HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-10, Page 20WANTED TO BUY: Floor sanding machines and' related/equipment. Call collect, 271-6390 after 5 p.m. -28,29 WANTED TO BUY: Oriental rugs, any size'or con- dition. Coll collect, 273-4823 after 5 p.m: -28,29 26. Help wanted REQUIRED for Seaforth law 'office, full-time secretary, experience an asset, high' atdde-n'titJ standing required. Please reply in writing to: Box 758, Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1 WO giving full resume including academic background: All replies kept in confidence. -27,28 WANTED: Cleaning person once per week in Bayfield area. Please call 565.5313.--28 31. Service directory PHIL'S refrigerator and appliance service. Pro- mpt dependable service to all mgixes and models of domestic appliances. Phone 887:9002.--2711 PAVING: Power Sealing - driveways, parking lotS. Phone Robert Symes Construction, Lucknow, 528-3047,--.16tfn 31.. Service directs , K & P LOCAL Furniture Movers: Reasonable rates, pianos extra. Phone 482-9505.-25tfar WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Odd - fellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chtiter, 482-7957 or Mary Trick, 482-3842.-23tfar CONCRETE WORK: Expert chimney and roofing repairs. Specializing in stabling. Don Ives. Phone Brussels 887-9024.-43e.o.w. HANDYMAN:, Yard work, gardening, cleaning, painting, decorating, etc. Call 482-3041.-28x LIGHT and heavy bulldozing, barn foundations, fence lines, etc. Trucks available. Call J.D. Carter. 523-9405.-28 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING - *Farm and Residential Buildings • Additions and Renovations •Roofing, Siding, Soffit & Fascia PHONE, rssoAel7lets,i MEMBER 482-3063 HURON COUNTY BOARD -OF EDUCATION requires a Teacher's Aide at Stephen Central Public School, Crediton, Ont. This.Pmitioa will..bocofrEe, effective on Sept. 1, 1985. The successful applicant will .become a member of CUPE Local 1428. Individuals applying for • this position will be required to work with handicapped children. Individuals interested in this position should have training in the area , of Child Development. Normally this type of training is received at the community college or university level. past experience in work with children _'ould be a definite asset. j interested applicants are requtr d to send a letter of application, resume and references. Applications will be received by the undersigned prior to noon on July 19th, 1985. Person el Dept. Huron County Berard of E of Education 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM 110 R.B. ALLAN DIRECTOR E. FRAYNE CHAIRMAN We are accepting applications for a full time Receptionist position. Applications should consider themselves to be self starters who enjoy detailed work.end meeting the public. This job involves shift and weekend work. Applicants should respond immediately lo the front office al; Benmilier Inn R. R. 4 Goderich JACK B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTING Specialising lot •CUSTOM BUILT HOMES •RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS •KITCHENS *ALUMINUM SIDING PHONE 482-9506 EVENINGS 27. Wanted (general) AUBURN -CO-OP needs participants in a Com- • munity Yard Sale. Everyone WEticome - No Charge. July. 19 & 20th. Enquiries: Ph. 526- 7262.-28,29 28, Business opportunity SPACE AGE INSULATION' ' -All types of insulation Polyurethane Foam- • Fiberglass, Rockwool,Cellulose FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FREE ESTIMATES Ron Kassies 523-9484 AFTER 6 P.M. WATER WELL DRILLiNG W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four mouern rotary rips Phone Saaforth NE1 7-1! ! Q!JR ; 2y -os s 'dlM�j2T.0�775 REFRIGERATION SERVICE •REFRIGERATION *AIR CONDITIONING •MECHANN CA MAIN ES NANCEl N G BRYAN FINK HENSALL 26203334 ChrisBrooks Carpentry NO JOB TOO SMALL" Call 482-3830 PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced - Reasonable Rates STEVE COOK 482-9335 OP. s HARV BERNARD'S CARPENTRY Licenced Carpenter 523-9441 *HOUSES *COTTAGES •ADDITIONS •BARNS •SHEDS •RENOVATIONS *SIDING •WINDOWS •DOORS H & R BLOCK Income Tax franchise for sale, 147 Main St., Exeter. Growth in 1985 tax season 52%; projection for 1986 at least 60%. Owners health reason for selling. Vera Brand, Box 153, Forest, NON 1J0. Phone evenings 294-6641 or Fri- day afternoons 235-1901.-27-29 30. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home near I.G.A., Clinton. , Have one of my own. 482.5229.-28 WILLING to do housecleaning and wollpapering. Calf Debbie at 482.3524.-.28x 1 31. Service directory KEN'S CARPENTRY Remodelling, renovations, cupboards, ceramic tile, counter tops, rec rooms, carports, flooring, windows, patio doors, aluminum siding. Phone: 482-7676. Ken, McNairn.-8tfar • Are j 524-6257 , 44. FOR SALE BY OWNER Two storey brick business building, close to main intersection. Clinton. Now containing 2 shops. 3 apartments. lot approx. 52' x 135'. Owner retiring. Ph.- 482-9410 or 482-7082 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. OPEN HOUSE - Hamilton St., Boyfield. Sat., July 13, 2-4 p.m. Newer brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Lovely family room. Attached garage. Must be sold. GREAT INVESTMENT - Attractive split - ranch, 3 bedrooms, family room, sun room and double garage. A well maintained family home with privately attached rented apartment. Holmesville. GOOD LOOKING - Country home on 3/4 acre landscaped lot. 3 bedroom brick with family room near Holmesville. Gill Steenstro 482.3780 Your specialist in Rural, Residential and Agricultural Real Estate. WE WORK FOR YOU! MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 'We May Be Number One! But • We're Still Trying Harder!' wets put CALL US- TO WELCOME .YOU HOME "OPEN HOUSE" 3 BAYFIELD COTTAGES Saturday, July 13 2:00.4:30 p.m. PRICED TO SELL AT $55,000 Aluminum sided, one mansfield sided, 2 winterized, 1 seasonal. "OPEN HOUSE" - Sunday, July 14 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. "MOVED MUST SELL -OPEN TO OFFERS" REDUCED TO SELL AT $85,500.00 Hamilton St.,' Bayfield, 5 year.old Brick Raised Ranch, 4 bedroonT, chandelier in dining room, patio doors with deck off kitchen, fireplace in recroom, water softener, -central vac., T.V. tower, etc., aluminum soffits and facia, insulated garage with eiectric heater. CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. ' HWY. 21, BAYFIELD 565-2513 Y 'GKGKGKG` ifief REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St-. Clinton 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grand Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 This modern 2 bedroom brick bungalow is located on a picturesque 2.8 acre lot near Clinton. Paved drive, carport, o electric heat, Targe roofed deck, conforming area. INVESTMENT! This older 2 storey, 3 bedroom frame home is presently well rented; insulation and plumbing have been upgraded; forced air gas heat; central location. WE LIST AHD SELL RESIDENTI AL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURAL•RECREATIONAL AND SEASONAL PROPERTY MEMBER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (Multiple Listing Service) 'K..:.K ORKMAN R,JAL ESTATE LTD. wishes, to annpunce the expo,sion of hie company to the Mitchell Area, with representatives now available to serve you et the fallowing locations: Harold Workman Head Office Box 27B Mitchell 348=9066 Rose Workman Beat 695 Clinton' 482.3455 Henry Moro Box 717 Seaforth 527-0430 Peter Demsma RR B Clinton 482-9849 Bill Steenstre RR'a Clinton 482-3780 Neil McNichol RR 4 Walton 527-0089 • 13. Mobile homes 1976 HOMCO model Colony style, 14' x 72' plus 12' x 21' addition, Asking $14,000.00. Terms negotiable. Phone 527-1577.-27,28ar 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable cement mixer, Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Corrieeau Rentals, Zurich, 236-4594 8 a.m. weekdays and after 5 p.m., anytime Saturday.-15tfar TENT TRAILER for rent, weekends or full week. Phone 482-3004.-27,28 17. Apartments for rent 1 C) G) 7 NOW LEASING: New apartment in Blyth, two bedrooms, electric heat. $300. per month, first and last month's rent in advance. References re- quired. No pets. Apply to Baymath Properties Ltd. 482.9210 . -2 2 tf a r NICELY DECORATED: Two bedroom apartment. Available July 15. Adult building. No pets. $340 a month, including utilities. 201 King Street. Call 482-5020 after 6 p.m.-24tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, no p'ets, references required. Call John L. Duddy Real Estate Ltd. 482- 3766.-28ar 18. Houses for rent POSITION Accounting& Investments AGRICAN INVESTMENTS LTD. I Goderich CaH 524-7986 SALES HELP WANTED e self motivated Graphic Arts and Advertising representative wanted Im- mediately. Must have pleasing per- sonality and be 18 years of age. have reliable transportation. Guaranteed salary, car, allowance. plus commission. Young marketing or graphic arts graduates welcome to apply. Call 4827391 AFTER 7 P.M. HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires a secretary at Turnberry Central Public School, Wingham, Ont. This position will become effective Aug: 27th, 1985 and will be a 241/2 hour work week. The successful applicant will become a member of CUPE Local 1428. Applicants must have a good understanding of general office procedures and ability to deal with the public. Duties will include typing, filing, processing purchasing orders, and record keeping. Interested applicants are required to send a letter of applicatlon,resume, and references. ,Applications will be received by the undersigned prior to noon on July 19th, 1985. Personnel Dept. Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 R.B. ALLAN DIRECTOR E. FRAYNE CHAIRMAN FOUR, BEDROOM house for rent in Londesboro. 1 Available August 1st. Phone 482.7314.-28tf 4 -BEDROOM SEMI:' Separate dining room, new gas, full basement, Vanastra. Available August 1st, 1985. Phone 482-3500.-2Btf THREE BEDROOM house for rent. Can 'be seen at 256 Ontario St., Crinton. Phone 523.9405.-28,29 24. Wanted to rent , TEACHERS • Family of 3 would like to rent home in or near Clinton by September 1st. References available. Phone 434-2352 or 873-2056,-28 25. Wanted to buy L. & M. AUTO Wrecking. We buy scrap rads and batteries and scrap. Phone 887-9561.-19tfar ' I BUY used pianos, when calling give make, height and general description. Call collect 669. 1207.-26tf A Agricultural Sales & Management Opportunity Hens.. 11 District C© -operative Inc., A multi branch company has an immediate opening for a sales person/manager at our Zurich location. Applicants must have a diploma or degree in Agriculture. In addition the applicant must have had previous sales and dr management experience in fertilizer, chemical and feed areas. prior to July 20 subri1it resume including salary -requirements to Honied, District C®-oporetivFe Inc. P.O. Box 219, Hensel!, Ontario NOM 1X0 Attention: Earl Wagner COMFORT ZONE INSULATION LTD. We have: CELLULOSE, ROCKWOOL, FIBREGLASS AND POLYURETHANE INSULATION MATERIAL FOR EVERY NEED. For Free Estimate Call 482-3812 or 482-3563 GORD'S WELDING *Agricultural Repairs Our shop Is equipped with a 12 foot by 19 foot doorway to accommodate most equipment. •Mild Steel Welding • Aluminum Repairs and Fabrlcatlon EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE AFTER HOURS (EXCEPT SUNDAY) PHONE 482-9398 275 HURON ST. CLINTON 482-5216 For All Your Plumbing Needs, Contact: CHRIS MIDDLETON PLUMBING (LIcenced Plumber) Phone 482-72010r 482-3758 Industrial, Commercial, Farm, Residential Reasonable Rates DRI. ENTERPRISES • Renovations done onside and out •Handyman work • 18 Years Experience NO JOB TOO BIG -NO JOB TOO SMALL FREE ESTIMATES KITCHEN CABINETS, VANITIES also available Phone Dennis JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. * Farm * Commercial * Residential * Buildings * Additions & Renovations AFFILIATED WITH: CUSTOM SHEET METAL * Fascia & Soffits * Door and Window Jams and Sills * Metal Covered Doors 482-7290 34. Personal DATES GALORE. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free 1-800-263- 9163.'Hours Noon till 8 p.m. -28o' DOES SOMEONE you love have a drinking pro- blem? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524- 6001 or write P.O. Box 101, Clinton. NOM 110.,-28 LOSE WEIGHT EASILY! Have you tried every diet and failed because of willpower? CYBERNETICS is the answer for many problems. Guaranteed results. For free brochure call 1.800-263-0512. Sample cassettes available - ($3 postage and handling). --28o LONELY? Don't be! CHRISTIAN PEOPLE, Canada - U.S.A. seek correspondence - companionship - all ages free details. Ashgrove P.O. Box 205, Shushwap Ave., Chase, British Columbia. V9E' IMO or phone (604) 679-8513, 1 -7 p.m.', Monday - Friday. -28o • YOUNG PEOPLE: 6 - 18 years who do outstand'`pg good deeds are eligible for nomination as 071- tario Junior Citizens of the Year. Contact this newspaper for details. -28o 35., Notice to creditors NOTICE OF INTENTION ...__.i�.23AAS.SSa1l\F.E___^.._.._...._ GEORGE F. ELLIOTT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED hereby gives notice that it intends to •dissolve pursuant to the Business Corporations Act, 1982. DATED AT Clinton,. Ontario', this 5th day of July; 1985, G. BARRY ELLIOTT, Secretary. IN THE ESTATE OF MURIEL KATHERINE MID- DLETON, Late of the Town of Clinton in the Coun- ty of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 29th day of April, 1985, aIle required to file lull particulars , thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of July, 1985, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of June, 1985. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C:, Box 68, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor's. - 226-28 39. Educational FREE CAREER Guide describes 200 learn -at-home correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk " Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servic- ing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263` Adelaide West, Toronto. 14300-268-1121. -•028 S8West-Street (Kitty corner from Police Station) 524-6688 13y Appointment Only (If busy phone 1.800-265.1413 toll free) lx