HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-5-8, Page 12FAMILY A P TAND U.OL T R'
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^Fully odlustoble preci-
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easy on your lawn
Easy to empty flack•
packer system makes
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Thatch eliminator picks
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"Our service and experience make a difference"
523.9202 Hwy. No. 4, LONDESBORO, ONTARIO.
13ible unsurp
By Doris; Hunter
A knowledge of the Bible is an invaluable
asset in this life. Not only. Christians,. find
hope add inspiration in its teachings. The
literary value of the King Jamesversion is
Bayfield has a Youth for Christ group who
have been studying the Bible under the
supervision of Mr. Joe Mayman. About 40
young people gather on the first Saturday of
each month at Huron Centennial School to
compete in a Bible Quiz. Points are tallied
over the year and Saturday night the
Bayfield Team found they had scored 150
points over the defending trophy holders
from Zurich. Applause from the community
to our team'and theii'.leader Joe.
Members are .Julie Porter, Alison Dunn,
Melanie Van Pater, Viecy Peniontt
Christine Westlake, Jennifer 1 iurray lin
Siertsema, Bob Dunn and Mark.Westlake.
More Round about
Late winter traveller Dora Warwick has
returned from her well earned holiday in
Florida. Dora is involved in just about every
organization in Bayfield and the ability she
shares is only equalled by her good humor
and witty comments.
The latest spot to open for treasure
hunters is on Highway 21, just past the
Captain's Cove as you go south on the left.
Rob and Karen Lyons have assembled a
challenging assortment of "Characters and
Collectibles', which they are offering for
sale in their barn. I love the cake basket I
found on my first visit. Antiques are things
over 50 rare old oficial say, and the tiYo
have many such things there.
The bulb from which I groyv sl ly expan4 s
and whispering, sends out ne shoots, thin,
ever dividing threads nderground
searching for life-giving water after
winter's death.
The wall which separ,ates me from the light
of tomorrow loses density and becomes
Yes, it will be time for spring for new green
ectasy, for song and when I soon will:find my
protected by the maple wood,
the moon will then reflect the subtlety of my
— by Anneke Rogers
Club meettng ea t ores auction
enticing smell of chocolate, as well as the
tempting displays of a wide variety off hand-
made chocolates are just part of the scene.
Cuddly teddy bears, _beautiful collector dolls
are some of the other attractions as well as a
wide variety of collector's plates -and if any
of this doesn't tempt dried fruits, nuts,
coffees and teas are available in attractive
gift packaging if required.
This venture in Bayfield is a new one for
owners Paul and Cherie Seldon, who already
have a store in Exeter, and this summer
their daughter will be taking a hand in the
business. Although the sign does not show on
Main Street, there is no doubt that the
quality of their goods will advertise itself for
the taste of that chocolate lingers and like
Oliver Twist you will be saying: "More!"
By Helen Owen
The next meeting of the Bayfield Garden
Club will be held in the Municipal Building
at 8 pinion May 13. On this occasion the club
will be presenting a 'Plant Auction' and
anyone familiar with the club and its
activities will realize that this is an excellent
opportunity to acquire plants which have
been nurtured by a very keen group of
Everyone is welcome to come along.
Memberships are coming in but some
regulars have overlooked the renewalof
their subscriptions and may be pleased to be
reminded. New members are welcomed and
the club is proud of its record and the fact
that so many keen and experienced
gardeners contribute to its activities each
Stewart Middleton is remembered
church first. Scotia with Len and Donna Mills and little
Happy Big 5 to Matthew Steenstra. Lea. We also visited with Isobel and Bob
Wednesday, May 8 the Great Chapter Davis, a former air man at the Clinton base.
Meeting will be held in Wingham at 8 pm. Edward and I visited with Jack and
I would like to say thank you to Hilda, Marion Smith in Dungannon on \ISunday.
Audrey and John for keeping the news in the Jack is slowly recovering and is at his home
paper while Edward and I visited in Nova now.
Grant request rejected
By James Friel set, =' said Councillor Helen Owen. ,
BAYFIELD - Bayfield council rejected a "I don't know if we should be in the day
request for a grant of $934.63 from the care business anyway," said Councillor Jim
Tuckersmith Municipal Day Care Centre, Quick. This statement elicited a comment
deciding any grant request should be made during the newly instituted question and
before the budget is set. answer period at the end of the council
The letter in which the request was made, meeting.
signed by Tuckersmith Clerk Jack "As long as there are small children and
McLachlin, was dated Feb. 22. Bayfield single mothers, the municipality should be
Clerk Pat Graham received the letter in .ear- in the daycare business," commented
ly April, long after the grant request cut off Arlene Kok.
date of March 15. Councillor Lloyd Huffman notek "If it's
Four village families used the day care not in before the budget is set, then we have
to put it off till next year."
Council directed Clerk .Graham to inform
Tuckersmith Township that requests made
before the March 15 will be given considera-
tion, but those received after that time can- ,
not be accepted.
year. Projects of the club include the
carefully tended wild flower sanrtitary on
Mara Street, the tubs placed outside the
library every year, the planting of the
triangle on Main Street, and work on the
Memorial Cairn.
Main Street
May reactivates the stores in Main Street
which have been closed during the winter
months. This year, Butternut Corner a
group of new stores makes its bow. Already
there is evidence of the occupation in this
delightfully arranged and landscaped area,
and there is no doubt that summer visitors
will find much to interest them.
One of the new stores Sugar and Spice
opened its doors last Saturday, and as its
name implies its fulilof all things nice! The
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON-Communion and Dedica-
tion of the Memorial Plaque in memory of
Stewart Middleton was held at St. James
Anglican Church. Following the first hymn
Rev. Aubrey Bell dedicated the memorial
Flowers in the church were placed in
memory of a dear church member the late
Mrs. Fred Middleton. Edward Deeves and
James Storey received the offering
Ann Griffiths was a visiter at the Sunday
morning Service.
The ACW will hold their May meeting at
the home of Blanche Deeves. Ladies are
asked to bring plants and other items for the
Sympathy goes to families of the late Mrs.
Fred Middleton. The St. James congrega-
tion was saddened to hear of her death.
Following the church service on Sunday
there was a short meeting of the Board to
discuss painting of the church. A motion was
made and passed to do the basement of the
Wer.m: Equipped
for any Job
Farm ponds
• Trucking
iC tr ire !
Sand &
• Bulldozing
Top Soil
• Septic
"Na job is t
o big or too small"
Tracking - Excavating
centre leaving various balances ranging
just over $1 to an amount owed for 262 days
at $10 per day. The provincial government
covers 80 per cent of the centre's deficit.
"It's no good coming in after the budget is
WI Tweedsmuir Tea 9n. May 13
By Blanche Deeves Mrs. Fred Middleton.
HOLMESVILLE - The Goderich Township Get Well wishes go out to Jack SMith who
Women's Institute are having a is at home, recovering slowly.
Tweedsmuir Tea on Monday, May 13 at 2
p.m. in the Community Centre in
Holmesville. Everyone is welcome,
especially chartered members. There will
be a display of a collection of Mary Jean
Baer dolls and thimbles, as well as a
number of items of interest. An WC time tea
lunch to be served..
The Enterprising Seniors will meet May
16 in the Community Centre. in Holmesville
at 8 p.m. Ladies bring recipes.
The Enterprising Seniors wish to convey.
their sympathy to the families of the late
Oddfellows euchre
By Isabel Scott.
BRUCEFIELD - The Oddfellows held a
euchre party on Friday evening. The win-
ners were Ladies High, Doris Wilson; lone
hands Marjorie Broadfoot; Low, Beatrice
Welsh; Men's High, Bill Caldwell; Lone
Hands, Marjorie Caldwell; Low, Bruce Mc-
Clinchey; Luckyfc ifaw winners: Irlene Whit-
more and Mrs. Jack Henderson. This was
the last euchre party of the season.
Isabel Scott visited Monday with Ian and
Ellen Scott of London.
- There is more to seed quality than just
- Seedling Vigour that may make the
Rick Upfold U of G crop specialist explains:
(repro W.O. Former)
Even though farmers are using varieties that score well in germina-
tion tests, they can still get a poor yield. Upfold warned.
Seed with vigour can reduce prohlems associated with soil crusting, he
commented. The seed is better able to break through the crust than seeds
lacking vigor.
Unfortunately, testing for seed vigor is not a common practice and
farmers really have no reliable and easy method of testing for vigor
on the farm.
•Hodgson • Evans' Maple Arrow
(2900 H.U.) (2700 W.U.) (2550 W.U.)
All "Vigour Plus First Line" soybean
seed is tested and approved for vigour.
To reduce your risk of
environmental stress problems, buy
"Vigour Plus soybean seed"