HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-3-26, Page 1THIRTIETH YEAR—NO
.I RO 11.: 1E. aSZETTE
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FENC1NC V11112
We have received a shipment of Barb and Spring
Coil Wire, No, 9, 12 and 13, Now is the time to get
; your Fencing Wire.
We expect a car load of Durham Portland . Cement
this week
Now is the time to do your Spring Painting, We
have just what you need, the celebrated Sherwin. &
Williams Ready -Mixed Paints, put up in Pints,
quarts, half gallons and 'gallons,
We have a quantity of first class Timothy, Red
and Alsike Clover seed, also Garden seeds of all kind
`+2•A.4.4444+++v+4444.4'•l44 f•++*+ 44+444444++44+
Sutherland; Notary Public,
oarCommissioner, ire Inaur nos Ac�ent,a d
Issuer of Marriage Iioenaes.egalann
haviug been the first. importer, of Short-
horn cattle and Lincoln and Leicester
sheep north and west of London, Re
reviews with particular pride the pro -
gross which the country has made in
this regard. O ccasionail. y, the Messrs,
carefully drawn at reasonable rates„ rtironee Petty indulge in the cattle business,
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest,
Ogee at the Post Qldce iienaail
BitiBEs.—Mr. T. Ballentyne expects
to move with his faintly to Manitoba
this week. — Mr. Aumeston and Mr.
Essery, who were here during the
winter months, left last week for the
but for the most part they are Hying
quietly in the enjoyment of the indus-
try which characterize their earlier
west again. — The entertainment Bansgs,—Mrs, Robe. McDonald, sr.,
field in Millar's Hall on Friday even- of Thames Road, who has been ill for
ing last under the auspices of the some time is improving. We wish for
Guild Mission Band of the Presbyter).- her a, speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Bell spent Sunday last visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Rivers. --Miss Olive Cann
who has been; visiting friends in lilan-
shard has returned home,—Mr. James
Earl was the guest of his sister, Mrs.
Jas. Anderson last week.—Quite a
number around this vicinity intend.
leaving for Manitoba in. the near
an church was a very interesting one
and well attended.—Mr. Chas. Chap-
man has returned from Kincardine
and resumed his duties at the railway
• station. --A meeting of the Woman's
Institute of South Huron will be held
in Millar's hall, on Saturday, Marchi
28tH, at 1. o'clock, All the members
are requested to attend. A cordial
invitation is extended to the • ladies
of Hensall and vicinity. -- John G.
Troyer has sold his neat dwelling to
Joseph' Hudson, who recently moved
to our village from Hills Green; — Mr.
Troyer intends, about the first of next
month, leaving for the west, and if
pleased with the country and pros-
pects�are good intends locating there.
Mr. Troyer has proved a good citizen
the many years he has been here, and
will not only be missed by a large
circle of relatiyes and friends, but also
by the Canadian Order of Foresters, of
which lodge he was recording secre-
tary and a faithful and zealous mem-
ber. Miss Sellery, who has been
spending a number of weeks with her
brother, Dr. Sellery and friends re-
turned to Kincardine, on Monday
evening last. -- Alex, McMorran is
visiting his sister, Mrs. James White.
— Mrs. Billings very pleasantly enter-
tained a number of her friends on
Saturday evening lasb.— Mrs, J. Mc-
Martin, of London, was in the village,
this week spending a day or so with
her parents; Mr, and Mrs. R. Bonth-
ron.—F. Rae was home this week
visiting his family. — A number who
had intended leaving here for the
West, on Tuesday last, were prevent-
ed from doing so owing to the scarce-
ty of cars, but will leave as soon as
they can get the required accommo-
dation.—Mrs. Young and her daugh-
ter-in-law, who were spending the
winter months with relatives and
friends in this section left here on
Tuesday, for their home in West.
—Dr. Blackall, of the Queen's Hotel,
was in London the first part of this
week.—Mr. E. Sheffer and sister, Mrs.
Manns were in Michigan during the
past week or so visiting relatives and
friends.—Mrs. Pedlar, who was here
visiting her brother, Mr. Geo. D. Ar-
nold, has returned to. Toronto. — Rev..
and Mrs. Doherty were in London,
this week.— Ralph Des sdale, who is
engaged with air. J, Weismiller, mer-
chant, has been spending the past
week with his father, at Drysdale. —
etrs. J, H. Smith, and Miss Wilson, of
Seaforth, were in the village last
week, visiting Mrs. 3, Troyer. — Alex.
ercEwen has returned from Glencoe,
where he has been spending a week
with his brother-in-law, Mr. iricAlpin.
—The Epworth League. of the 'metho-
dist church visited the guild of Car-
mel church, on .irronday evening last,
the former furnishing the programme
for the evening, and the latter enter-
taining and providing refreshments.—
Mr. 'Norman Cook has purchased a fine
driver. — Joseph Hudson and wife
spent Sabbath last at Varna, visiting
errs. Hudson's mother, i'trs. Wily.—
Mr. David Wren, son of Geo. Wren,
of this village, who is attending a
Theological College, conducted servic-
es oil Sabbath evening last, in the
methodist church here, with very
much acceptance, air, Wren is a
pleasant, andat the same time facile
ektempore speaker, and gives promise
of • taking . a • foremost• place in the
churc'h when -he has completed his
course of studies. -- We regret this
week to have to chronicle the death
of Mr, James :Kyle, eldest son of err.
William Kyle, of near Fansvitle,
which ,sad event occurred at his
father's on Saturday morning last,
after an illness of some months, The
deceased was 22 years of age, and
was for some time employed with Mc-
Ewen & Geiger in the flax mill, and
previous to that in the employ of
Broadfoot and Box, Seaforth. He was
a smart, active young man, and his
death, following so soon that of a
younger brother, is a very sad blow to
his father, who has the sympathy of
the entire community. The remains
were interred in the Maitland ceme-
tery, Seaforth; on Monday, afternoon
last.—air. and Mrs. E. Butt, trona near
Kippen, were here recently looking
for a suitable house to purchase, as
they intend retiring from the farm
Very shortly. We will be pleased if
they decide to purchase a home here,
in the meantime there is not a vacant
dwelling in the yillage, although some
woulclsell and build again.
GIVE IT rrs NAME,-=Itis interesting
ana •, to note that the gentlemen
to the thriving village of }Jensall the
name it bears are still honored resi-
dents of this place. They are Messrs.
James and George Petty. The Messrs.
Petty came from Hensall, England. The Epworth League anniversarywill
They were enterprising, and brought be held the 5th and 6th of next mo will
before that you have boon good and Lind
d us, and that you. are still deeply interested, in
May be you're not particular about
many things, but you ought to be so
•t�,bout your clothes. There are some
particularly nice things here in.
Canadian Tweed. Suits at 10, 12, $15,00
Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16, $13.00
Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20.
Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00
up to $7.00. The price includes the
highest grade of workmanship in the
W. W. Taman.
Merchant TaiIor.,
Clover and•
�� Timothy Seed o nesday.—Messrs.�Jacob Deichert and
w Harry'Youngblut were in Clinton on
We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. •See for
BnnzFs.—A directors' meetings of
the Hay Fire -Insurance 00. was. held
in the Town Hall, on Saturday of last
week.—Mr. J. B. Dennis is employed
at U. Fritz's shoe store.—Mr. Ed.
Wurm is engaged at H. Kalbfieiech's
saw mill, at the 16bh concession.—Mr.
Philip Hartman recently disposed of a
team of two-year-old colts to Mr.
David Schnell, for the. snug sum of
$250.00.—Mr. J D. Merner's many
friends will be pleased to hear that he
is rapidly recovering from his recent
illness.—Mr. Norman Cook, of the
Hensall grist mill broke his arm last
week, while working in the mill.—Mr.
Motter, of Dashwood, is engaged as
tinsmith at 0. H•trtleib's shop.— Mr.
L. Beattie, of Varna, was a visitor in
town on Tuesday last.—Mr. John Hall
of Dashwood visited Zurich on Wed-
;• Farmers wanting good
atl' Clean Clover & Timothy
Seed will save money by e
1 calling on W. H, Levett
before purchasing. •
Ifs Price and Quality Guaranteed.
Barnrs.—Miss Jean Cutler of Ridge-
way is the guest of her friend Miss
Alice Oameron.—Miss Nellie M. Swit-
zer aundayed at home.—Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Sperling were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Athinson, Sunday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Alber Bickel, of Seaforth
visited. with Mr. R. N. Switzer on
'Sunday last. --Miss Emma Robertson
and Jim Highet spent Sunday with
Mrs, Jas. Gunning of Granton. — Miss
Violet M. Walks has returned'from
visiting with. relatives in the etone
town.—Mr. Arthur, of Medina spent
part of last week with his daughter
Edith.—Miss 0. I. Harding returned
'.'Sunday from St. Marys.
Sunday visiting Mr, John Deichert.
—Mr. John Moritz returned from Mon- �
treal on Friday evening and left for
Cavalier, N. D. on Tuesday.—Mre. J.
H. Roedding and two daughters, re-
turned to Gibsonburg on. Tuesday
after visiting friends here the past
two weeks. - Mr, Andrew Hess and
and Mr. Fred Rickbeil visited. Clinton-
on Sunday.—The sale at Mr, Idenry
Eicher's on Monday was well attended
by the largest crowd eyer seen: at a
sale in these parts. Everything was
sold and good prices were realized,
One cow sold for $ 72 and one 4 -year-
old mare brought $368,00 while other
live stock went in proportion.—Mr. J.
W. Ortwein of Hensail visited at Mr.
Wagners on Sunday.—Mrs. P. Bea-
ver of the 14th con. lefb on Saturday
on a visit to her daughter at Berlin.—
Miss Marion Petrie of London visited
at Mr. J. Williams over Sunday.—The
following left for the west on Tuesday:
—Wm Becker jr., Wm. Nicholson and
Ramie Armstrong. -- Mrs, Geo. An-
drews of Goderich was here attending
to Mr, T. D. Merger. She returned to
her home on Tuesday last.
Children Cry for
Merchants Bank
CAPITAL (all paid up)
General Manager
Superintendent of Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank: accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan ' and
other foreign countries.
Bonanza.—John Moffatt, grain dealer
of this village, has purchased the farm
of Elam Butt, on. the London road,
north of. this village, paying for it the
sum 'of $6,100. This will give Mr.
Moffatt a farm' of 150 acres. We do
not know what Mr. Butt intends to
do, but the people of this vicinity
Will be sorry if Mr. and Mrs. Butt
should remove frcan here as a result
of the sale of their farm, as they are
both highly respected and. popular
with all.—The plows are already start-
ed in this vicinity, which is one of the
surest indications of balmy spring.—
Those who have been trying to make
maple syrup report the season a fail-
ure as yet. The weather is too fine
and there is not frost enough.- The
numerous friends of Mr. Peter Cam-
eron, of Stanley, who has been so
seriously 111 with heart trouble, will
be pleased to learn that he is now
much improved.—Messrs, Peter Grant
and. D. Hay, of this village, were in
Clinton, on Tuesday.—At the meeting
for the election of a trustee in school
section No.. 2, Tuckersmith, on Wed-
nesday to fill the vacancy caused by
the retirement of Mr. John McNevin,
Mr. Robert Elgie was elected by accla-
mation. The selection is a good one
and Mr, Elgie will make an excellent
trustee.—Our saw mill is now daily
turning out a good supply of lumber.
—Our village blacksmiths are now be- Detroit, for a few days returned home
ing kept very busy at their anvils, this week.—Mr. H. Silber, M. P. P.,
getting the farmers ready for the who has been attending the Provincial
spring campaign, Parliament, at Toronto, is expected
— o-- home this week.—Rev. Mr. Ayearst,
SOxmii h of Lu can, preached anniversary ser-
mons in the Methodist church on Sun -
BRIEFS. —Mr. E. Glanville, of Credi- day, both morning and evening. The
ton called on friends here on Sunday. collections and subscriptions were
—Chas. Northcott, delivered his black good. Rev. Mr. Knowles took Mr.
team in London last week.—W. Rus- Ayearst's work in Ltican.—The Oredi-
sel delivered a horse in London last ton quartette club, which is composed
week:—We are glad to note that Fred of Mrs. W. 5, Chisholm, Miss Beulah
Corbet is able to be around again.— Beaver, Mr. J. H. Holtzmann, E. Foist
Miss Nellie Northcott is able to be out and Miss Melinda Beaver, accompanist,
again after a severe attack of the will rendes a few selections at the ".At
mumps.—Miss Nellie Gould has been Home " on Friday evening, given by
visiting friends in Crediton for the the Foresters of Exeter. A targe
past two weeks.—R, Sutherby of Hen- number of Foresters from here expect
sail called on his brother Nelson at D. to go.—Miss E. Lewis, sang a solo in
Mack's on Sunday.—W. Warren is the Methodist church, Granton, on
engaged with A. Geddes for a short Sunday evening last. — Mr. Alfred
GIanville, has sold his farm of 50 acres
on the 2nd concession of Stephen,
which he advertised in the Trues s to
Mr. Nelson Baker, — Mr. Freeman
Hoist, who has been visiting friends
in this vicinity for several weeks, re
turned to Blenheim, and was accom-
panied by N.Holtzman.—Mr. Solomon
Geiser returned to his home hare,
after working in Blenheim for the
past year. Miss M. Watson, of Blyth,
arrived here last Thursday evening,
and is again engaged in Brown's mil-
linery rooms. —Mr. John Preeter, and
family. from Zurich, were the guests
of Mr. S. Brown, over Sunday. —1.Ir.
Wm. Kuntz and family, of Exeter,
spent Sunday in town.—Mr. E.. Feist
spent Sunday in Dashwood. — Miss
Tillie Finkbeiner, of London, came
home on Monday evening.-- Mrs. 0,
Rodgers, from Saline, Michigan, is
visiting her parents Mr. ancl Mrs. To-
bias Fahner, Jr.—Quite a number of
people from town attended. Mr. Cot-
tle's sale at Exeter, last week. Mr.
Henry Silber, was the purchaser of a
fine team of ponies and is offering
them at a very reasonable figure.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoff-
man of Crediton East, was the scene
of a pleasant gathering of children
and friends, for the purpose of cele-
brating the fiftieth anniversary of
best wishes for . his future prosperity
in his new home. The evening was
pleasantly spent by those present.
Mr, Claves. will carry with him to his
new be wishesof all in this
n w llama the best
neighborhood as well as the order of
which he was a valued member. The
following is the address: ---
To Rao. Tiros. (1.4.vr:-- We the members of
of D. 0, L., No. 010, learning of your near de.
parture from our midst to a distant land.
desire to express to you our kindest regard
and fraternal good -will to you and your faint-
ly. Separated by land and sea, unable to give
the friendly hand -grasp or to enjoy friendly
intercourse, yet the prinoipals of our beloved
association teach us never to forget a brother
member of our noble order, ''ou have boon
true and faithful to oyery obligation, a useful
member of society, and true to the best in-
terests of your fellow men, and an honest ad-
herent of our protestant faith. In going to
your now home, in saying farewell we wish
You and yours, health and prosperity. Slav
the blessing of the ,Almighty Father go with,
you, and God be with you, till we meet again.
Signed on behalf of the Lodge,— A. NEVIn.
Co. Master; FRANCIS DAVIS, W. Master ; F.
J. Dews, R Seo. ; BERr. 3irronELL. F. See.
Oontralia,March 19th,. 19'3.
Fon SALE.— The undersigned has• a
large quantity of extra .choice Iced
CIover, Alsike, .Alfalfa and . Timothy
seed for sale at reasonable prices. This
seed was specially selected for seeding
purposes. Oxus. Zwemenet, Crediton.
EARLY °Losnuz ,. — The business
men of the village of Crediton, beg to
notify the public that they will close
their respective places pf business,
henceforth on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday eyenings at 6 o'clock p,
m., commencing Monday, April 13th,
BnxEes.-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoff-
man celebrated their golden wedding
on Monday evening last: —Miss Emma
Brown is in London undergoing an
operating, Dr. Haistis in attendance,
—Mr. Wm. England, postmaster Cred-
iton East, is having an addition added
to his house, which will greatly im-
proye the appearance, --Mr. F. Silber
has been appointed consbable for our
yillage. ib is about time boys conduct-
ed themselves properly on the streets
on Sunday evenings.—Mr. Fred Wein
has purchased a house from Mr. Gott-
leib Moriock and will move the build-
ing over to his lot in a few days.—Mr.-
W. A. Stewart, of Woodham, has ac-
cepted a position as blacksmith with
Mr, W, H. Weitzel.—Some of the'far-
mers of this section took advantage
of the fine weather of last week and
did some of their spring ploughing.—
Miss Wind who has been visiting in
time.—P. iaurray is moving onto the
place he purchased from Mr. J. Mc.
Mahon.— Mr. and Mrs. W. Northcott
visited friends in St.. Marys over Sun-
OBITUARY.—On Wednesday the 13th
inst there passed away to her long
res. Elizabeth Fvfe, beloved- wife of
the late John McMahon. Mrs. Mc-
Mahon was in her usual good health
up to about two weeks of her death
when she was stricken down, with
pneumonia and her sudden demise
has cast a gloom over the whole
neighborhood. • She was •. a native:of
Fyfeshire, Scotland, and came to this
country when she was a young wom-
an, shortly after this she was united
in marriage to Mr. John McMahon
who predeceased her about ten
months. She leaves behind her two
sons and three daughters to mourn
the loss of a kind and loving mother.
Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep,
From which none ever wake to weep,
A calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of woes.
Centralia .
Balm. -- Mr. Thos. Caves and
George Sheardown left on Monday
last for'the west. -The many friends
of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Caws presented
them with a beautiful easy chair each, their wedding.A programme opened
on the eve of their departure for thep g p
west, we wish them a pleasant joint- by a few brief remarks by the Rev,
ey and every success in their new Mr. Damm. err. William Hoffman
then read an address, during which
eressrs Chas. and Christian Hoffman
presented them with easy chairs. Af-
ter tea was served the evening was
pleasantly spent in vocal and instru-
last week and plowing which could mental music. The following is the
not be done on account of the very address:
home.—Mr. Wes. Parkinson and Mr.
B. Hern of Zion paid our village a
flying visit on Sunday last.—Many of
the farmers of this vicinity have tak-
en advantage of the fine weather of
web weather of last fall is now com-
, ru" m
was a
— le S g
plated. Map 9 P
total failure our store keepers .report
no offerings of syrup so far, — Fall
wheat and Clover have stood the win-
ter well and promise an abundant
crop if weather continues favorable.—
children, have come together today in our o1d
h ani
uti 50t
0 0
ate Y
home, f
sarY of your wedding. We are sincerely
grateful that through an all wise Providence
you have been spared so that we have the
privologo of offeringyen our hearty congratu-
lation andbest wishes, and of sharing with
you thejoyous festivities of this annivorsarY
occasion. We realize today more than ever
with them thoroughbred Leicester an Rev, F. E. Malotb, B. A„ is the l Warr. During tho fifty Years of your
h whichdestined to M l rid d 1'f ou trials and boys must leave
,�. .,...,...+. ..y...,»
"n for orris ,
eeef guarantee you want get hot under tha collar waiting
W e sell sweat pads for horses, not for our customers, Nor will you : kick
oyer the traces, nor chew the crupper about the quality of everyhing we
We will
Curb your Temper
By always treating you right.
Bridle your tongue
With best goods and low prices.
Saddle your Desires
With lowest prices.
Harness your Donkey '
With the best goods made on the market.
Collar your Morley
.After having given good value.
Checkup your Head
Wich wonder and surprise at our beautiful up-to-date
saddlery goods.
will find us always in the breeching for business, and ready to
whip up new trade, and curry, brush and blanket the oId stagers.
s;t SW
Kirkton Exeter Municipal Council
OBITUARY, —The death of Mr. Ohm. Council met pursuant to adjourn.
Bellamy, which occurred on March 12, meat at town hall, March 20th, absent.
at the age of 79 years, removes one of Councillor Manning.
the old residents of this place, Mr. Minutes of previous meeting, read.
Bellamy had been in failing health for and confirmed,
some years. Besides his widow he Mrs, Sutton interviewed the council;
leaves a family of one son, Mr. Joseph asking fur at
continuance of lien charity
Bellamy on the homestead and two of $1.00 per week, which was discon-
daughters, Mrs. Alex. Robertson, St. tinued at the last meeting of Council..
Marys and Miss Minnie Bellamy at Mr. C. B. Snell interviewed the
home. Mr. Bellamy was a native of
England but came to Canada maty
years ago, first settling in Peel county I
and a few years afterwards came to
Blanshard, He was a member of
Kirkton Methodist church and an
active christian, His funeral took
place to Kirkton last Sunday after-
Lincoln sheep, w is were 1 reacher for the Sunday, and on on we c e Y i
leave their mark upon some of the daya first-class tea will be served in been many, we are desirous today toaddto
finest flocks in the country to=day. thejoy and happiness of your declining years
1.'heir efforts were met with success the Sunday school room followed by by nun you to kindly accept these , ifts as a
addresses, recitations, and music, home small to en of our love almost immediately, swepton at the pbeviae and distant, The League aro resolved
tial exhibitionstheinthey all raged, that this anniversary shall be one of
theme their classes.sEncouraned, the best.—Rev. Dr. Hannon delighted
they developed an importing le that the large congregation in the Metho-
dist church with his discourse last
grew wonderfully. The Messrs, Petty Sunday morning. The venerable Dr.
eventually then
decided to bake up land in, will always be welcome to Centralia.
the then wilderness of Huron County,
and they settled within two miles of Aramis:. -- On Thursday evening
where the present village of Housall last a number of the members of L.O.L.
stands, To -day they are men of wealth No. 610, assembled ab the home of Mr.
g°� ON ONTARIO, and influence in the community, re- T. J. Caves, who is leaving this place. TakoLasativoT3romo Quinine Tablets
DI TON , tainting the i preserved respect of all for Haniota, Manitoba, and presented
Man ep who know them; One of ,the proudest •hint with an address expressive of druggists refundsignature nts a if it n to curd.
, ' HOLM, boasts of Mr, James Petty. is that of their regret at his departure but with
MOORESVILLE, FF:B. 24th, 1903.
Lines dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Harrow, of Kirkton, on the aniversary
of their golden wedding.
We read, Sir, in the good old Book
Of Adam and his wife.
How Adam livednine hundred years
A happy married life,
But greater wonders have been seen
Since you first wed your wife.
You seen more in them fifty years
Than Adam all his life.
No binders bound the harvest then,
No steam boats than did sail.
No thresher threshed the golden grain
'Twas all done by the Hail,
No telegraphs, no telephones
No engines great or small,
No railroads ran, then through
They had no roads at all.
You saw this land that's great
When forest decked its brow.
And if you had. not seen it since
You would not know it now.
You saw it when Tim. Eaton's
Was only called a shack.
When he could carry all the goods
We had upon his back.
You saw some Wonderous things
inc] greater are it store
Than any mind has yet conceived
Or ever seen before.
Permit me, Sir, if not too late
But better late than never.
To wish you joy on this event,
And happiness for ever.
1 e and resector you,
wishing von God's blessingandninny snore
Years of happy wedded lie in the dear old
hone. Signed on behalf of the children,
Among those present from a dis-
tance were : Mrs. R. Stanley and Miss
May S'anley of Listowel; Mrs, J. A.
iteI enzie and little daughter of Kin-
cardine; lir. and airs. Wm, Hoffman
and family of Zurich; Mrs. Evans and
family, and miss Vera Quance of
Alba Craig,
Children Cry for
council regarding the putting in a Be-
ment tank near the power house, offer-
ing to do the excavating if the council
would complete tank,
The committee appointed at a meet-
ing of the Cemetery Board presented
their report as to the taking over of
the Cemetery by the Council, after an
exchange of views the matter was laid
over for future consideration.
Gillespie — Cobbledick — that Mrs.
Sutton be paid the sum of :elL00 per
week during the pleasure of the Come
Hawkins — Cobbledick — that Mr.
Sneli's proposal be laid over for further
Hawkins — Cobbledick — that the
Treasurer be permitted to open •an
account with and deposit the funds of
the corporation with either of r the
Chartered Banks in Exeter in accord-
ance with advice obtained by the
Hawkins — Cobbledick — That the
following accounts be passed and or-
ders drawn on Treasurer for same:—
Rd. Quance, labor, $2.00 ; Thos. Brock,
do, 63c. ; Thos, Flynn, do, $L37.—Car-
Cobbledick — Hawkins — that the
Bonds of Treasurer as presented be
approved and accepted.—Carried.
Council adjourned to meet at call of
Ciro. H.TBIssETT, Clerk,
The World's Favorites For
Over Tweltlll-Fite
For over twenty-five years the Dia-
mond Dyes have been the chosen and.
popular dyes all over the civilized
world. Diamond Dye users never
suffer failures or disappointments in
their work ; they quickly and easily
get the exact colors they require, and
thus save time and money. The Dia-
mond Dye, Mat and Rug Patterns are
popular from the Atlantic to the Pa-
cific. The designs are artistically col-
ored on the best Scotch Hessian and
are ready for hooking. Send your full
address to The Wells & Richardson.'
Oo., Limited, 200 Mountain St., Mon-
treaI, P. Q.
%.."`,d'. $A....� .w4 ?; �J�-.!a•�n Y "rc'.. ,3`k'+h;iC:..;:6 e...M
To buy Paints and Wall Finishes. Our stock is now very
complete in all shades and colors.
HOLLYWOOD Ready Mixed. Paints, 40 beautiful
shades, 15c per can and up.
Lnarnelit Enan .el it
For Enarelil<ig Rooms, Furniture, etc, from 20c per can up
Campbell's Varnish Stains
One application Stains and Varnishes all kinds of old
Furniture, etc., Makes it look like new, 15c to 50c per can,
The new Sanitary, Wall and Ceiling Finish.
wear with the addition of a little cold water.
_ .,. AAAA.... ...
Winson Newtons Tube Colors
in all shades at
Ready to
Ki 9
Paint Brushes, all kinds, from 5c up.