HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-5-15, Page 16e 16-currrON NEWS -RECORD WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1985 e LIJCKNOW eWINGHAM GODERICI-I LASSIFIE 1. Articles for sale THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surgnce at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St, Clinton. Phone 482-9300.--44tfar LANDSCAPING TREES: Spruce, dig your choice: take sod with undisturbed roots. 1 !•a miles east of Wingham, Hwy. 86. Spruce $1.50, ft., Blue Spruce $3.00/ft. Mrs. Marsh, centre of three houses east of school. 357-2387.-- 17-20 1980 KAWASAKI • KDX 175 in good condition. Reasonable price. Phone 529.7132.-- 18tfnx TREES: evergreens, flowering shrubs, roses, perennials, fruit trees and small fruit. Asparagus roots. Bakers Nursery, R.R. 2, Bayfield. 482- 9995,-18.22a.r USED DESKS, credenzas, file cabinets, board room tables, storage cabinets, bookcases. office chairs, drafting tables, restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street, South, Lon- don, 1-681-2254, Monday • Friday 9 • 5, Saturday 9 - 12..-20o DISCOUNT Jeans sell famous maker substandards jeans from your own home. Also first quality samples and clearances. Jeans 115- 390 Partridge, Winnipeg, R2V 3H5. 20o SPRING GARDENING. Everything to start: Seeds, nutrients, heating, lighting, germination kits, greenhouses solar openers- Metal Halides at best prices in Canada. Send $2 for cotalogue and price list to: Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St Vancouver, V6B 3N9. Call (604)682- 6636,-020,210 ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. All Steel, wood frame, straight/Slant, half -round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers call Wally (416)626-1794. Leave message • or collect evenings and weekends.-- -20o MODERN BEDROOM suite for sale, 8 pieces, black leather and mirrors, new $1500, .asking $500. Reason for selling -moving. Call 482- 3383.- 20 JOHN DEERE 66 model riding mower, 30" blade, 6 h.p., good condition, asking $650, phone 482- 5013. -20 GENERAL ELECTRIC DISHWASHER, good working condition $75. Phone 565-5251, . 20 ONE UPRIGHT piano, Bradford. Complete with • bench, excellent'conditlon. Call 482-7088. 20 HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Gorden Equipment, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Ser• vice to all small engines. =- 20tf _ POOL SALES: Leading manufacturer with a limited number of 198.4 models is having o clearance sale. Package includes motor, pump, filter, skimmer, liner. fence and deck. Regular $2,095 reduced to $1,295. Call anytime 1-800.265- 8142. - 18.35o DISPLAY BUILDING PROGRAM. Be the first one in your area to own one of these new 85 models and save big. For quality call toll free Miracle Span Steel Buildings 1-800-387.4910. 20o CENTRAL VACUUM Manufacturer has limited amount of Central Vac systems. Complete with canister, motor, all cleaning tools and necessary parts to install. Regularly $599 on sole for $299 •while supplies last. For information coil anytime 1-800-265.8142.- 20o 1982 KAWASAKI 650 custom street racer ex cellent condition, with windshield, new tires safetied: Best offer. Phone 262-3503. 20 For Sale: 45' x 8' (House) Trailer Preciously used as otfire ferilit!, Suitably for Construction Site. Electric Baseboard Heater 1r'K storm windows and flooring Presrntl> w,!thtiut axle. Also: Truck Scale Inground beam. manufactured by Canadian Siet•l 45' x 10', 60,000 Ib. rapacity, Both items in good condition and ran be seen.at • Amberley Grain Elevators • Junction Hwy. H6 and 21 Call Jerry Murdoch 39.5-3300 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ...Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Can for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 0 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 0. board 21 Cottages for rent 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wontod to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 22 Lots for rent 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. • PHONE 482 3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY . 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 . Articles for sale GAS POWERED E-Z•Go golf car in real good con- dition.Phone 527-1594, -20x , 19.80 KX-250 DIRT BIKE, never been raced, good condition, $500.00 or best offer. Phone 482- 7318. 20tfnx • 1979 YAMAHA 500 SR, .easily certified, helmets • 3'0', full face Bell and Nava, $2100. or best offer, negotiable. 482-3570 after 5 or between 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. - 20,21 1981 HONDA 400.Hawk Black.. Good condition. Low mileage. Must sell. $1200.00 certified or best ' reasonable offer. Call 524-7106., 20,21 nx 42" CUT SIMPLICITY LAWN DECK, adapts' to most lawn tractors $250. Phone 565-5343. 20 WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton, 1' 0 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign'. Coll collect 523-9508._-42tfar WHOLESALE STEEL Buildings. Factory direct prices. No middleman. Quonset and Straight wall buildings. Won't be undersold. Guoronteed best value on market today. Call (416) 221- 7353. 20o . • SEDGWICK ELECTRIC stair chair, compact, good condition. Easy to install. Phone 482- 3388' 19tfnx OPEN VICTORIA DAY MONDAY, MAY 20 8:30 am- 5:30 pm Scott's TURF BUILDER FERTILIZER $ 2 2 5 Regular 16.99 Scott's TURF BUILDER $1495 PLUS 2 SHRUBS $999 r � ROSES BUY 2 - GET 1 FREE We're your one-stop Garden Centre! SALE STARTS FRIDAY MAY 17 AT 8:30 AM TILL MONDAY MAY 20 NOW, OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM VERBEEK'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 22 Isaac St., Clinton 482®9333 WHISKEY AND RUM BARRELS arriving May 7, whiskey, $20.00, rum, $23.35 plus tax, Call 524- 8037. Art Bells Fruit Form. 19tfar • FOR SALE: Four Block Wall G70 14 BF Goodrich radial tires, Used only one sumrrer. Asking $125.00. Phone 524.8941 days 524.7115 nights. Ask for Don. 20,21nx GIANT YARD SALE: Friday and Soturday, May 17 and 18, west of Brucefield on Bayfield Rd. or east of Varna 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. -20 YARD SALE: weather permitting Saturday, May 18 Fry St„ Boyfield, 9 • 5 across froin the boll dia- mond, lots of books, old seek', cups and saucers, etc. - 20 [--- 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE • 41 Mill St., Clinton. May 17 and 18 at 9 a.m. Friday to Saturday evening. Kitty cor• ner,to Beer Store. -- 20x GARAGE SALE: Saturday, May 18 from 9 - 6, Con- cession 8 of Hullett, watch for signs. Flyte trailer 13'3 ft. -20 GARAGE SALE: 341 Ontario St., Clinton, Hwy. 8, May 18 and 20, 9 - 4. Antiques, books, furniture, sports equipment, good variety of odds and ends. George Cutler. -- 20 440. 5. Cars for sale 1974 GREMLIN for parts, runs good. $200. Call 482.37100r482-3512- 20nx 1982 CHEVETTE two door standard. excellent condition, one owner, $4200. Call 527-1296 after 5p.m. -20. • 1971 BUICK SKYLARK, 350 engine, best offer, call .482.7975. 20 1976 VOLARE, 4 door., automatic, deluxe, as is runs well at.$550. Phone 565-2950 also utility trailer, full electric connections. - 20 1977 MONTE CARLO, 2 door, blue, good condi- tion, 75,000 miles, asking $2500. Call after 5:30 p.m. 482.7329, --20 WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology lo CANADA C.S.A. Approved Eliminates chemical con taminotion, nuisance and coliform bacteria, iron bacteria. staining, smell. iron, bad taste and more no messy chemicals - maintenance free - tested and proven in .over 10,000 rural in- stallations Eliminates the need for liquid chlorinators and water •distillers Free 30 -Day trial offer Try it Out See the results for yourself Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you Backed by a 20year-written warranty If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUNTRY LIVING. Coll toll free 1 800-268-2656 or (416)624 4344 or write Water Purification Systems, 203 1030 Komoto Rd Mississoug0, Ontario L4W 486 20tfo STEEL BUILDINGS Inventory Clearorire Fxar't i2 x 50 rnrnplete with rloor $4 929 Saes 0/ridable up to 120 wide Limited quantities At 1 Nr,w Coll toll free 1 1300 387 8130 (Area code 807 rail 416 828 6262 20o WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 We'll get you ready for a hot_surr mer! HAVE YOUR CAR'S AIR CONDITIONING #1/ CHECKED & RECHARGED Brown Chee Olds will check: •A11 halts and A.C. Hoses •Freon Looks - Compressor operation •recharge air conditioning system. DAILY 'RENTALS LEASING' c��vrol t ( BROWN olas�nob CLINTON 91 BLYTH tl',INTON BAYFIELDs.:.'`;; ";p SEAFORTH *MITCHELL *ZURICH EXETER STRfATFORD (41110 7. R.V.'s for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale ASPARAGUS New Potatoes Tomatoes Strawberries Broccoli Lettuce Spanish or Cooking Onions EVANS FARM MARKET "Where the price is right" 2 MILES NORTH OF BAYFIELD ON HWY. 21 482-7562 POULAN CHAINSAW DEALING DAYS are on! Come In and malice a deal on Models 3400-3700 and 4000 then receive 150. OFF Complete parts and service on all POULAN saws. CaII - Robert Glen Saws RR 3 CLINTON 482-9292 FOR RENT - House trailer at Huron Cliff Park, 5 miles north of Goderich, Hwy. 21. Phone 524- 6438.. 20 22 FT. GLENDALE TRAILER for sale, asking 51,500. Phone 482-9659. 20 TRAILERS - Travel, Hardtop, Luggage. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel. New A Used. Hitches. Truck Caps, Campers, Running boards. Sales. Rentals, Repairs. Comp -Out, Hwy. 8, 1 mi. .w., Stratford. 393•5938, 15-29 23 FT. PROWLER Travel Trailer includes fridge, stove, 3 pc. bath and new awning, sleeps up to six, excellent condition, phone 482-7811. 19,20 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY mile south on Hwy. 21 GGDERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 12. Real estate for sae BLYTH - EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Brick triplex centrally located, features 3 bedroom units. Excellent income potential. Listed at $55,000. Century 21 All Points Realty. Bruce Schmidt 523-9226 ---20 McVAY MINUET, day sailer, cradle. Seagull motor with bracket, 3 sails, sail cover, etc. Coll Goderich 524.7445 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. -- 19tfnx 10. Pets for sale PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD pups ready week of June 1 Phone 565.5343. 20 12. Real estate for sale GK REALTY & INSURANCE.INC. 14 Isooc St.. Cllnt',n 482-9747 482-3721 Also Goderich, Exeter, Grond Bend. BILL COUNTER 482-3687 HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 We are pleased to offer these 2 Br ick Ranch Style: homes for sale. BUILDING LOTS in Boyfield, walking distance to downtown and lake. Call 565.2899. -- 19,20 $85,000 COUNTRY LIVING. Retreat to this beautiful hideaway property in Durham • Flesherton area. 23 acres, wide stream, pond, springs, nearly all treed. Restored knotty•pine house, small barn. John J. Coutts Ltd. Realtor (519)369-2414. 20o FOR SALE in Bayfield close to lake, two cottages on a lovely lot, own well, mature trees. Open house and lawn sale on Saturday and Mondoy, May 18 and 20. Phone 565.2871, no Sunday calls.. 20 21' TANDEM AXLE, fully equipped travel trailer, awning, cedar deck, wooden shed and lot. Ser- viced with water, hydro and sewer, nice lawn and trees. situated in PI-inelake. Bargain priced, • immediate possession!. call 482-9001. -20 19 FT. HOLIDAY TRAVEL TRAILER for sale. In excellent condition. With propane stove with oven, pro- pane /electric refrigerator, backroom with shower, awning. Phone 482-3372 anytime HURON CONTRACTORS Phone 236-4230 New . homes, cottages, barns 8 renovations. Book your spring building planning with us NOW and avoid spring increases. A. For Sale READY to lay 20 week old pullets. 1 day old chrrks (white or brown). Call Rooseboorn Poultry 519 236 4102 R.R 3. Zurich. 10tf 60 BALES year old mixed huy for sale. also. 000 barn 30 X 70 for rent for storage only Phone 482 7434 19 20 • NEW HOLLAND baler model 310 excellent condi tion. Phone 524 9585 20 22 FOR SALE 5000 bales of old mixed hay, call 526 7716 20 22 FOR SALE Quantity of wooden Smidly hog feeders Four feeding holes on each side 575 each Phone John Von Den Assen 887 6594 20x Hensall Livestock Sales SALES [VERY THURSDAY AT 12:39 P.M. All classes of livestock WI IN VaTl YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Horerooves Clinton. 442.7411 Barry Willer [x•lor. 244-1717 Klrkton - 224.6205 iGro9ory HolrgreoNos ,561 2614 B. Custom Work CUSTOM CORN Planting: Four 36" rows. fertilizer and insect S9 per acre. 10 m radius of Blyth Brod Thomson 523 9723. 19,71 WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 1 FLOOR 2 OR 3 BEDROOM good condi- ' tion, large lot, attached garage. ATTRACTIVE WELL -KEPT HOME vanosira in the 20's. Call for details. 3 BEDROOM HOME, nice interior shop. Highway location near Clinton. ATTRACTIVE INTERIOR, in this 3 bedroom split near Clinton. NEAR BRUCEFIELD 19 acres, paved road location. COMMERCIAL ZONED LOT AND. SHOP highway location and a residential lot with steel shed. BLYTH very neat 2 bedroom 1 floor brick home priced to sell. • ONTARIO 'ST. - 2 storey home with many modern conveniences, a pleasure to show. 7 s, ho8 ba BLYTHBLYTH AREA, AREA - 2 ACRESacre, nice use brickrn. house, separate building ideal for office, or small business. 2 STOREY 5 BEDROOM HOME - 3 fireplaces. double treed lot, `39,900,00. SEE THE INTERIOR of this brick 1 floor home on a double lot, finished basement. MOBILE HOME at 5 Season's Pork, HENSALL - Executive styled home, noteral woodwork, pine lined Florida room. pool plus. LAYER QUOTA, 5909. on 75 acres. Split level home, '550,000.00. 71/2 ACRES, 1 floor home, 1 floor born, sh- ed, highwoy location. Near Clinton. TUCKERSMITH • 78 acres,, 75 workable. '100,000.00. COMMERCIAL ZONED LARGE LOT, highway location. TRUCKERS WORKSHOP and modern home with pool near Clinton. DAIRY FARMS • several available. LARGE STEEL BOLDING zoned industrial, on a paved road. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS ' , acre, 1 1 3 acres, 3 acres and 22 acres. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT with brick•office type building. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5.000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra 50 ACRES WITH BUSH near Bayfield. • WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron toge.near Auburn 2l, ACRES, house, barn and shed near Clin- ton 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. NEAR THE ARENA 4 bedroom home, large lot, '24.900 00 122 HURON ST. 3 bedroom home, garage. '26.900.00. 175 HURON ST: cozy 3 bedroom home, - treed lot. 98 PRINCESS ST. W. • 4 bedroom home. large lot, carport. '29,500. •102 HURON ST. • .3 bedroom home, dining room, large lot. 133 HURON ST. elegant 4 bedroom home, many extras 56 GIBBINGS ST. . 4 bedroom brick. garage, very ottroctive. 260 ALBERT ST. Raised bungalow. family room. double garage. plus. MODERN HOME, a lot of square ft , ex- ecutive 4yle. large lot. 1 FLOOR HOME, separate shop, 1.3 acres. outskirts of Auburn. RANCH STYLE IIMILDouhle garage I acre near Clinton n e an offer. Rosa & Harold Workman Clinton (519) 482-3455 in This one features a main floor family room, large basement rec. room with wet bar and natural fireplace, 1 electric furnace, 3 bedrooms, attached garage; in a conforming neighbourhood, .Tar ;ii" The above is an exceptional 3 bedroom Ranch Style; 19 x 27 attached garage, formal dining room,. ensuite bath with master bedroom, electric furnace with heat pump, rec room with natural fireplace, conforming neighbourhood. WE LIST AND SELL RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURALRECREATIONAL AND SEASONAL PROPERTY MEM ER HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD (M�ulltllpplee Listing Service) ste e ] ►t[4:410:40:1K-1 f r JOHN L. 1:IUDDY 189 MARY ST. 2 bedroom bungalow with new roof in '83, full basement. 524,900. NEAR -HIGH SCHOOL Brick home with 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, patio, garage, 75' x 141' lot. Mid 40's. $10,000 PRICE REDUCTION Reduced from 589,500 to 579,500. 2 storey brick with centre hall plan, elegant formal room, main floor family room with ' fireplace, landscaped quarter 'acre lot, a truly outstanding "Executive -Class" residence. LAKEVIEW COTTAGE Glorious sunsets. Bi -level cottage at Port Albert, features sauna, spiral staircase, 2 or 3 bedrooms, fully insulated, year-round use, lakeviews from upper level. 542,500. 2 STOREY BRICK 74' x'132' lot, very convenient location. Modern kitchen with built-in dishwasher, main floor laundry, shining pine floors in formal rooms. 564,000. HILLTOP LOCATION Your choice of lot, each with a wide 80 foot of frontage, serviced, Clinton's best location. 510,000 each. The view is free! WINTERCOURT CRESCENT 2400 square foot split entry ranch, includes a 1200 square foot addition with Sauna Room, 4 bedrooms, 400 AMP Electrical, heat pump, air conditioning, garage, family room with fireplace. 595,000. OUTSTANDING VANASTRA HOME One -of -a -kind, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, family room addition, vinyl -sided 2 storey with enclosed screened patio, brick barbecue, privacy hedges, varied fruit trees, vines and flowers. List $37,500. 1.4 ACRE BUILDING LOT In town, white birch trees along one side, an attractive setting. 526,900. Offers considered. POOL AND AIR CONDITIONING 1' , storey, 3 bedroom with 16' x 32' pool and 10' x 14' sundeck. Built-in dishwasher, washer and dryer included. 553,000. MONEY-MAKER DUPLEX 2 Semi s, separately deeded, 4 bedrooms each side. Tip Top condition. 529,500. and 525,500. $8,500 Serviced lot on Ransford Street, nice area with open farmland to the front. JOHN La DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MIS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy Russ W. Archer Office 482-3632 482-3733 or 9426 482.3766 1 • 41