HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-2-12, Page 8X „/• th 1. l0 • Tog TAKING VER: -m --All odds and ends and balance of .all winter goods to be cleared out We can't afford to carry goods from one season to another, and theymust go, l o matter what our losswe want the money- and not the goods. February will be our great big bargain month: Are you interested ? Come and see what we are doing. We can save you lots of money. Farm produce taken sauce as cash, $39,00 six only, Alen's Prime Canadian Coon Goats beautiful dark hides, well furred and natural colors, worth to -day $55.00, We wont carry them over take your choice for .$39.00 $27.5 men's Bear Beaver Fur Coats very dressy and great wearers, large full storm collars, the swell - est coat an the market this season regular, val us $87,50 our February' sale price only ,...,, ... $27.50 $20.50 five onlymen's black corsican lamb Fur Coat, nice close glossy curl. well furred, .every coat a money saver, regular value $25.00 our clearing price only , , , .$20,50. $18.50 wen's dark Austrian calf Fur Coats, lonely soft whole hides, water proof, wind proof and wear proof, regular value $25.00, clear- ing price.. ,..,$18,50 $12.50 teen's Australian coon Fur Coats, whole soft hides, natural grey, worth wholesale to -day $18.00, our February bargain price only, ,.. $12.50 $39.00 ladies' electric seal Fur Coat with prime dark mink collar and edgings, a perfect beauty, size 38, worth to -day $60.00 our closing out price only .. , - .. , ... -336.00. 336.00. $28.00 ladies' No. 1 electric seal Fur Ooat, large storm collar, a beauty, size 34, regular value $40,00, sale price only $32,50 4 only ladies' black astrachan and black bokharan Fur .^,,oats, all very large sizes prices very very low. 2 only ladies' black bokharan Fur Coats, choicest quality, but all small sizes. If you take a small size coat, now's your fortunate chance. 5 only No, 1 grey goat Fur Robes, large sizes, best plushlinings, 'whole hides, regular value $8.75, our sale price only , .. -.85.95 Child's grey persian lamb. Fur Caps,. regular values $2.75, our clearing price only ; ... . .. .$1.50, $6.00 five only, men's pure wool, frieze Suits, double breasted, well lined. Regular prices $10.00. Your pick of the lot for . . , . $6.80 $4,25 fifteen only men's Tweed Suits all odd lines from stock taking in this lot. Regular values, $6.50 to $8.50. Your choice of the lot, for $4.25 31.10 three only, shaped and lined horse blankets. Regulai value $1.40 to $1 50. Clearing. at, ..$1. 10 $4.50 men's pure wool, Frieze Over- coats and Meters, tweed lined large, storm collars. Regular values $6,80 to $8.00, Our great bargain price, only, ,.... , .. --$4,50 . $4,50 31.00 twenty five pair of ladies' Button ° Lace and Oxford Shoes, sizes 2a, 3 and 3a, Regular values $1.75 to 32.75. Our job price, only. ,.31.00 $1.25 twenty pair of men's fine Lace and Gaiter Shoes, in tans and blacks, all odds and ends from stock taking. Regular value $1.75 to 38.00. Out they go, at.. .$1.75 $1.50 job lot of pure wool Knee Ruai;. Swell for cutter backs, worth $2.25 Clearing at $1.50 25c. each for sample ends of 2 ply pure wool Carpets. Just the thing for mats. Ask to see them only..25e. Come out and share in some of our big after stock taking bargains. 1116 611811 STORE J 9. 8T E W f F T --S1ART THE-- eiATYear.. WITH A- S99IEIS ACCOV)1! —IN THE ---- MINIS BNg of Canada --AT-- Exeter or Crediton. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. :I:tiuRSDAY, FEB. 12Ta,1903 Locals The fraiEs office is the place to get your job printing. Have you renewed your subscrip tion to the Tntns yet. For Marriage licenses, Weakling Rings, Watches, Clocks Spectacles Etc OAT.T, ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mr. Frank Sweet is in Thedford this week. Mr. Daniel Wood who is 111 is con- fined to his home. Mr. John Wood shipped a load of fine export cattle last week. Miss May Wood, who has been i11 is able to be around again. Dr. Silk, of London. spent Sunday in town, the guest of Miss Gertie Hicks. Mr. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, was the guest of Miss Emma Penhale over Sunday, c Mr. George Blatchford, of Blyth, spent Sunday in town, the guest of his friend, Mr. W. Brooks. Mrs. Stott, returned missionary. from China, was the guest of Mrs, Keyes, Exeter North, during her stay in Exeter, Mr. Arthur Kemp, of the Molson's Bank sniff, Ottawa, spent a few holi- days here this week with his mother and sisters. Rev. Quance will occupy t he pulpit in the James-st. Methodist church, both morning and evening on Sunday next. Mrs. T. Fisher, Huron street, had the misfortune to break two of her ribs on Saturday, and as a result is confined to her home. FUR GORTS 01-1EfIF 1 Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coat, was $32 for $25e 1 Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $33 for S30. 1 Ladles' Black Astrachan Fur Coat was for $40 $32. 1 Man's Brown Dog Fur r Coat was5 � for $19. —Allur o .Furs are nowh Ceap— FOPPJJESTONE Groceries a Specialty. GADINER One Door Orth post 0 R, ce. r, H. N. Andersen. Principal of otic Pobllc School has received the appohrtihent as County examiner. Mrs. Pearson, of London, hat= .been spending the past few dale with her` sister„ firs, Wm. J. wits, William -et, Messrs, Percy Wood and John Gaa diner, of the Stratford limitless Col* lege, spent Saturday and kaanday at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosa..l returned home on Monday tavriria.atrona :1I Handl- ton where they spent a 1'ew days on their honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson enter- tained their nephews and nieces on Wednesday evening last on the occa- sion of their 23rd wedding anniver- sary, Mr. Will Gook returned home from Stayner on Monday everting and has engaged again with Mr. T, G. Har1ton as clerk in his new store at Clande- boye, Mr, T, 1t- Cameron on Thursday last sold to Mrs. Wilson of the Loudon. Road South, for a good figure the farm property of the late Samuel Madge. Miss Lottie Dennis leaves on Tues- day next for Vancouver, where she will take a position as agent for the Robinson Corset Co, She expects to remain there for a year. Rev. W. M. and Mrs. Martin very pleasantly entertained the members of the Caven church choir to an oyster supper at the Manse on Friday even- ing last. An enjoyable evening was. spent by all, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I 'TALBOTS 'TALBOTBAZAAR t t • (This ad. Changes Every week) t 4, We have some very nice .i. patterns in + SHELF PAPER lt in just now, and sell 12 yards 4 4.- for 5c. Enough in one roll to .�3. • cover the shelves of any ordin- •II• � ary sized' pantry, 5c. 4. 4. • We sell combs and every- 4. thing else for the hair. ,1, '1' Another consignment ofa ..g., those nice Sweet Oranges to • hand, 20c a doz. We can't get .1. .* enough apparently. 4. .. Remember we keep inks, • pencils, scribblers and other d. + necessities for children going 4. * to school. Try us. a ., A. nice line of Stationery can F. m be found here. + Talbots Bazaar I '-t; Wedding Presents a Specialty. Mrs. Thos. Prior left Monday ev en- ing for Wheatley, to nurse her daugh- ter, Cora, who since leaving here has taken seriously ill. An Armenianpriest (fraud) has been "doing” Sarnia people. Chief Sarvis warned him to leave the town -and he left, taking his gripsack with him. kook out'for him. , Mr. F. C. Elford is very ill with pneumonia at his home at Holmesvitle Ont. Mr. Thomas McMillan, of Sea - forth, will take his place at the meet- ings of the farmers. Mr. Ed.. Hooper has accepted a posi- tion as bookkeeper with Mr. W. 11 Levett in place of Mr, R. Rogers. M Hooper is a young man well fitted fo the position. We wish him saccess i his new undertaking. On Friday evening last the young men in connection with the Trivitt Memorial church were pleasantly en- tertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Q. Bobier in honor of the new rec- tor Rev. Mr. Perkins. Mise Jessie Millar, who has been in the employ of Miss Horne, milliner, for some time past Ieft on Monday for London where she will take a position with Clark Vandelinder & Co. until the spring season commences. --eDon't forget to hear May Parke)cs `Pickanninntes Feb'y 21st 1903 in Ged- ley's Opera House, Exeter, Plan of. "Hall at Dr. Lutz's Drug store. Open. eb'y 18th 1803. ' Tickets 25, 35, and 50 ,gents. In the month we have just entere you will notice that each day of th week occurs four times. This has -hap- paned but fifteen times in the last 132 years, natnely in 1778, 1789, 1795, 1801, 1807, 1818, 1829, 1835, 1846, 1857, 1863; 1874, 1885, 1891, and 1903, in the next fifty years it will occur five times -in 1914, 1925, 1931, 1942 and 1953, The report of the Bureau of Indus- tries shows the exemption from taxa- tion by property in diffierent parts of the Province, given to assist manufac- tories. These exemptions in Huron are Brussels, $2850 ; Blyth, amount not stated ; 'Exeter $6000 Seaforth, $4000 ; Wingham, $15,000 ; Goderich, $126,500. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber -smoking tobacco - Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the`" redemption of Snowshoe tags to January lst 1904. -TRE EMPIRE To- BACCO CO. T;rMITEA. The editor of the .Hylas acknowled- ges an invitation to the Third Annual At Home of the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto, which is to be held in the Temple Building, on the evening of the 19th Inst.. These gath- erings are very popular, always well attended, and are very enjoyable in- deed. We havenob advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew -a ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the. Consumer as formerly. 64'e have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January lst 1904.-TBIE EMPIRE To I3ACCo CO. LIMITED. Dr. Oyens,.of London, Surgeon, Ocu- list and specialist of diseases eye, ear, nose and throat will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wed nesday . Feb 4h ; Wedneda3» March 4th Wednesday, April lst ; Wednesday; nesday' ; May 6th• Wednesday,'u a 3rd 1903 Spctacles and eyeglasses prroperly fitted, Next visit will he Wednesday, Feby. 4th. li I". , , r '1 '.N•E11, a DAsiiw'oou We are opening up New. Spring Goods daily. Those Y new Prints, wide width, and fast colors are going fast The regular price would be 12i -e, but we got 2000 yards at a bargain. See that you get your share. NEW QUEEN JJAL IT Y' SHOES FOR SPRING JUST IN Bargains in Staples New 25 yards good fast colored flannel- ette lannelette for $1,00 20 yards good width, fair weight, grey cotton for $1.00. 12 yards 30 inch wide, heavy weight, fast colored flannellette for $1.00, 10 yards, widewidth, fast colored,. $lain, blue and pink fannellette for 1,00. 12 yards good width. heavy weight, plain cream flannellette for 31.00 WaII Papers Qus new stock is in and open- ed up ready for your inspection We have them in allg rades, from the cheapest to the best grades all P g , purchased direct from the manu- facturers, Make your selection note when the range is complete, Remember You get a Certifi- cate on That Beautiful New Heintzman Piano, , FREFL with. every $3.00 purchase+ We have bad the best Fur season in our history, and are willing to clear the balance of our stock without regard to profit. 1 only. men's beaver shell, fur lined, 50 inch Overcoat, ,a beauty regular price $35,00, special ' clearing price • $25.00 3 only ladies' astrachan Coats, all good quality - off regular prices. 10 only, ladies' Caperines, reduced to 1.76, 2.00, 3.00 4,00 and $5.00. Worth in most oases ra more. Molls OvGr6oats Nc11116st Fae1110118 dt DiU Bargains We want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs to fill a heavy contract, and will pay highest prices. Bring us your Produce. The 00090000099099999990000000.0000009000.0009 sa 0 Now is the time to get your Prints, Ginghanis and Shirtings, etc, In these lines we are Shim- ing the finest and best assortment we have shown for years. Lome quick before they are all picked M over, s s Dress goods in all the newest and latest shades. ®' We have a line of goods that we are sl]oivin • suit . .► able for W�tlstswhich: are really filie nobby goods. In all other lines wo are up-to-date. 0 0 0 • 0 O 0 0 0 NG ROB. o • a^ 600000• 00000000.00000 0 CABLING BRI 9{Ir 90000 0 0 0 • 000000600000000000000 woes 000,The Funitur$:: and Undertaking We Carry Good Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY FOR ALL HUSTON,Wri. Co Gra duate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block. AlBSTEZACIr Receipts and Expenditures of Exeter 1902. ickard _.0 o RECEIPTS O Bal on hand from 1901 $3979 26 Direct Importers ay Parker's Pickanninnes coming ireot from Grand Opera London to xeter only giving three entertain - ants in Canada one of which will he igen Sat. Feb, 21st 1903 in Gidley's pera House, and is said to be (by press and public) one of the very best ompanies on the Road. Plan of hall at Dr. Lutz's Drug store. Open eb'y 18th 1903. Tickets 25, 35, and 50 ants. PxcIAL OPPER.-During the next two months or up to March lst, we will give subscribers a special club rate for the Tri ws and London Daily Ad; vertiser for 32.25 in advance. Sub- scribe now. CARD OE TE4N S, -Mrs. Stancombe and the members of the family of the late Mr. Stancombe desire to thank their many friends of Exeter for their extreme kindness during the family's ecentnsad bereavement. 'CARD OF THANKS. -,-On behalf of our ntire family we wish to extend our Sincere thanks to the many friends for their kind assistance and tokens of sympathy during the long illness and death of our father, Mr. B, 1. Higgins. 'MEssRs, W. AND E. HIGGINS, DOG LosT,-Lost since the beginni of January a Beagle hound, black, white and tan, answers to the name of Sailor. Last seen between Sexsmith and Hensel'. A. suitable reward to any one bringing same to N. Dyer Hurdon or Jatx es Beer, Exeter. Any one found harboring this dog after this notice will be liable to prosecu- ion. LEAVINGT6rwN.--Mr, T. G. Hariton leayes this week for Clandeboye, where he will open up in Mrs. Black - well's store with a general stock of dry -goods, groceries, boots and shoes, etc, . Mr. Harlton has been in business here for about one year and has won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact' by his strict integrity and upright dealings, Wbile we regret his departure we join with his many friends in wishing him prosperity in his new field.• stant attention. THE LATE MR, B. I. RTGGINS.-Mr. Is the network of muscular fibres of B, I. Higgins one of the oldest and \the stomach in a healthy condition, or most highly respected residents of this are the nerves weak, irritated or in - locality, passed away front this life to Rammed ? Is digestion poor ? Have the great beyond, on Thursday, Feby, you dyspepsia, indigestion, heartburn 5th, at his residence lot 13, con. 2, waterbrash or flatulence ? A. of upright in all his dealings having a rm conviction of-' what was right. e was a staunch conservative in poli - ti s and an adherent of the Methodist c arch and enjoyed visits of his paster R v. Dr. Hannon from time to time. T 'ere remains to mourn their Ioss,one d ughter and four sons besides a idow, onesister in Meadville, Pen:, wo brothers in Dakota, three brothers and one sister in Turnberry. His re- mains were interred in the Exeter cemetery followed by a very large concourse of friends and neighbors. Is There a bleak Spot That is . Melp to Develop Disease ? Paine's Celery Compound ,Quickly Reaches .the Af- fected Parts, Fortifies a'r .� Them and Imparts New Life to the Blood. Are you conscious of a weak spot in connection with any of the great or- gans of the body ? Do your kidneys bother you ? It may be that you ex- Miscellaneous account 232 57. perience pain in urination or pain in ' 3489 83 the small of the back. You perhaps -.- find the skin dry and harsh, the urine $144I7 62 high colored or a deposit in it. Any of these symptoms point to kidney trouble. Is your liver doing its great' work properly ? If you have vomiting, nausea, furred tongue, constipation or disordered vision there is a weak spot in the. liver. This demands in - Arrears of taxes 1901-1902,.,. I27 19 Inst. on arrears of taxes 5 45 Taxes collected for 1902 9729 19 License Fund. .. 462 67 Poll tax 9 00 Legislative grant to schools,. 231 00 Public school board 728 48 Rent account 10 00 Dog tax....... 10 00 Money borrowed from bank1600 00 Inst. on moneybank in 30 40 Inst. on sinking fund 50.75 Street watering account 261 45 Fines - 12 00 Miscellaneous, ..... 138 15 17384 99 Disbursements....... 14417.62 Bal, on hand Dec. 31st, 1902,, 2967 37 ExPENDITIIRE Streets, bridges, drains, &c .. 2912 49 County rate 370 65 Town Hall accoant.... . 234 95 Elections ', 54 55 Salaries and commissions . 621 15 Water supply & fire protect'n '851 35 Charities 62 60 Printing, stationery, postage 105 22 Registration..:.'...." .... • 15 40 Bill payable and redeemable Molsons bank 1600 00 Inst. act. other than deb. inst, 26.25 Street lighting...... . . ... . .. Street watering Public library, salary ....... , Sinking Fund Refund of taxes Insurance Fire engine debentures....... Railway debenture debt Town Hall debenture debt. Granolithic pavem't deb.debt. Miscellaneous account Pablic school, salaries 2829 50 secyand janitor's salary... 275 10 Public school fuel acc. 152:66 267 79 125 00 555 68 62 85 39 60 586 58 791 25 825 00 467 29 411 39 Usborne. Mr. Higgins was stricken these troubles are forerunners of sus With an attack of influenza, some nine fering and ill health. weeks previous to his death, from . Does your blpod as it courses to all which he never recovered. The beet parts of the body carry nourishment' medical aid was procured and with and Iife, ar is it- filed with impurities skilful nursing he would at times rally and poisons ? Unless you have a full sufficiently to give hopes of his ulti. and vigorous supply of pore ' blood mate recovery, ,but at last the vital your life is daily in danger cord was snapped. He bore all his Eminent medical men and the tens sufferings during all those long weeks of thousands made well. and strong with patience and without a murmur, by Paine's Celery Compound will telt Mr. Higgins was born near Belfast, you that this marvellous medicine is Ireland, and came to this country, your sure deliverer; from all the troub- when but a lad and had been a reel- les we have mentioned, Fable's Celery dent ofEteter for over 85 years being Compound quickly and promptly, employed as sawyer with Mr. James reaches the weak and suffering parts, Pickard until nine years agowhen he fortifies them, gives new life to the moved to his farm in Usborne, Mr. blood, nourishes the ,her es .. , v builds Hl in. a was never an aspirant 1 g vafteat muscle and tissue, and makes you re" , y eing a good thinker, straight and a permanent and lasting. pn lie office.but was a mean capable, nice in a condition of health that wish ASSETS Cash in Treasury (exclusive of Sinking Fund Taxes in arrears-- , , , , , .. Cash on deposit, sinking fund Land, including parks . , Buildings, furniture, etc, ex- elusive of school property 6500 00 School Property ... . :... . ... . 10000 00 Water works, , water tanks and engine...... Fire appliance, 2 fire engines Market build. & weigh scales Band instrum'ts and uniforms 2967 37 •61 58 2494 66 1500 00 2900 00 4000.'00 200 00- 890 00 Total assets,,,,. $31018 61 LIABILITIES Local school rates, due and unpaid.. , . 3125 65 Local improvement works 0197 06 Railway debentures . 6665 82 All other objects,2 fire engines 3000 00 $21088 03 We hereby certify that we have ex- amined and audited the foregoing accounts of the Village of Exeter for the year ending Dec, 31st, 1902, and find them correct, and the books care* fully and properly kept, and we find h t ce rn the treasury e balance r astir to t n be y $2967.37: CHAS. SNELL AudiOrbc WM, D, WEEKI+'� aCREYllITON Ro:Iier Mills We are giving excellent sa' tisfaotion in flour' since Te- modelling our mill. :Y))J,11:)1 6rIStinin dilai10 III pA g DO1I6 rroiu till ®SWEITZER. GO TO THE EXTER Roller Mill For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (Stat). Pastry (Princess) Wheatlet (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a ..Trial • and be convinced that it is all right. oiler and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. 471f1R.VEY BROS MTLLE'RS 150 YEARS' - EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARES DESIGNS ' •''Iro COriVkIGN'r'S &C. r' Anyone sending a sketch and descrtption may kinlekl ascertain. our opinion free whether err• nbeation illpror ably patOdtablo. boniniunlca. ' :ions strictly eon 8dentlar. Erandbook on Patenta ,kelt free. Oldest a enoy for securing pateOts. Pntente ta6.en througgh Munn & co. rticc'.vo iopeciai noting, without cdargp, !Atha ,A.bandsomolyflustratedweekly. Largestelr. ,oulatlon of any scientific journal. Terms, $8 a Year; four months, $L Sold bawl ne ealora 1Braariwa 3d Y, �� C U �C. New k Branc1t Olrl ®626 $' $t.. wash:T�gtontb. .