Exeter Times, 1903-2-12, Page 4txzneorltoratod h r 4 of of Parname:A.1% M Wad Office, Me Areal. tag paid up) .2,500,000 ve lr and $2250,000 glaucbea in Ontario, Quebec, A1'bartat, Ali Columbia and. lki.araltobe. EXETER BRANCH Opel). Every Lawful Day from 10 a: in. to 3 p, na; except Saturdays, 10 a. m, to 1 p, m. x;'armers Sale Notes cashed or col- tecttd. Forms supplied on :application, Drafts on all pointe in the Dominion. Great Britain anal. United States bought and sold at lowest rates of �r r'hange, SAVINGS DEla .RThtENT. Deposita of $1.00 and upwards. receiv- ed. Interest compounded half yearly, and, added to principal June '30th and Deeeiriber alst. Deposits Receipts also footed and highest current rate of Interest allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock de ors and. business men at lowest a es and on most favorable terms. .Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. • OYCESON & CARLI G, N. D. Hi7RDON, Bowmen. AUN94r,txi Vie ‘if.xeler es Calendar for February I 90 SUNDAY Thraeaeat MoNDAY.. liPa nNESDAY TardRSDA"y.. ,..... FRIDAY T SARDAY tr I 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 3 10 1'7 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 ^ 7 r 14 21 2S THURSDAY, FEB. 12, x903. GENERAL NEWS The Toronto Horse Show will be heldApriI30 to May.2. The Canadian Horse Breeders- Association has voted r o $1,750 to support the sbow. 'This is a reduction of $250 in their grant. 1 i> Some Western•Ontario farmers have made the suggestion to the Ontario immigrant department that child ows from India be imported for oyment in the berry patches of this province.. A McGill, analyst for the Inland Revenue Department, after the ex- amination of many breakfast foods, comes to the conclusion that oatmeal or rolled oats ranks very high if not the highest as a breakfast food.: A SURE CURE EOR CONSTIPA- TION. 1.1 Some remedies cure this distressing complaint in a day, some in a month, but NF,RVILiNE never fails to cure in a few minutes, Just ten drops of Ner - viline in sweetened water — tha ,s enough and away goes the dysentery, cured to stay cured. Nerviline also cures Cramps, Collo, Pain in the stom- ach, and sick headache. It has five matimea the strength and curative prop- erties of ordinary remedies and should be in every household. Better buy •a 25c, bottle and try it. Neryiline is all right. Dr. Hamilton's Pills for the Liver ,. • O Sate Register House AND LOT. -1n Exeter; on Andrew street, the property of the late Duncan Macgregor will be sold on Saturday, Feby. lath. 1908, at 2. p. m„ at F. W. Giadinan's office, Exeter. Tohn Gill, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, PERI'. 10th. — Sale of Household furniture, horses, bug- gies, etc., the property of Mr. ,Arthur Loadman. Sale at one o'clock, xn. A. LoADMAN, proprietor. H, BRovre , auctioneer. THUESDAY,FEBY, 2.6th.—At Metro- politan hotel, Exeter, at 2 o'clock p. m,, sharp. House and lot on Main -street. north. the property of Mr. James Darling, near ssation street. Apply to JOHN GUL, auctioneer, or G. A. MACLEOD. OPINION OF LEADING PHYSICIANS I have used W. T. Strong's Pilekoce for internal as well as external piles, and get better results than from any other remedy I have used.A, GRAUAM M, D. London. Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by -.druggists. or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. . STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist. London. Ontario. "I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief e Pecto- ral. s Ch ' until I tried .Aer Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. 'They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma,, or Consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry 'Pectoral just As soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. colThree aizest 26a. enough for an ordinary d; SOH.. just right for bronchitis, hoarse- ness, hard colds, etc.; $1, roost ceotton:noel for chronic Cages and tokeep en hand. J. 0, AYES CO., Lewell, Mass, HURON. A'IU�E3EM.PIfl1N all tile MOWS of Interest to Tune$• riteadore flappen1n . in Xtio8e count1oa: Huron Wednesday, Feby. 18th, is the date set for the ne;tbdiorse Fair, in Clinton, TO CURR A COLD IN ONE DAY, Take Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. A11 druggists refund the money it it tails to cure. E. W. Grove's signatuia le on eek bov. 25n' Mrs. S. Cook, of Clinton, aged 80 years, had the tereible i tisfortune to slip on the floor while walking around in her home on Saturday last ..and beak the head of the femur bone, in the hdp, A quiet wedding took place on Feb. 4th, at Kingston, when Miss Irene Heuclerson, only daughter of J, S. Telenderson, William street, was mar- ried to Earnest H. Cooper, Montreal, formerly of Clinton. More eases of sock Headache, bilious. pees, constipation can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. _..._..qtr•, 0,. -• - THE STORY OF�SOS KING TIRED- . Is told by impure blood, poor diges- tion, sluggish liver and tired nerves, Jt is a. warning of very serious trouble ahead, and should prompt sensible people to take a bracing tonic like Ferrozone, e, an energetic iuvi or n t and rebuild r e Ferrozoneg ill give to you a sharpappetite promote good digestion and sound sleep; it will feed and energize the enfeebled organs, strengthen the nerve and vital forces and regulate the heart. Ferrozone -changes that tired feeling 'into vigor, strength and ambition, and does it urckle e , R m tuber the q name and insist on haying n only R ozoN E;is the best tonic made. Price 50 c,. per box, or six boxes for $2.50, at Drug- gists orN.. C. Polson & Co. Kingston Ont. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. Perth Mr. A. H. Going, pastor of the Methodist church in Stratford has been invited to remain for the fourth year by the members of the Quarterly -Official Board. A woman who is weak, nervous and -sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength. The Stratford Centras Methodist Chureh authorities have issued a call to Rev. Alex. Langford, D. D., of Owen Sound. Dr. Langford accepts the call, subject to the sanction of the ruling authorities of the church. Mr. and Mrs. David Whaley, of St. Marys, celebrated their golden wedding on Monday Feby. 2nd. There were present their three son, and four -daughters, Robert, of Centralia ; John, of Toronto ; D. S., of Whalen ; Mrs. Thos. Harding, of Anderson ; Mrs. WSweitzer, of Blanshnrd ; Mrs. Robb. Curtis, Listowel, and Mrs. John Ribey, of Fullarton, and their respec- tive wives and husbands. Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to the use of y Garter's Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve present distress but strengthen the Stomach and digestive apparatus, Meetings of the South Perth Far- mers' Institute will be held in Town- ship Hall, Fullerton, on Thursday, Feby. 12th, on Friday, Feby. 13th, at Staffs, on Saturday. Feby, 14th, at Aberdeen Hall, Rirkton. The speak- ers will be F. M. Lewis, Brantford, Robert Thompson, St. Catharines, and Miss Blanche Maddock, Guelph, Meet- ings will be held at 1 and 7. p. m. At each of the afternoon meetings, Miss Maddock willaddress a d ess se irate gather- ings ings for ladies at some convenienth place near balls. Joint meetings at night Local speeches and music. For Ouae Twenty Years DIFIMOND DYE HaVc Bon Thi roil lar Home Dtics. „ A Child Can Use Them With Success. To -day, ?iamond. Dyes are the standard and popular dyes in every Civilized land of the world, Every new discovery in dyeing has been uti- lize lima to improve and, make them rabso° lately perfect. They are now the simplest, strongest, most brilliant and most reliable of all house dyes. Dia- mond Dyesnever disappoint ; they give perfect results ; they saye time and .lame); A new Dye Book, 45 samples of dyed ' cloth and full range of new designs of the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Pat- terns will be sent free it you send your address to the Wells & • Ricbardson Oo., 200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q Huron Gountt, 601111611' WHAT WAS DONE AT THE JANU- ARY SESSION. The Council began the first sitting of the January y session on Tuesday last week at 3 o'clock, all the members were present except Councillor, Ilor, Bow - roan, who was detained at home by an injured foot. - W, H. Kerr, of Brussels, was unani- mously chosen warden, and taking the oath o f office beforeHis Honor Judge Holt, he thanked the Council for the o hO n r done him, and spoke at somee length on matters rs which would it re- quire e-quire the attention of the Council. Messrs. Spackman, Young, Fergu- son, Lamont and Gunn were appoint- ed to strike the standing committees for the year, and report same. Applications for the position of County Auditor were read from N. Robson, Geo. Woods, T. E. Hays, W. Clegg, P. W. Scott, W. L. Lawrence. F. Morley, 3. H, Lowrie, J. 0. Morri- son, D. E. Munro and W. H, Ball ; and for the position of county exam- iner from H. W, Anderson, J. H, Cameron, W. Geiger, J. M. Field. The Council adjourned to meet again at 10 a. m. on Wednesday. SECOND DAY—WEDNESDAY The striking committee's report of Standing committees was adopted as follows : Executive and Special — Connolly, Bowman, Miller, Spackman, Hicks. Finance and Educational. Lock- hart, Durgin McNaughton, McLean, Gun , c. Road and Bridge and Co. Property— Patterson, Cantelon, Lamont, Young, Ferguson. Equalization --Whole Council. Warden's Committee -- Cantelon, Patterson, Lamont, Miller, House of Refuge—Bowman, Lock- hart, Hicks. The following matters were referred to committees as stated : Circular from Good Roads .associa- tion, to Road and Bridge committee ; a list of 49 accounts and the report of the acting Registrar to Finance ; the report of the County Com. Ansley, to County Property. and tenders for erection of the Benmiller bridge to Road and Bridge committee. On motion of Messrs. Lockhart and Hicks, Mr. Spackman and Co, Clerk Lane were appointed auditors of Orim- imal Justice accounts. Mnved by Mr. Spackman, seconded by Mr. Miller, "that we regret the ab- sence of Mr. Bowman, who is unable to attend through illnees, and hope he will soon be restored to his usual good health, and we would recommend that his name be retained on the pay roll for this session,and that the clerk for- ward -ward a copy of this resolution."—Oar- ried, Moved by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. McNaughton, "that we, the County Council of Huron, now in ses- ion, desire to convey our most sincere sympathy in your bereavement. Mr, Lewis, the late Crown Attorney, has. been a familiar figure for a long period and we learned to esteem him very bighly indeed, coining in contact with hila as we have during the various sessions, and be it resolved that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the family."—Oar- Died. On motion of Messrs. McLean and Miller, His Honor Judge Doyle was congratulated on his promotion, and on;motion of Messrs. Miller and Speak- man His Honor Judge Holt was also congratulated, The following gentlemen were ap- pointed Collegiate Institute trustees : ames Scott, Clinton ; John Acheson, Goderich ; James Scott, Seaforth. A deputation addressed the Council on the question of increasing the grants to Continuation classes. Reports from County Treasurer and Inspector J. E. Tom were read and sent to committees. MISS JONES' VOICE GREATLY s IMPROVED • A startling improvement is notice- able in bliss Jones' singing. Her voice is stronger, and sounds clearer and sweeter than before using Cataraho- zone, which is a wonderful aid to sing- ers speakers and ministers. Catarrho- zone Inhaler insures absolute freedom from Colds, Coughs and catarrh, clears the nose and throat, and prevents hoarseness and huskiness, Catarrho- zone makes the voice brilliant and en- during, and is uncommonly well re - caromed by Prima Donnas, members of Parliament, Lawyers, Doctors, and thousands that use it daily. Better try Catarrhozone. Price $1.00 ; trial size 25c. Druggists, or N. 0. Polson & 1 Co. Kingston, Ont, Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. F. E. B. We heard a man say the other morning that the abbreviation for February-Feb.—means Freeze every body, and that roan looked frozen iii his ulster. It was apparent that he needed the kind of warmth that stays. the warmth that reaches from, head to foot, all over the body. We could have told hint from personal know- Iedge that Hood's Sarsaparilla gives permanent warmth, it invigorates the blood and speeds. it along through artery and vein, and really fits men and women, boys and girls; to enjoy cold weather and resist the attack of disease. It gives the right kind of warmth, stimulates and strengthens at the same time, and all its benefits are lasting. There may be a sugges- tion in this for yon: Genuine Castorla always bears the Signature of Chas. H. Pletcher. when Baby ttras sic};, •tvr gave her Ca9ebnn When she was a Child, she cried for rastork lob et, she becoore Miss, she clung to Castor -'o.. whetslieifad Children,shc gavethent Castoria. Soft iarnss Yon CCM mato your hats nese as soft as a Stove ata se tough se wire by Mug EUREKA. liar. mesrs 011. You can lengthen Ile life—make It last twice 55 lofts as a erdltar5y would. harness n!�i makes s poor footing har- ness like new. Atado of rectallyyoprepared tofwith stead the weather. sold everywhere lu cans -411 afzes. Gado br IIIIT i11L 0111001121111i. Mr. Leltoli appeatired before the Oouxi•- cit in. reference to his claim for damag- ea for Injuries to a Horse, Mr, I~Iowson, V, S„ being also heard in the matter. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr, Spackman, that the warden be empowered to get the advice of the county solicitor, regarding the claim of St. Maus I'ligh School for pa.Ytxxent for pupils from the County of Huron,. and also the qualifications of county auditor. Council adjourned to 10 a. m„ Wed- nesday. Trnll•D DAT—r RUii-SDA ;