HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-1-15, Page 5!AMENE k. OPpOUTU►iiilTY For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Main. :Free,—No Mon- ey Required. ---Every Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl bas the same Opportunity un- der our System, xn order to have Dr, Arnold's Eng, fish Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all persons saffering from bad health 'ave make the following most liberal Offer :-- If you will send us your name and address and agree to sell for us twelve boxes of Dr, Arnold's English Toxin Pills at 25o. per box, we will give you absolutely Free a beautiful ,bWatcll and Chain in either Ladies or (lents size, or your choice of twenty other premiums such as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets, Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Remember we don't want any inOney until after you sell the Pills and you don't have to sell any more than 12 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable' concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums to agents all the country, Remember also. that Dr. Arnold'sEnglish Toxin fills s are a well known remedy for all dis- eases of the kidney and bladder, Bright's disease, diabetes, rheumatism nervous troubles, and female tom - plaints, and are for sale by all first class druggists and dealers • in medi- cines in all parts of the world. You have only to show 'them to sell ` them. You are not offering something that the people don't know, Our watches are the regular standard size for Lad- ies or Gentlemen h2 Nickel or Gun Metal Cases with handsome illuinin- • ated"dials and reliabte time keepers, watches such as no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will be sent absolutely Fre to all who sell onlytwelve boxes of thoseavanvertul Toxin Pills. Write at once dud be the first in yourlocality to earn one of those beautiful watches and chain. Az soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you poet paid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell any more that the 12 boxes and we don't want any money until after you have sold them. We bear all the -expense and are only making this liberal'offer as a lmetboc of advertising Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, write at once and earn a beautiful present, for yourself for Christmas. Address ARNOLD MEDICINE CO Dept. C. 1. 50 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. FEEDING W OB HORSES. Food required by the working horse: —The horse has a smaller stomach than the ox, and consequently must be fed less at a time. It has less pow- er to digest coarse foods. It eats much slower, as it must do all its chewing before the food is swallowed, For these reasons it requires a longer time to eat,, and its food should be More concentrated. It wants only a little coarse food at a time. Most people feed too much rather than too little, especially of hay. According to the tables of standard rations pre- pared by the German investigators, a 1000 pound horse requires 11.4 pounds of digestible food daily when doing moderateork w .G pounds for aver- age work, and 1 13i 6.6 pounds forrheavy work. With a basal ration of 10 pounds of hay, the grain needed to furnish the above quantities of diges- tible nutriments, when consisting of a mixture in equal parts of corn and oats, would be approximately 11.5 pounds, 15 pounds and 20 > pounds for the three sorts of labor. Lavalard, who made observations covering a number of years with 32,000 omnibus, army, and draft horses, came to the conclusion that a horse performing ordinary work requires at the rate of 1,215 pounds of digestible nutrients per 100 pounds of live weight. This is equivalent to 12.1 pounds of diges- tible food daily for a 100 pound horse, a quantity not inconsistent with the German standard, Suitable foods for horses:— It is necessary especially with hard work- ing horses, that a large proportion of the daily ration be composed of the more concentrated feeding stuffs. A horse would have to consudie over 40 lbs. of hay to obtain 17.7 lbs, of digestible nutrients, the approximate smount required daily by a horse at evere labor. Ten to twelve pounds ;bf hay daily is quite snfacient for a Clraft horse, The mangers of work orses on many farms are kept con- stantly supplied with hay, which Is not only wasteful but injurious to the animal as well. Recent researches have shown that muscular effort is largely sustained by the carbo -hydrat- es and fats of the food, and it is prob. Aching Dims IA the fingers, toes, time, and other parts of the body, • are joints that are inflamed and swollen by rheninatisrn--- that acid condition of the blood which affects the muscles also. Sufferers dread to move, especially after sitting or lying long, and. their condition is commonly worse in wet weather. "I suffered dreadfully from rheumatism, but have been completely cured by hood's Sarsaparilla, for which I' am deeply grate- ful." bless lettettens Snrr r, Prescott, Ont. "I had an attack of the grip which lett etc veak and elpt oss and Bufferin from rh u- natisin. I began taking lloorl's Sarsapa• rine, and this medicine has entirely: cured tae. I have no hesitation in saying it -saved my lite, M. J. etcDotretn, Trenton, Ont. el Removes the cause of rheumatism—no outward application eau. Take it. ably true that raationscomposed a the ordinary farm products, meadow hay, straw, silage, rooks and ';cereal ,grains will be found sufficiently rich izi prote- in within; the addition of nitrogenous, feeding stuffs. Doubtless in Gases of ileavy labor, the .addition of a little 01141041 or other nitrogenous food would be 'beneficial. According to the German standards the nutritive rah tione should be from 1:7 to 1:6 accord- ing tothe severity of labor, the daily VI eight of protein to be from Lt to 2.5 pounds. Oats are regarded by elany us essential to the maintenance of the driving or working horse, but newsy other foods are successfully used in their place, wheat bran, corn, barley, brewers' grains, etc., are often used instead ot oats, without any bad re. sults, and frequently with consider, able advantage in the cost of the ra- tion, Timothy hay, although not particnlarlyrich in digestible nutri- ents, is preferred by most horsenieu, chiefly on account of its freedom from dust, and the ease with which it may be distinguished from other grasses. With working horses whose susten- ance is ustenanceis largely supplied with the grain food, timothy is probably the most satisfactory roughage, but bright clear clover is excellent'for idle horses and colts, and requires very little grain in addition to form a suitable ration. Some sample rations:--- Some good rations for 1000 pound horses at moderate worst are suggested by .Tor. dan: 1.-10 lbs, timothy or mixed hag, y, 11 lbs, oats. 2-10lbs 'bay, 10e lbs. oats and bar- ley egual.parts by weight. 3-10 lbs. hay, 8 lbs. oats, 4 lbs. brewers' grains. 4-10 lbs bay, 8 lbs. oats, 4 lbs. wheat bran. 5-11 lbs. hay, 3e lbs, . corn 4 lbs. 'wheat bran, 4 lbs. brewers' grain. G —10 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. corn, 4I lbs, barley. 7.-10 lbs. bay,. 5 Ibs, corn, tie lbs. wheat bran. 8.--10 lbs. hay, 5 lbs. corn, 6 lbs.. brewers' grains. 9.-10 lbs. hay, de lbs, barley, 4 lbs. wheat bran, 31bs. brewers' grains. Silage, roots and other green food may often be stile -Muted for a minor part of the hay with advantage to the animals' appetite and health. THE MYSTERIOUS VISITOR IS NOW 1NVFIDINO MfINY HOMES.. —sa—i It Strikes Young and Old Who fire PkgslGallg Weak and Predisposed to Disease, Paine's Celery Compound Fortifies the. Body, Cleanses the Blood and gives Strength to Resist AllAttaeks. That mysterious visitor "Grip" is now invading many hones and strik- ing down the young and old who are so predisposed to disease. It is now well known that the disease spreads rapidly to the various members of the households into which it has been in- trodaced. It accords with the theory of infection, also,that the disease has usually attacked the persons liable to infection, Dr. Richard Sisely, in his book• on "Epidemic Influenza," says the disease h' almost entirely propa- gated by infection. In past winter seasons it has been fully and happily demonstrated that Paine's Celery Compound is a tower of safety when Grip is prevalent. When this .scientific and health giv- ing medicine is used, it, strengthens the nerve centres of all vital organs ; it purifies the blood, regulates diges- tion, gives a healthy tone to the whole system, enabling young and old to feel secure from the ravages of disease. Weak, nervous, dyspeptic, and ailing people will find in Paine's Celery Com- pound a true protector and shield from the dangers of Grip, A trial ot one bottle will banish all existing doubt. FARMERS LOST OVER TWO MILLIONS. Liberals have always held "the pro- tection of the farmer' to be an impos- sibility. In the Trade and N'avigatioq returns, for 1902, "ample evidence tii the contrary is presented. Unless Hon; W,S. Fielding, official tariff farmer, is prepared to put forth a claim that Canadian farmers are not of the same. standard of intelligence as 'United. Statesfarniers, there is no reason why our farms should not supply all the • provisions needed for the home marc' ket. We hive all the resources at hand, and the one thing lacking is the tariff enjoyed by Americans, In 1902) United States farms raised for Can ad Ian consumption the following : Pounds Value Butter 772,207 $179.479',': Lard 1,132,402 1.56,0001 Lard tlonpound 72,813 7,181 Bacon, hams, 5,480,597 655024:. Canned meats etc. 082,081 119,130 Mutton and Lamb 81,087 / 2870 Pork. bar'I'd 7,004,653 587,784 Poultry 60,813 Dried meats 381,628 44,408 Other meats, fresh 322,503 88,108 Other meats salted 527,383 60,060 u,856,001 283,981(hepse Beef bar'ted 2,888,860 128,242 Total 21,116,181 $2,268,621 This means that Oanaclian farmers in sales of provisions' alone, lose two and a quarter millions of dollars; 1 is nothings more helpful to the home - now published: • u ' be literary home- maker p b �, b 4 G y When you can't eat break. fast, take Scott's Emulsion. Whhen you. can't eat bread an butter, take Scott's EnlulsiOrk. When you have beer li''ing on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing; take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you rnust eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat, • Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, , e ell, bloodand nerve. For invalids, for con, valescents, consumptives, consum tive�+ , for weak children, fol ldren, * for all O Scott's need flesh, Scott s Emulsion is a rich and corm- fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, bio©d and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario, 50c. and $1; all druggists "Adequate protection" would remedy this evil, and keep in Canada large sums now going into Yankee pockets. WEARY BRAIN t;'POREERS All fagged out, ideas flowslowly as molasses, suap and energy gone! The buoyancy that made work a pleasure,. that gone also. A doctor would say yon are run down, enervated, neither eating or digesting enough.' It's Fer rozone you need to brace up •that; fitful appetite and improve assimilation and digestion so thatlots of pure strong blood will be formed to nourish the broken down system. Ferrozone will drive away the tired feeling, restore your spirits and energy, revive your ambition and strength for work. No tonic or rebuilder like Ferrozone—try it. Price 50c, per box, or six boxes for 52.50 ; at Druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston Ont., Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. SAMPLES OF CHOICE GRAIN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF SEED. To Tans EDITOR OF THE TIMES.—By instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture another dihtr1hution will be made this season of samples of the most productive sorts of grain to Can- adians farmers for the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution is of the very best and has been secur- ed by the Director of the Experiment- al Farms from the excellent crops re- centlyhad in the Canadian Northwest. The distribution this spring will_. con- sist of samples of oats, Spring wheat, barley, Indian corn and potatoes. The quantities of oats, wheat and barley to be sent this year will be sufficient to sow one twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs. as heretofore, Every farmer may apply, but only one sam- ple can be sent to each applicant, hence if an individual receives a sam- ple of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes, and ap- plications for more than one sample for one household cannot be entertain- ed. These samples will be sent free of charge though the mail. Applications should he addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa. and may be sent in any time before the 1st of March, after which the lists will be closed, so that all the samples asked for may be sent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing should mention the sort of variety they would prefer, and should tbe available stock of the kind asked for be exhausted, some other good sort will be sent in its place. NEW IDEA WOMAN'S MAGAZINE, The principal feature of the NEW IDEA 'WOMAN'S MAGAZINE for Febru- ary are, as always the utilitarian, and in patterns descriptions of costume, fancy work, and domestic affairs there Iver That's what you need; some. thing to cure your biliouser ness and give you a good digestion. .A�.y er's Pills are liver pills. -r They cure Co n stipation and biliousness) Gently laxative. An ti ugglefit. Want *bili inoitstaahe or board a beautiful brown or rich blank 7 Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE v§i itlts 60 ars. OP b,, ao,r, OR a. O. HAIL:: 4 OD-, NM* , M. features are equally as valuable, ,the stories are s'hareaingle told ,#rod well illustrated* Mrs, IL ,A. Osborne's paper upon. Lincoln, entitled ", . Nation's Patron Saint," is especially appropri- ate, and Ernest Neal Lyon's poem on Washington emphasizes the patriotic element of the contents, Mrs, Wilson Wilson Woodrow's article upon Mrs.. Fiske, as "Mary of lklagdala" continues lrhs series upon the prominent women of the stage. BORN , GIuINAN,--In Stephen, on Jan. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Guinan, a daugbter,. GEFFRI Y, --In Usboree, on Jana 2nd„ to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Geffrey, a son, eltAINGgR,--In Stephen, on San. lith, to Mr. and ears. Jas. Grainger, a son. Dic .res.—Ila Ushox•ne, on 3' an. l3th1., to Mr.. and Mrs. Richard Dickens, a daughter. BF:.LLwOOD,—In Exeter, on Jan. 10th, to 111r. and Mrs. Neil Eellwood, a song. Wxxir e�e,-ln 'Usborne, on Jan, 5th,. to Mr. and Mrs. John Webber, a dough ter, S.aainuns,—In Exeter, on Jan. 2nd, to Mr. and Mis, Sidney Sunders, a, daughter. SIMS,—In Crediton , on December, 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Job Sims, a eon. BROAD FOOT, — In Lumley. on Dee. 20th, to Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Broad. foot, a aou. DIED ORE.—At Toronto, on Dec 31st, 1902 Rodger Enid Oke, second son of 11zt'. and Mrs Frank Oke, aged 4 years and 5 months. OPINION OF LEADING PHYSICIANS I have been using Strong's Pilekone for several months with results that warrant me in recommending it to my patients with every confidence to its claims. R. FERat7soN, M. D., Cor- oner, London, Ont. Price 51.00. For sale by drugelsts or by mail on receipt of price, W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist. London. Ontario. Csboii e & Bibbed Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. The 27th annual meeting of the Us - borne and Hibbert Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany will be held in the —Public Hall, Farquhar, on— MONDA.Y, FEBRUARY -2.m, 1903, Commencing at one o'clock P. ar. BUSI\ESs.—Receiving the Directors, Secretary Treasurers and Auditors annual reports. Election of two Di- rectors and two Auditors and tbe dis- cussion of other business in the inter- est of the company. The retiring Directors are J. Essery and Thos. Ryan, who are elegible for re-election. All members are requested to atttend. J. ESSERY, T. CAMERON, Presid en t. Secretary. Winche flat Futter& Cream Association The 10th annual general meeting of the shareholders and patrons of the Winchelsea Butter and Cream Associ- ation, will be held iu the Township Hall, Elinivr]le, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND, 1903 at 1 o'clock p,m. Business. — Reception of reports, election of officers and general busi- ness, Mr. 3. B. Muir of Ingersoll, will be present and address the gathering. Your attendance is requested. JOHN DEL33RIDGE, .Toaa1rA 'Tomes, President. Secretary. January 8th, 1003. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Duncan Macgregor, of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. • Notice is hereby given' pursuant to Chapter, 129 R. 8.0., 1897. that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Dungan Mot gregor, late of the said village of Exeter gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the ninth day of December. A. D., 1902, are, on or before the thirty-first day of January, A. D., 1903 to send by post prepaid or deliver to F. W. Gladman, Solicitor, Exeter. One. one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, their names and addresses, the full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the se• onrltios • (if any) held by them. and that after the day last aforesaid, the said executors will proceed to distributo the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above requir- ed, and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part .thereof to any ntceslthyeeid claimsoor noae been whose clean or i the time of such distribution. ADAM WHIT EFORD IExecutors. It. W. GLADMAN Dated at Exoter this 27th day of December A. D., 1902. Money -Making Educatlotr CENTRAL STRATFORti, ONT. {p Young men and women, Ah » w at are you worth ? a hay d nworth * e e d8 upon what P t yon aro da to others. A business es shorthand it. e i cation will always etiolate you toot a 0 0 good position but tbo education intuit be ea strictly firat-olass.' Give us an opportune- �1 a ty to tell you what eve are doing for 'p 0 others, Write to -day for our catalogue. 0 0 Students admitted at any time. • W. J. ELLIOTT • Principal U SHE PATIENTLY - gP BORE DISGRACE A Sad Lotto ffhora. a lady whose Husband was Cissiliated. BOW' She cured flbtt with a Secret :Remedy, " I had for years patiently borne the disgrace, Suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Bearing of your marvellous ,remedy for die cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de - tided to tty it prowled a package and mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as, the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his eraving_for liqu r. He soon began to pick up ilesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now haven happy home. After he was completely-cured'I told hon what I hast done, when he acknowl- edged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break off of his own accord. I heartily advise. all women afl3icted:1s I was to give your: remedy.: trial," HER HUSBAND DRUNKARD RRKR. A Lady Who 4ures her husband of his .»inkling HabitsWrites of her struggle to ;save hes' home A PATHETIC LETTER "I hadfor a long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraidhe would discover that I was him edi i, e and the thought unnerved meI hesitated forneariya week, but one day when he came Imam very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw offal'. fear and determined to make an ellen to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards: t sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre. scriptlon,and put It an his coffee as directed next' morning and watebed and prayed :or the result. At noon I gave bim more andalso at supper. ]•Ie never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it iegnlarly;^as I had discovered some- thing that set every nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me—a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and everything; else dear to a woman's heart ; for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it. It vias only too true, for before I had given., him the full course he bed stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent fol. another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as be bad done from', promises before. He never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you bow thankful I am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." A ER FATHER R WAS RRRR l lucky Young lady tales ort l ea self to Cure her i+ather of the J,fquor Habit. SUCCESS. A portion of her letter reads as follbivs aw My fattier had often promisedmother to stop drinking, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever, One dity atter a terrible Spree, he solicitous: ' les no use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts scorned to turn to stone, and we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria, a Prascxiption, which we had read about in the papers. We gave him tee remedy, entirely without itis knowledge, in bis regularly, - tea, coffee,. or ifoodlarly, according to directions, he never knew WAS hiking ' . andi, t he t oi It One package removed al. his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to hirh, Tdis health and appetite are also wonderfully im- proved, and no .one woold know him for the same man, It is now fifteen. months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for good. Please send me one of your' little books, as I want to give it too friend. FrEE and pamphlet giving full particulars, testirxlonials and price sent in plain r sealed envelope, 0 Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamps for reply Address Tile Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. r W. His C/F'# g Late f 19S t. west. No. I Clarence -square, corner Spa• dina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture or Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all bad after effects. Diseases of Women—Painful, profnse or set ppressed,, menstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb, OFFICE 13.017RS-9 a, m. to;8 p. in. Sunday 1 to 3 p. m- $40 IN CASH FREE To be awarded at Provincial Winter Fair, 1903, for best pair of Fat Cattle fed with. Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic The sweepstake fat cattle at Chicago and Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. An evidence of the good results farmers and feeders would obtain by feeding a genuine stock food; not an American fad. Horses look better, feed better, drive better, sell better, when fed. with Worthing - ten's Stock Tonic. DEAR SIR.—Have used Worthing- ton's Stock Tonic for one year and have been feeding it to al] my stock. Found it to give good satisfaction,and would advise all farmers and feeders of stock to use it, yours faithfully, L. MOSES, . December 29, 1902. Avonton P, O. The Worthington Drug Go., GUELPH, ONT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cools: & Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan. FOR SALE. 80 acres, unimprovodin the Township of Os- prey, County of Grey, hardwood and other timber, railway 7 milds ; post -office, school and church, a mile and a half ; would sell or ex- change for smaller improved property at Exeter. Il. Manma.No HANNON, Exeter, Ontario. MEETING OF THE EtURON COUNTY COUNCItr. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich on Tuesday the 27th day of the present month, at 8 o'clock P. M. ' W, LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich this 13th day of January, 1003. TRAYED.—There strayed from• lot 15, con. 14, Hibbert, on or about the first day of November, a light red steer, coming three years old, a ring in the right ear, and long white horns. A liberal reward will be given for any information as to the animals where- abouts. Address, WM. TOWERS, Far- quhar le. O. "Christmas ox" Full of V1 ondorful 'chinas 25 Pormraits of Actrgeses .20 Popularaongs Magic Telescope and Pioturos, .iib A.mus- E Experiments, Love'sPuz fu i outs zie 2 Rebuses g rip0,100 Funny Conundrums, Hook of ;move, Game o Letters, Mag'Ie Writing, 324 Jolly Jokot iagtenretsritOToilet ndCeolninn cot ea 226 nelentwine� for Autograph A!busns,_ 10 lodol ovo Letters, Row to Tell T'ortunos, (Dictionary of nrealserGuido to Flirtation,Flirtation,Magicngic Ago Table, Lover's s 5'elegi ph, and our new Cat. or Xmas love, Books and Notionpqs, tell by mail FREE,forde, sildorAtopayK.TNN gtY,]y.T.. Standing on your own Merits: That is ust what the stu- dents of the F: C, B. C. Y, M. C. A. Building, London, Ont. Can do after completing their Busi- ness or Shorthand training. They need no political "pull." Are you In- terested ? Write for particulars. College re -opens, San, 5th. W- WESTERVELT, Principai. INSURANCE. ERNEST +'LLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN AssvnANca CoM- eANY, of Toronto ; also for the PHtuNixFIRE t18 RANCE At IANOE INsuBANOE CCOMPANY, of London, g Y,, 02 11lrland ' and MEDICAL 7i W..BB0WNe 1 . D. ;4z. a. U • P. t3, GraduateINVictoria ,a'v«rsity office and residence, Dominion Labora- tory, Exeter. LEG AL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers Solicitors Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners`, Solicitors, for the I olsons Bank, Eta. Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE —MAIN STREET, 'EXETER. 8.11. DARLING, 8- A. L.11. DICKSON F W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary Public, Conve ancer Etc Money to loan an Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE ..MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL KINI'MAN, L. D. S. AND DR,. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D, D S., 'Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects, Of!ioe in Fan sone block. West side of Main treet,' Exeter m CUT THIS OUT and Send it to us with 5 cents In silver and you will get by return mail a GOLDEN BOX OB GOODS that witll'bring yyou in M tli MonEr in one month than anything else in Ainerica. A. W. KEtd`NY, E. T, 1 ett tush, l FOR SALE—BS31(x RE a WITII Ale ACRID D SID'I7NCE Or IN EXBThlat—W a offer for Halo On reasonable :Drive, that vers desirable rtlslclontial proper:yy known as "The 'Beeper $timestead" -situated on Lot No- 86, south of 'Buren Street, . Exeter. There Is erected upon the land, a coixifortable and commodious brick dwellingalso the neeeesaryouthouses. The houso is in good re- pair and halt 9 rooms. The lot con Mine an acre of land and is excellently adapted for garden ngThere ing or fruit growii, Tae a plentiful sups ply of hard and sot water. The pro>ierty is up 10 date, and the terms easy. for particulars ate ply to DIORSON & Meuse barristers Exeter or to A. E. Room, Row P. 0n Ponta, U, A., bropirieter. ONEY TO LOAN We have ttnlimited private funds for invests meat upon farm or village property at lo*es rates of interest. DIO$SON&, CARLING Exeter's... - rIONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds> loan on farm and vii at( litt„ti.sattaw of interest. • F, W. GLA PMAN, Barrister Main St. Exeter. 5 Packs of Cards Free. One. Pack, `'May h CAT. Rome,", One Pak "Escort" One Pack, "Flirtation", One Pawl "Hold -to light." One Pack "Our Sofa to Holds Two.' Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send Se silver for postage, A,W. KENNY, E. T. Yarmouth, see.. D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D. S. L.S.•D DEN TISi7' Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental' Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post-graduateof Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, creowns, al lnminum, gold and vulcanite plates au done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectir harmless anaesthetic used for painless extras -t; tion. Office One door south of Oarling ; Bro's store Exeter. Ont. OUTTE;:'S, CUTTERS Do you Want .a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the .latest styles, in the newel colors. Our prices are low as can be founds, for first-class material and workniane ship. BEFORE YOU BUY G1ILL fiND SEEN -US, J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. A Happy and Prosperous New Year Is what we all expect and desire. Begin by making the home bright and cheerful, and if your family are musical, you cannot add to the brightness and cheer of hone more than by placing in it a Piano or Organ. It will not only add cheer to the home but Will help your children to take their proper place in the social and business world wben your aid is withdrawn from them. *ewh . Machines In Sewing Machines' we every a. large and varied stook of the very best snakes, also needles• and repairs for all machines, Sheet an Book Music Hyran Books, Bibles, &c, alwayf3: in stock. Call and see us. Our terms are the best Martin.