HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-2-5, Page 7TE TDARK,TE eincina9 rs Little Liver vr 4,y .11 rviust Bear Siunature of $eo FeceSlanito Wrapper Bellew., Wry email end ao easy to take as sugar. y- FOR �1rrictlllt ill CARTER'S FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. ITTLE IV R FOR TORPID LIVER. poll CONSCONSTIPATION.�ti Y �a FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE DDOIPLEMOl-'nu • CaiMMISIt.TF9 UunT$I, I , NATURC, #5 6%143 I PIrreaT vet atiz &. ^ws y CURB. SICK HEADACHE, :617 >0 CH BLOO t� BITTERS MAKES PERMANENT alas as OFsuch severe diseases as scrofula, running sores, salt rheum or ec- zema, shingles, erysipelas and can- ceras well as boils, blotches, pim- ples, constipation, sick headache, dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. Burdock Blood Bitters always does its work thoroughly and com- pletely, so people know that when B.B.B. cures them they're cured to stay cured. gar J rj7 R ri EMIT irPILLS FOR WEAK Asetraile They regulate the action of the , heart and invigorate the nervosa. They build up the run down sys- tens as no other remedy will do. Thcy cure Nervousness, €leeplessness, Brain rag, Palpitation of the Heart, After Effeots of La Grippe, Faint 9r Dtzzv SpellsaQn:aanda, General ,3ebility and ail trou'cles er,.u:sed by the sys- tems being run down. They have cured others. They will cure you. baa per box or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or The Ta num Co, ,Limited, Toronto, Ont. Backacheof Wenn Not ono vvornan in twenty has a strong back. • Backache Ea the cry of Weak Kidney* for help. Cackasho istho warning neto of much mote serious trouble to come, if not ata loaded to immediately. Backache can bo cured quickly and permanently by using LOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. The great and well known 'Kid' nay remedy. They have cured thousands of women. They will cure you. tO Mrs, R. L. Lane, Maploten, N. B., Writes: "I was greatly troubled with Bea.cke.che and pain in my side; r. saw Dean's (idney Pills' advertised, so, thought I would give them a trig 'After the first box X began to feel butter and i took two more to make a complete , Cure, Z consider Dean's T?;idnoy Pills.a L,.a.l: good, honest, reliable medicine for all kid. noy troubles and can'highly recommend them." bode. er .box' or 8 for $1,25. All dealers or li'Eliti 11o4N IrrnailGr Pl24.1 co., lorolato, ca. PI3STIJOUS NIGHIS sometimes They Are the Bright Dawn of .a Day of Christian Usefulness, (Entered E 1 Bred according tdingdto to ctho l that U e het' that you are being fitted for Thousand dine Bunched and •i arca:, your work, if you are faithful to by Wm,, llatzy, of Torn ate, at the him, as Adonirani Judson was being Department of Agriculture, (Mantra• fitted for his work ; r•ememoer that in the dark hours of your tempes- tuous night Christ Is watching and caring for you as he watched the disciples strtteglingon the waves of Lake Galilee ; remember that at the fourth Watch, or just at tho brejik- mg'af the dawn,. Christ, as 'be did of old, Will appear to you walking upon the crystal pavement of the deep. •i?ITTING US FOR TUE WORIC. There is a suggestive story told of a young . girl who sang in a large et rate hall in Londun. One of her trite:. s aster' a noted musical ical critic who was present what he thought , of her voice. "She laci.s one e'entent which would matte her the greatest singer of teal c •e, ' st.;s a e.. he (:rule:. "She lacks soul power. If I were a yotng mart and could marry her and Ll treat iter amid bi cak her heart, tie n o11 account of her grief and her tuleut ste would be one of the brightest stars in the musical firma- ment." Time passed on, and this A despatch from Chicago says.: -- Rev, i'rank ,lie Witt Talmage preaeh- ed from the following text :-�lliat- thc;v xiv,. 22, "Jesus constrained his ciisciules to get into a ship." --'t"riere it is ! - See .! Yonder is the disciples' haat, tossed about on the waaees of Lake Galilee. Ti.:ose leen seem to be in as critical a situation as Was the captain of •an Atlantic. coal barge • ,Some time ago. ',the barge had been Vaught in a storm and was sinking under his teee The captain signaled to -the tug. Then, as it drew near, he picked up first ono and then another of his little children. IIe raised them above his head and • hurled them tnieite i the air into the arms of the rescuers. Then he turned and i'astened 0 rope, thrown to him from the tug, around the waist of his wife and another around his own Waist, and both leaped iiito the sea, Pao minutest after he and his wife had b'. Red into the rescuing boat his own coal barge made a plunge anti ,lis- woman's heart was broken by -a. appeared, Every neemeut the disci er el ht�s''. and. Then canto the -true tiles, like that captain, dieted their boat to founder. Some of them were veteran fishernme, eat they had given up all hope --of ever reach- ing land again. The Danger of drowning 1n Lake Galilee was not' the orly clanger, nor iud'eed the greatest danger, cite of 1,0d's iavorhtes. There is a which threatened the disciples. They great trfrmph of gospel usefulness were in spiritual danger. Uavir.g f; r you ahead. - seen J•rsus only a few hours before Batt clan., tempestuous nights of feed a multitude 01' ratite) persons flnaneiail ruin have often been,. in with five loaves and a few lis -hes, !Clod's sight' the bri ht, blesaod sun - they had lost sight of his spiritual Ehiiyc as v.eaa nerdta,L. days of ter power and fame. God,' when he wishes to fit us for great and true work, sends us a hurricane of trouble. ITe compels us to bat- tle with t'11o. Galilect.li tempests for a whole tight: Po not be weary of well doing, my brothers. lou are Mission and were about to hail hint as a temporal leader. Like the mul- titudes which had been fed, they began to whisper among themselves : "Wiiv not make Christ -our king ? IN THE DA1tik HOURS. - P1ze dark, teml,eetuous eights when the altadow of the death angel's wing hovered over the home -have Such. a miraclea. working leader as often been ie. ou s stent tate bright, this could not only feed us and Miming days fur tee broken hearted clothe us Without any work upon houe.e,Jc:ld circle. It was awfully our part, but he also could liberate Lard for you to hear the doctor sav us from Roman tyranny and be to there was no hole. You felt that us another Moses, another Joshua other people might We,.. nut-sonieftow or another David." In order to the truth was neer fully brought counteract this design of makinghome to you until then that your him, merely a temporal king, which mother or wife or child could ever would have brought him into col- Le tai:en. Since teat 'moment not 1151Un with the Boman pout,and , onl;, t his life. but the next, has for have degraded his mission into a 'Y"stn entirely dit`,erant significance. mere insurrection,. he determined to i Uhy did you place upon her coffin teach the disciples their weakness plate the word:= "At rest?" Did and helplessness. He compelled them you mean that her sleep was to.be to launch their boat and enter into an en.•l ss sleep, which shall never a fearful combat . of at least ten 1c • have an awakening? You used to hours with the Galilean tempest. So l revel 11 the theories neoi ieusett to clams Darwin's vo- loolcin rcer to atcay f�ciilt�euurl owo nac ly i to the .o d me to 'physical man was only a 1Lgher form gists, which aro absornzrg •fur of a developed animal. .tion was thoughts and desires, and lead us to horn 11. a. dog; he must die like a I•' you u stillclingto those o seek fromhim the higher spiritual clog. theories when you placed upor, her blessings he has to bestow God 1 clouds our skies and brings upon us coffin lid the words "At met?" Oh, a tidal wave of crusttin•, caster, no. You immediately went back to that we uta be driven to climb into the sweet faith of your father and y mother. And so when the death his loving, protecting arias. heel's wines began to flutter over The dark, tempestuous nights of 'the bed of . one of your loeed ones religious persecution have often•wfth one blow it not only struck been, in God's sight, the brightest Ivo :r heart, but it also knocked your and the most blessed of sunshiny 'infidelity clean out of your life. You days for the church. It was by haw- •immedia:tety said, as you looked into ing his eyes temporarily Minded the pale are sleet' ing in the casket, that Paul gained spiritual sight. It pais by being lowered in a nasket by a few friends over the Damascus wall in order to, escape the mur- derer's dagger that Paul was set free to embark on 1115 missionary career. It wan by exile to a stately island of the Mediterranean that John was enabled to see his mar- velous apocalyptic visions. It was not until Rome had been burned by the bloody Nero, who laughed and fiddled while the conflagration re red; not until the Christians had suffered under the false charge of being the incendiaries that the church was purified and fully launched on its great evangelistic work. It was when Martin Luther had to face the diet of 'Worms end -had been im- prisoned for months in the ; Wart- burg that the reformation was start- ed. When the pilgrim fathers on ac- count of religious persecution - had. to leave England, then the first foundation stone of Christian Ameri- ca was laid. And in no time of church history can you find that. a great religious leader has come forth without the previous roar of the 'Galilean tempest, as it yawned to destroy ' the- church and engulf Christian faith. • TIraOUGII PERSECUTION. What tempestuous struggles have accomplished for the church as a whole they may also accomplish for the humble individual workers in the church. -God fits many of the humbler workers for his vineyard as he spiritually prepared Adonirani •Judson, the great missionary,, for his work. For seven long years Mr. and Mrs. Judson seemed to labor in Burma in vain ; for seven long years he testified for Christ amid almost insurrnotintabie difficulties ; for .sev- en long years lie and his wife every four weeks sat down to the .com— munion table absolutely alone. They had not. yet made one convert for Christ. At the end of these seven long years of seeming defeat the Missionary society wrote to him that he had butter surrender his mission as.a failure and start in an-• other field. Adoniram Judson, with his gospel . spirit • aglow with the awful struggle from those seven long years, answered the 'Missionary So- ciety- in these • memorable words "No ! No 1 I cannot and will not surrender this mission. Success is as certain here as:.the promise of • a faithful God can snake it." Them cane the great outpouring of the Pioly Spirit ; then Burma saw its cloy • of Pentecost. So, my brother, in .the. Christian minis or .in the Christian -pew, fighting against seem- ingly eemingly overwhelming obstacles,. re - "I know she lives. I know she is living in some other world for me." made.. And us you look up to see where that other world is do you not feel that you were being struck by a Galilean tempest, as were the dis- cinles of old? Do you rot feel that through the dark shadow of the death angel's wing you have been able to see the spiritual face of 0fliteet:eiogloOs eeo`tel 0(11 OP THE ROME Recipes for the Kitchell. m 11y;jiene and Other Motes 2 fur the housekeeper. 1kt11,I INA I373,EAD IN WYNTuit. • Making bread in cold weather often proves an irksome task because the bread is slow in rising, and bread that takes its time to rise is seldom good bread when baked. Pleating the flour fron•.i 12 to 21 hours before mixing helps pot only the rising pro cess, but the whitening also, This fact is now so well understood that many millers add the advice to the printing on the flour sack. It must be put into a' bucket or pan and set whereit will gat just warm, and stay warn., nothing more.. To get it, or the dough after mixing scald-, ing hot, is to spoil all life in it, and black soggy bread is the outcome. :.s for yeast, the housewife who keeps the everlasting, or as some call it, neighbors' yeast, knows well how to make bread with it. Put this yeast must be used by more than one family, or at. the farthest, used three times a week to keep it at its best: Where one lives isolated this yeast can be made fresh each time, as it is , nothing but old- fashioned potato yeast renewed with the same amount' of fresh stuff each baking. To wake it, put 1 • cakes good dry yeast to soak the morning of the day before baking. This com- pressed yeast is all the better for being allowed to soak several hours. At noon stir 1 cup. mashed potatoes, a little salt, and cup sugar in 1 qt hot water. When cool add the soaked yeast and set by until bed- time, when your quart of yeast is ready to make a sponge of by stil'l'ing in equal flourto illake a thick batter. Put this in a place neither too cold nor hot, and let it work t.lntil morning Add enough water or • milk for the amount of bread required -1 pt added will make four ordinary sized loaves. Many young housewives make poor bread by reason of not mixing en- ough flour in the kneading process. To stop short of enough is to have runny, dark bread ; to mix in too much flour is to have the bread hard and floury inside. This mixing pro- cess is one not explainable on paper. Experience must be your guide. You will soon get to know by the feeling of the dough on your hands when enough flour has been added. When the bread is put in a warns place to rise, cover the top with a liberal supply of lard or meat drippings. This is to keep out the air. When baked, grease the tops and sides of the loaves to make the crust thin and flaky and keep it half an hour in the open air without any cover. To put a cover on directly after tak- ing from the oven causes the crust to toughen. Biscuits to be sof and flak after t 3r baking must be mixed with 'enough flour and kneaded ubtil the dough will not stick to the hands. If you m.ako your biscuits from so many recipes going the rounds, which say, "mix just as thin as you can easily roll," you will find that nine times out of ten you have hard tasteless biscuits to put on the table. To mix as thin as possible may do for cookies, but that is not the way good old-fashioned biscuits are DOMESTIC RECIPES. Boiled Onions.—Peel and lay in salted water for half an hour, then boil tender in two waters, hot and salted. Drain, season with pepper and salt, and serve with a white Jesus Christ as never before? It sauce. was trouble that did it — terupestu- Baked Onions—Peel and slice them, nus trouble alnne which made you I cook fifteen minutes in boiling wit - Use the hillock of a grave for a ter, then turn thern in a clean cloth kneeling stool at the altar of mercy to drain. Either fry, a few at a and pardon and love. time, in a frying -basket, or cook in TWO KINDS OF PEOPLE. butter in a frying -pan till brown Now, trouble conies to us in one of two ways, and it rests with every one to decide hi which of the two ways it shall come to him. It may collie as a sanctified trouble or as an unsanctified trouble. It came in both forms to the thieves who were crucified with Jesus. To the one thief the physical agony 'was um - sanctified trouble, causing him to curse and deride Christ; to the other it came as sanctified troeb.e •.ausing him to plead for mercy and love. Unsanctifiecl trouble comes to a man who stands by his child's open cas- ket, and 3 t embitters him and causes hien to set his jaw in rebellion and say, "No good God•would have tak- en that child out of my arms.,, Sanctified trouble came to a 'young officer of my church and caused him to- say to the visiting minister: "I do not want a pastor to come into my sick room to make merely a so- cial .call. I want him to come in to pray." In . tsie midst of : your sor- rows and trials are yon reedy to hat your troubles become sanctified troubles? Are you ready to feel that in the darkeet 1)0018 of your night Christ i.s waiting to speak to yon, that ho is reatty to appear unto you? • Friend, to-da.y in your troubles can you not hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to you? - Can .you not, will ,you not, see that even •in this dark hour Je1us 'is walking to - Ward tion, stepping lightly union the crystal pavement of the deep? • In Belfast district no fewer than 70,000 people are employed in con- nection With the linen manufacture, and in the numerous mills and ware- houses no less than 213,000,000 is invested. The Compulsory Education 'Act "is doing good'• throughout Ireland, Both in the cities and in the rttral districts it has, wherever adopted, Member that God has sent to you emislet;rehly increased the average that tenmpest for a purpose ; 1011enn• n.ti:enda•nco. TI1'Ia, OF TURPENTINE. Turpentine, either in resinous feria or in spirits, has a household value. A. child suffering with the croup or any throat or lung diiioulty will' be quickly relieved- by inhaling - the vapor and having the chest rubbed until the ` skin is red, then being wrapped about .with flannel moisten- ed with fiery spirits. Afterwards sweet -oil . will save' the skin trails irritation. In the case of burns and scalds turpentine has no equal, It is the best dressing for patent leath- er a it will remove paint from artists' .clothes and workmen's gar- ments ; it will drive away morns if a few drops are put into closets and chests ; it . will persuade mire to find other quarters if a little is poured into lie mouse -holes ; one tablespoonful added to tna %voter in which linens are boiled will make the goods wonderfully white a few drove will prevent starch from. sticking ; mixed with beeswax it makes the best floor' polisfl, and mixed with sweet -oil it is unrivaled as a. polish for fine furniture -the latter mixture should be two parts of sweet -oil to one part turpentine physicians recommend spirits of .turpentine, applied externally, for Iumbago and rheumatism. It is also preseribed for neuralgia of the face. WINDOWS OF THE HOUSE. To the passersby there is probably no. one feature which lends more eharacter to the general aspect of the house than do the windows. Windows aro at once the eyes and the smile which light up the archi- tectural face of a dwelling. Through the saving grace of well-designed and well-placed windows, the hum- blest umblest house may assume a"charm all its own. They attract unconsciously and, by contrast, dignify even the plainest portions of the house. The successful home -builder must wisely consider the distribution, plgcing and character of his windows. More- over, every window should receive double consideration in each of these aspects, for it must look well both inside and outside. THE S. Van ESS is INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 8. Text of the Lesson, Acts xviii., 1- 11. Golden Text, I Cor•, iii., 11. 1. After these things Paul de- parted from Athens and came to Corinth. His testimony was not in vain at Athens, for some clave unto unto him and believed. He did not ex- pect, nor are we taught to expect, that all the seed will fail on good soil, but we know that no labor in t11e Lord is in. vain and that His word will always accomplish His pleasure (I Cor. xv, 58; Isa. 1v, 11). The Church of Christ is made up of an elect number out of all nations, given unto Him out of this world the Father v v 9; I� h. i 4; byeRe . ( ly vgive xvii, 6; vi, 37 ); but ' v e the gospel in good faith to every crea- ture, rewture, for whosoever will may come, and we aim by all means to save some ( John lit, 16; Rov. xxii, 17; I Cor. ix, 22). 2, 3. And found a certain Jew would enjoy them. See Josh. i, 9 ; named Aquila, boon in Pontus, late- e, f, 17 ; Ise xli, a10, 13 Gen.r ly came froItaly, with his wife xxviii, 15 ; Dent. xxxi, 6, 8 ; Mark Priscilla. '' as * and because he was v, 36. The great and all sufficient of the same craft he abode with them promise "I am with you" includes and wrought. all others, for His presence insures After all these centuries there are all else. See Ex. iii, 12 ;Josh, i, still in force cicerces'tlhat scatter Is- kaa ��Fi � se., �H TOE3TRENGTNTOW91,1 �, IEYC!1REFUNcrloN L Ro G50t '. EY ENRit; TUE BL000 f. Till` CONSTITiJTIOtd .4 Ondon,�+y I. Marrirea.�'16os �� FRiGG 1 fa1TBRITAIN'% AMERICA all Pruggist5 lk awn Pricein Canada: $1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 1e A remedy which' acts through the foltctions of nutrition, by the building up of new and healthy tissues is not to be expected, to manifest its action in a few days. When tate disease is of recent ori. win, this early and illtzuediate action ill often be met with. Otherwise, wilelt it has already lasted some time, the action of the remedy '.must be chronic like the disease itself, • This is why the length of the use of Sat. Pains WAr'rres will vary with every individual case ; but it is a fact which no one will now deny that in the treatment of general debility ST. f A1liBs WAVSRs produce relltarkable,.: and is some cases, immediate effects, ST, f AlifES WAITERS help stomach; digest food and send the ntitrinleut through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health: and strength,: the kizid that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "Xn diseases of ill- stomach St. James Wafern are almost if not at is t p specific. I have great Dr. Edward A. Robinson, Cori[, Ireland. .11.,lames IYaftrsa+•t nota secret stnreay: is the vttmerousdo, torsre- c,nnmenaing d;,ent to their patrents n,e mai: the formula -upon request. Where (eaters are not sellingthe Wafers. they are matted upo•t re- ceipt of price at the Canadian branch St. James Wifars Go., 1728 $t. Catherine at., Montropl, of the Corinthians, hearing, believed and were baptized. When one door is shut, another is sure to ,open and sometimes, as in this case, next door to the one closed against us, When the Lord opens, no power can shut, and when. He allows a door to be closed it is because He wants us elsewhere (Rev. iii, 8; Matt. x, 14). It was a splen did victory for the Lord and Elis servant to have the chief ruler of the synagogue and his household re- ceive the despised Nazarene as Israel's Messiah, and possibly many were helped by his example to do likewise. But the chief ruler can- not always control the other rulers, whether he be the president of a nation or the governor of a state or the mayor of a city or only ruler of f a synagogue. 9, 10. Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision. Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace, for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee, for I have much people in this city. The Lord saw the weakness and fear and much trembling of IIis servant (1 Cor. ii, 3), and by this special message strengthened him to P g g continue. So He strengthened Ab- ram centuries ago when Ile saw his fears (Gen. xv, 1), and all His "fear nots" are to strengthen us, but we must appropriate them if we reel. They chose Caesar instead of Christ ()John xix, 15), and the :Cae- sa.rs the world rulers, still oppress 5 ; Judg. vi, 16 ; Jer. i, 8, 19 ; Hag. 1, 13 ; i!, 4. 11.And he continued there a year and six months teaching the word of them; but "IIe that scattered Israel God among them. will gather him," and the time is Ile had no higher criticism, nor even now at hand (Jer. xxxi, 10: did he cast any doubt or slight Ea..•ek. xxxvii, 21, 22). The move- upon any portion of Scripture ; but, went known as Zionism, although believing all Scripture to be written unbelieving, may be part of it. by inspiration of God and profitable, While Paul believed and taught that he taught from all Scripture the they who preach the gospel should things concerning the Lord Jesus live of the gospel (I Cor. ix, 14), he Christ. See carefully II Tim. iii, also took pleasure in working at his 16 ; Acts xxiv, 14 • xxvi, 22 ' trade, that ho might minister to 1115 xxviii, 31. It would be grand if every believer was so filled with the word as to be a living translation of the same. Fried Onions—Peel medium-sized own necessities and give the gospel Spanish onions and boil in salted freely (Acts xx, 34; I Cor. iv, 11; 1 Thess. water for fifteen minutes, then throw Thess. ii, 9; II coned ill, 8). into cold water and let . stand half in And he reasoned in the 4,ymat- an hour. Drain on a cloth, cut with g°gue every Sabbath and persuaded a sharp knife, into slices half an the Jews and the Greeks. inch thick, place in single layers in a well -buttered tin, and bake in a quick oven, basting occasionally with butter till browned. Serve in a hot dish. . Onion Stew—Peel and slice the on- ions, let them lie in cold water half an hour ; put them on to boil in fresh cold water, and turn off after they have boiled three minutes. Re- peat this, then in the fourth water; let them cook tender, put through a colander, add hot milk, season with salt and pepper and a generous piece of butter, and thicken while boiling, with a little flour wet siuooth with cold milk. Old Plantation Johnny Cake—Sift one quart of Indian . meal into a bowl; Make a hole in the center and pour in a pint of warm water, adcl a teaspoonful of salt and gradually Mix water and meal into a solt dough ; then stir briskly for fifteen minutes or more until it is light and spongy. Then spread the dough evenly and smoothly out on a straight flat board ; and place it before the open fire and bake it well ; then cut into squares, send to table very hot, split open, and butter. This can be baked in the lower oven of a gas stove very sue- cessfully, but must be placed low (Teem from the fire. To Roast a Turkey—Take a rine, large turkey, if too fat take. part of it out : see that ,the insides are all removed, saving the giblets (neck,. heart, gizzard and liver),' for, the gravy ; after it is thoroughly clean- ed leaned. make a dressing of stale bread crumbs, salt, pepper, 0eee of but- ter, some sweet herbs ; it may be Moistened with a little water or lemon juice, stuff the turkey well with this dressing, both the neck and the body. Or, prepare a'stuffing of pork sausage. heat, elle .beaten egg. and .a flow bread .crumbs. He doubtless did as at Thessa- lonica and reasoned out of the At one year this weight has in - Scriptures, opening and alleging creased from 640111. to 750Ib. that Christ must needs have suffered The average age at death of peo- and risen again from the dead and pie who die by accident is 351 that Jesus is the Christ (Acts xvii, 2, 3). From the day that the Lord Jesus met him on the road to Da- mascus his one story was that Jesus, crucified and risen, is the Christ, the Sou of God (Acts ix, 20, 22; I Cor. ii, 2). 5. And when Silas and Timotheus were coupe from Macedonia Paul %vas pressed in the spirit and testified to the Jews that, jeans was _Christ, - - Tnsteai,d of "pressed in the spirit" the Revised Version • says "con- strained by the word." This re- minds us of Jeremiah, who because of reproaches determined to speak anti no more in His name, hut the, word rum such a fire within him that, he ed' f was constrainer) to speak (Jer. xx, „.,e. 8, 9). We think also of Peter and John, whom no threats could pre- vent from speaking what they had seen and heard (Acts iv, Cl), and of Elihu, who said that he must speak that he might be refreshed, for he was like a, bottle of wine ready to burst (Jobxii, 18-20). 6. Your blood be upon your own beads. I am clean. From hence- forth I will go unto the gentiles. It was his custom everywhere to preach the gospel to the Jew first (Rom, i, 16) and then to the gentile. Compare their conduct at Antioch in Pisidia (xiii, 45, 46). When any one is duly warned of danger and refuses to take need, his blood is on himself (nick. xxxiii, 4, 5). Those who obey not the gospel shall bo punished with evet•lastiag de- struction (II '1'hess. 1, '8 9). As to shaking one's raiment see Neh. 'v, 18, 7, 8, And Crispus,. .the chief ruler of . the, synagogue,, believed on the Lord with all` his house, and ina,hiy The average weight of a calf 3 months old is from 233111. to 3531b. years. New Zealand has an ivy -tree which has a thick, short trunk and heavy branches. It is not a climbing plant. took the outside." There are 6,209 private schools in England ; of these 1,958 are boys' schools, 3,178 girls', and 1,078 mixed. • A- uhlin correspondent learns au- thor tatively that Mr. W. E. IT. Lea will not represent Dublin Uni- vers ty in the next session of Perlia - men .. No election can take place Parliament assembles in Feb - when a new writ will be move r. I'R10IY1 ERIN'a GRIN ISLE WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE LAND OF THE SHABIROCR. Some 'Personal and Business Notes That Will Interest Irish - Canadians. One hundred and sixty-nine cen- tenarians died last year. in Ireland. Litter for horses and cows is to be made from spent hors at Dublin. Ulster has sent out 1,085.590 emi- grants during the last 50 years. In Belfast on the 13th ult. a gen- tleman was discovered lifeless on a. tram car. The establishment of a second bat- , talion of Irish Guards is to be pro- ceeded with; 1 Claims for compensation in three cases of malicious cattle mutilation have been sent in to the Tuliamore 'District Council, King's County. Juidge Adams, the well-known Ire eelh County Court Judge, says that I Irish humor, 'Which was at its height !when Ireland had a parliament of its own, has greatly declined strove O'Connell's time. ' iThe ,first determined action to Meath stop fox hunting in West waas 'made at Killare, near Mullinger. A large crowd, headed by Mr. Calvin, ID. C., assembled and prevented hunt- ing there. Not thel least notable result of the Trish Agricultural Department's work is the revival of table glass making in Belfast, formerly a great Irish industry, but extinct for many years. Early potato growing for the English market has also been placed on practical lines. This year two great firms, Har- land & Wolff and Workman, Clark & Co., have left the highest outputs of both Scotch and English firms about 10,000 in the rear. Harland & Wolff turned out six large liners, or 79,497 tons; Workman, Clark & Co., twelve vessels, or 78,933 tons. MILBUR.N'S .�.. Are a combleation of the active principles of tho most valuable vegetable remedies for dis- eases anddisordors of the Luer, Stomach and Bowels. E3lok Headache Jaundice, Heart- burn, Catarrh o7 the Stomach,131ea iv. mess, Blotehes and Pimples. Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Water Brash, Liver Complaint, Sallow or Muddy' Complexion. Sweeten the breath and clear away all waste and poisonous matter from the systema ''rice 2,50. a bottle er 5 for t'l.AO. All dealers s or ng T. Knew 00., TA*eited, Toronto, 1.751111.19110* , vtiTS. "sia SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH @BAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MGN. THE R'ESu1.Tof Ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body induced by lust add exposure are constantly wrecking the lives anda e #afar happiness cera of thou d ofpromising n men. san s �r c run Some fade and wither at an early age, at the blossom of oianitood, while young are forced to draaaa weary, nruitlessand melancholy existence. Others reach mate. rnoi,y but find uo aaolaco or comfort there. '.z'hhevictin,c are found in all statioun of life -tire farm the ounce, the workshnp, the i ; •' pulpit, the trades and the professions. llarvese Doblllty end Seminal Weakness are guaranteed cured by our glow Method Treatment or No pay. You run no tisk 25 years in Detroit. Bank security. CORED WREN ALL ELSE FAILED. No soma used without wrtttee consent. am 33 years of ale and married. When young A 'led a gay /;. life. Early tndiscretiores and later etcesses made trouble for me. • 1 became weak and nervous. let). kidneys became effected and I 11 f' feared Brie -eve Disense. lrarried Life was uusalisfactory and my homy unhappy. I -tried everything—all failed iil1I took treatment treat Dro, lrenuedy & Xergau. Their blew Ideated built ms up mentally, physically and soxtell I feel and 'act like a m• an In ornry respect, They treated me six years ago. They, art honest, skilful and responsible financially, to Why patronlse Quacke and IPakirs when you can he cured by reliable doctors."—W. A. Helton. . GnRtS GUII�l6E#DEED� Its �p�Y.: Goast,lliaCiail Free -Res frce••ouslraa Biaiik TIBC or llama 'irauimet>C. t4•8 Shtlby Strut. &&s0 Ken , + erg ,llA Dttrait Mich 9 i, v