HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-5-8, Page 24'", MAY`AO Entart inment Yee - Haw time in Clinton! thnrnunity C aty Calend.ar SINGLES DANCE, Saturday, May 11, Stratford Fair Grounds, upper hall. Dancing 9 - 1. Musk by The Meilowtones.-19 KLOMPEN FEEST parade entry forms available at Town Hail, Ball & Mutch Furniture, Compbellt Men's Wear, Clinton News -Record, Clinton Chiropractic Centre. Seven categories., $125.00 first prize in each; $75.00 for second.-10-20ar BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First reg. cord $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky Ball $320 (if not won) Lucky Ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 -years -and over.-14tf MEN'S GROUP Program to end family violence.Call the Huron County Task Force on family violence. 482-3933.-17-24er THE BAYFIELD Lions Club Annual Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, May 19, Boyfield Community Centre. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sausages and Bayfield maple syrup.-I8-20ar "IN SEARCH Of Your Roots" with Angus Baxter, genealogist and author, at the Bayfield Library on Wednesday, May 15 at 2:30 p.m. Free. Funded by Outreach Ontario and sponsored by Huron County Library.-19ar EPILEPSY HURON Chapter Presents a draw May 18 for: Accommodation for two at Benmiller Inn or Two nights at Wheels Inn, Chatham plus $50 or one night at Inn on the Park, Toronto, plus Blue Jays game or Polaroid Lightmixer 600 camera. Tickets $1.00 at Clinton News -Record; Lees of Clinton or 482-9489.-18,19ar LONEESBORO UNITED Church Ham and Turkey Supper, Thursday, May 9, 5 - 7 p.m. Take out orders also available at Londesboro Community Hall. $6.00 adults, $3.00 12 and under, pre- schoolers free. -18,19 OPEN HOUSE retirement tea for June Boussey, Sunday, June 9 at Seaforth Public School from 2 - 4 p.m. Special presentation at 3:30. No gifts please. However, donations toward. the June Boussey public speaking bursary will be grateful- ly accepted. Come and join June in a celebration of her retirement. -19,20 STRONGMAN COMPETITION. Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12 Bobby .Orr Arena, Parry Sound. Wristwrestling, sandbag carry, Barbell Jerk, loaded Wheelbarrow - Cash Prizes. Com- petitors. Phone Toll Free 1.800-461.4261. Spec- tators $1 Admission. -190 OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, May 19, 1985, 2 - 5 p.m. Mrs. Boyd Taylor will hold open house at the family residence in honour of her daughter, Nancy's forthcoming marriage. -39,20x SENIORS SOCIAL and Euchre Night May 22 from 7 • 10 p.m. of the Town Hall, Clinton. Sponsored by Bqnk of Montreal. Please register with the bank before May 16. Phone 482-3905. Come out and join the fun. Free admission and refreshments provided. -19,20 GARAGE SALE: Saturday, May 11 from 8 a.m. - 12 noon at 1.O.O.F. & Rebekah Hall, Princess St. E., Clinton. Come and bring a friend. -19x "SNEAK A PEAK AT SPRING HIKE" - In celebration of Goderich Township's 1-5-0 Sesquicentennial, the Maitland Volley Conservation Authority will be providing a guided hike free of charge at the Naftel's Creek Conservation Area at 2 p.m. on Mother's Day, May 12. Nature trivia, spring wildflower identification and property history will be discussed. For further information coil 335-3557.-19 GARAGE SALE: Blyth Arena, Saturday, May 11, 10 a,m. New features - kids corner - auction of local merchants donations, along with remaining items by Mike Cummings at 11 a.m. Choir will again be selling those lovely geraniums and don't forget that yummy bake table. Sponsored by the Evening Unit of the Blyth U.C.W.-19 GARAGE AND BAKE SALE, May 25 at the Sun - coast Mall in Goderich. Donations please call 482-9489. Sponsored by Goderich Knights of Col- umbus. Proceeds to Huron Chapter of Epilepsy. -19-21 ar ADVENTURE AWAITS YOU. Come ride the whitewater all summer long with Wilderness Tours, Canada's leading whltewater outfitter. For information and reservations call 1-800.267- 3124.--190 C.K.N.X: Barn/Dance and Road Show, Sat., June 8, at 8 p.m. Seaforth & District Community Cen- tres. Tickets Adults $6.00 at door, children $3.00. Advance $5.00 and $2.50. Tickets ay.c laf le at Bob & Betty's Variety, Township Office or coil 482-9196. Sponsored . by Tucte nth Sesquicentennial.---19,20ar • "KLOMPEN FEEST" DANCE Saturday, May 18, 1985 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "Whiskey Jack" $3.°° per person Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.rn. TUESDAYS ARE WILLY BURGER DAYS: Save 40C on our Willy Burger WI LLYS BURGER STOP HWY. 8 WEST-CLINTON PHONE AHEAD FOR FASTER SERVICE 482-505 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MON-TUES.-WED. 7AM-11PM THURS.-FRI.-SAT. 7AM-2AM SUNDAYS 11AM-9PM Come Celebrate Sunday, May 12th "Flowers for the first 25 mothers - BRUNCH Breakfast Buffet 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults -'5.25 % Children under 10 -'3.25 DINNER Mother's Day Buffet 9p.m.-7p.m. Includes salad bar, dessert and coffee Adults -'8.25 t. Children under 10 -'9.50 Reservations Recommended ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEKEND "GARY NIcGILL" Licensed under L.L:B.O. 523-9381 BRO6WNIS 9 BEECIII DRIVE-IN BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 PM . FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THIS WEEKEND: May 10-1.1-12 IF'JASON STILL HAUNTS YOU... YOU'RE NOT ALONE ..2<.zcin, ROI E 1+37NPA Y new beginning -PLUS 2ND FEATURE- In the night, secrets are stolen. Over 1,000 people attended the Clinton Agricultural Society's Country Hop on May .4 at the Clinton Arena. People of all'ages packed the dance floor, dancing to music performed by Terry Sumsion and Stagecoach. Prizes were awarded to- the best dressed cowboy, cowgirl and couple. Master of ceremonies for the evening was disc jockey Michael D of BX 93. (Anne Narejko photo) The Students' Council of Central Huron Secondary School request the pleasure of your company at their Spring Formal ".Tropical Paradise" at C. u. S. 5. on Friday evening. May the thirty-first nineteen hundred and eighty-five Feantritig: The Crippled Ducks f)ancing• 8..30 .p.m. to 1:00 a.m Lunch Provided Formal Dress Required Couples $14.00 ,Advance -- Alb 00 At the t)nor Phone 4823471 FAMILY RESTAURANT AND DINING .LOUNGE Reserve Now for SUNDAY MAY 12 Treat That Special Lady on her special day SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 AM•2PM Includes severa' salads - fruits - hot dishes - desserts. All you can eat. ADULTS 54.95 CHILDREN 52.50 MOTHER'S DAY GALA SMORGASBORD SERVED FROM 4:30-7:30 P.M. Large selection of hot dishes featuring Roast Beef and Roast Chicken, salads, desserts. ALL YOU CAN FAT CHILDREN ADULTS 59.95 1081 UNDER E4m" Weekend Entertainment in the PIRATE'S DEN OPEN 7 days a week 11:30 am to 1 am except Sunday 11:30 am to 7:30 pm HIGHWAY 21 BAYFIELD 565-2992 FULL . LICENSED UNDER LLEIO w • • • STARTING FRIDAY RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR'S Help us help! CLINIC a$ C.H.S.S. Princess St. Clinton o Wednesday, May 15, '85 1:30-4:30 P.M. 6:00-8:30 P.M. Tuckel-sl-nith Sesquicentennial 'tic/ VARIETY NIGHT at the CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL (CHSS) CLINTON FRIDAY MAY 10AT8P.M. ADULTS: '2.00 CHILDREN 12 & UNDER 50a TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Tuckersrnith Township Office - Vanastra Committee Members AT THE DOOR Or Phone 262-5402 a'. aL..M �•i;.'•'Y ... •:.a r`- .aY-4� err i....."..i.},i_....Y... IIT& Apt .�. P e R T 1� Efl R • • • 0 0 O • 0 • 0 0 • 0 • • 0 0 • R • 0 • e • 0 • 0 0 • • • 0 • • Cr00f ®K M • 514 7111 • • 0 44 • • 0 0 • 9 • • • • • • • , • • • • • VIOLENCE COARSE LANGUAGE • rhoa,- a B -nth on, I Thoa leo. Branch Onr 0 Wed. 8 Thurs. 8 .m. • AGA N THI 0 TUESDAY! $ 000 ® Night • • •00®®®4D® ®®0®•*0000+ SHOWING: Friday & Saturday 7 & 9 p.m. Sunday -Thursday 8 p.m. PLAYING TILL THURSDAY BURT REYNOLDS'. .010" rte„ 0000000*0040 COMM/ LANGU AG[ Thoa rrgo. Branch On,. •000000000 It's his last chance. And he's going to fight for it: ADULT �)ACCOMPA $IMrNT 1911•• 111,100.11•11119119111•00,,,* 524 9981 USTIING DRIVE-IN ' -t♦...•'. 1:,,•,.Y....o,U.•-So••.-.•.L61,..LSI .!API ..l•' Ej7.Y.41 o'.• . 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GODER1CH SHOWING THIS WEEKEND • • Friday - Saturday - Sunday • Follow the newest cat -and -creature SECOND FEATURE grime as played through the !Fi cox office opens 8 p.m. e Cat's Eye gg ADULT II ACCOMPANIMENT 1-rOADSV LANGtIA GE Moa troll Aron,ch Ona ADULT Movie begins a4 dusk 0 ACCOMPANIMENT 0 400114 04OP40et tic' emeo®00400®A" 10NO00490000)4944 ae)aoItism* 14