HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-3-26, Page 4llxlcorporatee. et 1'aritatneat 1R,a5) T 'earl Qalee, Aloetroai. Capital (all paid up) . -• p,s00,ea , ieerve rtintl $2,250,00 Prat li (v ut ►bis n dt itopt�.aebee, Alberta, EXETER BRANCH l7pen Every Lawful Day :from 10 a, na, to 3 P. ni,; except Saturdays, 10 a, tn. to 1 p, ru. ,Farmers Sale Dotes cashed or col- lected. Forms supplied on application. Wafts on all points hi the 1)pinin'on, GOO Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates of Qsr'ltange, SA.VXNGS DE.VARTMENT. Deposits of $L00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and December 31st, Deposits Receipts also issued and highest current rate of interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and businessmen at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. DICKSON & C ARLING, N, D. 13URDON, SOLIcrroRs. MANAo-k:R �lt? F"'Vier Calendar for March, 1903 &1T1CDAY MONDAY TUESDAY ..... , r♦t�R,.,E�,.D.�NESDA.Y... , a.rcVRSDAY. , FRIDAY...... SATURDAY 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 10 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 THURSDAY, MAR 26Tet T903 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Wherever there are sickle people with w oats hearts and deranged nerves, Milburn's Re art and Nervi Bills 'will be fouud an effectual medicine. They restore enfeebled, enervated, exhausted, devitalived or over-worked men madwomen to vigorous health, For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infanturu, Cramps, C'olic, Diarrhea, Dysentery, and Sum. mer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt safe said sure cure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 60 Yenta' THE WESTERN FAIR Bou n.—The following well known agriculturists and stock men front the county of Huron have been appointed members of the standing committees of the Western Fair Association, as follows On Horses, Alex Innes, Stanley ; E, C. Attrell, Goderich, and John Murdock, Brumfield. On cattle. H, Smith, Hay and Thomas Russell, Exeter. Messrs-. Tunes and AttrelI„ represent the West Huron Agricultural Society, and Messrs. Murdock, Smith and Russell the South Huron Society. FOR 0 VF.R SIXTY 1 BARS Ax OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for over seetI''+eers.by millions of mothers for their children While teething. with perfect success Ibsoothes the child, softens the gulps, allays all pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle- Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing syrup and ask for no other kind. CEMETERY MEETING.—At a recent sheeting of a number of the business men of town, held in the town hall. for the discussion of ways and means for the carrying on of the work so ably begun and so far successfully carried out at the cemetery. A. committee -was appointed composed of a number of those present for the purpose of snaking a detailed statement of mat- ters pertaining to the cemetery and to have same laid before the council board for their consideration, The trustees in charge of the cemetery for the past few years have made very commendable improvements, having borne the burdens and spent much time in personally looking after the matter. While they have in some cases received liberal response to their solicitations for funds, yet they find tbat to still make the improvements necessary to keep the cemetery, which to many of our citizens is a hallowed spot, requires a reserve fund. The matter was laid i db before the council on Fridaynight and laid over for their consideration. This is a matter of direct importance and should be dealt with favorably, MARRIAGES ST tataakE.—St-TTeet. -- On Wednes- day, March ISth. at, the Methodist Parsonage. lateen, by Rev. J. A. Ayearst, B. A., Mr, Frank Stanlake, of Stephen Township and.. 11iss Ethel M. Sutton, of McGillivray. DIED GLAvir-,--In Stephen, on March 5th, the wife of .Mr. Patrick Glavin, of a daughter. 13.OGERS, At Toronto on tbe 22nd inst, Mr. James Rogers (formerly of Centralia) aged 78years, McIerrost,—In Exeter on March 22nd Margaret Scott, relict of the late . 3. 0. McIntosh aged 83 years, 17 days. is I had a most stubborn cough for many years. It deprived me of sleep and 1 grew very thin. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; and was quickly cured." R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty years of cures and such testimony a.s the above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will do.. We know it's the great- est cough remedy ever . glade: And you will say so, too, after you. try it There's:cure in everydr»op. Oreo Glades: 20c., onough for an ordinary cold; eete, lest right ,tor btonehftia, hoarse - Mots, hard colds, ate.; $1, moat econortiical for ebtoti:c casee and to keepten hand. .1 0, Ai`Yi*R 00., Lowell, Miss, [IRON, All 1lio. Nowa of interest to Tires Readers, Happening tiilei6 6o11ntto Huron Mr. William Betty, ofVarna, has rented Ii%r, R. G. Simpson's tine gener- al store at Brucefield. The Tasker farm, in Ribbert, has been sold to IV2r, Lancelot Tasker, of Harpurbey, for the sum of $10,125. Israel Taylor, formerly of Clinton, has been given charge of the orrice work of Wellwood. [.'c.—a large firm of Toronto. It's not the weather that's s;t fault, It's your system elogged with poisonous materials, that makes you reel dull, drowsy,weak and miser- able, i,etiiurdock.Blood. itters clear away all the poisons, purify and enrich your bleat, make you teel bright and vigorous. Mr. Elam Butt has sold his farm on the 1st concession, J.A•r. R. ,'a„ to \lr. John Moffatt, for $6,100. The farm contains 100 acres. Mr. Moffatt gets possession on the 10th of April Mr. Roswell O'Brien, an old and re spected resident of the township of Hay, near St. Joseph, left on Saturday last for Brandon, Man„ where he in tends locating if suited with the coup try, The port of Goderich bad $31,282 worth of imported goods dutiable and free come into it for the 'aunty of Huron, during January, $11,821 duti- able for consumption, and $10,458 free. For six months ending January the figures are 8170,174 total, or $00,054 dutiable and $74,554 free. GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the Summar domes. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine _Syrup eonquere Coughs, Colds, Sore Zweite, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Mr. John Taylor, of Chiselliuxst, re- cently sold a colt, which will not be two years old until .next June, for the sum of $180. This colt was sired by the well known horse " Sir Walter, " and was no discredit to him, as the. price indicates. It pays to raise horses of this quality. Mr. Deitricb, of the township of Hay near Dashwood, has purchased the farm of Mr. James dehoe, on the 2nd conression of Tackersmith, paying for it the sum of $4,500. The farm contains 100 acres and is a splendid grazing farm. Mr. Deitrich intends removing to it this week. He is a good farmer and will soon have his new farm in first class shape. Mr. Robert Bell of the Seaforth En- gine Works, has decided to turn his business over to a joint stock company, With a capital of $200,000, divided into four thousand shares of $50 each, all seven per sent preference stock. The charter has been procured and the company temporarily formed. The provisional directors are Robert Bell, John H, Broadfoot. 3. t'. Greig, Chas. McKay, M. D., W. K. Pearce, A, Young, and T. McLean, of Seaforth, and Geo, McEwen, M. P., of Hensel], From the fishing inspector's report we learn that Huron County possesses quite a fishing industry. For the year 1002, she had 1 tug with a towage of 2S, value $3,000. employing 6 men ; 12 boats, value $1,850, employing 24 men ; 40,000 yards ui gill neto, $.3,370 value,. 11 pound nets, $1,450 value. These caught 31,930 lbs. of Herring, 2,690 of whitefish, 106,702 of trout, 43,743 of Pickerel, 443s of sturgeon, 2.331 of perch, 130 of catfish, 9954 of mixed and course fish, 2 bbls, of trout, and 335 lbs. of Caviare. The total value of which is $14.440.14. Mr. Wm. Johnson Is moving on to his own farm at Greenway, this week, and a. number of friends and neigh- bors gathered there on Tuesday even- ing, and spent a very pleasant time. Mr, and Mrs, Johnson have the 'best wishes of the entire community. We have not advanced the price of 1 our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco. Sobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, log tobaccos aro the same size and rice to •tlie Consumer' as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904,—THE %WIR To- .17ACCO Co. LIMITED, Perth St, Marys public school board have abolished the system of monitors in the schools, 'Mr, Iiugli Berry, of Blanshard, bas sold his prize carriage mare to Muir. Alexander, of Usborne township, for $175. There is uo faint of kidneytrouble from a backache_ down to . Brighs ,disenso, that Demi ie 1 idney k'ills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidney s trial. oontplanrt, give Doan's gidney Palla t Mr. Win. White, of Mitchell, was re-elected grand master of ceremonies at the meeting of the Grand Lodge in • Wingham and W. 3. Thompson, of (Mitchell, auditor. Mr, R. Weston is taking action for - damage against the township of Blau- " shard. Soiuo months ago Mr. Weston was thrown out of his rig on the River Road and sustained bodily injuries. .He claims that the roadway was out of condition, THE PENALTY OF A FAST LIFE. Is paid for by en irritable condition of body and mind, by exhausted energy, poor digestion, unstrung nerves, and broken sleep. If you must .and will live the killing pace, better keep iu . mind the sustaining Owers of Ferrozone,wonderful r p a tonic and d reconstructor, 1''eirozone is a blood maker, a nerve strengthen- er, a heart and brain invigorator. It creates appetite, insures perfect diges- tion and undisturbed sleep, restores the vitality and strength lost by ex- cessive living very quickly. Ferro - zone will do you inestimable good, try it. Price 50c a box, or six boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or Poison Co., Kingston, Ont.. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache. An Enemy of Pansies. There is one enemy for which the pansy lover must watch Iike a Iyna, and that is a little green worm that seems made on purpose to devour pan- sies. Where he comes from or why he should exist at all'is a mystery. But if you find your little plants stop grow- ing and see the leaves perforated with small holes and your blossoms gnawed behold, your enemy is there. Eternal vigilance alone will save you. Your face must be brought to the surface of the ground. Kneel and turn up every leaf. Doubtless you will find the small green monster curled up and biding, sucking out all the juices of the plant and so becoming exactly its color, which makes Iiinl so difficult to find, and if not checked he will utterly de- stroy it. He will devour it in a few tines. The JSov. A boy in an odd piece of furniture, but he is the ;round and chief ino e• dient of the man. Uelude not yourself with the belief that the boy is not all he pretends to be, for he is a great deal more. Ile is an inecinprehensible fel- low to any but another boy, and because he will presently grow into the awkward between bay and grass period that separates boyhood from manbood, and to a• lumbering idiot then, don't signify that he is an idiot now. tie never is. But his chrysalis state fetters him and makes him seer? Iitre ono sometimes. TIie boy,is gIi right Mr. John Walsh, of St. Marys, was suddenly stricken blind in April 1901, and has not yet recoyered his sight. V hilst his sight has not mach inxproy- ed his general health has been excel- lent. Mr, James Parker, a Fullerton far- mer, is insane and application has been made to have him taken care of at the Landon Insane Asylum. Mr, Parker was thrown out of his wagon in a run- away some years ago and was uncon- scious for several days, his head hav- ing been injured. His insanity is said to be the result of injuries received at that time. - SERIOUS RUN-OFF ON G.T,R. TWO CWIILDREI DEAD AND OVER A SCORE OF PASSENGERS INJURED On Wednesday last the local pas- senger train, No 17, which runs be- tween Harrisburg and Palmeston, consisting of engine 303 (Engineer Hazlewood and Conductor Lillis), one baggage car, one mail and smoker, and one day coach, met with an ac- cident in which the tender of the en- gine and three cars were derailed. About 25 passengers travelling in the coaches were all more or less injured, none seriously, with the exception of two children,. one belonging to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Huston. of Thessalon, and tbe other to Mrs, Irwin, of Niag- aro Falls, N. Y., both of whom hays since died, It is not possible until a thorough investigation has been made to give the cause of derailment, but present indications point to some- thing going wrong with a coach. The smoker was thrown down an embank- ment near a creek, turning over three times and landing in about a foot -of water. The interior of the car was wrecked, and a section torn out of one side. Severat of the passengers in the smoker were pretty badly hurt, but it was in the rear coach, which went over on its side and was dragged fifty yards or more before breaking loose at the creek, that the passen- gers suffered most, Clandeboye EXETER LUMBER YARD. Large stock of Lumber—pine and hemlock, 170,000.feet of hemlock lumber for barns etc., also shingles. laths and cedar posts. Drives reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard t East side of Main st Miss Jessie Cameron. of Granton, -' visited Miss Lizzie Garter on Sunday, —Mr. Albert {,arter, of Liman was i our village Sunday taste—Miss Blanche Simpson is. visiting Mr. M, Hodgins in Mooresville this week.—Miss Egan, of the Proof line, is visiting her uncle, Mr. P. Egan. -Miss Aivina Lewis gave a very enjoyable pedro party on Tuesday evening.—Mr, Robt. Cooper still continues quite low.—Mr. Herbert. Raritan, of Shipka, visited his brother Mr. T. G, Hariton on Sunday.—Miss Della Harlton was home for a short visit on Sunday, -Mr. Percy Simpson, of Centralin, was in the village on Sunday visiting his father and sisters, —The family of Mr, Jas. Atkinson, .vho have all. been down 'with la grippe are slowly recovering. --The snow flury on Tuesday stopped seeding opera- tions quite suddenly. A goodly mem- ber of farmers have done considerable ploughing and a few bane done some seeding. Eltrri— vire BRIEFS, - The ownship Council have started the road grader again and have made a good job as far as they have gone,—Mr. Ed, Powell who has been so seriously ill for the past three weeks is we are pleased to say on a fair way to recovery and tbe nurse ClISC.S1kWIS,Sla.PC11Mat,alleT., .1.1,8=1107L1111 Rain and sweat have 320 affect on harness treated with/turas Har- ness OII. It re- sists the damp, I7 keeps the loath- er soft and pli- able, Stitches do not break. No rough aur - lace to chafe and cut. The harness not only keeps loo&Ino ltko new, but wears twice se Iongby tho use of Eureka Baratta OIL Sold everywhere In cans- . aallktxcs. • 8,tade by Imperial 00 Cetepanym Miss Kennedy, of St. Joseph Hospital, London, left ror that institution again ole Teeedey evenixag.-1VIr, S. Pyne wee in Louden n, couple of days this week attending the grand Council meeting of the O. O. 0, F. as representative of the .Elimyille Couleeil.--Air, Shaptou and Miss Woods, 'ot Exeter, spent Sunday* the gtl.ests of Mr, and Mrs. Robb. Woods-- Mr, Walter klern had a bee on Monday drawing earth to fill up some low places and improve his property, --Mr, and Mrs, T. Johns, jr., visited relatives in St, Marys on Sue. day last,—Mr, Will Blair and Miss Rook, of Lrdeu, were visitors at Elim, vine on Sundayevening...Mr, Jonathan Cooperwas iu Goderich last week as one of the jarynien.—Miss Powell, of Wroxeter, is visiting; her brother, Ed„ and will assume the position of nurse till he is able to be up again. --Mr. Thos, Veal, through the correspondent, wishes to thank sexy kindly the friends and neighbors who waited on slim and rendered valuable assistance during his illness the past winter,—Mr. Thorn Smaie will spend tho next four months with Mr. Jas. Heywood. -.-Miss Mabel Miners is employed at, Nisei Treble's dressmaking shop, Exeter,— Sorry to hear that bliss Addie Johns is on the sick list agate.—Mr, Chas Jac- ques is employed with Mr, Ped, framer, Granton. -Miss Lankiu, of Bannock, spent a few days visiting relatives hi this viciuity.--Mr. 3. Hicks has pur- chased the farm, lot D, concessiou 7, Usborne, MING TIREDNESS Is Wised Bd nnoaItIai &- tivn of Lilo [Ivor and Kid - nous Assisted DU Starv- ed Blood and a Poor Girculaaion• Paine's Gerry Compound Nourishes the Life Stream ,. alu and Strengthens .Every Organ of the Body. The great virtues of Paiee's Celery Compound are abundantly manifested in the spring. It is a medicine com- pounded specially to brace the nerves, to sustain heart action, to cleanse the blood and keep the stomach, liver and kidneys in vigorous health. In the springtime the effects of the winter's work, the worries of business, household cares, and the severe change of temperature all conduce to weaker - ed and inflammed nerves, insotnni, , poverty of the blood, deranged diges- tion,liver, and kidneys, in bad condi- tion ; in thousands.' of cases rheuma- tism and neuralgia commence their horrible tortures. Paine's Celery Compound used three or four times a day for the next four weeks, will fur- nish the proper and . needed ele- ments of life for the growth and re- pair of the whole body. It will quickly make new nerve fibre; pure rich blood, will bestow sound health and long years of life. Mrs, S. Shedrick, Magog, Que., gratefully writes as follows: "For a time -I suffered severely from nervousness and' peculiar feelings of faintness ; I felt all used up and my appetite was very poor, After using Paine's Celery,Compound for a time, all feelings of nervousness were com- pletely banished, I am renewed in. strength and general vigor, I eat and sleep well and am perfectly restored to sound health." Eden Bnsuys. —One evening recently the young people of this neighborhood assembled at the church and proceed- ed in abody to mr. F. Luktons and gave the family a very pleasant sur- prise. A very interesting av en1n was spent, ---One day, last week err. Wm. °aye had a very successful wood bee, In the evening the young lady friends were present and all report a jolly time.—Mr. T. Cave left last aeon - day for Mamiota, man.. where he will engage in farming. He' took a valu- able carload of stock and effects with him.—air. R, Elston holds a large sale of stock today, (Thursday).—air, J. Essery has employed one of tbe young men brought out through the agency of air, T. Cameron of Farquhar. ter. Cameron certainly deserves credit for his efforts to supply the farmers with much needed be1p. :afr. Cornish on Monday moved into his new home re- cently purchased from alar. Brock. -- Watch for our next debate. The sub- ject will be, resolved that a "Christian Science Teacher" demoralizes, a Sun- day school more than a "Teacher who Dances." All our debaters think the affirmative side the stronger. hut as we can get a couple, Who, although contrary to their conscience, will con- sent to take negative side, the debate will soon follow,—League topic was taken last Thursday night by the Rev. Mr. Hutton. All present were pleased with the practical and humorous way he handled it.—Visitors Sunday last were: err. and ilrrs, Gibson. London, at Mr, and airs. 3.Esserys; miss Cora Ker.' slake, Exeter, at misses Lnlxtons; err, P. Dickens and miss E, Smith, Sauble Line, at ma and airs, Frank Coates.-- mrs. Westcott and miss Ila visited at mrs; Delbi idges last Friday, they, along with turn, Coates visited friends around Exeter on 1xonday`.—A large nunsber of friends and acquaintances are calling at man 'R. Coates this week to say goodbye to Mrs, Westcott and miss Ila before leaving for borne, after a pleasant stay of some weeks. A SURPRISE PARTY,— Last Friday night was the scene of a Very happy yet sad meeting at Mr, and mrs, W103. Coates, A surprise party was tender- ed to Mr. and lairs. Thos. Cleve, prior to their; departure to Manitoba, A goodly numt'or from Eden, Centralia and Biddulph, gathered and enjoyed themselves with games of all kinds till midnight, After refreshments the company was called to order and mr, and errs, Crave asked to come forward, art'. Frank Ooates than read the fol- lowing address la ' a very pleasing manner. -- a` AIr. and usxs, Cave, welxave.as- senabledo- t nx lit theeve o r de- la , f your Portiere to the Prairie Land, to spend probably the last of the many pleas- ant evenings in your company, and to bid ert!tr farewell for the present, Hav- ing ample oplaortim ties of judging and realizing your past generosity and kindness, we lutist say you are held l veryhighly. kl g ly in ,our estimation. Your manifestations and efforts to erradicate and abate all low things and to propagate tbat kind, generous, and sympathetic spirit could not fail to win the perpetual friendship and confidencethat your numerous friends now poesess. Your willingness to give assistance, which was always gladly forthcoming, your honesty in dealing witb all mien, your urbanity of manner and jovial disposition will be greatly aniseed by your friends and associates. But while we lose your integrity we feel assured that it will brighten your future 'environments, Then before you depart, we sincerely beg that you, airs, Cave, will accept this rocking chair, and you, tar. Cave, this gentleman's chair, not for its own intrinsic value 'but as a token and reininiscextce of the esteem and respect in which you both are held in our midst, We all unaminously join in wisbing you God's speed hi a safe journey, and the most . happy pros - percale and successful career in your future home. — Signed on behalf of associates and friends. Although oaken wholly by surprise, air, Caves made a very suitable and well -worded reply. He thanked his friends on behalf of Mrs. Cave and himself for their extreme kindness, He spoke in very flattering terms of Eden people, and assured them, that while he was moving away yet he could never forget their kindness, in conclusion he said that he felt proud to say that he would still be under the same old flag. The presentation was very ably done by errs, F. Coates and Mrs. R. Coates respectively. The light fantastic was tripped till the "wee small hours." Then after ex tending their good wishes and fare- well to ilrr, and mrs, Caere, and their thanks to the host and hostess, they returned to their respective homes, air. and errs. Oavre left on the evening train, afonday last. 111111.•il'1111111II,1111 1011101111111IW111UIISIWW11111) nimil ,moi, sm,umnmm1 i xonii 1111 , egetablelPrepardtioafor.As- siau acing tlleFoodattdRe uta- tis>,g tilestehnacits annoweis of SSE THAT T1113 'AG ' SIMILE SIGNATURE' O F-- TO1TIWCe$1510stion,Cheerful- 'gess falidHest 00ffiIas neither tn,iviorpnine. oar i feral, •T '.r4C 0 TIC. ...1 aeofOid-a-. 117?6PITti Ifi,m in Seedy- .1104.ef4O,SWIsf •-' 'in ISASee .M rer>r eCi1Ca,+5vaesstrdvs Natm,tsed zho m`7 • % AperfeotRemedy for Constipa- tion,Sour Stomaeh,Diarrjaoee, Warms,Conyu1Sions,1'everl s1t� ues$•andLos5 of SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW g''Offl . IS ON THE RAP ER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF 141. 41„14-; -; 202.-2222220022022,1,0,22022112000321002,-1 llastoria is pat up n one -also bottlon only. It: as not sold In bulk. Dont allow anyone to sell: you anything else on tho plea or promise tbat its is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose," •moi' Soo that yon get 0 -A -S -T -O -E-3-4. Tho foo- similo signatnro of is on ovary wrappore SHE PATIENTLY 0 BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Hltn with a Seeret Remedy. • " I had for years patiently bortethe disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and nixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the 'remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his pick for liquor. He soon began to pi k u p flesh, his appetitz for solid food returned, he. stuck to his work regularly/and we now hav ea happyhome. After he wascon completely cure dI told him what Iliad done, when • he ;acknowl edged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break off of ,his, own accord. I heartilyadvise allwomen afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." _ i and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimoniais and price sent in plain. FREE JA's': LE sealed envelope, : Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp: • for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co, �3 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. HER HUSBAND WAS A'DRUNKARD A Lady who cures her husband of his Drinking Habits writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER "I had for along time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband forhis drinkingbabits, but I was afraid he would discover' that I was giving himmedicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent,I threw off all fear and detern led to make an effort to save our home from the rain I saw coming, at all haiards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in his coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving It regiolaily, as Ihad discovered some- thing that set every nervein my body tingling with hope and happiness, and/ cguld seea bright future, spread out before me- a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving' husband, comforts and everytbing else dear to a woman's heart; for my husband had told,. me that whiskey was vile staff and he was taking a dislike r a given too r" for before I• had tai .It Was only t ue t. Y, drinking alto- gether, bad•std ed. k lm the full c urs he bPP g but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you bow thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." • HER FATHER WAS A DRUNKARII A PIueky Young Lady takes .on Herself to Cure her Father of the Liquor Habit. A portion of her letter reads as follows " My father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day after a terrible spree, he said to us : 'It's no - use. 3 can't stop drinking.' Our, hearts seemed' to turn to stone, and we decided to try the. Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we limb read about in the papers. We gave him the: remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his. tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to, directions, and he neves knew he was taking It. One package removed all his desire for liquor, a itisdistasteful to him. i . Incl hes s now His F Y health and appdtite are alsowonderfully im-- proved, and no one would -know. him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for good. Please send me one of your little books; as I want to give it to a friend." Cure a fro t ® z Tam LaXatlVe ffe: MO Uliffealle Tablots., .-112 s Seven Million -boxes sold in past 12 months, Thini`irr: - ('it,; ' ALL SHE USEF UL Branches are tanght in the F. C. B. COLLEGE. Otu' students. are not. guaranteed nice jobs, but ,after a Course in this .College it will be. No Trouble for. Them to., Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain. employment, tint we first equip them to maintain the bigh reputation this school has acquired. t1 W. WESTERVELT, Principal. 0:3,,,,020.209,0a,0011, P:s2.2i'11•a1�r�a'x ..ser x+ s.-1t22r,021 t;:ata L.orldon, Huron .and Brucc. GOING Nowa— Passenger. London depart... .. 8.15 4, M. 4.40p, nt. Centralia 0.1 5 50 Exeter 9 30 6,0 onsttll 9.44 • 6.15 /appeal .. . 9.50 6.20 Bruceflold 9.58 6.83 Clinton , 10,15 ' 6 55 Wingham xarrfve,1t.10 8.00 COti GSonerr-- Passenger Wingham, depart . 8.t3 e. M. 3.151'.11'1 Oilntcu .... • 7.47 4.25 Brueefield 8.05 4.49, I•:Cippon .15 4.67 E,snsali. 22' 5 02 J0 cet r 8.85 5,10 • Gentt'alla .. 8.48. 5,25 London,arrivor, . 9,3 6.12, ;<. We are agents for the celebrated' 'Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc,. Also the Wilkinson. Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and - Grinders. Toronto Air. Motor.W+indmil1ls Binder Twine in season, . /Buggies, : Wea ggoii o end Cutters. 4Ve are agents for the. McLaughlin Cutttyrs and I3uggies;and for the- ' Chatham Wagons. A Full. Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers. One Door, South of the Central Hotel. says • .