Exeter Times, 1903-1-8, Page 7Goma tti r s ver ste $Datutturetof /I SooPac.4mUo Wrapper Ram. Ton 0=n nee ee caw lieltee as eigexe, FOR III.ARACRE• FOR DIZZINESS., FOR OILIOUSRESt. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TOECOMPLEXION 1,1_ telez3VUZIZZ• 0.114.TlfAVF NertUnt, 44411m:wow iregetzzes. 4,4,•V'fr-0.6 • GURgl; SICK HEADACHE', CARTER:3 ITTM !VIER PI MS. D CK ITTE MAKES PE .nee UN]) ,R N NCIPL Opened His flyes First in Not in a, Palace. Otbatereti woo:wenn; to Act ot the e'er- iitteiettt Of Umi4o(lti,, In tlto year (me Thotteand Nine liudre UThroe, by Von. „intny, of Toronto, at teo 1/epartef0ut o Agrieuiture, Ottaw4., •A- desPittela from Chicago 'says; Revlsrank Pe Witt Tal Le preach- ed from the following text: Luke ii, 12, "Lying in a manger," How large is tin average c"•••rib? suppose," you answer, "abont four feet •long find two feet wide-- it is as large perhaps as at average man- ger tit the end of a borso's -est itable• and ohimging into a. stable and the light whieh ,Was burning upon the altgr NVO,El ettlid101101t bold in the Par-' Pent& .1) oseph's hand, and while road the nativity account, over anti over I suddenly heard the Soft whis- poring's of a ell.ant, 1 listened and at first said: "It, Qau.not I. am listening' only to the echoes of MY Own imagination," .I3ut the faint chanting began. to grow louder. Then 1 saw a Multitude ot people, coming through 'the church: door as the shepherds must have once crowd- , that the. sliepherilfi, uP011•,thei „ OEI tloWn, in a StvOtSm SQ Au - ft tile darkest 'days Of our When we feel. that a're forsaken' by God and man, GOA'S angel0 are WatChing God's eyes ere f,esing u$, Gotl'S oar ' bearing us, God's proteeting love is all, around up., 'We aro no Inu%e. forsaken by God 'than, the, inallgez" Bethiehme, •was, celes- tially forsaken' cm' the. ,night 'that • Jesna 'WAS. hoCE f4.011) WHO A • .The otunipreSent, God Will' not for , One instant, 'oven In. t1,10 .darkest, of days, turn. tt .cleaf or '.art. Unheeding', car to tlie Weakest and most. helpless of, all One. day the baby 1./oy of 11',d1$.treSsi4 father and mother was., Very..sick,''•ii.'When tlt,eir irl ;wits aboilt to, 1:0 „put 10: V and cause lai'M .beIYo strokos with the siam4ok," , ,The Olfraftia' xrtoSt t he'ortV ill • the war, it: '4ppo.ro;,' "I:tan-do up' t" alut has , A. 'Mounted ,Kaffir, attendant or -One Of the .jr (101Mna20144tS We's 1.41,474 preSSed bY alt IiInglisit; laneor, gnd cried' to hira '"IIands' up. 1" . 'rho •r:•paaflt;i6r4hoftfdtstioat011toCutlb.10U:git'fit,, tiltheelywvole't • about the only worcis in the VingliSh langnege. ,II0 took• theta for g kind • of general phreee iespierieg greeting• and eettel,liation, , - •• When „the lameer, ' in terns called ont, "Hands, Ine l",' be therefore said tiw again "Hands up, naas It, and was bed on the night of the crisis of tile astonished to got g •lance4hrust, disease she cense to her fitther. through the arta. Ire saw there wee Thou, in her sweet, girlisti way, she some mistake; and, belted, but ie the stali 'said: "Papa won't you pray to midst of ' his precipitate flight hept whieh, the four legged animals mulaci/ an- CoC1 to -night that baby brother shouting, "lianas' uP, i haf,uis up i''' their oats and hay after Et long, tire- ecjclent:rsZ9i)11,10,t1wThetn. vthe fpItyciliCQcss'ion might get well? 1 sin only s' wl'43' in the hoe (3' 8°1:telling 'ale heart of A ell fan o o . . Porno day's work." Yes, my- friend, came nearer. and Irearee and 104 at little bit Of a girl, and Goa might his pursuer, from whoM he eVenteml- Asy lesoatt the body of a, little child. not bo willing to, hear, me pray, but iy,• .D.I.aue goad, his escape, k you aro right. Your definition. is sti .r.„.._ 1 am gOing to preach about 0 fonnilwounst face of the dead liaby whose funeral ten to You PraYt for :mu 'are a' great- toned "Lady Ilelierts" by Viljoon. there and looked at the God would always,have time to 11s- ,'Ile capture of the naval gun chris- confpletol3r right that in this sermon t • • ii. ath * to the poor moth- sobbing -father toOlc hs little girl bIt'wteoen4t1 theexclialtatlie4;-: .oLi'Pdl'e'a4Gaenterii•tlail was now taking Place my hek,trt went big, strong man." With that 1110 1 ti:t.cutagoer, liVilitielll W,e4tiatp ,.ontoc 0 tut:suoi‘ct • for a into his arms as he" said; 0h 1 ., nY Smith-Borrion. , darling, God will bave time to hear „I was compelled," Viljoen wrote, you Pray for your baby brother. If "to remov, .T.acy Robort, frooi you will pray, ray darling', for your Ttots,,otict. , ., . I can assure yott that tis atiebrti bitce,)Eo,nansitillof.togoltdrujt rearceessa.kIrlyt-, :oznparin stle was very 1.411,11y anet in her fresh surroundings and new will turn -to the angels ansay: 'Angels, stop that singind T°1"? carat'eull'id with Inn. lot " MANENT CV ES la stone manger, hewn. out 0f ,st,..,hne cr, I seemed to be carried back to , "1.1 "---1 ucarlY '''"°`-''' the time, when the Divine Babe lay !solid rock, i c 1 lel 'years ago Was laid a newborn babe. i •in that stable manger, shielded by i About this manger tho wise moll the mother love, which. Is always a from the east • and the shey.here„,s I divine • love, and, standing by the from the • surrounding Mils g'atilereat Bethlehem manger, with' the dead and over it the angels sang the first , body of that village babe at my lullaby in the chant of the Christ- feet, I could realise, its you in the Inas scnig• This stmle eradle was same surroundings could liave -real- t, was tho first earthly restina place ised that God's love for all his I children is a bender, pleeding, yearn - the manger of Bethlehem of Judaea, of the Divine Child, who was the ing love, a divine love which “Pass - son 0! litry the Virgin' and waa al- 'eth all understanding" and Which ther Go . abides wite. us through life and be - so the only begotten Son of the li'a- The whole rendering of the verse of yond death. , . Tee mens,ver Christ was given EtS a 0 man or woman, how humbly 'loin - the babe' wrapped in swaddling follow this side of the grave. He 1 clerk your days may seem to be, be for a sin unto you; ye shall and „„ i came to prove that by the grace fal God is always ready to listen to clothes, lying in a mangel'." -Lus God it is possible for a huntan be- 'your cry if you will only call upon manger le a simplified and tender ‘f .. to him Lor help. God is always readY manifestatioa of the divine love: It, ag 10'1 °bre""le 081111;'.q11.1eWel.cksr" born 1 to proteet von trith his love, even is not digicult for the average limn- ' prove i , ectfuse n n •. shared man, to 11111111 'of Jehovah Is i ,!ust es we are, boue of our bone an . a Goa Of majesty, of power, of fiery edesh of our flesh. 111 was tempted Passion, a God who can hold the just as wo are temptud. Therefore we' must coetinually, by the Holy °Faith -severe diseases as scrofula, mulling sores, salt rheum or ec- zema, shingles, erysipelas and can- cer, as well as boils, bl 'etches, pim- ples, constipation sick headache, dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stonaach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. Burdock Blood Bitters always does its work thoroughly and com- pletely, so people know that when B.B.B. cures them they're cured stay cured. 12 TO which General ,:linith-Poriee re - that singing-, right away. For way • down on earth there is a We little 113;e1r1:3,(1, tag ii°s111°1:1$ austoiiwt1 bo s?leoz bit of a girl who is praying for bei !laity brother, and 1 wane to lis- in the °Pen nir' 1 w°111(1- ree01111ne2)a to try 1lannel next to the skin." tent:" And as the Christian father You spoke to his little girl 1 say to 'you, tbtfin.sItilitIteill'eestinegriL0iclisnolsl oilsu.':601taiecaeurse in this Christmas sermon, DO matter, and men. Ile gives more than one amusing instance of what he calls "the .ordbiary hee-liaw st.ylo of speak-ing" of our officers. After Vil- joen had been Captured - "The colonel twisted his mous- tache, which had got very much dis- as arrange& leaned. back in his chair, of puffed the smoke from •his' cigar ou into the air, and said, withaut look- ing at me, "Well, WI, you are ban- ished, don't yer know, all, are be- ing seat to, ab, hum, St. 'llelerta, or as they call it, the oh, ha; Rock, 'Tis"a nice ship you go in, called the ah, let me see, oh yes, the ah Brit annic.' Now you may proceed to the station, get your kit, and iri the meantime. sign this parole and • re- port yolirself at 8 p.m. at the Docks," 1 muttered in Dutch, "Lord preserve us from the :Evil One.' " Tim RRITIsrt ovia0Elt. lie declares, is generally 000 Of two • mY text reeds "'And this shall hoinan examPle' fer Irian to less ,eroti. May' be; nO matter how 2=era'4=5»,CIMIASS:2,FTS=,2 ette „s"Rteteel " • seas in the palm. ofhis hand and a, od who can unsheathe the fiery swords of the lip, htning.. Why, even the heathen in the darkest days of barbaric superstition were able to think 'of such gods as that! When , fact that infinite results which may the Euroclydons were born in the I affect all the heavens and the earth Mediterranean archipelago and la- 1 -results which will seartle _the out- stantly sprang up as full grown gi-, i most circumferences of the universe Mats and with their swiftly moving i as well as the . great ceater can feet leaped from wave lop to wave ;sometimes be directly tread to to and drenched their long- looks 'Seemingly infinitesimal causes. When and wide flowing robeS with the white foam and out of u, mere Sa- tanic desire to destroy hurled the shipping upon the jagged rocks and ;to be the heir to the throne, a mein - covered the surrounding coasts with 1 her of the cabinet awaits the nrrivel wreckage, it Was 11, very easy mat- iin one of the anterooms of the royal ter for 'the. anciente to 'pleture a. (Palace. The artillerymen are de - Neptune striking right mid left with itailed to immediately thunder forth les trident ktntl to eali hint dod of ithe news of the prince's birth frona the setts. - When the mighty Complete the gaping mouths of the great 1 ors of the east .tzintle triumphal en- black cannon. • The messengers have try: after entry into the city of 'Rome ;their ' steeds saddled and bridled, ' ' ready to speed away to announce Spirit's power, strive to be like hem or. else we can be none of his. 1.I•TE 131.11`11.I OF A. PRINCE. The manger Christ emphasizes the a. 'wince ar a princess, the ,8hild of a great king, is about to be born, es- pecielly if the prospective infant is with &thee Lied kings their chariot wheels and with" their (the arrival to the different pubis°, spoils, after whole regions had teen 'with joy as soon as the expebtafat The first cannon lie hewed was ' le ordiretr 'routine lie' • •• •- • • • • - the blood of Chtist is the portion of legions loaded down with captured officials. The teiegraph wires •thrill I London Express. , at enythieg outsa _ his faithfulness and patriotism lies •not; but this pertee ot God is only 1 • • o the fertherraost 1 Elandslaaete, and "no sweet"music" ; is a most helpless being. t In every Christian, whether realiz.ed or HIGH FLYING BUTileRFLIES.. his guardian angels and the star the east hovered over the manger the night that Jesus was born. A BOER 03 THE LATE WAR WHAT JUR. VIL.TOEN OF THB BRITISH ARIVEY. Assittant C ommandant - Goneral Writes a Book on the Anglo -Boer War. Graphie to the, last degree are the pictures presented. by t,he gest of the g,entleman or ,11 Boer books on the wee, "My Isecol- e7;:trenles-either a lectiuns ot the Anglo -Boer War," by cad. The niistakes of officers during ekssistaut, Coutmandent-General -31. the war need not necessargsr be as - 3. Viljomi, written in Dutch, just published in Amsterdam. From the time' when he began Warlike pree . . parations, on 5ept. 28, 1399,. • eapture by our 'troops in January as an instance of a man who had of this year, the dashing leader had inore than his share of in -leek. as hot a time as. enyone who foleght, Of the self-siterifite and devotion to in the war, says' a writer in the duty of our Tenney, Viljoen speaks highly nut if Tommy conies acgoes cribed to stupidity, cowerdice or iti- d1Srcti0fl. Leek, he thinks, lied a great deal to do with succees failure aud he.,cites General (lessees() • Maily deratlgeMente-. •They axeti $11 se. fg11 '"V*4 M1M 0 Wat11:-- e.,EAh 5TPEN0TliT Ev-ligrliliCTIOKALWRON05Or'', ENOCH:WE 0001)riLSTRP,' cONSTITUTION ondori.tn9 B tiontrG"•14 BRITAIN AtaRicp. - ail Drugqi5ts Chemi ad ca jo tt tea :11":A18:1X1i);1813:SyliC)14°: 01:1 the , are nigiktntare those patie of ili irritable idition. tog thel :cs)a:1: 11'rel :11 adete • .1 service 'to Snell pliystelaPs iti Great Britain, wIto preseribe them to Pr 2e • 111A:1\ '1374Y;b11\y•Vs4i';:t1.1:0;stilaefil°1 nr (g1 teat organ affected by the tunctioiiat-,. wrongs in women, SUCia as weak tomaelt weak btick and weak nerves. S. jAnars WAtiams lIclp stomach, digest food and scud the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to got health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accoM- plishes much. eir Price Cnnad4: $1.00; Six bOtties f01' $ 6 "Itli4Ctized St. Jareea Wefess +mien men eueeese 0.3 to ITICAt thOin an iny of veliebies. o Ter. Ores. Springer, 7eendeet, neglatan , fame Wafeis. are oat a $eGrel rofea'y es4hd ltusrArratcs dcclorr e- conttAletreil-zi; ttegni tathelio AtAtieuts We rrraa the ferntura 12250nreeleol. NVIteredealersarenetseIliugtlie Wafer& thoV ore mailed opoll ceiet of -Mice nt the, Cenndinn branch St. Jamc0 WafOrs C9., 1728 St. Catharine St. Montrea, *ArAomrms.AAA.....wmro.aaoc...*,mogr;.*y•sso Christian -life --------and. be -oh -le tosajy. , 1 J-ii-iw can. Th. -75 life be lived-- 347—ve-r- "To me to live is Christ" (I, 21), by any ettorts or ours, not\y any When our eyes are:opened to see 'Strug"glilig or trying ou our part, that apart from Christ we are only but only by yielding ourselves to lost and helpless sinners, but in Him 'God (Rom. vi, 13) that Me Who NVO are indeed citizens of Maven and 1ntanifested Itimself in Christ May He er wnhaoniebseguwaritutIlwto1741;eileteril.s. t‘lveriti. 'maul -fest sonaething of the same life in us who are redeemed by His pre- fitan1Laihbehtwil(liibie, a2p0t,i20111,eij.1.0'ic801ill t6.2e, Mous blood. Before 'we can know/ the power of His resurrection (iii, Lord alway. 110) NVO allist IsalOW what 11 meten0 6, 7, Be careful for nothing. *** t° hal'e been cruel:11°d' WItil 11117a' for all understanding shell keep your I 110 t IP but Christ, beceth m '• ' 00 In. Christ by virtue And the peace of God which passeth tllen only Can we say, ."1„ live, yet hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Be sure to memorize every word of ' these two N'ersies and put them m practice and thus enjoy this wonder- ful peaco of God., A„s ono has said, linen we are to be ever pressing on to ,perfection, aiming to apprehend that careful. for nothing, prayerful for for which Christ has aPprehended us everything, thankful for anything. , 12, 14), relying upon Him tO With 13.om. viii, 32, mud Matt. vi,. work in us both to will and to die 33, in our hearts how can we do of His good pleasure (11, 13). The otherwise than as here commanded ir rest of this chapter must be incholed we in. any sense believe God,. and yet ft, la our •meditation, but especially how 101,5 believers seem to intotv. verse 19, which so Jelly covers (di their 'daily life this beautiful pee.ce we eau ever need on this side of the of God • Peace with God -through 1 kingdotto ( . 11, of His finished work we have a - standing before God whielt is pere feet (Phil. iii, 15; Hob. x, 10, 14); t as t r daily life here before scepter held a Caesar's hand, it -littrts of the royal domains. But n0 foend it. ,After many hairbreadth bran -lit under the shadow of .0 ; was not a. very difficult matter for ; such joyful and national •gxpectancy escapee ' he managed to get" away frem the scene of the Boer' 'defeat, the Ron -lees to build a great teinple greeted the earthly birth of the Son i - • It NV -IS of God. No messenger that . night and joined the Boer forces in front the secret of the success of the Brit- ish arrny-a truth which I do _not to Mars. t le e - , think can be gainsaid." - And of 'the not a 'very difficult matter to rear , carried the news up to the Jerusalem I of Ladysmith, where he got t e co.( Tonorties that he met, the writer this gigantic temple, oven though :palace of Bloody tiered the -Great. 1 I est of welcomes from General Join found. the Irish and the Siench -hfr thousands and hundreds of thous- ,No retinue of foreign mnbassadors 1 i. ' lletier than the others. . ands of men 1111(1 Nt4:81 ..C11 ,. ., !sacrificed at it:4 shrine e.nd though i tions to an, earthly lomg. Jesus the wells of the temple 11011 to he . birth from a worldly standpoint leas 1 covert:CI With tlie captured tr ephi es. en insignificant event. ' 13 Q • \Vag 1 in an outhouse: He was born h stood near to offer their corigratala-i )ert' Of the kattor Mr. Viljoen, Ilad a , "If ToMmy with his SnaftetneSs ; .‘ • were a geed shot, and could judge distances better, he would be perhaps Even the Lehrews were ,e -it aro a perfect `soldier. end COI' t ltiltly twice • tl - to 'worship such a, temporal in a stable. Ile was born in a 'writer relates that on one expedition as dangerous as he ;‘). In -general, 'Bethlehem khan. SI ary I lie Virg iii when Iwo burghers were' stroek hY TounnY is a humane fellow., To•:ear de lightning, Joebert saw ."tho. finger our:wounded Tommy was, e a a- - 4111atiall by the grace ot God been seen in swallowtails, black, weth a ot God God" in it, and immediately , or- s3•71-Inethetic, amd. ?"-"•1;vies eager to 1 Paul, so that he cold Say as in i cal dered a. full•retreat. helP. a fallt`n neentS`'.- chapter iii, 17, • t'ye barkt-e. us for ten let eye on the 'wings." The South - did the heaviest I example, but there et lead the .Teves Ilack again to Balee- humble leseband or a pile of straw Would undpubtedly have fallen to and jiardeSt work 01 the wer." Ifect example; woe NVO are tauglet to `long Catoilry, he prophesie0. will in future 1 riiii. 'With. patience,. looking unto iS 'only one per- • American- high-flYing butteriliee be - jos 1 the Asiatic' that of the Fierie until - to the family of Colin. dimera, come LIS a. temnoral conqueror to Ladysmith, in Viljoen's opiaioe, Ihe intaetry 431 Thee- build ex) tile run doVirn styg. crusaders • 'oulti tigiiin seo Jerusalem thetie stahlenna_n; no female at:tele& tack'on Oct. 30, 1899, when General wars he m sert of white, elephant. ',ewer (Heb, eii, 1, 2,),' to see Jessie dice- The ext/lorer Sir Martin Cone Thev- regulato tho action of the tine, Then these Moderri Hebrew pushed tinder her head hy a syrima- Joubert ifI•the had had seuee to at- hereet z,nol invigovaw Mae nerves. very Mean opinion. His irresolution cost the Boers many a vietory, and of his "incredible" superstitiom t,lhe the Portion of those Who tell llint Both in the Himalayas and in the .everythieg that concerns then•i, emn- Andes butterflies have been found. at mi1. all details of their life, to Ilim heig,lits ranging up to 16,000 feet, ixi prteyee and leave all 'with Min in arid in the Alps they are quite Com - obedience do aucl firmly believing . mon at 6,000 feet. The very high - Ps, xxxvii, 4, 5, 7; Prov. iii, 5, 6. est elevation so far observed is 10,- 8. 9. Those things which ye have '626 feet, where they were found by both learned and reeeived• and. heard M. 13onpland on the slopes of Chita - end seen in Me. do. and the God of borezo Sir 'J. In Hooker foued peace shall be with_ you. The things true, holiest, jest, • 1 ot oi good report had butterflies on the slopes of the Him- alayas at about the same, height. He spealts of "the amatine stuaatity of seperb butterflies, many large trent- king." Only the other day the chief rabbi of the west declared 10 a Chi- caf.',..o newspaper t1 -at his people were still expecting a efaseiah. who would in the most solemn hoer of a , too - man's lile had no bed upon which to lie, no pillow, unless thot pillow was the roegh coat of. her noble though ' Way OlSo fOttild 1.11-0,11 at high alti- - to= nano othegt tn.ed3r will do. 1 ur ant, lin ess that woman attend.ant White had lost more than one Ilion - Infantry, ortillery, end invented ia- rants:V. fire the forcee of the future. , The anther traverses Sir COnan Doyle's allege -lion% or treachery 4-einst and ctintAticlis "Shall the errors af one side rmly and consider HMI (Maik , Ileb. xii, for in Him alone all thilts, teem seen ie. perfection, mud. high Et8 the standard may seem, God desires notliing else than the lite of Jesus made manifest, in our 1 tudes in the Itimalayes. TheY a,mre sand six hundred men; killed, wound. - nee', PalrattAttra or the Heat4.1, After= Ana-artia, Gerkoraa restored 1 1111 its 92162E.,, and 11101,.. J esus would veige \yid( was the kiwi hearted hostler's wife, greater power than the fauunis King who had 00100 in to aid her troll-. Solomon of old. bled sister. So our second birth But .thoegh it was !let difficult to play have begn in the estimation Of think of Gocl as a God of vowel.- and the world a. seerniegly tesignifleant temporal coliquest, it was elliffeult in event. ' But if we thereafter only. the thee that .1( 'sus ' 11-3.E4 1/01'11: to make a right use of .our lives their. spiritual influeece will affect all time ed and captured. Not only was . attack made, but the railway te Maritzburg was no 1 leldwn fpr several days, "giving the cockily the chance . of bringing into Ladysmith the naval gulls,. which later caused us so much trouble and loss. . Great difficulty was by Novvommeso Gilsopleosuesa, Bvalts weigh 11eavier 'than those of the inertal flesh (II. Cor. iv, • , ? Neither 301'r nor Briton is 10-1 2. 1 liave, leal•ned, whe.iso- ittleaslinlossitt) ri oit31.0 ttioi siiticidcr4vie, iLlnepta a.315 tiri ysy toot etevneits.state, 0.11.1, therewith to be con - see each ot,her'S virtizzis inst'ead.” This is another beautiful Obese of the Christian life - rejoicing In the Lord groatly, whether. full or lien- s‘,„1, e.houriding or 111 Want. The Birkente tkIppe. 01,D17.zzr land all 'Coro -taloa otycised by ale gym - tome lor4ng dov,rzi. Thoy leave oured other's. phey 'Pi tire you 600, per hex on.lter *1.23, All •eleAkilor think of the Father -es a. Utic 0 o and sympatle,i and mercy; a God and eternity. Tim news of am .spn- To 7, Ltillyam Co,ILiraitod,Tuout;00. who would cltngn to care for an in- tua I birth will be heralded all round the author in gettiug his comma() o eseeereesseseseesesseesseeseeeeesessee dividual honlien .being; Clod who the heavenly kingdom. win set togetlier after the defeat at Elands - wanted to creep into the humarl. again the angels to chanting a new 3„a,33t0. • , 'west's affections, even 81,F, 1110 S1.111- Onr second bir1:11 will Ba kadeg of Vio ell eong 211210 tho heert heralded around heaven, bill., "I soon saw that among the bus - 11 -01(1)15 would sten. ghers there was a small geous) whose 1 and give new life to the plant. It in the groat judgment day when all imelinatron .to go ons lighting wtts , I was difficult, lit one senseo fee, •,•, 0 00. eations shalt be gathered before the not Of the ' strongest. I therefore to leach sinful men Viet he aid not throne. the fact of that second 1-irth asked those of the burghers 'who had want to crush ,,thein, „bet to save will summ On fort1.1 Jesus, who WIAS 111C111 of their own tree 'ivill- II' Wt.t$ 100111 ,811 netlliCheM of .1u:hien, our 1101; the eQhrage 't0 ret".111 t° *the difficult for him to teach all men, atoning Saviour I. 1 - flgilting. 3 111e .t° 0 e 0,.1. LIVIlle Christ ad-vocate. both Jew alit! gentile, that STAN 9 ON ON1.,;" S.11)17,, did. not ecirne OS a Hebrew Christ; somr,l IN-siGN' if•preANT T,,:v.Nip,N,r s , Some thirty fell ottt of tite kanks. I but as the world's Saviour, So if ‘ts-c'e-rip1-Ititttirti, us 0Ci 02ttili thienitICiltahtetrvemigabei ev'11110 ninlungtchre - edilarti'"sktes I, tedle5hsego Et haaiti tg'rievej°eLlarcelleYo by yth:amil a't °P`ahisshatc)ccslhull'o31'; ha" ofmeon ,to jesue Christ in a earthly Christian's life lie is never which pass read as followe : wny S011108 111 ug: ilk e this: ' '1 will out or sight or, an omnipotent ,Fa- "PaSs -- to .Toliatinesburg. on nut allow thee, my only Solo to be tiler's Protecting- care, As ire climb accolny 01 tosrarthee, free Ett the 05" 120111 in a palace. 1 will not allow the reeky heights upon which is pense of the government." thee, to enter the world es ne earth- blinded the little village of Bettae_. Two of our "heroes" get but slight 17 prina, . Si n 1111 Melt might then hem and wail; aloni; the deserted credit at the hands of this 1.10tie honor (bee and fear thee, bet they streets in. the midnight hour 01 th'e critic. They are General 'Baden- st Christuvis da P, • , 11 and *Mr. Winston Churchill. Iniglit no, 1,118-11 tal.e thee 'into their in . y and S,1 'LIU,. 1 11,1,10 roWQ hearts and 01 thou ottii acernd. leee enecilelight 01 stableman's lalltern Of .tho .fOrtner saYs 'ft:401161'ml flittin about tba pale face 01 MerY Snyman . . was the rea,1 saviour thee and !sive themselves to thee, g • at Cate "W•Ornall IftWertfy ho,9 a \via sent) thee forth a's a. heinless the Virgin We might at first thinit strong bsOtt4 • 'babe. will let thee be born in that God the Fathet had deserted ' Ilethlehein of Judaea, 'so helpless. tind left alone Jesus the Divine Son. Eilaoka411.30 la the aPy a 'Wank Kidneys . ef'1)ftifoking, which had a, garrison.of a, thousand. men, \idiom he, with •*'2; 000 mon, littdriot- the cow age to ett, tadk.- ,Tho- Ehigli,sh wrongly g.Wve.. the credit for saving the 1011*n 1,0 Gen- eral Beden-Powell,"' for that th0 lowliest ,ef, the lcintly will 13ut did he? Could Jesus, during not have rnore humble entry. into any time o..1 his earthlY life trtily say ' ' 1 - that the Invine Father had forsaken -'-te-,,c5noknolleiiet120 v./I:lilting nate of much tended to inenwodla any. 6' Elatlenchn own) bat onrotl cittlekly andl peretatletaitly using loGrta gloriono trovo ooDrali nat at. DOAN'S KibNIN PIUS • The great and well known Kid- ney retnedy. They have cured v,:o men They will the world t 1.-111 1111)3.1, S011, 110 (011y" 10 (110110 for the sills of the wotici, but also ,to teach,. ail einftd'Inee, that I ani (30(.1 the Fade, Or, the oil of Love, ' ' Could the divine love have. been manifested. in a more simple way than ley ChriSt's cradle being the meng(is of 130U-110- N:in of eider:a? Tltlo1,1-ISSOT OF Vele NA:emery., n Oct. Sl(le 1805; I Was brolight •e feco With, the tree teathings ' the menger Christ ete eetrer be- e. it tees one of the most 0501" 13211111235 days of, my life, it Insp- irit fit 'Bethlehem of ',Jude'Lla, „ fr; eittlfer 00, tiVeeT Catholle atreh, WrlieJ1 1:3 511317 000(1; to. bcvvo 21) QreeLetl. directly ellen the idee. 0, spelt) 'where ,Teses Wito•i b0111, lit :11 11lLlt0224d11111(.0 114t1 reed, over d over figqin the account of the Ivi ty Ind i it 80011,101 i131 though, walls of' the 0.1.1tern ,Ward iiim, as he ()nee al dying agony ask-, el' upon the cross? 011, inn Weeks or perhaps months before the na- tivity (locl had prepared et place bY Which. the infant Christ,sivoulcl 1)0- a1)20 to escape the murderous eword of the, bloody tyrent, tiered, Weeks or perimpe months before jeStis was bore the strange star appeared in the far eest, 111a t star even than had guided the three wise nien over Olt motintainS and through the VillageS and over tho long, itot„ thirsty des- ert that they shetild 15e table to 1(11001 at the 'manger. It woes through the Svarnings of these three wise men. that Jesus would be able to eseafie into, Egypt. Ie. the duasknosti of that Bethlehem night angel wings were spread over that Minable Stable, angel forms surrounded tho virgin Mother and angel vomes gfeeted the newborn Monarch et. the ages With a ieavenly song, They „ sang so loud 03 110 speaks of the easY escape of, Winston Churchill and Captain lint, dane from ,a pack of sleeping guards, "about Which they (the.eScapod. pris- onersybave, entirely without reason, beasted such a lot. To this day I cannot see what 311000 was heroic in this escape," It is a curers, picture that he gives' us of lifes.and discipline among the Boor 10r11e0, There was too much prayieg. ailiong the 33oees for WS taste and too little Centralize- idoin At' the Ttigela Bitter, for in- stio100, "I reeelVed .0ometimes minatee four differeet Orders from 'fetus. (lige-sent gene'rals.''.• the lege the ejarithols in. the geld We levee heard before -41025, but here" definitelY us 111 i.011 OW" ' toitehos this or it is 1.0.01e 0(311' "P0 quench 011 open outItteals of oisely stated in 1, .lobe '2, inittioy.,7 waS obliged to have a burg- this he:caw-10 her stripped Of Ns upper garnterits be e, Chrtstion ' of dere 10 live a NTFP NATIoNAI JAN'. IA, prophet I:Cabal:M.1k heel learned the , e,eeret, for be could say, Though sine, olive, lig tree, flocks aed herds: are fu se. .11 rentice in the Lord; 'I Will joy in the God 01 my salve, - lion ((fah. iii, 17. 18). If we have ' God as our Father, we CO • ititi t- believe th•it he is always do- '3,"ext of the Lesson, "Phil. It-, 1 -lel. i s ' ' '• . ite rile best for us and Ile will not Colclin.i. Text, Phil. iv d I '''' • - " ' suffer us 1.6 'hunger 1)01. to leek amy- 1-3. Thersioro, my brethren, dear -1 thing 250- 1200(1 iniless to 'Suffer a , ly 1)eioved 01141 lunged for, my ;fey !tic is 1181.8 Very 180s1 11,81d Ordy 1.58.ty 11116. 0002511, So 51(181(1 fast fa the . es for the glory lie is Lord, my dearly beiovea. Tho iesseli to -day iS etitiLled "Christian Living," and IVO arb 951C - ed to read tile whole einstio, which 1 is always a wood, thine- to do with itlieni to do them, wood, and m lne an epmtle at any boob., in the leble. latuet it Wftf, tild 1 7.1 0 nught be m 11 •world be welt to l'eacl. the epistle 'high priest - who eould fltlly sympa- through niany tini.e.0 till 'we feel (hat thize, with Ills PeoPIc aleb. ii, 10,, Snesatett the breath and clear 025117 1111 vault' we have in swine moils u ve grusperl it , rt, 18: iv, 15,331), anetpoigoneus umt tor fore 4,10 sit*Yzu- , M 1 B ft, Nth Are a conableation of the active principles of thernost velaeble vegetable tenteSies for dies ease.s endillsorders of the Liver, Steraaeh and Bowels. Siele 1 -lead -ache, Jaundloo, Beart- lb wee, Cataerli. of the Stornaten, D isal- nags) Bit:Aril-leg and Pimples. 0 1- , Dyniasepala, Soar eftmnseth, Awbov preparing for up, I -To suffered Israel Braob, Laver carckpl(1int ov to hunger and also Ills own dear rigu4d7 000:4310x/0n., Son {Wet. viii, 2, 3; Aratt. Neel, 1.8), in 13 fornier it Was to prove ‘, Prise See. a bottle ov for 41.611. All dea,,ere rind that, bas grasped us. • At tpis ' edri. do all teings throneeli Totomo„ present Lime as I. write these notes Christ which stivilgthenetli Ca. ' we are entlettvering all iny Bible elaSses '10 1110111 018100 1f1 0 allele 0.915- tle,„•talting aboet three verses etteh weck, for We believe ' and desire 10 obey Col, 111, G; Nett. 41 I's: exix, 11; Joe. 16: Job x;dli, 12, etc. 1 know Of no way to stand faSt in the 1,oed or le the grace of God (ROM, V', 2) e(cd)t hy Iteing 511123(1 With Bis word aad leis Spirit ,(•Iohn vi,- 63), de 5. ;Rejoice 31) the Lord always. And ageein, T say, Rejoice. let your moderation bo ki)oiv 31 10)10 al 1 111Q13, rE110 -.1.,0V1 is 0 t 01131, A. Christian is oee, who is in Christ, ois.d. 1:011.X.ss one 1.?;• 1.0a11N. 313 81.11111 Chl'IS1 in him, Illeefeee iie may be. a eller 011 In0111b0', eonflrreed, etc., and es good morally anti roligion6ly as a Nicodentus or11 Saul ot Tarses, he is not Gleeet- ' si Tilt, third chapter of this cnis- 4 qj 11 i re' ' te ybli evGV central:tad taw3r 11loot1 6 ense 7011 1100 never mrre unless t1 e V1811508 poison las beeatradloated 11011111m systztn. 'nave yon any of the iollowingsymil tomnP Sore throat, ulcers mine tongue or 111 the month, ns.11 111.1110Fr oat, aching (mins, itchlates of the slem .i.lores or bloteltes on 'We body dyes red and smart, aye-, peptic tato rnath,, sexlial wea'itueas-ladicAtions el the secondary stage, Don't rala 24 yonr syst-ni with theo1d fogy treatment-mm.0m.y and imtm,11-wbich only env. presses ti36 V.ytnpto tas to r a time. env to 'Urea% oat artaia wboa nappy J.S domestic - 3.(515128l0 . life, Don't, Yet (Inners experiment pa ytht, Oer rei..stv fAlabod Tocietitatte i4 datranteed to core you. Our guaranteeS artibuL cid 1 1)7 ba,n1 bonds, tbat the disease wi 11 nevet. return. rrhoulan/sof P ' patients have bden already ourod by mu. New Method Trent4uant tor over :11) yeati' 11 o tiAYeet:tget1 Veltha3-4, WattOtts. cQ ..mUst, 14' . . Mr, t, A.. a vtrItc,81 0yOtir raMeclles tate dono tne ntro troml 'than Zot SpriAgs aml all the doctovi and medlcines 1. 1.3mi pre- viously tried, I baro 3161 folf., '10.1„:7 pf those pains ot seen. any ulcers or b1 otchtm for ever sereci yearS And the oittwardsyniptarns of tite.ttnithesoute- dtaca.se Imre entirely, disappeured, 2,17 hall: ' LAS fitoWn la 111117 Ayala ttad, Le= Mazriqr.2. ;tea 4app,r,” . ., . , , i'' doNstILTAI•gin i-z(ett, 601k0 1:44. OirilTit prt ottt.gtroo ttAlii 'Mit , AVANT., CIAO WARANIUO Oil HO PAW' lt,S' WARS IN VS:11MIT. 13 "ft 35 ta t„. Tilo 1)7