HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-1-22, Page 1THIRTIETH, YEAR -No J HURON 84 MIDDLESEX GAZETTE EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY .MORNING, JA.NITA.RY 22ND, 1903. ;x. BARGAINS IN------ Stoves and Ranges Start the New Year right and do not purchase before seers our samples and prices m g P --STOVES -RANGES. -*FURNACES -SKATES STRAPS HOCKEY STICKS Shelf and" Heavy Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Glass, infact everything kept in a hardware store will be found here. Furnace Work and Plumbing a Specialty T. Hawkins on 4. 4. 4. Hen al.1. G. J. Sutherland, Notaryl ublio, Conveyan- cer, Oommissioner, lrire Insurance Agent, and Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doer ents carefully drawn► ab reasonable rates, Money to loan on real estate.at low rates of interest. Odice at the Post Wilco Hensall B JPOS,--•Mrs, Jas. Carlisle was to Goderich this week attending the an- nual meeting of the. Woman's Presby- terial missionary society. -The sleigh - 4. ing is excellent and large quantities of grain, wood and logs are being brought . , aily to market. -Quite a number +, from Hensall attended the funeral on • Monday, of the late `James Bonthron, who was so wellandfavorably known in this locality, having been one of ,g the pioneer merchants ab Rogerville, but who for the past six years had been living with his daughter, Mrs. R. H. Collins, of Exeter. ars, J. Sucher- .l. land is spending a few days with rela- e• tiyes in London. -Mr. Richard Speare et who has been carrying on business .p. here in the confectionary, fruit and. + bread lines, in Mr. James Beverley's. ,'l§, block has leased the west store of the 4. Bell block and intends moving into it the middle of next month. -Mrs, Robt. 'lt, Carlisle was in Clinton this week visit- ing relatives. -Mrs. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, is visiting her sister Mrs. C. Cook. -Mr, Robt. Bell, manufac- + tures, of Seaforth, formerly of Hensall, was inthe village on Tuesday on busi- ness. Mr. Bell reports trade very brisk in the foundry and has more orders than he cann.e�fill,-The Rev, Dr, Medd and Mrs. Medd were in London on Tuesday last. -The first carnival of the season will be held in our rink on this Thursday evening. -A number of our young people while driving from here on Monday evening to attend a teaeneeting at Chiselhurst met with quite a thrilling experience on Main street a little east of the post office, one of the horses feeling a little frisky kicked over the trace thus frightening them, they dashed off at a furious rate the driver, however, succeeded in run- ning thein up against a telegraph pole the result being that all were thrown out in the deep snow,. but fortunately and Winter goods is ! no one received any injury and beyond the bread n of a pole no other dam- age unequalled. 1 ..See for l; qu l ed age was sustained and after getting yourself. another sleigh the party were enabled to reach their destination without, -- further mishap or adventure and with something out of the,ordinary to talk aboutin the wayof • experiences ex a en a of h p l cthe 'evening. -Me. G. N. Babcock, drug- gist, has sold out to a Mr. Hopper, •who has taken possession of the busi- ness and will move into the dwelling next week. Mr. Babcock carried on a ++++44+++++++++4+++++444+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GOING OUT OF THE We Can 51-10E BUSINESS Convince You H u, thatour stock of Fall ,:Having decided to go out of the shoe business, we will .clear . out all our stock of Boots Shoer and Rubbers at eOSt. FOWLERNow is the time to secure bargains. THE: CLOTHERS, HENSA.LL. -A full stock of . Harness.. al- . ways on, a. H. SWEET ou1trllBnt16r - and Eggs Wd-lltGU Staffa B&IErs;-Mr. tiharles Yeo, of Doug- ' 11`s Manitoba is having a few months' visit•with his friends in this vicinity, .and all are pleased to see his genial. ^• -countenance'and have a friendly shake mantas with 'hien.-Mr, Albert Golgilh- et in' preached in the vfetiiodise church on Sunday evening. Ieet.=Miss Lizzie Barbbnr has resigned' her positionas for ganist in the English church, where elieehas been ••engaged for over three: yeaes,}-•-' Miss Ada: Drake' is visiting friends in. Port Albert. The• funeral sof -'the ' late .Mr.: Thomas Qhappell,, vehicle was held. on Monday last, was largely atteuded.. Much sympathy is feltfor the sdrrowing friends. Srut3.efield .: ' $ETES.. LUMBi1)R XARD.; : ,• Large stook of Lumber -gine . and hemlock, 17.0,000 :feet of ,herlock'lumber for earns,- etc., also shingles, laths and cedar' posts. !.''rices •' xeasonelbie.-JAS WILLIS, Yard : East•side of Alain et • , - t. FARM RS' INSTITUTE MEETING. - "The meeting at Brucefield on Satur- day last followed the same lines as the Exeter one, with this exception, "The Mat o'. Whusles" failed to reach the hall, for some reason not explained. Consequently no music, vocal or in- strumental, was discoursed at the evening meetingg., In the afternoon very earnest and eloquent discussions took • place on "The Cattle Guard," r'-Transportation,"and" Railway Drain - a a questions, strong , ions and resolutions • Were qunanimously passed calling on. the Government to revert to the law in force up to 1351, which threw the • eesponsibility of pt vid ng proper cattle guards upon .the railway com- panies,. and thus :making the compare• ies responsible for damages done to •sock t passing ng o"ver their guards and being killed, -In e Exchan -- g For Good F- resh- Groceries. Highest Prices paid. New Goodsg arrivin daily. •.. 'Case's Old . Stand, HENSALL. estessalleuel Anderson ,Biainas-Miss Lizzie S.weit:,e" r is vis icing: with her brother, William; of the townline.-Mr. • J. Arthur,.eof'Nis souri, is- the guest cif ; his brother, Will," -(Miss 'Alice Murray has been successful ih securing a position in Kirkton.- Mr. Kerr, of Nissoari, has moved to the farm lately vacated by Mr. Wm. Chnwen.--Miss Effie Wight and Mr. Humpbrey Anderson, of St. Marys, seen. Sunday with friends at Anderson. -Mr. J. M. Cameron had the misfortune to break his wrist, while doing some •repairing • at the farm.• -Mrs. Jas, Murray is visiting with her daughter, Mra. .Tas. Thomp- son, of Metropolitan. -Last Weaves- day ed es - day evening a gnodlv number of friends gave Mr.. Wm;: Woods 'a• fare- weil party. Mr. Woods purposes good business; which he thoroughly understood and attended to. He has not fully decided where he will en- gage in business. -Mrs. Wm. McDoug all returned home last week from To- ronto, o- on owhereshe • d been visiting r t, had her daughter.- Trade is good. with our business men good sleighing being the factor. -Mrs. Zuefte.and children who were spending a few. 'weeks. with Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser, Mrs. Zuefle's par- ents returned home to Harriston the first part of the week. -Miss Harris, of Wroxeter, is visiting friends in Hensall: Mrs, McCaughey returned this week from Clinton, 1- St, Marys. A quiet' wedding was.: held at the home of Mrs. 13eriot, Widder'street, last: week, when her only.• ;daughter, T+:torence, •Iuicanie the bride of Mr. Frank W ilTard - Only a few close Friends and near relatives were Present at the interesting event, The Rev, T. A. .Cosgrpce officiated The bride, who was'unttepded wore a travelling dress of green broadcloth. After con- gratulations, a on-gratulations,a dein ty;lunch vas served, whenw'the bridal coupIa left',on . the aft train for -Tc}i oto, where they ,will. spend:. theirs. honeymoon.. Theronly out-of•town g°tiests who were Present'wereMrs., Wisenan of Clin- ton, atiht of the bride, and Miss Jean Hawkshew, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Willard will live with Mrs: Heriot and willave the best wishes ' of mailer friends, Granton Bioses, --Rev. Westman of Victoria B. 0. is home on a visit to his mother. Mrs, Jas. Westman.-Mr.tChas. West - man has secured a position with the London Street Ry, Co. and left for that city on Monday.- Mr. and- Mrs. t 'Wm )�awn oftil , ,to A. eda Asea. .are visiting the latter's mother Mrs. J. Westman. - Mr, A. J. Clatworthy leaving for Nissouri in a short time, .received three carloads of coal last week. Two of chestnut coal and one of large coal. He found ready sale for it at $8.25 and $9.00 off the .car.- LastSunday Rev. J. E Holniies of the Methodist church asked then e a - to place iiperi the plates $1000 to wipe out the indebtedness on the church. Sermons were preached in the morn - 'children OYy tor CAST RI THE - rcbanti.Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE", 1%1ONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up) ;............. .... .$6+000i,00Q. REST,..., ..•.,.:..•.., ...............:........,,$2,700,000 ll'HOS.;I SF3.Io P. r IIE1BDIIIN Geiiemal Manager Superintendent of Branches,. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable, current laces allowed on' Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts, B Letters of Credit issued 'available r ; Japdn find Let In China other foreign countries.. CREDIT ON Gi�I oN F�'io isuo �n, ep �9/ . , I�III�IoI.,iVlr , g fug' by the pastor and in the evening by J. P. Westman of Victoria, B. 0. A liberal collection was taken up. _ .. s Ki:rkton BRIEFS. -The annual meeting of the Blanshard age. society was held in Aberdeen Hall on Wednesday after- (1 noon of last week. The Seo'y. Treas, report was read and adopted, The remaining debt on the buildings and groaud is only $40.00, another year will cowpletly wipe this out and la we a balance in the Tee ts, The fol- 1 lowing officers wet+e elected for this year: -Pres,, Amos Doupe; Vice Pres., W. R. Carr ; V, S. Directors, Wm. Hanson, Joe Hazlewood, Samuel Doupe, 1V. liazlewood,MattieGowans, John Forthingbam, Geo. Bendy, A. Scott. Jas, Routley. Robb Beatty was appointed as delegate to attend the convention of Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibition to be holdin Toronto in February. At the close of the meeting Robt. Beatty waschosen as Sec'y Treas., Mr Beatty in `reply said he Would rather &&line the%posi- tion as he was Sec'y of Society since it was inaugurated 31 years ago. -On account of the officers of the society pressiug him to . remain in office he to act for this year. consenteda t r .1'h falfair will be held on 1st and 2nd. of October, -- Amos Donee of Kirkton 1and brother Joseph, of Hartne y, Man , are visiting relativEs in Berth this week. Centralia BRu rs.--1YIr, Wm Moffatt has sold his Hotel to a gentleman from London. -Miss Bertha Medcalf of Thedford, who has been visiting Miss A. Hicks, left for her home on Monday last.--. Miss Ida Windsor' . visited friends in Clandeboy over Sunday,.-Mr,T.Elston was at Danville on Friday where he purchased abeading machine. -Mr. W. Elliott entertained a number of his friends on Friday evening last, - Mies Vina Musser left for her home in Dashwood last Saturday. A goodly number of the Centraliayoung peo- ple pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. S. Ussery of Crediton, on Friday night last. The evening was spent in games, ping poug, lost heir, etc., until about 12 o'clock, when the company were invited to the dining room where there was an abundance of oysters and other good things to satisfy w the inner roan, All returned home hear morning after having spent a pleasant. evening with Mr, and. Mrs, Essery.- Mr: J.. W. Umphrey of Miaini, Man„ who was at Exeter on business, spent a short time here last week. Hay ANNUAL MEETING. - The annual meeting of the Hay Branch Agricul- tuual Society was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday afternoon. of last week with a fair attendance of members. President Caldwell presid- ed over the meeting, After secretary Faust's annaal report• was read and passed the election of officers for 1903 was proceeded with and resulted as follower -President, Win. Caldwell re- elected for a third term. ; lst Vice, Pres„ Jacob.Sararas ; 2nd Vice Pres., Fred Wllert ; directors, John Plaff, B:. S. Philips, C. Ether, John- Geiger, R. R. Toh stop B. Battler 'Fred n � Hess, Sr., 0, Oswald F and John Decker. The society is in 'a ' 'good financial standing, although the surplus on hand is reduced to about $140.00, ow- ing lamely no doubt, to the unfavor- able nf.tvor- a' 1 last f., b e cath xr , foie d,t w 1 r u,'te a , Ou bit of crew l)1(id h'rs lice*i day, into the .lrrectowe e Th's year ale]. it is to be hoped` that the lair of 1903 will be a memorable one in its history. Everyone, eepi'cielly citizens of Zurich should give the directors every' en- couragerm+•+ritr(i make this the most successful shr. v i '-ate ci maty. 09•0Noll..., Council elect Hist en Monday, Jan. 12th,' 'The following subscribed to the s r ' tato ar declara- tions a tions of office and qualification. P, Lamont, Reeve ; Alex. Thompson, J. K. Goetz, Root. McArthur and Wen- del. Smith, Councillors, All the old officers were re -appointed at the sala- ries they received last year. The clerk was instructed t i prepare a by-law of the Schwalm Drain Scheme•in accord- ance with the engineer's•.report and Drainage Act. and th.•tt-debentures be issued payable in five yearly payments at the Molson's Bank. Hensall. Orderie were issued for the following amounts -e-Rospite1 for tick children, Toronto, $1000 J: tlaberer, wood for hall; $4.75 ; J. Decher, wood for hall; $3 00.; A. Ingram, rep. en!, con :1anii2,-$3.00; Lorne Luker, cul„ $2 50 ;• Alex Zimmer, bolls, etc.,- 75c. ; Township Clerk, nomination expenses, $6.00 ; Wm. Klopp, lumber, 75c. D. Stein- bach, act,:, $1.50. Council will meet again on Monday, Feby. 2nd, at -two o'clock p. m.• Bayfield Bnears.--Miss' Ada Rouatt left: on Monday.last to attend the Oonserva• tory, pf'Mesic ab London. -Miss Kate Thompson;: of :;Br•ucetield, returned home on Monday after spending two weeks visiting friends in town. - Messrs. JoIin and Alex.. Ferguson, ar- rived home last week from spending the summer sailing. -Mr. .Rain, of Langdon. N. D, is visiting friends in the village at present.- er. Win. Mus- tard was in Goderich, on Friday and Saturday on boniness. ---Mr William Whiddon, jr,, is on the sick list at present but we hope to see Will around again soon. -Mr.Jas. Du aaldson and wife Ietl,far their u nze at Bruce Mines last week after,spendrng a month wit h friends in the village. -The 1. O. F. Ball, which was held on the eveuiug of the 9th inst. passed off line al- though the night was rough and roads bad about ninety couples were in at- tendance Music was furnished by the Orchestra, ,. ExcelsiorOa este of Zutieh,and " t al enjoyed themselves and wee well satisfied with the evening's tinting.- The annual Meeting of the B+.yfieid Cemetery Co , was held in the Town Hall on Monday. last. The following Directors were appointed for t he pre- entyear: -Jos'Tliorrison, T. J. Marks, John iiiiddlei.on Jns. Campbell, Tho.. 15t'ownet, John Green, Gro. plates, Jeto. McNaughton„ and A. .i+). Eve in. The officers are Jas. 'Tho.ueon, Pres' ; Jat, rtmpbell, Vice. Pres. ; A. E: Brwin, See'y.-Treas. ; Jas. Si ur•genn, Sexton. --i.fr. .&!ex. Ferguson is:speeding a Reek in Goderich visiting friends. Messrs, Tilos. Parker and.Mr, Hain isited friends at Goderich on Monday est. -What -might have proved serious happened in Mustard's sawmill last week, while starting the engine at quite a speed something happened to the machinery letting her loose a metal pulley burst, while running at great speed striking the engineer, Fred Geminhardt, in the back•with' such force as to knock hitn eight feet he managed to crawl on his hands and knees back and shut down the engine. Mr. Geminhardt will be laid up for sortie time and it is to be hoped he will soon be able to be around very successful social was held at the Methodist parsonage on Friday even- ing hist, the proceeds amounting to $°14100 at fifteen cents admission. ,Gurloh oz N Wl:•.zITEI & Scars BRIE s - Min Mine Doan left Sat - day for Ottawa, where she will attend the Neeinal School. -Miss Fanny Gei- ger has returned from Michigan, - There was a large attendance . at the annual meeting of .the Hay Fire In.. our Last Opportunity To secure first-class goods at such Bargain Prices. Only one week more to close our business in Exeter. We are making reductions from r m T Q to 25 per cent on all Dry Goods, We stillhave nice P assortments of Prints, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Ginghatns, etc, to clear at T 5 per cent of regular price, Lia Dress regular Goods60o woefoe h41$avc.e some nice goode `in. black sere, Black and Blue Ladies oloth worth 05e for 45e. Also Cashmere, Lustre, etc, at similar redactions, Heavy all -wool Dress Goode, 4.0 inehes • wide, for only 35"c per yard, Heavy Black Frieze Cloth, 58 inches wide 45c per yard. Mercerized Sateens, 25c goods few 20c, 20c goods 17c. Black Sateen Skirts worth 1,75 for $1.40 an1,25 for $1,00, White Counterpanes, regular $1 for only 75c, 'Lace Curtains at 25 per cent off former low prices, sut'anee. Company, "on Monday, -Mr Leslie Williams took a business tri to. Port. Huron on Saturday. -Mr, Christian Schroeder is very ill and his recoyery is doubtful. -Mr, Henry Deitz, jr., isvisiting friends here after an absence of twenty years in Dakota, -Mrs. S. Motter and daughter, Myrtle of Dashwood, are visiting friends in town, -Mrs.' P. Sipple has been quite i11 for a few days but she is sotnewhat improved. -Miss Minnie Doan is visit. ing friends in London this week. -Mr. Sam Geiger, who has been on the sick list is able to be around again. --The regular meeting of rata W. G. T. U. was held Monday afteenoun at the home of Mrs. S. Rannie,-Misses Doan, Koehler, Witwer and Williams drove to Hensall' Thursday.. night to attend the skating rink. -The revival meet- ings in the Eyangelical church are well attended and will be continued for another week. -Miss Clara Koeh- ler, of Clinton, spent Sunday with her parents here. -Born -At .Milverton, on Jan. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. F. Finkbeiner, a daughter, Elimvi!(e Oerrnea Y', - Miss Elizabeth Johns departed this life on Sunday Jan. 18th 1903 at the residence of her brother, Mr. Isaac Johns lot 17 con.' 6 Usborne after an illness ot several months. Deceased was the second daughter of Richard and Eliza Johns and was born in Langtree Parish Devon, Eng- land, in 1847. Her parents with their family emigrated to Canada in 1849 and settled in Pickering township where her father worked at his trade as a shoemaker fur one year. it was there where with her elder sister sit- ting in the chimney place her clothes caught tire and before it was exting- uished she was most terribly burned leaving in her disfigured for life, this was a . most trytr-g experience for both parents and child cooling so soon after their arrival in the new lend. In 1850 the family removed to Usborne town- ship and here at the age of 14 she com- menced to kee.i r house for • her uncle Isaae Whitlotee and so continued un- til the day- of his death three years ago since then•she continued to reside with her brother_ on the old home- stead. Deceasedwas of • a quiet and retiring. disposition, a true friend and good neighbor. After conversion she wasadmitted' on triar in the Bible Ohrie tett t. ch+ii•ch !u ISM under the paeitorate of Rev. G. T, Colwell and continued t Hued thruu h life a consistent onsistent member. Toward the end of life she manifested a desire to exchange this life for that which -is far better; she had no fear and waited death as 4 wel- come visitor, Of her it may be truly said her end WAS peace. Her parents six brothers and three sisters survive her and one brother died some years ago. Exeter M tips) Council • Council met .pursuant to adjourn- ment at town hell, January 16th, All present. . - Minutes of preyious meeting read and coutirrned. 'Gillespie -Hawkins- that Geo.- H. Bissett be r-eeappointed clerk. Man- ning-Oobnledick-in amendment that Jos, Senior he ."appointed clerk. The Reeve declared the motion carried. Cobbledtrk-ardanning-that Mr, Hard- ing tender for use of scales, $37.50, be accepted. Carried, Cobbledielt Manning - that we have the steam wbistle at .mill •blown or bell.ruog at 6.455; 7 00 and 12 o'clock. a. nee andl:'arrd B- pe131;, and the -bell rung at 9.30 p. m. as .a curfew and drat Mr. ;ilugh• McKay' he paid the•suni of $85. per annum for such services; and that else clerk prepare a bylaw'inatigurating the use of a cur- few heli to be rung at 9.39 o'clock p. m. Carried. Hawkins -Gillespie -that Mr. Sam. Sanders, sr., be appointed a member of the Board of Health for 3 years. Carried, Cobhledick - Hawkins - that the cie.rk ask for tenders for the deliyeey of 100 coeds field stone. 1etideis to be received Ito to trete 6th. Carried. Cob l>l click - lie ki- wns that the Merles of the Oierk, Assessor and Street Cunitnissioner be the same as met year, : Carried,. aoblleriick•--ilranning-that the As- essor he paid 5 per cent on all dog taves collected, in addition to his sal- ary. Carried. Cobbledick-Hawkins-that the ten- der of the TIMES office for printing, being t•hNluwrst, he accepted. Carried, Eiawkins - 0obbledick - that the clerk procure a copy of Assessors (Guide for she use of assessor. Carried. Gillespie- Hawkins = that the fol. owing accounts he passedand orders draan on treasurer for same: Gen. 11. B'ss"'tt, election expenses, $35.10; Municipal' World, subscription, and Asses -ora Guide, $1.50; Geo. H,Bissett, p,i- t,rfei ,a box. $1. Carried. !Cobble lick-Gillcep ie-thatTer.Amcs tie reeppotuted 11. O. for 1903. Oar - 18(1. Gil les pie -Cobbled ick- 'hat council rtdjourn to Friday, February Oth, at 7.30 p. ni.-Carried. Geo. H. £.•xssrir, Clerk W )haled Bittrit's,--Mr. Gerry McGee enjoys the comfort of a new cutter. Mr. Riclrerd Lingard has aiceepted- a posi. tion with :rod. White St. Marys. -- Cook Iron, are preparing to move their been aird place a foundation under it, -Messrs, Albert Gunning, J. V, Miltson, Phillip Brooks, Charles Hooper and Alfred Brock delivered each a load of choice hogs to Wm, Baines of Geituton last week also Mr, Joe Morley delivered his fat cattle to Lucati ren last week, :Honey Veiling in, on all tildes. -Mr, Samuel Ailllson of Wesitnintet,eryisited friends 'here s 1 a Cent's Furnishings We have Black Worsteds and Fine Tweed Suitings from per yard, made to order for $15� ,a suit. g to , 17. om $2,G0 to $3.00 We still have a lot` of brand new, Ready -to -wean Clothingwhich.. selling at cost price, weare In Gents Fine Colored and White Dress Shirts, we have nice selections,. Hats, Caps, Overalls, Jackets, Hosiery, Cottonades, Skirtings, Etc,, all go- ing at our special prices. FOO 1PWEAR-Ali lines in Footwear going at sweeping reductions. In Crockeryware One only Dinner Set, 97 pieces, very best ware, in light green and gilt (a beauty) gilt warren ted not to rub off, Former price $11.50 for only $8.50. One oily Toilet Set, 10 pieces, best quality in, light blue and heavy stippled gilt, cheap at 5.50, for$4.50. k inest quality China Tea Sett for only 7,00, worth $11. Beautiful decorated Pekin Teapots for 30c and 35c. Lovely Table Setts in Clear and Wine Colored Carved Glass, nicely finished with gilt for $1,50 per set. FLOUR $I.7l Per. Cwt. Remember only Otie Week more'to secure goods at, these Special: - Prices for cash. We take this opportunity to thank our customers for their liberal pat- ronage during the past year. We would kindly request those baying accounts unsettled to.: call and settle before 1st of February next. T. G. HARLTON and at Mitchell a few days last week, -Mr. Gilbert visited his sister, ser, Mrs. Milison here on Wednesday prior to his departure for Michigan, where he intends learning the tailor,• ing with his brother George. - Rev. Mr. Hart of Woodham occupied the pulpit here on Sunday, CRX TA s zWzal D Np..-Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Gunning of town line very fittingly celebrated the 15th anniver- sary of their wedding. A large num- ber of relatives v and friends from vari ous places were present and heartily enjoyed themselves, Very many use- ful and beautiful presents were given. A merry Vine was spent -in music, sallies and other enjoyments, which served to use up the time. BROox-PnBEI'MAs-A ve> y pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr,` Phillip Brooks on Wednesday the 14th when his youngest • daughter Daisy was united in marriage to Wes- ly Freeman. The nuptial knot being tied try the Rev. Mr. Cnoper of Elim- vilIe, in the presence of over sixty in- vited.friends. and gue.,ts. After' -the wedding alt sat down to a sumptuous repast and the evening was spent in all kinds of social and beneficial amus- rnent., The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents which go to testify the esteem and re- spect the young people are held in and the best wishes ot their many friends go with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman to their new home at Markdale and also through life's• rough and troubled sea. Genuine Castor's always bears the Signature ot Chas. if. Fletcher. when Baby was sick, we gave her Casto,ti When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Men she berame ltfiss, '.:c clung to Castorio. When she had Children,she gave them Castoria. SNAPSBIG logassrett • This month in co ating Suiting Panting Fancy Vesting A large assortmehtt to select from, •$e. W. Taman. 1Vtercistasitt 'i'�rlllssr Board of Health, The Board of Health''n"or'11103 held its inaugural meeting at town halt, January 20th, Present, the . Reeve, , • -' -' Messrs Sand. • :Tennant. Medical Health OfficerersaxidSecretary. Carling -Sanders -that A. E. Ten- nant he chairman: for,1909,: "Carried. Carling-Sanders-that.W. J: Bis- sett he appointed • Sanitary P.P y Inspector for 1003,'• Carried.: Sanders -Carling- that Board ad- journ to meet at call of chairmarh Carried. GEo. H. B:tssuxa, Sec, Children Cry for CAS" O T R.1A. BUY TH 8 FOOtS TOCK International Stook Foods sac and $3.75 per Package. International Poultry Foot. 25c and 5oc per Package International Heave Cure 5oc per Package International Gall Cure 2yc and 50c per Package International Healing Oil 25c and 5oc per package 5 Herba eum and Hersees Stock Food 25C l?i'ld 5oc per :Package flMflN'� tI�RDWflR� Bxe-�R