HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-1-8, Page 64,40,14,14-14-1-144-141:4-44+1,14-44-1.144.14,24414-I, AN ENSOUGITT WEALTH; Or The flystery ot a Brother egacy. had his band °limed on the diamond, !manure, 'It. is W il known, that the anti every now and then he °puma, U ,moro .thuroughty the menere, is dee comp tho its bulk, bat U properly eared for while proriaSh. Mg the deeoniposition of the:Manure there is but little loss of plant rood,. ou tuu contrary, should the fele:oar neglect the heap he Will lose anich of An acqualutance. at sight 01 him its value without materially retitle - and lihe peenliar "carredags ou" leg ite bulk. It is bulk that entails pulled up and stared. hiller ie. the are a =enure, 'far ,"itullo, Hook/laza! Whatevees the when a large mass is luandled, row? You lOok as though you have tad, and aireaa on the ground more te P(el) at the treasure watch at held, and every time bet peeped the .dia- ntowl eeeirea to sinile him; mad wittia it sullied he mailed a• t it again. It is an itaiesual thing for 'street passeegers to behave like Uwe, been luaLing a eight of it, my work is required of men and teams. 4 ` .4 44441.44.441.44°1444-4444.1"4444444 4-'444444-1444 44$4444! frier -cc" P.:APTiseit 117. wishiag I was dead, at any rate." ghinee at, lain; he eiumly went on er hauls a largo =omit of water. It Mr Truelove who did met seem ilial-wity and maned, Tho aCquaint- is ettianated that a, cord of inarnire, .., -hoe 1 0 a appy, although lie had bowl paid ance stared after him and whistled. Weighing 4,500 pottuds, contains It was aa early ho - lei th fol. . 1 I.,,000 pourids of water and 500 l'eNvieg meIT'I'Pg 'when 341''' li(lakitate: hie 'bill teok out his handkerchief "I. should say, from ieppearances, ahaut returned th bis chambers; but early thst htoi‘t 'has brow. that ola Ifooltheen's 'cracked.' " nountle of sill., all of which must ste was the hour, lie found aonie one epeamps — perhaps, then, be handled in the stable and heap, 'kvaltin Ills:. arrival. It wan Mr, tor sell it2.„ I'd bet- it was now between eight and nine a uel 1 e. Mi . Ilookliten ad pot. "sell at ,, great stream. o'cloele, the hour at walch the loaded, tattled, and spread, iprob- Mr, Truelove tease/m.1, of life sweeps city- ably requiting' two or three loads, in "If I was you, I wouldn't tr,.. What wards. Mr. the Steand Tfookham went along ordea to apPly, about 25 pounels of do vou think. I've been doing all the -- witich is scarcely the, altrogen, 21 of phosphoric-, acid and thrill thaw in the world to receive a time rve had it? Haven't I been thoroughfare in, adi eh to a ag 15 of pelash, on the land, as these trying to Sell it morning, noon and meat would choose to air his eceen- entstances are the real plant foods vieit from an undertaker before the ni hit? Good Lordt the t' e I've trteities — through Bedford and of the- manure, hence the farmer arrival of the morning's milk, No haat, Oar -ride, streets, across Leicester Mr. Rooklatan had unlocked the out- she As he made this frank confession, Square,. Pfe had not the slightest greetings were exchanged, but when perspiration rolled down Mr. doubt ea to whether his steps were er door, and the inscription was ree Truelove's countenance in streams, apparently called forth by the mere act of recollection. "You impudent scoundrel! You dare to tell me you tried to rob axie et twenty thousand pounds, and Vthen come back and ask me to at Ile follower: Mr, Ilookleaan into taw year paltry ban , room.. When that gentleman. sat e down, he—altogether uninvited — I never asted you cc never! I Sat down too. Syria Hoe/4mm, n only said I thought you would find . i' at better if e-q,u titd." general one of the most particular of , • I "Leave my room, sirl Don't split Men as regards his personal appear- hairs with me! 11 — if I didn't feel ance, looked woefully unkempt and . dirty, onnyell this morning, I :should give ,you into the charge of the police. "Since last uight l'ye lost five You thief!, ; hundred pounds a year," he groan- I Mr. Truelove meekly shook his Maniere that lists been exposed is not But Mr. Hooldieni aid not even only reduced in value, but the ferme etiene at all surprised, to see him, but leoked up at him with lustreless eyes, as thoeigh it were the most na- \mated, blazing -upon the fresh black pallet, Mr. Truelove shook his heed. 'Ah! I knew there'd he something of the kind -- I ham there would! You'd better have paid nee as 1 ad- vised you to, you know" ed. i head, and went — this. time rigbt "What's that? It's nothing cora- 1 away. Even then Mr. Hookham was pared to what you.will lose. Looke half -minded to • eall him back agaM, at him; he lost his life." 1 .aand address to him seine fresh hi - Mr. Truelove jerked his thumb I wales: lie was N'sery curious sibieut tending. Somethieg — he thought it was the diamond — kept whisper- pounds of manure not being as much ing M his .ear two well-hnown as $5. If the farmer can reduce this inennes, "Ruby and Golden! Ruby bulk by 'protectiag the heap against and Golden!" over and over again. water, • and also Inelace fernientae (To 13e Continued). ton, so ds to have all coarse ma- terials made fine, tho saving in la- bor will not alone bathe gain, for the -manure will then be labetter . condition for crops than when the -bulk is greater. The amoont:nt ler in -the hags of fertilizerais but a Milan matter combated with the Manlius. of' 8,000 pounds of' water and 500 pound e of Silica, as wen' as other -materials in the =vitro, in or- der to supply less than 100 pounds of actual plant food to the mit goes to a heavy expellee in bathing a large amount of material which he does not wont, the total value of all tries° substances in the 4,500. aketetitatiSeatieritaeilaeiV"eataeitiasi*Se** FOR. FARMERS '1 Seasonable =id Profitable .4 S, flints for the Busy Tillers -a if of the Son, trA g-i4i-c4F.441.t:.•$-AE•8•14:i-s-?X•••*e'W•tP:.**-144 FEEDING STOCK IN WINTER. The making of manure of the best curious as se was,. quality on the farm lien be effected over' Ins sae -alder. The allusion was :the atone: net to the deceased Matthew. Mt Hook-afe at all masons, but winter in the aP- he felt that he might pay for propriate period.' The farmer can ham went on, apparently unheed- euriosity too dear, cued get ' more manure b • -ti i "'It's all stuff and nousenee,", he save fee"' "Badger's Buildings produced last ,told himself. "The fellow is an Ma - the metier manipulation of Ilia feed - year £518 10s. 0d. net." And again i he groaned. !gpitiaTtlaenttoilgeief. Ile would be Only too. ing stuns than to attempt to elim- ate labor by allowing the animals • "You'll get used to losing things. et it into his hands again.. in eteeo to trample the coarse materials. The in thaw. The very, first day / heti i Of course he couldn't, sell it! a: same of 'time Is path seing when e farmer will that stein° Thad a funeral come to would be likel3r to buy t -. -grief in the Mile End Road." I was a fool to pay his bill!" mr. that value from suCh a one as he is? vogue. • It ia now known that it is Maldive the 'methods so long he Truelona groaned in harmony. But he thought of the inscription cheaper and better to reduce all mo.- "They were insured for five thou- sand poupde. I've paid on that. which had come and vanished; and terials 10 a very line condition than to throwie?. the cotermid bulky refuse portant, thech :eapest and yields the ., policy for eleven years.. The half- on the last „point he Was not quite into the barnyard, there to remain largest returns. Oats conies next. yearly payment was due ten days clear in his mind. Perhaps it, wa.s until such work is done by the feet Wheat is too costly, except for ago. For the first. tin-te 1 overlook- as well he had paid It after all. As of cattle. chicks. Clover hay should form an • ed it., Lest evening I received an for not being able to flud a purcba.se When 1 he farmer muds all his important part of the Winter's keit, intimation of my oversight, and last er at any prim for a stone worth twenty the -emus' pounds, the idea Straw through the feed cutter he not as its bulk tends to neutralize the night theynvere burnt to tthless at he ground „ • only Induces 'his Hve' stock to con- solidity of grain. Potatoes, beets t bsurd None e —uninsured." "It's the stone," said Mr. True- love. '''It's that there Devil's Dia- int, au possees el a el a thought of Badger's I3uaklings, and . , . mond." ' the lapsed insurance, he winced still Pacity for absorbing, manure of a better than mongrels. The poultry - Mi. Hookham, looking up, seemed liquid 'form. The Stalls are aleo business will . never be overdone as - ' more. But then 011e need uot have for the first time to recognize his more easily cleaned-, and manure and long as mongrels. exist. arrived at Mr. Hooltham's age to i r PreSeTICe. ' absorbents aro more rapidly handled know what curious coincidences there I . "What do you want now?" 1511(1 decomposition will. begin imme- peevishly inquired. • he are in the world. ' . , • and in the hamillug of manure will. - . MAIC1NO- 'MONEY WITH HENS. 'T0. keep poultry successfully i'0' (11111'4153 ae much knowledge ae • any other. bee :stock. industry, yet for the nipaey invested it yields the largeet profits, writes Mr. P. E. Townsend. From itay experi-ence, which is that of the overage farmer, I cmaelthde that plenty of grain fed in litter, with /rash water before them all the time, will mole hens lay. As most farmers aro situated it, is not possi- ble to feed much meat, yet what there is shoeld not be wasted. lie to feed, corn is the most Sin - the recollection of his interview with .surne !terser quantities of it, but the materials are also then better for Mr. Schwabe he evinced. At the and cabbage are easily grown. and form cheap winter feed. Pure-bred fowls should be raieed, as e they pay ".dia.tely. Cleanliness in the stable "It isn't what I want; it's what When he had gor.e out in response HOW 131.S.JEeCiltilaYS ARE BRED. The famous utuo-grey cattle which you Want. Something kept on tell- to the su (en ea le nie - be the result, while the heap will be are sp largely bred in the border ing ine all night that you might that call which had summoned him . . „ .1 ruiner m available plant foods. THE LOSS OY LIQUID MANURE the eouth of Scotland — aro the re- anine.'' pounds. a year --he had put the dia- 1 you I am the poorer be` five hundred air, he took it out; He brightened iquently, end farmers have. been et light-colored Slunthorn bulls awl' , pounds a year. Do not think 1 am up as lie beheld it. During the night fault in losing a huge proportion of cows of one of the. black -polled breeds — usually the Galloway. Cur - it $eemed actually to have inereesea their soluble plant foods hinthe'• tf- likely to be in the humor for pay- iously enough., blue -greys obtaieed in in size; had • he b :en a epeculative fort td avoid labor. It is so much --,-- atig-1311.1s, and other people's too?" this way are much more hi favor mall, he would have wagered that it i edgier to give haty or straw to eat - Mr. Truthilve sighed, and shook his head. . . • at any rate had grown in splendor. it/e, and let them masticate it, in_ than auimais of the same tyre got "Still, I'd pay it all the same, if It poeitiveiy blazed with light; it stead of using the feed ostler, ''MII: by mating black bulls. with white cows. So great is the esteem in dazzled his eyes; indeed, as he gazed farmers overlook the fact that, be the I was you."• asoi- some reason the undertaker's at it, it hed a very curious effect cerifeediaig of 3:11ell . foods ,.ae ;timed which these blue -grey cattle are held him; he found it difficult to remove :meal, bran, middlings, and. cornmeal; in some of tho great feeding districts words seemed to make an iMpression his glance; it fascinated him as with better results will tie obtained thole- of the south and east. of England, en Mr. Hookham's mind. He glanc- ed at his visitor out of the corner of some magic spell; it fired ilis breaSt, froin when such. concentrated foods and co ]nage is the demand expera he with an unwonted passion; he gloote are diluted with linelyneut straw, rimed -for thein, that 511 certain' parts Ma eyes, and poadered. Then unleeked a little drawer in the toe ed 011 it as a sensualist might be, hay or fodder, and that both the of Cu.mberland and .Northumberland ble. at which he was,standing, and, supposed to gloat on some fair wo- concentrated and bulky foods , are farmers make a specialty of breeding he feas•ted on itsheauty, as it rendered more -valuable by the corn- white bulls of the Shorthorn typo taking. out a cheque-booktivrote a man; iheque for three hundred and thirty Were; drunk in its glorious light; it ibinatioa. A large Proportion of the with the special object Of Subsequent- ., 1, otte et i.. inspired him with a singular dela-I-value of all . feeding staffs eci in that he using them' for the rroducti on of country — the north of England and waayt to pay that little bill of to witness the loss of five hunaret . salt of ,a cross betercea white or mond in his safe; now, with listless :on alms has been referred to fre- -Don't I tell you that Rime I saw poun s. a , :don; it seernet1 to speak to hint; he i which is voided by the animals, but produced afr. Truelove's account. "atere's your moneat receipt the seemed to hear its voice. Ithe profit. Is derived frolil that which bill.""Sell me," it seemed to, say. , is a:lee:tied. By careful preparation 'Ur. Truelove did as he woe told. "Turn me into gold. There is c, fore: of the ft-odsmore of them is digest- -Now you ecu ea.,' tune in my smile! I am worth the tide while tha manure itself is richer Without, o,hrordtsalr. 'Truelove went. ransom' o'f a king)" , - • wheel, coecentrated lobils Sae • used. He went, that is, as far as the door; No harder -headed man than . Mr. The peeper way to mix hay, and for when he had oPencel it be pause llookliani, yet the voice 'of the dia- , grain. Di 5/1 OM, body of the animal, etl, the door in his.hantl. • mond fined him with a strange ' de- but lese bran will be 'required if it -There! I knew how it Would be, lusion, at warmed hini through and is used on cut feed, alai betterre" ' It's gone!" he cried. , through; it banished all his listless sults will be obtainea front it. 11 . - ---: ' ' • • airs — droire front him the memory the eattle ftiods are given in, pre- - e-Gonelit 'Mr. I-It/oh:ham -started from his of his ' loes-heade 0, young piau Of pared condition the manere will ' be really -it- et red with little labor', for • chair. He -went to the door. It was him again. gone — the instription wbich hacl, A, “.S1ell Me! sell me!" it seemed to all cut 'coed that is uneaten, such as blue -greys. MANY WASTES. . - Many people there are who would make fortunes • -out reef- at ether people wastea Theraaro many 'small wastes on many farrah, and tatee together • drat for a `series Of" years represent „large, stun. of money: ,Nothing Omuta- be wasted on. the farm. What is nat.gociel arongh feir the Market. or has rea.inerket value; shoeld :go on the manure -and from thence into the ground to pro - minute back, been flaming in scarlet say. shreddel italt s and strew, after be- duce other finer products:that have a 'letters upon the freshly -painted door. whirr he erfaa — out lona, so ing used as bedding, will go to the Commercial value. .You kuow it is Hookluun grasped Mn. Truelove by the arm, • "Conie inside," he said, "and shut the door." Thee' returned Intel the room. Mr. Hooldiam began that his goice rang through the -heap :ready prepared for deeempes- not ahat 5 , earn, but a aut ao ative, room; and -c was it fancy? — the ition, anti decomposition is the wee- that makes us wealthy.' Not what. aiamond siniled, iea.Y, not only smile all menere is made, as .that which eve mien, on the farm, but wheat. is ed, it laughed — 51. was. like the comes front- the 'animal is simply the left alter payieg expenses, that sound of wondrous music in the cars; melee foods masticated Mid decome makes farmieg tiad, ( (1 igested ) within the' body of iumblove aith the and Mr. Hookhann he laughed, top: - papers which littered the table, :`At once! at onm ce!" the diaond th:an e imal ie eliort time, 'while eventing uneasy in his rninel. cried.a the farmer, by reducing all coarse "What — what wakes you -think "A t once! " ehIr. Hooke. am, reads. with a shredder or a cutter, there i',. anything curlers about that too- •-• Performe :the stame thing (decompos- e -tench" IT epeewit u 1119 hat and atl dat- ien't r)hat I think, it's pilule.. J11110CI Wed dirty ae he was, he left wouldn't be the „tenor of the room. Ile must have been pee- sitohtea not. .for a million aessed, or be 'would never have •be- porniiis a yeal.".ha What would be the :hayed like thitt. It wee not SUI' - 050, of the nothey if I had it? 1 iprieline that people, stared at bine S40331(1 10S0 11. 111 130 t11110, 111111 pC1*- 318 he passed along the street, he pre - haps lay life as well, I sitieuld •be !seated such a peculiar spectacle. Ile Bloat in the immure heap, but an a longer period. • a THE MAIN wonrc during the winter season, ehould the faraier not be busy in some partial - lar department on the faein, is usu- ally- the maim aad preparation of Nbea • Symptoms Thi,t Warn You of the, Approach of This hialaciy so F3readfully Painful and Fatal In- its Results. Dr:Chase's gidney.Liver Pills. ---------------------- . ' , 'Bright's , disease it, in rattily a 3101:4, ant1 severe rains in the back and (Eget action, 'on the 'kidneys, Dr. throttle inflammation of 111e ki-tlattih'i eml lhlths• • • • Chase's Jaidneen-Liver Pills have time and is the natural consegternee of me The accumulation of watery' fluid— and afaxin proven their superiority sleeting ordinary Iddiety drawee- drapsy--contin....., hi the eavitv of as a preventive and, cure for Bright's ., tl, 111101115.s. the thest,•itna any at any time came, disease, • : A t lite!, -PIM iney' white: 0, elleati death 100111 11 Oar t Ali hire or. ciroPsY of While 'teeing and invigorating the .,,tseather of .1 he fast ease the at:his the laSm ngs. oetimes uremia, stet- kidneye, and making them eetive in . , s pdr. e01131.31f;i011S ,93231. 'death occur- 2012 02) uric' steal 110121 the blood, ,hthatt or lic„,0131, polim, or fm..,,, and stiricomy, hefts e the other symphorns 1)5 Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills alS0 iwnrk te 021 i , Moe AIL eienis .D.,ai .. „ „ ,,.1„,,, ,,i nosh . „Iv 4 r U11,, „E baa at whet he i.e. Tire:en-tie 1r1)teit1,.'n te and while regulate the .actiou of the 'liver and :igtiht.; trstths ataah, eaa tiemste Lite dro‘piy ie fain 1)4 )I ilt quantity, 120r:tate and eueoure.ge the digestive •• A.4 111'3'41,Ca't119(,50,(T 011ISPS a Verigi- Ort",,t),, le properly perform their du-: , • i ing away of Cho eelis arid tiesues of (lea Their use will quickie etop, the 1, Soon tlie. digest 1111' SYS10111 110('(2)11N) 1{1'10 k1dE105'4 t heinselvos, il S well as dreadful, westing process, which ae- I (lea tit go ci . Ilie 5.1xpe1 ite i lima i rtel , and ti et the where hotly, it coat only be c mut) it e 1 09 Bright's di eteme, and VP:. 'het nemy Bien, hi te tentleney 10 diarr- 1 perfeelly cured if treatment is, be- store Gm deranged organs to health i. lama tout formation of 1:,318 in 111e 111-; gm% • in ifs early stave, when . the and neilvity. (inc pill a dose, 25 ilea I inert '1111.A.0 aro free!tee t eit In- , first syl A 1)1 0211S 110(101133.1 110tiC033121.0.,. 001)15 Li 1109, at 3311 11013.1e3'S, Or Ild- tarring listadaPlues, at tac,k:3 or 41,nzi.-: 11c4,..1 se of their remarkably prompt tianerop, Butee and CO., 'I'Orento. • To wove to you thab ,Chass's Ointment is aportain and absolute one tor each and every form of itching, bleeding and protruding ,the manufacturers have guaranteed it. tea. t:noon lain in the daily pre.sa and ask your nolgt, bora what they think or i t. You can use it and get your I.110X163, back if sot cured. 60o a bos, at all dealers or P.:D/dAssos•,,,Jerss Co..Torento, On, Chase7s OIntment EI.OATIN'a 0 DOCTOR JACK CILePTIOR XXIV, Larry is amazed, for lie time not *m- eetly earnprehend atettere, but having zesale up his mind to follow Jack's ac- tions, he keeps an eyeeen that worthy. At the same time he has mechanized the trio of forms that have glided into the room. They are, first of all, the laststia, looking es black as a theluder cloud; Don Carlos, apparently Only half-hearted in the buolnese, ancl the matador, Pedro Vasquez, upon whom face: Is an expression that may be likened to a tiger's. He sees at last the man who robbed him of his laurels before the public of Madrid—sees and imam, if that can be„ ten times more than before. So far as aumbers go, they are un- equally matched; but taking the dee- per dude, the weak Aleck, 'with the old Aehined, and they would prove but a Mouthful for Pedro Variquez. SoMething besides numbers counts, and the revolvers in the hands et Jack and Larry carry the balance of power. They inunediately cover their three erernies, who stend still, forming a pe - (lunar groap—a Turk end two Span- iards at by, onei of them latter a gen- tleman, the other possessing the brawny frame and bull -like neck of the professional fighter, "Gentlemen," says; jack in French which he believes they all understand --his manner is cool, and the hand thal bolds the revolver as steady es the eternal hills, "I trust 'you take in the situation. Instead of making WI prisoners pm have fallen temporarily into our power. Now listen to rea- sue We desire to leave thle plate at onee, and we shall take the Pasha: te the end of his grounds as a prisoner of war in order to shield ourselves from his follow,ers. He ishall lap released when we have the first chance at ea - cape, After that it is the devine own chase."' He watehee to eee the effect on his hearers. Don Carlos is the only one unmoved, for his stake in this game la not so large as that of the others. The Pasha grinds bis teeth, while Pedro scolds,- and sneers. "Carajo !" he hisses, speaking Span- ish because he can better express him - reit in his own language, which is well fitted for irony, "the valiant American does well to shield himself behind a small gun. He is safe there.. I have come all the way from Maarid to give him the chance to treat me as the bull" did. They called you a brave man, bat only a cowafil hides behind a re - waver when a rival dares him to light. Here am 1, Pedro Vasquez. your dead- ly foe, ready to kick arms with you and prove which is the better man. There are plenty of excuses, but only a coward wiU. seek them. The man and the place—Senor jack, will you accept 2" His manner cannot be described. It is insulting', taunting*, and makes Sack's blood boil. At stnother time he would have been at the man like an o.valanche, why not now? True, there is much at stake, but Jack seems to forget that He only remembers that this man has insulted him before his friends, and his blood becomes heated. "Aleck, take this revolver. Cover the Pasha, and at one treacherous move send a bullet into his brain," and the other grasps the weapon with a err of satisfaction, fastening his ticod-shot eyes on the Turk in an eager way that makes Abdallah trem- ble in his shoes. Doctor Tack, having given way to the terrible impulse, does not hang fire, but deliberately takes off his coat, and 2A:cal:Lees in the direction of the Spanish matador. He has seen Pedro in the arena, and gauged his powers, rei that he now has a pretty good idea of what resisting cpaalities he may 111•(`'iCt. ome, I am impatient 10 depart. Let us get this little circus over as soon as possible. I warn you, Pedro Vasmiez, you will Ilnd my fall worse than a toss from the short horns•of black torte Are a-ou ready—bravo ?" His words • irritate -and -further en- rage the bull -fighter; just as lie inr tends. Jack has 'indeed no tithe to waste in thie matter, and he hopes ea °apatite the affair. As he expects, tell. At least fie hes lost all itherest Sri the aseine• Mercedes chine her liancle- even Don Carloe earleot but look with admiration and affire upon the wonderful man be once called friend. Tbe PaSha's face appears, more ugly' than ever at this elefeat of hie breve, but Larry is ante crows like a rooster in 3 "b' V3Illettnviayral• victory :\vell done, Doc- tor jack. Tare° cheers for the Stars THE KAISER AND HISV"AYS 03.L'Itlf:AN EMPEROR. IV AGAIN IN THE LIXELIOIST, Growth of His Infiteenee Over Pa liament and Among the 17,aendaudaatretrzpie.:.st041)1.011r1:;:lih-4-11.suar--..00a rea, People. eon for doing so, as the d 0: 0: lit:: onmrfe1115V0eolialealrntritilvsjaconeirty`Btroititfoirnaa ? apalaaHolnyleulieii.Ineraistellncle t hwilifiltaei.sri a carrier. Men Pour thro.4.111 the be quite as strenuous in leis pereonal gone into the debteeolleeting hum- tseildoeultuidsof aftlale. United St:It:F.71 !Ie aPartment is burst, in with a orasb, and striltipg the dude, doubles tip in r)octor 3aok realizen hahits, as Theodore, the atilletie PS'et that igteh. neevatteiToZtt.o itisxeeee t°1 on tne staarivuecIle without 110 akind to gttitNi;aee rasiade afeissso irefl :, es sowncott141111liggie tylng eit'lialiviutealltilteall 37; sh SA:1 h11:100f" up easily-, and. although the janizaries shines at students' dillilerS,/ heap thernselyee upon Wm, he etrug- gles desperately against the beavy odds, and Mei cede, watebing his mag- nifieent efforts, can hardly restrain the admiration she feels for him. Aleok, when the grand climax takes place, leas been seized eath a desire to niske me of his chance. It looks as though their portion woald be death now, and he has not forgotten what he declared to he his desire--" oae chance at that devil before I give up," He en- deavours to take aim, and as the Pasha knows not his danger, it looks , as though dam were about to settle upon hira; but' Satan cares for his own, and Just at tills oppoetune mo- ment one of the Janizaries passing by receives in hie shoulder the leeden dashes off telegrams that mi included in the list of things ono would raer have left unsaid. Ile ie a nephew of King Edward, All Ole, however, does not die - dose the roan What effect does he think his vise -roils rule is having in Germany? lItts he a model, has he ideals? Many behove that he wanta to be known 111 history as a seeoxed Frederick the Great, a poi -Sone], pa- ternal ruler. The German Emperor honors the memory s)f Frederick, the Great in Mere waye than one . lIe loves Potsdam, and is constantly irapeov- Mg it, oz sertiptic, It'riedrich- ltron iounie favorite residence, and, without exception of changes in dee- messenger intended for the breln of the oration 'aryl iniprovernents fUrr, wily Turk'. Bre Aleck. can drew hack nishing and ligleting, it Is •the palaect the hammer of his weapon again, he is which.Frederiek the Great completed rouneed upon by the emiesaries of the Pasha and held' in hands eif iron. . All are secured but. Jack. He bas hurled his assailants from him thrice. like a mastiff shaking the water from his coat, hut eaeh time they return to the attack and it is evident that by enere force of numbers they must eir,en- etually overcome , • , Some aof them are • for slaying the unbeliever, and steel flashes , in the light oS the lamp, but Abdallah Pestle great predecessor , on the Pressmen &earns of even a more terrible re- throne, has artistic and literary Nenge—speedy 'death is too'good for a taste. Be is a musician, -a painter, man who has braved him in his own a sculptor, and rhetorician,. and be has a natural bent • for intellectual life. • The founder of Friedrichkron and Sans -Soucie was a flute Player, organized the opera. at Berlin. re- velled in poetry, and axitique sta- tuary, and enjoyed the' coMPanion- ship • of philosophers andgnen of let - at a cost of over $2,500,000. Sans Souci, with. its Lancrets and Wat- teaua, the clock which stopped when the great Prussian died, and the fur- niture -in use in his time, is turned over to the battalions of visitora tramping daily through the gilded Prench. apartments and listening to the dull recitative of the glade. POINTS Ols SIMTLARITY. The German Emperor, like his palace—he would torture the American even as he has Aleck, and make him experience the horrors of a laving So he shouts out hoarse orders—the janizaries know the temper . of "their master full well, and there is not one dares disobey him. The flashing steel vanishes, and they devote themselves saomay ter like Voltaire. To artistic sen - WAS ridded inquisitiveness, toward overcoming him with physical force, • No one is watching Mercedes, and her face Is a study. Her sympathies are with the ..emerican. Once she even starts 'toward him holding the revolver -Larry has dropped, but re - which. kept a. restless irdnd in cease- less activity. Both characteristics the German Emperor possesses. He has artistic feeling and intense eag- erness in the acquisition of knowl- edge. Ile is not the univeraal gen- ius whom flatterers affront by hidis- - strains heeself, ,knowing how futile it be the signal for general carnage. She crineinating eulogy, but he knows a. ' would be, since such an act must only little about a great many thing!, All at once Doctor J'a.ek ceases to has a well-trained memory, and 3S Struggle.' The wonderful muscles be- telleetual life, Be has a better card to play than that. Come quiet, and he stands tbere breath- strenuous in his in is constantly surprising his Ministers . enemies undaunted: Three Turks accuracy of his information. 110 and his subjects -with the extent and hang upon each arm while half a Itcoakues•eirsteit3;hyte.pebyet Iiizellssirltialepsosiinngott'sit.ecOgidgllyinIPonSiglia.iffiensiii-, ' big hard, yet lookiug around at his and already has menred among the Sovereigns of the tnne the pre-emi- nent position that Frederick the Great occupied in the eighteenth cen- tury. No other monarch of the day dozen more await the least movement to hurl themselves upon his•body. rieladallah Pasha looks pleased, He sees all his foes eapturea, and it seems as though the victory is within his grasp. -Like many another. general, has shown equal capacity for great he lumps at conclusions without posi- tive proof, and in Making his Calcula- tions has left one region out. aTo Be thentinued.a JUSTICE 111' MOROCCO. Scale at the Summary Execution of an Assassin. An article describing the arrest and execution of the Moorish fanatic tvhci murdered Dr. Cooper, a British missionary in Fez, on Oct. 17, ap- pears in The London Times frora the Fez correspondent of that journal. After mentioning the arrest of the assassin in the Shrine where he hied affairs, and none exerts greater 331 - flume° over his subjects, GROWTH OF IIIS 'INFLUENCE, The authority of the German. 3.13m; peror 110.0 steadily increased since he came to the throne. There was an interval of ance.rtainty when he dis- missed Prince 13,ismarch, whom his grandfa.ther had regarded as the only possible hlbancellor; but this acb. is now considered by all non-p-artivait observers as a stroke of geniva,- since it disclosed inherent strength of character and an inflexible deter- mination not to. be overebe.dowed and discredited, The young Sov- ereign, who had. never fought a hat- taklevni rileifilug. alit haencohrorteisrpotLtinan:s„asases'isn). iltlena.neen.adip..hioandia/cloi„, eaxep;erp.a...etieifie.uaine fisiEnutreo-, was brought into the Sultan'S, pre- sponeability of his exalted station eserida - laie Majesay, \vhe: was -seetne sled speedily demonstraterk his cae, in a cliair under 'a. tall archway, ha' pitchy and. sobriety of judgment. He fun sight of all viziets, officials, and removed. a powerful rival and bee soine•hundretfe-ofetroopS, naciered.tho ramie' the • only Oguet 021 the stage. - PriSoner to be brought before him. Some of .his *earliest Sr:each:es and the other rushes at bire fuelously. Seek has already seteeted this, hold.; • etude ma: yaesatehat ara taysett stood by naa.dif.eto.es, were •shisathmai hat3 ,. .. takes it—an old favourite of. his. His Majestir's side, in order that we theatrical; but he succeeded an ' Mak- oaks, with anistees knotted anti straine.might hear what pa rt ' h'n 0 lf knoven, as a Sov.ertign of sse .. ' Tho nun.- 111g 1 .1* -0 They stead ahere like two grand ed. Jack is testing. the other's 1 dorm; was te man of apparently some exceptional force of cbaracter, and ' forty years of 'age, of tall stature- moderation and self-restraint came in due time. The 'direction of for- eign affairs is aow entieely *a, his own hands, and his sagacity is on - strength. In a bull -like way 'Pedro may be the stronger, but be does not know how: to manipulate his tremend- ehootnag Dr. Cooper becauee he was cus Power. la, Christian. Up to this time the challenged. Me' naval policy lrab All watch them eagerly, though mews of Dr. Cooper's death had not carried avith little resisthimo, Aleek:and Larry do not forget to keep been re.ceived. • • The Sultan there-. anything 'upon setS ius- ell eye on the rnen over whom they fore ordered the man to be publicly heart is aecomplialeed. The. factions alive been Macea as guards. • flogged for his attack -upon Dr. in the Reichstag agree in letting him ' Mercedes' Is intensely aroused—line Cooper, and the man received • SO..- have his own way in mere matter all the women or Spain, she loves to oral hundred blows froM icather• in which he is rersonally interested, see gladiators the' ring contesting ,theings a.eross his Mini and thighs, and he in turn avoids raising mine - for the • supremacy, whether among 'administered by soldiers hie the pre- cassary eonilicts with the legislators, theinseives ortwith a fierce animal—a .sence of His Majesty and the entire and is not drawn 51110 partisan war - or a bear. perhaps a tiger. She 'Wert, and troops. He bora his fare with- any seetion. The Beeper - adores Doctor reek, and her sympathies , thraehing with great fortittider and or's prestige -and popularity are are all excited in favour of but t on its comPletion was able to rise grounded upon' his representative and not unpleasing countenance. "He confessed to del iberat el y she has fears, eeeing the mere bulky up witheit essestance and walk, character as a German among . c 's frame of the bun -fighter, and not be- e iits len or etc o es it na, the livers of Cie Maar° '01'0 housantle of floating gardelas; ferine tea. •aeetad '"IT e • tt d • a b - tl s: :Ele hos Um power 'of fore- twith legate to , the ime itchy exhibited in the streets; and, casting the tend of peblic 'opinion ed by long sedges which are NV0V011 auannes in eteeseas figure, Moe 0 t alum a doilkeY and gu e rd- awl of keeping in the cioeee posea together iti the fortn• of a, gigantic Mat. Them sedge grasses, flags, stalks, and lilies are woven on the river er lake bents whil0 iheir,roots are still growing in the slime under- neath Tile requited amount of earth ie then superimposed Upo11 the neva the stalks are then cut, and the mat and its load are a full-fledged "float- highratelen." They are list:tally about tweeter by fifty yards in ex- tent, seldom larger, the full depth of, the mat and its earthly covering being about three feet. A dishonest Ceslunite will . eeimeitante toW his 'neighbors garden away from its moorings. . and sell the produce of the other's toil. PAS-hail:CI CURP ES ARALYSIS. , . A inaii named Doris, of New York, has jast completed a font et 'forty days. Ilefote commeaciag the 60 - deal 'he 3031.9 guttering froin parelysis, blit is now nearly cured, and lie hoe lieVeS that ho hos discovered the owe ,euro for this Walachia : Doetor jaek' Waite no longer, -Ile eh by ighiliers, he wa5. taken from We touch 14. 1111 the intact an . has founa out evaat hte lias to meet, the lisiare for 11118 1)1111)08e, many-sicloil num, he is what wt-iuld ancl , quickly foils several 'energetic "It: was tit this 2110111011 thet the be described in the civil ser - Whirls Of the Spaniard, Who has never , news et Dr. Cooper's death wee re- "dee tee a glutton for work. Ile has Yet met a man able to stsual up befere ; ceived, 'Ilte Sultan, who• wit§ •natedered the intricaciee oiEuropeen him title way, and In deckled's, am. ;seated in the great coat:le-era of the diplomat -a., diseesses the Most min- aencl toned his fiercest efforts have na Pala", orfiered tho Public e:dlihji1011 ute details of military tactics with more effect on the eereeofean Nreasaer of the murderer Lo be stopral and, the meethiels of the army, has dell- thati bad 'the e'sther beim a solid oak. falter consult alitm•with his 2 HO: S, he nite. ideas about haval and al7 um.), gathoi.t commanded .the teen's 201114114 111 ex- policy, is w1,11 1111012110(1 11 seeding his SUrp1U:4 etterga for the entleav-' 0011t1011, requesting Mr, 111191 )1119 and art, • nnisie, scicuce and letters, and our, since. Cane is so very valuable to haat:tele to .be preient, tOgether with i interested in every public. glicslion • .t.b4t-teriutred(; (4-011 ri,m21a,..uete8113a'detm, t0rhnsrile,,etti 0 0 ‘0111.1 ..01:1- • I (t trt; 112111.111(51;.le't)'.- r 'N1-,1" 0 is10)11irc 11.1111n *12115Los .1(11(1111.'1(•111(11e111::31tilsilo(')Itil'is.i''11 i:::.1\11.11:le':4:111!:,e11::: 111 fr: .1111111r11):11111(-1 htin. Pedro enderstende that he IS to "1! „the V141"8' 2014,11 (10 :colic, faculty Struck him it could nat have created ainenai situate, 10111011 had licen ation from 02'r1.3' 013V11', 110 110 1(15 111• 1 (;0111113 11:V a unique potatien greater bevoe, Ile Is torn from 1113 1_ e".1.1:ttortlinerlh- f.eet, lifted Wittily Orem the floor in ,0 othth ' spite. or ills tromoutioug poise:re. ,Tetes: 1.'11•1"s5 hat; spread hie lege for the effort, and A. ilit,le three -s0111 -old miate while inagniarient one it is the bulky 'nude (leorge — "Look nt the 1,ee, her mother Wa)S try1211r, 10 get her to :E'edre ie actuellY lifted ater him, and who improves eacil shining hour," sker, 'bet:41Mo in Lert.'steti ill a Peen- , tied tlie st01111115 partly aiterialces Neraiew — ail the' nay noise, and to143,0,1 it, was, on hie head and :alma' der. dima bee's eood, for, If it eine:tutted to "A cricket, dear," rePlital hoe trio - oat: nieve, and whether tho ex-bult, ie would, improve sonie of tbor, rentart.led tkl little fighttr is merely insensible or ha5 had the • elo.ndy hours. 'The shiiitng lady, -lie ought to glt , neck broittai, the future ivili alone hour5. delft need iinproving-,..! ca," •••*32•21ALAIMAdaia4 •