HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-24, Page 14Hensall IOOF lodge holds dinner for St. Queensway News Residents took advantage off the gorgeous weather las` week at the Queensway Nurs- ing Home b. walking out of doors as much as possible. Even the residents who use wheelchairs I.'ere eager to be outdoors. On Monday afternoon bingo was played with the PCW of Carmel Presbyterian Chur- ch. Tuesday morning there was a spelling bee. Tuesday afternoon Shirley Luther led the worship service. Tom Desjardine, who was here with his wife visiting Grace Din- ney, played his mouth organ. The music was delightful. Wednesday afternoon was spent at 'Town and Country Bowling Lanes. The Ladies high score of 68 was obtained by Muriel Gun- ning. The wren's high score of 136 was won by Neil Regan. Thanks to Iva Reid for driv- ing on Wednesday. Thursday afternoon residents watched a movie entitled 'Exeter England" It may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but most thought it was a jolly good show Friday morning crafters worked on their ceramics. Lil Baker carne to help. It was very relaxing to work quietly away, sipping tea and coffee and chatting with neighbors. Saturday afternoon was the April birth- day party. Celebrating this month were Murray• Bowe, Russ Thompson, Albert Miazga Earl Kinsmen arid Dora Hoggarth. Earl and Doreen Oesch sang duets accom- panied by Philip Steckle un the piano. The whole group joined in a singsong. Eva Gascho, Edith Widrick and Viola Ramer joined for the celebration. The:,, ladies who are from the Zurich Mennonite Chui ch also provided birthday cake. The party was :c By Bertha MacGregor HENSALL The officers and members of Hensall IOOF Lodge 223 hosted St. Marys Lodge at a special dinner recently. The St. Mary's officers assisted in the opening and closing ceremonies. Following the meeting Gordon Wright of Seaforth took the brethren on a pictorial trip to the border towns of Scotland. At the close of the evening the No- ble Grand of St. Mary's Lodge made the draw for the hind -quarter of beef. The lucky winner was Leila Hay . Garden Trip The Hensall and Community Hor- ticultural Society enjoyed a bus trip to the Flower Gardens in Toronto on Thursday. The Society will meet in the Hensall United Church, May 1, at 8 p.m. when the guest speaker will be Bernard Hack of Kincar- dine, speaking on Organic vegetable gardening. There will be a plant auction and refreshments served. People Mabel Shirray returned last week after spending the winter months in St. Petersburg, Florida. Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ. Next Sunday the service will be 11:30 a.m. Daylight Savings Tirne. The Bank of Montreal personnel are entertaining the Senior Citizens on Wednes- day, May 8 at 8 p.rn. in Hensall United Church please plan to attend this event. The Amber Rebekah Lodge is holding its annual Dessert Euchre on Wednesday, May 8 in the local hall. Legion News Hensall Legion PRO Bea Uyl reports that MARTINS TOMATO JUICE 48 oz. TIN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL24, 1985—Page 13 last Saturday the liensall Legion had a suc- cessful euchre tournament. Winners were la*es' high, Janet Lovell; mens' high, Bill Bell; la'es' lone hands, Jaren'Whatmore; men's lone hands, Howard Smale; low score for la 'es' M. Kyle and Elmer Oesch. Rob- bie Taylor organized the event. Shuffleboard is over for a,pother year and the winners were Louise and Bob Caldwell. Looking after shuffleboard this year were Janet and Leonard Lovell, Val Kyle and Al Kyle and Mona Campbell. This Saturday evenung the singing D.J. will be entertaining. The Legion is in the midst of renovations, but the work should be finished soon. Don't forget to send your Diamond Jubilee tickets away if you have not done so. The end of April is the deadline. Tulip bulb orders are also being taken until May 15. At the general meeting in April, $300 was donated to various organizations. The Ladies' Auxiliary had a good turn out at the April meeting. 'Thanks to the Aux- iliary members and friends who canvassed for the Red Cross – a total of $360 was col- lected and $200 was donated to various organizations. The Auxiliary . is also pur- chasing new furniture for downstairs. It should be very nice when renovations are completed and the new furniture in. This past weekend the Branch and Aux- iliary were saddened by the death of Com- rade Evelyn Traquair. Sympathy is extend- ed to Murray and the family . Evelyn will be sadly missed, she was a great Comrade and friend. Fifty years ago, Canadians, in midst of final offensive, captured Zutshen. Holland. Five Canadian divisions two tank brigades under General Crerar. On April 29, 1945 a massive food supply was dropped to the starving Dutch Cana . '. ans. People report Jim Dickens rode his Hully Gully Honda to a 6th place finish in a field of 33 in the 80A class at the season opener at Hully Gully Motocross Race on Sunday. Jinn's next race will be in Acton on May 5. James Sangster who underwent surgery in University Hospital several weeks ago returned home on Friday. The Senior Citizens held their April pot luck dinner on April 16. Vice -President Al- deen Volland presided for ti -c meeting which followed. Vera Ross p' ,yed the piano for the opening. An invitation was : ec•eived to attend a social evening on May 8 at 8 p.m. in 1ledsall United Church sponsored by the Bank of Montreal ,.teff. Members were also remind- ed of t' Bake and Craft Sale in the local hall .,aturday, April 27 at 2 p.nr. Dorothy rAantnell gave the financial report. Edith Bell and Elsie ('arlile were in charge of the euchre. Ladies' high -Vera Ross; ladies' low - Alice Ferg; men's high - Pearl McKnight; low - Clarence Volland; Ione hands - Anita Bengough; nearest birthday Pearl Raylor. • Lodge Drapes Chapter Noble Grand Eunice Aikenhead of Amber Rebekah Lodge presided for the meeting on April 17 assisted by Vice Grand Luis Jones. The charter was draped. Margaret Upshall reported for the finance committee. Mare, Consitt reported for the District Committee. D.D.P. Kay Wise of Clinton was unable to at- tend this meeting but will make her official visit May 15. The Dessert Euchre will be held on May 8. 6 VARIETIES KAL CAN CAT FOOD 369 9 59' SUPER SPECIAL VIVA BRAND WRITE, CHAMPAGNE, YELLOW PAPER. TOWELS 2 ROLL 99c FACIAL TISSUE 3 COLOURS KLEENEX GLASS Q U E. 99° 100 SHEETS STRAIGHT CUT OR KRINKLE CUT SUPERMAN FRENCHgBAG FRIES t k WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SUPER SPECIAL WHITE, PINK, BLUE, YELLOW, CHAMPAGNE RIR YOUR BATHROOM COTTONELLE TISSUE 4 ROLL PKG. -149 KRAFT QUALITY MIRACLE WHIP 500 mL 159 SUPER SPECIAL LARGE 12 LITRE TIDE DETERGENT 4.8 kg 199 MAXWELL HOUSE 3 GRINDS 369 g ROASTED COFFEE 339 CAMPBELL'S CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP 10 az. TINS CLOVER LEAF PINK - SALMON 220 g TIN SUPER CONCENTRATED DOWNEY SOFTENER 1 LITRE LOWNEYS CAMPFIRE MARSH 3.Q7 MALLOWS 250 g 79° COUNTRY OVEN SPECIALS! TRY OUR FRESH DELICIOUS CROISSANTS SAVE ON OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE 2' ., oz. 3ORI.29 Iio1 ( o:1-:1/4+) it 0( ( !MISS AN"I'S 1)1,1.\ 514' ',I 11% 1\L..' 111t CRUSTY AND FRESH WHITE BREAD 2 VARIETIES PEAK FREAN COOKIES KRAFT SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER - kq. 24 oz DELICIOUSLY FRESH 8.CRUSTY ROLLS 12 s 99° 2% EVAPORATED SPECIALI CARNATION 3.19 MILK 385 mL TIN SPECIAL, 69 SUPER SPECIAL SMALL 66's MEDIOM 4b's OR LARGE 36•a LUVS DIAPERS PER PKG. 9,, 4 FLAVORS 135 g FRUIT CORNERS fin FRUIT BARS j 1.7 7 H.P. ASSORTED FLAVOURS SPECIAL! SAUCE 'N' 3.09 SAVOUR 2 VARIETIES CONDITIONER OR HEREFORD BRAND REVLON SPECIAL! CORNED SHAMPOO 2O0 m` 2.6 9 BEEF 12°z KELLOGGS POPULAR LIQUID CLEANER HONEY NUT 525 g SPECIAL! MR. CORN FLAKES 2.'49 CLEAN ON STONED 6009 WHEAT THINS TIN 375 mL SPECIAL' 1.29 FRESCA, TAB, SPECIAL! SPRITE, or 199 COCA-COLA 1 l ITRE SPECIAL, POWDERED SPECIAL, SPIC 139 SPAN 1 I ITRE 750 mL SPECIAL! BOTTLE 49# PLUS 304 DEP SUPER SPECIAL CASE OF 24-280 Rant. TINS REGULAR OR DIET COCA-COLA CASE 6 VARIETIES HOSTESS TAQUITOS 97°9' SUPER SPECIAL EXTRA VALUE WITH COUPON BELOW MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 227 g JAR SEE COUPON BELOW VALUABLE ZEHRS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON SAVE! f) 3f11 L17,4 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT q COFFEE 227JAR ONE COUPON PFP PURCHASE CI COUPON ESPINES MAY 4 81 j OFF NEILSONS ASSORTED 4 VARIETIES FROZEN FAMOUS SPECIAL! ICSCHNEIDERS 2.77 E CREAM 2 l ITRE 299..MEAT PIES 400 9 1.99 SPECIAL, DELUXE, PEPPERONI OR CHEESE c ASSORTED VARIETIES (INCL LOW ACID) SPECIAL! SPECIAL! TOTING SPECIAL. MINUTE MAID 295 2.79 5 SIZE x'.59 ORANGE JUICE 1.59 PIZZA WESTONS MINUTE MAID CONCENTRATED WESTONS BUTTERHORNS 6's OR HIGHLINER FROtEN BOSTON FIBRE GOODNESS SPECIAL' GRAPEFRUIT SPECIAL! RASPBERRY SPECIAL BLUEFISH 1.17 JELLY ROLLS 340 q %39 FILLETS 454g A. %9 POPULAR NEW SPECIA! IN BATTER FROZEN COOKED SPECIAL! KRONA 1 I6 PNG HIGHLINER MARGARINE 1.49 COD 350 g II' SPECIAL! BREAD 675 9 LOAF 89' JUICE STUART CHOCOLATE 10 PACK SWISS ROLL CHOC. OR BUTTERSCOTCH NEILSONS GOOD 'N' PUDDIN s i ORANGE JUICE 6 s 355 ml NEILSONS ASSORTED SPECIAL' FRUIT PLUS 1.39 YOGURT �� . ___ �a READY Tit SERVE S=EC®_ NEILSONS 1 75 q 1 1 ITRF THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: HIGHWAY NO. 8 GODERICH SPECIAL! 59 # SPECIAL, ASSORTED FLAVORS GAY GAY LEA SPECIAL' '.3g CHEESE CAKE 2I89" MON., TUES. - 9 TO 6 P.M. WED., THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. 8:30 70 6 P.M. JOSEPHINE ST. (HWY. NO. 4) WINGHAM MON., TUES., WED. & SAT. • 8:30 TO 6 P M. THURS. AND FRI. - 8:30 TO 9 P.M. CUCUMBER, BACON, OR ONION SEALTEST CHIP DIP 25O 99# INTERSECTION HWY. NO. 4 AND NO. 83 EXETER MON., TUES., WED. 9 TO 6 P.M. THURS., FRI. - 9 TO 9 P.M. SAT. - 8;30 TO 6 P.M. oup grand way to end the week. Baptism Observed Baptism was observed at the Hensall United Church on Sunday morning when Stacey Ann Butson, daughter of Jeff and Janice ( Campbell) Butson, and Natasha. Rose Moody, daughter of Al and Mary (Blackwell) Moody, .were received into the church. Mervyn Fields greeted the con- gregation and the ushers were Rod Parker, Tim Rowcliffe, Steven Gerstenkorn and Michael McGregor. The Junior Choirs, with Mindy Bell as soloist, sang. Flowers at the front of the church were placed in memory of Mrs. Pearl Petzke and the congregation were reminded that the Confirmation Service will be held next Sun- day with a reception following in the Fellowship Hall. There was an excellent attendance at the United Church on Sunday evening for their monthly Fellowship Night when the group took a trip to Holland, via KLM airlines with Klaas Van Wieren as the pilot. Klaas, with his colored slides, presented a personal, and beautiful trip through his native Holland. The evening closed with a Dutch lunch of Stroopwafle's arid coffee served by the com- mittee Joanne Rawcliffe and Dorothy Parker New students welcomed BRUCEFIEI.D-Richard Fitoussi. a new 11 year old Grade 5 student at Huron Centen- nial Public School has been at nine other schools and really likes Huron Centennial. He moved to Bayfield from the Interlake District of Manitoba. Bernadette Fitoussi, Richard's sister is in Grade 7 She is 13' and the things she likes the most at our school are her friends. Chris Bregman in Grade 6, lives in Brucefield and comes from Colborne School. He is 13 years old. He likes Huron Centennial School very much. Welcome, new students. Reporter: Kerri Gingerich Student Teacher Student teacher Betty Neevel, 23, has been at Huron Centennial School since April 9. This is the third school she has attended as part of her teacher training. Miss Neevel is teaching for,Mrs. Baker in the mornings; later she will teach Grade 2 full time. Miss Neevel, who lives just outside Hen- ' sail, is now a student at Brock College of Education in St. Catharines. To complete her program she has to have completed 10 weeks of practice teaching. Miss Neevel has had good reports in the past. She finds Huron Centennial School very interesting. Students think she has assisted them in lear- ning new skills. Everyone wishes her the best! • Reporters: Lisa Faber and Fayeanne Love MIKE SNOBELEN YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN HURON -BRUCE A chance to be heard A vote for Mike Snobelen P C in Huron - Bruce. is a vote for a DIRECT VOICE to the P C Governmenlj A direct voice for agriculture - Mike is a farmer - He knows the problems The concerns of our farmers will be heard A DIRECT voice for the Bruce Energy Centre As your representative in a P.0 Govern- ment. Mike will work DIRECTLY with government to realize the potential and jobs so long talked about "FOR A POSITIVE VOICE FOR HURON -BRUCE" ELECT MIKE SNOBELEN /I1PCv •v,., , Anrni