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Clinton News-Record, 1985-6-19, Page 53
Page 6 �lA SA PRICES IN EFFECT TILL JUNE 22, 1985 TO OFF ALL NURSERY STOCK 36" TALL *FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES 1 Gal. sinSKYROCKET *EVERGREENS SPREADING JUNIPERS 895 *FLOWERING SHRUBS *SMALL FRUITS JUNIPERS NOW *FLOWERING TREES While ONLY * They Last... AND MUCH MORE! FRESH FLOWER & VEGETABLE BOX PLANTS 2 BOXES FOR ONLY * TWO SIZES! * MOST VARIETIES AVAILABLE * ©I OFF Doctor Scholls Ladies' Sandals Fresh Bulk and Packaged GARDEN SEEDS HANG. OBS BASKETS Petr n%. #mpat iens, Gema u Good Supply of Best Selection of * RED GERANIUMS *INSECTICIDES & HERBICIDES WING AT BOONIA HtJ1.BS AIr1N A 1#ULB• S. Il AHLI/k'B�IL r. *ARLICBULB PLUS MANY, MANY MORE BLOOMIN° BUYS THE Mac PHEE'S OF M -VI/ MOTORS LTD. HAVEGONE, MaCCRAZY! Mac OIL SPECIAL FOR MOST CARS and LIGHT TRUCKS Includes 4 litres of 10W30 Oil and an Oil Filter Reg. 524,75 ONLY 5 PLUS TAX Mac SHOCK SPECIAL All Volvo Models Parts and Labour 10F ac EXHAIUSTTTTTTTT$PECIAL 10 FF Mac OFFERS EXPIREJUN_E 28, 1985, (Exclude Special Offers or Coupons) All Volvo Models Parts and Labour EST DRIVE OUR NEW VOLVO WAGON AND YOU'LL TRADE IN YOUR PERFORMANCE SEDAN. . For di; yng into corners, our new yowl) 740 Wagon is equipped with MaccPhersdln struts, stabilizer bars and double-acting shock absorbers up font. Constant track suspension (a design so new we were awarded a patent) keeps the rear find in line. For power, the 744 offerr3 a inel.iniected four-cylit r engine that makes short work alit of long straightaways. So avoid the shortcomings of the performance sedan: Coyne in tomorrow and trade up to our new Volvo wagon. THE VOLVO 740 WAGON •t. taISS VOM OpNADA t.40 All I4$' mrwle•I yr•.0 sh,h,t . mow wnh an unhmdrel It dnmrl re<, .1 v.ar limilyd warranl v tirr de•arrr 1.4 trt ms and t 4,ndm.111* OICanada'sCanada's longest rennin-Nildealer with friendly, personal service since 1958 MW..MOTORS LTD. Sales and Service 184 EAS: T ST., GODERICH ph: 524-2113 THE Mac PHEE'S OF M -W MOTORS LTD. HAVE GONE Mac CRAZY! Mac OIL SPECIAL FOR MOST CARSand L HT TRUCKS Includes 4 litres of 10W30 oil and an Oil Filter. Reg. 524°75 $1185 ONLY ■ �AXS 10'M�� BRAKE SPECIALMac EXHAUST SPECIAL Ali Mazda Models 10' �� ®F F Parts and Labour. OFF MaaOFFERS EXPIRE JUNE 28,1985, (Exclude,Special Offers or Coupons) All Mazda Models Parts and Labour. "We're out to deliver a good deal more: BRUCE M"OPHEE We've got a simple philos- ophy at your local Mazda dealership. First you offer the very best deal. Then you make it even better. To make it better, we're committed to total customer satisfaction. That means continuing the kind of attention you expect long after you expect it. Pay us a visit and see how we can deliver a good deal more for you. M -W MOTORS LTD. Sales and Service 184 EAST ST., GODERICH ph: 524.2113