Exeter Times, 1903-1-8, Page 5,.r NM NS OPPORTUNITY F41' Getting a Beautiful Watch and Chain free'.- --N .� 0 14�OIa. e Required. ----Every Y Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl has the same Opportunity un- der our System lir order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish 'Toxin Pills placed in the hands of all persons coffering from bad health we easelze the following most liberal er ;-- Ies- C you wilt send ua your name and zraft"rens and agree to sell for us twelve boxes' of Dr. Arnold's English 'Toxin Phis at 25e, per hex, we will give you ,&iosolutely Free a beautiful Watch arlcl Chain in either Ladies or Gents size, or your choice of'twenty other premiums such as fine vets of. Jelry, Rings, Violins, illandoim TeaSets, Sateen Skirts, Oameras, etc Remember we don't want an money until after you. sell the Pill and you don't have to sell any mor than 12 boxes to g�e��t. the premium. This, is a bona fide virer from rel'a � tri] concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums t all over th c o agents a. country, . •Re ae y Remember z a e sn l that Dr. Arnold's ,English Toxin' Pills re swell known Town t remedy for .fall . y die, ,eases.•.of the kidney and bladder, :Brigist's disease diabe fi' , res, rheumatism nervous s •tr u onhle' . s a' nd. , ie ale -m cone - plaints, and: are for sale. b. . all - first y tst odass druggists azul. dealers ,.in medi- cines in 1 e alt parts. of the world, You have only to show t y �R' ]rem to sell them. You are.not offeringscmethia that g the people know, t nC w u Our • v,atches are there plarstanda size lz g r e fo ales 0r Gentlemen r Lad, ,Gen +? en `in Nickelar Gun Metal Cases with handsome illutnin, ated"dials and reliable time keepers, watohes such as no lady or gentlemen need 'he ' ashamed to carry,' -arid they will be sent- absolutely Fre to • all who sell only twelve boxes of those wonc•erful Toxin Pills. Write at. once and he the first in your locality to earn one cif those beautiful watches and. chain. • - As soon as we receive your letter or post carr] we will. send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with, your name and address on as our; authoriz- ed agent.. Bear in mind that you will not be asked to sell anymore thar;:the 12 boxes and we don't want any„ money until after you have sold them. We bear all the expense and are only making this liberal offer as a ithethoct of advertising Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. Don't delay, write at once and early • .a' beautiful present for, yourself for Christmas..' Address ARNOLD MEDICINE CO Dept. C. 1. fiO Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. rieh:r'eturn, Since then the city hos been hi a nontinuoaas bootie and with present population of about'' 125,000 arid au assessed valetatioti of at least $45,000,000 it still enjoys a steady' growth, The streams of Money wlrieh have showered upon Seattle pi late years are now being exerted to de- velop., the •great , resources , of , theforests, flsheetes, mines end, farming districts surrounding it. The whtt,rves, warehouses, and eie- yetors of the .water front•. have; a rapacity o4' 713,000 tons, and the births Can accommodate a line of vessels, five miles long. A strong army of, companies still oper tite the Alaskan trade, the Globe Nay. 0o. hay estab- lished a direct luxe with T-Ionolulti and the Oriental trade, which was nearly doubled in 1901, has steadily develop- ed during this year. The sound steamers or "Mosquito fleet" of 70 'vessels bring Seattle into daily com- munication with about 850 local porta. The federal Gov. is constructing':i ship canal through the city to connect Puget'Soeaid, Lake Washington and Lake Talion at to cost of 0,500,000, 00,000, and when this is ' done Seattle will have the finest harbor m the armed, s, I .and while this city now is: far' ahead . ‘ of San .Fraucisco as' a trading city,with y l better facilities she 'should still fin- s • pr'oye, e I The city owns its waterplant,'' q. water beingthe e lxrought from the :(lass- cedes by• ravitatioi wand g the system' • y e m can supply rriore than twice the :"ile- mind, '< rThe picturesque Snoqualmie Falls, e miles d ista nt provides power for rlighting and street car tall is '-2135• feet high ,:and capable ble of generating 100,000 horsepower. Seat- tle e has about 125 males, . of improved building still goes on •and, hundreds of houses o and busi e blocks are y .cb ntintially in course of U ss . erection. Contractors, of course, reap the greatest reward, but common lab- overs are: well paid, •while '.:arpenters, las p revers, masons, lathers and pllitnli- ers are said to get from get $3 to S0 per • THE CITY OF SEATTLE +-•��t.-s_. A DESCRIBTI'vB LETTER Or THE ; CITY OP SEATTLE, BY DIR. DA.TE ELSTON. Seattle, Wn„ Dec., 1902 TO THE EDITOR Ox' THE TIDIES.•— Complying wit h your request, 1 send you an article on this rising city, trusting that it may be of interest. Having .been here for onlya short rt time m unable to formation regarding m any of Seattle's most interesting ; features, while of necessity many others, of _which I would like to speak, must in this short article go without Seattle stands on a number of ridges between Puget Soundon the west and Lake Washington on the ' east, 'while two smaller .lakes named Union and .Green lie within: the city- limits. t v I• derives its name from a famous Siwash chief, who at the time of the founding of the city was one of the great men of Washington. In 1889 the 'entire business section, ' which consisted of frame ,buildings, covering: about 100 •acres along. :the; water. front, was swiped out by fire, at a lose of from 12 to 15 millions: of dollars. For r~everaI years- following that disaster the city suffered" from the severest ]lard tunes, and not till the •great "1 londike rush did she really recover. ` At that time the. Seattle merchants went extensively into the business of outfitting, and , gold seeker's 'were willing to pay lgearly : anything for supplies. • The manufacturers of every article from ;snowshoes or dog -sleds to flour, rein- ing tools or clothing had to work night and. day through the entire week to get orders filled so as to be sent on the Alaskan boats. These .boats charged as high as $40 a ton for freight, and passengers were will- ing' to pay as much as $125 or more for the opportunity of getting _a pas- sago to the Yukon, even if they had to work for their board and sleep on the- eoal or freight. Thus the Seatsle navigationcompanies cleared as much as from 850,000 to $75,000 for each trip of their boats, and the merchants` and their employees reaped an equally 411 Staffed Up That's the condition of many a v suffelf.r•, ,from catarrh, especially in the morning. ' Great difficulty is experienced in clear- ing the bead and' throat. No wonder catarrh causes headache. impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the bi eat] , deranges the stom- ach andaffects the appetite. To cure catarrh, treatment must be Constitutionaj•-.alterative:and tonic. "i was ill for Pour months with, catarrh• Itt the head and throat. Wada baa cough dis- couraged raised lfuy ivitsband boua t become ottle of • Flood's 8nrs,apeuella and persuaded tno to try it. 1 advises ail to take it. It has cured and built ma' up." ]Alvis. litres$ Rp- no7.rn, %Vest lescomb, ', 8. ttO 's Sarsaparilla Cures calarrlr—it soothes and strength. ens the mucous membrane and builds up the Whole -system. The coal mines are : located near Seattle and have a, yearly output of 3,000,000 tons. In 1901 the ,shipments of•lunobee', shingles, etc„ from Wash- ington Amounted ash-ington'amount,ed to more than $869,- 000,000 and . the visable- supply con-, snmed at the rate of one billion feet per annum would `hest 114 years.: The city of Ballara near Seattle is the world's greatest shingle -producing point, and Port Blakeley, across the Sound; has the world's'laraest lumber' mill which turns out 400,000 feet of Material daily,' rad is an independent institution with its own machine shop, etc. The Puget Sound navy :yard across the•'sottnd from Seattle -has the only dry dock on the coast large enough to dock' a battleship. "It ex- pends for, supplies $100,000 monthly and employs 600 mechanics. ' Morale Bros. Co.; who have a shipyard in Seattle'are at present building; the U. S battleship, Nebraska„ at a cost of $3,800,000. During th 3 3i years follow- ing the establishment of the U. S, .Assay office here,' gold worth :more than $55,970,000, chiefly from Alaska,. lis' been received, Our total: bank deposits this year will be about $28,,- 250,000, and bank clearances,: $192,000,- 000. Port Lawton, within the city limits is soon to be a full regimental. post, and the expenditure of the navy pay office exceeds ` $100,000 monthly. Seattle has some grand public edifices and business blocks ' and has lately erected a, fine High School and will soon have anew Public Library. On pioneer square stands a Totem Pole about 50 feet in height, which, was taken from the Alaskan Indians, and nwhich,after ala lawsuit, cost about $ 1 0, - The climate is mild ansa the higbest temperature recorded is 94 and it has only gone as low as 12 above zero three times in ten. years. It ' is always cool at night even in warmest weather and the.rainfall in the winter is excessive. The scenery of the city is of rate excellence, The -Cascade range -to the East is plainly visible as well as the Olympics and the ridge•"between Seat- tle and the Pacific. The highest ' peak is Mount Rainier some 14;500 feet high:' and plainly visible, at' a' -distance of about 00 miles. When the.air is clear this grand.peak appears, to.be just , be- yond the timbered ridge outside the .city tsvarying a pects at, differ- ent times• in the day and with,.char - ing atmospheric conditions makes it perfect wonder,• Before sunrise or af- tersunset it appears spectral •white cr gray, but the s.un's rays often. give --.it. all the delicate tints of a Rower pink to deep crimson or purple, This mount is near Taco•Ina Which is con- nected with Seattle byan electric line. .• All fruits, save tropical varieties, ripen in profuse -perfection in' this die• trict and are oflenorenous' size, :while English Ivy and holly flourish on > the rraces and lawns surrounding many of the residences and roses bloom out of doors in December. But though this city is wealthy and destined to be the great metropolis of the coast and though Its scenery is perfect, it is marred by the crime of its inhabitants; Brewing establish-. ments flourish med. saloons are, every- where. One man in every23 s aetiye- ly engaged in the liquor business and gambling houses and places of vile amusement are common, and; like the saloons, open day and night continual- ly, • Daring . the summer the people Sock to the athletic park to witness the ballgames and the- writer has hearc1'.the uproar made by what the papers estimated to .be 11,000 people who were witnessing a Sunday game. It is a .matter, of regret that many people are poor owing to, their sup- port of the gambling resorts, and might be wealthy if they were half as generous in supporting our fine churches and schools or the State University. Rof ebl cently densha velllbeenilcl sed, a and so. many bad characters are abroad, that in parts of the .city it is unsafe for ladiee to appear on the streets, A description of the renowned pleas- ure resorts or of the hunting and fish- ing regions near Seattle would prob. ably be in order but the writer is not well informed concerning same, Though a brier sketch can give but a poor idea of even a small city, I' trust that this article may :prove en- tertaining and profitable to the read- er? of your valuable paper. Sincerely, .DAVE ELS`CON. • "When the butter won't ,C0121c put- a,' ., ° �. penny in the churn," iS an of • ,t"1 •' ' lTl dairy t� lolly proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children clo not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul- sion. 1t is like the penny in the,' milk because it works and because there is 'something. astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion C szorl is. simply ,a milk of pure p cod liver oil with some 11y o 11r�s �lxites' 1',P I especially c1all prepared for i deli ' p P este sto lna c hs. Chi Children i ell take to It naturally ulaI l Y because l tl Sze .like -the 5 taste and the remedytakes just - It st aS' naturally- attl>all tb the e children =: b�. call tseit•i is so perfectly cal adapted y 1 to' 'their wants. '4 tS. For all weak 1, and. pale p and thin children i ire nSc Scott's sE Emulsion slo nl is 'the most satisfactory ` • . c.toly treat- men heir- ]Hent, We will send you the penny, 1. • e., . a sample free. Me sure that this picture 11, the form of a label is onthe wrapper of every bottle ,of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT 6,z BOWNI , Ci'fer risfs, - Toronto, . Ontario. 5oc. and ex.00; ail drug gists,' ,, Stephen The election f�^ Stephen or the Township of t phen on Monday last. The coun- cillors were elected by acclamation. Following is the result for the Reeve- .ship: Total 2 `.2 3 4 �5 0 7 Sweitzer 43 S5 78 35 77 23 8358 431 Willert • 74' 49.49 50 22 11555 70 484 Majority for IPillert e3 • THE SPIRIT OF WINTER, The spirit of winter is with us, mak- ing its presence known in many different ways --sometimes by cherry sunshine • and glistening snows, anc sometimes by driving winds andblin ing stories. To many people it se to take a delight in making bad th ng gs worseor for rheumatism twists si ` a s h der 0 mer Ya d` oetr y i a wonder that t more people don.te rid of these ailments. The need'. ire that cures them -Hood's Sarsapa: la -is easily' obtained and there is abu dant proof that its corer are radica and permanent. s twinges "sharper, catarrh be more annoying, and the many toms of Scrofula. are - deyelope aggravated. There is not much in. this but th i ' e r Is truth • and. it Elim`viiie A. OHUIST1r!AS :131i3DH. A merr company was assembled on Christen Day at the home cf. 111r,,and ,lllrsGeo Th.ornstn, :Elgin avenue. to witnes the marriage of their' daughter Barrie Leolla (Elattie) to Walter W. Hein, Elienville, At 12 30:' the bride, escot ed by,her father and attended' by`"e niece, Miss Bessie' Thomson; as ai of honor, entered the parlor, ,wl ich. was decorated with evergreens, h j1l!y and mistletoe, and tonk her place e - side the groom in front of a ban cedar and holly Miss Hero, siste, the groom played the wedding nr The nuptial ceremony was perfo by Rev. Dr. Daniel, pastor of street Methodist church, and R y as s ft r d.l of of rale - need orth EA. ,' M, Thomson. of Rodney, brotaer of the bride, The bride looked very sweet and pretty in a gown of , bite: organdie trimmed with white ,V<len- oinnes insertinti and Chinon. She reed a shower baguet of white earn. tions. The tiotaid of honor also was daintly dressed in white organdie. At the conclusion or the ceremony con- gratulations were extended, and the company, which numbered about forty then partook of an excellent repast, at wbicb the toast of the bride was fittingly honored. ' Mr. and Mrs. He 5 Here left by the 3.1<, P.M train ,for their home at Elirnville, accompan ed by the felicitations of many well 'retell - era. The bride's going away costume was of ox -blood eebeline, trimrne with white broadcloth,and hat to match, Mrs. Vern is a most estimable ed ilnthec it les in arid will wh which shetly miss- ttnoved. Dizzy? !Thenour liver isn't actitii well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayers Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Allttt�uQIstp, weal: your ir.1 "0he lir beard a bsautlful browd Or richblaclt, Then tae BUCKINGHAM'S DifE Arkeors eaey�,er.om,idaere `ikM.r.Hite e Oliot4ne va, V.K.• The. wedding presents were marry ar bearlttfed.-.-Goderir li Sinal, Buum4,8.•_ Mt•. S,hat-pton and Mies Woods, of Exeter, visited with fir. and Mrs, :ttont. Woods on Starldrx'y hest,—The Insteliatiou of o±Ueers of the 0, O. 0, 1+', took place on Friday evening last. The attendance wets very, good considering the wet eight th , s lnstallatiori; cererrrony writes perk •f'ortued by 7llas.' Durdle, of W'atzt'hel, sea, after the business was transacted Jpthe members ti eeted themselves to at oyster copper, which was heartily tl , i ly en u cI 1 byall e a s+. n lie p 1 7.r wail it . league concert wee a:tied:led success the prngretru tieing well rendered and the league deserve praise for the splendid program provided for such a nominal cost. --illi, Walter 1lern went tp ;London on 'loesdae ar,d rctuzeed st ith a load 01 goods,—Rev. McDcnald returned on -Friday last after ;spend - tag his holidays at bis home: Hear: Thedford.-Rev. Cooper and mcDorselci are holding revival services •nn the Bethany' appointment. — Mr. Geo. TxlrnbuU,•of Virden, Man., is visiting relatives and friends bele and his sis- ter, Dirs, Eoweliffe, Winchelhea south The Nerves control the ` most important functions of the e huulau sys- tem, em. A1n021ga.t the sY iris - 117, o of nervous S8 u exhaustion na are 'Brain rag,'' Mental DePression, Ir- ritability, Insomnia Pros - 'tri do 11H stere Headache, Y , eadache Flushed race, Cold ,Bands and Feet. IRNmOX '`• TABLETS ACT AS A TONIC increasing nerve, energy and force; they also supply nour- ishment to the nervous system, Fifty Tablets F •' . o>r 25 :Gent:s OPINION OP LEADING PHYSICIANS 2 have examined Sarong's Pilekone and have prescribed it in my practice with satisfactory results. J. M. PIrER, M. D , Coroner, Gordon. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing. Chemist; London,, Ontario,' Wincheisea Dattel' :& Cream Association The 10th annual general meeting of the shareholders and.'patrons of the. Winchelsea s eaButter and Cream Asco i ation,will be held in the Township Ball, Ellaville, on THURSDAY, JANU I:RY `22N 1903 at 1 o'clock p,m.' ' Business. — Reception of reports, election of officers and general busi- ness. Mr, 3. B. Muir of Ingersoll, will be present and address the gathering. Your attendance is. requested. JonN DELB1II.OGB, ' Josur.a•7 tors, President. •Sect 'wry. Jani trey 8th, 1003. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of Duncan Macgregor, of the village' e' of Exeter, in, the County of Huron., ' Gentleman,.deceesed. Notice is hereby given pursuantto Chap 120 It. 8. 0., 1807. that all Creditors and oters having claims against the estate of Outman,iVlo,,. gregor, late of the said village. of Ei:eter gentleman, deceased, who died on or abet% the ninth day of December,. A. D., 1802, are, on or. before .the thirty-first: day of January, A. D., 1003 to send ' by post prepaid or deliver to F. W. Gladnetn, Solicitor, Exeter. od ithe testament of the said dareas•ed, their SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Ssd Lotter front a lady Wilese Husband was Dissipated. How She Curies I'Iitn W1tlt "a secret Remedy, tee tede ' I had for years patiently borne Heti suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's ,t h. � habits. ba ., Hearing of your maive 5remedy eilou for the cure of drunkenness; which uide. ivy• I; myliushhnd seorotly, I dem. ceded to try it. T procured a package and ani d it hi bis food and ipollee,as remedy� and, id' the v� odrir! ^^ ear and d knowtasteless, he did' not what at wiis thatso tjuil:kly relieved his.. • crrvin ;for Liquor. Ile soon began toick up tiesh, lus, appetite for solid food reurne t ; . stuck to his 'work rd, he regularly, and nowhavea Maury borne: ,After he was coinletel cured I P Y i m tadha. why ... I had1 xc e w • n when he acknowl- edged that it lrndbeen his saving, as he had not the resolution ' soh t,on t ohrea�l, off of is accord. I hearth advise all women t own Y nen rifiiicted as I was to give, your remedy Bial. HER OA A DRUNKARD A Lady who cures here husband bis ,Drinkln J bitss 1 :i Of �" exp res other struggle to:savo her home A Z -Til IC L ' ' ,� T ��fER nay: ' ,, ,e *' 1 had fora long time been thineingloffr in the Tasteless Samaria rresoription treatmentonmy husband fey his drinking habits, butt was afraidhe thethoughitunnervethat dyime gllhesitatedfornes lya week, but one de when be c ame ho m e very m ucl threw off all fear andfeterminedto make etlotInt oxicat d and Is week's' salary nearly a11spcurt 4?ort'o nof her letterreads as follows to save oar hono from the ruinT sawcomiaat aln" NY father had oftenpromised mother tstep hazards. 1 sent for your' Tasteless Samaria Pre , drinking, and would d o so for time but i z t rs ri tionatd put itn his coffeeeeas directedad neat returned to it stronger than ever.Ono cent'marring and watched and ,prayed er the result: aftera'terrt I' spree, , said to tis lt^naAtn0onIgaV8 11 - OrEaa ZaO �t supper. I3enaversus suspectedat p ,andIthez boldly keptright nee. stoPdturdng:, Otzt• hearts tented on giving it regulerly, as Ihad discovered some, to turn to stone, and we decided to try the thIngthai set every nerve in m body'tingling wlrh Tasteless Samaria Prescri. tion :which : hope and hap iness, and T could see a bright f uture read aboub i s ' t .., the nth. e papers. . 1V G a ; spread p v P P t, Ia. don f n p t before m0—a eace.ul, happy home a remedy, $ 1 share in thegood, m o, entirelye,or without his knowledge, a i p in things of life, an attentive lovinghis Unbend, eo ,torts and, tea, -coffee, 6r food re ' 4 to everything.else to aregularly, U�ortau,� to woman's heart; for my husband had told me that 'directions, and he never knew he was taking h. whiskey was vile Stuff and he was taking a dislike One package removed all his desi • tole. It was only too true. for before I had andhe desire far . en him the full creasedo given Bads it is now re a so w n wonderfully ti ,- r he had stopped drinidnt; alto- health and appetite ,are also ❑•cnrlerfulty irai: eth er but T hunt eA ' 'V la t in him the he ed'ci ' !; medicine ne till i was gone,' and then sent for another let, to have on Prayed, and Itotte would monthsn: hint. since the h some and . n e rn i if al. i hOnd relapse, is now fifteen i sea.✓ en ' p she ]tad, donetncc. wrr promises before. Re never has and 1' am white:, gave it to him and we feel sure that the change you 1ettr e to tell youhow thankfulful Sam I honestlybelieve Rt will cure the worst cass" is fo : good. Please seed x e one of your little books as I want toive it to a f'' lend." ' IR FATHER WAS A � I A :Pluolsy Young Lady ;takos Iiclxself t4 Cure hez';l''ather of ,the Liquor lLabit, STORY Off" KKER SUCCRS , g tz�n E. and: am Ilea. 'vin full particulars, p g f articulare testimo i �' I? > n els and price sent in ..�., � ]will_. sealed envelope, :., Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp reply, Address Me Samaria Remedy Co, :23 Jordan,Street, Toronto, Canada, a Late ofkJR.. . .. i' r W. I-.':GRAHA , 1 .' Ole - m ,• KingSt. west ' �Y .�O L°AN No. T Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue Toronto, Canada treats Cl p, Canada, ]ionic diseases, and -]Hakes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples,. Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency; Sterility. Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc.,(the result. of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of Long: Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method pain and all bad after effects. Y without Diseases of Women --Painful profin .We have unlimited private fuode for invest went upon farm or village Property at lower rates Of interest_ DICKSON d: CARLINl3`•.- Exeter.: , iONEY TO. LOAN.. I have a large amount of private funds loan .onfain) uad'en aeell; 1e,ittrat cw of interest. F, W. GLADM.&N, Barrister Main St. Exeter. ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb sed �meastruation, OFFICE nouns -9 a m.$' Packs of Cards to;S p. m. Sunday 1 to 3 p. m: �s P 1'e ° One Pack, "May I: C. U. Rome," One Pale 40 IN CASH FREE To be awarded at Provincial Winter ,Fair, I90 � 3 for f best, , pair of Fat Uattl e fed • with. !1 rtffin '' ' goon s GanaCarl S�ioG14 TOOIG. Tie � sweepstake fatcattle at Chicago ,s nd Guelph Winter Fairs 1902, were rfed with Worthington's . Canadian Stock Tonic. An evidence of the good INSURANCE. results farmers and.feeders would.: ERNEST ELLIOT, obtain by feeding a. genuine stock] food; not an American fad, • Horses . Agen for the >t W srleo ri :he PEcson, Cotar- look better, feed better, drive better ?ANY, of Toronto ;also for .the PSotirss Fnsre sell better, when fed with Worthing- xsverei C ersVir , of JLondon, England; ten's Stock Tonic. g`-' 4LLiaxcn lrrsuxairoa CouPAxR, of >tirq ,and DEAR 81.13.—Have used Worthing- ton's Stock Tonic for one year and' have been.feeding•at :to ail my stock. Found ' 1t to good sa '� tl�f give seri g on'a nd Standing on your own Merits. '°°'"" "Escort one Pack, ''Flirtation One Paerei._, Su1d to light.' One Pack Our °bP t That is Just what the stu- dents of the F. C, B. C. Y, M. C. A. Building, London, Ont. Can do after completing Busi- ness or Shorthand their training. The g. They, need no political cal pull. Are you In- terested ? Write for particulars. College re -opens, Jan, 5th. J. W. WE STER!lEI.T, Principal. n al p.l MEDICAL Fond iii tise all' f w BttO�WIN ' ,�rmers mad feeders J C? ori D. M. j1y of stock to use it, yours faithfully, mace P. s, residence Victoria ,nLabo t. Bice taw residence. Dominion I,abora- L. MOSES, tory, Exeter. December 29, 1902... Avonton P .a, LEGAL -:, Ilc �ill0l'filllfl �l0il Drug rug Go-� Gueup,I3!, ONT. one o exocntors of the last will For Sale and Guaranteed b : names and addresses tho ful Car Wing Bros,?.Exeter; y 1 particnlar3 Cook & Son,. of their: maims, and the nature of the se- H sill; L'�. Schm idt, Lucan. Ottrities (If any) held b' thein and that p" d after tho day last aforesaid, tho said executors will proceed to distribute the ascots of the s ii f OR, SALE. deceased among the parties entitled tpet 10. havingrogard only to such Maims ..of which notice shall have been given as above regi ir- ;` $0 aere.s, unireprovedin the Township of Os. ed, and the' said exectrtors will not bo I1able prey, County of Grey,. hardwood and: othe fol• the. said assets or any part thereof to any:' timber, railway 7 miles ; post•ottice, school and person or persons of whoso claim or claim ! .church, arnile and a half:; would, sell or.ex notice shall not have been received by, hint ar change for' smaller improved • properly at thotime 01 such, distribution. y` Exeter. ADAi4I > BITa1j'o D Executor•. R. meryL Na, H..x: aonr, F. W. GLADj't%AN Dated at Exeter this 27th day of December 2,' Better. Ontario. "na1902. e ARM FOR SALE. -150 acres i1 NOTICE,- 4 the township of Usborne, goo c soil,,large brick house, heated byho Notice is: hereby given that tho i3th. annual air, bank barns_, withpower mooting of the members of 'the Play, Township plenty.n wood water, windmill,, rarmorte 14utual Fite Inseranoe company, 12 acres' good will be hold in the Town ]fall; Zurich, en Jan. ]yarn, a mile and a hall from Wood•+ nth A, D., 1003, at one o'rtlook P. en. ham, . Apply, A. FULLER, j�?'oodham. I By so.ry-Tre u e r'iva tx the Directors' and .• �,,� �,� ®, Sooretary-Treasurer's reports ;election � "'�"'°' """°"'-"" of Directors, and the discussion of other. best, noes for thegoad and welfare of the Compau All memborsayerequested to attend.—PETER DOUGLAS, President ; 1lENllY EMBER,. Secretary. CENTRAL trge, peogreesivo school mid ono of es 73 0 the text 00 thus 00M/tents Thin IS a strong siaterimet but it is a tette one nevertheloaa, The reason our Scheel bee tor large attendance is because it is a wide- er Awake, hustle*, working, resuleprodue- see, 0 ing ecluen. Recent gradnetes have an- Ls Principe, 1 104116114011100.1111104110000**0.6102 QTRAYED.—There strayed from lot lei 15, con. 14, Hibbertt on or about the first day of Nbvember, a light red steer, coining three years old, 0., ring in the right ear, ancl long white horns. .A. liberal reward will he given for any information as tie the animals wheres abouts, Addreeereffive. TOnsestee, Tiler - .04 "Chris irias Box ' Pull of V1/4 orKterfui Things ing lieeperiments,LOVOS Puzzle, 20 Rebuees,100 Fenny Cenendeures, Book of Len, Gain° a' Letters, Magie W titling', 824 jelly. Jokes itigSeerete, 1CO Toilet and Cooking Reeelpes, 555 selootions for Autograph Albums. to Model. of DrearitS. 01Xid0 te Flirtation, stele AO Table, Lover'eeTelegettpli, and our letteit Cat; tie Xmas Toes; tookerardNotions, ell by Mail LoVe Lettere, 7w t, .oll;e1:1i'ltOrr:y1NianIttLe,ye,:nithe,t1:1,o,Nife,.. Or FRE E. fee 50, ellVet to ay. eeriteee. e ' u , a.Ja • Bolds Two.' Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send 5c si'iver.foe postage= A.W. KENNY, E. T. Yarmouth, N. DENTIST. Rotor Graduate of the Toronto Univei'sity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, *with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic • Dentistry (with honorable naention. EverYthing known to the Dental Profession done in th1s ohe e. Bridge work. crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite pietas elle done in the neatese manner posatLee. tion. Office 0330 door south of Carling ; Bro's store Exeter. Ont. BUGGIES! BUG-GIES I Do you Want a uggy? We have the finest stock in town. All the latest styles,' in the newer colors.' Our prices are low as can be found for first-elass material and workiiaan- ship. nErortE YOU BUY GALL 'FIND .8EE Ai& Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Converncers, Commiesioners, Solicitors for the ifolsons ank, Etc. leoney to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE ;--11.6.IN STREET, PEXETER. F W. MADMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Yotari Public ...OFFICE MAIN STREET 'EXEME. D. S.D. D. S.ellonor Graduate of Teri:alto University, Deritiste Teeth extracted withott , pain or eon's block. West aide of Watt tract.' Exeter' OUT THIS OUT and send it to us with 5 cents In silver tad yot, will get by return mail a GOLDAM BOX. 03 GOODS that will bring you in MORE! 04.enexit• Yeerneuth, V, FOE SALE—BRICIC. .RE sInvstin Wenn AN ACRE arias:DDT EXETER—We otter for sale on repeatable terms, that very desirable residential tooteirty known as "The Beeper Itentesteadd eituatett on not No- sa smith Of Revert_ Street, .eareter. There is erected 'open the land, a omnfortable teeeSeary Oilthenees. The ,htruse is in good re, pair and hae 9 roome. The lot tee table an aore of hind and IS exceuenur adantod for getdeu ing Or frillegneWing, There le a niontlful sup. to date, and OA terms our, or Partleillars aP.. ' A.. 'proprietor. F Flussell l'wo Doors South Town Hall. rs A Happy and Prosperous Niw Year Is what we ali expect and desire. Begin by 'making the home bright aral cheerful, and if your family -Are musical, you cannot add td the brightness and cheer of home more than by I -elating in it a Piano or Organ. It will aot onles add cheer to the home but will help your cleildten to take their pr?per plate ia the social and husines.s world when your aid is withdrawn from them. Sewing Machines In Sewing Machines we curry a, large and varied stock of the very best makes, also needles and repairs for all machines, Sheet and Book Music Plynin Books, Bibles, &e, alvva Stock, Call and eee Our ternee are the bast.