HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-3-5, Page 5IMMENSE OPPORTUNITY' For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Chain Free.—No Mon- ey Required.—Every Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl has the same Opportunity un- der our System. In order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- • Els& Toxin Bills placed in the hands of all persons seffering from bad health • we make the following most liberal • offer :— If you will send us your name arid address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin /, Pills at 25e. per box, we will give you y'f absolutely Free a beautiful Watch and Chain in either Ladies or Gents size, ov your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of • Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, - Tea, Sete, Sateen Skirts, •Cameras, etc. Henaeraber we don't want anY money until after you sell the Pills and you doe'e have to sell any more • than 1 2 boxes to get the prenainnes. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable cbncern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums . to agents` all over the country, Remember also that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills • are a well known remedy for all dis- eases of the kidney .and bla,dder, ' Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous troubles, and female com- plaints, end are for sale by all. first class druggists and dealers in medi- cines in all parts of the world. You have only to show them to sell them. You are not offering something that the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad- -- Me or Gentlemen in Nickel or Gun Metal Cases with handsome illtunin- ated dials ancl xellable •time keepers,. Vfatches such as 'no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carr, and - they will be sent absolutely Fre to all who sell only twelve boxes of these wonaerful Toxin Pills. Write at once and be the first in yourlocality „ to earn one of those beautiful watches and chain. As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you postpaid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed ageet. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more that the 12 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them, We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a method of adyertising Dr. Arnold's •English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, • write at once and earn a beautiful present for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD MEDICI NE 00 • Dept. C. 1. 50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. 5th, 100:3, .\ (Ate SETTLERS LOW RATES WEST. • Via. Chicago and North West n By. • every day from February 15th, _to April 30tb. Colonist one way second class tickets at extremely low rates -from stations in Ontario and Quebec to points- in Colorado, Utah, Montana,Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and California: also to Victoria, Vancouver, New West - Minster, Nelson, Rosslancl, &c. &c. Full particulars, rates and folders can toe obtained from B. II. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East Meg Street, sToronto, Ont. HAT -75iitha§—iiii ING WOE THE APPOINTMENT BrueseikePost : By their dilly dally- ing over the vacant registrarehip of Iluron county the Provincial Cabinet bas fairly well been made a laughing, stock of. Instead of filling the posi- tion thirty days after the decease of the late incumbent, years have been allowed to elapse and inetead of the • situation improving new entangle - extents have arisen. Many of •those who were applicants have ceased ur- --ging their claims, having grown weary of the long delay, hut there are yet at least three, if not more, who are still pressing toward the goal. • In favor of one candidate stands the re- commendation of two of the M. P. P.'s of the county and how any ca,binee can pass over this position Of atfairs is not apparent to the writer. If local •kepresentation counts for anything it cannot be ignored and should aid the Cabinet in an easy solution of the question. Another gentlenia,n is said to:be backed by menibere of the Cabie net who are not ready to relinquish their fayorite while a third applicant has years of service both in and out of the House to his credit and is nut Willing to allow this opportunity to pass unimproved. •Different dates have been set when the appointment would be made, bub up to this thne the office is still unfilled, as far as we know. The situation will not be im- proved by hesitancy and no znatter who receives it now there will be znore or less soreness, hence the dt- sirability of cloeine it up. If the mem- All Stuffed Up That's the eondition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning.' Great difficulty is experienced in clear- • ing the head and throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the "taste, smell and bearing, pollutes thebreath , deranges the stove will and affects the appetite. To euro catarrh, treatment must h • constitutionnl—alterative and tonic. "X was 111 for lb= months with cafe/ ri In the bead mei thront. Had n bad cougi and• raised •blocol, 1 bad beeorne di. cetlFiteetl whenayhosband bought a hate Of Hood's Sa leeeeeeilla and persuaded me to try it. T neleleve all to take it. It lite, mired and built me eve' Mns. linen Ili: •r.oetel. ',A:eel Macomb, N, S. good's Sarsa,parillel • Coiree eitl "tilt -it eootlieS and strongtl, ens the mucous inetnbratie and Op the elleile yaftlrn. bers of this county are the prove source of approaeh to the GroYerutnext • they sbould insiet that action be take dil speey. If hope deferred maket the heart sick there has been ampl rooxn for heart allure oyer Iiuro • county registrarellip and in our hum bis opmion unnecessarily so far as th Cabinet was concerned. A 'mull NERVE TONIC Will 0,ct, not so much directly upon -the nerves as Opole the digestive func- tions and the abundanb formation of red, vitalizing blood. Nerves can't be fed on medicine, They can how- ever be restored and strengthened. by assimilated food. The marvellous ac- tion of IvErtaozoND arises front its ac- tion over digested and assimilative. processes. When you take FerrOzOne the blood is purified, strengthened and grow rich and )va. Then you grow vigorous, healthy and beautiful, reedy for work, because you have the etrength to do it. No tonic for the brain, blood or reeves coZpares with Ferrozone Price 50c„ Druggists,or Poison & Co, Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Pills are Effective, County House of Refuge b, rilver e " When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain -strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul. Sion. It is like the penny in the milk 'because it works and because •there is something astonishing about it. „ More Aecommodation heededfor the • Large Number of Inmates. The Brussels Post of which Warden Kerr is editor, had the following are tide last week regarding the county house of refuge: ^ • There is no doubt but that an exten- sive addition will have to be built to ,the county house of refuge, at Clin- ton, in the near future. In construct- izig the present building the accom- modation was figured for seventy -live harnates at the oetside limit and that was thought to be amply sufficient, as • only about forty inmates came in at the eepening ; but to -day there are some eighty-two on the register, with the probabilities of further ac- cession in a short time. So crowded is the house that beds have been plea - ed in the beseneent to make the neces- sary proVision, Possibly the greater need in -addition to bed rooms is a nroperly turanged hospital depart- ment where diseased patients could be treated with greater convenience and comfort, and at the same time make it possible to arrange for the isolation of persons es ith infectious diseases, At the present time there is the sec- ond case of erysipelas in the house with the danger of it spr eading. A man was sent to this institution from a neighboring township, but on it be- ing discoyerechthat he was ailing with erysipelas, he was not permitted to remain. Shortly after, a Mrs. Martin took sick with the same disease and died, Dr. Shaw, the physieian in charge, ordeeed her clothing to be burned, but A sha,w1 belonging to her was taken and worn by another -in- wale and mew she is a victim to the yery disagreeable and dangerous ail- ment, In a publid institution of this kind arrangements should be made obviate such cases as the one cited and no doubt the county council will take some act on shortly. We have Prided ourselves on the capable and economical management of the Huron house of refuge, but the neces- sary room would add eery greatly to the easier caring for of. that large mily, many of whom are aged and ma or wandering in intelligence. utbreak of some contigious dis- might prove a very costly item county, as it would be quite sible in the overcrowded con - of the building to give the at - on necessary to the patients. No t the house of refuge 'committee 1 report on this subject, and in this ay the council will be brought into touch with the necessities of the case, although the members of that body are probably cognizant of the situa- • tion but have hesitated about going' to the expense that would be neces- sary to properly adjust and improve exiseing. conditions. The most fa - seeing county councillor of the fifty- two members underthe old Act never forecasted that anything like -eighty people would be inmates of the house of refuge, as it was expected that many of the old folk would. have dropped off quickly, but the records prove to the contrary, hence the loud and oft -repeated calls for enlarged p-reliliSeS. SITRE °TIRE FOR SICK STOMA:CH •••••••1111.M...••••• Such maladies as Nausea.Sick Stom- ach, Cramps and Colic, yield- instantly to Poison's Nerviline, and if you suffei periodically from any of these com- plaints just keep Nerviline handy and take a tew drops in water for quick relief, A large 25c. bottle of Nerviline is a comfort and safeguard in any houshold, and will save great suffering and big Doctors' bills every year, Do you use Nerviline ? Try it. Hamilton's Pills don'tGripe. GENERAL NEWS Earnest Hill, of 1024 Frances street, East London, was removed to the hospital in the ambulance Tbursdity evening, he -having been taken iit Be is a G. T. R. par shops employe,. Dencan, the 13 year-old son ofD, N. Graves, Ridgetowta placed a cartridge o i the stove Monday afternoon, whieh exploadeet and blew off his tharnb and part of the 'fret. two fingers of the r ight hand. A doctor amputated and dreesed the parts afflicted. The Conservatives never --or hardly ever- expected to win North Grey, but they did. They expected to Tose Centre Bruce, but they didn't- thought t he one roan .against twenty Was sure to be out ander, but. . be wasn't. Wouldn't, it make you choi•tle ? Tuesday, March 1011], is the date of the Dominion by-election in North 011Tat 10 rlditig withalon. on. E, Flee- ter, ae the etandard bearer of the Con- eer vative part y, and Mr, Grant as the Liberel Oandidate. A liyide, fight is on, lint itis a pretty safe guess that MP. Poster Will win. Premier rtoSS in a lete speech said the policy ot Canade should Wm at prod ocieg skilteiI workmen,' This means i bathe is in favor of Al peace: - Live tariff policy to enable the Canad- ian ,woricreen to bold their employ - merits and progress hi them, and not be driven out by the skilled workman- ship of foreign countries* Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. • Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants, For all weak and pale amd thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. We will send you the penny, I. e., a sample free. Ee sure that this picture in the fcirin of a label it on the wrapper of ever, bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT Cs: BOWNE Chem.hat..1, Toronto, Ontario. FOR OvIIIIISIXTY 104118 AN OLD Ann WararTaiell Rieentor.-lifr Wirislowei Soothipie Syrap has l'oeen used for over sixty years by mIllione of =therefor their chilsieen while teethieg, With perfect seems. It go othes the child, eofeensbbs uns, alleYo alt Pein, curie; wind collo. Oetd. Is the best remedy for inarrhaa. It is pleasent to the taste.f. ol by druggiete in every part of the world, 20 cents a bottle. lte value is iucalaulablo. Be sure and tako 31 ill Winelow's Soothing Ryrup and mit for no other kind. Speaking on Public Instruction be- fore Cercle Ville Marie last night ion. Mr. Tarte said t "We (French- Canadians ale in an infer'or position in the business' matters of this world. Our race is equal to any other, 41114 We •811OU1fi be equal to tbe foreign citizens in all branches of education. There is no need to abolish the present system of instruction, but it needs perfect- ing. Those who say that there are nob enough classical colleges are wrong ; it is not in thie, but in other thinga that we should supply tbe pre- sent necessitien, We must teach french and English; we must teach book keeping, and especially what may le termed the commercial geography of the world, We must elevate our system of elementary schools. There also exists a feeling of uneasiness, which should nol- be. The clergy fear thee the laity wish to exclude them frone the schools, and on the -other hand the laity are afraid that the clergy wish to dominate. The only - way to ensure success is harmonious co-operation of clergy and laity, and it is this that the majority wish to see," ANNUAL MEETINO.—Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West will meet in WirightIM March De 12, 13, On the evening of Wednesday, March llth a public meeting will be held in the rown Hall when addresses will be de- livered by Dr. Sproule, M. P„ Grand Master of B. A ; E. F. Clarke, M. P., G. T. of Ontario West; W. J, Park- hill, P. G. M, of B. A, ;13, M. Jermyn, P. G. M ; Jas. B. Scott, D. G. M.. ET Essery, J. D, G. IC; Rev. Wm. Walsh G. 0. of B. A. ;U. 0. Dixon, G C. of 0. W, ; and W. Galbraith, of Mont- real, D. G. M. of B. A., ,and others. Chair taken by R. W. Bro. Jno. Mc Milian, Grand Master of Ontario West. The folloeving have kindly consented to assist in entertaining the audience by furnishing selections of vocal and instrumental; — eVinghane •Orchestra, Mise -W. Alba Obisholns, Mies. Estelle Griffin, Miss Laurine Augusta Kaiser. Miss Hattie Reid and Mr. Geo, Cline. Everybody cordially invited. Seats reserved for ladies Doors open at 7,30, Program at 8 , share. .. , soc, aud P.00 all clrmmists Hon. John Dryden stated lately that an amendment" would be introduced at the coming seseion abolishing the old provision allowing each county to send one pupil to the .Agricultural College each year free of charge. He said the idea was to place all students 6» the same basis. and now the college' received more applications than they • could accept.. A correspondent asks if a man can fill both the offices or school trustee and councillor at the same time- In reply to this we May say that the amendment to the municipal act, pass- ed last year, debars a school trustee from° being a member of a council, but, it is contended that action must be taken by anyone protesting- an election within four weeks after the councillor has been sveorn in, other- wise the election is valid. Rev. J. C. McCracken, of Thoredale who is Deputy Grand Chaplain of the Provincial Grazed Orange Lodge, and also of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, will attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge, and of the Black Knights at Wingha,m t,he second week of this month. He is the delegate to the Orange meeting from the 'Thorn - dale lodge. Mr. Henry Difahon is the representative. from Purple Hill Lodge. • During the year 1902 not a life was lost on the British railways, and the niimber of persons injured was only 476. During the year ending June 30 last in Canada no fewer than 330 per- sons were killed and 1,328 injured Yet Canada has bac 18,700 miles el railway emelt, as against 22,000 miles in Great Britain, and the traffic here is not nearly as heavy as on the crowded English lines. The disparity in the number of accidents is start- ling. Dr. Henry stated in a recent lecture in England that in America forty-nine great railway companies. employing two millions of people, insist that every man shall be an abstainer. Sev- ecty-five per cent of the skilled me- chanics bstain. By way of contrast, he stated that the working classes of Engltnd spent last year on strong drink sufficient money to give every man and woman in the kingdom over sixty years of age a weekly pension of twenty-seven shillings, The Department of Croon lands is s riding out a circular to all the -far- mers of the province,asking them to for ward to the Department,their demands for fate, labors. The Government is makingspecial efforts to bring cut de- sirable farm help, acd they desire, as fazeas possible, to he able to locate the farm aborers who ceme from the Britieh Dies this spring in the very best honies they can find for them. It is expecte 1 that the Government's policy it this regard wi 1 relieve the stringency if the farm labor market, and 'help the faamere,who have suffer- ed somee hit from the scarcity of help. • Sick i.Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pilis art liver pills; they cure dys- pepsia, biliousness. • 25e. MI drugglets. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich blaek? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tililitliArs oo era. Vir OittiocsaiTit, on 5 i. tom. IA CO.. IlAt$14ult, Although • the medicine bushiess should, above all, be carried on with the utmost conscientiousness arid sense of responsibility, the unfortunate fact is that ia no other is there so much hum- bug and deception, The anxieties of the , sick and their relatives are tradecl upon in theanast shameful manner; impossi- ble cares are promised; many prepara- tions are absolutelyworthless, and Fame are positively dang.erous to health. .Ana consequence, all proprietary remedies are regarded -with suspicion by neatly people, and the good suffer for the bad. For these reasons we announceethat ourproprietors are the principal share- holders in NUM MIR & SONS LIMITED which will, we are sure, be an ample guarantee of the truth of every repre- sentation made concerning IR TA SLET5 The Ilson-ox Remedy Co., Ltd. Walkerville, Ont. fl:MCPM213.01111.1.1.100. OPINION OF LEADING PITYSIOIANS I have much pleasure in beating testimony to the very successful re- sults 1 have obtained in the treatment of hemorrhoids by the use of Strong's Pilekone. This relief coines early and is. I believe lasting. W. J. LOGIE. M. D. Coroner,. London. Ont, Price $1.00. For sale by druggiete or by mail on receipt, of prire. W. ,T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist, London, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED. -- Tenders will be received up to S atirday, Mai ch 21st foe the erection of it new Rebore house for school erction No. 13, Stephen. Ihe plans and specifica- tions ca,n be seen at, S. St aulakels Jr, Sodom, on and after March lith. The lowest tender not neceosarily accept- ed. S. STANLAKE, Secretary. FRED ELLIOTT • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Money to Loan. promo - (Formerly Elliott and 011adman,) MAIN STREET, EXETER. azoniscsomiza.s. 1,11016=1•11131......214001.66[2191M0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Benjamin I. Higgins, of the Tovvn- ship of Usborne, in the .County of Huron. farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter, 129 R, S. 0., 1897. that all Creditors arol othees having claims agaiest the estate of Bone, gins, tate of the said Township a Usborno, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of Fortune-, A. D., 1903, are, on or before the tenth day of March A, D. 1903 to send by post prepaid or deliver 1.6 Donald 0. NoInnos, leeetor. Ont.. ono of the exeoutore of the lash will and testament of the said (Meowed, their Barnes and addresses, the fell particulars of their claims, and the nature of the se - emetics (lf an3e luld by them, and that after tbe day lest aforesaid, the said executor will proceed to distribate the assets of the said deceased among those entitled thereto, haV- leg regard only to the claims of which notioe shall hex° boon glebe as above required, mid the • eitid executor shall not be liable for tho said assets nor any lead thereof to any pawn or nineties of whon elaime notiee shall not have boon Tombola leY there at the dale of sue Oidsitsri bee:1%11 J. G. T m .1.1xe. ter, O n t., • Solteitor foe Executor, Dated ai Exeter, Fob. 1101,1903. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Him with a Secret • Remedy. " I had for years patiently borne the disgrace, tuffering, 'misery arid privations due to my . husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedyfor the cureof drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. 1 procured a package and mixed it in his food and. 'coffee, and, as the rOmedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so- quickly relieved his r iving foeliquer. He soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for so:id food returned, he .etioik to his work regularly, and we now have a bevy home. After he was completely cured I told bun what 11101 done, wheu he acknowl. cepa that it hnd been his saving, as he had Mt the resolution to break offof his own • accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a tzial." FIER HUSBAND • WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady who cures her husband of his D4.041160 Habits writes of her struggle to save her home A PATHETIC LETTER H R FATHER WAS A LINN PhIteitY YoUng Lady t4k?'s 'nerSolf to Cure her Father • of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF LER SUCOgSS. AI had fora loeg time been thinking of trying the Tasteless SamariaPresereption treatment on MY husband for les drinking mibits, butt was afraid he meld discover that I WM giving biomedicine, and the thought unnerved me. 3 hesitated for needy a week, but one day when he came home very much intinticatedancl his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw offall fear and determined. to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coining, at all hazards. I sent for 5mur Tasteless Samaria Pre. scription,and put it in bis coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the =suit. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. He never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right op giving it replarly, as I had discovered some. thing dust set every nerve in my body tinglingwith hope and happiness, and / could see a bright tuture spread out before me -a peacetel, happy borne, a share in the good things oflife, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything else dear to a woman's heart: for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It was only too true, for before I had given him the full enures he had stopped drinking alto - getter, but I here giying him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. Ile never has and I em writhe: you this letter to tell you how thankful I ern. X honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." A portion of her letter reads as follows My father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day after a terrible spree, he said to us 'It's Ito use. 1 can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, arid we decided to try tbe Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had read about in the papers. 'We gave WM the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or. toed regularly, according to directions, aed Inc never knew he was taging One package removed all his desire for liquer, and be says ibis now distasteful to him. His health and appetite are also wonderfully im- proved, and no one would know him fur the same MEW. It is COW ii7teen months* since we gave it to him ancl we f;v1 tare tlmt the change is for good, Please send me one of your little' books, as I want to giro it to a friend.'' 141:1EE S ARAM p- and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain ete F LeMeee sealed envelope. ° Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp Eor reply. Address Re:dimly Co., 23 Jordan Streef, Toronto, Canada. DR. W. H. GRAHAM, Late Ifde9V:st. west. No. r Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method wi,thout pain and all bad after effects. Diseases of Women—Painful, profs -Ise or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea rind all displacements of the womb. OFFICE Boulez -9 a, na to 8 p. m. Sunday t to Sp. m_ _ $40 IN GAS FREE To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, for best pair of Fat Cattle fed with. worthinaton's Gallaclian Stock T0111.6 The sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were fed with Worthington's Unnadian Stock Tonic. An evidence of the good results farmers and feeders would obtain by feeding a genuine stock food; not an American fad. Herses look better, feed better, drive better, sell better, when fed with Worthing - ten's Stock Tonic. , DEA.S SIR.—Have used Worthing- ton's Stock Tonic for one year and have been feeding it to all my stock. Found it to give good satisfa.ction,and would advise all farmers and feeders of stock to use it, yours faithfully, • L MOSES, December 20, 1902. AVM ton P.O. Tho Worthington Drug Go., GUELPH, ONT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter: Cook & San, Hensel]; E. Schmidt, Lucan. FARM FOR SALE. -- The under- signed•offers for sale the valuable farm on the 4th concession, Stephen, lot 13, comprising 50 acres, One of the best grazing teems in the county, vet th •overfo wink wel'. Good frame house, hart s and stable, For terms and notelet -dem .apply to ALFRED GLANVILLE, Creditor), East. toectesimeeeopeeetz • .20eless 2 Thousands of Positions! • CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. a Are open to those who can65 3 fill them. • 00 poPertoipogy Lpgrepse.oreNsgrituya A1,8 11,f oirn Bgeoeoktl. g 2 keeping, Shorthand, Pennmeship, 0 are given to those vrho cannot attend our 0 SP school. This college is well known front O ono ond of Cilreda to the other eor its strictly first -close work, Ciroulars free. 5• W 3. ,ELLIOTT, 611 • Principal se 000000000 0000000 00 0000S Ohlidren Cry for CAST•i LL USEFUL Branches are taught in the F. O. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not guaranteed nice jobs, but after a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment, but we first equip them to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired. • J. W. WESTERVELT, • Principal. INSUBAleCE. • ERNEST ELLIOT, Ageo for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Com- enefe Ent ANCE A - London, ngland , ritig; 01 Torggttii 84° 14)r e1:'(mE kr,Luxon INSURANCE COISIPANY, Of EV1 and MEDICAL "W. BROWNINO M. D. 111.0. v.; • P. 8, Graduate 'Victoria aufversity office 11 11 Li residence. Vomluiou Labora- tory, Exeter. I GA1.. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Conimieeloners, Solicitors for the Molsous Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, 'EXETER. S. R. CARLING, R. A. L. It DICKSON F. W. GLADM.A.N (Successor to Elliott & Glaclman) - Swigs?, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Et°. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFPIOE MAIN STREET EXETER MCISIV9112021361950.11.. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Beautiful home being compesed of tbe north half of lot 17, concession 1, Stephen, e of it mile south of the village of Exetee, containing 25 acres of choice land,good brick hotme with i hard and Soft Water n the house, bank' barn, hen and hog house and drive house. largo or- chard of apples, pears, aunts, peaches and. raspberries. There is also hard water with pumo in drive house arid two in fields, and extremelyeasy terms of payment and posses- sion given at mice. Fer terms and perticulars apply to FANNY WILSON, Enter, P. 0, or to THOS. CAMERON, Farquhar, One FoR SALE--BRICIC RE BIDENCE WITH Al AORt DELAND IN EXETER -We offer for sale on reasortable terms, that very desirable residential property knovve as "The Pleoper Etontestead" sitatated oti Lot No. 10, south of Hrtrot Street, Exeter. There is emoted 'upon the land, a corntorteble and oommodioue brick dwelling, mon _trio netiossary outhouses. The berme ie good re. DENTAL TI RINVMAN L D •ct AND -LI-. DR. A. RD. . ' L. EN, L. D. S. D. D S., Honor Graduate of Toronto Uutversity, Dentist. • Teeth extrawied without pain or bad after cants, Office in Fan. • son's block. West side of Main treet,''Exeter- nONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private Tds for inve0 ment upon farm or village pro erty at loWes rates of interest. • DICKSON & OARLINO • .FLzeter. rIONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds loan on farm ard ae rriire bf interest. Glkarrilr likin St. Exeter. DJ.ANDERSIIII, (). L D•11. DEN TIST. Honor Gradnitte of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post.grachnete of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention, Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, croWns, al- luminum, gold and vulce.nite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for peinless extra°. i xoonei lit. Exeter. Ont. ce one door south of Carling 03ro's store Vaviiso. CUTTERS CUTTERS Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town All the latest styles, in the newee colors. Our prices areloweas can be found for first-class material and workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY CALL 'FIND SEE -US. J F Russell -Two Doors South TOWD Hall. A Happy and Prosperous Ilew Year Is what we all expeet and desire, Begin by making the home bright and cheerful, and if your family axe musical, you 'cannot add to the brightness and cheer • of home more than by placing in i a Piano or Orem le will not only add cheer to tbe home but will help your children to take their proper place he the social and business world when your aid is withdrawn from. them. Sewing Ilaohines In SewingMa.chiees we curry a large and varied stock of the very best neekes, also needles and retedes for all machines. Sheet and Book Music Hymn 33ooks, Bibles, &c, always in stock. ()all and 8ee ug. pair and has 0 roams. The lot contains an Our terms are the best, of land and is excellently adapted for garden Ing or fruit growing. There ie a plentiful sup - 1 nd ply of hard asoft water, The property is up e ' to cletneand the tortes (AO, for particulars ap- 1 \ ply to Detnesoer 8t CalttIt(0 barriStOrri Mreter or to A. E. HoOPEIt, ReW 13, o„ renna, u. A., proprietor'. Martin.