Exeter Times, 1903-1-15, Page 4}Ins ratal'i3arctted; by Mt, ref 1'arii;rnieiit 1 55} rc, Ilxcratreal, at ups e2,e(eall0t 4a nd ee,e4l,00 n es iai (?ntar10, aueber, :.lberta, +'4 olurnhie andlirlaiittoba, E ET113 BRANWII 4:1134M Every Lawful Day from 10 a u to 3 p. ra,; except hila *s,, 10 al, e. to 1 1p,; .ni. era Sate Votes cashed or coli d. Iron= supplied on application, fts on all points in the Dominion, neat Britain and United States Might and sold at lowest rates of dearege, SAVINGS DErARTMENT, DSposits of $1,00 and upwards receive .call. leterest coropeunded half yearly', tad added to principal June 30th and December 31st, Deposits Receipts also wed and highest current rate of exeet allowed, Advances make to farmers, stock dealers and 'business men at lowest rates and on lnoet favorable terms. "Agents at Exeter for Dominion Government. O1CKSON & CARLING, N, D, BURDON, $OLIOITOR5. 1v1AN4G55 - rR he (rifer Zfstet Calendar' for January 1905, I vIrDA r„..., .... 4 11 18 25 FLNDAY 5 12 19 26 i E;STaAY 6 13 20 27 WEDNESDAY 7 14 21 28 TalanSDAY1 8 15 22 29 ii'asl een 2 9 16 23 30 Beanieneen 3 10 17 24 81 THURSDAY, JAN. 15Th, T903 GENERAL NEWS The man down at Cobourg who tra- ded his wife for a watch has been com- pelled by the courts to trade back. Be isays it was a pi etty good watch, too. NEURALGIA °1 had been suffering about six months with lituralgis when I started taking Milburn's beim atio Pills. 9 heydid me more good than any medicine 1 ever used. Mrs, Annie Ryan Sand Point, N. S. .As to the rumor that Sir Wilfrid :Laurie' wilt soon retire to prvate life because of ill -health it is well to re- member that before his health was called in question rumors were ,con - atonally being set in motion to the ^------- eel that be would retire to the Im- perial Privy Council, the High Com- raissioziership, or the Supreme Court. Xaieia Liver Pills are a positive oure for sick, headache, bilousnessconstipation, dyspepsia, and 4.11 stomach and liver complaints. They neither ;ripe, weaken nor sicken. Price 25c. e ra11 druggists. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco.. Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for ,tlte:redemption of Snowshoe tags to Yazi iary lst 1904. -Teta EMPIRE To - BM CO Co. LIMITED. The British grain and flour duties have yielded a revenue of $37,500,000, and as they were levied on a rapidly - failing market the payment was in a measure concealed from the public. Instead of caueing an increase in prices, the duties partly arrested a de - cine, and while the effect on the pub- lic was quite as material it was tar less noticeable. DOCTOR THE HORSES. Stirs. Thos. Thompson, nettled, Octan., writes : "Ms husband would not be without Hagyard's Yellow Oil u the house, as he uses it a gond deal for doctoring up the horses and considers lt.splendid.” Price 25c. As an o ae! to the coal famine this winter, tl rr irow arises for next sum - seer, the poeeibility of a famine in ice. The storm weather w ther ur'n v during the e New 'ear's season has prevented the freez- ittg of Lake Simcoe to more than an a'Dcla.or. so in thickness, and the local ice men do not ' expect to be able to put their men to work before the 1st of February. It takes at least a month to gather in the entire harvest, and no ice can be counted on later than the end of March, The season often breaks up by the first of March. The Stratford Herald reiterates that not •.an atom of provocation was given by the Conservative party of North Perth to the Grand Trunk, for the at- tack made upon their candidate, air. .Monteith, There has not been a symp- tom of hostility on the part of Con- servatiyes towards the Grand Trunk. In fact, people in Stratford had been a unit in championing Grand Trnnk interests. Knowiug this the company ereps out and gives the Conservative party an ugly black eye in a contest here its ;v t Provincial al i n r• to Ests were not ied v n of . h v The Herald.suggests that the Company capitulated to the mach -hie as a part of the price of a subsidy from the Dominion Govern- ment. Mother "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given upto die. Then she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured," D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No ' matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thinyou can take. It's too iskY to wait until you have consump- tion. If you are coughing a today, getbottle ofl at once. Cherry a h Y rectar a Throe Sues: iso, enough for tatb7rd1 a cold: 60c,,9tutt right for bion t1 , hoar nsSS, hard cord,, etc.; $1, most eoofomiout for chronic cases *ea to kee on nand. 1. O. AVER Co., loran, miss. illRON, M1OD1FX, PERTH x..11 trio ROWS of Interest to Times Readers ftappenlnq [a these ,6otlntles Huron Dyspepsia an its worst forms will yield to' the use of Carter's: Little Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's' Little Liver Pills. They not ° only relieve present distress but strengthen the stomach: and digestive apparatus, A very pretty wedding took place at the comfortable residence of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Grieve, Mckillop, on, New Year's Eve, when their only daughter, Itl'fss Lizzie, was united in marriage to Thomas A. Beattie, a much respected, and promising young farmer of Hullett. D. W. McCallum, baggagemnn on Conductor Quirk's train from Wing - hare, has been appointed to succeed the late conductor Fitzgerald. He will have the morning run from Lon- don to Wingham. Mr. McCallum win move his .amily to Loudon in the spring. Mr. T. N. Forsyth, of Kippen, has entered on his twentieth year as teach- er of the school in No. 2, Tucker'smith. This is a good record for both teacber and people, as it goes to show that Mr. Forsythe is as gond teacher and that the people of the section appreciate worthwhen they have it. Last Sunday was the seventh anni- versary of Rev. Wm. Lowe's rector- ship of St, Paul's Church, Wiugham. That St. Paul's hats prospered under his pastoral care is evident, from the fact that every dollar of indebtedness has been paid off. There have been 102 cnnfirmed,l 37 baptisms, 57 mar- riages and 94 burials. At the residence of Mr. James Beat- tie, Seaforth, the fiftieth anuiyersary of the marriage of Rev. Gen. Buggin was celebrated on Jan lst. The happy couple were united in wedlock, in Birmingham, England Mrs Buggire is still engaged in the active ministry, and as both he and his estimable par tner are in the fortunate possession of the hest of health, they look forward to some years of service yet. The residence of Mr•, Charles Soole, Seaforth was the scene of an interest- ing event on Wednesday last, when his daughter, Miss Mary A. was unit- ed in marriage to Mr. Frederick J. G. McArthur, barrister, of Garman, Man- itoba and only son of Archibald A. McArthur, Esq., Winnipeg. The ceremony was performed at 12 o'clock noon, by Rev. J. Edmonds, Blyth, and was witnessed only by the most im- mediate relatives and a few intimate friends of the bride, WHY SNIFFLE AND SNEEZE Don't suffer any more with a cold in the head, just carry a Catarrhozone Inhaler in your vest pocket, use it now and again and you won't have colds. Catarrhozone knocks out a.cold in ten minutes, kills a headache in• five min- utes, and bard racking coughs in half an hour. Inhale the pleasant Catarrhs ozone vapor five minutes fnur times daily and it will cure Bronchitis, Lung Trouble, Deafness, Asthma. and Catarrh in any part of the system. Catarrhozone is the most direct, modern and scientific method, and is guarenteed to give satisfaction. Com- plete two months' treatment costs 31.00, trial size 25r. Druggists or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Pills eure Constipation. Middlesex x A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who has cold hands anti feet, caanot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength. Messrs. Toothe and Faulds, barris- ters, of London, bave issued a writ against the Grand Trunk Railway Company for 310,000. It is on behalf of Mrs. Elizabeth Pugsley, 511 Nelson street, who was injured in the recent Wanstead wreck, and who is still at the dity hospital. The following official appointments have been made by • His Lordship the Bishop of London, in the diocese of London:- "Rev. Father Noohan is changed from Biddutph to Dublin, to fill the vacancy made by the death of Father Fogarty. Rev. Father McMen- amin, pastor of the new parish of Clinton and Blyth, will succeed Math- er Nuohan in Biddulph. Rev. rather i Stan e is appointed. Stanley pp rated assistant priest to Vicar General Bayard. in St. Thomas, Rev. Father Driscoll suc- ceeds Father Stanley as assistant in Windsor. The newly ordained prieets Father Dunn and Father Emery are attached to the Cathedral staff." Mr. F, H. Neil, of the Maple Avenue Stock Farm near Lucan bas recently made a valuable aluabl importation o Cation In form of a Persian FatTail or Astra than Sheep which is quite a curiosity. The tails of these sheep weigh from thirty five to sixty pounds each, ao cording to the condition of the sheep. The skins of this breed of sheep isvery valuable for manufacturing robes, es, coats, etc. Mr. Neil's sheep is the first of that breed to enter Canada, and is one of the ten sent by the Persian Government to Southern California a .couple years ago, Mr. Neil bas paid a handsome price for this sheep and deserves much credit for his enter- prise, l GOT LAME Btt.CK OR LUMBAGO? No need of that now. That sort of pain can be knocked out in short or- der, for Polsou'e Nervlline, which is five times stronger than any other, penetrates at once through thetissues, reaches the source of suffering, drives it out and thus gives relief almost in stantly. Not magic, brit strength that that gives Poison's Nerviline this power, You will think le magic bow - ever it you try it,pain goee so quickly. Sold by dealers everywhere, xn large Zoe. bottles, "A gooct carctza makes strong arm." The Viers know l first that every pair is worthit,c fixed value, through their price on the sole "The Slater Shoe" E, J, SPACEMAN. General .Agent TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL IN- SURANCE, MEETING The twent .-ei twenty-eighth annual nieeetin I of the members of the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, was held lathe town,bafl Zurich an Tuesday, January lath 1003 at one o'clock. Owing to the stormy weath- er the attendance was small. Mr. 1 Samuel Brokensblre was appointed GY an. ha iiris ,e - ci tarn' Treasurerread the Se Directors', Auditor's and Manager's reports, During the past year 556 policies have been issued covering an Insurance of$1,071,080,00 and the year closed with 1809 policies in force, insuring property to the amount of 33,270,470.00. The total losses amount- ed to $5745.12 of which 33348.12 were caused by lightning. The company have been able to pay all these losses without an Assesment and still have $1504.60 in the Bank. The assets of the company are $I26,741.S8 with no liabilities. Election. -Geiger -Goetz- that Jno. Golman be Auditor. Green -Gram - that August G. Ehnes be Auditor. The chairman then declared Messrs. Gofman and Ehnes be auditors for the present year. Ivlessra. Yearley, ISalblieisch, Batt- ler, Ketlermann and Sarerus : were nominated for Directors, The poll re- sulted as follows : Yearley, 34 ; Kalb- fieisch, 45 ; Battler, 41 ; Kellermann, 47 and Sarerus, 54. The chairman then declared Messrs. Kalbfleisch, Battler and Sererus elected for three years and Mr. Keliermann elected for two years. Usborne Council - IONOt The new council meet at Township Hall, Elimvilie, on Jan. 12th, pursuant to statute. The members were all present, except councillor J. Moir, and made and subscribed the necessary declarations of office and qualification. The following officers were appoint- ed for the ensuing year at the salaries named :-P. Morley, Clerk, 3125.00 no allowance for postage ; Paul Coates, Treasurer, $70,00 ; Wm. Miners, As- sessor, 355.00 ; Wm. Brock, Collector, 350.00 ; Thos. Veal, Caretaker of Hall, 35.00 ; Joshua Johns, Wm, A. Turn- bull, Auditors. • BOARD OT" HEALTH. -The Reeve ; Clerk; : Peter iifcTaggart James Handford a H. Borland ; H. K Hynd- man, M. H. O. Jas. C. Tufts, Sanitary Inspector. FENCE VIEWER$ --J. Copeland, A. Cole, P. Moir, R. Delbridge, R. Doupe and Jas. Earl. POUND KEEPERS -ties. Rook, R. Hunter, R. Reddy, Alex. McDonald, Wm. Taylor, Wm. Atkinson, John Thompson, Fletcher D. 1' Switzer. The Treasurer's Bond was approved f•r the current year, and endorsed ac - TV: ,Y .- • wasinstructed to draft a lbs- (..! ik bylaw confirming the appointment of officers at salaries named. .e :.•nation of $5.00 was granted 'to - _e • 4 the me,iriter,ance of the Sick Clrr,lwieii'; Hospital, Toronto. The Clerk was instructed to order eight copies of the Municipal World for the council and officers. Accounts amounting to $28.45 were passed and orders issued in payment. Secretaries of Public School Trustee Boards will please look up Sec: 19, sub. sec. 3, of Public Schools Act and comply with its provisions. Don't forget Sec. 65, sub, sec. '9. Council then adjourned to meet,/ Feby. 7th, at 1 o'clock p. m. F. MoRLEY Clerk, SStephen g COUNCIL, The Council of the tow i - ship of Stephen convened in the Tovsl Ball, Crediton, on Monday, Janna ' 12th, 1903 at 11 a. m. All the me bers were present, The folio . F e newly -elected council took their*, declaration and qualification, of office: Reeve, Henry Willert ; Councillors, Wm. Anderson, Frederick Wuerth, Stephen Webb, and William Yearley. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Anderson -Year- ley -That Chas.Brown be appointed y P P treasurer and caretaker at his former salary. -Carried, Anderson- Webb -that a grant be, given to the Sick Children's Hospital. Toronto.- Car - ft 'Eon can make your bar. nese as soft am a glove, and as tough es wire by asing EVREifto Hstr. n®s• 011. You can lengthen its lrfo-make it last twice as long •a it ordinarily would. 4.e Harness r l makes a pOor looking bar. 0055 oke new. Mane, of Pure, heavy bodied en, eta poohdl prepared to, With. stand the weather. ppoll - everywhere In Cana—awls Sizes, $lads 4 111P a1AL OIL 0011111T. tied. Wuerth.disrleltnir, orx1y desly- lirg to take the grant f $5,00 An- derson -Webb- traria 4,osepii Guinan he appointed assessor for. the year 1903 at his former salary, --- Carried, The clerk laid a collaniunwation before. the council from 1. Q'&ien, of Cen- tralia, asking for a granit + 'itrfi r*, telephone line from Centralia. to Mount Carmel, -Ordered to be Med, Anderson-Wuerth- that the audi. tors be paid the sung of $9.00 as their renlenerayro ., -- Carried, Wuerth dissenter) ; .siring to make their salary $ . Wuerth - Anderson - that the , n ing : contract be given to the Exet, Advocate et their former tender, -;M , . ried, Yearley- Webb-- that By- -t o, 1, of 1903, appoint. Ing tree - ', assessor, and caretaker*, having been read the third time be passed. - Carried. The council ap- pointed William Anderson for the Board of I3ealth; for three years. Dr. Ezra Heist was appointed Medical Health Officer, The Clerk was in- structed to -write the clerk of the township of Bosanquet regarding a road leading to a bridge to be built be- tween the municipalities, across the Bauble river. The following orders were granted:- Township. Treasurer, 32.70 ; Express Company, 70c, ; Thos, Whittaker, 36,50 ; Richard Handford, 312.00 ; Richard Harelford. 310.00 ; Hospital for Sick Children, $10:00 ; Mathew Winer, 32.00 Chester. Prouty, 325 00 ; 0 ottleb Brown, $90 ; John Brokeushire, 30.00 : B urry Doyle, $9.00 • Poir:g Booths, $1.00 , Election ' 59 ,00,P.Bak Baker, 310.00 ; Dr. E. A. Raist, $14. Coun- ci1 then adjourned to meet again the second day of VI arch; 1903, : at ten a. in., when path -masters, pound -keepers and fence viewerswillbe appointed. HENRY EMBER, Township Clerk. __a. - Grad iton BzuE1rs - Mrs. Emma Lewis, of South River is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eilber.-. Mr, Fred Kerr spent a few days in London during the week. -Miss Rob- ertson, of (Merton, has been engaged in the place of Miss Elsie McCallum, who resigned her pooil.iun in order to accept a similar siatetion.ire the Exeter scheme Darin the time Miss 1vlcCallum taught her it wo many tri ends an . d. taught i t u '9s with rth great satisfaction to the lye ustees.--' Messrs. Mose Raist' and Diefener, of Sebewaing, Mich., are her visiting relatives.'- Bernard Brown and Mr. John• Br.wp, is .Kilmarragh, spent the past week vieiting friends in,itamilton and vicinity. - Mr. John Gould and son George, of Manitoba are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. John G. Young, - Mr. Josiah Metz lost a number of sheep through dogs last week. The dogs have been killed and the owner of the sheep paid for the damages, Mr. Frank Chambers of the 8th con- cession, of Stephen, is confined to his bed with a severe attack of Bright's disease. A little over a week ago he cut his band which turned to blood poisoning. He had almost recovered from its effects when he was stricken with Bright's disease and is now in a critical condition. -Mr, Charles Wind left last week for Detroit where he has accepted a situation. -The annual business meeting of the Evangelical Sunday school was held on Sunday morning at close of the service. The Secretary read a report for the past year. 12,172 verses, were learned by the scholars, of which Miss Mary Ann Oestreicher was the highest. The school is one of the largest in the country, having 21 teachers and 256 scholars. The following were appoint- ed officers for the present year: - President, J. H. Holtzman ; Vice. Pres., Sam. Brown ; Treasurer, Ber- nard Brown ; Secretary, Miss Lydia Finkbeiner ; Librarian, Gotfried Gei- ser ; Organist, H. K. Either ;. Ass't orgar,irt Miss Agnes Bahner. Mr. Charles Brown who has b. en Presi- der,t, of the echoel the past 45. years, tenderedhis a e , eignation, which was accepted with great regret. The meeting gee a Mr. Brown a hearty Vote of cheeks for the able manner in which he lets eouductecl the school' for so many years. CALIFORNIA - OREGON ECOUR- SION ,very day in the year the Chicago, nion Paci#is and Northwestern Line uns through first class Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in Cal- ifornia and Oregon. Three through trains daily. The route of the famous "Overland Limited," Personally con- ducted excursions from Cihcago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and other Pacific Coast points,, leaving Chicago on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Lowest rates. Choice of routtfs. Fnest scenery. Maps, illustrated folders etc, furnished free. Rates gutted. Address R. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East ,Ding street, Toronto, Ont. GENERAL NEWS .l'r The Leamington Post has changed its make-up to sixteen pages instead of eight. It is a decided improvement. After a night with Cho boys" their zs no bet- ter remedy to clear the head and settle the stomach than Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders. Price roe. and 25e. at all dealers.. More cases of sick b.adache, bilious- ness, constipation can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver, Pills than by any other means. All kinds of 'Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, 'Whooping Cough, Pains in the Chest, Wheez- ing, Hoarseness, Sore Thro ti. and Asthma, t r slow, to lie Ln yi n hca.ing proportiea of Dr. Weed's Norway Pine Syrup, Irice 25 cents, Mr. Chamberlain very properly told the Boers that John Bull is getting somewhat tired of their incessant de• mends, and thinks it is Hine they tried to shape their lips to speak those fine old'Etiglish words, "Thank you." SICK WITH WORMS. Mrs J. D. Mayo, SouthStnlcely, P. Q., wrote the following: "Ono of my children took sick with worms, and after trying everything• with- out getting relief We pproeured Dr, Low's Worn Syrup which acted promptly and effect- ual Southern newspapers declare open. ly that if f Pr gident Roosevelt appoint colored men or women to official posi- tions in the south they will be assassin- ated. The President's appointees will evidently be confronted with the sten- nous life. Heirs of Dr, and Mrs, W. F, Pena, warden, who wereki,led ill the Granct c'In•rnNtUnuwAltRllilnilUUlIIIIIny111100IUIIUWens inlmm umuuti uumumnlulnlumnnu umErmi11mninu I11Rmnr AVegeiab1eP epatationforAs- silniinting theToodandl3e ula- t h the.Stomariis ai dBowe1s of. ThAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE pF Protnol s'Digestion,Cheerful- nesslandRest.Gonta nsneither vOQ pima -Morphine nor Mineral. NOT 4TAI3CTIOTIC. tisS •Z' va. dlodie a'Sa7s - oldsatve mii0„Q tcJW7m. paonseera - rr7,,1'rrgra• . l AperfecUlemedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stoinach,Diarrhoea, Worn' s,Convulsions,Feverish' nes;; end Lo SS OF SLEEP, Tac Simile Signature of NEW 1(0131E., IS ON THE WRAPPER . or EVERY T C T' T; OF f;$ in,cixi tlks 'old ows..— CY NT- Castor's Is put up In one -size bottles only, .It is not sola in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything elseon the plea or promise that it is 1st as goodt and"will answer every pur- pose," "See that you get 0-11,-S-T.O-R-I A, The fac- simile signature of ._ oa .. 7. iiGC ovtooel wr8ypeh '; :e.t.a.. eit'w'efe ' ``." :`- e .t. , e,:e e ,.. ren' Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound. of Cure." Why not cure that cough a£'' yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse . A bottle of one of our own, Cough Medicines will cure you, We carry a large as- sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some o our remedies. B1iowrirk g's Dicug Store Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago.. Xenia/We, and Goutareall completely cured by Mil - burn's Rheuniatio PIU,,, the great specific rheumatic remedy. Price 50c a box at all'. dealers.•. At this time of the year when sore throe," pain in the chest, rheumatic pains and WIGSare so prevalent, it would be wisp to keep on•• hand a bottle of Hagyard's Ye}lour Oil. It is tt perfect medicine chest. Price 25c. SICK BEAI).ACBE. Mrs. Joseph Wordworrh, Ohio. U. S., Says? "I been troubled wi h sick headers he for over a year. Lately 1 started taking Laxa- Liver Pills and they did ane a world of good acting without pain or gripi •g'." GRIPPE HEADACHE Mrs. c. Appleton Whitewood, N. W. T.., writes: "nrilbtirn's Sterling Headaobe Powders have given ore great relief from the terrible' pains of La Grippe In my head and through my - back." Price 10cand 25c., all dealers. ateereeetteettaelleareeeliteere TitCre +g i' Take Laxative r ° o Seven Million boses'sald Le pest 12 months. a5 51 11 1 T3baets. fljz This signature, vv. dye - Cants Chip in Two Days. OBIS every Ito 25c. iia Trunk wreck at Wanstead Ont., are lined up for a contest over the estate, If Mrs. Penwarden died first (and it is proved that she did by several minu- tes) the property goes to the doctor's relatives. Mrs. Pen warden's relatives claim her husband died first and there- fore the property goes to them. VERY.esseenmeentsr SO DIFFERENT Some people condemn our advertising, because it is so very different from other advertising. Many people praise our Medicine, because it is so very different frons other Medicines. The difference in each case is intentional. IRONOX TABLETS ARE AN INVALUABLE NERVE TONIC. A GENTLE 13UT EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Try Them Your health will be so very different. 50 Tablet 25 Cents HA NO PEER IN THE WEST. H. AT LONDON DAILY THAT LEADS ' ALL COMPETITORS. The London Free Press Printing. Company, Limited, have entered up- on the new year with fresh evidence of the abundant enterprise which has always characterized that newsiest and most wideawake of the big dailies of the west. No expense is spared to obtain the latest news. ' The mane ement of this iris g portant daily have just establisheda special corps of vigilant news gatherers in every section of the western part of the Province. These special corres- pondents have bad placed et their i. '. immediate service i . s re the i telegraph ores of the country,and n canbe relied upon to furnish in gn°c'c and crisp style every happening of interest. The great news collecting agencies of the world will continue to supply the Free Press with complete cable and telegraphic reports. The sporting events of the clay, with readable comment upon past and pros- pective incidents in all departments of sport, will be given in comprehensive manner. As an illustrated newspaper, the Free Press leads in Canadian journal- ist)). Portraits of notable people, and reproductions of scenes of interest, are reularly furnished, Olrei .. latest and . acetrrate market re- per 1 s are invade e specially important feat um. Farmers and business men i wit , have experienced the value of these reports find theta indispensable, A serial story or t y of engrossing interest is among the numerous other depart• merits of this popular journal. l The Free Press is now a ten -page newspaper daily, with sixteen pages on Saturday. It is issued in three edi- tions -morning, two o'clock and even- ing. The early morning issue covers the west from five to eight hours ahead of other competitors. It is circulated in eyery city, town and 'village in Western Ontario. The price is $3 per year, delivered at,any post office. The two o''clock•and evening editions are each $2 per annum at your .post office. The eyer-increasing circulation has made it necessary to install, the very latest improved fast -running presses, and visitors to the city will always be welcome callers. The presses can be seen in operation at the honrs of 4 a. m. and 1 and 3.30 p. m. The Women's Page is a feature of Saturday's Free Press it contains in- teresting news for the women of Ontario. Mal! iakfI$t Food Is a Food For Health Not For Thought. A breakfast grain food preparation that requires thought, consideration or deliberation before it can be used is not a safe article of diet for health seekers. Life is too short, health too precious and time too valuable, to make any article of diet a food for thought. Malt Breakfast Food has passed the stage of infancy ; it does not demand hours of thought before it can be used; the ablest medical men and the most noted food experts place it at the bead of all grain foods because of i tshealth- givinand energy -producing qualities. It is she food for' the a weak and strop the athlete and the invalid.All over this continent the fame of Malt Break- fast J3'ood has been .established as a health food, All grocers. Western Advertiser A Weekly, 12 Page, 7 Column Paper Sent to any address in Canada or the United States to for Seventy-five -five Cerate aearl y n advance. Valuable pic- ture premiums sent to all subscribers. - Tile "Western flduertiser" -AND- "Farming Clubbirig Rates vWe have completed clubbing ar- rangements for 1903 with several o$ • the -leading newspapers. All of the following with the exception of the dailies, will be sent to any address from now until January 1st, 1904, for amount named. The rates will be as follows:: The TIMES and Family Herald and Weekly Star from now to January, 1904, for $1.75 -- "Purity" and "Alone" -two beauti- ful pictures -are given to all subscrib- ers for the above price. See sample pictures at this office. The TemEs and the Weekly Globe for 31,6Q rhe TIMESMontreal Witness from now to Jan. lst, 1904, for..$1.65- The TIMES and Weekly Mail • and Empire from now to Jan. lst 1904, for .. $1.75. The above includes a choice of two handsome pictures entitled "The Doc- tor" and "Contentment". Samples or which may be seen at this office. The TIMES and Daily Mail and Empire, morning edition, for one year for........ ..... 34,25 The TIMES and Daily Mail and Empire, evening edition, for one year for S3, 25 The TIMES and the Presbyterian for one year for $2.25 The TIMES and The IN eekly Sun front now to Jan. 1st, 1904 for31.75. The TniiEs and London Daily Ad- vertiser for one year for $2,50; The TIMES and. London Weekly Advertiser for one year for31.5D The Texts and Toronto Daily Globe for one year for . , .34.25; The above includes a beautiful cal- endar in colors, that is easily worth fifty cents. The TIMES and Toronto Daily • Saar for 2.50} The TIDIES and Toronto Daily News for.... ....... ..... . 2.50 TheTI bIES and Farming ming World fo • ............ 1.85 The Timm and Farming for1.75 The TIMES and Christian Guard- ian for 2.00 The lamas and Free ing edition, for Press, morn- 3.25. The Teems and Free Press, noon or evening edition, for 2.75 The Tiaras Ins and Free Press, week • - ly edition, for' 1.75 NOTE --Our list is not yet complete Anyone wishing a paper or magazine not in the above list will please inquire at, the office for subscription price, EXETER TIMES OFFICE. i ondon, Huron and Brucc, NK oria" ctoiso Nonxix Passenger. London. depart 8.15 e. 8r. I.AO r•, at.. Centralia 0.1 .5.50 Exeter 9,80 6.0 sus H all Kippen 9.440 6.25 iiruooftold .. . ......... 9.6 83 Clinton . 10.15 .00 Winsghttm arrive 1x.10. 8.00 Gor a MYTxt- WIngham,de art.,:. Passenger Olintcn p .47 A. nr. 3.15I. , Britcefceld 7.07 4.25 Ki... on , .. 8.15 4,99 Honsall..... .15 4.7 .22 5.yy tl2 Exeter , 8.85. 5.10 Centralia ; London,ar.rtv0... , I87 6.12- -SENT TOR- .$1 !OR-r YERIl IM Balance of this year FREE to all sub- scribei's 3 for 190., WESTERN ADV ER'I ISER, LONDON. ONTARIO,