HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-10, Page 191 • 09"ACMI * L1PTH OfiVTON *ARAFiD1�TH; •KL1RICH E*ETEIt STRATTONI 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET. your .out -of -Canada Medical In- suranceat C.A.A. Travel Agency,' 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-44tfar HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523-9202. Dealer for Canadian° and B'olens lawn and Garden Equipment, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Ser- vice to all small engines.-20tf WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology to Canada - C.S.A. Approved. Eliminateschemical con- tamination, nuisance and coliform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron, bad taste and more - no messy chemicals • maintenance free - tested and, proven in over 10,000 rural in- stallations. Eliminates the need for liquid chlorinators and water distillers - Free 30 -Day trial offer • Try it out - See the results for yourself, Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20 -.year written warranty - If you want Better Water for Better Country Living call toll free 1'•800-268-2656 pr (416) 624.4344 or write Water Purification Systems, 203 - 1030 Kamato Rd.; Mississauga. L4W 4B6. -o28 POOL SALES: Leading manufacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular $2,095 reduced to $1,295. Call anytime. 1-800- 265-8142.-18-35o STRAWBERRIES: Pick your own at Albert Schilbe, R.R. 1,' Bayfield. 482-3256.-27-28 COME visit our Country market. We specialize in CAULIFLOWER and BROCCOLI. Other produce available in season. VISSCHER FARMS, 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy, 83. Open daily 9 a.m. : 8 p.m. Closed Sundays. Phone 237-3442.-27tfar STEEL BUILDINGS: Inventory Clearance. Example 32 x 50 complete with door $4,929. Sizes available up to 120' wide. Limited quantities. Act Now. Call toll free 1-800-387-8130 (area code 807 call 416-828-6262.280 12' FIBREGLASS boat; small tent trailer. Call 482- 9680 after 6 p.m. -28 EIGHT FOOT round braided multi -colour d rug. $90.00. -Call 482-3185.--28 TRAILER with swivel deck. With sides up it's a utility trailer, sides down, it 2carries• two snowmobiles, drive on, drive off. 482-3331:-28x WALKER and walking stick 'for sale. 565- 2128.-28x ONE UTILITY trailer with fibreglass top. $275.00: Call 524-9338 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx RENOVATING? We have 6 older style wooden porch pillars for sole, one in questionable Condi- tion, the rest good. $25.00 each or six for $125.00. Coll 524-9338 after 6 p.m.-24tfnx CAN'T AFFORD a video movie camera? Don't -let that stop you. 'Use this Chinon sound movie camera and prolector with movie light, boom -.mike- arid regular 'mike ,to capture those moments. Entire package for only $500.00, negotiable Call 524-9338 after 6 p.m.;-24tfnx 1983 HONDA V45 Sabre motorcycle. 750 cc only 12,000 kms. Excellent condition. Call 524- 6637.-25tfnx WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4. north of Clinton. 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect.523-9508.-42tfar SEDGWICK ELECTRIC stair chair; compact, good condition. Easy to install. Phone 482- 3388. 19tfnx USED OIL furnace complete with copper line and oil tank. Excellent for work shop. $600. 527-0179 evenings. -27,28 • HARD TOP trailer (Starcraft). Sleeps six, stove and fridge. Excellent condition. 482-3658.-28 UPRIGHT PIANO and bench in good condition. Phone 526-7513.-28 1983 HONDA SABRE, 750 cc, V4, 14000 km. Im- maculate condition. 482-9738.-28 In WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks o1 split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Con Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD.TIIE BA.'YFWLD BUG .E Chilton N \Vs-Re.ccnd .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DMA • DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising, .. Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articlesfor sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sole 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sato 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent • 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rend 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 24,Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements ' 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice • 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Morrlages 46 In memoriam 47 Cords of thanks • 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. 1 PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale PENNY -ROLLER. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add $' 63 tax.) Send che- •• 1977 GREMLIN -X: 4 speed. $300.00 or best offer. que or M.01. to Penny -Roller "roducts, P.O. Box Phone 357-2758 or 482-9728.-28-30 405, Fort Erie, Ontario. L2A 5N .-28o 1. Articles far sale USED FILE CABINETS: Desks, storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking choirs, lockers, drafting boards, restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street S., London, 681-2254 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5. Saturdoy 9 - 12.-28,290 BUILDINGS FOR SALE: Summer specials direct from Mirafcle .Span. Large inventory of quonset buildings from 8 wide to 100 wide. Unlimited length. ACT NOW for best selection. Call toll free 1-800-387-4910.-28o 1979 SUZUKI GS 1000, Colour -matched windjam- mer, fairing. $1800.00. Phone 482-7145 after 5 p.m. -27,28 1983 SUZUKI GSL 450, 3200 km. Excellent condi- tion. Phone 482-7709 after 4 p.m. -27,28x 2. Yard Sale YARD SALE: Saturday, July 13, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at 217 Spencer St., Clinton, near Durst Feeds, -28 TWO-FAMILY Yard Sale: Saturday, July 13, mile east of Bayfield on Varna Road, at 9 a.m.-28x YARD SALE: Weekend of July 12 - 14. Vanastra Trailer Park, last trailer on right. -28 MULTI -FAMILY Yard Sale: Saturday, July 13, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Weather permitting). Antiques, household articles, fabric, clothing, crafts, lots more. At 168 Erie St., South, Clinton. -28 -COMMUNITY YARD Sale• Saturday, July 13, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Wise Energy Centre parking lot (across from Lobb's Auction Barn), Bayfield Road, Clinton. -28x - L3. Cars for sale' • TE -EM FARMS Pick Your Own *STRAWBERRIES *SNOW PEAS *RASPBERRIES *BEEPS *PEAS *CARROTS Also Our Own New Potatoes, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Green House Tomatoes PLUS, MUCH MORE R.R. 1 UAYFIELD 482-3020 Pick your own CHERRIE-S Sweet and Sour ARMITAGE ORCHARDS' Ridge Road 1'dosanquet Township, RR 1, Fbnest. Pitting machine on farm for your convenience. Closed ,Sunday. Phone 7,86-5970 A. For Sale WE SELL and `service Sure Shock, Bee or Gem Fencers. Bowes Electronic Shop, Hamilton St., Blyth. 523.4412.-23.28ar A e 196& INT: 1700; 1970 Int. (above average condi- tion); identical steel grain bodies, tele hoist and tarps on both trucks. Int.' 105 combine, long auger, cab, scouF kleen, pickup and ;cutting equip., 227 corn -head, beans, grain,' clover and corn equip., $10130.00 worth extra parts included (original owner); Int: 210 swather (fo match above combine, original owner); Int. side rake (done 50-60 acres; original owner). Phone 482- 9897 evenings. -27,28x• 10 ACRES of,"clean mixed grain straw in the field. Phone 482-7548.---28 • EXCELLENT'QUALITY hay for sale, round boles. Phone 523-9249 between 8 - 4:30.-28 DELAMAL CHALLENGER Feeder complete unit with stall, sides, control box, manual and 18 transponders. $1850 or best offer. Phone (519) 356-2456 Atwood. -280 GLEANER G COMBINE with cutter bar and pick up and fou'r-row corn head ready for wheat, also 250 bu. grain bin on truck undercarriage. Priced ,for quick sale 482.5355,-28-30 WEANER PIGS for sale: Phone 523-9405,-28 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. A11 dolmas all Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 492-7511 Barry Miller Exeter • 235.3.717 K 1 rk ton - 22t -42E5 Gregory Hargreaves 262.2614 B. Custom Work CUSTOM silo filling. Phone Hank Reinink, 523- 9202 or 523.4569.-22tfar CUSTOM BALING: Large round bales 4' x 5'. Scott Consitt, Varna. 482-9297.-24-30 CUSTOM BIG Round Baling: Makes 5 ft. wide, '4 - 6 ft. diameter. Co Zondag, Bayfield. 565- 5308.-24tf • CUSTOM COMBINING of grain, white beans, soy beans and corn, Wagons and augers supplied. 523.9440. -27-30x C>' C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Ponies and horse's priced reasonably, also cows for beef and old, unthrifty and lame cows. License No, 1260FP. Call 526- 7509.--26.28 WE BUY late model tractors for wrecking, burn- ed, damaged or just tired Fawcell Tractor Supply Ltd., R.R. 2, St. Marys, Ontario. NOM 2VO. (519) 284-2379.--•28o WANTED: Mixed grain. Phone 523-9405.-28 D. Livestock 1971 OLDS VISTA Cruiser: $850.00 certified; 1982 Virago 750' C.C.,' custom Sportser .Exhaust, ex- cellent shape,.$1900.00; 1969 Chev'Half Ton, V-8 standard transmission, $450.00 as. is. Call 524- 6070 or 482-9495 after 5:00 p.m. -28x 1976 BUICK LeSabre: Red and white. Coll 482- 9602, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -28,29x We'll get you ready for a hot summed HAVE YOUR CAR'S ' AIR CONDITIONING-'° CHECKED & RECHARGED Brown Chew Olds will check: •All Belts and A.G. Moses *Freon Leaks •. Compressor operation *recharge olr conditioning system. DAILY RENTALS LEASING SUMMER HOURS: SALES DEPT. CLQSED SATURDAY AFTERNOONS ROWNchevrol oldsmobile 482-9321 CLINTON 7. R.Y.'s for sale TRAILERS - Travel, Hui dtop, .Luggage. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel. New & Used. Hitches. Truck Caps, Campers, Running boards. Soles, Rentals, Repairs. Camp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mi, w., •Stratford . 393-5938.-15-30 19' GOLDEN FALCON tandem, awning, shower, 2 -way fridge, furnace. 482-3187.-28,29x TRAILERS & CAPS: Best prices. Prowler Gold Falcon, Starcraftl,tLionel. New and used, we buy, sell, rent and repair. Morry's Trailer Sales, Hwy. No. 4, between Hanover and Walkerton, 364- 3748. Closed Sundays and.WedneSdays.-250 112. -Real estate for sale SERVICED BUILDING LOTS in Bayfield, walking distance to downtown and lake. 565-2899.-22tf' CanadaTrust Realtor n QUARTER HORSE Gelding, four-yeors-old, 15.2 hands, quiet and sound, broken spring of 84 and can be ,drfven. Reasonable offers will be con- sidered. ornsidered. Call 524-2377,-28 11 OPEN HOUSE Ann Street.Bayfield SATURDAY, JULY 13 - 2:00.4:00 PM SUNDAY, JULY 14 - 2:00-4:00 PM' Have you been wanting to move to B'oyfield? Then I invite you to come and view this renovated 3 -bedroom, fully equipped home in Old Bayfield. 7 skylights, rec room with Franklin stove, fireplace in living room, insulated 24' x 24' garage with furnace and water. Follow the OPEN HOUSE signs. LAKEFRONT: •Bluewater , B'each - Immaculate 3 -bedroom winterized cottage/home, , , carpeted throughout. Franklin stove, laundry•hook-up, sun room, garage. Beautiful view of lake. LAKEFRONT: Snowdon Acres • 3 -bedroom, aluminum sided home/cottage, ; eat -in kitchen, finished basement with rec .room, fireplace, carport with paved drive. Open to offers. LAKEFRONT: Milena Beach, 2 mi. north of Bayfield - Well maintained 2 -bedroom summer cottage, carpeting throughout, appliances included. BAYFIELD: 2 building lots on cul-de-sac, well -treed, water available, FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER AREA PROPERTIES, CALL: Sunnee Stephens d Sk S-2633 MEMBER OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 402.9371 Rrisidonce: 523-9333 FAST FOOD: and gas pumps, busy intersection, showing good return. COMMERCIAL LOT: Victoria Street, Clinton, 193 foot frontage. FARMS & ACREAGE NEW LISTING: 10 acres, good brick home and utility barn, Hallett Township. 21/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. 94 ACRES: 55 workable, on south Maitland River, no buildings. 200 ACRES: 160 workable, good buildings, Auburn area. 130 ACRES: Maitland Con., Colbourne Township, 100 workable, 1 floor bungalow, new barn equipped for cattle and sows. Good hardwood bush. 95 ACRES: 90 workable, excellent cropland, near Clinton. T00 ACRES: Near Londesboro, stately brick home, barn for farrow to finish and poultry. 50 ACRES: Choice woodland, small cabin, 10 miles from Goderich on Sharpes Creek. 4 ACRES: Near Clinton, 1 floor home, garage and small barn, very neat hobby farm. Try an offer. 100 ACRES: E. Wawanosh, modern home, Auburn area. 43 ACRES: Hwy 4, near Belgrave, good brick home and frame barn. Low down payment considered. HOMES LONDESBORO: 1 'floor brick bungalow, paved drive, double garage, excellent II condition. CLINTON: 128 Frederick Street, 11/2 floor frame home, large lot, nice condition. LONDESBORO: 1900 sq. ft. ranch home, attached garage, inground pool, very modern. BLYTH: 2 store L ooms, executive class, heated wo4f7frop, many extras. 1 1/2 FLOOR FRg31lbI I(E, main street location_ .i1vv CLINTON: Albert Street, 4 bedroom, 2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. ' CLINTON: 61 Ontario Street, 4 bedroom home, nicely decorated, priced right. I• r JOHN L. DUDDY COUNTRY ' PROPERTY One acre with 1320 sq. ft. cedar bungalow. Family room addition with fieldstone fireplace; 20' x 20' garage. Pleasant setting with quiet pastoral views, well landscaped. '59,000. DOUBLE LOT 145' x 150' lot with mature trees, garden and strawberries. Remodelled one floor home with 11/2 baths and fireplace in family room. '42,000. LAKEVIEW COTTAGE Port Albert. Recently completed with 2 bedrooms, sauna, extensive upper level sundeck. Suitable for year-round living. Fully insulated and heated. '42,500. NO. 3 TORONTO BLVD., - VANASTRA Delightful 11/2 storey home with dormers. Fully remodelled and renewed with Oak parquet floored family room, splendid kitchen, French doors, gleam- ing hardwood floors. '37,500. BUILDING LOT Corner of Gordon and Matilda. 66' x 132'. '8,500. REFURBISHED 11/2 STOREY Cozy 3 bedroom in move -In condition. '31,900. WINTERCOURT CRESCENT 2400 sq. ft. split entry ranch, includes a 1200 sq. ft. addition with Sauna Room, 4 bedrooms, 400 AMP Electrical, Heat pump, Air conditioning, garage. Family lace. '95,000. room with 1.4fAACRE BUILDING LOT In town, white birch 'trees along one side, an attracilve setting. '26,900. Of- fers considered. POOL AND AIR CONDITIONING 1'/2 Storey 3 bedroom with 16' x 32' pool and 10' x 14' sundeck. Built-in dishwasher. Central Air conditioning. '49,900. MONEY-MAKER DUPLEX 2 Semis, separately deeded, 4 bedrooms each side, tip-top condition, '29,500. and '25,500. $8,500• Serviced Lot on Ransford St., nice area with open farmland to the front. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Hilltop location, rolling views, your choice of lot, each with a wide 80 foot of frontage, serviced, Clinton's best loca- tion.'10,000. each. The view i4 freel JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR' MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-3733 or 9428 Offico 482-3766 12. Real estate for sale ' 1 REAL ESTATE INC. NEW LISTING Mature treed lot and location are worth the asking price of . this 11/2 storey, sound Insul brick home. 67 Rattenbury St. Asking '33,900. ., RESTORED COUNTRY ESTATE 4 or 5 bedrooms, main floor family room, formal living and dining rooms. Huge country kitchen. 2 storey brick, baths on both floors. 1 acre lot overlookinggorgeous ravine. Believe it! Only '59,900, EXECUTIVE or PROFESSIONAL LOOK! Viceroy cedar 'htllet 3 bedroom. A delight to view. Come in and see a photo-rama of'tI is rarest of properties. Better still make an appointment to in- spect. Commuting distance to Blyth, Seaforth, Clinton. Priced at '74,500. Small acreage with good starter homes. We have several new listings just North of Auburn, priced in mid thirties. For particulars call Bruce Ryan. DON'T LIST your house until you've checked with references and be sure you get ours too! . CALL 524-2667 Bruce Ryan 524-7762 LES WILLEMS 524-8451 SUNCOAST MALL ©� ® BAYFIELD ROAD sunnl unntiium0 GODERICH ur,ilr08 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 1'Vx STOREY,," TRIPLE -BRICK HOME, 3 bedrooms, nice corner lot. Blyth. 2 ACRES, HIGHWAY LOCATION,. 1/2 storey brick house, excellent condition, dog boarding business available, 1 ' ' floor building has kennels, Blyth -area. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN and schools;" a family .home with modern kitchen, hot water heat, central vocuum. In nice condi tion. Large lot, garage. Price reduced to '• '59,500.00. Looking for Offers. BLUEWATER BEACH - modern cottage, 2 or 3 bedrooms, close to beach. GOOD INVESTMENT, 2 family brick house, good location, good income. Large garage, 2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE in good condition on treed, double lot, convenient location, in Blyth. 2 STOREY FRAME HOUSE has 4 bedrooms, gas heat, sundeck, Kirk St. DUPLEX - 4 bedroom home plus 2 bedroom apartment to rent out, close to uptown. BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 2 storey brick house on 10 acres, 2 steel sheds, Auburn area. ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM HOME, shop, on 1.8 acres near Holmesville. SPLIT LEVEL 3 BEDROOM HOME,. shop, river view, close to Highway & Clinton. ' 5 ACRES, 5 bedroom house, highway location near Londesboro. $31,000.00 1 FLOOR - 2 OR 3 BEDROOM good condi- tion, large lot, attached garage. High St. ATTRACTIVE WELL -KEPT HOME . In' Vanottra in the 20's. Call for details., 3 BEDROOM HOME, nice inferior shop: Highway location• near Clinton NEAR, BRUCEFIELD 19 acres, paved rood location. COMMERCIAL ZONED LOT AND SHOP highway location and a residential lot with sshed.. BLYTH very neat 2 bedroom 1 floor brick home priced to sell. BLYTH AREA, 7 acres, house & barn. MOBILE HOME at 5 Season's Pork.' LAYER QUOTA, 5909, on 75 acres. Split level home. SEVERAL INDUSTRIAL PARCELS AVAILABLE. COMMERCIAL ZONED LARGE LOT. highway location. 600ERICH - ....,,,mercial zoned office and residence complex near the Square. DAIRY FARMS - several available. .LARGE STEEL BUILDING zoned indu'sfrial, on a paved road. _. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq, ft. building in Vanastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE 8, BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 2'/2 ACRES, house, barn and shed near Clin- ton. 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. RIEAR THE ARENA - 4 bedroom home, large lel,' 24,900.00. Tis MON ST. - cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. OE PI NCESS ST. W. = 4 bedroom home, large lot, carport, '29,500. 102 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, dining room, large lot. . 3 BWROOM HOMF attached garage, pav- ed drive. Rattenbury St. E. '21;000.00. VANASTRA • 3 bedroom with many extras, Coll for details. 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME, neat, dining room, attached garage, Queen St. 15 ACRES, house, sow barn or hobby farm, near Clinton. '65,000.00. Rosa Workman, Clinton - 4192-456 Harold Workman, Mitchell 348.9066 , ..... ,�