HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-3-5, Page 3111 ,Iatla OLD ENVaial) NEWSof ILL .AND ;EIS .4 ZQPI,Ee .. Peeurrrenees in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the QOM' xnereial Vewad. TAXING BACHELORS, ORS, In one of the States of Argentine Bepublie a man is marriageable when le hash to letea utiltyear. If front.that deadnhePen- uses bin thirtieth ahe wiebes to remain meet pay $6 ler, the next month to the State, dive years the tax inure wen per cent., between thirty- d from he has to ,Pad $20 a mr�onth, an nety.to seventy-five $80• After the seventy ifen year hen been reechonine bachelor Hoed iter eignly hty0ha is free num, while a from the tax, 'The average age of the leen in the British navy is between 26 and 27 11 years', free lie has the largest braxy in England. There are in all over 1:80,000 volumes, Practically the entire stock pf Mr, TTingstonee a jeweler, of Ilitchin, bas been eleareel by ,burglars. London, °quiity Cul has intro -I dut:ed hrilfliPelxny fares on all the cars running on the South London Trani - wens. ays• is Electricity` for lighting purposes now being supplied through penny - in -the -slot meters at Eccles, Lancs - shire. eLeteaere, James I-Ienry Barber, the Yen - n ole leader of the Quaker cora- munity in Sheffield, is clad. He was formerly a bank aeanager. Through forgetting the time a bride and, bridegroom arrived woo late at a Mrilifax church, and their weakling had to be postponed. Fifteen years is the age of a boy h' who has. just been convicted for the fourth time this year for drunken - Hess at Wost 3:laxtlepoo1. An' alarming spread of smallpox was last' week ;reported at Stock- port. In all 27 cases have been cis - 'covered and et ee deaths have teen place,out While three men were rowing to a Vessel in Dover: Day their; boat sank. The men, 'who nave e°lYscugd y es- caped being drorvned, by a Trench schooner, The, 2nd York and Lancashire Regi- ment, wlticl •returned to .1+hinland.re- centljr, has served in TEernixda, Nova Scotia, youth Afrcar Mauritius,. and .Elan*; and West Indies. rl' lilst doing up his boots William Green died suddenly at Wee -wick. Three months ago he was violently n assaulted, but to all •appearan had recovered from his injuries. William Walsh, a factory operative, accused of having murdered his daughter, aged ten, died at Burnley Respite' from the wound he after- wards inflicted upon himself. Twelve gallons and twenty dozen bottles of stout were drunk in less than a fortnight by a cook who un- successfully sued her master for wages et Lambeth. well Icrro�vn Dr. Joseph Harper, a West of England sportsman and me- dical practitioner, died. on the 16t11 inst. at 33arnstable. Dr. harper was (~,vice MayornF I3arnstable. During the progress of an inquest at 13attersea the electric light fail- ed, and the coroner and jury had to remain in darkness for some time,: pending the production of candles. The I'`ing has eonferredthe decors- L wouldn't . llhe to h this mornung. ,peeps goo tion of the Royal Red Cross on Miss' the card says, 'Fresh rli ;b,.; 3, Weigle'', superintendent of the •''y'es'm," the shopkeeper reluctantly Countess Roberts' Officers' TTospital admitted. "But, you see, it's t_ho and Nurses' Home, Murree, India. card that's fresh --- not the eggs.,, "These. documents," saiid a the SAFETY EOR LT ONES. West -London stipendiary, case, inspecting two marriage certifi Mothers Should Exercise Great ext "illustrate the strange fatuity sv WOMEN'S ILLS., Prom. Relieved . and Cured Williarus' Pink Pi11s Dr. Williams' Pink Pillsare man's best friend, rien Cheyne •ves, blood, stxeiigtben the vital organs to. form their functions regularly. They bring the rosy cheeks and shapely, forms that, tell of good health airrt'1 the growing girl thein What frayed your linen Not Sunlight Soap ,Z7(9UtE$ IMPS?3 ;tie the OefAROA J M so The motor is driving out the horse; 1, nut not the cycle. In France there , are now 1,3 06,76 483 bicycles,14 f ve yea s l pared with only , w0- , ague the.. and Dfonlcoy Brand Soap cleans kitchen. ors l iron - and tinware, i steel, P utensils, t lut knives and forks, and .all kinds o cutlery. The stidr insect of Borneo is the Ceylon Tea Is the finest. 'Tea the World produces, and is sold only h lead packets. 3laelc, M Wed and Green 'span tea drinkers try "Salado." Green tea. * t -f happiness. To the woman of;, largest insect known. Specimen are invaluable. To the another they: Inches in length have been captured. area necessity, forty-five they mean relief and ease^ line stick insect exact's' resembles Dr. Williams', Pink fills adevhsedfo `a piece of Trough stick. • 1 a18 rcdieine that scuence xas These °ife. T .rl periods 0 women at all per pals. stunned whengratell ful womenefails, f Thousands o en- dorse the truth, of these statements. Mrs, John 'White, Sahanatien, Ont„ says :--"It gives me pleasure to bear testimony,to Ilio great .value, of Dr. periods le line. tr-=--- ' .Fink Bills as a cure or The •is to, be "a but I eetric trannVay men. re alar but i For years I had su(tered -With im- pure no remedies 1 used 0 0 d and u se blood, pDDr. took tt . w i. tf a 1l ro any e Y gene l'�ocni(;'s >E1•ai'hburg 17rops, which completely eured me. --August Reitemeycr, 1,561) Milliman St.. Baltimerc, Mde OOLOR or roe' ,3RITIi t NAVY. Oflleial orders have been given that, before the Channels re,, xlleadroxt goes to see, creche all the ships are to be painted French grey, whieix is now the regulation color of the Brie tisk navy, The shillti of the Medi- terranean Squadron are also to be painted this color ley'April 1. This will be ten expensive proceeding, as it. conte $5,000 to paint eteeh ship. but theresult, in the opinion of some natal experts, is worth the outlay, as the expeei'. ents during the lass�- xaval manoeuvres -eoloreel ships made to Very( that g' difficult target, except at close range. — y� AN ELECTRIC IIAIII-QttT• f the latest Parisian sloven One O t ties is an electric hair -cut. ordinary chair seats himself in the y chair wetile the barber rocs eds to df an lessen his growth y eleetrie cutting comb, ai , The except b is similar to an that a thin wire, whicii is .connected electrically. with- a storage erbattery, portion is stretched above the the tipper p ierl The of the teeth along whole. operation is so rapid that a heavy head of hair, may be clipped in a few minutes. For Over Sixty Years. s OLD AND. weenne NrD AF,3xF,DY. — lino A }tsixty. ye n. y Window's Bonin mothers for rheic children U eochild, tec inion the c you t,y m. softs nk. with ', allay sU pn. It en *In softens the gains, allays a pain, often e4 tllto she Is beta. R r i1 Lair for d. or and t to word. taste. hest remedy ' dcttGgigts in every party of 1, taste. (live b - Be tueand axksfor Mrs. inslow's &oothlne hymn lice and take no other kind. W-ililaxns I so many v A- k proposed Edinburgh GZueens- the ailments that egret h P p Z. suffered' greatly and ferry e1 n�' ] were fiery ix F,' sing P I m now quite r he . 1 t 1 0 thanks d free pills a din 'that �4� ' 'Reward, flj, $t0O well and tic e ial to the pains.-'burden. 1 Ina ce for thA There. is diseases of the country'd until the last few' Por lased to be incurable. 1' putears was any ears doctors pronounced a great.rilaaty y prescribed local. it a local disease anti cure mith local and treatm a t, pronounced l. i has proven catarrh de my life almost a ce more Catarrh in this, section null give xny experience than a t ' sabring women," , togothox an benefit cif ' G o Remember that substitutes cannot cure and see that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Vale Peo- ,Lepper around ev- plea' is on Llie \Y tee an e.eie rablth - cu and toui directt e 'rer disease. lsct 'sendi c se�-, a U t uL, ra d0 b tt If hi COl1St eat. cry box., :'" Medicine Co., ; to be a the Ili, , fore require conn.ttut oofac. urefl by lcvflle, Ont., and lie pills will 71a11's Vata rn Euro, Ohio, is lo Co. Toledo, 13roeau , at 500 Per � • only Y Ire xna}lt:d," post P 11Stxtttttenal taxa on t doses box, or -six boxes for $2.J0. Uncle John -- "I'm glad to. hear 1 you say you've . got such a 'nice eacher." Willie — "Yes, she's the best ever," Uncle John — "That's right." Willie,— "Yes, she gets sick every other week or so an' there ain't no school." --#--•, The weary housekeeper paused be- side t that bore the era this morning." f those eggs," f, one he ma. the on Y co fret. 10froin dropsis pto internally poful. It acts lius sur- ceete theon the "blood anThey offer ne ,of l sfor yl1ecase�it fails to hun- dred dollars - for any cure. Seed 'for .cir�ddress.laill and testimoni- als. HENEI' & CO., Toledo, 0. P. J. 75e. Hold by Druggists, Mall's Faintly tills aro the bes• t 32 We. believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best, Matthias Foley, Oil ,City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway', Me. Chas, Whooten, Mulgrave,, N.S.'" fay. U. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave, Pierre Landry, .senr., Pokemguche, N.B. Themes Wasson, Sheffield, N.B. The phylloxera invaded Italy in ''9, 9 years. after • its a-ppearancein 18,, nd has destroyed 750,000 France,. acres of Italnen vineyards. 8759 Duke Michael, grand- uncle Gram' the present Czar, lately of the cle nu ue s Ii - of age, reached 70 years g if first male member of the Itoman0 o. os '1 to d. family If Y 1 :Minard s ltuimeat Reticles Deuratgle CECIL RWODES',WAx. Ordered a Large Rouse '1;'urnished in Three Days. Minard's liniment far sale ever here. The . late Cecil Models, able to with is extraordinary wealth, an- do things in a way ,Ont the many other other would envy - hand, -he, was extraordinarily `demo- cratic in his mode of living an:d seemed to have no idea of such a thing as home comfort or 01 co1- lecting around him little knick- knacks of his own choosing for pro- curing. This always apart South Afrie'an home, Groot burned which was, unfortunately, down' not very long ago, where he had a magnificent collection of old oak furniture, being especially fond of old oak dower chests. he basket of eggs . is On the occasion of his last visit d labelled " eii 1 lies been ma to England he Purchased an estate o t h read he which he declared do2en tract t Ne�v r] mea pie to world V tl Gi 4 � .all eein ar ntof u a „you � one she -said. I suppose l; no,'• le -Fonds, (vas the edspot' their freshness?' "Well, saidSwutzexland that suited his health best. Find -i the hesitating shopkeeper, `eve hands, and case were all made out ing himself in p do that." "But"' oI an old billiard ball. • The watch possession of an . d time. on- - mouse unfurnished mansion, he tele- phoned at 9 o'clock one morning to the London, furniturenatesaarepreseblishment nt- ativeLondon, ash,. g be sent to his hotel to see him at once.' The request was immedi- ately complied with, and on the ar- rival of the manager, he -said: "Mr. Williams, I have a House` t Newmarket containing twenty - en bedrooms, drawing rooms, dining room, study, library, etc. Bave it furnished for me in three days with everything complete. Good day." left That night twenty -lour wares . London, full of furniture, os, and ilowed n ed in due course by ee days there was not a necessary ar- ticle missing from the establishment. There axe now 2,900 miles of the Cape to Cairo railway finished, leav- ing 2,800 miles to connect the two terminal systems. At lluluwayo the line is 4,469 feet above sea level. Miaard's titilment. tares Dandruff► Fresh Frozen, SeaHerrin casksofabout 6-trHerrings; $1,60 per 'too lay then Peek, ar $1.70 per leo In in smaller quantities, i, abradvelierrings in half berrels�i ee TORONTO '. COMMISSION CO. LIMITED, TCR THE DA�'�QN CIII�� � . � ... ....._....�,, Young Wife --. "Before we ..,n -ere Yetismoked 6 you never e eo G x in married, presence."' .Young I usband— "my Presence,' cit never „T know it, my dear,. and y wore curl -papers; in , mine." - Doctor-` `Thomae did en• s. Poen joy get the medicine I orderb'leed yes- s, y :, utas—' of T. h sir. 1 sir. T see all the blinds down this entirely of A watch de eat y of Chaux- ivory by enr>_Works, CUR BRANDS. ging Edward " Headlight" ,�. 50115 i` EaG'i6 ' S Oe oda C 1 1 Victoria" f "Little Conga" ti es, *aunger." omen possess of growing 3 Care in .Choosing NJ:edianne•for Major Seeley, D. S. 0., B. P. T for Children. the Isle of Wight, speaking at he }, elm fleets xn port, said it was a source of regret to all in the Isle ,"of Wight that Ding had been obliged to present Osborne to the nation. r. Kate Hollis • was charged at Bir- • raingham. with inciting b i' son, aged d 14, to steal from his employers 12G pairs of beets, The boy dis- charged, and the mother sent to pri- son for two months. John Pomfret; engine fireman, was leaning out of a carriage window while traveling between Ashton and Droylsden when the door.suddenly gave way.and Pomfret, fell out. Ile died ,shortly afterwards. • d was• dee- d little o a at some time, and mothers cannot not be too careful in making re eon. The so-called "soothing„ prepara- tions, P ain. opiates and other harmfulildrugs, which stupifY, the little�,one, and pave for the use to a constant necessity narcotic drugs. Undousted1 meth very best', and the very s Own cine `for little ones is Baby's Own Tablets, They are mildly ve gentle in their action and,- cure and �,' re- lievestomach and bowel troubles, simple fevers, break up colds, ranging the cutting of �>incrd's ltaiment Cures `'Durnsl etc, To give some idea of the increase of electric transportation in it may be mentioned that New York has 1,828 fewer stables, and 8,660. fewer horses than in 1896; and that hat the Paris omnibus comp dicine,rid of 2,000 horses last year. - Si revent croup and allay the irrita- While Robert Appwy ar on ccconi} tending' a ladder at lac wind. xt was because blown doevni, by the App1e- teeth. Where these Tablets .are used some gate spikes, little ones sleep naturally, the causes of irritation and sleep-. lessness are removed in a natural way. Experienced mothers all praise this medicine. Mrs. }1.'E. Fox, a Or- ange fi'dgo, Man., says :-- ,Own Tablets aro the best medicine I have ever ascii for chuldble of to diamond . ages. mother's friend," Holbeach Free Church Council, These Tablets are guaranteed to •, Lincolnshire, has decided to send a contain no opiate, and can be given. memorial to the next Quarter Ses- sions asking the 'magistrates to con -1 to a new-born babe. Sold'Y all ed remises in the,' a box, by writing direct to the Dr- sids r the advisability of ?educing the , druggists, or sent post paid, at 2 c number of linens P Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, yard fell , upon 1dscrating' his leg and necessitating his detention in hospital . A sentence of twelve months' hard labor was imposed at Westminster on Thomas Parks, formerly a. staff - sergeant in the army, for-' stealing Thel* are truly a di d rings from Miss Ruby Dale and Mrs. Inez Sola. �* it baby and nio e tB RDNUSIACLE FOOD 5 FOE MAINTAINING' CORM HEALTH eClD ctietenee, 1-18 NOVEL SEA -SICKNESS CURE. . 11, des Planches, the `Iian bo has m- bassador to Washing hada turned there from Italy, ter- ribly rougli voyage. The Ambassa- dor is said to have told his friends that he discovered a rexnarkablcurie for sea -sickness by looking s own' reelection ina mirror._ The longer he looked the better he be- came, until the sea -sickness vanish- ed. The explanation given is that by gazing into a m'irrsurface °rrthe eeye rests the on an unchanging u sense of nfotion gradually become less, This produces a soothing ef- fect on the brain and the stomach aria ,restores the victim's equili- brit - town. Mr. 'W. The postmaster at Acle, Laight, has learned that his son, Mr. Charles Laight, fe toa the In- land Mission, while proceeding � work � to takup e - 'Western 1 rovinceMr. K. from 'Shanghai, was attacked by , a special expor t num , dysentery and died. 1 tabled an article eveat 1States Gon by The magnificent west front of Eva i 0, Morris, the gnited ter cathedral, which for centuries has cul in Windsor, Ontario. Among been eight ally .forced outward by other things, he said : •.. the weight of the roof, has been •it is -commonly known here that seine of the largerconcerns' 0 inderthe found insecure; and the Dean and United States, sell Chapter havetsdecidedr. on a tom- competitors here, slapped into plete renovation at great cost, Canada machines have a former and 'The niVfayoress of-I3ouenemouth i turned tram driver, one day' lash older. pattern. The he American sufarmer week, In opening the four -mile . sys" , will buy nothing texas of corporation tram, the wife up-to-date, anel at the end of evert of the first magistrate drove the first season there are left over some ma car; which is one especially designed: chithat will be a year old the these manhines for the use of the corporation. of i next 'season, and mayPI, wily in no organfeor civilian, } lack SCU1C COW innovation; but will muni whether military does so much religious freedom _ do the Work and are 'just, as good' rT'here as, the up -to -elate machine, and these Pt•e ii machines —back numbers -'-are shipped wail as in the Brutish tra an 04 theroach reduced in Ont. - ARE WGE FARlllERS BLIND ? The Detroit 3 ournal reeen It Is ted rCan- .,.....,....„._.----,...-----!—..__........ r_=-r.nweoa„sli A 20 MILLION BOTTLES t ,i Y SOLD EVERY EAR. it I t neer F. el 1 . ONE SPOONFUL Will build for you good health, through good nerves, by using South ,American Nervine Almost all disease is the result of poor nerve action. Without good nerves neither brain, nor stomach, nor liver, nor heart, nor kidneys, an work well. Nerve food must be such that it will be'alsorbed by the nerve ends. Such a food is South American Nervine, the greatest'tonic known, a cure for dyspepsia and all stomach ail- ments. ADOLPH LE BODIE, B. C. L., Montre- al's well known barrister, writes: "I was suffering from insomnia and ner- vous debility, prostration and exhaus- tion. I took five bottles of South Amer- ican Nervine, and am wholly recovered, The Great South American Rheumatic Cure is the only one that has nota single tiits record. nsure case of days;rliefinsttly s �i. to iUL4y CANADA y . Experiment with ether and. inferior brands, USE. ... :1=(ya. 4i 5L- Twenty - Second Annual SIra Oil' T111 North American AssuranCc , 4 Y �F Life Company..aei' HEAE: 112-11S K ST. WEST ��� TORONTO, For the Year Ended 318t Decemiber, 1902. Dec. 80, 1501. To Net Ledger Assets — �• M Receipts Dec. 81, 1502 To Cash for Premiums ^'• 1,049,652.'/4 1 770,840.21 To flash income on Iavestmeuts221.1,37.47 $5,465,145.82 0 t -f LABCHENILLE CURTAINS LA1 C T@JpTR '• "'Li,,it We" eu,lall kinds of house Hangings, also write to ne about yours. Orme AMERICAN DYEING CO., Rex 156, Montreal 1-44 �--To sena !br our Com. piete Sheet Music Gatalo nes and Special Rates. We are equipped to A GOOD START. If the merchants of a com'xnunity want much business in thtcom- munity they n+ust earlyand persist- ently push the wares offered in that town. They utast start early keep at it actively, and get what returns they can for their invest menti. -a11 the while remembering that pushing makes prosperity s- perity is the accompaniment of rea- sonable effort. PLANTS AND ANA. m. I useful in Ether the very is no clearer demon- Sun- daythan can be witnessed ° arrison day in London and in the mie into Canada a r duty, and voice value, thus saving to the IZey are just' as accept bl to t • cities and towns of the province, Canadian farmer as a cisco the regimental 1 So, according' to nb less a person when the 3lomatZ Catholic so1'diers, Consul of the Republic oaen headed by we farmers who buy: band, march Teti nearest char rii ofg the south of us,really' their 17oi suasioxi to attend morning United States machines are ether- class. Verona in buying the obsolete machines g A letter . posted at Y gather- ' at , ed .at the United States implement - 1 �t,anrre¢1 tato Canada. It and chloroform, d• men to sleep, sen sag lents, which are opposite effect on,P possible activity hyto these drugs. greatest n Det - mk advantage has mark and Germany 'been taken of ths force and to ors fir► rooms andglasshouses make them bloom out of season. The results are said to be marvelous. March of last year 1,ondoxi "Express" oilice last week. Owing to the cramped hand- writing it had gone ilrst to London, Onte, then (presumably) to Lamed°, Texas, neXt to Lomisville, NY„ af- ter that to Lowen, Masse again to Lyons, France, anti after Wandering annlessly about the continent for twee time, it tame to its nroper ageneies an is riot to be Wondered at that the ;United States inachimes shipped into Canada do not Wear a- give satis-' faetiou like the Canadian Jamie - Monte. OXUS could hardly expect OAS to be the ease wider the Tether exce traordinary eonditions cited by IV, egret !¢a Happiness Is the absence of phrnugh beiand ng have been made happy cured byLGJacTOOT1HA HE, HEAT]- ACl-l. LAIR, ACH>;. LAMENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, BRUISES and all pains forwhich an external remedy can be applied. It never fails to cure. . Thousands who have be:nde- clued incurable at baths and in hospitals have thrown away their crutches, being cured after using Sr. JACOes Orr.. Directions in eleven languages accompany every bottle. Teachers wait:v.2172 WANTED "WET' "Ya ‘Wineliefee, MAN. TO3k04.5r..i. ONT. Mrs; Wanteriolowe — "I should like to knew, W„ why yoli 'are so cross when I ask questions? Sure- ly yea don't think bane idle curie , "Gres,t Scot, nol Yours ie' the most pernidously aet.ive, wide- awake, sleepless, energetic curiosity it 'Wee ever my fate to encouriter." $20100 IN MD MEN AWAY FREE eeneteene Leann NENff 0A lelinfeeeeeneeen tee. AT onikuscrebamismoursav Can you arrange thy above sets of Jumb)od letters Into, the names of„eight,,,,rtill, Irnt.o1Rwit Szret,Ittsb,y DItatston,Y400htItutOg. severance you can probably snake e t ,r, ha olio B146 °tit ihe largest number we will SHARI& IN THE DISTRIBUTION 01. THE ABOVE PRIZE. It is 1,Ri.6v1030th,zst,T1041.0p,,:nolihutg.tdkainpiro,1010,ia'tritt:rti,ti'erit-h6m; 1111t1Pg6Oittllo second largest mintier the stun or Filly r;taPteftipmntier the stun of Thirty Dollars, To the person making the fotigth tigirSt nurriber the turn ofii went; IhIaellart:Shrld tw person send answers equally correct, the first two le oo),o Shoulds three send in equally correct antwers, the LattiVrt tIgzolVIIIII;ba6ZtnetclriiVI:lealc117esang iczoo), Should four persons sande sunny copuct answers, 6166 *hole sera of $coo,00 will be equallY dl.r.icled (each receiving jgo.o0), sail so on Is like.p0rop.ortims, oresi do they semow taut a, Mtn pie opridition abourweich weWill write as seen as ann.ers ary,teeet c'd VW, pci Nor ,WANT A -can or your 1,10NEY WHEN YOU ANSWER, THIS ADVisRTIVaMENT, Ifyott ettronalte WRITE, AT C:INCE, AMINO. PARISIAN MEDICINB Mt LORI 0/4, uNTAIII 1 IKE ROLLING STOCK TO YIELD FROM 5 1 0 TO ONDS Disbursements Dee. 81, 19612. By payment for Death Claims, .„. Assets 137 .1Jebentures (market value ;1,097,53.5.52). 1,000.6-93-72 113y Stocks and 13onds (market valua $3.„501.- $ Total issue $ 'V Vel tw ri:11:sp:Oiles:tted 1, 333r FreliDiUmS outstanding, ate. (less cost of By Interest and •Itents due and 138,64-5,76 0,010,818.271 Liabilities To Assurance and A.nnuity Re - To Death Losses awaiting ^Proofs Net Surplus . 5515,044.76 Audited end found correct, ,301-117 N. LA.X.V, Auditor. The financial pooittors ofthe Company la unaxoalted—ita percentage of not our pi us to I he billtioa oneenonle that of arlY Other Hanle CoroacsreY. lbxceeding the hest previous year in the history of -the Company ey over One million dollars. PRESIDENT JAS. THORBURN, M.D. EON. SIR Wee. R. MEREDITH, $.0. DIRECTORS D. McCRAE, Esq., Ceuelph. ILA/TAM-NG DIREGTOR SECRETARY MEDICAL. DIRECTOR The Report containiug the proceedings of the .A.nnUal Meeting, held on J anuary 29th ltiat, showing marked proofs of the continued progress arid solid position of the Company,. will. be sent to policy holders. Parn.phlets explanatory of the attractive investment plans of the Company, and a copy of the Annual kteport, showin g its unexcelled financial position, will be furnished on application ..to the Read Oilice, or any et the Company's Have You Seen It 7 What ? Parra and every depart:meat of Manua endenvor, worth it. A. goodsido line for corwsers,—Villin,in 134020. ratlislasr.,21 sonata 2-14 --- ten opeeatieg x)5oo So; Further. Vfit : °Off soCrnann iRa iid/y: aSnynNs et aod :MI: 11: %Di; mo ivies of road and ; 1Z:tits 0 ri li, elaonedos,.000 a cres_ : IDOMINION SECURITIES I CORPORATION, Limited, Any Quantity of dry, mixed wo d, suitable fox phone Main 101. , RUB ER 0 S for yourself.. Yoh oan nntlia twenty dollars por weet An entirely newpropeahlori. Write for pertionlers, Tomato is the MN 50.3 of the Fes Baldness Of Canada. , 5-5 , BO Church St., . Toronto 65405554205434 950055545105 S OUR 1902 Late9t X0veltleS, all styles. Correspondence invited. En - '01050 2c staelp for circular. tin UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO.) 6-67 0011111141011 Line Steamships pool. Portland to Lirorp881, yid (lucent. lArge andlfaetStemoshipli. Superior accommodation teem for ell Mame of paationgers. aslant% and Stateramns tro SPOOlfil attention has been given. to the 1-8 ANNUAL. REPORT Interest Allowed On DektoositS GENT AL Just issued Will So Mailed On Application interest Loan & Savings Co. 22 ging St. East Paid DebentUrO3 Toronto