HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-1-15, Page 1THIRTIETH YEAR- -.'No 9 .;..y, x9407.4 4.4..+4 . ++»11 •t1÷xr•1F 4.40..1 +SII++tial etIee.44 EXETE. t,' , O r* ensal1 G. J . Sutherland, Notary an14Qt 'Conveyan- cer, Conlmiseloner, nd Usurer of Marriage Licenses. 4 a0ol1y awtraonbrateMo n Y $ loan axi real estate atlow ratesolxntorest . Ofliee at the l.'ost Onlee Bonsaii ha aRTEIPS. — Oae a of events took place , oorbe of L e OAe,`i.A, also making' graft ixiaprovama -- Tlia Missal Maggie anq.Jassio lsuxl,on their dome with an attack of them.— have have spent the halid.:'Weateott Hand Ings Jeanie t eatparenta droof. vissit- Uarents, -- oms ra. J. u las, wit:ns, irnred Miners is spending a week's hos. +ounge o disc t ng r141 at Riicbard Coates' days at his !tome here. 14ir• Th toba, aro v .. d i11rs, Switzer have recurred Vaal;'and hMrss,n bistWoods s re pleased ve -afar, anat Listowel been on t ah of those happy after a two;. weeks visit able have d ga it Mr. and Mrs. Whaley to say are abbe to be aratpnd again. - 4 and bee p at the home roves ani •Year right and do not purchase Start theNem'y g t, s1x1. Sta • before seeing,our samples and price --STOVES -RANGES C F, S — r>rRlyA Tinware, Paints,. Hardware, Shelf and. Heavy hardware - store Slas,.. hin kept in a . , Glass, . lllfact everything. . found here, will be. Store Plumbing U C a IFu rir lace.Work .---g1£,A.TE STRAPS •--1.00i ,EY ,STIC' S t 1°4Haw' i e A . .a,.t.+F++l+,k++l,+'r *1< >.+3 +%+ +4+,fi++l •t +1++1 1+x+•1++1+ • TE[ UBS A,Y MORNING; NG; J A .E . tY 1.5 J, 1903 - ' tris rand Mane" cinildrela are confined to visiting at St. Marys. lr. Our r iail o put on the milli motto have been t Eden new Horse n s owho taught everyday enu . l gthe trip avBuswell, siltusw ,de B made I'have m d d Edgar 11they ;1Mi,present h y on Christmas eve, when, only.: mar- liofor some .years is at . ha "2". '. riage4 1Annieto]Lavine. Ilwas ton, aned ter ris-, l teaehirkg • in Western Alberta. His and considering ing een well Martha y u Robt. Hamilton, . en edd i health is not much better. Hera spent the past ,-Mt with t a . 'inyoung farmer of r. ter . s eesall ""`- parents at Zion,—Th. a Winchelsea bu +a+ is a niece of ddv, Dr__ Med best S, " .exsmith ter evokers attended the Dairy (7 ria. 4.t- • wie 1, G. thein manyf friends - The with McIntyre, of terStion rs Brantford this weeky(t .3•of their n thv s go' IEIr'S. — Miss X. ,Mc y 1 drawers ford t a . " ad' ,i, ubl resent visiting at Win. the milk .I,• Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton abla •c vaodge;! ' Medford is at present ,Gordan and Miss 'v"t ednesday'. troubled gear; brought fader and are ___. __ now being brought int nd market, new gQHenderson .afrSt.r William Arm-' Gel lch ` meets with ready demo ing sister, M count! was sworn in on Monday evenstrong their present,—We 8 "are sorry to -- . — niembersbeing pre -s °aerie Gould has been Baines.—The annual meetinggofhthe loci 11Athenate. ilial Ivlis Evangelical Sunday school w d confined to her room for some time illness, but we lxopa on. Sunday last, when the iollowixig to severe illn , t : Superintendent, owing g oiiicers were elected. P that she will Mrs. Lnuke RobinsonandD. S. Faust ; assistant superintendent, Mr. and treasurer, M. Geiger ;1 Miss Young, all., of, G. Holtzman ; granddaughter, g secretary, D.' Steinbach ; librarians, Thedford, visited friends here durtn Hrsias holidays, —112r. Lancaster, E. Holtztnan. and C. Silber:.. The ther of Rensall, called on annual report showed the school had )a seeds here e 9 • vening last week.— had a prosperous year. M'Iiss Ethel bleeds here ane evening Man,, is Murlock, of Henson, visited her sister, rr be , arweek.---Mrs. •C y of r e a` t ss , 1 a D y li W be , ra a_ m o Ua a ho D 'hbx 6 i, P ei Mx. visiting friends in this n g are Henry Geiger from' Michigan was in at ch pleased; Inc to see him nds here looking well.with much see town this week visiting relatives.—Mr. g Valentine lKocheme spent a week TosephDauncep and wife of Sharon _ here las; week.—Rog'- Mr. and Mrs. Seigner atifDurha ._ visited friendsaround oho Witwer and wife, '.of New is able to be .Mr, J •s broth - Miss •NorthcottHamburg, visited Mr. Witwer. again after e recent severe ills visit- Fred, this week.—The annusl lyliss her Celia { edl,is, of London is t meeting. of the Hay Agricultural Soci- prese r brother and ,other friends at resent. qty' was held in Town Hail on Wed- P nesday. -A- number of men went onstrik ees e Zurich flax ' on T ill (+,gilt, Alia day mor iat ng, but the differences were quickly adjusted and most of their men returned to work next day.—Mr. and Mrs. . R, S. Richardson returned last Monday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Martin 1 raus, at Howard City, Mich, -Walter Fee, of. the !sound Plain, N. W. T., is visiting hie brother, William, of. the Goshen Line. Miss Lizzie Ronnie has been. laid up with a sore throat but is rapidly recovering. Mise Theresa Axt is visiting Mrs. Hen- drick, e of the Sauble Line.—San z is employed by J. A. Williams to M- etall lights.—, g hu stall the. Lutheran c • and Chas oto fD Dakota, Messrs.. M. Pife, a Trayer, of Hillsgreen, were visitors with Mr. and Mr Henry .Ortwein on Thursday. --Miss Elia. Rennie is visit- ek. week.' ing her sister at Dashwood this at un da ant S y Hess , ' H P ne n i ,—Miss A i G and a Dashwood. --Mrs. Canrthe lath can, ensu,., her son,. Edward, of are • visiting friends ever of in heaveEloirrid. Mich. -Mr. Peter Bea , a former resident of St, 3o.epb, .was •he 'at t. rt theforepart ea nP in tow. he at t week.— A quiet wedding took place home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Block, on Tuesday last when' Mrs. Modes sister , sent,nig Mi.. S. C. Stoneman was ap- et+ oined as clerk, and the following I -a ointed:— Jos. Ellis, allre `w were pp Iassessor 1 well, asses , • treasurer : Wm. Ca d ,9 I A. Murdock, tax collector,-- A. crena • concert will beheld in. Millers opera + hall, on Tuesday evening, 20th,—Kiss +I+' Blanche Petty, of Toronto, asre- a '§' turned to the city after spending hn +her mother, Mrs J with days few ith met w 9 Petty. ---Mrs; Logan, who • an accident,; together with, her moth- er, Mrs, Joseph Hudson, when driv- ing into the village from !dills Green, a few weeks ago, left here on Monday Iast for her bome in Forest. We are glad to learn that her mother, who sustained the most serious injury,: is now impp__r__oving although somewhat r enter- prising H. Harburn, t h- r L doinga s ricin florist, bas s been inbusiness all through. the holiday g had an un- usually large. and fine display of car- are BItI 1 U` T OF .'['}[ f can GOING OUT Wr 1 V 1 go out Having; decided to business, we_ will of the slice b our .stock of -fear out all' o. 'Rubbers 2,t ub. Boots •ulloer and R, • 1 . d,3Ost. 1. re,. Now is the tilnc to sectrel {{ in , .Marga Harness al - .A. l stock` of H ways. on and, Convince You our stock of.Fall that and Winter goods is i inequalled.. See for if yo MFowLER BRos sale of DryGoods, Clothing, Boots and, Shoes, Our clearing , i . n who makes- a pur- chase Etc.,still 'continues, Every person chase is well pleased, Such values were. never before offered in Exeter. Have you taken advantage of the opportunity. .We We would .again -remind you of our bargains in Clothing d' f great many Men's and Boys Suits and Overcoats. are Exposing t a .res. low rices. But we still have several lines to select at extremelyP and since then a rorn. Conte at once and make your selection You will find a nice assortment of . Staple Goods. still on'hand that is being cleared out at your own price. -- e have sesreral nice setts that SEE OUR DINNER SETTS,—W cost are to be sold below offering our grocery stock at a sacrifice. .off This week we are g Teas. They universal satisfactions• you tried out? Tea give Have• Y They will be sold at cost price. Leaf Salmon 2 cans for '_ • , Maple Lea tin Pork and Beans.. • , ... • . + "a, . ' ", Large , :. ... . u Lombard Plums: in .Syr p cleared need toquote prices. Everythng to be I3ut no P short time at bargain ,prices, - as other flowers, nee.—Diss' Hines, of Elimville, nations as well his is spending a few days with Mrs. W. believe n intends- enlarging from h - friends ever inthe near future, in order ,Robnsadn.hoMmr lbert Mitchell has to poemises for his return j creast gcco business. - Carling, in Grananoque, Landsdowne e and En- ce andincreasing business. skating continue the or- dors. giiHicks.dcMr. and Mrs. ,W, f En - hockey of hand the rink is the Miss I .—MV. entertained W, der the day, evening of last,. point of 1, is attraction. —Miss Stalls, of league very g re e Mrs. r a Montreal, is visiting. n her aunt,.of nd n week.—Miss M. and L, Handford fo d are Billings. in the village duri the , Burin the past visiting in' Londonwho has been gsiting. J was in , week, .s ending a day oras with Mrs. Lir, parsonage McDonald,er her R. P r Mel- at'the parsonage has returned to y€ R. Fulton and family. Masts alts ill Mir- home in Detroit.—Mr. of last week has been q spent Sunday, Stoneman on s t ne n P Sto a ' le - Gr rd.— vIl ov dfo -m r >:laLa ince g the past week, but is now i P the ;nest ut Mrs. James assts of Young of Rossbitrn, Man., . d Miss Ford wL:re the g M in ERS, 13ENSAL%. week, v - t V b ..-. rs, an r. t. n last. 1 nn a o , Sunday, Y u ' Mxs. g y • aw Ord on S 1 f in end ter. b 'e i3 u n da er Miss An g ti. g M - the d pas; io an a the, Paul, t h P in P St. dor of e ilI ' lla H vi , ' the. in —Mrs—Geo, w $ tt. x f iii w o E o f7 R, McDougall, 4v. her ' rs. •o L t , si tinher b OL gest ekthe u of e , in g kiE l7LOTH this village, and other relatives passenger RS O1:iME & ORME elephono u.—Cent sou late oe In• . to poor coal; and steam(- &keen o oo>lneo a to m ppen :ralttl.put. -.. • d Id had all it coo vicinity of KiPPan. —.The _ rain'on Monday evening •frog►. lite T and owing Of1iCo hottra 10 a.. m. to 4 ii,-mLuca th was two hours , 1 4y tion with main affi Foulitra u. tt P g an Mica _aPKa F Esli ftMD S %taTED hflTS vinpurchased the 'Butcher sin g P T. Manning, Business fronx.Mr. j•' our patron- . lve solicit a share of y . ,age. We keep the Best ofMeats on both fresh and salted, always H • more steam. --•ter. . Ntooresviile • BRIEFS —lir Johnathan Atkinson, visit afore ge in - Samuel Smillie, wa a i st week a t- fi Id during th p a Egos. a -In Exchange --For Good -- -Fresh Groceries. New give .and efficient • toache aid R Bert Mar is stifferin; from an dt- 1 P 25C. 8c, .8c; out in a d 141 4-444. dents on Victoria, Carling an art --+ k for 4. b street, was presented as ing TAL I BAZAAR corner of Carling and Victoria streets.rl+ +II+' (This aa. Changes Every 'Week) ." 1' a 50 candlpower electric light at the Dawkins --Manning, — That a cn mittee consisting of the Reeve, Coun- cillor Cobbledick, and the street oom- missioner be appointed to investigate and report forthwith,— Carried. crani Gillespie—Hawkins.—That a - of $10.00 be made to the. Sick Child - rev's Hospital, Toronto.—Carried, he That t B race e , set- ' nt$.m t a Institute n s d the Farm r for some time pas ren ing who has lar, —qtr. John asiddleton, t been in Lucan, . was in the village this week. - Miss Reynolds, daughter of err, A. N. Rey- nolds, ey nolds, of this yillage, has entered upon her duties as assistant school teacher in our.public school, and will no doubt excellent service, being a, pains- r.Ir. ;hest glees p o k g la -grippe.— We believe ar- Goods arriving d some evening ally_ tan o made to hold a •rangements are being .next carnival here, ie k ltr. J McArthur, ' hardwa SOOT T Orders delivered promptly. Case's Old Stand,` HENSALL. band, owls U9 A CALL time as ..Stone cutter and carver e t sm w a New ut to came and c h a in Edinburg In there York m , o going Smith f m a lli r. S with i , rsh Ia, rine P ;rsrrxl.io s ozv STEN into .pa '. under the firm name of Snail & !:mile,. architects and builders, 'White in York he was married, and came Thornes Road .ESPTER LUMBER YARD. OPRIETORS. Y k the year 1850 work g • PR r some years at his trade, els l; , g New or Canada, 'n the pearl8ti0, settling on to ane a, i c lot 1,concession 15, 7`uckersmith, .—ire anti' hemlock, in faa his son -Ln -law; r o Large stook of Lombe p d •his Farm t ase s feet e. plk idlaths seasonable.--JA.S WILLIS,VPLYard. ' klast side of .Man otding their ,annual aengage and 've live where he continued to iilitig'tin.td ayear or so ago, when be leased was a severe attack o a-gx dur- Mr• D. C. Gibbs, The deceased. • r• J. P. r excellent ,lYualities, and at- D. A.riiol sLawse k or quite poorly man' .o quiet and retiringdis ,osi- ing the p has returned tion, was a hi hl respected., P He. Wells , merchant tailor, tion, very highly y interest in_all from London, where he has beenr-in- t - took a deep but quiet nd was well read and+ tending the funeral of h islaw. l t 44' The Thames Road Presbyterian '(lurch intend h anniversary services and tea -meeting :on Sunday, and Monday, February 8th public hotter current events. leav- and 9th. The usual good programme posted to mourn their urr loss ntdaughters Heeav sly Mrs. NlcSay of wee .— merchant, has sufficiently recovered f from his recent illness to permit his resuming his duties at the store Mr. F. W. Patterson, of the Hensel! planing mills, had the misfortune to lose a nice young driver last week,' owing to it' getting into a hole in the snow and breaking ons' of its legs, making it necessary to shoot the ani- mal.— has re turn Hunt, , mal.— Mrs , from at. Louis, Mo., where w re she has of few m en di>a s P n dae p — he recent J ohn St On. T Mr s.. daughter, swow•starms have laud the effect of making she. roads very heavy, but after being well beaten down there b re' .will be excellent . sleighing: iss .Mary Gaetz has returned from Orilla, sister, her , ' itin vis been where re she has i er ir, from —Mx. Upshall has been sue g r. G. f l• ipP • _` for always le ° This store is noted aiw y , having' a full line of the follow- • ing•: , Mexican Oranges, Delic- ,t, ,• Sweet r loos Pan Taffies, Fresh Rowe. + Gilles ie— Clobbledlepa. i lowin accounts be passed: and or -ed Peanuts, Candies , o Ite fol g Treasurer, for:same:-VI descriptions, besides Toys,J. awn Rober, and Games. In- 4. deg dr Hospital, 1, $1 .00 ; for Sick e, Children's I t eluding the famous game of ., ilex il.oaptal; $14.40 ; Mrs. ' 'h ing reading room. 50c. ; Dickson & Ping Pang. 1902. 58.00•—Carried. 4 To those. who leave never ,. aiding, accounttried us it will do you no a Skins- Cobbledick.— That ten- ave Ha 1 who have' , •. dere for printing be received up til harxix. To those ed. s rri —Ca ow • lsn ncil. he 4: •. cit t ' c of y Ln Bet next g osis Manning all dog se •i' —'-" "" --' s Chas. ch and Mr. ba —Hawkins. That the as- essor be empowered to collect , ,o s . tax at the same time as he makes,p Talbots Bazaar i 4. aasessaies and tct furnish a tag to Specialty. 'e I parties Otit for after same. Any dog din Presents a Sp .t: aledwill Wedding P t Iii s, r A I+r+ f e4+ at ` o ut t tag found wl 13 be impounded. claelox 2 thy and i£ not hen claimed :i!1='i lyre son, -by street+:•+ '+:•+ ++'=" • •l' '°1'4" 4.1-4,÷ r 3s" t ice he r notice, , "17.0 tl t for it ►r•- rw co e slob i8 an i- I of con now cin prepared n St a a e ld x tbis P formerly f p t a friends t In er in Ireland with las eentn7 were tt Ma. aM MYS t Ls place,. • by-law a * 0 1 b "s old d The hat a y .tom t Le t h .err _ e- d Cr n t0 a m L w h is ed. ibfia • rri flying a . a ` a g' C id a e ba { sem p to visit the F ReV 1 B+ i driving !1 ` lends iters on his way ulony was r pobbiediclt —Gillespie. — :That the • dcountry. He intends spending the lid Ike 'ai tlj@ Lutliern c uixtrix l les of do tag •— ; , mt 1 1 dell procure same g s C 'd 0 Nj. ew friends there, tttld i turtling in the spring to his home in Manitoba. --•Mr. James Fraser, Mr. Chas. Fraser and his son, all of PortHurien, spent a few days lately renewing old acquaint- ances around Mooresville.—Their died on Saturday, loth' :inst, . Mary Ann Thomson, wife of Mr, Joseph Thomp- son, of the Saub1e. Lane, Biddalph. She was buried at St. Jame.' cemetery on 1 man, o Sons to Tuesday her loss.—Mr. Mr. leaves Thomas was oene of the first seoshen Lite. ttlers Zimmerman of ZL r h, sonsoved to years. Lewis lately oc p .ihas nxMr.p.Behane He reached the great age of 90 years, houco, eoccupied by 1st insofl, who has McGillivray. --Mr. sick eac°fullyaway on Sunday eve pissed at Atkioson, who e p st, on t P list for some time Past, we are cl ' even o'clock at the residence of his to say is mach Netter now pact to see hire -around in a few days inclement ant' of . the nG • ou On n acv time, weather the Methodist church opening at Clandeboye is postponed until Sun day, 25th Inst._ Kon t Irk ne a I. Tom We ekt•©rid congratulations.—Mr. Ta Relit'; Who attended the funeral of his father at Stouffyille returned to town on Tuesday. , DEATHS—The number of deaths ia. this vicinity has been very large and again we are called upon to chronicle the taking away of two more, in the person of E'rederick August Zimmer - f Zurieb, and Wm. Schroeder, please s and ex- Z son, Henry, with whom be had .been residing. In the death. of. William Schroeder, i v l y ra tL e •aw Om a y loses P hi ns w P this g to year or two young man and up ago was strong and healthy. Some ed ck was attacked ago the deceased tm e L with some disease in his right eye which gradually grew worse and' all though everything possible was done for his relief, he passed away -years. He Satur- day at the age of forty y sons WO O to r t h , ed au one g leaves es aw and his aged Pallier. Both funerals took place Wednesday,Mr. Scheoeder's in the forenoon and Mr. Gimmerman's in the afternoon, Both were buried in the Lutheran cemetery, and he funerals were largely attended. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the families in their efface Mon. Exeter Municipal Council *ill be provided. ROgerVi•lie regret..to have 0slxtrl5 . eat r. John Imrio, chronicle the death of ei Which occurred at the homeoff his son- in-law, on- irl law,Mr. Henry Dougall, pan Saturd',y, December 27th. Mr. Inerie was a native of Scotland.:. being born in the year 1825. He worked for and one son, nam . New York ; Mrs. H..: Dougall, of -Os- borne : Mrs, Gibbs, of .T Lronto•mThe and Mr.' A. Trade, . onion 't•Ro erville, on 'Ctiesclay,, toy remains were i nterred_ at the cemetery, a being Followed there Deceinbee 30i by a large • ii u lows ember of relatives and friends. . The family have the their sym- pathy of t' ie. community in bereayeiuent. MerchflJD!?EL!L. CAPITAL call paid lap`/ HEST• • elleeateee arlt M inakor Gonerat A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS anada BRRIEFS.— Mr, Win.. Fletcher and John Barr, of Haoxiota,`Mao.. arrived home on a visit on 'ridgy last.— Mr. (hav- ingMwt7urdy disposed of his fine dlrt- ing mare on Tuesday last for the snug sum of $170, and replaced her by a quieter beast at lessmoney.— Mr. - J. Maize also sold his pony for $50, re- placing it by a less costly anirnal.— Miss Nancy Stinson be tMheissSt Lily Taylor spent last ne Town''gettieg some of the latest ideas in the cutting line. Mr. Fletcher Sweitzer, sr., moved into his beauti- ful new residence i We a he vilcome lage, on r. and Tuesday last. . Mrs. Switzerto our midst,and hope they. may. be long sparedlnjoy their fine bonne—Mr. Geo. Long has started on another terns in the employ of err. D.*Hemp, 5th. oo, l3lanshard. Geo. says it hgood d place to work.—m N. or. Leigh s far purchased a strong di v ig his store teaming, which he will be taking on he 1st of march.-- Tee an- nual meeting of the even nPublic 1$ Lll'`was held on nrronday g e old • board of trustees being re-elected,. The ood whichlisra credit totheir of the F ll is good, nt. Anderson BeeneS.—Miss Mary Cousins, of St. Marys is the guest of her sister Mrs. Rd. Birch. -Mrs. Jas. Walks rec v- igfrom a s of La Grippe.—Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Spare ing of Fullerton spent Sunday i h 141rs.+J as. B. 1•itkinson. s of Dakota who bas been visiting with bee sister, Mrs. R. G. Ratcliffe, return- ed to her home on Motriay visited with and Mrs• Sohn Dickenson Mrs. Pym, of Elimville part of last week, 3. W. Atkinsonof L of Mitchell, arist- edia and a-• E. Forguc tical operation. on Mof lkirkton per - r. Th a very last week, 'The Mr. Thos. Harding. Mnivel . —Miss. isrecoverng y patient Gertrude Aisthorp who. hes-teen visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Walks, returned to London last week.. Eden Barons. — Last .Thursday evening 14tr. andMrs. R. Coates entertained their ney he oeail at their beautiful home. om.Denr Ws served at cis o'clock, after which a pleasant time was spent in. music, conversa- tion, ping-pong, and other modern gari1es,__Eden i$ booming at present. Mr.Luxton is going to take dn his otit-buildings, remodel and place brick stabling under them. Mr. G. Haswell is preparingeto its tertake down stone $2,7pd0 O°°0 UEBDEN, Superintendent ;of Branclasii, arrie Gillespie—Hawkins.- That Cotii'I 1 7.8Q p. ma—Carried. sasameeeeeeeeeaseeseeeseee Januar 16th, at . This month in adjourn t Friday, y ._..,, GEO. H. L'ISSETT, Clerk. ' er_cOa i . Interest at most favorable current rates • allowed—on and Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued available in Crim, Japan other foreign countries. CREDITONONTARIO. S. CHISHOLM Manager barns and bnild r , for the traiisaCtian stabling. `;Me. \ , Coates bri,h draw.- backo'clock t n of officers, C A ! AllelS1414414dag=44r003411418042111MINUMMOZ4204, E014101=111 The council elect for 1003 met pur- suant to statute, at Town Hall, Mon- day.January 12r,h, at 11 o'clock, and tok and subscribed to the different oaths and declaration of office in the presence of the clerk, via:— Thos. led. k, arling. Reeve Joseph Cobb. John A. Gillespie, Thos. ' klawkins, and John Manniug, Couneillors. Moved by John Gillespie, seconded liy Thos =Hawkins ',Chat council. ad-' joure to 8 o'clock p. -ire --(,;luted, Coancil met pursuant . to adJonre- meat at 8 o'clock. p, m. .All present. ad Minutes of previous meeting and confirmed. --•That >a.ppli> Cobbledick—Manning, cations for the office of clerk be re- ceived nutil next meeting of council. --Carried. That Batvkite —• Cobbledick, 1 lessrs. Chas. Snell, sr. and Wm. Weekes, be appointed auditors that 1008• Gillespie in amendment t swt11 be one of the auditors Eimvlll+a BRIBES,.....14Irs Walter,, of Ondorich, is visiting her sister Mrs. Walter Hem at present. --.`.the very` stormy r of the past week has delayed bl anfie d the majority hove considers y. Ba! kept their feet in under their own r to stoves.- The 'first meeting Monday hl pip -1 fol 1904. No seconder. --The Reeve council tookplace On y dr'elared the motion carried. abe Cabblediwlt,- llawlcuis. -khat apply -- Spat bat wasJ. 14Snir. The declaratintt of thtp ad' iroceed d and hos cations for riagir,g town !tell, and Happy Family" p tender for use of the c re council. I—Car- nese Car hese the minutes of which will appear to next meeting of baanothecoiWinchelsea 13atterenerae waxes mand tied, That A. lug ofe theheld at,. Gillespie' --Manning...- . dation will be_ Dyer be re -appointed assessor for 1903 (Creamely'.Aesod Dy ,, Ghe'CocYn Hall on Tliurstlayrn, z2aa d k s . lhst W. You may not be able to get enough coal or wood to keep you warm this winter but you can dress r In our warm AND OVERCO TS SUITS Suits that fit and suit the pocket, W. N 1 CJ Opposite Post Office, Exeter suiting Panting Fancy Vesting A large assortment to select from. W. W. Ta .. c a alit. r, M+e cul fatUt5 tlaer boars '8 i'Ieneiin e L:astaNa „Nva} of Chas. FL Fletcher. 'Mica Baby was sick, Ice cave :tier Castemt, - When she a -as a Cbiid, site cried for rastoria. %L•r,e„ she beeline Miss, elle wrung to Castorle. u henske had ChiidreI3,sbegavethiem Castoria.:.. A. few Specials for the First of the year. ut Saws you will have no difficulty in. selecting a Here we excel,y Boston Lance, Leader, Whiting, our bigstock, Saw from Lance and Nickel Steel Saws Cel:" 1 Ia le Leaf Racer, From $2ZO o $4.50 AXE -yes fro We call 1 e you satisfaction in Axes. also give —Denied. rti S. Oobbledicle-- -I1aw in , Bissett be re -appointed street corn- missidfer, etc. for 1003.-•• Carried. A petition from a. number of 'resin ing material to paw$ merit under Mee of his bons. 'Seel) of the above buildings will be' fitted with all up-to-date arrangements for taking care 6f stock.--- Mr. ,' . 'Hicks is at one 'business and glee iii B. Muir of Ingersoll will .be present a,tad address the audience. ---The Mumps lr;re,cluite prevalent• around the burg to select from, 75c to $1.26, six Sweepers from $2,45 to $3.25, CarpetSw'eep a5. Sates, all sizes, from. 600. to $ .- cts. 'Hockey Stix from 10 cts to 50 QC