HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-3-5, Page 8Th.
g. Pickard C
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GETTING READY FOR RnUS*-New goods coming in
every day, Stock will soon be complete. - We think we
have good . reasons for feeling very proud of our new spring
lines; anp as usual values will be correct for the buyers;
Come in and sell our new goods whether you want to buy
or not. You know you're always welcome to . come and
study the new styles at Stewarts,
New wall papers, a magnificiieut
range of up to. ,mice Canadian and
American goods.
3c the roll for a very neat, well
printed paper. Some people say We
as good as the ordinary 70. papers -
See it.
5e. the roll for a new line of wall
paper, stripe back ground, with a
lovely floral covering. By far the
best 5e. paper we have ever seen, All
the new shades and combinations.
7c, the roll for .nice bright glimmer
effects, swell goods, suitable for any
1,00, the roll for ua grand range of
fall gilt papers„ Valaes such as we
have never before shown. We would
particularly ask you to take a careful
look through our 10c. line.
121 and 15e for very fine gold decor-
ated papers. The kind that you are
sure to admire.
25c the roll for the finest gold and
silk combination that we have ever
All our papers have matched bor-
ders and ceilings n ce 1 ngs if you want thein.
95c. each, for ladies fancy sateen
Underskirts, black and white stripes,
and pleeted and frilled.
15e the yard for a swell lot of silk
flaished.Wrapper and Waist goods.
The swellest lot we have ever shown.
25c the yard. for pure Jap wais
silk, 20 different shades, the kind tha
looks well and wears well. Ask to se
the range.
$1.25 for 12/4 blue and white fancy,
Marselles Bed Spreads. The largest
and best spread we have shown for'
25e the yard. for new Plaid Lustres,
very swell for dress waists, three lines
to select from.
25e the yard for a new Sap Floor
Matting, fancy ora
t g> f p fl 1 effects, in blues
and greens,
$1.00 and $1.25 the pair for a very
choice lot of ladies' new dressed and
undressed Kid Gloves. Every pair
sold under guarantee.
We sell Groceries, oheap all the time Don't pay the old
fashioned high prices, you may just as well be on the ground
GIG (118 I MORE t..1 f\.
Sovereign Bankr
of Canada,
Capital paid up $1,300,000.00
Surplus.... ............ 270,00.00
President, - - - H. S. HOLT, ESQ.
General Mgr. - D. M. STEwA.RT, ESQ.
Deposits of $1.00 and upward re-
ceived and highest rates of interest
allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at
favorable rates. Loans made to far -
niers on their own names at reason-
able. rates.
A general Banking Business done.
Exeter and Crediton
Manager. Manager.
GL AD I ^A.N & STANBURY, Solicitors.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noo.:= Zirte big event of the year will bei
Wednesday of each week. ; : e 12th of March. The opening dayt
,tea-ef the biggest sale ever held in Exeter.
THURSDAY, MARCH 5TH, 1903tt --Bargains, yes bargains. - Semea &
w - BFNNETT. 401
Decals ' 1 The Temperance workers of Smith
' Huron, will hold a convention in Hen -
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Mr. Geo. l acrett was in Toronto on
business this. week,
Mrs. Chas. Harrison is suffering from
a severe attack of 1a grippe.
Mrs. Crocker, of St. Marys, is visit•
ipg her sister, Mrs. D. Johns.
3. G. Stanhury, was at the County
Town, on Monday, on legal matters.
Mrs. Germain, and ,Mild, of London,
are the guests of Mr, and 4: rs, Glad-
man, at present,
Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Sanders of 233
Waterloo street, I ol,don, visited their
many friends her e during the week,
Mr. Harold Collins and Mr, Arthur
Loadman left last week for Winnipeg,
Manitoba, where they will in future
Miss Emiline Howard left on Mon-
day, for Killarney, Manitoba, where
she has accepted a position as ukilliner
in that place.
Miss Cora Cann, who was attend-
ing the wedding of 'her brother, Mr.
Lorne Cann, and Miss Fredrene
Down. returned home on Friday last.
very department in full swing.
very department full of bargains.
Reenember the opening day, Thursday
March 12th. The R. Pickard star ,
There will be a sale'on Tuesday next
``Werth 10th, at one o'clock p. m. on lot
18, concession 2, Usborne of valuable
farm stock implements etc, the pro-
perty of the late Mr. B. 1, Higgins.
See large bills for particulars.
The, remains of Mr. Robert Kirk,
who died at the House of Refuge,
Clinton, on Monday, passed through
here on Tuesday last, for interment
in the Kirkton cemetery. Deceased
VMS a resident of Kirkton for a great
ulumber of years.
Elders :A E. Mortimer, of London,
and A. ' Hinsley, of Selkirk, Ont.,
have come into Usborne this week, as
missionaries, to look after the inter-
ests of their demonination, They
will hold pre telling services next Sun-
day at 2 and 6.80 P. 111., rn thei
(Latter -Day Saints) church.
All--- kinds of farm produce
taken as cash, at Snell and Ben-
nett, Highest prices for -trade,
lowest prices for goods, Don't
forgettheopening day, Thins
day, March I21h.
Miss Vera Rowe is confined to the
house, through illness,
Grover Bissett has started to lear n
the harness making with Mr. Georg e
Mr. Dan Wood, who has been con-
fined. to the house through illness, is
able to be around again.
BLISS Vera Hawkshaw has accepted
a situation as milliner with Chapman
and and Co of London.
Mrs. Elizabeth Horney, of Usborne,
has purchased the James Darling
house and lot on Main street for $300.
Mrs. Horney, of Usborne has pur-
chased the cottage of Irr. Jas. Darling
on main street on Thursedy last and
will -shortly move to Exeter.
Miss Eva Browning is in Port
Huron, attending the wedding of her
cousin, Miss Percy, of that city. Sh e
will also -make a short visit there.
sail, on Monday, March 9th, at 2 p, m,
The trams office is the niece to get All interested in temperance work are
your job printing, i invited to be present.
Have you renewed your subscr t ion 1-!:%-rilae biggest sacrifice sale ever,.
to the TIMES yet. s Feld fin Exeter, will start Thurs-
Mrs. 3, M. Howard spent Monday 'day the 12th of March, at the R.
in, London,
To LET. -on business,
'Pickard Co. store, now . Snell &
An office to let in Fahson s Bennett. Bargains, Bargains,
B lock, also a hall on third fiat, apply
toRAY, L. PANSON. nothing but bargains.
Lace Curtains and Carpus
good spring trade in Lace Curtains, Scrims, Art
Muslins and Draperies, We bought our goods through a
manufacturer's agent thus giving us a big advantage over
the usual manner of buying curtain goods. Our makes
Consist of Swiss and Nottingham manufactures and can be
relied upon, as being extra
Our Lace Curtain prices are 25c, 35c, 50, 7oc, go, $1.00, $1.15,
$1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.2o, $2.25, $2.4•.0, $2,5o, $2.75, $3.0o, $3.50
a pair. These goods are to% and 15% Jess than regular prices.
rrAteoTs BAZAAR*
(This ad. Changes Every Week) 4.
We have an extra nice line of .1.
in just now and esteem it a
pleasure to show them to our 4
.g customers. These lamps are
not the ordinary hand lamp 4.
you usually see, but are a re- +
.g. gular medium sized stand
4. lamp, with medium sized chim-
ney, and burner, all complete, 4
.i. for •2Ec. +
Inspect them Buy them, .;;.
Remember we are headquar-
ters for plate displays, card
a. easels, cup and saucer easels, e.
cake plate holders, ect., and °I°
can give you a wide ckoice.
+ The time is now. The place is 4.
Talbots Bazaar
WeddinglPresents a Specialty. ,'ig,
++++++++++++++++++++++ +++.1.
,-,The R.- Pickard Stock must be
reduced. Price must be the lever.
'Come expecting bargains and
tlyou -wont be disappointed. Thurs-
lay March 12th, opening day.—
'Snell and Bennett. a.
=-Master 45. ilbert Martin who h
been in the emplop of Mrs. W. I1,
Yeo, has resigned his position aikir
leaves shortly for Winnipeg where hPee
has accepted a position with Robinson'
& Co. of that city, We predict for
him a bright future in that prarie
Mr. 'and Mrs, W. H. Parsons, who
have be en visitingrelatives and
friends here, for the past few days,
intend leaving for their home in Ed-
monton, early next week. Mr. Parson
is engaged in the real estate business
there, and speaks very highly of the
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco-
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904. -TEE EMPIRE To-
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat will be at the .Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday
Feb. 4th ; Wednesday, March 4th
Wednesday, April 1st • Wednesday
May Gth; Wednesday, June 3rd, 1908.
Spectacles and eyeglasses properly,'(
fitted, Next visit will be Wednesday,
Way. 4th.
o Our ontwaufss
HAVING SOLD OUR STOCK and leased our
premises, for a term of years, we would
take this opportunity of thanking our many friends., '
and. patrons for the splendid support givenus
during the past thirty years.
All peisons holding DUE ,!ILLS against us,
will kindly present them at this store at once.
All persons having unsettled accounts are re-
spectfully hequested to.
call and settle same at
once, as we intend winding up the Exeter busi-
ness immediately.
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The R. ickard Co
Direct Importers
perance convention of the south riding
of Huron, will be held in Millers Hall.
Hensall, on Monday next, . March 9th
at 2 o'clock. All temperance workers
are cordially invited to attend.
am; Snell Sr Bennett extend to
every one a cordial invitation to
"their great opening sale, Thurs-
'day, March L2th. Never miss a
ood opportunity,
-The services on Sabbath will be ink,
the interests of the Educational Socie-
$2.50, FULL WIDT H. everything in Clothing, every-
..thing in Crockery, everything in
' Boots and Shoes, everything in
'Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums,
For You at Alli. l:� .and ,Curtains, in fact everything
Almost Cost Price. "in the big R. Pickard Co's store,
A short time ago we•were enabled to buy single webs of Carpet.,: now Snell & Bennett, at sacri-
from one Gf the biggest dealers in Canada, This advantage gave ' ,ce prices,
tis the prii'ilegeof purchasing Carpets at very low prices We p : 'CANTED. - A caretaker for the
give you the benefit of our purchase. Molson's Bank. For further particu-
Hemp Carpet worth 25c, for ........ . .. . .... 20c a yd. lars apply to the Manager, Theater,
the James-st Metho-
Union Carpets worth e. for... . •.. c a . d. €'`. church, rand The R. Co's.
45 35 Y t . Pickard
Union' Carpets worth sac for ........ r..... Oc ayd. store, apairof gold rimmed spectacled.
Wool Carpets, worth 75c for ... ............6o a yd. Pinder will please leave same at the
ply Enlish Wool Carpets worth
$1,25 tor ....95c a yd.
ate '
t nt Tapestry Carpet, worth c5c.; for ....: c a d.
..p , 975 . y
Ax -minister Carpet, worth $,25c for ....m ....95c. ayd.
These are all newattet•ns with new shades. Fu from us
p Y
save money,
(Atomics a Specialty.
Oreo Door South post office
Rr Pickar,d Oo's store.
AGENTS •WANTED. -To take orders+
for our Oustom Made Skirts, Raglans,.
and Raincoats. Liberal commission.
Write at once to CANADIAN SKIRT Co.
ltelpli, Ont,
LticTu1 . Don't fail to hear the
lecture by Mr. Edward Dawson, the
well known Canadian lecturer,on
Man of the 20th. Century" on Tuesday,,
march 10th at 8 P.M, in the James
street, Methodist ehurch,i
membersof the order to be present
at our next meeting on Monday even-
ing March the 9th as we intendhaving
a "Contest" at an early date and. we
must have a large attendance in order
to make arrangements, Wehope all
members will be willing to take part
and be interested enough to make it a
success. Don't fail to come. ANNIE
M. VINCENT, Rec-Secy., Royal
The Pickard store is the place.
The 12th March is the time of
'the opening of the greatest bar-
ty. The Rev. R. N. Eno vies of,#gain sale ever held in Exeter,—
Crediton will preach morning anis •i Sneilland Bennett,
a Fon SALE -One large copper kettle ding was on Wednes
Dower-CANN-A very pretty we
solemnized •
holds 110 gallons, splendid for boiling night of Iast week the reside, > of
maple sap, original price $75, will sell Mr. Wm. Down, Dundas street .y the
now at'$25. Also one splendid hub Rev. S. Salton, of West London. The
boxing machine, hearty new, price $45
will sell nowcontracting parties were Miss-Fredre-
$25,atIi UNDS
for D. B A ne Down, and. Mr. Lorne Cann, son
xeter North. t of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cann of Exeter,
CONCERT. --A rare treat is in store both of London. The bridesmaid was
for those who will avail themselves of Miss Cora Cann, of Exeter, while Mr.
hearing Miss • .Pauline Johnson, the John D. Hodgins, of London acted as
famous Canadian elocutionist, who groomsman, After 'the ceremony,
has made such successful tours, both the guests sat down to a sumptuous
in Europe and her own land, as well supper. The customary wedding pre -
as the great Comedian, Mr. McRaye, sents were yery beautiful. Mr. and
ithe opera, on March 19th; Mrs. Cann will take up their resi-
dence in London.
" Pickard's store was always not- OBTTIIARY.- On 'Friday last Mr,
ed for the finest and best goods John Hawkshaw received the sad in -
in Exeter. Now is your chance telligence of the death of his eldest
'to,buy the finest and best at sac- daughter, Tress, which occurred at
Y the hospital, at Detroit that morning.
"tificed• prices, Don't forget the Deceased was a native of Exeter, and
pening day, ' Thursday, March spent her girlhood days here, where
----SNELL cot ..., .ETT she still has many friends. She was
married some 20 years ago, to Mr. W.
Novo.,, -Parties owing accounts to S. Dever, who now holds the position,
J. T. Manning, are requested to settle in Detroit, as chairman of the Repub-
same before March 10th, otherwise lican city committee. Mrs. Dever has
they will be placed in collector's not been in good health for some
hands. Accounts dtie the late firm months past, but only during the past
ay be paid at residence or to the week previous to her death, did her
ildersignd.-W. J. BRoolcs, condition assume a serious aspect,.
We have not advanced the price 02 She underwent a surgical operation,
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, which was successful, but other cora-
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play 'chew- plaints
h suddenlyarose, ended erin msuiferinge,
ing tobaccos are the same size and o
-price to the Consumer as formerly.
'lh e have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January lst 1004.-T EMPIRE To
You don't get a chance ever.
•I month or every year to buy the
finest goods in Exeter at a sacri-
fice price, You will have that
chance on and after Thursday,.
March r2th, at _the R. Pickard
o's store, now. Snell & Bennet
verything goes at bargain pri
R. T; or T. NE's. -Advance C
til no 207E. T. of T, will expect' " all
To her bereaved father the sympathy
of the whole` community is extended
as well as the sorrowing -brothers and
sisters. These are T. H. Hawkshaw,
of London, Mrs. McTavish, Mrs. Cry-
er, Mrs,. S. A. White and Miss Sadie
Hawkshaw, all of Detroit, and Mrt,
F. C. McDowell, of Hensen. The re-
ains were interred in Woodlawn
emetery, Detroit,
on Sunday last r,gry
Having purchased ,the R,
d Cos stock at a low rate on
e$ we can afford to offer bar-
gains never before equalled id
m,Exeter. Remember the opening
,,day,' 'Thursday, March the 12th.
.040060 006.060600060600000 1 11!/16iiY1Mep1/6060000 00.000004li001000.0400.00000
i ' ' 1
* ` is thetimetoget your Prints,C�ingbalns 4
Now y g I
e g
and Shrtin , etc, In these lines we are. show-ing the finest and best assortment we have shown .f
41 for years. Colne quick before they are all picked a.„
o ver,•ea
: Dress goods in all the newest and latest shades.
to : We have a line ofgoods that °we are showing, o.
r suitable for Waists,. which are really fine, nobby .
®. : goods. In all other lines -to-date.
s we are up-to-date.
e Ce
m1150 emoeeseees
ices i,crbooeochttne�®esomV14059 01100 .
rniture and
We Carry Good Lines in Furniture
W. .
Graduate of Dr, Myers Schcol of Embalming.
Opera House Block.
Mies Olive ifooper entertained a
number of her friends on Wednes;
day evening.
renewing his subscription to the TIDIES
Mr. J.A. Gregory,whose many friends
in and around Exeter will be pleased
to learn of his success In the far west
has sent us the following interesting
news from Yorkton, Assa :--The West
is seeing its "Growing Time." Talk
about the Oklahama rush,that isn't in
it with the rush to the West. The ho-
tels are putting up tents to accomo-
date incoming settlers, houses and
lodgings are at .a premium and car-
penters are busy pulling down and
building larger. Another Bank and
several large blocks are ,going up.
Yorkton will be the fitting -out point
for surveyors,railroad contractors and
the tide of immigration for north-east
Assiniboia during this season. Seven
hundred men are engaged for the ex-
tension of the M. & N. W. R, from
Yorkton to Prince Albert; a distance
of 200 miles. As you see I have des-
cended from the dizzy heights of a
Dommie's life to the more sordid, but
incidentally more profitable, occupa-
tion of selling real estate and lumber.
My partner is down in the States
floating syndicates to sell lands. We
have already unloaded three blocks of
40,000, 30,000 and 10,000 acres this
spring. Wishing you and the Exeter
mans merited prosperity, I remain
ours faithfully, J. A. GREGORY.
W. C. T. U.'- The first meeting of
he Woman's Christian Temperance
pion was held at the home of Mrs.
. J, Spackman. on Thursday after-
noon. Quite an interest was man!,
fisted, there being eighteen ladies
present. Mrs, Millyard conducted the
devotional exercises for the first halt
hour, giving one of her choice bible
readings from the forty-sixth Psalm
The different departments of the
work were discussed, much informa-
tion being given on these by Mrs.
Pollard, from Dashwood, who was
present ; also by Mrs, 0. Brooks, who
was an active worker of - this organi-
zation during her stay in Winnipeg.
It was decided 1iy the ladies to take
up six different departments of work
yiz.-The press; Temperance in the
Sunday School ; Anti -narcotics ; Par-
lor meetings ; Missionary work in
lumber camps ; Purity and Mother's
Meetings. Some interesting and help
ful publiceneetings
will be held in the
near future, on the last mentioned
subject. Every mother in Exeter is
kindly asked to give her influence and
cooperation in this great work, Moth-
er's meetings, where studied in child
culture, and home life are taken up
cannot fail to be a great factor, not
only in purity reform, hut also in all
reforms that are engaging . the atten-
tion of the Christian people of our
day. Theodore Ouyler once stood at
the foot of a.• Swiss mountain, which
towered up from the lovely valley to
the height of ten thousand feet, It
looked like a tremendous pull to the
top ; but he said to himself. "Oh, ib
will only require one step at a time."
Before noonday he stood on the sum-
mit, enjoying the magnificient view
around him. And so it is in child cul-
ture, one step ab a time. Formation
is better than reformation. The good
mother watches the waking intellect'
of her children, and her moral culture
more and more absorbs her mind.
Said the Emperor Bona ante, "What
France most needs is Mothers," The
regular meetings will be held on the
first and third Tuesdays of each
month, to begin at half past three.
The membership fee is only sixty cents
a year, Gentlemen may become hon-
orary members, Mits. E. ELLIOTT,
Rec, Secretary, W. 0. T. U.
Take Laxative Brace Quinine Pabletie Aly
druggists refund the money if it fails to euro.
E. W. Grove's slgnttture la- On each bow. 25o
Roller Mills
-We are giving , excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill.
Dry Soft Wood Wanted
Orislr and Gliopping
.eller Mill
For Pure .Manitoba
Family Flour (stai)-
Pastry (Princess)
11eatlet (Ereakfastfoocl)
A good supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
and be convinced that it
is all right.
Roller and Plate
Choppers in s
pp use
to suit customers.
Tnr tot MARKS
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertafe our opinion free whether an
invention 16 Prot ably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly confidential, Handbook en Patents
Sent free. ofdast o�enc
citents taYn trou x Duni &co. teao.
peamute, without charge, in the
A handsomely illustrated weekiy. Largest e1r-
eulatloO of any scientific Journal. Terms, $a 4
rear x ;tour months, $L Bold by all newsdealer&
MUNN & COr361orogulwaY, New Yot
nssnoii olnce, tee l!' $t o Washief ton, l). o.