Exeter Times, 1903-1-8, Page 2ng Eclw InpnitOd Ernperor "..,,,Plc"*.g.'50geW4041 ft0110,:teit txXim Says: .1aue, and gold, aria ftnder the oont- . Taito of thoUettods of people from the `teasel. of Major Gritostou, Lord Cure city of, pew.' tilha.from villages for z o n appeared at the entrance of. -the netatnear, begau gathering et -day- 'arena in Ws carriage. The postil- break ori New Year's morning ea the foris \Toro uniforms of searlet end greal-t oteaelde tho eity. There. gold, and the carriage was drawn hY they Waited Patieutir or the se- four bay harem The Viol,* was Preme .annenneement the durbar, eeoorted by Sir PerLati 'that King Edward was Emperor', •of Alighting from his carnage, 'Lord India, Soon the plain was filled Curzon mounted. the dais to the w ith crowding niaaees Of people, and golden iions, and aroend which. were the brightly colored clothing of the plaood maesive silver footstoOle. Tho vast throng covered the epttece with threoe itself was surmounted by a g orgeous.: hues. The crowd on the !canopy ' of White and, gold. When the plain was oomposed lamely of eom- !Viceroy reached tho. threw° the Nae mon peoPle, but among it could be tonal Anthem was played, and a see seea the re-tad/lora of the various lute of fla .gt111$ was fired. When toe 3.-ajalis, who had assembled for the apectators had resuaned, their seal s function. , latter the anthem there was a, f:our- The attention of' all was fixed up- is h of trumpets from the heralds, on. the white aniphitheatre the and 'Major Maxwell, at the cern- canter of the plain, where the an- iniand of the Viceroy,sread tee pro- nooncement was to be made. The elamation oPonieg the durbar. eThe amphitheatre was adorned' with gild-alloyal Standard was the e 'raised on ed cupolas and s•urrounded by bate' higii and the :Imperial ealute was tortes, equadrous, and hattalione of Itleed. The massed bands marched the Inaian 'army. Beyond the am- by, playing, bonfires were started by platheatre in the distance coula be the troops outside,' and rt, was ao- seen great numbers. Of elephants, nounced that Xing Edward was Mal -- Cantata, and homes. So vast was the peror of India. ' • multitude that the troops appeared There WaS =Other flourish of as mere splashes of color. trumpets and Lord Curzon aroee and. 1. BRILLIANT SPECTACLE. stood for a moment, impassive. Then The arrival at the amphitheatre of in impressive tones he delivered the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon of sPeeoll and read the message from Kedleston, and other .digaitaries and Mug Edward, in his al 'cleees the , the princes was on 6 of the brilliant. •Viceroy announced the coronation of episodes of the day. Tiro princes the King; he extolled the Royal in - were clad ia silks, and adorned with dian people and prophesied pros -pm -- jewel% and their horses and car- itY for tile Indian Empire. Be said riages were brilliant with trappings ;also that it had been decided not to of gold. lesivet interest for three years on all The spectacle within the arena was loans made or guarantce.d by the most strikiug and gorgeous. The Government of Iadia to the native Pathan chiefs and the sirdars were State, in connection with the re- resplendeut in brilliant raiment cent /anon°. The moray. announced , Soldiers, civilians, and visitors from also the abolition of the Indian staff far -distant couatries were included -Corps, which has long boon an army among those within the alnphithto sinecure. In the Kieg's message, otre. Upon the entrance of the Vet- 'IThieh 'MS then read by Lord Cur- erans of the Indian Metiny there wasIzon, his Majesty said that the Prince tremendous enthusiasm, and as the !and Princess of Wales would shortly arrivals marched to their places the vieit Ile regretted his ab - bands played national airs. The car- ,serfee from the durbar, and sent his nage' of the Duke of Connaught, who greetings to the Indian people, In represeots Xing- Edward, was escort- ,conclusion, Xing Ecegard said: ed by a d-etachment of cavalry. asi et renew the assurances of my re - the Duke .and Duchess were driven p',-arcl for the liberties of the Indian around the arena the aseemblaga people; oE my respect for their dig - gave them an enthusiastic welcome. initics and rights; of my interest in. Amid the acclamations of -the Peot 'their advancement, and of my deao- pia till° Duke took slaut at the ition to their -welfare. These are the left of the throne, while the Duehess ,e-eotana aims anti objects 9f my proceeded to a place behind the term:ie. rule which, ender the blessing of,. 1 Almighty God will lead to the in - When the great tunphitheatre was ;creasing „prosperity of my Indian filled tend the hour fox the announce- 'eautore and to the greater happiness merit drew near the multitude with- f its am le " in and without awaited expectantly As the Viceroy finished reading the the first act of the proclamation King's words the aseenabled people cexontany. broke into cheers for the King and ARRIVAL OF THE Vidp,RoY. Emperor. The cheering was taken Then the approach of the Viceroy up by the multitude outside the was heralded. Preceded by me -inhere amphitheatre and' was hong suetain- of his body guard, clad in white, ed. TWO MEN_KILLED. Fatal Collision on the G. T. It. . Near Merritt021. A St. Catharines despatch says: Two mon ktjIc2, two injured, two lo- comotives almost denvellithed and an express car reduced to kindling wood is the result 01 a collision which occurred on Saturday, near Menitton, between the Grand Trunk Chicago lOxprees and a light engine running from Niagara Falls to Mere rittori. The defect are: Abraham Desault, of Sarnia, fireman of the express, who flied shortly after admission to the hos,Pital: C. 'Warning, Sarnia, fireman of light engine, killed in- atantly. injureql are: Thomas Duckpitt, engineer on No. 975-, resi- dent at Sarnia Tunnel, injuries slight; David Duke, engineer of No. 4, Chicago Express, aleo a resident of Sarnia Tunnel, arm broken and other painful but not Serious in- juries. The &cone of the collieien Was about 40 yards west or the Merritton tunnel, the approach tallier o11 a corm through a deep cutting, which renders it impossible to see the track for aoy distanoaeahead. HOW THE A10 CID-0NT OCCITIMED It ie oustomary for engine No. 075, it n.ew type 80 -ton Mogul, to leave Niagara 'Fails every morello, 6 o'cloci; nad ren -to eatatin- e ek to the Fails No. eh expr ss. The Chicago Expreseh arm o he fastest trains On the Grand Trun arid its sche- duled time for arrival xt Merritton from Chicago is 6.28 n. . On Sat- nrday morning it was '1. atintitee Tate. Isla, Chicago Express ores in ebetrge of William Neil, a welleknown cond'eetor, resident at 'Niagara rails; Iraigineer David Duke', *bl 1-4ar- nra Puzcn el, and Ti it ern alt ab am Deettult, of Sarnia.; while on 'board the Mogul engine were li!riginoer Thomas latickpitt, of Sarnia Tim- m], aria Viretima Warning, of &Ar- nie. It is Said that the axpreas was not running at full speed, but that both she alid the Mogul engine were goin' at o , pretty rapid rate is shown by the destruction Nvhicli 101 - lowed the impttet. So -terrific was the force with which the two en- gines met that the boiler of one WAS driVen into that of the other, The drivieg rods, eylinders, cabs, fo ehort everything but 1311e tevo boil- ers and the driving wheels of the ori-, ginee, Were brokezx wed tivisted into seta!), iron. ...PA$SI1S Nituner. The baggage, car behind the ex- press. was "knOcleed Off its Centre," but all the Other cars of the train wore, uninjured, and tho peso -angers estaped with a,seVere shaking up Vire broke out lo the baggage ear, It Wag qttickly extiriguisletO1 br • !William Eking, one of the helpers. Tli wrecking'Crain arrived about an hour text a half after the accid.ent. The responsibility for the aceident has not been fixed, nor is it known !whether the light engine should lia,ve !been held at St. Itarld'e, or the ex- lorces at Merritton. Night, Operator Allettullea dad Day Operator Lynch ,-were both in the latter station .when ithe expreee lett. IDEATE RATE FROM CANCER Decrease Noted in. London Dosing Last Year. I A London despatch says: Statis- tics printed by the London Coo, it y• lOotincil of the Mortality from canter in this city .during 190:2 shows that 'there WaS a slight decrease in the death rate, the percentage being ,93 :per 1,000, its comparea with .95 in ithe previrme year. Thu. pi-oportion. however, has been moretha.n doubled twithin fifty years, the rate between ,1851 and 1860 being ,42. Even in !the year 1801 it was Only .78. Collie parolivly few roses were fatal be- fore tho year 1855. The heat -Mat inortulity was between 1855 and. 1800. TRADE WITH SOUTH AFRICA What Business Canact 11A -a Should Look For. An Ottawa despatch says :-Tho Canediaii trade agent, Jardine, in South Akita, NVritCS 'urging, Cana- dian merchant's to claim theta shore of the trade- in Africa. He alludes to openings inpre latTttrilla11Y for boots and Shoce, lumber, Omits, vegetables, butter. catriages, roblii,g steek, and egrieidiurel linpiementS. Ite says e and wooloe ruant: .acturers in the Dominion should arrange to se- , cure hides and wool by the direct steamers te Canada,rinstead ,of put- chtiging the same goods in the .Lone don market at a higher -rate, Can- ada Is asked .to participate in a large exhibition at Gape Town . thiS year.- CANADA'S CHANCE. Demand for ,Agricultura.). ments in '$outh. Africa, An Ottawa despatch says :-A re- port has been received at tbe Trade 'and Commerce Department from Mr. Jardine, Trade COMMissioner for South Africa. He says that Argert, tine and Siberian butter replactrig the Australian product, Mr. Jar- dine also says that one of Ilia Itirgeet Canadian aggiettitural im- 1110100(31 raakers bast sett, owe a re- presentative. .'''Pliere will he ,,a great dem err a 'for op; ri t u 1 niplempote. VOTE FOR ,141IOR ACT ThousAnci, of Be' ing Carried., it l'iorontiloodee,patiob, saye; With. the been Compiled by LietitteCol. Clarke. Liquer Act are now io, laud have favor of the aet will he somewhat Ot a surprise to both :Aida% Aside exeetition, of East, Nitriesing, all the returns -of the recant, vote on the Clerk of the Legislature. The strength of the voto thus shown, in from the feet, thot 'Premier Ross' m wasxoac led, it is distinct triumph for the prohibitionists. Out of 302,128 votes polled, 190,077, or 65.9 per cent., - f Uze act, and 108,051, or 34.1 per cent., against it. With a majority of 96,- 026, it will be eeen that, bad the conditions been upon any Other basis'say of 00 per cent. of ivote, the not would have carried. As it is the vote lecke only about twelve f Or lourteen thoesana, and it is by a !good margin, the strongest vote ever polled for prohibition in the Pro- viuce of Ontario, as the following I figures show; 10 Total vote cast -0..12. . 802,128 J Total vOtes "Yes" 109,077 I Percentage of total .„ 65.9 iTotal votes "No" ........, .,. 103,051 Percentage 'of total ' 34,1 Majority of votels'olee" .., 90,026 !Total naines on voters' lists 571,095 Votes tr. Votes "No" 111,240 Total vote polled .,. 266,577 Yeas obtained 57 per cent. votes east. 1894. Total reale votes on list 501,869 Male votes for 180,087 Male votes against 108,494 Total Vote polled ... 28S,581 Yeas obtained 60 per cent. votes cast. FIVE MILLIONS INCREASE. l'isures Reveal litow'' 'Canada's Trade Is 'Advancing. An Ottawa despatch says :-An idea of the rapid rate at which the revenue of the Dominion has been mereasing is found in the fact, that during the year ' 1895 the customs revenue was $17,887,269, while for the past six months it was 318.026.- 615, or $139,846 more for the six months than for the whole of 1895. The revenue for the /email of De- cember was $9,067,809, or 3898,- 833 greater than for December, 1901. The revenue for the six months end- ing December was 818,026,1315 com- pared with 315,864,692 for the same time in 1,901, an increase of 32,161,023. The increase for the current fiscal year will be 10 the neighborhood of five millions. JERSEY CATTLE BREEDERS Two Days' Test at Live Stock Show Condemned. A Toronto despatch says: Among the rcsolutione passed at the an- nual meeting of the Canadian Jer- sey Cattle Club, held at the Walker House on Tuesday; Was one to be fotwardecl. to the Provincial Govern- ment condemning the two days' dairy test at the Provincial Live Stock Silber, it being'the opinion of the delegates that the, test was; too short, and the rules as to feeding during the exhibition too exacting to allow of fair judgment: Another resolution endoreed.the pian01hold- ing a Dominion Fair at Toronto in 1903. • The chair Was occupied by the President, B. J. Fleining, In his annual address Me. Fleming spoke of the Marked progress made during the year in the breeding of Jersey tattle ie Canada, and the high Prices fel" that class of stock which had prevailed. • MUST BE READY TO FLEE. Missionaries in Capital of Shen-si A Pekin despatch says: The Mis- sionaries in the Sian -fu (capital of the 'Province of Shen -al) region have been officially notified to be prepared to leave if necessary. It is recom- mended that the women and child- ren be sent to safe porta. The movements of Tung-Fuh-Siang give reason to expect troublee` He is stip- posed to have 10,000 warriors un- der his command. The Imperial for- ces are very inferior le numbers, 'qriALLgST WOMAN DEAD. Twenty-two Years 01.4 and. Weigh- ed Fifteen Pounds, A Beaumont, Texas, despotch says i-littlena. Sing 11000, reputed to be the smallest adult person in the - world, died euddenly here yesterday. She and her brother, Semen Sing Hpo were on exhibition and after the a f te Vitoon perfo no au ce, Fatale became 111,01e1 &liecl before a doctor could reef% her, Sbe was 22 years old, weighed 115 poem's and ,stood 28 inches 13igh, NOT.A BUGABOO. Canadian Competition in Load.oe. , Very Evident, A Landoll dersiatch says: The American Consul 1).1, fa -eel -pool, in his .Anzer ceiti Consul et Lie-erpool, in his report on. Anglci-Americae trade, seem' '`It would be unwise to dis- nase tha mallet. of Cauadian com- petition 014 o, bugaboo. Otanatio, 11318 never been"' so 'Xiteell in I:Vide/10e in this colmtry as during the Arrant teetr.", A MINING HORROR. Fifty -Eight Mien Perislx in a shaxi I.31saeter. A St, Petersburg despatch vays 1- 1,tity-eight lives were lost in -the recent fire in a e001 mile, et atil- nett, ykatorinesiev province, Xieven leen were reeeued afte' having been 60 hoors in the mine, Twenty-one others were saved after five days". imprisonment. ITE Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. 0;;asietitsreke;c! a ton in Hamilton but vo Over 800 ear loads of cOal are reaching Toronto Weekly. Winnipeg now *tootle third in. th list of important eentere in Canada Lord Dundonald proposes to in erfoise the strength of Caaoda's de fence force, The .,resul Trunk ear works at London wilt be sot to work on an order for four huutlred flat cars. William Cook of lialifax wid not be executed on January St for 'the murder of his wife, the sentence hav- ing been commutea to imprisonment for life,. Hon, A. a.. Blair hos placed an order for $100,000 worth of ears with Messrs. Rhodes, Currie & Go., of Amherst, and the Rathbuu Coe of Deseroato, Tito city- of Dawson has clOsed a contract for lighting the streets of '1177:707san with 100 twenty-two can- dle ineadeecont lamps a year for 88 Wm, Mackenzie amiounced at 'Win- nipeg that the Canadian Northern Would be extended from Port Arthur to fatiebee, and the James Bay line from Toroato was already under way. Mary Lewis, of Hamilton, was sent down for 21 days for being drunk on the 00th anniversary of her wed- ding. She is 82 years old and has been convicted 125 times, haviug spent half her life in jail. the refuges who fled to Bligland ter the failure of the rovolutou I 1848, is in Willeesbarre, Pee, in, the interest of the Canadien Govern - meat, With lihe view el furthering acn, laintigrotion of Irungarian miners from the coal regiOrs to the SettiO-- Merit of Fieterhaay, Northwest Tere ritOries, Cauada. Cholera. ie raging i Nazattan, Tlnz modus yiveadi regarding the , Vreneh shore at Newfamulland will, GREAT BRITAIN. Since his acce.Sion Xing Edward has conferred 3,000 honors. The London, Daily Mail prophesies that Canada is about to beeome great commereial nation. Smith is naturally the dominating name in the new London directory. There are some 3,000 plain Smiths. The Edinburgh School Board has declined to include fire alarm drill as a subject itt the currieultira at the schools. Sunderland's new workmen's dwell- ings are to be lighted with electricity supplied through penny -in -the -slot meters. It is reported that the Prince of Wales, -with Lord Roberts and oth- ers, will visit the United States next sering. Two qualified chiropodists, who are to be non-commissioned officers, are to form part of every infantry bat- talion of the army. The cost' of the new Swansea dock, with a lock capable of accommodat- ing the largest vessels afloat, is es- timated at nearly 310,000,000. A nugget, of gold weighing 28 lbs., recently found in British Columbia, is being, exhibited by Messrs. Searle in Lombard street, London. The National Fire Brigades' Union, comprising some 500 brigades, will hold its national shield competitions next July at Earl's Coert. Owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever at G-reenock, the local author- ities 3-ecomin.end that children's parties should be avoided as much as possible. Brevet Lieut. -Col. Gordon Carter, lst Life Guards, who has the dis- tinction of having risen from the ranks, is now second in command of the regiment. Gen. French, who is suffering from fever and influenza, has postponed his visit to Brighton, where the freedom of the borough is to be con- ferred upon him. - Lacier Jane Lawson. wife of Sir Charles Lawson, of Evelyn Gardens, Kensington, was fined at Bow street last week for being drunk and dis- orderly. For defrauding the Mersey Docks and Harbo-or Board•of over 315,000, John Joseph Lynch was on Satur- day at Liverpool sentenced to seven years'' penal servitude. TJNITED STATES. Three men were killed and a dozen injured by an explosion in a Potts- ville, Pa., mine. It is believed thai thecattle dis- ease in the State of Massachusetts has passed the dangerous stage. By the will of his employer, who just died, Henry Roseman., bleed man, inherits a fortune of $125,000, at Hartville, Mo. Interviewed by the New York Ev- ning Post, Sir Wm. Van. Horne and Mr. Ilays spoke hopefully of the fu- ture of Canadiao railways. Nevada E. Stranhan, collector of New York, believes there is a re- gularly organized gang of tobacco smugglers engaged in bringing the leaf .into this -country on the North AMr . ‘at.ifeelc, of Chicago, wil0 went into a trance -like sleep on September 28 as the result of a lovers' quarrel and has never sinee awakened, is bclievecl to be dying. A young man who gives his name as William Madison, of Boston, smashed the plate glass window of the 11. Simpson Co., in New York on Monday night, and made °CT with $10,000 worth of diamonds. He was captured after an exciting chase, but only three of the gents were recover- ed, as he had passed the rest to confederates. Coalmen i cation by NVirele$S tele- graphy between. the 'United Statee and the Old World has been had for the fleet lime by the exchange of moseages by the Marconi system be- tween the WeillIcet station and rot db n . Corn wa 11. WelIfleet is six hundred miles further from roldhu then the Table Mud statiorg,nt Cape Tiretoni,,N.S. At Mintern, 1131 Italian Shot Mt killed a Denver ad,1119 grading foreman, and the eft ieens of the town, foiled in i heti' effortst lynch the nixie clerer, ore -hi treatcni ng vire lenee to of big Premi ers Um Dn' Ian gang f•1 Worlenion, wbo 111370 iipe peakei for profeetion to the Itunun COnSuI tt• Denver. rail} D. :I".sterha7y, Old hillf,;40.1a 01 (Inugiry :011 of tlifi One of be renewcd far one Year. rresidont Loubot, •.of Frauce, ,has sent 44000 for the relief of sullen, ors front the earthquake at Angolan. A Japanese infantry .,oflieer has in- vented on automatic pistol which will fire eighty cartridges a' minute. Exemption from Military serous) on ipsatyzy7ent of a sure ,of money is to bo abolished by the new Spanish Mina - Prospectors from the Ashanti gold- fields state that the dredging operae tions iit rivers have resulted in largo Italy proposes to employ all crime discoveriee of gold. Male sentenced to penal serVitude in the reclamation of the malaria, - stricken regions of the country. •.alajoreGeneral Baden-Powell denies that the South African Constabulary will be disbanded. The corps will be Maintained at its full strength. of 6,000, men. Ixi'Vrance there are 15,319 women employed as gatekeepers at the rail- road crossings. They get very small pay, but the railroads provide. each 0110 With a house and a small garden patch rent free. The Mayor of the city of Leon, 'Mexico, which has a population of 80,000,- has issued an order that ev- ery house in tile city must be re- painted within a month. Throughout Venezuela, President Castro's politleal opponents are be- ing shot and hanged or thrown in- to jail, and the soldiers are being allowed to vent their personal spite against the citizens. ARKET Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. MAItit:1'1TS CT' `,17-11.4:1 Toronto, Jan. 0,-- Wheat The market is uochanged; No. 2 white Sold at 684e low fl'eight, to NOW York, No, 2 spring quoted at 68 te 08;to east, end No, 2 goose at 00e east. Itfanitoba wheat steady; No, it hard sold at 87c grinding in teane sit, arid No. 1 Not-I:kern Lit 84*e g.i.t. N. 2. hard 84* to 85e, Noeth. Day, all rail, and No. 1 Northeeli 83e, North Bay, all rail- Oate-rl'he market is quiet, with No, 2 quot-ed, at 34*c high freight, axiU al 81e low freight to New York. Peas - The market is quiet, and prices firm, No. 2 quoted at 73e high freights and at '75c enst. „ 13arlet--The market is quiet With No, 3 extra quoted at 15c middle freight, and No. 8 at da3e. middle freight. Cora -Market steady, with 'No, 2 new Canadien 46e bid west: No. 8 new American yellow nomival at 58 o 58*o on track Toronte. Lolour--Ninety per cent, patents are dull at 32.65 to $2,67 middle freights, itt buyers' sacks, Inc 0X - port. Straight rollers of special brautls fax' c t ace, quotcii at $8.25 to $3.85 in barrels. Mitoi- toba flour steady; Hongatian pat- ents $4.10 to 34-20, delivered off track Toronto, bags included 0-1111 Manitoba strong bakers' 33.80 to 33.90. taillfeed-Bra, 315 in hulk her4. and ehorts at 317. At olftgie4, Points bran is quoted at $la aid: short e at 816. Manitoba bran, 111 , sacks, $17 and shorts 319 here. Oatmeal is steady at $4.10 for cars of bags and 34.25 for barrels on the traek Toronto, and 25c more for broken lots. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter -,The trade in butter to- - AUSTRALIVS NEEDS. clay was quiet at unchanged prices, Wants Two Hundred Thousand. We quote: Finest 1-111. rolls, 19 to, choice large rolls, 17* to t9c; ewe A. Washington despatch says :- ondary grades, rolls and tubs, 15 Two hundred thousand tons of to 16e; bak, ers' 13 to lac; creamery breadstuffs must be imported from Prints, 23 to 24e; do., solids, 20 to wheat -producing countries to Aus- 21?fc- ' Eggs -Trade is Sala We quote: Cold storage, 18 to 22e, as to qual- ity; limed, '17 to 18e; seconds., la to 15c. Cheese -Market remains st eady, dated November 11. The crop in. with good demand. We quote: Fin - New South. Wales, he says, will not est September, 121 to 13c; seconds, 12 to 1210. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Jan. 6. - Flour -- Firm, Australia, though there the crop is Wheat - Spring firm; No. 1 North - less. than last year. Fifteen thou- ern, 85*c; winter, State, No. 9 red sand tons -of California flour are offered at 77e. Corn - Firm; No. afloat for New South Wales, hut the 2 yellow,. 53-1c; No. 2 corn, 51elye. Tons of Breadstuffs. 20e; selected dairy tubs, 17 to 18ce tralia during the coming season to meet harvest deficiencies, says Vetted States Consul Goding, at Newcastle, in a report to the State Department, reach' 60 par 'cent. Of lhe quantity reaped last year, and Victoria. -will require imports of 8,637,929 bushels, of wheat to supply her needs. The situation is • not so bad in South Consul says the price of California flour has risen so greatly that the effect will be to divert a good deal of trade to Canada, which raises Oata-lonen; No 3 white 36i,; No , • 2 mixed, $5*c. Barley -- 4.9 to 62c, It -ye -No. 1, in store, 56c. Duluth Jan, 6. - Wheat - Cash hard wheat of a cla.ss well suited to 7Nactin't ,ylotar2d, No7r4lee;r1,N10 mix with California flour. ber, 73 c; May, 70c, Oats -May, 33)c. ilinneapolisy Jan. 6. -- Wheat — INCREASE OF $6,000,000. December, 73ac; May, 75 to 751c; on1 track, No. 1 hard, 75:c; . Sales of the C.P.R. Land Depart- Northern, 74:c; No. 2 NorthNoern, mens Beat the Record. A Winnipeg despatch says :-The a banner year Ste.,ad7575;1c; May, 76Oc. Rye --Stea- 78*e. Milwaukee, Jan. 6. - Wheat — New Year of 1901 was No. 1 Northern, 77c; No. 9 in the business transactions of the do Canadian Pacific land department, dY; N°. 1, 514 to 52c. Barley — Firm; standard, 58c; sample, 39 'tot but the year of 1902 was better by nearly $6,000,000: "Everywhere," 57c- Oats -Steady; standard, 331c. said Mr. Griffin, the . land commis- Corn -May, 43,40. sioner, "where we hoop lands within reasonable distance . of the railway II00- PRODUCTS. there has been no difficulty to dis- pose of our lands, and the year is Dressed hogs are steady, with car - the largest ever known by the de- loads, quoted. at 37.25 to 37.40. partment.' The setes‘tor the month ,Oured meats are filen,' with demand of December totalled 577,382.61 fair.' We quote: Bacon, long clear, MAN'S DIGESTION Tueso loacultitls Xot Wt Tiley Once Were. , A Louden deepateh saysz, Dr. $ir J -anis Orithion-BroWnet in a 100th -re delivered here on Saturday-, dilated upon the decay in the 'digestive fuer" ulties 01 civilized/maim t� sesta ft number of diseases clotild be 010ra:et:a Ns01110tiontlyotihlaVaes ityfietarrnap.loollattlo. tors had,. but their saliva 10leee ablintlairt owning to the softer, Pulp- ier foods that ere eaten. PociphX are living' to on inerecteing (alteut upon pePtonized feeds. The illcroage of appen.dieitis Is largely due to indi- •goation reenlItiog from ImPerleet ireaSe iticetion and the hurried nuitaxZedee ,of !living. l'roxn the seine cense peo-- 'pie are lees able to resist diseese. ;CoaSeglieritly, there is a greater rea- son for eanitary precautions as in- jurious bacteria dia a maXimum of 1 -be inettumed various (mat's. Llofnddadinigs'eeiz: jobllesd thfoQoodystaiconttlisenahoptiattionini-, poten- tial IS*11.1teltYln: photcl fever, in Winchester and Soiette. ainpton 00 reatel the cliseare could be traced te Oy'Sl,ers. X° l t1iblltOLi inditerelexe and ilidolence Lo tile Pah- lie and culpable riegligeuee to pur- veyors, and deplared that if legisla- tion providing fox' the stringont in- spection of oyster be -:s was not passed an iticalculable antourit of ty- phoid fever wasill store, 1.11 f00f1$ needed enforced protectien front Imce tonal contananotion1 itiitisepticiem anuet enter to smile degree luto .,the daily life`of all, teed regulate shop - Ping and cooking, me Trish, buree. , An Irish authority 'thus 'defines as an expert the effecte of a well deny- ered curse: "The belief fuming the an- °lent Irish was that a curse once pro- nouneed must fall In seam direction. If it .bas been deserved by ban on Whene it 10 pronotmeed, it will fall on, him sooner or later, but' if it has not then it will retire upon the person who . pronounced it. They compare it te-h,*'' wedge with which a woodman cleaves timber. 11 it has room to go, it -will go and cleave the wood, but if it has net it will fly out and strike' the wOodinan himself, who is driving it, between the eyes." There are three altars inside the castle at Innisteurray, Ireland, built squnre of rough looee stones and hav- ing on the top of them a number of, curious, round, smooth stones. Those have been used for cursing by turtling them, and the natives are very super- stitious about them. One mode of averting the curse was for the persou against whole the stones were turned to. have a grave dug, to cause biniself to he laid in .it and to have three shovelf ale of earth east over -- him, the gravediggers at the same Untie reciting rhymes. rather and don, What a father can do, if be will, Is to make his own experience and knowl- edge an inseparable part of the intel- lectual and spiritual equipment' of his son, but he con do this only when he cares so much aboet: it as to make it a daily, hourly object of bis life, says the Cosmopolitan. So many fathers shirk the undertaking; so many of them stand aloof and let the preeleue years go by, willing to givo anything and everything except themselves. The first and great reward of course 18 the, one that comes' when he sees the boy upon the verge of manhood going out Otto the world to face the inevitable dangers which confront the novice, for the Ilte of a maa differs from the life of a woman M.this respect -that at some time or other, sooner or later, the time must colne when be shall Anna alone, relying on his own strength to conquer le he be smitel and heave, to fall if he be rea.k and coward1y. acres for $1,683,289.45, as against 11 to llic, in ton aud case lots. .43 131.151.16 acres for $403,261.78 in Pork, - mess, 321 to 321.50; do., .tetitere conneouout cot To Ninue, 1901 For -toe oe 1,002 sh.ort cut, $22.50 to 82:1 • , year. , sales were 2,420,000 acres for 38,- Smoked. hams, 111* to 14e; rolls, 140,000, against 831,922 acres for 12c; shoulders, lle; backs, 12 to 32,640,000 in 1901. The increase in 144,e; breakfast bacon, 14 to 141e. acreage sold is therefore 1,0811,000 acres." WEST AFRICA COTTON. Expert from Mississippi Going to Nigeria. . A .Lonchin despatch says: Mr. J. P. Prince, a eotton expert, of Green- ville, MISS. Sctiled from Liverpool for Nigeria, Africa, on Satitudatr to report on the cotton growing experi- ments in British Wist Africa, Mr. Prince goes out ender Cm ausPices'of the British Cotton Growers' Associ- ation, which is being warmly e119 - ported by the Go-vernors of the West African colonies. It is expected that 3n the coerse of six months -a regular supply of West. African cot - Will begin to reach the Man- chester market. IlOMESTE.AD ENTRIES. xturibe,.-ed 22,194 Last Year, " Against 9,145 1n-1.901. An, Ottawa despatch says!: The homeeteati tutries in We:store, Can- ada in 1902 numbered 22,194 as against 9,145 in 'the previoes twelve monthe, end 1,857 i11 the year 1806. This return is but further evidence of the faav of immigeation into Mcni- toba, and the Territories, and the area of Julia that is being taltea up, WESTERN IWIPROVEMENTS. 0, P. t. General Me,nager VirilI Push the Work. A 11'01lb-eat despatch says:- Mr. D. 11bNicol, second vice-president ancl general manager of the Clanyedian Pacific, hag lea on a, Weetern tour of inspection. Ile will go ,as far ea Winnipeg, and arrange fox' the im- portant lieprovemente to tile line which. are cOnteinpla,ted and will be mbeietee.n 0.S'80031 aa the weather Por - Lard -Stocks are light, with limn feeling. We quote: Tierce% 110; tabs, llac; pails, 11!c; compound, 81 to 1,0c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Jan. o. -.Grain No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat, 70,e; No. 1 Northern, 68*e. in 'store, Fort Iteceinber; peas, 72:J:c high freights; oats, No. 2, in store here, 35 to 351ce rye 4.8*e. east; 'buck- wheat, '51c east' in store. Flom -- Manitoba pat entre 34.20; strong bakers', 38.90; Ontario straight rol- lers, 33.50 to 33.65; in bags,,, 31.70 to 31.75; patent, $3,70 to $4.10, Rolled oats--Illillerfa prices 01 , job- bers, $2 in bags, and 34.15 per 1,b1. Feed - Manitoba, bran, 317.50 to 318 : shorts 320, bags included; On- tario bran in hulk, 316.50 to $17.50; , shorts in bent, 310. Beans - Quo- tations are nominal at 32 in cars on track. I'rovisions - Iteavy Can- adian short cut pork, 324 "to 395; shon, cut backs, 323.50 to 324; lig-lit short gut, 323.50 to $24.; compote -id refined lard, 8:* to 9:e; pure Can - adieu lard, 110; finest lard, 12 to 12*0; hams, 12 to 1.4c; bacon, 34 to 1.5c; dressed hogs, 37.50 to 87.75' fresh killed abattoir, 38,75 per 100 lbs. Eggs - Selected, 24. to 25e; candled stock, 194,- to 2010; straight receipts, 18a to 190; No. 2, 16*c. I -Toney -Bost cloVer, hi ectiong, 31. to 12c per erection; in 10-111, tins, 0* to 10e; in hulk, Sc. Poultry -- Tur- keys, 18 to 181c per lb,; thoice, 14 to 150; clucks, 11 to 31.0; choice, 11!dofoel,7118sc,; 83rac°11I113egt 01h01.0;0g9.crieS'11 se,8 to 90 per 10. Cheese-OntariO, 12ac, and Townships, 12e. Dotter - Palley Townships creamery, 28e; fine auto -wry, 22e; Ontario creamery, 210; dairy butter, lie for seIeetions; Western Ontario roil, 180- A number of Palliate Were foiled hi an attempt to, rob the jetVe1 rotnn of the Delhi ArtExhibition eon - tabling goner vale at $1,250,000; It might be imagined that Connecti, cut is called the "land. -01 steady hab- its" ,on account of the exemplary con- duct 'of its citizens. But it obtained. that title .10 a different manner. A citi- zen of that state expleins the matter taus: "In the early colonial, times it was tbe custom, to provide 'every One who assisted nt a dedientien, &mall betiding or tuna 'ratable witb a 'hooker' of ,good Jamaica ruin. 'Iliese i'vectIons; 4te needless to say, were popular. When the Mettler' eree 1 ;fa (31'0W11 001011y 0l'I'lV0d, there was, of course, 0 celebration. The first govern- or, John Winthrop, refused to provide rum and io imingeral zuldrees de- plored the custom of tippling, relying 'It did not lead to steacly There- upon the Nuttneg State had' a title to hand down to poeterity." Con Ton See Ale? If air cermet :ova, what ie it that eve see quivering ehOve 11 801(1 on 0 bot summer day or even above n kot stove in the bouse? That queetion has pee- tfied many 11 head, both old and young. The ileswer ueually given Is that It is the heat, but bent cannot be Seen, and tberefore It is mit the heat. The explamitiou of the phenotemieti ls really guile einiptee like all srich thing, 'when 100 heat it, As ft deafer of feet, It is air' that We :lee gOivering, but beat make8 it vielble.- The quiver- ing Is caused by the upward passage, ciese by each other, of small currOlits of air of different tempeenteree In Which thcx rays or tight are irregnimely refeneted, and this tuatteS the curronta The Senatorial elections in If ram: resulted in 011(41 gain. of 18 Seats for the Government. Colduct or Me Son and hlotorniutt Rena:Ltd, emplopes of the litontreL Street railway, were arrested their car on Saturday 'oti itale of 11$11315 two boxes to collect 11 and retaiiiinpo 3.Oe coli(tents box, ,