HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-07-10, Page 12cins in Suzuki film By B rtha MacGregor ,HEN;SALL-Mrd Mrs. Jeff Raebgrn and family of. Coronation, Alberta are holidaying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Slade and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raeburn. Jessie Armstrong of Northerest is holidaying with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Flear at Grand Bend, Mary Roobol, who has. been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter for several weeks. was able to return to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker returned home after spending a week's vacation with Sgt. Doug Wein, R.C.M.P., Mrs. Wein and David at Gloucester, Ottawa. Dorothy Mickle , played the piano. Volunteers were Nan Britto and Hazel Luther. Wednesday provided a full day of ac- tivities.l3ingo was played in the morning. In the afternoon residents played croquet while others baked. Father Mooney was in on Friday to minister to the Catholic residents. On Sun - ,.day the residents enjoyed a special treat; Bob Johnston from London brought his show dogs. Bob is the son of Lorne Johnston who is a resident in the Rest Home. The dogs were well trained. People ° Bea Uyl had the misfortune to fall downstairs and has been receiving treat - Jim Dickins rides near Durham . ment in University Hospital, London. She Jim Dickins rode in the 80 A Support Class was able to return homebn Sunday. at the 250 Canadian Grand Prix, at Moto The Hensall United Ch ch service was Park near Durham over the weekend. On taken by Ken Van Allan in the absence of the Saturday Jim finished fourth in the qualifier Rev. Stan McDonald, who is in Montreal. and sixth in his moto. On Sunday he finisffed The order of Worship was taken by Sharon fifth to give him fifth for the weekend. On Wurm; Lloyd Fergusorrwas in charge of the Saturday evening Jim had the excitement Psalm reading. The guest speaker Mr. Van and honor of test driving anew Suzuki R.M. Allan gave an inspiring message on 80 for a film crew from Suzuki, Japan. Ross ' 'Faith' .1 Velvia Fuss presided at the organ. Peterson, Canada's number 1 rider was also Kay Mock received the worshippers and on the track on a bigger bike. Throiigh an in- ushers were Elizabeth Thomson, Pam terpreter the two riders were told how to do Gackstetter, Mary Jane Parsons, Karie Sue the jumps and what parts of the track to use. Kyle. Barb Gackstetter was in charge of the The Film that was shot is to be used as a Children's Time. marketing Film in Japan as well as other Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe and Sally of parts of the world. Jim's next race is July 14 Mitchell were "recent visitors with Mrs. at his home track, Bully Gully. Chaffe's mother Hazel Corbett. Queensway Nursing Home Ross and Donna Corbett and Jeff and A' walking Club has been developed at Sheila Corbett attended the wedding of Cin - Queensway. Many residents have joined dy Preston, to Scott Petch. Cindy is the and are out walking as often as possible. As daughter of Fred and Barbara Preston, Sun - well exercises are held three mornings a dridge. The happy couple will be living in week in both the Nursing and Rest Horne. Ajax. On Sunday, June 30 June birthdays were. Mrs. Sim Roobol has been a pati^nt in celebrated. In the morning several South Huron Hospital, Exeter for several residents baked the cake arid in the. after- weeks, where she is undergoing treatment. noon everyone enjoyed the cake and ice Her many friends wish her a speedy cream after playing a few games. Thanks to recovery. Eileen Rennie who helped as a volunteer at .. As of June 24 Pat Pollock and Karen the party. Dickins of the Bank of Montreal Staff were A Church service was held on July 3. Rev. transferred to the staff at the Bank of Mon - Stan McDonald conducted the service while , treal, Branch at Exeter. Pretty wedding at Varna Church By Mary Chessell VARNA - Shirley Reid of Edmonton' is visiting with her sisters-in-law, Anna Keys, Ruby Hill and Doris Cantelon and Mr. Fred Reid. Varna Church was the setting for a pretty wedding on Saturday, when Sandra Webster was married to Robert Eedy of Winthrop. A large crowd attended the, reception at the Pine Ridge Chalet. There will be no services in Varna .and Goshen churches• until after the lakeside service on August 11. Rev.. Cheryl -Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa of Egmondville .is the minister on call, or Rev. Stan McDonald. A shower is being held at Goshen Church on July 15 at 8 p.m. for Janet McKinley, who will be moving to Edmonton after her mar- riage the end of July. On August 26 there will be a shower for Betty Pennings. Jennifer, David and Dianne Laing of Mississauga are holidaying with their grandparents; Bruce and Anna Keys. The Stanley Township history book corn-' mittee has had a slow response to its request for calls from families wishing to reserve space for family •histories. It is not necessary at present to have your informa- ticn in order, just call Mr. or Mrs. Albert Postma and let them know you wish to be in- cluded, so they will know how much space is , required for that section of the book. Bill and Mary Chessell, along with Don, Olive and Michael Riehl of the Mitchell area, spent several days with John and Nor- ma Jefferson and family at their home in Sault Ste. Marie and their cottage on Lake Huron near Echo Bay. I remember seeing a program on TV of people and pets who resembled each other. While waiting for the Chi-Cheemaun at South Baymouth, we saw a slim young woman with very curly hair and wearing a lot of eye makeup who had a small, trimmed poodle with dark coloring around its eyes. The resemblance was striking. There was also a portly oldfellow with a fat bulldog (don't remember ever seeing • a thin bulldog), and he had a face like a bulldog. The Stanley Steamers and Hill and Hill .teams are sponsoring the annual Slo-pitch tournament this weekend at Stanley Ball Park. This event always attracts a big crowd of spectators.. They hope to have a new six-foot high fence installed before the tournament. Residents travel By Isabel Scotto BRUCEFIELD -.Summer is a good time for travelling and visiting friends and fami- ly in distant places. Some Brucefield residents have taken advantage of the good weather to go visiting while others have had guests at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple was one couple that' decided to travel, spending a few days last week with Rob Marshall and his family in Ottawa. Sharon Pine and her children spent last week with her mother, Grace McBride. George Clifton .visted the Wayne Stirling family on the weekend: Viplet Ross spent the weekend with Jim RosS and family at Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moffat and their family have left the manse to take up residence in Wallaceburg. Gerald Aldevinckle of Fredricton, New Brunswick is spending his summer holidays' with the Mac Wilson family. • ,Art Alexander is now home from the Clin- ton Public Hospital. We're Celebrating GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1-5-0 with these SESQUICENTENNIAL SPECIALS! Special prices in effect 11 to July 19 .,... r , . y \, Vett el* V VI to r i+ v 44410 —TIRE SPECIALS® Example; P215 -75 -RIS FABRIC RADIALS ONLY $73.8s UM Price '94.20 P215 -75-R1 y ALL SEASON RADIALS ONLY $75,00 UM Price '99,04 Installed and computer balanced See us for BRAND NAME TIRES We Derry these top qualify firm. CaII as for OVA best pried, MOST COMMON SIZES INSTOCK "Kalif Spring Field 'Goodyear MicMHn 'firestone 'Cavalier 'General ' B.F. Ooodrloh 'Bridgestone MRM TRAITOR TIRES Front farm and Implement fires DON'S GENERAL REPAIR and TIRE. SALES., HOLM' VILLE - 211 miles south past White Carnation 41. Ado Phone 482-9227 Ben, a border collie used to herd sheep was the overall winner in obedience training wit the Bluewater Kennel Club. Ben, is owned by Florence Pullen (left) of RR 4 Clinton. He gladly received a trophy awarded by Melodize Howse, president of the Huronia Humane Society. The second place finisher, only two points behind, was Major, an Australian Shepherd, owned by Kathy Rueger of RR 4 Clinton. (Shelley McPhee photo ) convert 94 ByBolen O.we Delegates from. the Bayfield Garden. CIO attended the 79th annual convention of the Ontario Horticultural Association held June 19»21 at the University of Windsor. Alex and Leda McAlister, Kay Reid and Helen Owen represented Bayfield. "Gardening for All Ages" was the conference theme and over 500 people participated. The program was comprehensive, covering competitive displays, commercial exhibits, civic beautification as well as visits to the Peace Gardens, Windsor Rose Garden and Sunken Garden, and opportunities to exchange ideas with fellow horticulturists from across the province. One point of added interest occurred when a Barber Shop, choir entertained the 'delegates. The Assistant Director ' of the group was no less then David Duncan, grandson of Dr. and Mrs: Mary Shepherd, and during the course of his duties as master of ceremonies, with a twinkle in his eye he acknowledged the presence of the `Bayfieldites' ! The convention also marked their atten- dance by the planting of a rare split leaf beech treein the grounds of the'University. Stressing International Youth Year, information was given on ways of involving children in horticultural activities, and some of the exhibits displayed in the juniorf categories revealed the wide degree of participation and originality of the entries. Although the delegates had to leave before the conclusion of the meeting on Friday it Manytravel dor f mineralhasbeen s bonus as Leda wonlearnedthat an there attendanwacean prizeadded - a trip to Toronto! ' By Isabel Scott BRUCEFIELD - The sympathy of the community was expressed last week to Ross Scott and family, on the death of his wife Alice. . Attending the funeral from a distance were Leon and Ruth Rushcall, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and son, 'Mrs. Les Fisher and Janet Rushcall, all (*Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Marc Bowles of Qualician Beach, B.C., Mrs. Rob Adkin and son of Kamloops, B.C. and Andrew Rushcall of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Scott and son of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunlop' of Mississauga, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLaughlin of Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Rattenbury of Water - down, Eleanor Rattenbury bf Burlington, - Mrs. Jack Beattie of London, Mrs. Andrew Beattie and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Beattie of Wilton Grove and Ed Rushcall of Cleveland, • Ohio. • • People report Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jackson have returned from a trip to the western pro- vinces. . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bailey of Alliston spent the Canada Day weekend with. her father, Aldie Mustard. Jack Gilmaar of , Toronto visited with Violet Ross. Oeorgene McCartney of London spent the Canada Day holiday with Mr. and- Mrs, Wilson McCartney and Robert. Also visiting was Norma Wyman of Dearborn Heights, Michigan. They took in the festivities of the Tuckersmith Sesquicentennial. Dr. Charles Mustard of Parry Sound spent a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mustard and Cathy. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall of Tweed,' formerly of Brucefield, announce the graduation of their daughter Teresa Leigh from the General Arts and Science Pro- gram, Lambton. College, Sarnia in June. Teresa was a graduate of Central Huron - Secondary . School in Clinton. She is employed at Hully Gully Sports, Varna. Party held for 80th KIPPEN - Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig of Grand .Rapids, Michigan, visted Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Smilie, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workinan and Rena Caldwell on July S 7. While in Ihe area, they also attended the 80th birthday party held for Jim Doig.. Florence Cooper is in the Exeter Hospital. She is wished a speedy recovery. . Boxes hide - trash drums - By Doris Hunter One .by one attractive new boxes are ap- pearing on Main Street, 'to hide. the ugly drums for trash which are so necessary all year round..They are the gift to the village of the Bayfield Lioness. ' Alex Shevchuk has designed and is building thein with his excellent workman- ship' very easily seen. The color of green• blends perfectly into the landscape. Another generous gift •t' ' ur •village from those dedicated girls of the Lioness. . They're planning a big day for' the ladies on July 18; a fashion show and -auction, just - for fun. Reserve the date. . The Lions had 'a -big night Friday, when a large crowd turned out for the Bingo Game at the arena. Maurice Brown of Waterloo took home the $300 jackpot. Library Hours Please note that the list of the -surnmer hours for the library misquoted thsopening hours,on Mondays: This should Milt read: 1 to 5 p.m. - • Sale Starts Now At Wuerths in Exeter 'St Clinton 2O% off Ladies summer sandals, summer dress shoes and summer casual shoes Leisure shoes you 11 love to wear! All Children's SUMMER 10% arf SANDALS ate' No refunds on sale merchandise Wurt SHOES' ow= a v,� Exeter & Clinton MIME. Qac'piety & Service. Since 1938. ilT Lamm "One Step Ahead"ONAMMOkri