Merchandise, counters, clerks on the sidewalk
for your shopping convenience.
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Open to 9 p.m.
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pliance with your bylaw."
The bylaw which established the fire
board provides for retirement at age 65.
However Mr. Crothers, who is now '66, waa
granted an extension during the transition
period while the new board Was being ex-
tablished, • .
There was no further discussion of the
matter during the meeting and the board did
not announce what steps it plans to take to
find a new chief when Mr. Crothers steps
Sharon East
Sharon East graduated on June 15 from.
Larnbton .,College .of Applied Arts and
Science. She is a graduate of Secretarial
Arts with executive major. Sharon is
employed at Esso Chemical Canada, Im-
perial Oil Limited, Sarnia. She is the
daughter of Murray and Gladys East of
JUlli 1985 1984
16 20 12 21 13
17 24 8 ' 24 11
18 26 13 19 8
19 25 17, 25 7
20 25 16 28 11
21 26 ?13 27 13
22 20 10 30 10
RAIN 2 mm 8mm
Lori Powell Clinton
Gebadia Haverkamp Clinton
Fiona Bennett Clinton
Crystal Lee Clinton
Shannon Scott R.R. Blyth
Bobbie Wallace Clinton
Janice Adam Owen Sound
Timothy UyI cunt..
Kirt Kumm Clinton
July 24
July 25 '
July 25
July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 30
July 30
Arty Riddles
Q. Why did the theater director bring a wagon to
A. He needed a stage coach.
Q. Which is better on stage: airplanes or jets?
A. Airplanes — they have props.
Q. How do artists paint?
A. Easel-ly.
Q. When do bands play in thunderstorms?
A. When they have good conductors.
Q. Can rock groups just sing?
A. Not 1f they have good speakers.
Q. Why did the kid have a bath with a sculp-
A. ft was made of soapstone.
Distributed by Canada Wide Feature Service Limited
0 1985 MacKay Prothero