HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-10, Page 15A - '
• ,
It just gee* id AM. anything.,,
Even too* ranked a number.
world can 0•0: •OwIt4Q 4401 .,.
exp.00,0*4 that is exactly what114ppened, •
to n -• bar one seed John McEnroe:Orli*
the quirter 411414Wimbledon onJilyZ; •
NOW'.14,didet see 'th,e game, only thn. so-
called Unfortunately, the
media has gotten into the habit of viewing
Mr. VigEbr01§, tantrums as the highlights
• of Pio game andshow only a few well payed
shots, 'and these are generally. his oppo-
nent's. •
If the man is the number one male tennis.
player in the world, I would think that he
makes a few good smashes or serves during
the course of a game that are worthy of
television time or a picture.
Maybe it's McEnroe's expressions that
capture the media's attention. After all, you
can get a picture of: anyone swinging a
racket but the only person that openly
displays his emotions is McEnroe.
From the TV report I saw that evening,
"Super Brat" was up to his old.tricks which
included yelling at the umpire and blaming
errors on a person' yelling. I didn't catch
whether this person was in the crowd or so-
meone on the court, but McEnroe reverted
back to a style that he had abandoned for a
short time.
A report in the Toronto Star states, "The
calmness that has distinguished his on court
personality recently has appeared to dull his
reflexes, racket control and inspiration."
This report was taken from the press wire
and has the • place line at Wimbledon,
England. I think anyone who follows tennis
at all knows Mr. McEnroe's feeling towards
the English press and vice versa. For those
who don't, let's just say that they don't have
the best working relationship.
What I read into this sentence is they feel
by being calm, he cannot play the game. Yet
fhpv pro arelonf1 Oho r-rtnov who havo
By Panne Plarejko
ed his outbursts. Or Maybe they think that
his calmness and "dulled reflexes" are the
first signs .of boredom. Or maybe they're
just trying to get Mr. McEnroe's feathers
The newspaper report went on to say
McEnroe was slow to react and displayed no
imagination. It also states that he was "easy
prey. ,for the thunderbolt serves of Kevin
McEnroe made no excuses for his loss,
stating, "He just overpowered me...It was a
combination of me being off my game and
him just wanting to win.
Sounds reasonable to me, after all John
McEnroe is human.
Clinton Sports Days successful
CLINTON - The Second Annual Clinton After the sky had cleared on July 6, the Buceaneers 12 - Bandits 2
Sports Day turned out to be a success Clinton Banatam girls made a comeback to Seaforth Boars 4 - Flying Dutchmen 3
despite heavy downpours 'during the morn- defeat Londesboro 13-11. Seaforth Nationals 14 - RRatz 1
ing of July 6. The event was also successful In ladies slo-pitch action, the teams of Buccaneers 5 - Boars 4
for Clintoh teams on the baseball diamond, Jane Ladd and Lia Hoggarth tied at three Flying Dutchmen 8 - Bandits 3
soccer field and ball hockey rink. all. . Flying Dutchmen 3 - Porch Climbers 1
The local Midget boys took on Goderich Two games were played in youth ball Boars 14,- RRatz 0
during the evening of July 5 and played to a hockey with Clinton outplaying Exeter, 8-2
three all tie. The same evening the Squirt and then losing to Goderich 5-3. A Final
girls defeated Stanley Township 26-16. The Results from the men's ball hockey tour- Seaforth Nationals 6 - Buccaneers 5
Pee Wee girls also played a team rom namen are. B Final
Fl in Dutchmen 2
Stanley Township, 'winning 18-17. Sefotth Nationals 8 - Porch Climbers 4 Seaforth Boars 7 - y g u
The Clinton Optimists have made a profit of approximately $300 on theitStaullek-Ciip•' •
draw. These proceeds will be put back into the coMmunity. Presenting the winners with
the money is Optimist representative John Preston ( right) and the winners ate (left), '
Bill Crawford, $500 and Debbie Draper,.$250. John Verbeek also won $250 but donated the
money back to the club. Fifty dollar winners were Bill Howard, John Campbell, Gerry
Holmes and Chris Bruxer. ( Anne Narejko photo)
Men's team bombs Petrolia
, CLINTON - The men's soccer team made
short work of the undetilianned Petrolia
team. Clinton totally dominated the game
and as'the final whistle blew, the score was
,7-1 for Clinton. •
Clarlie Walker scored two goals which
gives him seven goals in the past three
games. Other Clinton scorers were John
Nielsen with two, Dennis Nielsen with two
and one for Charlie Wise. Wayne Ryan and
Brad Hymers played a strong game on
defense and Bill Tugwell played a sharp „
game in net:
The real test will come July 13 in London
when Clinton will face the undefeated
Poachers, a very strong and experienced
Individuals and teams invited to Sportsfest '85 in Exeter
The Annual Lake Huron Zone Sportsfest Participants will be required to provide fice. Recreation Office at 482-3398 for more infor-
will be hosted this year by the Town of Ex- their own ,tennis racquet and three tennis Aerobia • illation: ,'
• eter. Any local teams or individuals wanting balls. Should you be interested in enrolling Any adults interested in enrolling in an
to participate in Sportsfest '85 are asked to in this program, contact the Clinton Recrea- aerobics class (evenings) are encouraged to - , Blue Jay Tickets
contact Kent Colquhoun or ..the recreation tion Office at 482-3398. Lessons will be Mon- contact the Clinton Recreation Office at 482-
Toronto Blue' Jay tickets are on sale.
director:- . ? , day and Wednesday nights with the first 3398. Peggy Jones will be instructing this Tickets are available on a first come, first
Fit Kids lesson beginning Wednesday, July 3 at 6:30 - fitness program, and it . is geared for both • serve basis and matt be paid for, no reser-
Due to the Pool: response, the "FIT KIDS"
Program for children will not be offered. •
Tennis Lessons ,
Good News! The Clinton Recreatien Com-
' mittee will. be offering both adult and youth
tennis lessons. The instructional prograni
will be open to individuals ages 8. and over.
8:30 p.m. on the C.H.S.S. tennis courts. men and women.
Port Elgin Tennis The Goderich 10 KM .
Tournament , I Classic Run
The seventh Annual Port Elgin, Open Mix- The Town of Goderich Recreation Depart-
ed Doubles Tournament is being held in Port ment is hosting the Goderich 10 KM. Classic
Elgin, Sunday, July 14. Application forms ' Run on July 20. It is open to runners and jog -
are available, at the Clinton Recreation Of- gers of all ages. Please contact the Clinton
I -Spring Clean -Up
Have All the Carpet In Your Home ;7 INV
Steam Cleaned For *1"*.
The Low Price of
$9595, spAnecdiFavviii e move the
• Upholstery CleanAinUg 9 4" ".°nnsduedred8'
r Pi rit cer 1
AM - 9 PM
We Still Have A Few Appointments Left! 1-800-265-8924
FEE ...fat Boys and Olds
ages 6 and under,
July 13 at 10 am -11:30 am
Clinton Ann
if inietesied confael
Clinton Oplimlat Mamba,
vations. Tickets are for Wednesday, August
7 against the- Baltimore Orioles and are
available at the Clinton Recreation Office.
"Mighty Mite" Ball
Attention BomAges-10 and under! The
"Mighty Mite" BoMBall Hockey program
will be held Saturday afternoonior weekday
afternoons at the Clinton 'Arena. Players
must wear helmets, hockey &yes and long
with the kids!
Blyth Festival Trip
. The Clinton Community Arts Co-
ordinators are planning a seniors 'bus trip
August 1 (matinee performance °WY) to the
Blyth Festival. Twenty tickets are
available. This includes your transportation
to and from the festival as well as the put:-
chase price of your ticket to see the perfot-
mance. For more information contact the
Recreation Offiee or the, Art' Cd -ordinator
at 482-7731. Hope to seeYou. therel !'*
Arts and 'Crafts
The Clinton Conununity Art and Crafts
Co-ordinators will be holding workshops
. Monday afternoons from July. 5 to August
26, 2:30 - 4 p.m.„Children ages ve and up
are welcome to participate. Hoe to see yoif
pants (sweat pants are recommended).. there! For more information ontact the
Evetyixie rtiust play injhis siiperVised 'and" • Recveation Office orthelAtiitsCo4rdinatiOsk.
exciting recreational sport. This program The ClintonArts Co-or,ditiattitgliVilY he''
holding three Saturday workshOpS. onluly •
will start in the next two weeks. For more
information contact Kent Colquhoun or the 20, August 3 and August 17 at the Town Hal "
Recreation Director. Auditorium. Children, ages 8 -, 13 ,are,
welcome. The workshops will run from .10
Hotdog Day a.m. - 3 p.m. with a lunch. provided. A $10
The. Clinton Summer Playground is registration fee per workshop is requite&
hosting a Hotdog Day, July 12 at the Clinton Registration will be held Wednesday, July
Library Park on Main Street from 11:30 10 at the Clinton Community Center. (For ••
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Come and enjoy your lunch first session or all 5 jfre e sessions) - • r
Clinton Raceway resp.lts ,:r:
CLINTON - The fourth day of racing was Finishing in -second place was Dixie Wilco,,
held at the Clinton Raceway on July 7 with driven by Wayne Preszcator, and. third'
10 races. ' place went to Country Chip, . driven by -
Winning the first one mile pace was Nor Michael Glavin.
Lea Mary Ann, driven by Robert Taylor. Ross Battin drove Mitola Hi to a first
place finish in the second race with Fred
Sadler, driving Brandy Seelster, finishing
second. Third place went to Randy McLean
who was driving Tar Daw Duchess.
Lady Jeronamo proved to be the fastest
horse in the . third race. She was driven by "
Fred Sadler. Barerial, driven by Ross Bat -
.tin, took the second place spot with0
Widowers Sue, driven by Keith Coates, tak-
ing third place.
The fourth pace; which was a .one mile
trot, was won by Winsome Blue with Gerald
Sloan driving. Sports Jan, with ROss Baffin
at the reins, .finished second.and Win Field
Dandy placed third. Win Field/Dandy was ,
driven by Bernard Desmond. , :1 '
Jack Radcliffe, drivnig Frontana Ken- '
nedy, won the fifth race with Fred Sadler
driving Nugget Horner 'to a second ,place
finish. Ron Keeling and,
IVrinyinike ;,took
Maguire and Prisoner teahted1
uto '
• 1 . i' '' .
sixth race with Roy O'Hagan and
Profound Visiori placing secohd. Randy
driven by Fred Sadler.' Derightf0d11 and
John Muir teamed up W take ski* with
Sadler and Country Topper took third.
driven by Ross Battin: 'placing second..
Royalview Fanny and SWIM.: ;,,isSeil e tak- ,
tional Sal to a second place finish with Fred
won race number eight yitbShyloh Calypso,
Becky Hi, driven by Digeltennedy„finished
in third place. i , • , . .zt,..
Henry and Shaddw FlY lli, ghil51411 third.,
the seventh race and Handy Slipper was the
winning horse. Cliff Penalagan drove Betty MacNeil and driVer Wayne I3upee
The•ninth race was Vved 6yStmil'he HOod,
Ross Battin was the winning driver during
, ,
ing third place.
The tenth and final race of tlikaftertloori
was won by Furious Force who wiS1dAVen '
by B. Graham. Highland Gambier, driven
by Rene Bertsch, finished in second place •
with Buzz'n Greed taking third place. Buzz'n
Creed was '&0/en by GeraldSloan.
Sires Stakel4be
.held in Goderieh
GObERICH - Goderich Raceway hosts
it's' first Ontario Sires Stake4 event of the
season on Thdredayi'Jii, 14Ith the pro- 1
vince'Vnest two-Yesitto1411t tr ters coin-
ing to nada' s "prettieStlit t r: 4"
The ace at Goderich* .etucfdl�ne for
these trotting colts as it se as a warm -
ti for their July 25 meeting at Toronto's
Greenwood RaCeway when they will rade
for a purse of $100,000.
The star of this division so thr has been
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