HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 10141
t 1 )O33;..
LACE LAST WEEK'S NOTICE appeared stating our
intention of giving up business in Exdter, there .has
been some changes in our plans which may result in our
ontinuing business in Exeter. -\iWe don't want to be mis-
undeistood; we aro not writing these notices for the sake
of an add, but like, other people sometimes we change our
nd; and we may be allowed to in this particular case
However business is business, our present stock is for
sale either in bulk or in parcels to suit the public. • Now
you know just what this, means—a grand money saving
No-wind,,no bombast, no humbug. In the present and
n the future, as in the past, honest straightforward business,
Remember we are game. All winter goods are going
ut in quick time. "Oh" but this will be the fortunate
dance for buying Fur Coats. We have about Fifty left for
Hien and women.
Come and See What we are Doing.'
e A l
New r
of Canada
For Marriage Licenses,
t an Tuesday noon: asual
niente accepted up to noon
sdav of .each week.
THURSDAY, JAN lsr, 1903
Write 1903.
The lamas office is the niece to get
your job printing.
Mr. D. R. Prior; of Clinton, spent
Christmas with friends in town.
Miss M. A. Gregory, bf Toronto,
ant the holidays at her home here.
and Mrs. J. J. White and little
Dorothy, spent Christmas with Mrs.
John White,
Dr. Clinton McCallum, of Buffalo,
N. Y., spent the holidays under the
-parental roof.
Mrs. Wm. Mitchell is in Nissouri
with her father, Mr. Evans, who is
dangerously ill.
Mrs. Glanville, of London, is spend-
ing New Year's with her mother, Mrs.
Sweet, Huron street.
Miss B. Robinson, who has.spent the.
past few Seasons as milliner' at °Blyth'
is home for vacation.
It is said: that the Wallaceburg beet
sugar factory will this year turn out
I0,000;000 pounds of sugar.
rs. Fred Jones, of London, was
of her - cousin, Mrs. W. J.
rew street, this week.
Weakling Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc
rum, ON
Watch Repairing a Specialty,
Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Talbot took
Christmas dinner with Mrs.Talbot's
parents in Dorchester.
/"For young stock, fatting stock,
young pigs and poultry,no food equals
English Stock Food. Sold by C, Lut
errs Jennie Taylor of Detroit is
spending the holidays with her moth-
er airs Thos Bissett.
Miss Elliott, 'milliner with the R,
Pickard Co., left on Wednesday of
last week for Glencoe, where she will
visit friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lucas, of Hen-
fryn, Grey 00. are spending the hon-
ey with Mrs, Lucas' parents, Mr. and
rs. S. Brokenshire.
Mr. T. L. Thompson, of Owen Sound.
has been nominated to contest North
Grey as the conservative candidate for
the Dominion Parliament
Mr. Jas. Harvey, hostler at the Man-
sion House, is still confined to his bed
as the result of a kick he received. from
a horse, while he was at work in the
°fry. Winan's Cough Balsam for
coughs, colds and bronchitic troubles.
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Sole agent
for, Dix Lung Syrup and Dix Cold
The Misses Lou. and Maggiie Talbot
and Mr. Freeman Talbo'a haye return-
ed to their home in "The Gore" after
spending a few very pleasant days
with their brother, Mr. W. L.-. Talbot.
Miss Horne wishing to dispose of
her millinery business, in order to re-
duce the stock still continues her sale
of all goods at and below cost, millin-
ery, Fancy Goods, Underwear, etc.,
all must go,'
Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield and daughter
Annie. of Dashwood, are spending
their Xmas. holidays with Mrs. C. W.
Caen, while Charlie Lindenfield, who
spent Xmas. Day here left for Nous -
twit to visit Mrs. W. W. Tait.
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco, Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
e have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January lst 1901.—Tan EMPIRE To
Men's black beaver Overcoat " velvet collar,, fly front, lok back, umbrella skirt,
Italian lined, were $12.50, cut to . , 89,50
Men's black beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, fly fro • Italian lined, sewn
with silk and linen were $$,50 now, ,..........
Men's black beaver Overcoats, vel vet collar, fly front, g linings, se wn with
linen and silk, were $6.50 now ' ...... ..$5.00
awn's grey cheviot Overcoats, silk velvet collar, mohair a d Italian linings,
Telma pockets, umbrella skirt, box back, were $12,00, cu tO • $9.50
Men's Oxford grey Overcoats, velvet collar, Telma. pockets, cuffs on sleeves,
Raglan style, were $9.50 cut to.: $$.00
Men's Cheviot and Frieze Overcoats, velvet collar, raglan style t lra itoceqo
"" -e- .. sleeves, twilled Italia/1%1'111g, linen a.pd sink e , ,
Men's. frieze O`veeeoats,:Oxforcl,• g,rey, ko' il.n collar, wool lined, strap ori back,
linen sewings, were $0':50; now... , . $5
Hoye' and youths Overcoats in, best clothe, ' latest . style' •asci lowest prides.
Boys' reefer Coats and Pea Jackets in blues and greys, lined ''with matellic
Sateen and wool linings, ail at cut prices.
Our prices can't be beaten, our ' styles surpassed, • and no
goods are matte better
to ri tz Spada ty. One Door North
Dr. Am haspurchased a line
Mrs J miller is visiting 'Fiends itt
,r• rx'arieieker of'Toronto is visiting
Ills parents iters.
amiss 'kiolnees of Brussels is the guest
of miss Pearl Robins,
Miss 'Ethel Sweet, of Milligan, is
visiting at her honrn !are.
Read Mr. T. D. (letting's address to
the electors in another -colii:mn,
mis Sydney Snell and children are
the guests of err and mrs S Martin.,
ma Robert Hannon of near Toronto.
is the guest of his father Or Han'hou.:
The Public Sehool re -opens on mora-
day, pupils please he in your places,
Mr Percy Verity, of Brantford ' is
the guest of his sister Mrs T B Carl-
Rev. arallott and wife are spending
a few weeks at the James Street par-
The Song Service at the James et
church on Sunday last was enjoyed
by all present.
Rev Chas Down of Jeannette's
Creek, is spending his vacation with
his parents in town. •
Mr. Chas. Dunsford, of nsarlette,
arich,, is spending. a few days with his
aunt, ,ars. Thos. Bissett. -
(This ad, Changes Every Week) '
Through the columns of this
paper I desire to express my
thanks to the people of Exeter
and vicinity for their very
liberal patronage through the
5 past two weeks and 1 would +
• wish one and all .
A very Prosperous 5
New Year
+ Lu °FALB_
• •€••i••t••.L• • 'o•i••i••bd• i -:• •t•; k ••Y•a••g• • ••a••a•
Miss Lilla Howard left on Friday
last for Minden City, Mich.,for an
extended visit with her brother, Frank.
Some forget that skating onthe
main Street side -walk is strictly pro.
hibited and also dogs attached to
arr Geo miners who has been in the
employ of W J Heaman has accepted
&position with tide "Verity Plow Co"
andleft this week for Brantford.
Dr. Gill of Gibsonbur g, Ohio, spent
Christmas in town. He left for his
home on Friday, accompanied by errs
Gill and childrenwho have spent some
time here.
errs L Thorne, who has been visit-
ing her parents here for some length
of time, left monday morning for
Chicago prior to her departure for
Los Angeles Cal. where she will re-
main for some time.
A very quiet wedding tookplace on
Wednesday last, at the Kensington
Methodist parsonage, London, when
the Rev. S. Salton united in the holy
bonds of matrimony Mr. Isaac Hill
and Miss Dora Baker, both of Credi-
Palpitation of the heart, nervous-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache,
cold hands and feet, pain in the back,
and other forms of weakness are re-
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made
speciallyfor the blood, nerves and
Miss Laura 'Gregory, daughter of
Mr. Thos. Gregory, who left here.
over two years ago to enter the
Toledo hospital as nurse, graduated in
September last with honors and is
now enlisted as one of the professional
nurses in that city. Miss Gregory
spent the holidays at her home here.
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To-
a3Acoo ` Co. LIMITED.
Rev. G. Perkins, M. A., of Lindsay,
who received a unanimous invitation
from the members of the Triyitt Mem-
orial church to become their rector
has accepted the invitation and will
enter upon his duties about thelast
of January or beginning of February,
In the meantime a supply will be sent
to take the services each week. There
will be the usual service on Sunday
Dr. Ovens, of. London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and specialist of•diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat will be at the • Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday,
Dec. 30th, 1902; .Wednesday, Jan. 7th ;
Wednesday, Feb. 4th Wednesday,
March 4th ; Wednesday, April 1st;.
Wednesday, May 6th ; Wednesday,
June 30th, 1903. Spectacles and eye-
glasses properly fitted, Neat visit will
be Wednesday Jan. 7th.
It is announced that the bye -elec-
tions in three open constituencies
will be held January 7th, The open
seats at North Perth, carried by ' J. C.
Monteith (Conservative) by a tfajori
ty of 2 ; North Norfork, Avon by Dr.
Snider (Conservative), by a majority
of 23, and North Grey, carried by a
A, G. McKay (Liberal) by 5 of a ma-
jority, The date for North Renfrew,
vacant by the death of the member
,immediately after the general election,
5s not yet announced, for reasons best
known to the Government, but is said
that jttst now the presence of an in-
dependent candidate in the field ren-
ders the election of a supporter of Mr.
Ross rather uncertain, hence the de-
SVVirr i MAatau n.—Singer sewing
machine fti good order for safe, ,Apply
t this office,
Loe.—Purse containing 514 and
ote foe $5, between Oreditoe and
ashwood. Finder please notify S.
David, 500 Richmond St., London,
SPECIAL Onatet. During the nett
wo menthe or up to March let, we
will give subscribers a special cltib ,~ate
F16kdi Go.
eV!/ Years
Creetings 1
U Friends and Custom-
E ers a prosperous and I
U Happy New Year.
Pickard Co
Direct Importers.
for the TIMES and London Daily Ad
vertiser for $2.25 in advance. Sub-
scribe now.
receipt of the Christmas Number of
"the h'armers' Advocate" it is a very
handsome paper which cover agate, -
pages and filled with practical
thoughts for practical people. Renew
now and secure this Christmas num-
ber. Every new subscriber will receive
a copy.
The annual 'nesting of the Farmer's
Institute will he held in Exeter on
January 9bh. A special feature of the
meeting will be an address by Mrs.
Colin Campbell, of Goderich. This
part of the meetings will be particular-.
fly interesting to ladies, as Mrs,
Campbell is a person who can throw
out helpful and valuable hints in a
very pleasing way. For further par-
ticulars see ad. in another column,
and large bills. A small admission
will be charged gentlemen. Ladies
Rev Dr Battisby ot Chatham, will
lecture in the Presbyterian church on
monday evening, January 5th at 8
o'clock. Subject will be "The Holy
Land.' Dr. Battisby has been an ex-
tensive traveller in Europe and Asia,
particularly in the Holy Land. He is
one of the cleverest preachers in Can-
ada and is specially noted as a traveller
and lecturer. Admission for lecture
and refreshments is 15c. Come every-
body and hear this popular orator.
pleasant event took place at 1 o'clock
Thursday last, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Sutherland, 136 Simcoe street,
London, the occasion being the: mare
riage of Annie B., youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. M, Sutherland, to Mr.
Wm. A.bbott, of the local Stock Ex-
change, of that city. The ceretnony-
was performed by Rev. Mr. Moffat,
Miss Lizzie Dodge, of Woodstock, was
bridesmaid, and Miss Isolate Dodge
and Miss Jean Ross assisted. Mr, Jas.
Fitzgerald acted as best man, and
Mrs. Sutherland, sister-in-law of the
bride, ielayed the wedding. march.
The bride was hatatsomelY attired hi
a brown traveling suit. The yOung
couple received many beautiful ,and
usefal presents. After the dinner vas
partaken of the happy pair left for a
trip through the east. Numerous
guests were present from Hamilton,
Wbodstock, Exeter, Detroit and Cen-
tralia. —London News.
mas holidays brought triany of our
former citizens home onee more to
spend the holiday at the old homestead
among whom were the follovving: —
Will IVIeLaughlin, Norman Creech,
(Mae. and Percy WestaeraY, Herbert
Piekard, Mr, and Mrs, Will Verity,
llowara, Brantford ; Mr, and Mrs. A.
MeTaviela Mr. and Mrs. A.. E. Ben-
nett and_daughtee, Greta, Lorne Cann,
Ed. Stewart, Russell Frayae, Miss
Penhale, Mrs. A. Bayley and. family,
Frank Hunt, Miss 011ie geLatighlin,
!MissAda Brown, London ; V. Hard
Mr. P. Dignan, Miss Freda Dow
W. Howey. Miss E. Farmer, Miss L
Hardy, Ed, Pickard, Toronto ; Dr.
L, L. and Mabel Follick, St. Marys ;
M. Huston, Parkhill ; Russ Howard,
Ma and Mrs. A. Killbourn, John Snell
St, Thomas ; Vera Snell, Sarnia ; Fred
Walters, Sault Ste. Marie ; Roy Farm-
er, Sandwich ; Allan Myers, Detroit ;
A. Davidson, Mancelona, Mich. ; Wm,
Dignan, Comber ; R, Creech, Oriel ;
DEATH OE .MRS. PEEL. —The follow-
ing clipping from the London Free
Press of Tuesday, Dec. 30th has refer-
ance.;,tee a former young lady of Exeter
and who for several years was a teach-
er in our Public School. Her many
friends here will regret to learn of her
sad death. A telegram was received
in the city yesterday, from Strathcona
N. -W. T, conveying the sad news of
the death there of Mrs. F. A. Peel (nee
Miss Minnie Croley). This was pre-
ceded Sunday night by a message to
the mother of the deceased lady (Mrs.
T. Croley, 779 Richmond street), an-
nouncing the illness of Mrs. Peel, ' 'and.
asking her to gaup if possible. She
therefore left on the eight o'clock train.
yesterday morning fox, the North-west
but on receipt of yesterday morning's
message, she was intercepted by
friends here near Toronto. The death
of Mrs, Peel is peculiarly sad. About
a year ago she left London for Strath.
cone to become the bride of Mr. Peel,
a, former well known jeweller of this
city, and her prospects for a happy
wedded life were of the brightest, so
that her sudden taking off cannot but
be considered untimely. She was
a bright winsome woman, whom to
know was to esteem, aud her demise
will be keenly regeetted by a. host of
warm friends in Loadon. A little
daughter four days 0151, as well as the
bereaved husband, sUrylyes her.
Rooms I and IL --Class 03), W. Car-
ling, Dolly Dickson, Victeria Miners ;
class (D), Hazel 13rowning. No, on
roll, 44 ; average attendance, 38.
eac ers,
ROO. III.—Sr, 4th., Flossie Taylor;
Rose Cudmore, Ida Arnastrong, Beat-
tie Martin and Hazel Dignan, equal,
Elmore Senior, Alice Howard, Harvey
Gardiner, Dyer Hurdon, Ena McPher-
son ; Jr. 4th„ Dolly Werry, Bella
Havvkins, Chesley Evans, Hugh Mc-
Kay, Edna llissett. No. on roll, 40 ;
average attendence,
. 0, Voerein, Teacher,
Room IV.—Sr. 8rd., Ethel Vosper,
Nora Harton, Maude Johns ; Se, 3rd.,
Lois Birney, Jenny Hartong Heetor
Heywood, Viola Welsh, Agnes Itark-
average attehdreace, 20.
MAY E. Gm, Teacher.
0 0
many Customers .
I and Friends a hap ii y and
F prosperous New Year.
w •
ow) els e 0
fl tIdflDU NOW YGar
WISH A ..tv
O 0
O 0..
O 000
O to
00 00000000041000000000,000000000000.0000000•0640•0000
Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every way.
If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styles
were never prettier nor prices so low. Inspect our . stock
and select now.
Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites "
Fancy Chairs Extension Tables
Iron Beds Sideboards
Dining Chairs Pictures
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curtain. Poles
and Trimmings. Give us a call, and if we have not got
Wes..c. ust.on
Furniture and T.Tndertaking Rooms, GidleY's Block.
H. D. PRINGLE, Teacher.
Room VIL—II class, Ida Welsh,
May Jewell ; Sr. 'Pt. IL, Latimer
n Grieve, Clarence Heywood, Willie
; Ford, Eva, Shaddock ; Mid. Pt. II.,
' lFred Brock, Reggie Bissett. No. on
roll, 44 ; average attendance, 35.
Stewart, C.. Pickard, and E. VO'Ood,
13irney, Carling, N. Johnson.
No. on roil, 43 ; average attendance,
Room VIL—Sr. Pt. II., Harry Sweet,
Willie" Snell, Bella, McKay, Ellmore
Harness, Gordon Ta,ylor, Young
Creech and Paul Phippen. equal ; Mid.
Pt. ILeElva, Ford, Harry Fuke ; Jr.
Pt. Hodgert. David Wall,
Fred MePherson, Fred Shaddock,
Roller Mills
bisfacqqn in' flour" sinCe re-
modelling our mill ,
Velinae0a,sterbrook. No on roll, 41 ; Dry Soft Wood Wanted.
avere,ge attendance, 36.73. '
F. E. CURLING, Teacher.
Jas. Creech, , Rd. Devise , WM. Har-
ding a J. T. Manning, Jno. Gillespie,
Wood* , Jos. Cobbledick, Jos. Senior*,
Thos. Iawkins.
Fon Sonool, TRUSTEES.—L. H. Dick-
son,. , Geo. Eacrett, Jaw. Evans, Semi.
Those marked * have withdrawn.
Bissett and Carling for Reeve. Cobble -
dick, Gillespie, Hawkins and Manning
by acelamatioe. for councillors. Eac-
tett, Evans and Martin by accl. for
School Trastees.
GriStnin and 611000010
D0116 PrOifintl"
Fon REEVE—Joseph Hawk ins elect -
Fon Cotratamons—George Andrew,
John Moir, Richard °amen and James
Ballantyne elected by (axed.)
Fort REEVE—Henry Willerb and
Samuel Sweitzer.
Fon Cormana.ons —Wm Anderson,
Fred Waerth, Stephen' Webb and
Wm Yearley, re-eleeted by acclama-
.Fon Cotraorrzons--Sas Mullett
Wai Read, T A Webb, Win Ward,
Fon REBene--Saniuel
and James Toohey.
Armitage, Jas Bryan, Robt Stanley,
Jeremiah. magee, Layton Pidcl.
McLean, It T Gilpin.
B Bennett J Howard It GM
c)Iler Mill
For Pure Manitoba
Family Flour(stai)
Pastry (Pt/loess)
A good. supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our Flour and Feed a Trial
, ahd be convinced that it
is all right. .
Roller and Plate Choppers, in use
• to suit customers.
Wheel ror Ebux:thteelk%njevrall...L1°2'... 55 to 67
Patient() NY0ight a0