Exeter Times, 1903-2-12, Page 52t1 IMMENSE OPPORTUNITY For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Clain Free,—No Moxa;" ey Regnired,---Every Man,. Woman, Boy, of Girl has the same Opportunity un- der our System. In order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all persons suffering franc bad health We make the following most liberal offer :- If you will send us your name and. address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr,.Arnolds English Toxin. Pills at 25c, per box, we will give you absolutely Free a beautiful Watch and Chain in either Ladies or Gents size, or your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Remember we don't . want any. money until after you sell the Pills - and •you don't have to sell any more than 12 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable concern that has given thousands of. dollars worth of premiums to agents all over the country, : Remember also that Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills are a well known remedy for all die eases :of thekidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous ;trottbles, and femalecons: is and are for sale lain n o by all: p , lfirst' class druggists and dealers in meth - eines in all parts of the world. You have only tshow them to sell them. You are not offering something that the people don't know. Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad- ies or Gentlemen in Nickel or Giro. Metal Cases with handsome illumin- ated dials and reliable time keepers, watches such as no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Fre to- all who sell only twelve boxes of those won +erful Toxin Pills. Write at once and be the first inyouriocality to earn one of those beautiful watches and chain. 4.s soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you postpaid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will slot be asked to sell anymore than the 1213oxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a method of advertising Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. floe't delay, write at once and earn a beautiful present for yourself for Christmas, Address ARNOLD MEDICINE .CO" .Dept. 0. h. • 50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Thames Roact BRIEFS. - The annual anniversary services in connection: with the Pres- byterian °church was held on Sunday and Monday last. On Sunday the ;iernions delivered by the Rey. Mor - dock Mackenzie and Rev. Dir rcLaren were of special Interest and benefit to those present. On Monday evening the tea this year was not in any re- spects behind any of previous years, in fact we might say, excelled• The night being alt that could be desired the crowds came from far and near and partook of the good things provid- ed after which a very interesting programme of speeches and music 'was given in the body of the church where the seating capacity was taxed to the utmost. The proceeds in all amounted to over $150.00 which is very gratifying to the managers who from year to year spare no pains to make this anniversary a success, On Thursday evening last Miss Jes- sie Millar, who has for several years been a valued memberof the Oaven Presbyterian church choir, prior to leaving town was presented by the members of the choir with a. beautiful opal ring in token of their friendship and with best wishes accompanying the gift. 0 ANNUAL MEETING. DE TRE O'SBORNE AND HIBBERT FAR - aunts' MUTUAL FIRE 'INSURANCE COXPANY. The 27th annual meeting of the members of the company was held in Public Hall, r arquhar, on February 2nd. There was a large number of members present, The Secretary- Treasurer's and auditor's report show- ed that the company had done good work during the past year, there be- ing 703 policies issued covering risks to the amount of $1,313,204,00, which after deducting the cancelled and ex- pired risks left a'net total at risk on 31st December 1902, of $3,611,259.00 which is secured by premium notes amounting to $107,334.13 liable for assessment. Financially the company ° Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is .ordinarily taken into it, s tlt gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of rt -weak stomaoh are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- veils headache, end disagrecable'belch- ing. "I have been troubled With dyspepsia far year y s, and tried ever remedy X heard of, but never got anything that gave me relief until 1 took .flood's Sarsaparilla, 1 cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it has don no, X always take it in the Spring and fall and wotild not be without W. A. N1)0111', Belleville, Ont. Hood's Strengtheteeind tones rthe stoniaehand, .the whole digestive system. PRS The a. matter of feed- is of -tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science,. But how about the children? Are they fed according to science, a bone 'food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they 1and arenandweaka blood 1 ranemia food if there ? Emulsion is Scott's on a mixed Cod Liver food; the Co Oilin it make8, flesh, blood and muscle, the Lirne and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample, Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Ivmulsion you buy. Scott& Bowne CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $l; all druggists is in better standing than ever before, their being a cash balance on hand of $1,542.56 and no liabilities. The offi- cers for the year 1.903 are as follows, viz: -Pres., T. Ryan, Dublin ; Vice Pres., W. H. Passmore, Farquhar ; Directors, Wed. Roy, Bornholm ; J. L. Russell, Russeldale ; J, A. Norrie, Cromarty, and F. Morley, Whalen ; Agents, 3, Carmichael, Staffs ; J. Wilson, Fullerton; A. Duncan, Far- quhar.; , and J. Se Slinky, Lucan , Auditors, W. A. Turnbull, Farquhar ; G. Rutherford, Kirkton ; Sec'yeeereas., Thos, Cameron, Farquhar. Do Not 13o Deoeivad Btu Imi tations. .ogr.i•I.•a WELLS, RUGiif1RDSON ' & GoGO's IMPROVED BUTTER 's Is The Only Honest and Legal Color. There are several imitations of `Wells, Richardson & Co's, Improved Butter Color now on the market. The buttermakers who nse Improved Butter Color never pay for Mud or Impurities. Tbe last drop is as clear and clean as the first. All imitation butter colors contain impurities and foreign matters that are sure to spoil well made butter. Ask for Wells; Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color and take no other. ADDITIONAL. LOCALS Miss Mora Powell is spending a. few days in Parkhill the guest of Miss Rogers. air, Ernest ar, Hill of Port Huron, Michigan is visiting his aunt errs.. Brewer and sister miss Della Hill Gid- ley et, Dont forget the lecture by Rev. Mr., Clark of London, in. Caven Presbyter- Ian church this (Thursday) evening. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. The bell ringers of the Txivitt mem- orial church were the recipients of an oyster supper on Thursday evening last at the home of 1<Ir, and and iTrs. L. Day. Rev. Mr. Ayearst, of Lucan, will preach in Main street Methodist church next Sunday, Feby. 15th, both morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Mil - yard will take Mr. Ayearst's ' work in Lucan. Mrs, Reginald B. Samuel, nee (Mies Polly Bawden) will hold her post- nuptial reception on Thursday and Friday 19th anct 20th when she will be at home to her friends in her cosy home on William st. Mr. Robert Higgins, from Hannah, N. Dakota, was here this week, ac- companied by his nephew, lair. Ben- janun Higgins, of the same place, in attendance at the funeral of his brother, 13. I. Higgins, Mr. Amos Townsend, of Clinton, has been pp agent appointed a ent for the Deering Harvesting Machinery, in this locality, , Besides binders, mow ers,"'i'akes, etc,, Mr. Townsend will handle buggies, waggons and cutters. Ho will occupy the building north of •Mr. It. Sweet's harness shop, and will be opened for business next Monday. Wall and examine hia Machines and get prices before purchasing else, where. SKATIN • PA.I e:Y.-Misses Ii Ston and the Misses Johns gave a sliatieg party on Tuesday evening to'a.num- ber of specially invited Mende. After Au enjoyable time on the ice the party repaired to the home of Mrs, Joints, where al• euwptuous re- past was served and the ren)ainder of the evening spent in music games etc,. The young hostess were all that was cordiel and spared neither expense or .caro in making the happy guests enjoy themselves. Among those pre- sent from a distance were ; Dr, Orme of Lucan ; Dr. Hutton of Granton ; air. J. Crooks, Clinton ; and mfrs. Shits, Heusall ; riessrs, Pickard and Lennon of'Seaforth; miss Amy Johns and miss' Clxampion ot St. Thomas, NEW LAW EOM- A change bas been made in the legal frateruity in Exeter during the part week which will no doubt come as a surprise to Many, Messrs F. W. Gladman and J. G. Stanburywho have both been successful business men here for some years, have rosined a partnership and will hereafter .practise law under tbe firm nacre of Gladtxlanand Stanbury, The new ftrru will use the 'office now occuplea by Mr,Stau bury over O'Neil's Bank. Mr, Gladman bas been a resi- dent of Exeter for over file years having formed a partnership with the late Mr. B. V. Elliott. Since that gentleman's &nth he has conducted the practise alone and has been able to win and hold the confidence of a large section of the community. Mr. Stan- bury came here four years ago from Toronto entering intoartnershi with the late R.'EL daring Collins,, � g that time he has bad a,marked degree ofsuccess es ee' ll incourtandhas . p to built upan excellent practise. He is a Huron o a son of Dr.: R Stanbury f of -Ba field. .There is no doubt th cpartnership is a strongone, and will ommand ai a sharef the ation o large t age of this section, THE TARTAR CUE. Said to Be Worn Out of Gratitude to the horse. Herbert Allen Giles in "China and the Chinese" says -that there are strange misconceptions as to the mean- ing of the Chinese cue, which has really been worn by that nation for only a .bout 250 years. It was imposed by the Mantehoo Tar- tars, the present rulers of China, as a badge of conquest. Previous to 1044 the Chinese clothed themselves and dressed their hair like the modern J'ap- anese-that is, like the Japanese who still wear what is incorrectly known as the "beautiful native dress of Sa- pan." As a matter of fact, the Japan- ese . borrowed their dress as well as their literature, philosophy and`` early art from the Chinese, The Japanese dress is that . of the Ming period in •:China, 1308 to 1044., But where did -the Mantehoo Tar- tars get the cue? They depended as a race almost for their existence upon the Horse. The accepted theoryis that but of gratitude and respect for his noble ally the Tartar, so far as be could, took on himself the equine form and grew a cue in imitation of a horse's tail.. This somewhat grotesque theory might fall to the ground save that i4 is supported by, striking evi- dence. Official coats as seen in China at the present day are made with peculiar. sleeves, shaped like a horse's leg and ending in an unmista.>able hoof, cov- ering the hand, which are known as "horseshoe sleeves." Incased therein a Chinaman's arms look much like a horse's fore legs. The tail completes the picture. Coffee Chewing.. - - "Coffee chewing," says a doctor, "is a habit easily contracted, for the taste of the ci+isp roasted berries is not un- pleasant, and the exhilaration, the stim- ulus, that the berries give is quite as nlitrked as that which would be (Alain - ed. from a glass or two of beer or from a drink of whisky. "It is this exhilaration, I am convinc- ed, that causes tbe habit to `be formed a lad that makes it a hard habit to break away from. It should be broken away atom. Its effects are highly injurious. They are more injurious than those of'. tobacco chewing. "The coffee chewing habit wrecks the nerves, it makes the skin sallow and it destroysthe appetite. I have had oc- casion to treat a number of men for it. X always advise such men to break off by imperceptible degrees; to give three or four months to the task. Some sue- ceed and some do not. keen who work in coffee plants find it almost •impossl- ie to succeed." "n is with real pleasure thaic certify o e C e Cat O y y I t'f t th ffi f I 9 • l�lt ® aO7I Tabi I Having bee in the Retail Drug thirty-seven busine thirtthirty-seveny pears X have 'n'ever sold any roprietary medicine that has given the same satisfaction to my customers, or has been such an 'easy seller.' The package recommends and . sells itself; the Tablets 'do the rest.' Every box sola snakes friends for the store and sells another box."- , , j ell>~S B. SOMI S, Pharma Idist, Terre Haute, Indiana. Iron..yt Tablets S.'. thte beat cure 'for .eorn sstiH. tion, an unequalled; nerve tonic; 0 Tablets, 25 Cents 110110111 011110101111 Tongue If ft's coated, your stuimaeb is bad, your liver is out of.. order, Ayer's Pills will clean: your tongue, eure your d, s- pepsii naka your liver r r>ght■ Easy to take, easy to operate. 25e. A1i1 druggists. want your utousitache er beerd as beautiful ., brawn or rich bieekR Tbon use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE *At, 60 ora,, e, mmeosien, on R, P. HALL ♦.e90 Nwn4A, n. s . • DIED IIIGGIIYS,- In Usborne, on 7,hursday, February 5tb, Mr. Benjamin 1. Higgins, aged 72 years, 4 months and 7 days. EAsT]nnitooic. - In Exeter, on Feb- ruary 9th, Mary, beloved wife of Mr, Wm, Easterbrook, aged 81 years, 3 months,. and 8 days. MEETINGS` OF FRRMfERs' INSTITUTE, Meetings of Farmers' Institute ..will ELIMVIL be held at—r E DA FR EY, , ON A�., F.CTY, 1E3, -ANI) AT— a Yll DASHWOpD, TIIIJSAY I'EBY17 e e es are, d i gat Mr, 'Lewis of BurfordMr. Tbom son of ; Ca Cath- arines St.th arines and Miss Maddcck, of Guelph. Meetings will 1e held at each place, afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, evening at 7.30 o, clock. The subjects to be discussed are glover the Key to Successful Perm- ing " " Our Farm Homes " " Growing Corn for Grain and Silo " "The b+'u- tore Farmer and bis Education ". Miss Maddock will give addresses on " Bacteria and Some of its Effects on the .Bore and Dairy ", " Butter and Bread. " and " Adaptations of Flowers to their Surroundings and their Cultivation. etc. ". The evening meetings will be enliv- ened by music. All are invited to at- tend. The ladies should attend both afternoon and evening meetings as Miss Maddock is a pleasing and a helpful speaker. Anerresiosese-A small admission fee will be .charged to keep out noisy boys. Ladies and Members of Institute free. D. MoINNES, ' S. SMILLIE, President. Secretary. AUCTION SALE OF REAL, AND VALUABLE PER- SONAL ESTATE. The undersigned will offer for w le on. the premises, on TUESDAY, 'FEBRUARY 171b', 1903. at. one o'clock, lots numbered 15 and 18 west of the Lake Road and the North Half and the North Half of the West Half of the South Half of lot 15 Lake Road East, all in the Township of Hay, in the County- of Huron, con- taining. 141 acres, more or less. Lots will be put up in separate parcels. On these lands are the necessary farm buildings and also two orchards, containing over two acres. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale: 4 horses ; 2 colts ; 8 cows ; 11 calves and heifers ; 1 steer ; 2 brood sows ; 11 small pigs ; 19 store pigs ; a quantity of farm implements and 'machinery ; 600 bushels of oats, a quantity of hay and other articles. For further terms and particulars see large bills, or apply to the under- signed. THOS. GUNDRY, PROUDFOOT & HAYS' Auctioneer. Solicitors for Mort- gagees. Dated at Goderich, this 7th of Febru- arr1903. N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATES OF THOMAS CASEY AND CATHARINE CASEY, DECEASED. _ The Executors of the above estates will offer the farm .belonging to said estates by Public Auction, by James Stanley, auctioneer, on FRIDAY, TAR I3T13 DAY OF FEB. A. D. 1003, at one o'clock in the after- noon, The sale will take place at the Queens Hotel, Lucan,' Ontario, and will be offered in parcels, subject to reserved bids. Parcel No. t. -The north half of lot lettered "De in the seventh concession of the Township of Usbcrne in the County of Huron. Parcel No. 2.—The southhalf of said lot let- tered "1)" The Whole farmconsisting of 100 acres will then be put up for sale, subject as aforesaid. On the farm, are situated a frame house and frame barn. On SATURDAY. FEBRITAR•Y 14th d. D. 1043, ut two o'clock p. m. Mr. William Box. auctioneer, will. on behalf of the executors, at the Windsor Hotel in the Town of St. Marys, Mier for silo lots number 14 and 15 in Block "0" in James and Justus Itigersoll's survey in the Town of St. Marys., There is a comfort- able frame house on these lots. The purchaser will bo required•to pay to the Vendors solicitor at the time of each sale 10 per cent of the purchase money and to enter into an a reemeet to complete the purobase within 30 days thereafter: For turther terms and conditions apply to the . Vendors solicitor, St. Marys, Phomas Nagle, St. Marys P. O., James Casey, Lucan r. 0., Ont, or John Nagle, st. Marys. > Dated the 1..th day of January, A.D. 1003. E. W, IIAIIDING, Vendors Solicitor, Stu Marys, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Benjamin I. Higgins, of the Town- ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, 12Notice 0 .1897ythatoalt Creditorstooan hothere [hors having claims against the estate of Bo . I.Hig- ine, late of the said Township of Osborne, termer, deceased who died on ot about the tlfth day of February, A. D., 100:1, are, ou or before the tenth day oe March A, 1), 1005 to send by post proved or deliver to Donald C. NoInnes, Exeter. Ont.. one of the executors . of the last will Med testament of the said deceased, their names and addresses, the fullartioulars of their elating, and the nature of the so• emetics (if any) held by thein, and that atter the day last aforesaid, the said exeoutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said cesed among those ontitledsth rete hav- ing to and only to the claims of whish notice shall have been given as above ioqutrod, and the said executor shall not be liable for the said assets nor any part thereof to any Person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them ab the date Of such distribution, J, G. STANBUIi!, Exeter, Oct" Solioltorfor Executor,: Dated at E4xeter, Pel>'. l Uh,isea. SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a. lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Gored. Him with. a Sere Remedy, A' I had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give ray husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved bis reeving for liquor. He soon began to pick up flesh; his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now havea !,a?py. home, After he [vas c anpletely cured I tola huntvhat I had clan.., when he acknowl- edged that it hod been bis saving, as he had not the resolution 'to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." EE SAMPLE for.reply. HER HUSBAND HER FATHER. WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady'wllo cures, her husband ofhis rhinl ingRabits writes of her struggle to save her home A PA,TRETIO LETTER ttrgr "I had for a longtime been thinking oftryingtbe Tasteless Samaria,Paascription treatment an my husband for his drinking habits, but I. wasafraldbe would discover that I was giving him medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for neatly a week, but one day when be came home very much into ;icated studies week's salary nearly all spent, T threw offall fear and determined to make an effert to cavo our home fronithe rule I saw coming, at all hazards, I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in his coffee as directed nest morning And watched and preyed Sar the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper. Ile never suspected a thing,and 1 then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some- thing g is thingthat .set every nerve in my ady# nglinaw h hope and happiness, and T could see a bright future spread out before me—a .peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and .everything else dear to a woman's heart; fur myhu;band had mid me that whiskey was vile stuff anti he was taking a dislike n � whiskey r [ ad given to f It was only too u f r before e b v n im the full course be batt stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till It was gone, and then sent for another let, to have en hand If he should relapse, as he had done from promises before, Fie never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful'I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." WAS RRRR A. Z'1aei€,y Ya ng ierselt tat Cllr ot the .lrif y takes p l Father labit, STORY OF HER s A portio= of her letter reads as follows: My father bed often promised mother to atop drinking, and would do so for e time but then returned to it stronger thee ever. One day after a terrible 'spree, he said to us: ' It's no use, :I can't stop drinking:' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and rvc decided to try the 'Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we bad read about in the papers. We gave hurl the remedy, entirelywithout his louowiedge, in leis y tea, coffee, or toed aegukuly, according to directions, and be never l.t:ctr he i Inking it. One package removed s.fl lois dl lle fer liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to 1 ill). .His health and appetite Are x130 wor,derfaily int- l tine for the n 1 pr�.ved, and no one would d knc v l r r. sante man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for goad. Melee send ate one of your little bouke, as I waut to give it to a friend. and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plaits sealed envelope.0 Correspondence sacredly confidential, • Enclose sten.* Address me Samaria Remedy Co., -23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. DR. ® H. CRAHAMs,Late oKiinng 51. West. No. I Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and snakes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all badafter effects. Diseases of Women -Painful, profuse or suppressed menstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb. OFFICE HOURS -9 a, m. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1 to 3 p. m. $40 I OASW FREE To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, for best pair of Fat Cattle fed with. Worthington's Canadian Stook Ton16 Tbe sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were l fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. An evidence of the good results farmers and feeders would obtain by feeding a genuine stock nood; not an American fad. Hnrses ook better, feed better, drive better, sell better, when fed with Worthing - ten's Stock Tonic. DEAR Sirt.-Have used Worthing- ton's Stock Tonic for one year and have been feeding it to all my stock. Found it to give good satisfaction,and would advise all farmers' and feeders of stock to use it, yours faithfully, L. MOSES, December 29, 1902. Avonton P.O. Tho Worthington Drug Go., GUELPH, Ol'lT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan. FOR, SALE. 80 acres, unimproved in the Township of Os- prey, County of Grey, hardwood and other timber, railway 7 miles' post -office, school and church, a mile and a half ; would self or ex- cbange for smaller improved property at Exeter. It. MAITLAND HANNON,. Exeter, Ontario. -WARM FOR SALE. -- The under- .L' signed offers for sale the valuable farm on the 4th concession, Stephen, Tali, comprising 150 acres, About 05 acres under cultivation. One of the best grazing farms in the county, with overflowing well. Good frame house, barns and stable, also about .5 acres of woodland, For terms and particulars apply to ALFRED GLANVILLE, Crediton East. damn. Vatik,...•mowterseacs_ w p q y� yax p eosset$0e.®.:; sale,7 0OS3..SN ;Thousands of Positions CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. W cab -61 . o p17 those Who P• 1111 them, 0 Properly _ppreppare students for good, y positions. LESSONS BY MAIL in Book. 0 toong, Shorthand, Penmanship, &O., $ 0 are given to those who cannot attend our 0 0 sohooi. This college is well known frost 0 0 one end of Canada to the other for its 19 striotlyitrst-clesswork. Oir{oypio,rys, free, 0 a. W. ELLIO J. L, • • Principal p 00001110*411404006041109000011000 ALL THE USEFUL Branches are taught in the F. C. B. COLLEGE. Our students are not guaranteed nice jobs, but after a course in this College it will be No Trouble for Them to Hold Any Position. We aid them, if possible to obtain employment, but we first equip them to maintain the high reputation this school has acquired. J. IN, WESTERVELT, Principal. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Asstrtexos COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Paw= Prez NBURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; 9&LIANOE INs'CRANon. COMPANY, of Erb and MEDICAL 1W . BROWIIINtt M. D. M. 0. EY • P. 5, Graduate Victoria ,niversity office and residence. Dominiou Lahore. tory, Exeter. LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyaiacers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Moistens Bank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE:—MAIN STREET, AEXETER. e, R. CARLING, R. V L. U. DIOZSON F W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister Solicitor Notary PabIia Barrister, i. ,/ r Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties erties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL KINSMAN, L. D. S. .AND �" DR. A.. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D. Kfj -• �,"�;. S.,ionor Graduate of Toronto Unv r ity, Dentist. aftetcsocppSdarefet. Offievan Fan- son's block. West side of Main treat,u Exeter OUT THIS OUT and send it to me with 5 cents in silver and yoi willet by return mail a GOLDDN BOX 05 GOODS that will bring you in Moue: Moxnv in one month than anything else in America. A. W. Kiatvrra,n. T. Yarmouth, N. FOR SALE --.BRICK RE S1DENCTu WITH AN ACRE OPLAND IN EXTLit-weoffer for sale on reasonable frnis, that verydesirable dos r bluresidential property known as The Hooper H mesread" situated an Lot No, 80e smith of Unroll Street, Exeter. There 18 erected upon the land, a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary outhouses. The house is in good re. Tait and has 9 rooms. 'the lot contains an sere of land and is exoellcntly adapted for garden ing.. or fruit growing. There iR a .plentiful stip- ply of hard and sot water. The property is ftp to date surd 1190 tonna 0555, for particulars ap, ply to bioicscN & CAitinio barristers EXeter Or to A. .11 $oornR, Row k. 0„ Penna, U. A.,trolriotor. :MONEY TO LOAN We haveunlim1ted private funds for invest went upon farm or village property at loWes rates of iutereat. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. J ONEY..TO LOAN. T have a large amount of private funds loan on faun and xil'ageiictertita at itw of interest. F, W. GLADIVI'AN Barrister Main St. Exeter. 5 Pack of Cards Pr One Pack, "May I. CU. Home," One Pak "Escort" One Peek, "Flirtation" One Pace* "bold -to, light." One Pack `Our Sofa an. Holds Two." Sample of 21 other styles, with book fall of notions. Send. 5e silver for postagee A,W. KENNY, ii:, T. Yarmouth, $.R. D.A. ANDERSON. (D. D. S.1,•i .$. -, DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University. and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Postgraduate of Chicago School of Prosthetie Dentistry (with. honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, cravens, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly • harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling; Bro'a store- Exeter. Ont. CUTTERS OUTTE.' 3 Do you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town All the latest styles, . in the neweos colors. Our prices are low as can be found for first-class material and -workman- ship. BEFORE YOU BUY - GFiL,L FIND SEE -U6. J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. A Happy and Prosperous New �w ea.r Is what we all expect and desire. Begin by making the home bright and cheerful, and if your family are musical, you cannot add to the brightness and cheer h of home more than by lap cin$" in it a Piano or Organ. Westin w not only add cheer to the home but will help your children to take their proper place itt the social and business world when, your aid is withdrawn from them. Sewing achines In Sewing Machines we curry a large and varied stock of the very best makes, also needles and repairs for all machines. Sheet an Book Music Hymn ooks! Bibles, Ste, alwayss in stock. Call and see us. Our terms are the best.