HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-2-19, Page 1TIXIB,TIETH YEAB-- 'o 9
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G, .T. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyae,
ocr, Commissioner, Fire In irr anoe Agent, and
Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dooumonts
Seed Wanted
We will pay the highest Market Price
for No. 1 Clover and Timothy Seed.
Also Hungarian and 1V1illet Seed.
ley drawn: at reasonabletes rates. Money
BRIEFS. --Mr. J. W. Ortwein, leer
chant, was in London on business on
SUGAR BEET 4ULTURB his. driver for the neat stun of $180
Ribble and also lar, Herm
Harder of the Dresden Sugar Oo.,ar
4n town and will be here ;For sem
He purchased one from .Maxirn Deno -
mie for $7,5,—Tho. Bisonette Block is
e now plastered and almost completed
e and, will be ready for general purposes
- commended as experienced agricultur-
alists and chemists, who are sent here
to assist Mr, obzer n writing up
erae•ad�B i
c g n giving information res
garding sugar beet culture, Mr.
Harder will be at Mr, Bobier's
office on Saturday, and farmers hav-
ing land suitable for beet culture will
consult their own interests by calling
and getting necessary information,
.. Tuesday last. -2. iss Bessie T7rquharb,
has, we regret to say been confined to
.;. her room through illness for the past
week.—Curling and skating still Con-
tinues the order of the day, the
.y. weather continuing very favorable for
such sports.—The Rey. Dr. Hannon,
of Exeter, preached with very much
.g. acceptance in the Methodist church on
Sabbath lash.—Three new elders were
ordained in Carmel church on Sunday
morning last.—The weather has been
.i extremely cold during the past week
and it has had the effect of making
This month in
� g
Faney Vesting
A large assortment
to select from.
W. W. Taman.
Mee-clieuit Tali 1[or.
SCOOTING MATCH—A large shooting
match will beheld at the Dixon House,
on Thursday, February 19th. It is.
the last and best pigeon shoot of the
Beason to commence at 1 o'clock sharp.
The events ate 10 live birds, 10 live
birds, 15 targets and 10 targets. All
events will be open to everybody,
Live bird events handicap 26 to 30 yds,
Chas. Wilson will engineer the affair,
Which of itself will insure a good time.
GOING WEST.—Mr. Andrew Wood
of concession 3, North Boundary,
Usborne being about to retire front
farming intends having an auction
sale of his chattels on Tuesday Feb.
24th.—Mr. James Wood has taken the
Western fever and leaves early in
March for the High River District,
Alberta, where he will join his broth-
er who has been there••for some time
and they intend to engage in the
Touching business. Mr. Wood. is ar
young man of energy and will no
doubt succeed in that great young
man's country. Hie many friends
around the old home wish him well
any rate. ._
BRIEFS—As the result of an acci-
dent at Fergus the other day, Allan
McEwan, ayoung man whose home
is at Parkhill, lies at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital in quite a serious condition. He
is foreman of one of the G. T. R.
• bridge alid station building gangs, 'and
was engaged in erecting anew station
at Fergus, when he had the, misfor-
tune to fall from. the, ,roofs, the result
being a compound fracture of the left
:arm. The member was severely
crushed and broken in several places,
including the elbow joint. The X-rays
had to be nsed to discover the exact
nature of his injuries. He is now do-
ing nicely.
Children Cry .for
We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winterg -oods 1S
unequalled. See for
BRIEFS.—A most unprovoked• and
brutal assault was committed upon,
Paal Shaver, of this town, while on
his way home about eight o'clock Sat-
urday night by a young man supposed
to be Jack Maxwell, of Goderich,
Shaver was struck by his assailant
over the eye and nose with a piece of
board, rendering him unconscious.
His nose was broken and he will lose
the sight of the eye, It is believed
Maxwell mistook Shaver ' for the •
license inspector or the policeman, the
latter having arrested him here two
years ago for horse stealing. ` He was
arrested at the Grip House two hours
after the assault while sleeping in one
of the boarders' rooms.
BRIEFS,—Miss. D1.Melntyre' of Tiled
ford, who spent a month with friends
here returned home last•week.--George
O'Brien and family intend leaving for
the north west shortly. ---We are pleas-
ed to note: that Miss Carrie Gould,who
had been confined°to her room by a
severe attack of pleurisy is now able
to leave her room again. — Mr. John
Gould and son,w'Samuel, of Napinka,
Manitoba, who have been visiting
friends in this vicinity intend leaving
for their home next week. — Roger
Northcott recently sold his prize team
for a handsome price.—William. War-
ren jr. was on the sick list last week.—
Santee Gould is getting the brick
drawn for his new house which prom- l
ises to be one of • the best in the .
county. -Miss M. Northcott is at pre-
sent visiting friends in and around
Thedford.--A singing class is started
here conducted by r. Wm, Ford, of
Exeter.—Mr. R. Northcotthas sold his
black team and also Wm. Russell has
sold a younhorse,all for good figures.
Horses are horses now they say.—Mr.
Roger Northcott entert,
ned a num-
ber of friends the otheeev-ening very
pleasantly. -Mr. Pierce of near St.
Thomas, is visiting friends here at
present.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Russell. of
Exeter, were the guests of their uncle,
Mr. Wrn. Russell last week.—Some of
our boys are thinking of taking lessons
from the dancing master who is at
Exeter at present.
Merchants ank of Canada
CAPITAL (alt paid up) ....... $6,000,000.
REST $2,700,000
Tnos..FYSHE, E. F. irsni )EN,
General Manager Superintendent of Dranobes
Interest at most favorable. current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Sv g� �.
Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
Other foreign. countries.
W. CHISHOLM, istna.ger
business a little quiet.—Mr, Richard
Speare took possession of his new
re is
p m es in Bell's block on Tuesday
last. The stand is good and theprem-
ises well adapted for a restaurant busi-
ness.—Mrs.. F, 0. MoDonell while skat-
ing on the rink on Saturday evening
last had the misfortune to:slip and in;
failing to break her arm- between the
wrist , and ,elbow.—The " At Home "
given by the OddfeIlows in their.
beautiful lodge room on Friday even-
ing Iast was enjoyed by the members
and "quite a large number of their
friends, each member being privileged
to invite any friends he wished. A.
very interesting programme was car-
ried out in the early part of the even-
ing, consisting of readings, recitations,
addresses, musical selections, vocal
and instrumental, after which all re-
paired to the Queen's Hotel, where a
splendid supper was partaken of re -
fleeting credit upon " mine host, " Dr.
Blackall. The ., At Home " was voted
by all a most pleasant and happy
event, if we may so term it and it is
the intention ofthe lodge to continue
these pleasant evenings at intervals. --
The Laing Bros. will give_ an enter-
tainment in Millar's Hall on Friday
evening, Feby. 20th, under the'aus-
pices of St Paul's auxilliary. The
many life like pictures are very highly
spoken of wherever they have been
exhibited. The collection being one
of the very best ever presented and
the attendance promises to be large. ---
There will be a convention of the far-
mers of South Huron held here on
Saturday, Feby. 28th, for the purpose
of organizing a Farmers' Association.
A good attendance from all parts of
the riding is earnestlyrequeeted.
BRIEFS:—The literary and Musical
Society has organized again for the
winter months. Meetings are held at
Dr, Stanbury's each Friday evening.
Games are played and a program pro.
vided.—The Canadiari`Order of For -
resters purpose holding a grand° con-
cert in the town on Friday evening,
Feb. 27. Mr, Harvey, -entertainer,
of Toronto and other talent has been
secured and we feel safe in saying
that a big treat is in store for all who
Foila n..
BRIEFS.—Mr. Will Stacey was
thrown off a load of straw last Wed-
nesday onto the bob of a sleigh and
was badly crippled for a few days,—
Mr. Wm. Porteous, while 'coming front
church Last Sunday, was thrown out
of his cutter, and the horse got away
from him, [Fortunately he . was not
badly hurt, though the cutter, . which
was a new one this winter, was badly
damaged. The annual meeting of 'the
patrons and shareholders of the Fullar-
ton cheese and butter factory was held
in the town hall •last week. The re-
port for the past year was very satis-
factory. Mr. Will Stacey was engag.
ed as cheesemaker. Mr. Stacey is one
of the best cheesmakers in the province
as his winning the first prize and
sweepstakes at the Toronto'Exhibition
BRIEFS.—Mies Eva Masters, of Mit-
chell, visited last week with her friend
Minnie Hodge, -Will J. "Anderson
spent Sunday in the Stone Town.—
Mrs. P. A. Sparling is visiting with
Mrs. Plaxton, of Adelaide .-Miss Nel-
lie M. Switzer Sundayed atlher home.
—Miss Sarah Kemp; of Salem, is the
guest of Mrs, Jas B. Atkinson.—Mr.
Thos. Hardingis able
tobe out again
after a prologed illness.-Mr.nd
Mrs. Albert Bickel have gone to Sea -
forth where they intend residing in t
the future. -Mr. John Ribey is confin-
to his room with an attack of quinsy. s
—Mrs. Jas. Walks has returned from P
Brinans.-1frs, Fraser Gunther o
St Catharines is visiting friends here
this week,—Mr, 3. Peddler, from Mich
igen is visiting Mr. T. Worts,—Mr.
Louis Bertrand is on the sick list.
The, Sovereign Bank of Oananda,wit
soon occupy the 'department, recently
vacated by Mr. Clark. 'The interior
of the building is„ being gorgeously
painted and fixtures are being put in,
which.when completed would be a
credit to any city.—Rev. J. tit Damm
attended. the Sunday Salmi conven-
tion in Goderich on Tuesday.—Mr.
Fred Bernet returned home from
Debreit and intends going to Manitoba
with Mr: 'George Matz next week.
Miss Ella Beaver is visiting relatives
in Centralia.—A number of onr young
people went to Mr. Godfred Wein's
on Fridaynight.—They all report an
enjoyable time.
in the near future. We wish all were
like him there would be more then
blowing going on in our burg,—Mr.
Luke Nigh has completed the contract
Iron) Mr, U. Bis
tteot cutting
Wood,—Dr, Routhier is again back
to St, Joseph from Ottawa where he
was attending some interesting busi-
ness; The reports are that they will
begin work at the lake working, at the
wharf. Of course ,there is nothing
more then the future that can assure
us:—Mr. .Philip Ducharine and Cari
vean have taken a contract of cutting
stove wood from Zurich Brisson. They
will be kept busy till spring and we
f( wish them success,
Biddulph Council
i The council metp ursuant to ad-
lournment. All the members present.
Oouncillor Armitage took and sub-
scribed the statutory declaration of
office and qualification and took his
A communication°was received from
the Stratford Bridge Company' offer-
ing pine plank for sale—referred to
Ar i ave and Bryan,
The auditors submitted their report
which was adopted and 100 copiee.
ordered to he printed, Tlie assets on
the 31st of December 1902 amounted
to $5,272.70 and' liabilities $2,215,31,
leaving assets over liabilities $3,059.39,
deduct $800 value of Tp. Hall leaving
a net cash balance of $2,257,39,
The following accounts were ordered
to be paid:—D. Westnian, con. tile,
rep. cul., and drawing stone, $39.45 ;
J. Mitchell, error in dog tax, $1.00 ;
Treasurei*, sep. S. S, No. 4, bal, due
section. $2.60 ; E. Meredith, K, 0. legal
services, $10.80 ; W. 0. Huston, gravel
acct. in full to Dec. 31st, 1902, $17.19 ;
J. Bloomfield, opening road, div. 2,
$1.00 ; Walter Haskett, rep. cul., div:
3, $1.00 ; Walter Hodgins, rep. road,
S. B., div,, 3, 50c. ; Jas. Fraryer, open-
ing road, div. 2, $1.00 ; P, Breen and
T. H, Coursey, auditors, $24.00.
The council adjourned to meet again
on Monday- March 2nd, I903, at 10 a.
W. D. STANLEY, Clerk.
Thames ad
Sogoox. Rrsrowr—The following is
the report of the examination held in
S. S. No. 2, Usborne, for the month of
January, 1903.—Sr. IV„ total 800.,
Wesley Johns -801, Martin Madge -725,
Willie Stone -685, Edgar Hunkin_623
jr. IV, total 890, Edgar Monteith -701,
Vera Campbell -657, Clara Stewart -636
er. III, total 370, Wesly Stone -307,
Alfred Hunkin-248, Willie Westlake,
239, John Bray -196 ; Jr. III., total -355,
Foster Bray.250, Walter McNico1.237,
Myrtle Hunkin-202, Flossie Passmore -
192 ; Sr. II„ total 385, Anna Allison -
341, Willie Monteith -335, Bert Brown -
310, John Turnbull -274 ; Jr. II,. total
300, Garnet.Passmore-275, May Darch-
236, Ethel Hunkin 241. Quite a num-
ber of the pupils' names will not ap-
pear in this report owing to their ab-
sence on..the day of the examination
on account of the storm on that day.
Grand gena
BRIEFS.— Mr. John Patterson, of
Grand Marais, Mich., is spending a
week with his brother here,—Mr. and
Mrs. A, W. Mollard, of Grand Marais,
Mich., are spending a few weeks with
their parents here.—Mr. Silas Grattan
had the misfortune one day last week
to break his leg.—News reached here
on Monday that Mr. Dave Baird, of
Michigan, brother of Mrs. Geo, Webb,
was dead. It cone as a surprise to his
friends here as he was here a couple of
weeks ago in the best of health attend;
ing the funeral of his aged. mother.—
Messrs. Webb and Maison cut fifty
cords of wood for H. Smith on Satur-
day afternoon with their circular saw.
--Mr. Ezra Brenner attended the bach-
elors' ball in Thedford last Friday
night and reports a good time. -Mr. ,
Wm, Levitt and daughter, Pearl, of
xeter, were in the village on Satur-
day for a few hours.—Mr. Bruce Bos-
senberry, of St. Joseph, visited friends
here on Sunclay.—Mr. 1. Allan and L.
Disjardirce have returned home after
spending the winter in the lumber
woods both are looking well after
their winter's work,—Mt', E. Brenner
and EL Gill spent Sunday with friends
in Exeter.
Central la
BRIEFS.—Mr. T. Willis, of Exeter
and Mr. C. Dearing have purchased
the Centralia Oreamery,we wish them
success in this venture. Mr, Thomas
Mitchell has purchased property in
.our village, -Miss :Emma Abbott of
London is visiting friends Here.—A.
Hicks and Thos. Caves left on Wed-
nesday of last week for the North
West,—We are sorry to say thatlair.
and Mrs. Trothan are on the sick list.
Miss J. Arden of Gorrie is visiting Mrs
Jas. Hodgins. —Miss M. Handford. and
M. J. Arbell are in London attending
the millinery opeeings. —Miss M, El-
son left on Saturday last for Toronto
o attend the millinery openings.—
Mrs. Richard Hicks gave an oyster
upper to a Iarg a num
pp g ter of young
eople on Friday evening last; Guests
were present from
editon, Exeter
and the surrounding neighborhood.
The evening was spent very enjoyably
with music, games etc, The time
went all to fast and the night was
well spout when the guests bid their
kind host and hostess goodbye.—Te
home of Mrs, and Mr. J. Handford
was the sceneof '.
a very pleasant
gathering of young people on Wed-
nesday evening of last week,the'guests
ere from Exeter,Eden and surround -
ng vicinity. The evening was spent
ery pleasantly every one being des
ighted with the hospitality of Mr.
and Mrs.,llandford,—:Miss I+'r Esser} is
isiting in Forest.
Hensall, where she was attending the
funeral of the late Mr. Beek.—Mr.
Russell Crago spent Sunday with
friends at.Blooming Hill.
Large stock of Lumber—pine and hemlock,
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. Frioes
reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
Main el
BnIEFs.—The annual Epworth Lea'
gue convention of the Elirnvile circuit
will be held Thursday, Feb,26 at Elim
vine. Programme in the afternoon
by local talent, and in the evening
addresses are expected. by Rev, Dr,
Bannon, Chairman of the Exeter Dis-
trict and Rev. Malott, Hensall, Presi-
dent of the District Epworth League, t
-On Tuesday last, Mr, Sohn Hind fell
from the sleigh as he was unloading 1
coal and severely injured his shoulder. p,
--Mts. Thos. R.ern is visiting at the c
hone of her son. W. Hern.—Mrs,
Hunter, spent a tory days of the.�;.past
week in town. --On Sunday..last aIev.
r MCDona d Elimville exchanged
yy,,,,,,r. 1 n d
.l4 r
pulpits with Mr. Hart, Wdodham,—
The Farmer's Institute meeting held
Monday was a decided • success. The
prdgratunne,.both afternoon, and even..
ing, being very interesting`, The hall
was crankled,
St. Joseph
Brims—Among the applications to
he Dominion"Parliament for legisla-
on at the conning session is one for
ncorporation of the St, Joseph 'Trans-
ortation Oompany, with power to
onstruct, an eighteen foot canal sys-,
creatine a navigable waterway
between a point oil the :eastern shore
of Lake Huron in the counties of Hur-
on or Lampton, and a point on the
rn shore of Lake
Northern k �rie
N , in Elgin
Minty. This is the scheme projected
by N, li'f.,Oontine, o1 St. Joseph..—risk-
hng:is going to begin,, as the lake is
again covered with its winter coat.—
Mr. Wm, I urchamie has disposed of
Friday nightlast the home of Mrs.
Brooks, Exeter North,was invaded by.
a few ladies who took possession of
the house. The intrusion was soon ex-
plained by the reading of an address
and the presentation of a purse con-
taining a sum of money. The presen-
tation was made on behalf of the pat-
rons of the Hay Post -office and was
but a slight acknowledgement of their
appreciation of, her obliging and un-
tiring service in that connection. The
evening was afterwards pleasantly
spent in social chat, games etc, Mrs.
Brooks graciously' thanked the donors
on behalf of herself and daughters.
The following is the address.
learned that you had resigned your
position as Post Mistress we were all
very sorry, For many years your
beloved husband. was Postmaster and
then when he had passed to the Great
Beyond, you were given the same
po'ition and we have met here to-
night to let you know how very many
friends regret your resignation, be-
cause you and your most estimable
daughters have always been so kind
and obliging and you have performed
your duty. so faithfully. And now as
you retire from public office we trust
that God will continue to bless and
keep you for many years to come and
now we ask you to accept this purse
as a token of respect from your many
Signed on behalf of the Donors:
MRs. Trios. YELLOW
BRIEFS.—Mr. Wm. Klopp has pur-
chased Mr. Henry Eicher's 150 acre
farm. Mr, Eicher and family will re-
move to Michigan in the spring, -The
remains of the late Duncan J. Camp-
bell, whose death occurred in Chicago
last week were brought here, the fun-
eral 1 tak
lace from the residence of
ea gp
Dr. -Campbell on Friday last and in-
terred at the Bronson Line cemetery.
Deceased was the only brother of Dr.
Campbell and was a printer by trade
holding a lucrative position on the
" Musical Leader " of Chicago for
several' yearsprior to
culminaed in is death, Mr. Camp-
bell was thirty-one years of age.—
Orville Ehnes left Tuesday to visit
his brother, Rev. Ehnesof Delware,
Ohio.—Mrs.J.Sweitzer, of Sebringville
and two sons are visiting friends in
town. -Mrs, J. G. McLean and family
home onTuesday,—
d• their T a -�
returns toY
Mr. Phillip Fassold, of Dashwood paid
our town a flying visit last; Wednesday
evening.—Mrs. Schluchter left Tues-
day for her home in Dakota after a
two months visit with relatives and
friends.—Mr. Henry Eicher visited his
sons near Elkton, Mich., the past'
week. Miss Annie Price returned
from Sarnia, recently where she has
been employed as dining room girl in
the Sarnia Hospital. •--- Mr. Samuel
Hoitzinan.left for Chesley Thursday
niotning.-Mrs. D. Steinbach who has
been visiting her daughter Mrs. Bald-
win of Seaforth, returned home Mon-
day. ---The following left last Tuesday
]:Hope Dale, Ill. Misses. Sarah and
Barbara Bechler and Miss Annie Oesch
and Messrs. Menno, Oesch. Jr., James
and Arthur Ronnie, Joseph Schwart-
zentruber, Jacob Gascho, rind Joseph
Gellman, — The .Farmers' Intit.`P.at3
Meeting was held in tho ;..ni Hall
Zuricb, on 'Wednesday, 13th. inst.
There was good mucid etc at the even-
ing. meeting..•-- Mr. and Mrs, R. Ronnie
of Hensall visited ab Mr. S. Rannie on
elearin Sole'.
if Shoes
As I am going toive upthe shoe business and
my attention entirely�to thegave
Harness,: we will clear cut
our shoes at greately reduced prices.
izen's felt Boots, regular $2.25 for
i;,len's felt Shoes regular $1.50, now.. , , ...........$1.15 . . • 51.15
axon's heavy Rubb, regular $2.50 for..
Men's Rubb regular $1.00 and 90c now for... $1.5e
Women's Rubb:, regular 60 and '65e now for ... -, ..a 50c
Also a choice line of good wearing shoes for boys and
girls, at prices to suit everyone.
We have 2 Fut Coats worth $20,00, now tor $1'5.00
Every purchase is a genuine bargain. Come and get
some of them before they ate all gone, .
Sunday. — Mrs. Frank Bossenberry
visited relatives at Guelph last week.
—Messrs. James Berry and J. Living-
stone of Tuckersmith were in town
and vicinity this week.—Mr. and, Mrs.
Hartlieb left Saturday for Sebring
ville to attend the funeral. of Mr.
Meeting of the Board held in the
Town Hall, Monday, February 16th,
1903, with all the members present.
The following is the order of busi-
ness duly submitted and approved.
Per chairman, Minutes of previous
Per Repairs Committee.—Thatgrat-
es for furnaces had been ordered.
Per Wood Committee.. —That 22
cords has been secured at $3,50.
Per Teacher's Supply.—That two of
the staff were absent through sick-
Per High School Committee. — That
an additional grant of twd hundred
dollars in aid of the High school de-
partment has been pledged by the
County Council.
Per S. Martin and G Eacrett. That
the thanks of the Board be tendered
to the High School committee for
their effective work, and that the sum
of six dollars be paid the said com-
mittee for travelling expenses.
Per W. J. Carling and S. Martin.—
That all non-residents be required to
secure a certificate of admission to be
issued for a full term only, and not
until the fee for such term be paid.
Per H. Huston and J. Evans.—That
the following prepayments be con-
firmed:—Insurance $5400 for 3 years,
$54. ; W, Penhale, wood, $22.00.
Per W. J. Carling.—That the report
of the Principal, with suspensions
noted be confirmed.
Per W. 3. Carling,— Adjournment.
J Gnnie, Secy.
Judge Holt, newly appointed junior
judge for the county of Huron paid
his first visit in Exeter in that capa-
city on Tuesday of last week and as
there was a very small: number of cas-
es to dispose, of his duties were soon
performed. In the case of Cobbiediek
vs. Ronnie, the deft. not appearing,
judgment was entered for the pif,
L. H. Dickson for pif. Pickard vs.
Mero judgment for pif, J. G. Stanbury
for pif. Herbert vs. Jones deft, in
this case not appearing judgment was
rendered for pif.
Division court was held in Zurich on ,
Monday of Iast week Judge Holt pre-
siding. As usual there was a large
attendance. The first case was one
entered by A. Buchanan of Tucker -
smith and George McEwen & Ewen
Geiger of Hensall action for $100
damages for the loss of crop of flax.
Plf contending that def's had promis-
ed to pull the flax and failed to do so.
After taking upa greater part of the
day, judgment was rendered -in favor
of def's, dismissing the action and
awarding them the amount of their
counterclaim for seed provided, and
F. W. Glad•man for pif.,. J. (,1,
Stanbury for deft. The second case
was an action entered by Henry Koe-
hier against his son-in-law George
Brown over a long standing account
between themselves and resulted in
judgment for pif. L. H. Dickson for
pl£, J, G. Stanbury for deft. The sit-
tings of the court lasted from 10.30 a.
m. to 7.30 p. m., with only one inter-
mission of half an hour for noon being the longest held here for a Iong
The world is full of sickly, ^ despon-
dent, tired, enervated people, all hop-
ing to be well some day. The surest
road to health is along the way of tak-
ing Ferrozone after meals. Ferrozone
is a great appetizer and enables one to
eat plenty of wholesome food without
fear of indigestion or dyspepsia, This
results in the . rapid formation of an
abundance of red, vitalizingblood,
which will restore the nerves, increase
flesh and vigor, and nourish and feed
every organ of the body. Ferrozone
is an ideal restorative and invigorant.
It atonic of unequalled merit that
anyone can use with benefit. Price
50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50, at
Druggists, or N. C. Poison & Co., . -'--
Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills for the Liver,
DENNIS--At Zurich, on Feby. 6th,.: to
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Dennis, a son.
WEBSTER—In Exeter, on January 28,
the wife of Mr. Thos, Webster, of a
OEscrI—At the Goshen Line, Hay, on
January, 20th, the wife of Mr. John
Oesch, of a son,
DATERs—In Hay, on February est,
the wife of Mr. Edward Deters, of a
SANDERS —In Killarney, Man.on
Jany. 29th, to Mr,. and Mrs. W
Sanders, a son.
STECxLE—At the Bronson Line, Stan-
ley, on January 131h,
Mr. Menno Steckle, of
SCROcH,—At the Goshen Lino, Hay,
on January 29th, the wife of Mr.
Cyrus Schoch, of a dao
, . J.
th a wife of
a son.
WRIGRT-- HORN—At the Manse, by
the Rev. W. M. Martin, on Feby.
181h., Mr. James Wright, of Pt. Ed-
ward, to Miss B. Horne, of Exeter.
TRE1yETHIcx,—In Brinsley, on Sun:
day, February, 15th, 1903, Mr. Wm.
Trevethick, aged 73 years.
CAM.pBELL.—In Chicago, on Feby.9th,
Duncan J, Campbell, brother of Dr.
Campbell of Zurich, aged 31 years.
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