HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-2-19, Page 4r T k» , ,.4,.�..', ..i ?', :,. ':..:.. •' ..+c:P+r't,,.iF,� `.531IIF�.5Ii�S " c Ban uprated by Act of Parliament MU) 'Head Oflice,10ntreal" f all eetdree ,52;500,000 Ifee vprima - -- $2,250,000 , ranches In In Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, tri s txolumabia and Manitoba, E ETER BRANCH Open Every Lawful Day` from 10 a. me to 8 p. Fin.,; except. Saturdays, IQ a. ea,. to 1 p. m. Farmers Sale Notes cashed or co/- let:tech Feline suppliedon application. Drafts on all points rah the Dominion, Creat Britain and 'United States bought and sold at lowest rates of cera Mange. SAVINGS DEI.LARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards receiv- ed. Interest 'compounded half yearly, and added to principal June 30th and iseeember 31st, Deposits Receipts also sued and highest current rate of interest allowed, ,advances mate to farmers, stock dealers and business men at lowest rates and on Most favorable terms. Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. MESON' & CABLING, N. D. RURDON, soracxrons. uAiv`AGER :e (Fxefe, in�►t/3 calendar for February 1903 1 8 15 22 SITIWAY MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY... . T rrESDA-Y FnztG itz. . SATIIRDAY.. , .. . 2 9 16 28 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 THSDA.Y,-FEB. 19en, nos GENERAL NEWS TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. IV. Grove's signature is . on each bow. 26c Sir Charles Mansfield Clark, quarter- master of the British Amy, testified before the War Enquiry Commission that 319, 728 horses and 53,339 mules and donkeys were Inst in the South African war, exclusive of 15,900 which were lost on the voyage to South r"eme-$ftica. The bulk of the war loss et as owing to the use of animals before they became acclimated. More cases of sick, headache, bilious - NIS, MiDDti.. PERIR fill the Now$ of ltitoro$t to Vines Readorb ftaDpi IRU lit tQo56 6ou141.68 Huron A Mr. Rogers, from Winghate, was taken to the House of Refuge last week from that town, suffering front paralysis, Mrs. Jarvis, the beloved wife of Mr. Edwin Jarvis, of the 12th cote essiou of West Wawanosh, passed away on Thursday last in the 53rd year of her age. The official board of Victoria street Methodist church has invited Rev. W. H. Graham, of Sparta, to become the pastor of the 'church at the close of OUR OLD flii5NDS Ever Trite and Unlalllol fire a :i hfi D1MOMD DYES Old friends who are eyer ready and. able to help u.s in our time of need are indeed true friends. Diamond Dyes are the old home friends of our Canadian people, and have proved blessings in thousands of homes. When the heart craved for a new dress, skirt, blouse, jacket, opera shawl, fresh, bright ribbons or feath- ers at time when economy had to be observed, the Diamond Dyes quickly transformed old and faded garments and materials into new creations. thus saving a large amount of money in the home If you would have the best the present confeienee year: results i yeur dyeing work, always The Rev. M. d, Wilson, of Nile, . has use the Diamond Dyes. received an invitation to the Ontario, Send our address to the Wells & street Illethodist church, Clinton, Richardson Co., Limited, 200 'noun - which he has accepted subject to the tuittee. action o£ the stationing c o m A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength, tain st. Montreal, P, Q. and you will be supplied with new Dye Book, 45 dyed samples and artistic designs of the Dkunond Dye mat and rug pat. terns, Sale Register ^y—;..1 A case of interest to fanners in the TUURSDAY, FEBY. 19th. — Sale of southeastern part of Hullett township Household furniture, ur itu e, horses, ug- occurred a few days since, wheu a car- g property tarn farmer's wife was charged with ' Arthur Loadman. Sale at one o'clock, trespass by another farmer. The case came before a Seaforth magistrate, who imposed a fine of $1 and costs, Mr. Robert Bell, of the'Seaforth en- gine works, closed a contract a few day's ago for the erection of 120 of his engines for delivery in the Northwest. The contract was made with a large American manufacturing firm. It covers a period of three years and will o amount to over $160,000. t TOO Fol rt. - The annual meeting of the County i"It does net always pay to be too Grand Black. Chapter of Huron and t „ d. Perth, B, K. I„ will be held in the 1 Wirt' said a lawyer. At our board - Orange hall at Myth an Friday,Feh, ng house a new waitress was employ - 20th, commencing at.11o'clock, a. m, , ed, and a young chap asked her what John Scarlett, of Leadbury, is Grand ` he should can her. Master and J, S. Chisholm, e€ Wing- " `Call me Pearl,' she said. ham, Grand Registrar. As business "`Are you the pearl of great price?' of great importance will come before' he asked. be a, good atteneance. the meeting, it is expected there will c "'No,= answered the girl. `I guess 1 jam the pearl that :was cast before p, m, A, LoADMA-1', proprietor. H, BROw1, auctioneer. THt'1 SD .Y,F BY, 26th,—At Metro- politan hotel, Exeter, at 2 o'clock p. in,, sharp. House and lot on Main street. north, the property of Mr. Janes Darling, near ssation street. .Apply to anus GILL, auctioneer, or G. A. MACLEOD, Hess, constipation can be cured in Tess At the Orange Lodge County _Meet-; swine.' " Ping of North Huron held in Wingham, l time, with less medicine, and for less Feby. 3rd, it was unanimously decided : bYanted to Par. 'money, by using Carter's Little Liver to hold a county celebration in Blyth, l -Very much indebted customer enters. ?iris, ban by any other means. on July 13th. Blyth L. O. L. 003 ex- i" 1'll take The managers of the West Presby- tend a cordial invitation to South E a botcher s shop, remarking, terian chur2h, Toronto, waited on Huron to unite in celebrating the F a leg of mutton, and I want to pay for Bev. J. A. Turnbull one evening test Battle of the Boyne. There has; it. Week and presented him with a parse been a large subscriptaoh solicited and "All right," replies. the botcher, hand-, containing $2e0 as a mart cf their received and everything available Will Sag forth the meat, which customer high apprecia*'ea of the 'raf ` to utilized torake it a grand. success ; takes and starts to go. "Look here," ItICez and. the great este lea which .on Friday afternoon. last the stud -cries the butcher, "I thought you said he is held by the c:ingre �v, eats en"' teachers of Goderi:ch College l you wanted to pay for it:" - Turnbull was -.C$�a -� nester. i �' ate t3 Lite ins in S�8m !� t6 a C,, 'CS'a6 First Presbyterian tone Se ?If..,rys• room to which 'hiss efelAlan daught " can't.' —London Telegrap'h.. • r ' c cF heIn. it ttheA bl ' a5 1 d " thereply, "but 1 Dyspepsia m its werst 1.4%.'7.F2 -'S' rill er of Mrs. D. McLellan of Stratford, yield tc the ::re of Ca teas Little who was leaving the Collegiate after # Disinterested Friendship. Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little seyan years successful service as teach -1e of y --Neer Pills. They not cnly relieve er,. was invited. The lady was receiv- I - iltg The in hajor majority n y affairs as good unless recognize noth presefit distress but strengthen the ed with great applause, and on S. t stomach and digestive apparatus, behalf of the students, was presented 1 yields some return, and they lore those Mrs. A. 0, Rutherford, of Toronto, with a nicely worded address, and at 1 friends most—as they do their cattle— president of the Dominion W. C. T. le, the conclusion of the reading the ! from whom they hope to obtain the will lead a deputation to interview the Pupils presented her with a beautiful i most prcet. Thus they lack that loveli Dominion Government about the endebony and Silr er toilet set, a- dA :� ' eel, sne ietet eeleu -al form of friendship of February in reference to the cigaret copy of the picture "Stranded." ;which is sought for its own sake only, evil. The deputation will ask for the • nor do they know from experience how total prohibition of the importation, INFLACATMED NOSE AND THROAT. i beautiful and how Iofty such friend- ship is. PUMAS MID HIS BARBER. ovtaixx, of tho Practice or slot -elute I• tirg In Theater Q'i>talcets The practice of speculating iu thea- ter tickets, strange as it may appear, was started by the elder Dumas. lie patronized a Paris barber named Pur- ace', and one clay this worthy while shaving the novelist asked hliu why he did not sell the tickets given liim by the aaanagers of the theaters where. bis platys were produced. "To whom could I sell them?" asked the author of the "Three Musketeers." "Why, to me, if you like," replied Por- cher. "And what would you do with them?" asked Dumas, "That's my business," replied the barber,' contin- uing to lather the bronzed face of the famous story teller. "But 1 give you tickets whenever you ask for them," Said Dumas. "Ah! One Or two are not sufaeient for my pur- pose," responded Porcher. "1 must have, all your tiekets, and every day too.", And you will pay for them?" said the dramatist, "Cash," was the simple yet practical reply. Dumas at that moment was very badly in need of money,.so he at once concluded the bargain. Porchtlr, who shortly after this gave up shaving and cutting hair, made similar bargains :with other authors and quickly became rich, manufacture, and sale of cigarets within Canada. They will take with them a petition signed by leading business men educationists, and doc- tors throughout the country to the number of about 50,000. The petition was circulated by the W. C. T. U., but none of the signers are women. Therehave been since Confederation thirty-seven openings of parliament ; six of these took place in January, seventeen in February, five in March, five in April. and one each in August, October, November and December. ...x.$...Leaving out these last four as excep- tional zee -tional ones, the latest date at which the Parliament has been called to- gether was April 18th, 1895, and the earliest January 2nd, 1896. The aver- age of January sessions 110 days, of February 97, of March 04, and of April 83. The longest session since 1867 was that of 1885, when, from opening to prorogation, there were 173 days. This length of session has never been ex- ceeded in the history of Parliament in British North America, though in 1858 the Legislature sat for exactly the same number of days. The next long- est session since Confederation was that of 1900, when 168 days were re- quired. This signature is on every boa of the gena:-•: Laxative Bromo-Qlliriine Tabic. s the remedy that cures a cold in One. e My Hair "I had a Very severe sickness that took off all my hair. 1 pur- chased a bottle of . Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, I11. One thing is certain,— Ayer"s Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is qo it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al. ways restores color to gray hair. Si.00 a bbtlle. All druggists. If your draggtst cannot supply yon, a d we will oa re s send 113 one dollarn Commas you a bottle. 1 e:tire and give the name of your nearest express aftlee.. Address, J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. And such diseases of the respiratory organs as Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Cold in the Head and Nasal Catarrh, are treated with marvelous success on strictly scientific principles by Catarrh - ozone, The medicated vapor of pa - traverses every quickly tr v air passage possible to be reached by any treatment. .A.11 soreness, pain, conges- tion and inflammation are at once dis- pelled, and by means of the healing powers of Catarrhozone the vitiated tissues are quickly restored. Where Oatarrhozone is used colds last only y ten minutes, coughs half an hour, and Catarrh, Consumption, Asthma and Bronchitis flee as from fire. A trial will convince anyone of the startling merit of Catarrhozone, Costs $1.00, small size 25c, At Druggists or Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. nappy nay. "What are you writing?" asked the freshman. I "Just dropping a line to my governor, ;wishing him many happy returns of the day," replied the sophomore. "Why, is this his birthday?' "No; pay day He sent a check this mornine." Middlesex Dr. Chas. Lang, son of Dr. H. Lang, Granton, who a few months ago left to take up advanced work in the hos- pitals of Great Britain and the contin- ent, has been successful in passing the examinations to entitle him to receive the diploma of the Royal College of Physicians, London. The young me- dico is likely to have a successful and brilliant career. Perth The council of Stratford has decided to submit a by-law to raise $8000. for the improvement of city streets. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. George Brown, St. Marys, last week, Feb. 11, when her second daughter. Miss Laura, became the bride or Mr. Ezra W. Whittle, of Leamington, Essex County. The Rev. Thomas Manning officiated at the ceremony at which the near rela- tives and friends of the bride were present. A tramp, who was given lodging for a few days by Mr. McCorquodale, near Lakeside stole 585 from Mr. Mc- Corquodale's room, while his host was away from home, and made his escape. The tramp was traced as far as St. Marys last week but has not yet been caught. The tramp is over fifty years of age, has grey moustache, wears fur cap dark suit of clothes and rubbers with mackinaw socks. The G. Carter Son & Co., StMarys, lthe rock aa are havingdrilled i n ar- tisan welt one hundred feet deep and six inches in diameter, near their Wit ter power wheels at the new cereal mill down the River Thames, They expect a good flow of water at the above depth and ib will serve a two- fold purpose, to give an extra supply of water, and the warmth of the spring water in the winter time will be sufficient to keep the water power wheels and water gates from freez- log. A Deserved Fate. Some poet wrote the following: "Long is that morn that brings no eve; tall is the corn that no cobs Ieave; bine is the sky that never looks yeller; hard is the' apple that never grows metier; but longer and bluer and bard- er and tall is my own ladylove-nty adorable Poll.' P. S.—The author has since died in great agony.—London Tit -Bits. Simple. The Doctor—A queer case of insanity came under my notice the other day. The fellow is perfectly sane as long as anybody is looking at him, but raves violently when his friends quit watch- ing him. The Professor—Humphl Out of sight, out of mind. - Atter the Expulsion.: Dve—I'm so sorry! Adam—Too badl It was a fool's par- adise! The Difference. He was a plan who was making $5Q a lsveek and was "liitving' luncheon with his fiancee in an uptown restaurant. The lady ordered chicken salad, fol- lowed by black coffee axld wafers. The man, who could : have afforded every- thing on the bill and not felt a hole in his pocketbook, had consomme and Little Neck clams and drank water. The waiter got 10 cents. • A clerk who was kept busy earning, his salary of 518 took his sweetheart to an expensive seaside resort. It tool; twenty minutes -to decide what they :wanted to eat. Finally the order came, heaped high up on a large tray. At the lady's place the waiter de- posited roast beef, mashed potatoes, chicken croquettes, with peas,a salad pf lettuce and potatoes and a cup of coffee. The man, wondering how he could get a -winter overcoat, ate a porter- house steak, with mushrooms, fried potatoes, green corn and coffee. Por dessert they had ice cream and fancy -cakes, with more coffee. The :waiter got a quarter. It is a great deal easier to teach an old dog new tricks than it is to snake him forget his old ones. In every town and village may be had, the that makes your horses glad. John Y. to the Front. `1 had been abroad for three years," said the judge, "and, as the people in my native town labored under the idea that I was a man of some consequence, they welcomed me home with .a brass band and a dinner. I was about to re- ply to the address of welcome when the Tillage cooper approached me with ex- tended hand and said: "'So you've got back home, eh? Say, judge, when you went away I was do- ing all my own work and had my shop in the woodshed; now I've turned a hose barn into a eooper shop and am bossing two journeymen and making fifty barrels a week. Don't forget to say , that while you've been wasting your time in Europe John Y. Higgins has come right to the front at home.' "My little speech to my fellow towns- men didn't arouse much enthusiasm," said the judge, "and that cooper was to blame for it. He •simply wilted me.". A Ready Anssver.- Not all -visitors to the country are as ignorant ctf the farmer's surroundings as the farmers sometimes suppose. Browning's Magazine gives this 'in- stance: "Wan, said aid t armee Wilkins to his. city boarder, who 'vas up elirly and iook»rg round, "ben out to hear the haycock ci ow, I s'pose." .6.nd he wink- ed at his hired man. "No," replied the city boarder; "I've been out tying a knot in a cord of. wood." Farmer Wilkins scowled at the hired man and wanted. to know why he was not getting to work at milking those cows. • arammonnammeseauzszar ' hat is 4t ri.' 4..... Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parogovic, Drops anal Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opium, Morphine ltor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. e erish-ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. eastoria assimilates the food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels of nitwits and. Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea --The Mother's Friend. Castoria: .d Castoria is an excellent medicine fo, children, • Mothers have repeatedly told sue of its good effect upon their children:" Da, G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria 1s so well adapted to children that I'recosnmend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me." H. A, ARCBER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure." Why riot cure that cough Qf yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse, . .. bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines 'will cure you. We carry a large as-. sortnient of Cough Medicines Cough . Lozenges" Act wisely and get some or our remedies. Bicavvrlirtg's Dictig Store Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Nouralgia, . nd Gout are all completely cured by Mil - burn's Rheumatic Pills, the great sneeifio rheumatic remedy. Price 50e a box at. all dealers: At tails time of the year when sore throa pain iri the chest, rheumatic pains and ache are, so prevalent, it would be wise to keep en hand a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It is a perfectmedioine chest. Price 250, SICK HEADACHE. Mrs. Joseph wordworth,-Ohio, U. S., says "I have been troubled with sick headao be for over aear. Lately I started taking Leas.- Liver bills and they did mea world of good acting without pain or griping.' GRIPPE HEADACHE Mrs. c. Appleton. Whitewood, N. W. LT.. writes: "sunburn's Sterling Headache Powders have given me great relief from the terrible - pains of La Grippe in my bead and through my back." Price 10eand 25c., all dealers. re a Cold in -rye ay Cues Grip in Two Days. Take Laxative < romp }tdrilase Tablet9s ®�, eery This signature, box. 25c, Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. .,_�IIII,�n.i:,F�e9 .....- .:R .. . yx -.. ,p. w+ •iiia=s4�" ".,ua .. "�.+"-.�`.'G'�<tl.i.t Seeing Snakes. Persons suffering from delirium tre- mens usually imagine that they are surrounded by snakes. An explanation Family hallucination, says they of this ha , Doctor, is offered by the result of some recent experiments. Sixteen alcoholic patients were examined with the oph- thalmoscope, and it was found that the minute blood vessels in the retina. of their eyes were congested. In this con, clition they appear black and are pro jected into the field of vision, where their movements resemble the squirm- ing of serpents. Don't Spoil It. But .MMC IN{15:S, RIGt'I IRDTON & GO'S IMrROVFiD GUTTER GOLOF- . _ _ •t !4 .t:..:' -w. -M+., ...W . .*,• •1.,+-,e4c.n.n.Ya IS iS TtIE TRUSTED FRIEND OF MILLIONS, _tea Men and Women of All Ranks of Society Point to Paine's Celery Compound As Their Rescuer From Di- -- and Death. Millions on this North American continent know that Paine's Celery Compound"makes sick people well." Paine's Celery Compound is to- day is t'he popular medicines in the wealthier and humbler homes of our vast country. The press has given this wonder . working prescription •more note, 'prominence and praiae than has everbeen given to any other remedy, and physicians of all schools prescribe it daily. • Paine's Celery. Compound has , be- conie popular and trusted because its results exceed its promises. It is vic- torious over sickness and disease. It, offers hope • and cheer to those • pro- nounced incurable 'by' physthans it saves such from the grave. It is the one medicine, unfailing and all-power- ful that promptly brings true joy and gladness to hopeless victims and their anxious relatives and friends. It is well to remember that one or two bottles of Paine': Celery Com- pound will in the majority of cases, banish tired feelings,weary and cloudy brain, headache, debility, constipa- tion, neryousness and sleeplessness, which if allowed to run unchecked, giverise to serious ailments and dis- ease. If you are rundown, overwork- ed, have defective digestion and poor circulation, you will obtain blessed re- sults from this grand system -building medicine, Each dose carries neww life to all the weak and torpid organs of the body. - .Don't spoil the rich, pare cream that you have gathd'red for .buttermaking by rising a cnnimnn ,d„cl impure butter color when sou ,In y„ur churning. Wel Is, Rich Re the t, & Co's Int proved En ter Coble twill gap yenta buttes' the natur,t.1 goitnt'n -nee, tine% at this time Of the year, kind it ',ever fades from the butter. Do not nu ept or use vile r` . ctt c t .tt -all n w� b q i t.,, At and to tai. times insist upon g' -i ting the kind that snakes prize butter. Sold by all drug. gists and eetlerttl dealers, COAL! CIIMMINIMMICIEMEENIC2=7 11111=11= You may not be able to get enough coal or wood to keep you warm this winter but you can dress warm in our SUWTi S ANO.OVERCOATS Suits that fit and suit • the pocket, W. ti 01-11\18 Opposite Post Office, Exeter tat, GENERAL NEWS -- An aged resident of Stratford for the Last twelve years died Monday of Mr. Wm. morning in the mor g person Lindsay and was the result of a stroke resembling apoplexy, due to age. He had reached the age of 82 years and' was a native of Sligo county, Ire- land. Sir Oliver is at . present in a very. precarious state of health ae a result of a fall sustained about five weeks age at Government House. The Lieut -Governor, while walking in the halts was overcome by a dizzy spell and, in falling, his head struck again- st the hard tiling of the floor. A nas- ty gash was inflic ted near the temple and a severe wrench was given the muscles of the body. His honor is now in his eighty-second year, and the shock of the fall left him very work. Grave doubts are entertained as to whether Sir Oliver will ever re- cover his strength sufficiently to again appear in public. It lute been stated by one of the Government House officials that the Lieutenant -Governor would certainly be unable to open the coming session of the Legislature. In that case the duty will -involve upon Chief Justice Moss, Far LpIemtnts dal! Kinds We are agents for the celebrated Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Hay Loaders, Etc. Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills. Binder Twine in season, Buggies, 1, o Waggons thrid : Cutters We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies:and for the Chatham Wagons, A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers. BISSETT One Door Swab of, the Central Hotel, Tfl Nle S Clubbir g ates We have completed clubbing ar- rangements for 1903 with several of the leading newspapers. All of the following with the exception of the dailies, will be sent to any address from, now until January lst,1904, for amount named. The rates will be as. -follows r The TIMES and Family Herald • and Weekly Star from now to January, 1904, for • •$1.75 "Purity" and "Alone"—two beauti- ful pictures—are given to all subscrib- ers for the aboye price. • See sample pictures at this office. The TrntFs and the Weekly Globe for ... 51.60 rhe hairs and Montreal Witness from now to Jan. 1st, 1904, for..$1.65 The TIDIES and Weekly Mail and 14`mpire from now to . Jan. 1st 1904, for 51.75 The above includes a choice of two handsome pictures entitled "The Doc- „ "Contentment". Doc- tor" and Conten tment . SaP m le s of which may be seen at this office. The Times and Daily Mail and Empire, morning edition, for . one year for . $4.25 The TIDIES and Daily Mail and Empire, evening edition, foe one year for .. $3:25 The Teems and the Presbyterian ' for one year for 52.25 The TIMES and The W eekly Sun from now to Jan. 1st, 1904 for$1.75 The Teems and London Daily Ad- vertiser for one year for 52.50 The TIMES and London Weekly • Advertiser for one year for 51.50 The Times and Toronto Daily Globe for on ey ea for r 54.25 The above includes a beautifulcal- endar in colors, that is easily worth fifty cents. The TIMES and Toronto Daily Star for -• 2.50 The TIDIES and Toronto Daily News for 2.50 The Thins and Farming World for • 1.85 The Times and Farming for1.75 The TIMES and Christian Guard- ian for 2.00 The TIMES and•Free Press, morn- ing edition, for 3.25 The Tisane and Free Press, noon or evening edition, for - 2.75 The TIDIES and Free Press, week- ly'edition, for 1.75 NOTE—Ourlist'is tot yet complete Anyone wishing a paper ;or magazine• not in the above list will please inquire at the office for subscription price. EXETER TIMES OFFICE.. London, Huron and Bruno, (loxive NORTB— Passenger. London, depart L 8.15 Au n 4,40p. . P 1tT. Oentrali'a 9,1 5.50 ` ' Iilxoedr •, , 9,30 , 6,0 $onsall 9.44 6,16 Rippon 9.60 6.25 BrucaHoid 9.68 8.33 . Clinton .. 10.15. 0.65 Wingham arrive ... 11.10 8.00 GO/NG SoVrsu— Passenger Wingham, depart ..... 6,13 A. u. 3.15 P. to Olintc t .,. 7.47" 4.26 llruedd:old - 8,06 4.49 • Iiippen .15 ew Hensall .22 5.02.. IO'iceter 8. 6.10 Centralia gg, -5,ga; 1.;ondon.arrive,..... ,9.37 6.1g .•