HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-10, Page 68• GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1l veryone loves a Parade- Isesto refect the friendly and, t:oePeT' p ative spirit that is with'fn a comzmm- ty, A parade has beep planned in Holn iesv ille -on July 2,0 for poderich Township's 1-5.0 celebrations to say HAPPY 150thGODERICH TOWtSHIP. The parade Committee .chairperson, Bill Lobb, has been working hard to snake sure it will contain a good variety of floats and bands. He is assisted py committee members: Jack Tebbutt, Bill Crawford,, David Orr, Jane McClinchey, and George Bacon. They have been planning for, the last six months to make everything run smoothly for the sesquicentennial parade. The route chosen by the committee begins at the new Township Shed. A11people par- ticipating in the parade are asked to be there and ready by 11:410 a.m. for judging. The parade will: begin at 1:00 pan.' sharp. It will travel North from the shed, turn left at the Community Centre and then turn right on the Cut Line to head towards the store. It will head East along the old Highway 8 route and disperse at the Township Ball Park. Lobb said they enlisted theassistance of the Goderich C.B. Club for a communications Sports for everyone The Goderich Township 1-5-0 celebrations feature something for everyone and sport- sfans have not been left out of the fun. The township's ball diamond will be busy every evening from July 15-19, with slowpitch and fastball games, featuring various special 1- 5-0 themes. Games begin Monday, July 15, with an evening of fun slowpitch competition between area church groups and service clubs, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Players from the original Goderich Township ball league will return to action on Tuesday night, for a series of exhibition slowpitch matches. The teams that will be renewing old rivalries in these contests are Por. is Hill, Holmesville, Taylor's Corners and ' ion Si . e oa¢s., •,.y' We. �;.. ht's games will feature teams m. r f of councillors from the townships o. Londesboro, Tuckersmith, Goderich, Hullet, Colborne and Stanley, competing in inter -township competition. Thursday night is ladies slowpitch night, with area women's teams getting togther for some baseball fun. "The big finalle," says Darrel Abbott, of the games organization committee, will be Friday night, when some of the township's best men's and ladies fastball players will return to compete against a squad from Tuckersmith Twp. • Teams will include players from the 1-5-0 organizational groups from both townships. Monday to Thursday games will comm- mence at 7:30 p.m. and continue until about 9 p.m. Friday night the women's teams take the field and 7:30 and the men's competition begins at 9 p.m. Township tales network. Judges are fronsthe three area television sta *onsi and soma local nawdeipatleaders. MonetetrY plies will be awarded to the first three winners in ea.cll. classifieatti.on, All children on decorated bicycles wili:receive a token of gratitude for their efforts; Par- ticipation and quality floats will certainly be rewarded by the comnnittee. Lobb reported, that over 50 floats already are registered. The majority are from pec- ple out of the Township. He encourages- the Township residents to submit their -entries as promptly as possible: At least six Shriner units have confirmed their participation. Bands are favourites, of the spectators and five definitely will add their talents to the event. Antique cars, light and heavy horses 1870 . Upon death of John Shaw; "This Council deeply regrets the loss it has sustained by the death of the late John Shaw Esq., who discharged the duties of Township Clerk for •the last 25 years, during which time he merited not only the estiem of the Connell, • by his diligence and business capabilities, but endeared himself to all by his accom- modating and. courteous manner in his of- ficial capacity, and the members of this council tender their deepest sympatny to his friends in their bereavement." ana child en on decorated: bicycles will also be inc uded, Interest has been exressedVia. have family fioatsas,a•separate registration. category and the cgrnmitte has new am adds banal category for all those families, who wish to enter a float: Lobb was satisfied ,that people would en- joy themselves. and that everything is organized for July 20. If anyone wants to be part of the 1-5-0 parade, they can contact him at 4823062. - Since the township was in the parade planning snood they decided to participate in parades this year throughout the area. A float committee was .created. in late April" .composed of Millie Lobb as chairperson, Marty Lobb, Gayle Wilson, Bill and Bev Chowen, Bev YenOuyp and Jane MO QUO. Tie ha a ed ' float to adve�` the 1, -ii -0 ev: . Th ere ott is r opportunity to ],etc nei pibo> n unities ealr the TOW1.115 nl song, a but revised byy• light people volved each time with the float, sole on it and others beading out balloons and Pani - Wets. 'Mei 'have had 'no. problem getting, people to;take part. The spectators' response has been very good, aeeording to Lobb. She said her • cow- naittee has hadto work hard getting it ready to go the road'but they all enjoy it. Maybe they realize that eryone does love a parade and when you know people will ap- • preciate what you are doing it snakes it easier to continue. l Congratulations Goderich Township from the new kid on the block. As your newest member of the community, and on behalf of McDonald's Restaurants World -Wide, it is with great honour that we extend our best wishes for a very successful 1.5.0 Celebration. Having arrived just in time allows us the opportunity to salute the people; past and present, who have worked together to make this area a place "all" can be proud of. It also enables us to participate in the festivities with our new neighbours in the township. We at your local McDonald's are proud to call this area "home" and as you enter into a new era we look forward to serving your needs, and contributing to the community for many years to come.' IT'S A GOOD . TIME FOR THE GREAT TASTE ,'• McDonalds N� Your local McDonald's opens July lith at 354 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH Locally Owned and Operated by Brian Dent and his friendly, courteous staff c 4 1