HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-2-12, Page 1Tr rriq i YBAB---NO 9
0++++++++++4,144.4444+++:4+ .444.H. +4444+
Clover and Timoth:
Seed Wanted
We will pay the highest Market Price
for N
o. ,1 Glover and Timothy Seed
and. Millet Seed.
Also Hungarian
k-.konsalq farm, recently purchased from Mr,.
as Jones, to Mr, .Jahn Cornish sr, -
J. eutheriaad,l`Idtare nubile, Conveyan- .Mr. Brock bas bought the farm of .the
Issuer otMuni:wane:evies. L possession immedietel , J.ver. Cx,R k
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mens had a wood bee livsG Wednesda a£ter-
O lean on. real estate .atlow rates of interests, y
. ofthe nes h -
The youngladles li.
UfBee at the Post (Mee
Ixoiisali noon, g
oer, Conizoissiener, Fire: ensuranoe. Aleut, and late Samuel Madge fund will take
Legal Aleut,
Bnennre,-A number from our vil-
lage attended the Thames Road tea -
Meeting on Monday evening last. -
Me. Chas.. Beek, railway' agent, of
Stillwater, Mion+, was here during the
ease week, being called to attend the
bor!heod were present in the evening
and all went merry as te marriage
bell. -On account of the bad state of
the roads J. Essery met defeat at the
recent annual Insurance meeting at
Farciubar. Mr, Essery has been a
izineral of his late brother; Rachid director of the Company for fifteen
Beek, and in order to reach here in years and its presiddnt for the last
time, had to drive throe h the night nine yeas, Time to give someone
else a chance anyway John.
from Londoa.--lei', F, G. Arnold cifelee
Buffalo, was in the village during the "
past week visiting his father, G. D. Lucan
Arnold, who, we regret to say, has
been confued to his room through Beau's. - The ,quarterly official
+r+ illness for the past month or two,- board of the Methodist Church met on
4 Mr.. and Mrs. Duncan Taylor of theMonday evening of last week. After
township of Hay, are spending a transacting the usual business Fettle-
New rn s motion thatwas carried
i o S a led
t n ,on.
o for so atCl zeto '1
h ri
York state, in the interest of Mrs. f unanimously, the Rey, Mr. Ayearse
.y. Taylor's health. -.Anniversary services was invited to return for his second
4. were held in Carmel church on Sab- year as pastor of : the Lucan circuit,
' bath last. The attendance, notwith- The Rev, gentleman in a few : approp-
'�l, standing the very unfavorable state riate remarks thanked the members
4. of the weather: was very good, . and of the Board for their uniform courte-
+ excellent sermons were delivered. In sy and kindness, as well as their syin--
+g, the morning Dr. McLaren tookthe pathy and aid in the work of the Mas-
i. and Rev. Mr. McKenzie of„ ter, and accepted the invitation sub -
Nonan, China in : the evening, -Rev. jest to the: action of the stationing
':net Dr. Medd has been invited to remain. 1conference.-
for another year as pastor of. the
per, a � 'l: Methodist church here.. Mr.: Medd is
'� health and hopes to be
improving in hea p
1711 +#! work in a
able totake charge of his
A � g
aborttime.-Mr. Hawkins, and his sis-
ter, who were here visiting their
cousin, Mr, and Mrs. 3'. D. Stewart,.
left on Friday last for their home in
Lemars, Iowa•. -Mrs. Ohas. Cook of
Ohi'cago,, is here visiting her husbands
and Miss
relatives. -Mrs. Airsthor
.+ + _ 444.4.4.4•44.1,4444+4.444-4,4-4.4.++++4.
This month
Over -coating - o atiY]
Fancy Vesting
A large assortment
to select froln.
W. W. Taman..
Met -camera
that our stork of Fall
and Winter goods is.
unequalled. See for
i3t inss,---The Methodist people of
I n b deserve the greatest praise
C de ed e et s
a oy e x, 1 g p,
for their enterprise and liberality in
discharging the debt of the One church
amounting over0 last
i n n to 140 i sweek*
also the Methodist congregation at
Bier wiped off a debt of $4000 this
winter, It seems to be a good year
for church debts.
BRIEFS.- Mr, Wm. Pyin, +of' Fuller-
ton has sold hie prize 'winning colt, 2
years old for a handsome figure to Mr.
Jackson. of Mitchell. This colt has
won at all the different shows where
exhibited. He has a number of other
valuable horses. ---• SeveraI property
changes will occur during the next
month, --Mr, Robert Fewster•,+.visn has
been living on the farm own,. .1 oy Mr,
Richard. Birtoh, of St. Marys,will,
about the first of march move o Nis-
souri when Mr. Birtch, expects to move
en, his own farm, - Mr. John Road-
house moves to the 4th line Blanshard,
Mr. John Wiles will again take pos-
session of his own farm. -- Mr. Wm.
Balfour will take possession of the
farm recently purchased by him from
Mr. W m, Leigh on the +4th Tine ; ,ivir..
Leigh removing to Kirkton.-Kirby
committee of the annzia con ciente.- ' Robinson sold and delivered last week
The Rev. G. McQuillan Rector of St- a very fine horse to a buyer in Kirk-
James church, received recently from ton+ -MTs sister Maggie Stephen is visiting
his parishoners two good sized leads with her , Mrs. he Muir, s
of oats as a resent, which oes .to Magma,- Miss Edythe Sperling isn
P g seriously ill at present, --- Mr, John
prove the high esteem in which he is Wiles - of St. Marys visited with his
held by them. -The Rev. Mr. Gilmour sister, Mrs. J'. F. Heard, last week. -
and Mr. Beatson of Granton were in Mrs. John Anderson is visiting with
town on business in connection with her sister, Mrs. W, H. Graham St.
the new Presbyterian Church in that Marys. -Miss Alice Murray . is spend-
town, which it is expected will + be ing a few days at her.home. -Owing
the1st o
read for opening weather on Sunday
gstormywas he
y P
evening the League service was poorly
attended. - Miss Laura Hewitt and
Austin are visiting
in McGilli-
vray.-- A
large number her from
attended the Anniversary services in
Motherwell church Sunday and Mon-
day evening.
Airsthorp of St. Marys attended the March next. It is a beautiful struct-
funeral of the late. Mr. Richard Beek ure and will cost about $5000,
on -Sunday last. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Bon bion left here
on Tuesday
last fo
Hay Township Council
Council met on Feby. 2nd, all pres-
ent. By Law NO. 3,1003, re Schwalm
Drain was 'provisionally adopted. A
Court of Revision will be held on Mon-
day -the 2nd day. of March at 10 o,clock
The Auditors' Report was laid before
the council and Treasurer's Cash Book
finally audited and signed by the
Reeve, The taxes of Cornelius Jordan
awl. Michel Leger 1901 were cancelled,
payment. for some lumba • been made.
The taxes of George Parker were also
was on
lied part
of Road allowance and ' Mr, Parker
having died'.
s were
order -
Mr, .weeknot tinning up, several par- ed to -be aid Municipal World,rolls
ties went to where the load lay, and and subscri tions. $12.72 ; Fred Hess,
after removing the barrelstheb0d registering br ks,marmarriages and
was found, but life was extinct. The deaths, $11.00; F. W.
Farncombe, fees
deceased leaves a widow and five re O'Brien award, $15.90 Chas. Kel-
daughters, Hilda, Annie, Nellie, ler, cul, con. 16, $2.50 Thos. Johnston
Pearl and Blanche, to mourn the loss postage, etc., $3.21 J. J. Merrier,
of a loving husband and father. He Auditors salary, $6.00.
was a chart
Bred member of the
C. O. The council i
ll msecagainain on
F., and a valued member of the 2nd. day of March, when pathmasters
Home Circle. Both orders attended etc., will be appointed.
in a body, and took part in the ser-
Olinton where they will attend a wed-
ding: -Owing to a slight accident at
the electric light works we bad no ser-
vict on Monday night last -Rev. Dr.
,Medd was in Clinton. on Tuesday visit-
ing hisbrother and friends there. '
OBITUAxt'v, - On Thursday: fore-
xoon a very sad accident occured
near our village, when Mr. Richard.
Beek, eldest son of Mr. Jas. H. Beek,
of. Hensel', was accidentally killed
dnm hist way
a dwith
11 when opposye Marrr. A., G. Ehones' fuapr
THE (MOTHERS, HENSALL. It appears there was no one who
saw the occurrence,and as th
e horses
became detached from the load no one
in the spring. -John Robert- thou ht onlooking for the driver until
with him
g g
son, who has been confinedto the the horses were caughtht
house for aweek with gainsay,
is able
Centralia to be out•-LattaBrothers, of Lonidon,
grand showing with their white and
iSosooL REPORT. --The following' is black cochins at the show recently
the correct report for S. S., No. 1, held in Boston They won seven firsts
out of a po'sible eight;"23 specials, out,
of a possible 26 the champion chal-
lenge cup,valued at $ 100, and a silver
medal, representing the championship
of the year.
and formerly of this: place, made a
Stephen, for the month of Sat
V. class, H, Mitchell, N. Mitchell, R.
; Sr.:
e no
Wilson, A. Haggith, L. Sims, Alvin
Baker.Jr. IV., H. Duplin, F. Mit-
.ehell, N. Norduerd, Pearl Bissett ; Sr.
III., II V.earo . Sh d ven Toe White , Joe
Neaman, Om Wilson ; Jr. III., 'Mur-
ray Elliott, Willie Sims. C. Grafton,
Gordon Wilsona• Sr. II., L. Robinson,
Malvan Callfas, Noble Bissett, N. Hea-
iKnan Jr. II., AL Hepburn, Archie
:Robinson, Mervin Elston, Elymer
Vailson; Pt. IL, Hazel Hicks, E. Sims,_
., Morrie Iieamap, Earl Callfas ; Pt. I„
Harry Windsor, F. Fairhall, John
ox favored by many .additional years to
iiogarth, E. Oallfas.
J. A. MG1+lAIIG4HT , Teachers. the allotted term, having attained the'
L. M. SMITH, ,
There died at the resi-
esidence of her son John in Georgetown
Mrs. Levitt a former resident of this
place'and. whose husband Mr. William
Levitt died here two years ago and
since his death has been a welcome
visitor at ' the home of her children.
She was of a robust constitution and
NT.-• A pleasant
A i'L�ASANT Evx;
place at Granton Metho-
dist Church
took rch last Fiidx. • night, when
the members assembled to celebrate
the wiping off -of the church debt.
After the formality ,of burning the
Mortgages had been gone through, the
trustees gave an oyster supper to com-
niemorate the event, and alarge"num-
ber sat down to the tables. After
supper Mr, Holtby, of the,Bani of.
Commerce, Lucan, took the chair, and
introduced a very interesting pro-
gramme. The speakers of the evenin
were the Revs, Manning, of St. Marys,
and Ayearst, of Lucan. The church
was built about 9 years ago, at a cost
has been
entirely paid off speaks well for the
excellent work done under its pastor,
the Rev. J. E. Holmes,
BxuIEh's.-Mr. James Stark is prepar-
ing to raise his barn the coming sum -
and is busygetting the material , corners of a sometimes unfriendly
otrier,ground..--GeorgeFitzgeraldhas world. The funeral took place at
return nt
returned from a visit to New York. Granton. The tensity havethe eyrie -
State and.London, ant
d intends looking pathy of the entire commun y
up a load of good stock to take west bereavement.
ripe age of 90 years. She was a mem-
ber of a very. hardy Scotch family --
MacDonald -who came to the .county
of Middlesex from Nova Scotia many
years ago. She was a near relative of
the late Principal G. M. Grant of
Queen's University, Kingston, and a
cousin to the Rev. James A... MacDon-
ald, Editor of the Presbyterian Review
and now of the Globe. She leaves to
mourn her loss four sons and one dau-
ghter, Samuel of Belleville, John of
Georgetown, William of Exeter, Mrs
Blackwell, and Chief' Alex . Leavitt, of
Walkerville as well as many grand-
children. She .etas two sisters living
Mrs. L. C. Boles, of Independence,
Pe -ns lvania; mother' of Mrs. H, A.
n y.
Beaton, and Mrs. Annie Cummings, of
London, Ont. She and her late hus-
band were most highly respected.
members of the community and their
for its hospi-
was always notedi p
tality. They were • a perfect type of
those hardy, noble pioneers; who came
and prepared the way for future gener
ations to live in comfort and to meet
with whom was always to make one
more courageous and in every waybet-
ter prepared to rub against the rough
FEED Russ, Sr., Clerk.
vices: The funeral took place on Sun-
day afternoon, and was yery largely
attended Interment took place in
usborne Council
Rogerville cemetery. The bereaved -
o ncil met at township hall on
family have the heart -felt sympathy b'.uncil uetuat t to adjournment on
of the r -community to their sad ,t a members were present.
bereavement, The minutes of Jan'y meeting were
BRIEFS -At a meeting of the Us-
borne Board of Health, held Satur-
day, February the 7th, 1903, the
following officers were appointed:
--- Dr. H. K. Hyndman, Exeter • ;
Frank Morley, Whalen Joseph Haw-
kins, Elimville ; Mr. McTaggart, Hay;
Mr. Borland, Farquhar`,- jos.. -Hand-
ford, Centralia. Quitea number Qf our
young people who attended the
Thames Road tea son Monday -night.
report a pleasant time. The Misses
i uric'h
BxtrEFs. Miss. May Stanlake, of Lis-
towel is visiting her uncle Mr, W. H.
Hoffman, -Mr, John Voelker, of Dash
wood was here last Saturday and
Sunday to visit his aged mother, who
is seriously ill, -Mrs. T. Murdock, of.
$ensall spent a few days with her
rs, Dr Camp
ell. - The e
W. GHess Lumber Co. purchased
the timber on one of the township
roads in the swamp, north of Zarich
Road=Mr,W.J. Miller of Hensall,was
- s Ida Goetz
da ' Mis
' townT
in w on v.
on friends ds here
of Dashwood called
Monday. -Me. josish Martin and Mr.
Wideman of Pigeon, Mich. visited. at
Mr. S. Rannies last Sunday. -Division
Court was held here on Monday,Judge
Holt, the newly appointed. Judge of
Huron County presided. - Mr. H.
Mag gel was in London on Tuesday on
and Mr B. S.
business. -Mr,
O'Neil of Exeter, were in town on
Monday. -Mr. Charles Steinhagen of
Dashwood yisited town last Saturday.
Mr. Arthur Cressweller, barrister of
Duluth, Minn., called on a number of
friends and old acquaintances here on
Tuesday, -Mr. Chris Schrag and fam-
ily of Tavistock have become citizens
of Zurich. They occupy the house
vacated by Mrs. McCormick. - Mr.
read approved and signed by the Willie Brown of Detroit is home
Reeve. ing ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown
B Law No 1 -appointing certain of the Goshen line. -Mr. and Mrs.
officers, fixing ;salaries &e. was read Harry Schroeder of Berlin called on
passed signed aad the corporate seal friends here last Sunday. Mr. Schroe-
attaehed.•der was called to Dashwood to see his,
The Scott Drain By Law being By mother who is very ill, Mrs. McCor-
Law No 2. 1903' - was provisionly mics: and family left Monday to visit.
adopted and a'resolution passed, that friends near Mount Carmel for a few
theByLaw be printed, and: a copy months.- Miss Keohler accompanied
served on each of the assessed. *owners by two of her friends from Clinton
in accordance with Sec. 22 drainage spent Sunday at her home here. -Mr.
Act. ' Samuel Rennie this week purchased
Thetender of the Exeter 'Tines, to
Maatin of Seaforth spent Sunday at do the' printing usually required by
the hone of Olive Hawkins. - Miss the mnnicipahby for 1903 for $50.00
Mabet Johns who has been i11 with in- was accepted.
Sammation is able to be out again.- The Auditors report was adopted
The creamery Co. of Winchelsea are and the auditors paid $6 eacb for their
putting in their supply of ice .this services. -
fair quality.- Thos. Veal, caretaker, was granted
week which is of just a q large 5gratuity.
Our blacksmith wears a very $ .00 ,
smile those days, it's a girl. -'Miss Reeve, J. Hawkins and ; Councillor
Julia Spicer, of Exeter, spent a few 3'. Moir. were appointed delegates to
days of the past week with her broth- Good Roads uneetieg at (Mnton.
er and sister. Accounts amounting to $170.49 were
passed and orders issued in payment.
Stephen Council then- adjourned to meet
March7tb, at one o'clock.
. Scetooz Reaen• tT,-The following is
Clearing Sale of Shoes
As 1 am going to give up the shoe business and give
my attention entirely to the Ifarness,"we will clear; cut
all our shoes at greately reduced prices..
lelen's felt Boots, regular $2.25 for, ... :..$1.70
yen's felt Shoes regular $1.50, now. , .., > , .$1,15
ren s. heavy Rubb, regular $2.50 for.., $1.75
Wen's Rubb regular $1.00 and 90e now for ,, . , . • . + `75r,
Women's Rubb., regular 60 and. 05e now for . , 50e
Also a choice line of good wearing shoes for boys and
girls, at prices to suit everyone..
We have 2 Fur Coats worth $2o,00, now for'$x 5,00
Every purchase is a genuine bargain. Come and get
sorne of them before they tie all gone,
for the past three weeks returned to
their home in Blenheim township last
Friday. -Mr, George Wein from Mich-
igan is visiting friends here. -Rev.
Knechtel, who held quarterly meet-
ings in the Evangelical church last
Sunday returned home on Monday. -
Mr. Ernest Hill, who has been motor-
man on a Port Huron street car is vis-
iting friend here at .present. -Misses
Carrie and Ida Finkbeiner left for
Sehewaing, Mich on Monday and
have been engaged in J'. 0. Lilien's
store there, We wish them success. -
Harry Eilber and Ezra .Fist are busily
'n to in orderstor
engaged x k
wood.- They have rented a pieoe of
uncertain of the
bush but are stilltin rt
. is
cord. Fair warning -it
rice er r r
tothe fill-
e work
all than e w x
ing of the orders. -Mr. Fred Young
who has been away on a visit returned
home last week. -Mr. Jacob Baist
celebrated his 76th birthday on Mon-
day, He invited his relatives' and
some of his friends to his birthday
dinner, where. a most enjoyable time.
was sp• nt.-The Ladies' Aid of the Evan-
gelical church surprised. Rev. Mr. and
Mrs. Staebler by giving them a lair -
prise party on Monday. -We under-
stand that Mr. (}. Kuhn has pur9 aced
part of tier i ro ineptTil-
al t in
opposite Mr. Wezel's shpp and
intends erecting thereon a ha dsome
residence. Mr. Gottleib'Mort ck we
aye lot
u ch a
hasalso r
u terl
s followingsuit a+r
ndintend, Q y
meetinr services were held in our
Methodist church on Sunday last,., the
r e of
charge pastor, Rev. Knowles, took c
the service. -Horses ate to good 'de-
mand in this locality and our " towii.,
boasts of three or four sale or exchange
F. Montan' Clerk,
a correet report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No, 3, for the month of StephenJanuary. The names are ,arranged in
order of merit: -Sr. IV., Elerbie Ford, --a--
Viola Penliale, Willie -Triebner, Clara MIDTER LUMBER YA11,D. -
Beaver, Roy Parsons, Sadie Willis, enLar estook of Lumber- lne and hsiniook,
Hattie Willis ; jr.' IV., Eddie Willis; 170,000 feetot hemlocklum�er forbarns Oto.,
Herbie Beaver, 'Mitchell Willis, Liz also shingles. laths and cedar posts.' knees
zie Sanders, Minnie. Sanders, Edith reasonable. -JAS WILLIS,,Yard t East Sid of
Parsons, aMain at
R Ford ; sr. III,'B1iI1 Fs.*On Friday evening of last
Sanders, Sam Ricks, Alfred Weurturth; e f 'School
1 B III Harry Triebner, week the School Hous o
Ear ox ; 3r. ' i ' Section No 3 was the -scene of an in
Cecelia Ford, Ralph "Willis, Annie teresting meeting, when a debate was
Merchants Bink ool Cana .
Hicks, Tommy Penhale, Fred. Beaver, delivered. The audience came" from
Harry Parsons, Hilda Preszcator, far and wide,. rile meeting being called
IGarnet ilial • sr. TI, Levine Cook -
g' t order Mr Silas Staulake Sr being
son. EarParlslans, May
elected chairman, Mr. D. Mack and
HEAD 05T103,
Fred P for • Ii cranky woman w
0 UUO Earl Sha, ton
�� oo Shap
ton, jr. II, Gladys caring, . o , John Rowe as referees, The subject
MONTREAL. Sherman `Willis. Eddie Triebner, Sean discussion
resolved "that a clean
t. IT for disc
. ` .. , Stanlake: re :erica , + Quid make -a better
� /�l. {all paid up) . • , +,, , . , , ..., .. Preston Dearing, ar ao' wife than a g otild tared slouchy
RA 2 70U U00 Willis,P G
REST........... ,... .,, ...,,.. t I
tatos..l Y SAE,
• a Johnny r itis, ()heater
arsons, Willis, woman"The discussion was both spirit-
Whittaker. ; p . ,. (13) Ada iand thoughtful showing that the
�' F. erintendcn Sanders, Almer Willis, ' Floe- ed g
noralManager �upenintoildont ofl3ranches Gordon S + I (A) (;,Garfield speakers had taken pains in its pre-
c�e encs Te, ; pt.
aration, After
threshing' out the
Stanlake, Olive Preszcator, No oil F
roll 50 ; average attendance 38.2
Fmsn J. Selleneete, Teacher'
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
abl in China japan and
Letters of Credit issued available , �
foreign countries.
other g
W. " ' HI HOLM ' manAger
subject in a 'thoroughmanner Ezra Oesericher ; Sr. V„ Edna Silber,
referees were called upon for their �i7CWilbur trieh tray.
decision which gave the affirmative •s•''"
side the honor of winning. The even- Mee Roisore
ing was spent both pleasantly and Miss MoBratet, Teachers.
profitable, such meetings should have Cnautie'13LUnTT, 3
the approval of everyone because the Brumes, - The revival ' Meetings,
young peo l
e get a traintn tit a meet' which have been conducted in the
ing of that description which they can 'Evangelical eburee for the past four
get et no other :source Mr. Stanlake weeks were well attended and quite a
rising three years old fox which he conducted the meeting in bis usual- of converts have been the re-
paid two hunaired dollars, Mr. J, inimitable manner, The audience were suit, The meetings are being continue
Essery has sold his three year Told to well pleased s and large
e aft ndari e n ay ro-
Phd ursday eveet are nings .of eacheld on �dweek,-
week, -
light haleness filly by "Clear Grit to reeding ;3 y
Mr. T. Bissett of Exeter ter hand. be expected. at the next man
meeting of the eta. Aaron Brox" d family, who
Baxrrs.-Mr. and Mrs. R. Whaiey
attended the goldn wedding of Mr,
Whaley's fattier and mother et St.
Marys last week. -Mr. Joshua hard-
ing has purchased .-a Clydesdale filly
four lots from Mr. H. Lipphardt and
will erect two brick houses the com-
ing summer. Evidently there will be.
a general boom here this year. -141r,
Rennie Durand sold his farm near
St Joseph.to Mr. 3 oseph Bedard. -Mr.
Lautensehlager, of New Dundee visit-
ed at Mr. E Bossenberry's this week.
-Mr. G. Mc Ewen, was in town on
Monday attending court. -- Mr,. John
Foster has moved from his farm to
new house in town tris week. , Rig son
Louis who has been proprietor of the
Commercial will take charge of the
farm and brickyards. -Mr. Louis
Prang has returned to town after
spending a few days in London.
SCHOOL REPOtT; The following pu-
pils obtained 60% or over of the marks
given during the month of January.
Named are in order of merit. Division
L-A. 3 class, Ida Brown, Esther
Hoist ; Jr. Pb. II,, Gertrude Either,
Vera Holtzman, Harrison Holtzman,
Maitland . Wray ; Sr. Pt. IL, Harry
Mangnus, Gordon Appleton ; Jr. IL,
Clarence Holtzman, Herbert Faliner,
Tillie Brown, Elsie Geiser, Emmery
Falmer. Division IL -Intermediate
' k
Hilda, Shenk, IL, Edna Pack, II a ,
Wolfe, Clarissa Hill, Edith Hill, Ern-
est Appleton ; Se. II., Mildred Brown,
'Roland Silber, Lilian Geiser, Adeleine
Finkbeiner Jr. III., Bertha Finkbein-
er, Ida Ewald, A.lvey Holtzmanu, Nel-
son Shenk, Annie Ewald t Sr, III ,'
Laura Raise, Garnet Swei zer. Di
vision' Ifl.-Jr. IV., Madeleine Bert-
rand. Warne Rill, Idella Falmer'; Jr.
'�., Melinda, Trick, Olivia Holtztnamia,;
Exeter Municipal Council
Council met pursuant to ad3 anen-
ment at town hall, February 6th, All
Minutes of previous meeting, read
and confirmed.
Cobbledick-Hawkins--that Council-
lor Manning and street commissioner
and Saml. Baskerville be appointed to
measure street to ascertain quantity
of stone used and report at next meet-
ing of Council. -Carried.
Gillespie -Manning -that the audi-
tors' report as presented be adopted
and filed, -Carried. -
Hawkins -Manning -that the audi-
tors be paid the sum of $10,00 each for
their services. -tarried,
Cobbledick-Gillespie-that the vil-
lage Treasurer be appointed treasurer
of the Library Board and -that he be
notified accordingly. -Carried.
Cobbledick-Manning-that the sum ,
of $200.00 be granted the Cemetery-
Board --Carried,
Cobbledick - Manning='That the
following accounts be passed seed or-
ders drawn on Treasurer for ysame:-
0. B. Snell, electric light to February
$94.60 • Advocate Printing Co., acct,
and collector's rolls, $4.50 ; John Kerr,
tile, $2.40 ; W. C. Huston, bell rope,
$1.00; Wm. Weekes, salary as auditor
$10.00 ; Chas. Snell, sr., do., $10.00 ;
W. J. Bissett, salary.to Jany'. 26,
$90.00 ; Geo. Cudmore, snowplowxn r,
$7,68 ; 9.. Handford, . $8.65 ; R.
Quance, labor 63c. ; Thos, Welsh, do,
03c. ;L, Hardy, wood, 321,37, ---Carried.
Gillespie -Manning -that owing to
the misfortune of Wm. Jones in losing'
his eyesight that hisetaxes amounting
to $.5,70 be refunded. -Carried.
The Clerk having written the muni-
cipalities of Goderich, Seaforth, Cline
ton, Sarnia, MiteheIl and Ridgetown
asking for information as to the suc-
cess of the " Curfew Bell " in those
places, the replies being very unsatis-
factory it was moved by Jos. Cobble -
dick, that
seconded by, Jno. Gillespieha
e meeting
-a former se x
passed ator rx
the motionf g
of this coucil be rectnded,
- hai<� co
Hawkins -Gillespie
adjourn to Friday,' February 20th, at
7.30 p. m. -Carried.
GEC). IL BISSxTT, Clerk,
Via. Chicago and North Western
°'Ry, ; every day froth February Itith.
to April SOth. Colonist one way
second class tickets at extremelyelow
rates from stations in t3atario and
Quebec to points in Colorado, Utah,,
Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon;„�
Washington and California also to
N West-
New ria Vancouver,
V'ieto ,
R la &c. &ac.
minster, :. Nilson, Rossland,
Full particulars, rates and folders can
B. H. Bennett,
e oat
King � Gre
General a1 A ,
Toronto- hut.._:..-.,..
a an r" 'societq, have been visiting relatives at friends
some sun+t,+-Mr. S. Brock has ,sold. leis
Fath Package et
all Eeafat?-d
Is Solidly Filled with Nour-
ishing and Life -Giving
The large majority of cereal break -
ease foods furnish only from nine•' to
twelve ounces of food, while` Malt
Breakfast Food -wholly composed of
concentrated nourishing elements-
shes a solid and full package of
twenty-four ounces of a health -giving
and delicious preparation, or enongh
to make a dish for twenty-five people.
The full, solid package of Malt Break-
fast Food makes it the most economi
cal cereal that families ran use. Go
to your, Grocer, buy a package . and
try it. As far as economy and delic-
iousness are concerned, Malt Break-
fast Food. has no equal;
--F OOQ;
International Stook Foods
500 and $3,75 per Package.
International Poultry Food
2 e and sot per Package
International Heave Cure
500 per Package
Gall Cure
7.5c And 500 per Package
. it
25c .and 500 per package
liertagenna and Hersees
Stock Mod
25e end roc per Package