HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-24, Page 3Mews and fecitars
An identification officer is dusting for fingerprints at the front door of the Hensall Bank
of Montreal. Friday was payday for many of the workers in Hensall. Since the bank was
closed for the remainder of the day people had to go to Exeter and Clinton to do their
banking. (Todd .Mowatt photo)
Stanley Township opposes
Ontario Hydro corridor
STANLEY TWP..- Stanley Council passed
a resolution objecting to an Ontario Hydro
power corridor corning through' 1hirttrl
County when they met for their regular ses-
The objection was based on three factors;
Huron county is the site of some of the hest
agricultural land in Canada. the line would
adversely affect bush land, and hydro pro-
posals fail to list adequate..cornpensation.•
Colborne Township's motion objecting to
the north -south corridor was supported.
' Reeve Paul Steckle said no Matter where
the towers go, they will be in position for a
long time. He believes that •not.only should
the present owner of land be compensated
for monetary and other losses, but compen-
sation should be ongoing.
Council supported a motion asking MTC to
extend the reduced speed zone from Clinton
out to Huronview.
Stanley's $11,800 share of the $35,000
Bayfield and area fire budget was approv-
The Brucefield Fire Department will pur-
chase 19 pagers for their volunteer,firernen
at an approximate cost of $8,500:
Tuckersmith Clerk Jack Mcl'.achlan has
been invited to attend a future council
meeting to explain the operation and costs
f the day care centre at Vanastra.
Julie and Nancy Webster have been hired
to cut grass and maintain the grounds at the
community park this summer.
;tita)ireen Regier of Zurich, has been hired
as a sumn'er student under the Involvement
in Municipal Administration program,
replacing Michelle Connolley. She begins
her four-month term May 1.
Donnegan Haulage of Listowel, submitted
the lowest of five tenders to deliver approx-
imately 20,000 tonnes of gravel at $2.05 per
tonne. The highest tender was $2.42.
Deputy -Reeve Don McGregor and Coun-
cillor Jack Coleman will attend the AMO
convention_ in Ottawa as voting delegates.
'1'wwo other members of council will also at-
The Huron Farm . and Home Safety
Association was given a grant of $50.
The 1985 budget will be presented at the
May meeting.
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Prop 1larlrnr' Armstrong &
tam! tarior
Clinton Raceway looks for support
from page 1
groups when the raceway doesn't pay "
Raceway Committee members feel that
their organization should be exempt from
the user fee because they built the bar area.
Raceway member Case Buffinga also noted
that the fee price wasn't "out of line, but we
just can't afford this in 1985."
Councillor Hunter told council that other
groups had also contributed to the con-
struction of the bar area.
The raceway issue has been a longtime
debate around the Clinton Recreation table.
The user fee question was debated at the
recreation committee's March meeting
when Chairman Ron McKay asked, "Is the
raceway getting the park too cheap?"
"Is the track costing the town money?" he
asked. "I have a gut feeling it is."
Mr. McKay stated that the other groups
use the track and the arena facilities and
"they pay up front." He noted that minor
hockey operates at a loss, but the organiza-
tion pays for ice time. -
Councillor Hunter noted, "The track is an
industry in Clinton. It provides and
generates revenue for the town."
Chairman McKay agreed but said be
didn't think "the town should foot the bill."
"The racing people built that grandstand.
Not one dollar of town money was used
there. How can we charge rent?" Councillor
Hunter asked. '
Councillor Hunter presented the recrea-
tion committee's position to.council.
The recreation committee, he said,
understands that the raceway is set up as a
non-profit organization and profits
generated from racing are put towards com-
munity work and park . improvements. In
1984 the raceway donated $3,000 to the Clin-
ton Public Hospital and plan to make
"Hospital Day" an annual event. The
raceway also donated $1,000 to the Clinton
Fair Board and spent $23,000 on im-
provements at the park.
Councillor Hunter said, "The raceway
made many improvements to the track, but
they've benefitted racing, not the general
The recreation committee would like to
see more money from the raceway set aside
to finance general recreational needs in
Clinton. Councillor Hunter suggested, "If
they (the raceway) can put $30,000 into rac-
ing (the cost of the new tote board) then they
can put $2,000 into recreation."
Mr. Buffinga told council that the
raceway isn't in a money making position,
at least not in 1985. A major expense this',
year will be a new $30,000 electronic tote
board. The present tote board is beyond
As well,•Mr. Buffinga noted, televisions in
the bar area and betting area need replac-
ing. •The raceway is looking at capital ex-
penditures of at least $36,000 in'1985. •
Along -with the capital expenditures the
raceway's operating costs include $35,000
paid in wages and $110,000 paid to the
The raceway received financial backing
through the provincial government. In 1984
they received a $17,000 grant. This money is
allocated specifically for capital expenses.
In 1985 the grant receivedwill amount. to
Still, in 1984 the raceway ended the year
with a $4,000 loss. The Raceway Committee
says that without the provincial funding, the
Clinton Raceway may have folded in 1983.
Mr. Buffinga says there is no question that
the raceway can make a profit, but 1985 may
be an exception because of the extra capital
The Clinton track will see 15 race dates
this season, running from June 23 to
September 15.
Raceway Committee members see the
raceway as a major Clinton employer, an w-
dustry and a major tourist attraction. The
track attracks 700 to 1,500 people each race
The Raceway Committee met with coun-
cil to discuss three items in particular -
outstanding bills, financial backing and
moral support.
The outstanding bill issue dates back to
1982 and 1983 and insurance payments
amounting to $2,900. The Raceway Commit-
tee said the town agreed to cover those in-
surance costs. Council said no such written
agreement was made. It has been suggested
That perhaps a conversation concerning the
insurance payments may have taken place
t a meetingbetween the raceway and coun-
cil in 1982.
Another outstanding bill amounts to
$3.,900, payable to Clinton Public Works, for
drainage work at the track.
Mr.- Buffinga proposed to council that
these bills be written off.
"If the town could waive these bills we
could manage without going into the'red."
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His second proposal was to receive finan-
. w1 1,on4in„ r.'nm tho tn,,m ThiC, la/,14c rl ,nc+ in
The Raceway Committee's third point
was to open communication lines and pro-
vide information to council.
Mr. Buffinga said that a liasion commit-
tee between the raceway and the town coun-
cil should be formed. He noted, `The
raceway is not recreation, it's a business.
We're debating the idea of reporting to coun-
cil because of poor communications in the
past and to alleviate the animosity that's
occurred m the past between recreation and
the raceway."
Council's decision was not to waive the
outstanding bills, but to charge user 'bees
and to cover losses on the raceway's 1985
operating costs of up to $10,000.
Mayor Chester Archibald supported the
$10,000 guarantee and payment of accounts.
Deputy Reeve Van Altena wanted the user
fees reduced. Councillor Charlie Burgess
noted, "Even if we help them that money
comes back to the town."
Councillor Hunter noted that the financial
backing should be on operating costs alone,
not capital expenditures. He explained, "I
guarantee they'll be running at a loss on
their capital expenditures."
The Raceway Committee has been in-
formed in a letter of council's decision. The
debate will not end there.
"We'll pursue this issue further," Mr.
Buffinga told the News -Record. He hopes to
come to a suitable • agreement without caus-
ing further disagreement between the town
and the raceway.
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