HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-6-19, Page 14Page 12—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19. 1985 Zone and District Jubilee medal w.nners received their medals at the Zone C1 Honors and Awards Ni • ht at the Clinton Legion 011 June 15. Zone Jubilee medal winners are: (Front, left) Jack Tufford, Carolyn Holborn, Harold Chambers, Harold Black, Howard ('ar- roll, John Deeves; Norm Ferguson. District winners are: (Back left), Harry Bell, Bob Chapman, Walter Dukes, Herman Young, Don Stranden, George Campbell, Allan Nicholson, Glenn Bridge. ( Acute Narejko photo I Clinton Legion hosts awards By Al Welch CLINTON - The Royal Canadian Legion Zone C-1 Diamond Jubilee Honours and Awards Banquet and Dance was held June 15 at Branch 140 Clinton. The president Gord Tait noted, 'In this our Diamond Jubilee year, it is fitting that we sit at dinner together and enjoy an evening of comradeship and celebration. Let us toast the beginning of a new era as we call upon our sons and daughters to take on the challenges of the day and perpetuate the • values and principles on which our Legion was built.' Head table guests included: Comrade .Joe Kobolak, 1st. Vice President, Ontario Com- mand and Mrs. Kobolak; Comrade Walter Dukes. District "("' Conunander and Mrs. Dukes; Comrade Glenn Bridge, District. ".(' Deputy Commander and Mrs. Bridge, Comrade ,Jack Tufford, Zone C-1 Com- mander and Mrs, Tufford; Comrade Steve Maguire, Zone ('-1 Deputy C'onunander and Mrs. Maguire, Comrade (lord Tait. Presi- dent Clinton Branch 140 and Mrs. Tait. The guests were brought in by Piper Glen .McGregor, Colour Party George Yeats Sgt. Arms; D=(11 Armstrong and Ray Bentley. The Zone Commander Jack Tufford welcomed everyone and Chairman's remarks were given by Deputy Conunander Steve Maguire and welcome' from ))ranch ,President Gord 'fait. A toast to the Queen was given by ,John MacDonald President of Goderich Legion: toast to fallen comrades by Clarence MacDonald, W.W.I veteran (iO(ICrich Legion; grace by Reverend G. Simmons Branch 140 Padre. The dinner menu, prepared by Chef Com- rade Paul Cormier featured an appetizer of lobster tails on spinach salad with white wine, Beef Wellington with steak sauce, barbecued spare ribs with wild rice, oriental vegetables, Dutchess potatoes and baby carrots, and dessert of cherry cheescake served with whipped cream and Tia Maria sauce. Honours and Awards Presentations went to: "Past Zone Conunander Medal" Glenn Bridge; "Presentation of Diamond Jubilee Zone Medals" Jack 'Tufford, Carolyn Holborn, Harold Chambers, Harold Black,_ Howard Carroll, John Deeves and Norm Ferguson; "Presentation of Diamond Jubilee District Medals" Walter Dukes, District Commander, Glenn Bridge, Deputy District Conunander, George Campbell, District Charitable- Foundation, Bob C'hap- ioan, District headership Chairman, Her- man Young, District) Flospital 'Treasurer, Allan Nicholson, District Poppy Chairman, Don Standen ('-4 District Zone Commander, Harry Bell, (-3 '/.one Commander; "Presen- tation of Zone Certificate of Merit": FIer- oian Young District Hospital 'I'resurer, 'Harold Chambers Zone C-1 Treasurer, Harold • Black; Zone Puppy: Chairman, Howard Cams)), Zone Youth Education Chairman, Clarence MacDonald, Past Zone Commander and W.W.I veteran. Zone Diamond Jubilee plaques were presented to the fallowing .,branches in memory of: Harold Turner Branch 109 Goderich, R.E. Poolev Branch 167 Exeter, George. Inglis Branch :307 Howich. Each of these Past Comrades had over 30 years of service each in the zone. On behalf of Zone Commander Jack Tuf- ford, the Zone C-1 Diamond Jubilee•Conunit- tee and myself, I would like to thank all the members of Clinton Branch 140, who helped make the Zone C-1 Diamond Jubilee Dinner such a success. To our 'Chef Paul Cormier and••his kitchen crew the meal was superb and to the waitresses and waiters the ser- vice was excellent. All these factors helped to make this a great night. To all concerned we at zone say thank you for a job well done, Steve Maguire, Chairman Diamond Jubilee Dinner and Deputy Zone Commander. Thanks goes out to the comrades .and ladies auxiliary for their help and serving at the banquet. Without their help we could not have managed, your help was greatly ap- preciated, for a job well done. "Thank you", Comrades Steve and Dianne Maguire, Paul and Francyna Cormier, John and Hilda Semple, Ed and Blanche Deeves, Frank and Kay Pyke, Bob and Norma Draper, Frank and Miep Van Altena, Harold and Tbora McPherson, George and Carol Sutherland, John and Sandra Balfour, Milt and Mabel Schreiber, Eric Switzer, Bill Van Damme, .John Cameron, Garnet Harland, Bessie Black, .Mary Tait, Wonnetta Holland, Marie Johnston, Bertha Gibb, Bea Cook, Velma Lewis, Ruth MacLean, Verna Morgan, Alice . I.3roehu, John Deeves, Ray Bentley,` Marie, Macaulay. Robt. Menzies for video equip- ment and entertainment by Bill Marsh, again we thank you one and all. Yours in Comradeship Paul and Francyna Cormier. Sorority backs CHAS music club CLINTON-On May 14, the Xi Epsilon Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met at the )nne of Marj Dobson, where Marj presented an informative program on Landscaping and Outdoor hiving. She talked about the use of deciduous irees, and evergreens to enhance the ap- pearance of house and yard. She also men- tioned the advantages of various types of - roses, bulbs, :perennials and annuals to make an attractive display in gardens: To finish her program, Marj talked about the. usefulness of herb gardens and greenhouses, then passed around books to il- lustrate the ideas she had presented. The last meeting of the year was held on May 28 at Mary Marsh's. As usual, everyone enjoyed dinner Acting secretary, Audrey Kernp, started the business meeting by sum- marizing events of the past year in poetry. After much discussion, it was decided to put $75 towards the annual Arts scholarship at C.F1:.S.S., to purchase two more benches for the pool area at the park, and to donate $300 to the C.I I.S.S. Music Club for their new uniforms. A few members helped to serve tun . h at the C.N.I.13. meeting on May 21, and it was agreed that the chapter would be willing to do this for all of their meetings if they wish. Lois Fitzgerald thanked all the members who phoned for the Blood Donor Clinic in May. Social clrlirnlan, Vivienne Roy, rep wte(1 that the chapter attended the (sinner -theatre presented by the ('.H.S,S. Drama ('lub and especially enjoyed the (inner'.. Vivienne has worked very hard all year, so it was very fit- ting that she was selected as our chapter's "Woman of the Year" Several awards were presented during the .year - Lois Fitzgerald with a perfect atten- dance pin, Marie Black with the best pro - grain award, and Mary Marsh with the • president s gavel. Following the exemplar ritual, during which Marie Black and Joanne Poelman became {official members of Xi Epsilon Beta, the 'Installation of' officers for 1985/86 was held for the following people:' President - Nancy Anstett: Vice-president - Vivienne Roy: Secretary - Lois Fitzgerald; Treasurer - Marj Dobson find Corresponding Secretary - Audrey Kemp. The highlight of • the • evening occurred when thernember's revealed the identities of their secret sisters, with an exchange of gifts. Mos, people were surprised, but no one more than Lois Fitzgerald - better luck nett time, Lois! • • Sesquicentennial events planned As 'Fuckerslnith 'Township is celebrating 150th anniversary on June 29.' and 30 Bethel Bible Church in I gmondville is going along with the theme for their regular Sun- day everting Service at 7 p.m. on June 30. An outdoor camp nice( int; on the lastn 001- • side the church .seemed most apprnpreate. Special music has been prepared and there SEE THE NEW EIME COMBINE AXIAL FLOW — THE WAY TO GO DATE: WEDNESDAY, J ,D '°t E 26 1985 TIME: 6:59 p.m. STORY TIME: :59 p.m. *i'fr 140 Q F�°� ��� . CaON) kt:i'IS";*14 27-0120—AT THE SEAFORTH STORE F APM EQUIPM e Orth "Call us and II us that you are coming" The Clinton Legion Branch 140 hosted the Zone C1 Honors and Awards Night on June 15. Receiving the Past Zone Commander's medal was Glenn Bridges. (Anne,Narejko photo will be old time hymn singing. Rev. A. Robertson, the pastor will be at a Conference in Saskatchewan, also the saddle -back preacher for the evening will be Graham Russel, a valued member of the • Fellowship Bible Chapel, Clinton. There will be plenty of room to park cars and be comfortably seated in them or bring your lawn chair. Refreshments will be served and an op- portunity given to explore the building, which was once a school. It is interesting to note the first sermon ' preached in Tuckerslnith Township was by a saddle -)lack preacher. The story is told in the Clinton Women's Institute History of Clinton and Surrounding Community 1950; .'When the Canada Company first com- menced to cut out the l,irndon road, they put up a shanty for their workmen on lot 26. Irl this shanty the first sermon was preached in 'l'uc•ker:smith by a Methodist Minister, a missionary, niirlied Whitehead. His con- gregation consisted of three persons, Neil Ross, Angus and James Campbell. Mr. Whitehead was an old roan and very tall and the shanty roof, being pretty low, obliged him to stoop considerable to deliver his discourse, after which he remained all night with his audience. This was long before the day of churches." The Zone Cl Honors and Awards Night was held at the Clinton Legion on June 15. Three branches, were presented with zone plaques in memory of former members who put in 30 or more years of service at the zone level. Accepting the plaques were. (left to right): John A. MacDonald of Goderich Branch 109 in.memory of Harold Turner; Rick Smith of )?Exeter Branch 167 in memory of R.E. Pooley; Alex Graham of Howick Branch 307 in memory of George Inglis. (,Arwe Narejko photo) Certificates of merit were handed out to five Zone C1 members during the Honors and Awards Night on June 15 at the Clinton Legion. The certificates were awarded to (front left) Harold Chambers, Clarence MacDonald. Back left, Herman Young, Harold Black and Howard Carroll. ( Anne Narejko photo) LET THE AREA'S NEWEST MOTOR SHOP TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR... NEW MOTORS IN STOCK Single and Three Phase EWIN1FAN BLAD IPULLEYS �� `s4,1OINER HOUSE / ELECTRIC MOTORS 235-1319 HURON ST. E. EXETER "FAST SERVICE" Teachers, board mediator meet Huron County's secondary school teachers and school board representatives will sit down this week for the first time since a strike -vote on May 28. At that time, the teachers voted over- whelm.ingly-in favor of a strike, turning down the board's offer. Mediator Prof. David Whitehead of the University of Western Ontario said Monday afternoon that the scheduled meetings will take place on June 19 and 20 at the Park i,ane Hotel in 1,ondon. The professor said he doesn't know what to expect from the meeting. "1 suggest to you, that together we will ex- plore the possibility of a settlement," said the professor. The teachers have not yet set a strike date. 1