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Exeter Times, 1903-3-26, Page 2
ItSONS NI/110 COMMIT CRIIYiE ON ANNIVERSARIES. hl'anmller of Odd C anenters Who Are Knowo. to the Police of Sig Towns', People who can't or won't pay taxes are apt to fall annually into the grasp of the • law, A very sad Case of the kind was reported from Stockllolni in November last. On the seventh of the month the dead body of an old lady was diseovett'ad On,the river bank at Stockholm. She had succumbed to cold and hun- ger. Around her were howling piti- fully her fourteen dogs, It appears that the lady's name we''s Mile. Her- fnanson, She was one of two sis- ters who were once wealthy, but who, owing to having been involved in alaw suit, had lost all their money, and were reduced to extreme poverty. They had always lil't'ed dogs, of which they never had less than a dozen. Rather than .give them up, one or the other of the sisters went to prison each year in default of paying the dog -tax. This hardship had ended by killing ole of the old ladies, the other, leaving reached the end of her resources, had lived in the open for eight days with her pets before death relieved her from her miseries, Jules Roux, a sixteen year old boy, whose home is in e village in the Pyrenees, was ar rested in Paris one day in April last, as being without visible means of subsistence. The boy could give no clear account of himself, but was able to write down the address of his parents, who were communicated with. Investigation proved that, five years before, the unlucky Jules was bitten severely by a deg. E,v- ery year since, at about the anni- versary of the time lie received the injury, he is affected with a periodi- cal madness during which he is not responsible for his actions. He usually wanders oil and gets into trouble of some kind or another, and ends up in gaol or workhouse. The :-worst of it is that he is so cunning gender the influence of this brain 'trouble that it is practically im- possible to keep him at home. THE BRITISH EMBASSY ifs CANADA'S �i LEADING Level ESI ENT1AL s'r UNIVERSITY NEW CALENDAR NOW READY For Calendar and all Information, address, DR MUA, TNN 1YS tTY, TrU Q 12-14 ram OFFICE. CURIOSITIES. Mr. Prod J. Melville entertained a Leaden audience lately with same anecdotes of the work of the .'ort Office. The lecturer told of a letter wtich eould not be delivered, and which, when opened at the Returned Letter 01ileo, was found to colntain a long list of sad troubles. Slut the writer struck one note .of gladness at the end of the opietle in the sent- ence, "Thank God the pig had ten young ones." In the Blind Letter Office the officials hada letter ad- dressed to "Uncle John, Hopposite the Church, London, Hingland," This was not delivered, but another ono was. It 'vas addressed thus: "To my sister, Jean, up the Can- nougate, Down e. Close, Edinburg: She has a wooden leg," The last part of the address, was doubtless a clue, In the telegraph d art me n t theyget curious messages also. One young married man hurried to wire interesting news to his wife's rela- tives, In his haste he announced, "Twins to -day, more to -morrow." DOG AND CAT PERIL, Considerable excitement has been caused in England by the statement of a physician that dogs and cats can very easily transmit smallpox from one person to another, and that consequently they should never be allowed to remain near persons who aro suffering from this disease. On no account, says this physician, should a dog or a cat be allowed to enter a room in which there is a smallpox patient, and, indeed, it would be well, as soon as this dis- ease declares itself, to remove all such animalsto some other dwelling. at Vienna has recently been suffering from one of these periodical crimin- als, who, like Roux, is probably a lunatic. Tho man, whose name is Paul Nemeth, and who is a Hungar- ian by birth, became possessed years ago of a delusion that the British were seeking to kill him, and that his only hope of escape lay in pos- sessing himself of valuables belong- ing to Britain as . a pledge against further attacks. Accordingly, in September, 1891, he broke into the Embassy, and committed a bur- glary. He was caught, and shut up in a lunatic asylum. A little less than two years later, he was dis- charged as cured. In September, 1808, he again burglarized the Em- bassy. This time he got a year in. prison. Yet as soon as he got out be committed a similar cringe again, and consequently he was once more sent to the asylum. He seems, how- ever, to have escaped, for, two years ago, the September burglaries re- commenced, and the man was not caught. But last year a careful watch was kept, and Nemeth will probably not have another chance of committing his favorite crime. There is a case on record of a man, apparently sane, committing or attempting to commit a crime on a certain .anniversary each year. This was the Sicilian brigand, Ber- et'. It appears that an Italian landowner, named Mario, was "held up" by Barati some ten or twelve years ago. Mario, who is a power- ful man, proved too much for his adversary, and gave him a terrific thrashing, incidentally blinding him in one eye. The brigand, when he recovered, conceived the melodra- matic idea of revenging himself upon Mario on the anniversary of the en- counter. On the first occasion he failed, solely owing to the accident of Mario being away from home, but the next year he succeeded in setting fire to the enemy's house, and burn- ing it to the ground. Shortly after- wards Barati was caught and sent to prison for ten years, but he is said to have sworn to carry out his revenge, if he and Mario both are alive at the end of his term. ANOTHER ANNUAL TRAGEDY of crime is reported from Milan. There Lived there, ten years ago, a family of nine persons, relations of the famous Italian composer, Ross- ini. In 1892, the father committed suicide. Next year one of his sons took his own life. In 1895 a daugh- ter perished by her own hand. So, year by year, the family diminished until, in 1901, the mother, the last left alive, threw herself from a fourth -storey window, and was pick- ed up dead. A. certain American colonel, named iWClear, who was shockingly wound- ed at the Battle of Bull Run in 1862, and who wall lives in New York, must also be included among the once -a -year criminals. Every August there comes upon the miter - testate. man a most appalling attack of neuralgia, the pain of which drives him mad for the time being, and results in fits of violence during which he has several times injured servants or attendants. A.t other times, Colonel M'Clear is as peace- ful and even-tempered a man as Weld be met. The gentleman, who, on a certain date each autumn, visits the Thames pollee court, and usually offers some shall present to Mr, Dickinson, is a living proof that a mean can. reform at any age. For a long period this man was up before the magistrate tat ones, but Malty times a year, al- ways oe. the game charge of drunk- enness, Suddenly, four years ago, hp pulled up and reformed: Ztls annual visit to the scene of his old humilia- tions is to assure the ,magistrate that he has been able during the past twelve months to keep his pledge of temper.8nce..'I'eftrson'a Weekly. WEAK LUNGS. How's This ! We offer tine Hundred Dollars Reward ter any cane of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by klatl's Catarrh Oure l'. J. Ck11SN1•:1 & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have. known N. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hits perfectly honorable is all business transactions and ilnanciatly able to carry out, any obligations made by their limn. ',, •LIUTAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALD1NG, JUN NAN 4 11A101IN, Wholesale Druggists, 'Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 'i`os'tununIals sent free. Price 75e. per bottle, Sold by all druggists. hail's Family Pills aro the host. $i ads Sound and Strong by the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Weak lungs mean weak health, continual coughs and colds—touches of grip and bronchitis; then deadly pneumonia or. lingering, hopeless consumption. Weak lungs are due to weak blood. The one sure way to strengthen weak lungs is to build up your blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose makes rich, red blood, and every drop of rich, red blood adds strength, vigor and disease -resisting power to wear lungs. Thousands of weak -lunged, narrow -chested men and women have been made sound, healthy and happt by the use of Dr. Williams' Pine: Pills — and they will do the same for you. Mrs. 3. D. Naismith, Win- nipeg, Man., says: "I contracted a Ovens cold, which developed into bronchitis and lung trouble. The best of doctors and many dif'ereut kinds of medicine failed to help ate, and my friends all thought I was go- ing into rapid consumption. I had no appetite, was forced to take to bed, and felt that only death would release me. My brother urged lar to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to please him I began them. A few boxes proved they were helping me, and I began to get real strength.. I continued the use of the pills and was soon able to leave my bed cynd sit up. I grew stronger day by day. The cough that had racked are al- most beyond endurance disappeared, .any appetite returned, and I ani again strong and healthy, much to the surprise of all who saw me while I was i]1. Dr. Williams' Pial. Pills cured me after other medicinei failed and I shall always prais+ therm.' Bear in mind that substitutes and ordinary medicines will not cure. Sec that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed on the wrapper around ev- ery box. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or sent post paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing :direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FIGHTING FOR LUNCH. A lady in Buda-Pesth recently gave a charitable lunch party to the poor of her district. She placed no limit on the number of invitations, and the result was that 8,000 people ar- rived, all eager for the treat, Event- ually the police had to draw their sabres to keep order among the re- veller's. There were no two opinions about the success of the function. The guests to a man declared that they had never assisted at so in- tense ntense and exciting a lunch before in their lives. They were quite cut up when the time came to go. DIE TO GET SEALSKINS, Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. Lut.E.DUCES EXPE,NSIZ Ash for tine Octagon. ]liar err t-1 Backlotz — "You don't mean to say this is the first you've heard of it?" Subbubs --. "Yes." Backlotz —h neigh- borhood." 11 talv of o "11'11 it'sthe �' borhood." Subbubs .-- "Yes; but my wife is away on a visit." Ask for Dares and take no other. Lawyer—"Tho jury has brought in xt sealed verdict in your case." Prisoner --"Well, tell the court that they needn't open it on my ac- count.'' • Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians Risk Death to Secure Furs to Deck Women's Backs. Hunting the seal from the icy, storm swept coast of Newfoundland is not srort ; it is toil, whereby in part the Newfoundlander wins his scanty measure of bread. The hunt is a slaughter, dull and hideous—a leap into the whining and scurrying pack, and the swinging anh thrust of an iron shod gaff, a merciless raining of blows, with a silent waste of ice all splashed with red at the end of it. There is no sport in this, nor is there any fear of hurt, for the seal pleads and whines like a child, even while the gats is fall- ing ; but the chase is beset with multitudinous . and unforeshadowed perils. The wind gathers the ice into hoes and jams it against the coast, an immeasurable, jagged expanse of it interspersed with plains ; then the Newfoundlander takes his gaff and his food and his goggles and sets out from his little harbor, starting at midnight that he may come up with the pack at dawn. But the wind which sweeps the ice in inevitably sweeps it out again without warning in an hour, or a day, or a week ; nor does it pause to consider' the situation of the men who are twenty miles off shore. It veers and freshens and drives the whole mass,' grinding and heaving, far out to sea, where it disperses it into its separate fragments. The lives of the hunters depend upon the watchfulness of the at- tenuated line of lookouts, from the women on the headland to the first sentinel within signaling distance. HOW TO MAKE BABY SLEEP. You can make baby sleep by giv- ing him laudanum or the "sooth- ing" stuffs which invariably con- tain opiates. But no sensible mo- ther will do that. The way to make baby sleep happily and in cam - fort is to take away the cause of his wakefulness. This cause is located in his little inside — nowhere else. Babies seldom have anything the matter with them but their stom- aabs, and it is safe to say that the baby who cries unseasonably is com- plaining of his stomach. There is no ailment of a baby's stomach that ;Baby's Own Tablets will not cure fright away. They make baby cheer- ful and happy and give him sound natural sleep—not the drugged sleep produced by soothing..stuixs. Mrs. Wm. Smdt, Listowell, Ont., says: "My baby used to be very restless arid sleepless, but since giving him ,Baby's Own Tablets, he Is better `natured, sleeps better and is better din every way." These Tablets cure all the minor ailments of little ones, ,and can be given to the very young - ;est baby. You can get them from any druggist, or they will be sent post paid at 25 conte a box by writing direct to the Dr. Willlanhs' Medicine_ do., Br ol1ckville, Out • A HOME Rawslint. George --- "It's no use fighting the coal-dealers.'t Mrs, George — "No; the thing for you to do is to say ,Tiothing and saw wood," 16,000 emigrants left Norway in 1902 against 11,000 the year be- fore. ARRESTED UNDER NATE1Q. Lance -Sergeant Murphy, of the Singapore Water Police visited a barge moored off the boat -quay to arrest two notorious gamblers who lead taken refuge there. The gamblers however, immediately dived under water. Sergeant Murphy followed, found the two criminals lying flat on the mud at the bottom of the har- bor, seized hold of them and brought both to the surface. IIe then swam with his captives to some steps, and took thein to the police station. St. Jacobs Oil is a physician's formula, established Silty years; the pain soothing virtues are so evenly balanced as to meet all cases whore pain exists, and where an outward application is generally applied. St. Jacobs Oil is truly worth its weight in gold, even for the cure of nerve pains (and pretty well all bodily chains proceeding from the nerves). It illustrates how wonderfully the essential elements are combined; its marvellous penetrating power en- abies it to seek -out the painful spot In the sciatic nerve, deeply embed- ded, as well as the face and brain tacrves. It cures neuralgia gently ..£d surely, and -after the applica- tion, Aplication, it the nose of the bottle is held to patients' nostrils for, say, ten minutes, they will fall off into a restful, peaceful sleep. There is no other rohnedy in the world that will do so much, and do it so quietly and effectively as St. Jacobs Oil leery fancily should have a bottls handy by them in the house. It acts like magic, it always conquers pain, NEW CONSUMPTION CURE.. A Berlin paper points to the re- cent success of the so-called "Hetol" treatment of consumption, the dis- covery of Professor Landerer, one of the • surgeons on the ' stall of the Stuttgart Hospital. The professor has named his remedy after his wife's name, I•1eta.. The treatment consists in the injection of dense mite of soda into the veins of the sufferers. It has been found effica- cious even in advanced eases of tu- berculosis. Professor Landerer made his treatment known some years ago, but the medical world took but lit- tle notice of it. However, he him- self quietly worked on, making great pecuniary sacrifices the while for the establishing of his method. Keep Mardis Liniment in the House, "Get up, Bobbie!" called his moth er from the bottom of the stairs. "You know the early bird gets the worm." "Is that all you got for breakfast? replied Bobble sleepily as he turned over for another snooze. WI-IEN YOU'RE RUN DOWN just build up your system with tho great South American Nervine, the health builder, blood maker and nerve food, that is quick- est and most thorough in its action. Will put every organ in the body to good working order speedily and permanently, through g:vin them a new nervous energy, and tile the systcut with health, vigor and rich, red. blood. J. W. Dinwoodie, of Campbellford, Ont., states : or years I was troubled with nervousness and impaired liver and kidneys. I was treated by several doctors; tried every anedicine. Lastfaill procured a bottle of SOUTH AMERICAN N ERVI N E. 1 took but a very few doses and the norvoua depression left tnventire sys- tem. i will never be without it.' DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE -jl;'' TABLETS • allow the siilrorcr from indigestion to oat heartily an heavily of any- thing ho likes r Oo curing him, for tho Pinealppie •actually digests the food, letting the stomach rest and get soixnd '. hilst you enjo fife.—Price, 36 cents. • mernlatrenWanasseEZESXMIEMEWIrnweeei t -I WRY Illtu PROPOSED, The girl was very rich aeal the young loan was poor but honest.' She liked him, but that was, all, and he knew it, One night he had boa a. little more tender than usual. "You are very rich," be remarked, ",Yes,," she replied, frankly. "I am worth £75,000." "And I am poor." "Will you marry me?" "No.,, "I thought you wouldn't," "Then why did you ask me?" "Oh, just to see how a lean feels when he loses £75,000." MI RDMIRAOLe 5000 FOR MAInTAwtNO ROBUST NGALTN LH 400. CF.Ik19f1TE0, 1-18 The dahlia was first brought to Europe by Humboldt, who discover- ed the flower in Mexico in 1789. .mmwaw+•+•:.,.+.....wc aw..?wvaT.,+R��.z=.++,�+„ms,.o.xn,wR^..wine Hay Bale -Ties Spiegel Statelal"d and Sigh Carbon BALING WIRE Wire Straightened and Cot to Lengths. WE OPeRATE OUR GOON WIRE MILL Write us for Prices. LAf OLAW3i BALE..11E, CO. Hamilton, Canada. Th3 largest ex elusive Bale-Tio Factory in the world. 3-8-12 'Vi+A'aaia.rbas,r'..0, luta 3"vcv.wgaiialEaasass A ay qua=1 ity of dry, mixed wo d, suitable fox brick burning, for early deify. ry. State rash price, f,o.ti . your a Ion, Address. SIME•SON Ltitietfi. 00., 1 Toronto St., Toronto, Tek• phone Alain 707. The United States Government still holds 600 million acres of land which may be taken up by farmers. Much of this, however, is useless un- til irrigated. Dear Sirs, --,I have been a great Marrero' from rheumatism, and lately have been confined to my bed. Seeing your MINARD'S .LINIMi5.NT adver- tised, I tried it and got immediate relief. I ascribe ley restoration to health to the w.on'derfulpower of your medicine. LIDWIS S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. 5-59 Germany has already dismantled the old fortifications of Mainz, Co - longe, part of Metz, and is now pul- ling down those at Ulm. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's friend 7-19 YWH OVERCOATS end faded Suite would look better dyed. If no agent of ours in your town, write direct Montreal, Box 152 BRITISH AMERMAN DYE1i'lO CO. • Montreal, In 1902 the Dardanelles were twice passed by Russian war vessels. This is defiance of the treaty rights, Pas Over Sixty Tears. As OLD AMA Wa'LI,Tith5D RaMEDY.'— ra yyWtnalowa SootbingSyrupp has been used for over a xty le teething millions nperfectt eucoess.ers for Ittheir soothels the cen hild softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ,wind ratio, and is the best remedy for Dtarrbma. Is pleasant to the taste, sold by drnggiota in every part of the world. Twenty-tivocontsa bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be mire and ink for Mra, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. 1-44 Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A CAN Lowest prices ever quoted. FIne catalogue. 500il.ustratlonr+, mailed free. Write usfor any- tbt+ig in Dusk) or Musical Instruments. Marseilles has more Italians than any other city outside of Italy. The number is now 95,000. Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. The chestnut -bread used in North Italy and Corsica will keep fresh for 15 days. e.teiiddfps, nth. nprigtt n ti ado. Patlp, age 4kandard eleven bar wire lienee. dolt, (spring wfro (not or aqlhpod f airris riy the maskjot becotns too teethe to wtntor,•regntttoa Ito own tehsten ell the ttmda o. Pa a' Woo s1abtd.a etroln of mu Pounds, Common ops grits spliced - et each bar bbig:aka SW ash drna ental foboes, paultry netting, ere standard the woaf#ld.ovei. i enoom00. Limited, Walketvllle, Ont. $t Jelin, ICS. ,Montreal, k',Q. 12 *-2-27 ROYCE & CO., Limited, Toronto, Oat., and Winni,eg, Man. 1-20 THE 5 `•Y (aa 1,' ermanent AniD WESTERil CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION V'ocent° street, Toro,- to Paid-up Capital, $6,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.t Invested Funds, 323,600,000. Absolute President, Your Gi..ardE GaonERa&At 1st Vice -President & savings 1,1snaging Director. fo J. HErBEa C MA6e:r 2nd Viee-President, W. R. BRATTY. " CANADA'S. PREMIIS COMPANY." t-2-27 Ela PACKINGS® CO Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, En- close 2c stamp for circular. nig UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. O. Box 1142, Montreal, _.. 6-57 FATEcTs t3MlY 4 & OAMEROii Soltottore of •Patents Canada Life Btilld'g, x h Two.. t S4rite iodise whim f-4--54 S©A93SSb CYLIUCEI, ENGINE, DYNAMO; AND MACHINE agSWIZIZESD2an.gliE11315, 3521 WILLIAM C. WILSON & COt TORONTO- * -2-27 Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Lirert+ool. Aoaton to Life ow001. . Large and Nast Steamships. Superiors aeceaa1lm�xodatio>l, for all (Oases of passengers, Ela Qona and stitterporne are amiaaldps. Special attendee blas hem glee to W{ Second Saloon and Third -Class a000mmotta OD. Fsl rates etpamaage and all partiealare. apply to alai. of the Company, or G 1Lieharde, Mins Is Co, 1). Torrance ego.. 77 State St. Boston. Montreal and Portland, te nee a• Portland to Liverpool. col: is Qn Have You Seen It "i' What ? a� rout end every department of human enz1deavor, 11 Leo'sPricolees Recipes -3000 Secrete for the Hor pages, Send 25 canto. Money refunded if twirl;nc • worth it. goodside line Our o<tnvatser,=R!IIliiim Briggs. rialiveraterQ>ato, 2-14 1 45 ,h ti .:.Sea ngs, In casks ofabout 66o Herrings; $c,6o per foo by the cask, or $r.7o per loo t in smaller quantities: Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.00. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO.,' LIMITED, TORONTO: 9 n1 6d EAT Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products These delicious.preparatioxas allow of au sorts of impromptu Spreads without the impromptu apf'carancc, and permit the hostess to enjoy rather than slave, Our booklet, "Row to Make good Things to Eat," free to lhouseklepers. r Libby's At. tar of the World, Containing 32 new maps, published expressly for us by the largest map and atlas publishers in America, is ready now, Indexed, andivee new snaps of China, South Africa, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as much prat• tleal use as any atlas published. 'We naafi it to any address for:5 £wo•cent stamps Libby, McNeill & tabby, Chicago The World's Greatest Caterers e THIRTY-TI-IIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF kohl& Life f Oar ac& As presented at the Annual Meeting of the Company held at its Head Office, Waterloo, Ont., Thursday, March 5th, 1908: The Directors have pleasure in submitting their report for the year. ending Dec. 31st, 1902, with the financial statement duly audited. The business of the year was very satisfaetory in all respects. New insurances were issued under 8,011 policies for ,$4,527,878, all of which were written in Canada, excepting 14 policies for $22,460. The whole amount of insurance in force is now $84,467,420 under 23,622 policies, being an increase of $2,754,389 for the year. The death rate was very light, and much below the expeotation, while the lapses, sur- renders and other terminations were less than in 1901. INCOME. The net premium income was $1,111,897.41; Interest and Rents, $275,507.03; Annuities, $1,056; Profit and Loss, $2,637.81; to- tal income, $1,391,098.25, being an increase of $113,412.17 over 1901.' DISBURSEMENTS. — The payments to policyholders for death claims, endowments, annuities and surrender values were $405,506.44; for, surplus $77,843.79; total $483.350,23. All other payments were $248,956.13, including expenses, taxes, etc. The total disbursements were $739,306.36 and the excess of income over disbursements was $658,-i 791.89. S ASETS.—The cash assets now amount to $6,098,333.54, and the total assets are $6459,780.08, an increase for the year of $701,957.91.• LIABILITIES.—Tho total liabilities are $5,960,629.84, inclulding thin reserve for the security of policy holders $5,925,448.97, computed on the Company's standard 4 per cent. and 3* per cent. SURPLUS.•—On the Company's standard of valuation the surplus is $499,150.24, and on the Government standard $738,256.14. The in. crease in surplus is $119,179.'71. NEW RESERVE STANDARD.—For some years past, the earning power of money has gradually but steadily decreased. Recognizing the importance of making the most ample provision for the fulfilment of our contracts, your Directors decided to place all new business issued from and after January 1st, 1903, upon a 3 per cent. basis of valuation, which has been adopted by many leading Companies, both native and foreign. The Manager, Officers and staff have discharged their duties to the satisfaction of the Board, and in the best interests of the Company., The Agents continue to merit the commendation of the Directors and Policyholders, for their loyalty and the success attending the year's work. Tho Executive Committee has again examined all the securities and eom>pared then with the records, all of which were found correct, and in aecordance with the statement herewith submitted. Tho following Directors retire by expiry of term of office but all are eligible for re-election: Sir F. W. Borden, W. .1. Kidd, William Snid- er, and Robert Melvin. On behalf of the Board, ROBERT MELVIN, President. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. LEDGER ASSETS. Dec. 31st. 1901 ....,• INCOME. Premiums (net) ... ......... $1,111,897.41 Interest and rents 279,200:84' 1 $1,391,098.29 $5,439,541,65 $6,830,639.90 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS. Death claims .................. $242,049.75 Matured Endowments ...... 112,747.00 Payments to Annuitants ...... ,,. 9,484.30 Purohased Policies .. 41,225.39. Surplus paid to Policyholders 77,843.79 $483,350.23 All other payments ,........ 248,956.13 , $732,306.36 $6,098,333.54 LEDGER ASSETS. Debentures and Bontds, Account Value ,.... ..$2,290,322.95 Mortgages 2,994, 644.56 Loans on Policies ........, 677,2$8.25 Loans on stocks 7,500.00 Liens on Policies ............ 33,789.49 Real Estate...... ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 44,862.45 " Company's Head Office 20,8(31,96 All other items, including Cash •' 28,925,88 $6,098;333.54; Ailtditional Assets ............ :.....'.......... 861,440.54 TOTAL ASSETS ..,......... r $6,459,780.08 LIABILITIES. Reserve on Policies in force 4 per cent and 31 per cent ....................$5,925,448.97 All other Liabilities , .. 35,185.87 Surplus Company's Standard 4 per cent. and cent Surplus Government Standard 4* per cent. and 3A per cent $5,960,6'29.84 3u per . . $499,150.24 738,256.14 Audited and found correct. GEO. WI'IGENAST, J. M. SCULLY, F. 0. A., Manager. 'A. J. BB1i WSTER, AuiditorS: The various reports having been adopted the retiring directors were unanimously re-elected, After several able and pithy addresses Iran been made by members of the Board, the head Office staff, the agents and others, the meeting adljour'ne&. ' The Directors beet subsequently and re-elected Mr, Robert Melvin, Westdent; Mr. Allred Hoskin, IC. (3., first -Vice President; and the Hon. Mr. Justice Briton, Second Vice?President of the Company for the enslttiag year. (Booklets containing full report, comprising list of death and endow- ment claims paid and other interesting and 'instructive p'arti'culars, are being issued- and will in flue course be distributed among policy holds ern and intending i11;si rants) W. 11, PITbDELL, Dovetail,/ 'mom IMla�ra 0.2 imit1omm4.6 � 0.. :1111W .........0.0,0, hea?IMiMllle3.l YM,It% g•R �'.1,'�.diiP� tr.i. {'7gt `�;p`• ,±�� �9ti "•.11� ?Mari , On w„� ,,,,,., .: vaaara RMIWAn worsen DmePYi ,wn� n� uw�1• err na r ,..,,Mias, e.teiiddfps, nth. nprigtt n ti ado. Patlp, age 4kandard eleven bar wire lienee. dolt, (spring wfro (not or aqlhpod f airris riy the maskjot becotns too teethe to wtntor,•regntttoa Ito own tehsten ell the ttmda o. Pa a' Woo s1abtd.a etroln of mu Pounds, Common ops grits spliced - et each bar bbig:aka SW ash drna ental foboes, paultry netting, ere standard the woaf#ld.ovei. i enoom00. Limited, Walketvllle, Ont. $t Jelin, ICS. ,Montreal, k',Q. 12 *-2-27 ROYCE & CO., Limited, Toronto, Oat., and Winni,eg, Man. 1-20 THE 5 `•Y (aa 1,' ermanent AniD WESTERil CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION V'ocent° street, Toro,- to Paid-up Capital, $6,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.t Invested Funds, 323,600,000. Absolute President, Your Gi..ardE GaonERa&At 1st Vice -President & savings 1,1snaging Director. fo J. HErBEa C MA6e:r 2nd Viee-President, W. R. BRATTY. " CANADA'S. PREMIIS COMPANY." t-2-27 Ela PACKINGS® CO Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, En- close 2c stamp for circular. nig UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P. O. Box 1142, Montreal, _.. 6-57 FATEcTs t3MlY 4 & OAMEROii Soltottore of •Patents Canada Life Btilld'g, x h Two.. t S4rite iodise whim f-4--54 S©A93SSb CYLIUCEI, ENGINE, DYNAMO; AND MACHINE agSWIZIZESD2an.gliE11315, 3521 WILLIAM C. WILSON & COt TORONTO- * -2-27 Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Lirert+ool. Aoaton to Life ow001. . Large and Nast Steamships. Superiors aeceaa1lm�xodatio>l, for all (Oases of passengers, Ela Qona and stitterporne are amiaaldps. Special attendee blas hem glee to W{ Second Saloon and Third -Class a000mmotta OD. Fsl rates etpamaage and all partiealare. apply to alai. of the Company, or G 1Lieharde, Mins Is Co, 1). Torrance ego.. 77 State St. Boston. Montreal and Portland, te nee a• Portland to Liverpool. col: is Qn Have You Seen It "i' What ? a� rout end every department of human enz1deavor, 11 Leo'sPricolees Recipes -3000 Secrete for the Hor pages, Send 25 canto. Money refunded if twirl;nc • worth it. goodside line Our o<tnvatser,=R!IIliiim Briggs. rialiveraterQ>ato, 2-14 1 45 ,h ti .:.Sea ngs, In casks ofabout 66o Herrings; $c,6o per foo by the cask, or $r.7o per loo t in smaller quantities: Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.00. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO.,' LIMITED, TORONTO: 9 n1 6d EAT Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products These delicious.preparatioxas allow of au sorts of impromptu Spreads without the impromptu apf'carancc, and permit the hostess to enjoy rather than slave, Our booklet, "Row to Make good Things to Eat," free to lhouseklepers. r Libby's At. tar of the World, Containing 32 new maps, published expressly for us by the largest map and atlas publishers in America, is ready now, Indexed, andivee new snaps of China, South Africa, the Philippines, Cuba, Porto Rico, and is of as much prat• tleal use as any atlas published. 'We naafi it to any address for:5 £wo•cent stamps Libby, McNeill & tabby, Chicago The World's Greatest Caterers e THIRTY-TI-IIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF kohl& Life f Oar ac& As presented at the Annual Meeting of the Company held at its Head Office, Waterloo, Ont., Thursday, March 5th, 1908: The Directors have pleasure in submitting their report for the year. ending Dec. 31st, 1902, with the financial statement duly audited. The business of the year was very satisfaetory in all respects. New insurances were issued under 8,011 policies for ,$4,527,878, all of which were written in Canada, excepting 14 policies for $22,460. The whole amount of insurance in force is now $84,467,420 under 23,622 policies, being an increase of $2,754,389 for the year. The death rate was very light, and much below the expeotation, while the lapses, sur- renders and other terminations were less than in 1901. INCOME. The net premium income was $1,111,897.41; Interest and Rents, $275,507.03; Annuities, $1,056; Profit and Loss, $2,637.81; to- tal income, $1,391,098.25, being an increase of $113,412.17 over 1901.' DISBURSEMENTS. — The payments to policyholders for death claims, endowments, annuities and surrender values were $405,506.44; for, surplus $77,843.79; total $483.350,23. All other payments were $248,956.13, including expenses, taxes, etc. The total disbursements were $739,306.36 and the excess of income over disbursements was $658,-i 791.89. S ASETS.—The cash assets now amount to $6,098,333.54, and the total assets are $6459,780.08, an increase for the year of $701,957.91.• LIABILITIES.—Tho total liabilities are $5,960,629.84, inclulding thin reserve for the security of policy holders $5,925,448.97, computed on the Company's standard 4 per cent. and 3* per cent. SURPLUS.•—On the Company's standard of valuation the surplus is $499,150.24, and on the Government standard $738,256.14. The in. crease in surplus is $119,179.'71. NEW RESERVE STANDARD.—For some years past, the earning power of money has gradually but steadily decreased. Recognizing the importance of making the most ample provision for the fulfilment of our contracts, your Directors decided to place all new business issued from and after January 1st, 1903, upon a 3 per cent. basis of valuation, which has been adopted by many leading Companies, both native and foreign. The Manager, Officers and staff have discharged their duties to the satisfaction of the Board, and in the best interests of the Company., The Agents continue to merit the commendation of the Directors and Policyholders, for their loyalty and the success attending the year's work. Tho Executive Committee has again examined all the securities and eom>pared then with the records, all of which were found correct, and in aecordance with the statement herewith submitted. Tho following Directors retire by expiry of term of office but all are eligible for re-election: Sir F. W. Borden, W. .1. Kidd, William Snid- er, and Robert Melvin. On behalf of the Board, ROBERT MELVIN, President. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. LEDGER ASSETS. Dec. 31st. 1901 ....,• INCOME. Premiums (net) ... ......... $1,111,897.41 Interest and rents 279,200:84' 1 $1,391,098.29 $5,439,541,65 $6,830,639.90 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS. Death claims .................. $242,049.75 Matured Endowments ...... 112,747.00 Payments to Annuitants ...... ,,. 9,484.30 Purohased Policies .. 41,225.39. Surplus paid to Policyholders 77,843.79 $483,350.23 All other payments ,........ 248,956.13 , $732,306.36 $6,098,333.54 LEDGER ASSETS. Debentures and Bontds, Account Value ,.... ..$2,290,322.95 Mortgages 2,994, 644.56 Loans on Policies ........, 677,2$8.25 Loans on stocks 7,500.00 Liens on Policies ............ 33,789.49 Real Estate...... ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, 44,862.45 " Company's Head Office 20,8(31,96 All other items, including Cash •' 28,925,88 $6,098;333.54; Ailtditional Assets ............ :.....'.......... 861,440.54 TOTAL ASSETS ..,......... r $6,459,780.08 LIABILITIES. Reserve on Policies in force 4 per cent and 31 per cent ....................$5,925,448.97 All other Liabilities , .. 35,185.87 Surplus Company's Standard 4 per cent. and cent Surplus Government Standard 4* per cent. and 3A per cent $5,960,6'29.84 3u per . . $499,150.24 738,256.14 Audited and found correct. GEO. WI'IGENAST, J. M. SCULLY, F. 0. A., Manager. 'A. J. BB1i WSTER, AuiditorS: The various reports having been adopted the retiring directors were unanimously re-elected, After several able and pithy addresses Iran been made by members of the Board, the head Office staff, the agents and others, the meeting adljour'ne&. ' The Directors beet subsequently and re-elected Mr, Robert Melvin, Westdent; Mr. Allred Hoskin, IC. (3., first -Vice President; and the Hon. Mr. Justice Briton, Second Vice?President of the Company for the enslttiag year. (Booklets containing full report, comprising list of death and endow- ment claims paid and other interesting and 'instructive p'arti'culars, are being issued- and will in flue course be distributed among policy holds ern and intending i11;si rants) W. 11, PITbDELL, Dovetail,/