HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-1-8, Page 41/4:7
d up) *2.600,000
°Mario, aiteee Aleertee
l%nd AlealitOba,
Opeu Re Lawful DAY &ern 10 a*
8. le Ula eXcePt
$aturilays, 10 a, re.
$ Sale Natee cashed iele co -
le e Feepee etiplelied On epplicatiort,
•t On all pole ts in the Dominion.
eat Britain and United States
heeelght aza Eoid et lowest rates, of
eXelatleage. '
el)eelee of al.,00 and upwards reeeiv-
ed, Intereet, eompeurided half yearly,
Mad- added to priecipal eone 30th and
DeeeMber Slet. Deposits Receipts also
liesued and higbese current rate of
ietereet ailtrwed,
4,dvannes make to farmers, stock
dealers and businese men at lowest
rates and on Most favorable terms,.
Agente Exeter for Dominion '
• Government.
. .
DIeK8011 & CARLING, N. D. lit1RDON,
lUtefxeler times
Calendar for January 1903.
1:117NDAIr .
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
714 21 28
1 8 15 '22 29
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24 31
eHIIRSTAY, JAN Sail, /903
BlIaEitS.-A very keen election for
ecommillors was held on Monday, elec-
tion day. There were six catididates
eunnieg, the following is the list of
-votes polled: -A. E. Erwin, 108 • F. A.
ledwiieecis, 85; John Fraser, ei; Jas.
Thomson, 71 ; Thomas Elliott, 52 ; Jas.
Donaldson, 44. The council for the
evilliage for 1903 is: -Reeve, Dr. Stan -
bury ; Councillor, A. E. Erwin; F. A.
Edwards; John Fraser; Jas. Thomson.
-Mr. Robert, Eagleson wife and feud-
•, irefiem N. Dakota are visiting friends
en the village at present.-Alr. John
• and Peter Wilds of Langdon, Dakota
are visiting under the parental roof at
present, The members of the Metho-
dist church intend holding a social ab
the parsonage on Friday evening Jan.
16th, Admission 15 cts. everybody
COnte.-Wedding bells are ringing in
the village this week. Particulars
next week,
tXeter - Thos. B. Carling, reeve.
Thos. Hawkins, Jos. Cobbledick, Jno.
Gillespie. and John Manning, Coun-
cillors by acclamation.
St. Marys. --Mayor, F. E. Butcher,
acclamation. Councillors, R. Graham,
Mennie, 1L Rice, T, T. Garner,
ViTein, F. Roberts. P. 5, Trus-
tee, D. Stanley, T. B. Beenet, R.
Goderich, - Mayor, E. N. Lewis.
Councillors, W. T. Murney, Chas.
Iteideeenompson 3. H. Brown, 0. A.
Homplery, Gel& .Elliott. School Trus-
tees, R. Printer, by accal. Robt. Mc-
Lean, Wm. Acheson, W. T. Ball.
Three by-lews were voted on public
light, for 410, against 201 ; mill exemp-
tion, for 262, against 209; knitting fac-
tory exemption, for 298, against 194.
Stephen.- Reeve, Emery Wthert.
Councillors, Wm. Anderson, Fred
Vieuerth, Stephen. Webb, TN in. yearly,
re-elected by acclamation,
liensa,11-Reeve, John Scott.. COU11-
CM Ors, • Thos. Iludson, James Mc-
Arthur, James Moore, Jno. W. Ort-
wein, Wm. Stoneman, by acclama-
Ray.- Reeve, P. Lamont. Coun-
• cillors, Thompson, Goetz. Smith and
eleArthur, by acclamation.
Biddulph.- Reeve, James Toohey.
Councillors, 1'. A. Ryan, Thos. Armi-
tage, Win. Bryau, R. D. Stanley.
Clinton --Mavoze Jackson. Coun-
cillors, D. Joyner, Hovey, Stevenson,
• Overbury.
Mayor, D. N. ' MeLeod.
• Counciliorne A. W. Hutnpridge, K. 0,
ICnapton, F. 0. Worth, 0, A. Gibson,
N. MOPhee, J. W. Simpson.
Liecine-Reeve, - J. R. McComb.
• Councillors. Jas. Burnett, Wm. Read,
Wm. Ward, T. A. Webb.• .
Toronto,- Complete mayoralty re-
• teens: T.Trquhari, 8,634 ; Howland,
7,888; Larne, 7,273; Robinson, 908.
• MI t,c h LI. -mayor, Hugh Campbell.
Councillors, R. Stuart, ,Isaac Herd,
Sas, Lowes, William Ryan, Fred Tuf-
ton end eVra. ercKenzie,
"I was given up to die with
quick consumption. I then began
; to use Ayer's Cherry Pectorel. I
; Unproved at once, and am now in
perfect health." -Chas. E. Hart -
Man Gibbstown N. Y.
it's too risky, playing
• with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down'
deep in your lungs and
• the play will be over. Be.
, gin early with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Throe limits 25e., enough f6t se ordinary
Cold; SW.. ript tor bronchitis, hoarse,.
ntsio,,bkrd colds, etc.; no economical
nor eurouldeases said tailrace on hand.
1.7.. A.I1111*00,., M.
,E At the holy communion administer-
ed Sanday at the punches Center Meth-
odist church, Londote individual corn -
1 Muniot cups were teed for the first
The First Congregational Church,
1 Lohdon, was entered by thieves- the
1 other eight who took away with there
vexed pieees of silverivare ased in the
corinnueiori service arid the tonterits
Of a contributiee box. The police are
Wokin upon the case, but as yet
have no clee to the thievee,
11.11 tite lien at Intere8t to
T mea. ,Reader. Happening
In tlic$e Gonuties
• 141.1rOfl
Castor Oil and other Cathartio is not needed
after giving Dr. 1.01v's Pleasant Worm Syrup.
This remedy (Mineola its Olva purgative and
not ouly destroys but carries olf the worms.
Price 25 coats.
If there ever was a speeifie for and
one complaint, then Carter's • Little
Ltver Pills are a spool:fie far sick head-
athe, mad every women ehoold know
this. Duly one pill a dose. Try them
Martin NeTaggart Sr. passed peace -
folly away at his hem° in Usborne
townshtp on Dec, 21st ult, at the acl
winced age of 73 years. Mr, MeTag-
gart was a maa beloved by all he
•came in contact with, a devout Meth-
oclist and. a fine farmer, The funeral
took place on Tuesday to MeTaggart's
Helen Decker. Jordan Ferry, N. S., writes;
A few mouths no had a severe cold in IDY
throat and chest and became quite hoarse, A
bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup seen
relieved the Hoarseness and cured the cold.'
Mr. John Manson one of the early
settlers of Stanley, passed peacefully'
away on Tuesday morning last in his
seventy-seventh year, after an illness
extending over several months. Tbe
deceased was one cif the gold seekers
to California, in 1849, and after spend-
ing some tinae in California, 3:eturned
to New York, where he was married
ana shortly afterwards came to Can-
ada, settling down on the farm he
occupied at, his death. He leaves a
widow and eeveral sons and daughters
beeicles a brother in New York and a
sister, Mrs, Peter Adamson, of Gode-
rich .
tte her forms of weakness U74 re.
speelay. for the blood, tl, ryes and.
loved her Oareer'e IrOIX ri4 made
a,ft Zditra t",e veiled, complmoon,•
ft oes naked." Mr. W.G.13issett was. taken, suedeta
OeS =Met• he let ill en Wednesday, and from the
symptoms imanifeeted it evae fearee be
, ighly finiehed to eigil
WS eufl'ering from a partial attack of
deteeti'Ve. Material, hut
peel ShOeS Hif iting,
need net fear somewhat iniproved and. it , is hoped
Paralysie. e s at tiree ovil
to be. Seen in their natiteal he- hie many friends that he will soon'
lie arened again a,* ueual,
leathers. . .
We home not advanced the prIce of
, . .
The coet of a.leriOrneal. ,
our tobacco, Amber smoleing tobaccea
' ish Ls put into tneuSteal Bobs, Currency and leair Playchew,
Sertiee,anat Vatted bytho ing tobaccos are the same size and
lVialters (tirough their
We leave ale° extended the thee for
Price to the Consumer as • formerly.
priee on the Sole) in--- the recierription of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st. 19Q4. -TE. HeelefieR To
"The Slater Shoe" -
.Rev. Mr, Beer of Bier occupied the
'to"ootar 'Welke pulpit of Main. strcal chard) on •Sun-
day last both morning and. evening.
Mr. Beer wa.s a former junior Minister . S, SPACIi.MAN. Geueral Agen
• on the 'Exeter circuit Se yoarsago and
some 23, years ago was the pastor of
the Ettioville cereal., where be spent
four years, He uoted a vast number of
change e in the lapse, or years since his
pastorate in this district. •
DADevMper's CoNveNieole. -- The
Dairymen and Cheese and Hotter -
makers convention mtd, Winter Dairy
exhibition will be heel at Branteerd
on the 13eh, 14thand 15th bast, when
the melee eminept dair,ymen of Canada
and the United Statee will be present
and take part in the proceedings.
educed taree en all railieiads, good
from the 8th ta the 1Qtb, return bele-
ets good free') the,13th to the 19th.
, .
Rev. R. Milyarcl preacbed Anniver-
sary serreqns in 'Connection with the
Meth. church, ,leirr, me Sunday last
remaining, for the tea an mcinday
night. An indebticlness of p1,400 wee.
een the chuech which the trustees were
rixious to bare wiped out. A special
be famous catarrh remedy, 10c. soeel,, ppeal was Made by Rev. 'mr. milyard
by Willis Powell. •arid the handsome sum of $1 Ono was
The Misses Gerry of Mitchell were zubscribed; thus not. oeTy wiping out
tbe entire indebtedness hut beivieg a
the guests of the Misses Huston New
Years holelays. .•ee, surplus onhand. •Tfie Members of the
, Birr circuit are loud in their praisee of
- For instant relief of Catarrh, Colds, r. milyard and of the success at
etc, use NA_ArELess Exactly ten ce„ose tending, their anniversary
by Willis Powell. '
AN Eernamin• Boer BONORED.—We
'Miss Eva Carlieg entertained a mita- notice that among those wile were
ber of young friends ot her home on candidates for alderniee in the differ -
Friday eveeing last,' ent cities, that,. Mr. Theo Sweet a
Miss Laura Gregory, Who has spent former Exeter boy, but now one of
a few days at her home here left Fri- theleading druggists of St. Catharines
dee for Toledo. Obio. • • nehas been seccessful in being elected
et' For young stock, fatting stock,. &derrnari of that city, Mr. Sweet is
young pigs and poultry, no food equals o be cotigeatulated upon his euccess.
•English Stock Food. Sold by 10, but although but a young men he is al -
Ask to see our photomedallions, ready ,a member of the Ontario Board
- '
lockets and watch fobs. Satisfaction of Pharmacy, atureve predict for him
guarenteed, Willis Powell, Exeter, a brilliant future. Mr. Sweet's Many
friends all join in -congratulations.
It has been discovered that the fig-
ures of tbe new year, added up, make 14r. V•ieter rireleele, .of Weteekiwine
_ Alta., aforrner typo of the TIMES, who
thirteen. Some folks are always look
has been spenditig the past week with
ing for trouble, -•
his parents, My. and. Mrs; D.. French,
Mr, James Howard has returned orne -
from Point Edward, where he has tAee on1%,len, w_aeedeV last. Victor speaks
s ee teleaeant caller at this
been visiting his other, who bee wl
e 1 of this neev country and especial-
ill, • ' ly of this telex); '•where he has estab-
Russell Southcott, who has been lishecl a newspaper, it being the
spending the holidays at his home third most •Ineportant - town in Al -
here, returned to London on Wednes- berta with a population of 1500. The
day morniug. ' •progressiveness of the town is mirror-
mr. George Hill has returned home ed in the Times, Whieh being the only
after a pleasant visit with his sons, paper therees well patronized.-eHe is
Will of Biitealo, Fie in Toronto. and
Miss May Gregory left Friday for
her home in Toronto.
Mr. Inksater, of Paris, was a visitor
in town this week.
Mrs. O'Neil, of Lucen, is the guest
of her son, Mr, B, S. O'Neil. '
Mrs. Elliott, of Mitchell, is the guese
of her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) .A.ndereon,,
(Use NAMELESS for cold in head
catarrh, and sore throat, 10e, sold el
:Willie Ponell, . . . ,
'Miss H. E. Walrond aftet a pleasant
visit witb friends in Woodstock has
If your child comes in from play'
coughing or showing evidences of an
approaching attack of Grippe, Soee
Throat, or sickness of any kind, first
thing get out your bottle of Nerviliee.
Rub the chest and neck with Neryil-
ine, and'give internal doses of ten
drops of Nerviline in sweetered water
every two hours. This will prevent
any serious trouble. No liniment or
pain reliever equals Poison's Nervilbae
which is a, necessity in •every house-
hold, Large bottles cost only 25c.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund. the money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25o.
141r. Thos. Taylor of London died: ore
Mondayfrom lockjaw the effects of- a
blow he accidentally received on his'
thumb from a hammer on Christmas
day. He was in his fifty-first year,
The action of Carter's Little Lieer
Pills is pleasant, mild. and natural.
They gently stimulate the liver, and
regulate tbe bowels but do not purge.
They are sure to please. Try them.
Is between the years of fifty-seven
and sixty-two, Nature's power slowe,
down, vitality becomes less, and the
progress of decay sets in. A mearis,of
extending old age and renewing de-
creasing vigor is to take Ferrozone,
after meals. Ferrozonee keeps up Ow,
appetite, and in the formabon of r
vitalizing blood, Imparts clearness
tiring brain, force, energy and spirt
just when they are needed most. To
take Ferrozone regularly means odd -
mg from ten to twenty y s to it
Large boxes 50c. or 6 boxes for $2,50.
at Drage:lets or Poison & o., Kb. e
Out. .
Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Certain
• Richard Stevens died ai Loine 3n
IBlanehaid, on NV ednex-dey Dec. 2111.1.
Deceased was born in England, he
married Louisa, daughter of the late
Daviel Martin. Esq., of Downie. Mrs.
Stevens pre -deceased her husband fif-
teen menthe, He bad resided on the
River Road, Blanshard, since his mar-
riage. Four sons and two daughters
surviye. Mr. Stevens receiyed a para-
lytic stroke about six months ago, a
seconcl one tbree roonths ago, and the
third a week before his death. "
Winslovv's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over stxty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain cures wind colxo. and is the best remedy
for Diarrimea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part ef the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing
syrup and ask for no other kind.
Mies M,, E. GM atter a 'visit With'
Miss Ellaeeollins at _Detroit returned
oil Friday evening. '
'Cure your cold by using NAMEI,ESS
much pleased with his new home and
Earnest in London, '
a thinks the West, is the •place for am -
Try Winan's Cough Balsam for ebitious you g
coughs, colds and bronchitic troebles. An exchange sun:Islip the names of
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. 801e e4.ent," tbe papers published in Toronto in this
for Dix Lung Syrup and Dix Ceild, way: There isa, Sun which shines over
Cave. all Ontario, a,Mooa which is full once
Photo miniatures on buttons brooch- a week instead of the old fashioned
way of once a month, and a Star that
twinkles evenywhere. If a Citizen
wants the News of the Empire and
finds the Mail, too elow he can send a
Telegram around the Globe and locate
tbe latest Wer Ory. Or if be finds
. the stei in photos are well -worth see -
Monetary Times close he Can buy the
in,, end is very interesting through- World for a cent. sit down on Satur-
aay night with a Sentinel at his gate,
Mi. and alis. .4. Hastings mei
a Guarclian at the entrance to his
daughter. bulta attended the wedding
of Miss Annie A. Rennie, Babylon
line, 11*, y. and Mr. Wm, Rose, of • A MAD RUNAWAY. -A very serious
Mitchell, on New Year's night. and fatal runaway accident, occurred
heee on monday lase, whereby err. S,
Kellerman of -Dashwood, lost a very
valuable horse as the result. err. G.
Kellerman had driven into Exeter in
the forenoon With a spirited team and
. while standingen front of 'the post-
ffice oneof the horses. playfully kicke
d over tbe traces. The tearo than
nadly made a rush down Main street
and in turning the corner at Huron
sereet, came in contact with . a post
, which freed them from the cutter.
They again swerved around and ran
\Word has been receiyed from Mr, almost it block farther in their mad
R. S. Lang who has spent the past career, they struck against. a tree in
month in the old country that he front of ne T. B. Carling's residence,
would sail for home on New Years breaking the neck of one of the horses
day. Ile is expected to arrive next causing almost immecliate death. Tbe
week. Eloise was a very fine animal about
four years old and had been recently
purchased by eir. Kellerman. The
driver escaped injury.
es, best quality, in gold and silver
in plain or colored tints. Leavgeeelele
orders with Willis Powell, Exeter.
Rev. Irl. R. Hicks' alnaanac of 1903
to hand and is well. worth its Price.
home and ereiby Pleaeant Hours.
A number of our young people at.-
tended the social hop given by Mr.
and Mrs."D. Sbirra at their beautifid
home at Hensael on Friday evening
last. A pleasant evening was report-
ed by n all. •e -1
ee . .
Miss Horn 4 ,weeliing tee dispose of
her millinery basitiesseaorder to re-
duce the stock still continues her sale
of allgood at and below cost, millin
ery, Fancy Goods, 'Underwear, ,,,e/
all must go,
Bad coughs, colds and catarth are
responsible for more consumption than
is traceable even to heredity. Catarrh -
ozone cures more quickly than ordin-
ary remedies because it is the only
antiseptic yet discovered that is volat-
ile enough to reach the foot of the
trouble in remote parts of lungs and
pranchiaI tubes, and impregnate every
particle of the air breathed with its
healing, germ -killing vapor. Colds
can't last ten minutes, or coughs more
than thirty m hautes when Catarrho-
zone is inhaled. It clears nose, throat
and air passages at onee, stops drop-
ping, headache and erradicates catarrh
from any part of the system. Two
months' treatment, $1.00; trial size 250
Druggists or or N. C. Poison & Co.,
Kingston Ont.
Dr, Hamilton's Pills are Mild,
Public school re -opened Monday
with the following staff: -Mr. H. N.
Anderson, Miss A. Dorrington, Miss
0. Voeper, Miss M. E. Gill, 1Vliss H. E.
Walrond, Miss Pringle, Miss Carling,
and Miss McCallum.
Relatives of some of the parties who
perished in the G.T. R. wreck at Wan-
steacl have taken action to recover
damages, also others -Who have sus-
tained severe injuries are eeekieg for
Palpitation of the heert, nen:roue-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache,
cold hands and feet, pain in the back,
ood, for everything
that runs ott 'wheels.
Sold Everywhere,
'1fldab,1MPEI,tL OIL CO.
Day a shooting match was held here
by tbe local sports. Each man shoot-
ing at 10 live birds and resulted in
the following score:-
W.•Xohns 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1- 7
F. Wood 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1- 0
T. Creech 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 00 0- 0
ELEord 1101001101- 6 •
J. Wood 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0- 6
le Sweet 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-, 3
P.Wood 1101010'00- 5
X. Snell le, 0 1 0 1 1 1 1-
W. Snell •0 1 16 el.L0 1 le- 5
• R. Sanniel ' 11 0 GO 0'0-0 00--.' 2
A. Loadman 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1- 5
I.Srnith 1111111100- 8
• G.Anderson 0 1 1 0 I 1 1.1 0 0 -
Burdon 1.,0 0 0. 0.0 1 0 0- 8
T.Ogdee 1000000111- '4
'W.• C/arling 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 1 1- 4
W:13Issett 101111.10—,
P. Kerr 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-
The electioe for Reeve On Monday
passed off very geletly, Very able
interest was taken in the matter as is
shown by the very small vote polled.
Tbe following is the resole by pollie• g
sehdlyisionee- '
l' 2 3 4
Bissete • • 88 29 40 52
• Carling 47 48 45 55
Majority for Carling 30,
Total available vote 550; vete polled
854 or :tbout Of the available being
• Castoria is for Inttnts and Children.. Castoria is a
harmless substituto for Castor on, Paregoric, Drops
• and Soothing Syrups. it contains neither °Plum,
• lidforphine nor other Narcotie Substance. Its, Pleasant.
Its • guarantee is thirty Tears' use by IVIalions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys "Werms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and WindColie. Castello,
relieves Teething TroubIes, cures Constipation and.
• 3F1atu1ency. Castoria • assimilates • the 'rood, regulates
the Stomach mad Bevels of DAfants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
F'aneeear-The Telother's Friend.
"Castoria* is an excellent_ Medicine fo:
children, • Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its god. effect upon their children."
• D. G. Q. OSGOOD, Lowell, Nos.
Castorip Is so'well adapted to children
that y recommend' it as supelior to any' pre.
SeriptiOn known to Tee,"•
' ARCFSBa.141,,, D. ,.arooklpf, Nee •
munEAy avnr.ET, vaEr YORK Ern&
Worth a Pound
ot Cure.'
Why not cure that cough o
yotirs now ? Do not let it
go on and get worse. ' A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines_ will cure
you. We carry 'a lar a
sortmerit of
cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act WiSeIy, and get sor,ne
our remedies.
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia,
and Gout are a41 comple tely cured by Mil -
Ultra's Rheumatio pine the great specific
rheumatic remedy. Price 50c it bo X at all
dealers. „
At this time of the year when sore throat,
pain in the chest,rheumatic pains and aeheS
are so prevalent, t would 'be wise to keepon
hand a bottle of liagyard's Yellow Oil, It is a
perfectmeclioine chest. Price 25c.
• Mrs. Joseph Wordworth. Ohio, U. S., sari
"I have been troubled. wph sick headao he for
over a year. Lately I started taking Lass,
Liver Pills and they did me a ;world of geed
acting without earner grip'. g.'
Mrs. c. Appleton Whitewood, N. W. T.
writes: "milburn's Sterling Headache Powders
have given me great relief from I he terrible -
pains et La Grippe in my head and through my
back.' Price 10c and 25c., all dealers,
ae"...e.e1ea, nee
e ea. t';
Take Laxative Bre
Laeven Million boxes sold in past 12 months.
dIi TaNets.
Tb.is signature,
' 41-
Cares Grip
in Two Days.
on every
• etre 1:1 21
EXE• rER COUNCIL, , •Mr. Wm. Down. of London'spent
The persoenel of the Council has
a few days of this week visitingfriends
been completely changed and an en_ i and relatives in town.
tirely new administration will control , FARMERS' INSTITUTE .MEETINGS.Li
the municipal ship for 1903. I Remember the meetings to be _held t.
With mr. T: B. Carling, as reeve, morrow (Friday) under the auspices bf
who has had long experience in muni- I the South Huron Farmers' Institu e.
eipal matters and has held all the in the afternoon the meeting will /be
*offices, the gift of the people, there is held in the Town Hall ac which sevekal
no fear but with his experience interesting addresses will be delivered
and wise council he will not be able In the evening there will be an ene
to steer the municipal ship with a
steady rudder.
• The Councillors are : err. Thor.
Hawkins, who has held the position of
Reeve of Usborne, for some years and meetings have usually been held ot.
has had considerable experience in Saturday thus preventing a number
Municipal work, is a shrewd business of our citizens from attending that
man, and no doubt will exercise his trouble has been averted and a full
judgment in the administration of our attendance is requested on Friday at
municipal matters. err. J. Cobbledick, the sessions. For particulars see large
we may say has not been associated bills and programmes,
with the council heretofore, but is a LECTURE ON TELE LIOLY LAND.--
ness transactions, and will no doubt
man whet has been successful in busi-
To any one who is at all interested in
be quite an acquisition to the council.
r. 3, T, manning, also has had no
experience in municipal matters, but
possesses good sound judgment, and
one who has the ability to look • after
the interests of the town. -Air. John
Gillespie, who has been a long • resi-
dent of the village, is well acquainted
with the public thoroughfare, will, no
doubt be able to look well after the in-
terests 'of our municipality.
tainment held in tbe Opera lebense
when a good program will be rendered
interspersed with addresses by progn-
nent speakers. As heretcfore Mese
Division No.1, Mr, Young, Goderich
and Mr.„ Durian, Colborne.; Division'
No. 2, Jas. Connolly, Goderich, and
David Cantelon, Clinton ; Division No.
3,Wra. Lamont, Blake, and John Mc-
Naughton, leippen; Division No. 4,
Hugh Sparkman Exeter, and Richard
Hicks, Centralia; Divisioti No. 5, B,B.
Gunn, Seaforth, and J. B. :McLean,
Kippen; Division No. 6, W. E. Kerr,
• Brussels. and James Bowman, Brus-
sels; Division No.7, Donald Patterson,
Auburn, and math. Lockhart, Auburn;
Divisien No. 8, S. Ferguson, Lakelea
and R. Miller, Wroeteter.
Ross -In Clietoe, on Dec. 22nd, to Mr.
• and Mrs, W. Ross, a daughter.
`Chllaren Cry for
You may not be able to
• aet enough coal or wood
to keep you warm this
winter but, you can dress
Waiell, in our,
Suits that it and suit
the pocket.,
I W. J_(knOcH,.. NS
Opposite Post ee, Exeter
the past and future of the little lone
and that has lain for so many centur-
les bleedingand desolate, that keenly
disputed 'prize of the great nations of
the world and their coveted desire now,
that little country to which three
great continents center and to which
in their immensity they seem humbly
to defer. The lecture of the Rev. Dr.
Battisby, of Chatham, given in Caven
Presbyterian church on Monday evert-
'• ingeast could not fail to be but of deep
interest. Not for its eloquence, tha
heleleviee in fine abeyance, not for its
vivid descriptiveness, that too wee
lacking, not even for its minuteness o
detail, no attempt was made at this,
but simply because one, realized that
the heart, interest and life of the speak t
er were there as the tense strength a
his simple narration gave form in
words that glowed- with feeling and
revelation to the attentive listener.
An object lesson was also offered in his
utter lack of self consciousness and
simple earnestness, the silent -reveal-
ing of which was, that only in propor-
tion as one becomes veiled in the at-
mosphere of the Master of that little
lone land does genuine Manhood with
its dignity, strength, and beauty of
character become possible and appar-
ent, Cavell chinch may be congratre
lated en securing sach a speaker here
and it is only to be regretted be was
not greeted with a very much larger
.A. very servicable calendar has been
issued by the Chicago & North -West --
ern R'y, for the year 1903. The figures
are large and easily distinguished, the
days of the month and the consecutive
day of the year are both shown; and
the publication is of that solid and
creditable sort which makes it desire.
able for business men and manufec-
turers. Send four cents in postage to
W. B. Eniskern, Passenger Tra
Manager, 22 Fifth Avenue, Chicago,
farillrS LAS titlitt
cetau at EX6t6r.
'rho SOuth 'Riven Farmer's institute bow,
its first mooting of the winter series in the
..Hall, Exeter, on ---
FRIDAY-, JANUARY, 0the 1003.
Commencing at 1,30 o'clock sharp. The
following programme will be carriedout;
Chairman's address -Addr by G. 0'
t ton, a Craiglaurst, Presideut of the• ''Fruit
Grower's Association. Subjeet, Orchard Frei ,te
an how to grow them; Address by Mrs Colin.
Campbell, of leloderich. Subject ItouSehold.
f Economi9 ; ord, of
Subject, Co mmon Sense Hog'
.eneeningmeetine at 7.30 will be held at the
Opera House, when instructive addresses 'will
be given by the delegates and other beat
speakers on subjects Interesting to a mixed,
The meetirg will be brightened and en-
livened by music, vocal end instrumental. A
pleasant time is expected. A WelcomeIs ex-
tended to all.
• htrall a
• BRIEES,-mrs, A. uf New-
bury, visited at ear- R. Hick's over
New Year's Day. -Mise ‘E. Johns, of
Exeter, %visiting her sister, Mrs. R.
•Wilson, -miss Ella Halls spent part of
last week a guest at the parsonage.--
mr. aed etrs, W. Kerr, of Creditor,
*visited the wrisses Wilson on. Sunday
last. •
(mice hours 10 a, ID. to 4 p. m. Telephone
connection• with main bflice in Luottn.-Cent
rttlia, Ont.
London. Huron and Bruce,
GOING; N'On1.11-- • naesonger:
London, depart... 8.15 Ai M. 4,40r, m.
Centralia - GI 5.50
Exot*.14.4"0.t.“*44. 0,80 gtO
Densail ... . '
• Reopen .; •••••,•••••••....:
Clitton oi 'N 1
Winghain twelve."... 1
Goxno SOttlett-
Wingham, depart 11,53 A. M... 115 P. M
. . - 7.47 , 4.25
8,05 • 4.40
Itippen ,.15 .
Hensall .... 5.02
Exeter.. 845 5.10 .
Centralia' „ „ 8,443 5,
. leae El I
Ladies are cordially invited to both the after-
noon and evening meetings, Mrs. Campbell'
is a pleasing speaker. Don't in iSS hearing her.
A. small admission fee will be charged gentle-,
men. Ladies and Members of Institute free.
resident, Sec. of 5, H. F. I..
Western .flicivertiscr
A Weekly 12 Pait
7 Column Paper •
, Sent to any aidressitt Catada, or the
United States foe Seventy -flee Ceete•
a year in ,aevaece. •Valuable pie- ,
• ture peel:dims sent to ell
• TI16" ,
liestern Rdilertiser"
ee •
0.56 tee/
6.15 6.55
Lee 8.08 13alance of thie yeat FREE to sate_
seribers far 1008,
Latino's', usTAar