HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-24, Page 23Page 22—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24,1985 Entertainmnt Community Calendar KLOMPEN FEEST parade entry forms available at Town Hall, Ball & Mutch Furniture, Campbells Men's Wear, Clinton News -Record, Clinton Chiropractic Centre. Seven categories. $125.00 first prize in each; $75.00 for second.-10-20ar BINGO: Vonostra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays, B p.m. First reg. card $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200 must go. Lucky Ball $240. (if not won) Lucky Ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 -years -and over.-14tf GARAGE SALE: Blyth Arena, Saturday, May 11 at 10 a.m.lf you have anything to donate cull Lorna Fraser 523-9687, Bonnie Shannon 523-9326 or Susan Howson 523-9436. Pick-up will be Thursday evening May 9. Sponsored by Evening Unit of Blyth UCW.-15-17 SEAFORTH SADDLE CLUB'S Annual Poker Rally on Horseback. Sunday,. April 28: 12:30 p.m. Huilett Conservation Area. Follow the signs off Hwy. 8 between Clinton and Seaforth. For information call 345-2861, 527-1056 or 527.1059. - 16,17 CLEAN USED clothing sale: Ontario Street Even- ing Unit U.C.W. Saturday, April 27, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. -16,17 I.. P.C. CANDIDATE Bryan Smith, Campaign Rooms, 5 Albert St., Clinton. Open daily. Drop in or phone 482.5078 for election information. —16.18 SPRING CONCERT: The biggest musical event in Exeter, May 4, 7:30 p.m. James Street United Church,.120 voice choir, brass band.— 16,17ar EXERCISE AT Your Own Pace: A program for the not -so -slim and not -so -young. Begins April 23 - June 28 at 9:30 a.m. Seaforth and District Com- munity Centres. Call Drusilla Leitch 527-1182. Classes Tues. and Thurs. 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Seniors, beginners and men welcome.—•17,18 BAYFIELD FLEA MARKET will open May 4 and 5. Vendors welcome. Contact the Cheese Nook 565- 2116.-17,18 ECUMENICAL FABRIC Pictorials: Information, films and displays. Assistance for anyone wishing to create wall hangings for Rev, Lois Wilson project. Lambeth United Church, 9:30 a.m. Call 652-2903.-17 BE YOUR OWN BOSS: Right Now. It's all in the planning and this SEMINAR takes you through all the steps to properly plan the start- up of your own chosen business. May 7 and 8, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Festival Motor Inn, Stratford. $65./person. Call Bonnie 'Grootjen at (519) 271-5650 to register. --1 7ar THE FAMILY of CUrvilie and Lilo Storey wish to an- nounce the 40th Wedding Anniversary of their parents. in honour of ails occasion, an open house and dance will beheld at the Seaforth and District Community Centres on Friday, April 26, 1985. Social Hour to commence at 7:30 p.m. Friends, neighbors and relatives are warmly in- vited to shore in this celebration. Best wishes on- ly, please. -17 HAM AND STRAWBERRY Supper: Wednesday, June 26, 1985, St. Paul's Anglican Church Hall, Clinton, Ont. -13,17,21x SUNDAY, APRIL 28: 7:30 p.m. Joint Thank - offering with Wesley -Willis at Ontario St. Chur- ch. Speakers Lloy and Alan Grose. -17 RED CROSS Blood Donor Clinic, Wednesday, May 15, 1:30 - 4:30 and 6:00 • 8:30 p.m. CHSS auditorium. Sponsored by Clinton Kinettes.--l7ar - SINGLES DANCE: Saturday, April 27, Stratford Fair Grounds, Annex Building. Dancing 9 • 1. Music by Wildwoods.-17 PIE SOCIAL And Bake Table: May 2 at 7 p.rn. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton. Spon- sored by Madeleine Lane Auxiliary. Adults $1.25, children 12 and under 75 cents. Added attraction • display table of china. -17 DESSERT EUCHRE and Bake 'Sale: Wednesday, May 1 at 1 p.m. in 1.O.O.F. and Rebekah Hall, Princess St. E., Clinton. Admission $1.50. Door prizes. Everyone welcome. -17x HATS OFF to Canadion Women Artists. A free film program; Tuesday, April 30 at 8 p.m. Clinton Branch Library. Everyone welcome. -17 MEN'S GROUP Program to end family violence.Call the Huron County Task Force on family violence. 482.3933.-17.24ar THE SPRING BOOKFAIR: Sunday, April 28, 11 a.m. • 5 p.m. Concert Hall, 888 Yonge St., Toron• to. Rare and second hand books, prints, maps and related items. $2.50 entrance. (416) 977- 4654.-17o MUSKOKA MUSIC HOLIDAY: Commac, August 4 • 18. One or two weeks for adult singers and in- strumentalists, all levels. Professional in- struction. Beautiful setting. Tennis and swimm• ing. Contact Administratrix Ruth Mechanicus, 31, Duggan Ave., Toronto. M4V 1Y1. Telephone (416) 484.6456.--17o KINDERSLEY, Saskatchewan 75th Anniversary and Heritage Days, July 5, 6, 7, 1985. Come home. Details: 75th Anniversary Committee, Box 1330, Kindersley, Sask. SOL 1S0. --17o Brotherhood breakfast CLINTON - St. Paul's Brotherhood Com- munion and Breakfast will be held Sunday, April 28 at 8 a.m. Daylight Savings Time at St. Paul's Anglican Church. Guest speaker will be Elizabeth A. Willmot-Kettlewell author of the best seller "Meet Me At The Station". She will discuss early Ontario railway history and show col- or slides of many old Ontario railway sta- tions. ' • Tri-Star bowling on Sunday The Optimist Club of Clinton will be hosting its annual Tri-Star Bowling for kids on April 28 at Clinton Crown Lanes. Registration will commence at 12:30 p.m. with games starting at 1 a.m. Pop, chips and trophies will be supplied and one free game of bowling. WOMEN TODAY with the support of the Women Teachers Assoc., will sponsor a CANDIDATES MEETING on Provincial issues of concern to women. THURSDAY, APRIL 25 AT 8 PM at the CLINTON ARENA AUDITORIUM -Everyone Welcome- BUCKand DOE for Bili Armstrong and Una Doherty Saturday, April 27, 1985 For information call: 523-4287; 523- 4445; 482-3334. NOW OPEN DAILY MONDAY - THURSDAY 11 AM - 8 PM FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11 AM-2AM SUNDAYS 11 AM - 11 PM Our Patio is Now Open! MAIN ST., BAYFIELD Phone Ahead for Fast Takeout 565-2166 This is a fun event for children of all ages, and parents are encouraged to come 'and participate with their children. If past years are any indication of *hat's to come this year, it will prove to be a very successful and enjoyable event for all. Notice to Fish & Game Members and Guests ®DANCE® Saturday, April 27 Music by "GYPSY CAMPERS" Hot lunch$5.ss per person C.H•S.S. MUSIC CLUB present their... FIFTH ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT Friday, May 3rd, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. C.H.S.S. Auditorium Featuring: CHOIRS BANDS Admission - Adults `2.00 Children under 12 FREE The Toy Town Troupers staged ;:c play called the Haunted Castle at the Clinton Town Hall. Those attending enjoyed tba• scary show held April 19. ( James Friel photo) Euchre's top scorers CLINTON - Winners at the Monday After- noon Euchre Party held at the Clinton Town Hall " included: high, Margaret and, Fred Trevana; low, Grace White and Eleanor Happy 25th Anniversary A -Whole and Hun BROWNIES DRIVE-IN 169 BEECH ST. - CLINTOPI RE-OPtI41EG I�115 oNE,KEND! PLAYING FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY APRIL 25-26-27 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 PM -FIRST SHOW AT 8:95 CLINT EASTWOOD , pCCOYPAMIME TI BURT REYNOLDS —„, --PLUS 2ND FEATURE— T.1 YOUTH DANCE -two dances -two AGES 12 to 18 FRIDAY, APRIL 26 8:00 P.M. TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT Doors open at 7:30 p.m. '4.00 admission Door Prizes, Food Great Videos, Great Music nights- ADULT DANCE AGES 19 and OVER SATURDAY, APRIL 27 8:00 P.M. TO 1:00 A.M. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. '5.00 admission Prizes Held under authority of 1180 Special Occasion Permit Advanced Tickets are Now on Sale - phone 482-3398 Make Plans to be at the Video Dance Sponsored by the Clinton Recreation Committee In conlunctlon with the Clinton Optimist Club. Fisher; lone hands, Mabel McAdam and Clark Stanley. Euchre will be held again next Monday afternoon at the town hall. Starting time is 1:30 p.m: fest for kids at Blyth this winter Once again, the Blyth Festival is presen- ting a fun -filled Fall and Spring series fo children - at the incredibly low price of $8 for the series (three events) . Single tickets are $4 each. The Children's Series will kick off with an exciting concert by Kim and Jerry Brodey on October 19 at 2 p.m. Kim and Jerry's concerts are full of music, fun, and high energy. They play a variety of musical in- struments, backed by a synthesizer, and have recently released a children's album titled "Simple Magic." Christmas for Carol on December 7, at 2 p.m. comes to Blyth from the Victoria Playhouse in Petrolia. Christmas for Carol mixes music, live actors, and puppets to tell. the story of a young girl who runs away from home on Christmas Eve and becomes lost in the woods. Through a sprinkling of magic, the animals show her what Christmas means to them. She learns something new about Christmas - but not before she encounters villains, heroes, and the inevitable close escape. The third event in the Children;, Series is Peter and the Wolf on March 1b,, 1986, at 2 p.m., told with puppets and mask by Mer- maid Theatre - they brought the very popular "Just Sa.Stories" to Blyth last year! They use a synthesizer to recreate Pro- kofiev's famous musical score and have - transplanted the story from Russia to con- temporary Nova Scotia. Previous Children's Series holders may ak renew their seats from April 21 - May 10, After May 13, members of thegeneral public may purchase series tickets, and single tickets will be on sale. Please contact the Blyth Festival Box Office for further in- formation and reservations: 523-9300 or 523- 9225: 1411110101110111, Clinton Royal Canadian Legion .) Diamond "60 Yeais" Jubilee V. E. Banquet WEDNESDAY MAY 8, 1985 AT THE CLINTON LEGION HALL COCKTAILS: 6:00 P.M. DINNER: 7:00 P.M. TICKETS: $8.00 PER PERSON ON SALE AT THE BAR GUEST SPEAKER: Brigadier G.L.M. Smith • • • • • • • • IF • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • a a • ire -.•a'rrr•:r.-.s. Wiry s•s,..sirs r.FYE'•r•'4'•'•'•• Y. A. 1:6•.••a1.E.•• ••••-b:••••!•• a•.•.••••1:• rr•i77-rrx•• •: -- • LIMING DRIVE -IM 524-9981 ..u.:.• •..•l:. • • •j...: • • •i.•. -'i fir. GODERICH FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY Fri. - Sat. Box Office OPENS 7:00 Sunday 8:00 p.m. NANCY DOESN T' WAKE UP SCREAMING SHE WONT WAKE UP AT ALL 2nd Feature • • 0 0 •• CHUCK NORHIS N,SSING; N CTro • 2 TnE BEGINNING NWT AL VIOiENCE Th.otr.• Branch Ont. • • • • BONUS PICTURE • Fri. & Sat. Only ! THE EXTERMINATOR • • PART 2 • ••••••40••4)••••••••••••••• • • • TM SQUARE 014 • FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 & 9 Sun. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 0 • • • 60011 K M • S14•7111 • • • - Thurs. 8 p.m. • • WED. - THURS. • LAST 2 DAYS • FOR • • The • Breakfast : Club • 1 at • 8:00 p.m. • /11NADULT RCCOyPANIVIEMT 0 • • • • i RY SO OITENr THERE' IS A FILM THAI IS OESTINID TO 13E TALKED ABOUT AND RE IEMBERED EOR YEARS• TO COME, 0 •••••••410.44.0 TUESDAY NIGHTS are '2.00 AT THE PARK • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • •4140•••••••••41••41••4000* 0 4004040