HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 8All parties having Due IBMs against us will
kindly bung them in at once, As we are anxious to have all
our business settled up immediately.
Our sincere t tanks are hereby tendered to all those who
have stood sofaithfully by us for the past .14 years and
'helped to build our business. to its present magnitude.
A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all
is Our Best Wish.
EXE E R ' I'I NI l B, C E .B I+ t
M,r�s, F, J. Knight spent ;Tuesday in
Miss Bennett, of Toronto, is the
geestof her sister, Mrs. 3, A, Stewart,
Mrs. Dr, 13rowniug has returned
home frona a visit with friends in Port
Charlie, Dyer ha,s been enga�ged as
.'�'k with 1V 'J. li;eam n,
prho et
okard 60 1IF.NSAXa
R • DASliwoot
1unior ci..x wt e
Hardware mel:oh en t:
Messrs, Melville and Alex Martin,
ot Toronto. are spending Christmas
under the parental roof.
Miss Amy johns, who is attending
the Alma College. St. Thomas, is
sending a vacation at her home here.
For young stook, fatting stock,
young pigs and poultry, no food equals
1 gush Stock Food. Sold by 0, Lutz
les May Gill left on Tuesday for
Detroit where she will spend Christ-
mas with her friend Miss Ella Rollins,
Mr, Nelson and .Aquina Sheere, of
St, Thomas, are spending the Christ-
mas holiday at their home on Huron
Mrs. J. G. Stanbury left on Tuesday
for Whitby where she will visit her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Eastwood till
after New Years.
Miss F. Stanbury, who has been at-
tending the Normal at Toronto spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Stan-
bury on her way hometoBayfield.
Mr. and, Mrs. Jos. Cobbleclick, and
Mies Ethel are epending the Ohxist
mas and New Year's holidays with
friends in Toronto. and Orono.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton. of South
Bend, Ind., Mich., are spending a short
time here with Mrs. Luxton's parents,•
Mr, and Mrs Thos. Willis.
Do your Christmas shopping early
you will be guided as to where to
purchase your holiday gifts by consult-
ing our advertising columns.
� ./� J j Z T:' Xmas. presents.—Stewart's is' the
ij(� I , spot. A complete range of'fancy china,
fancy handkerchiefs, purses, chat
overeign Bank
of Canada,
Capital Authorized $2,000,000.00
Capital paid up$1,031,000.00
Gredit®n and Exeter
on deposits of $1.00 and upwards.
Special attention to farmers business,
to England, Ireland. Scotland, France,?
Germany, United States, Australia,
South Africa. Safest methods, best:
rates. All kinds of Banking Business,
done. Prompb attention and courte-i
ons treatmentto all,
Solicitor. Manager.
G. W. GILMOUR, Manager, Crediton,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisemente accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
THURSDAY, ' DEO 25,1902
Oranges at all prices at O'Brien's, •-•
Miss Stella Gregory, of Hamilton, is
home for vacation.
The t'InxEs office is the niece to get
your job printing.
Mr. Gerfield'Sheere, of Brantford is
visiting at his home here;
Have you tried O'Brien's Home;
Made Bread
Miss Pringle will" spend Cbristmak
at her hotne in Staffs.
Miss A ;Mathews, of Toronto, is the/ -
guest of her
guest'ofher sister, Mrs. S. Fitton
London Road, South.
For lilarriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks
Spectacles Etc,.•
r !eine bags. Suitable presents for every
\ Try Winan's Cough Balsam or
coughs, colds and bronchitic troubles.
Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Sole agent.,
for Dix Lung Syrup and Dix °old'
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Get your Bon -Bons at O'Brien's.
Miss H. Welrond is spending he r
vacation with her brother in Wood-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M•irtin, of Sea -
forth are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Oke.
Xmas. groceries—Stewart ' has a
most complete stock, fresh, .clean and
values in your favor.
Call at O'Brien's for your . Xmas.
'candies, nuts, etc., largest assortme nt
in town. •.
' The Venezuelanaffair would make
a better comic opera than a war
Miss Nina Kinsman has . returned
home from the Toronto 'Conservatory
of Music.
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson are spending
Christmas with the Dr's sister, Miss
Kirk of Dungannon,.
Mr. John Wood and son, Percy,
shipped a car -load of export cattle to
England on Monday.
Mrs. Dr. Gill, of Gibsonburg, Ohio,
is visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory, J. P.
Perrin's Cream Soda Biscuits, 31b -
cardboard boxes 21c.--31b-tin boxes 25c.
at Stewart's, fresh every week.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Oke, and Miss
Lydia Oke, of Seaforth, are visiting at
their home here.
Miss Laura Jeckell, of Goderich 'is
spending the holidays at her home on
London Road, North.
Mr. Sidney Orocket, of Dorchester,
,/s spending a few days here with his
:sister, Mrs. W. L. Talbot, • -
Turkish Scalp Food is the best hair
tonic and dressing on the market.
Sold- by C. Lutz, Exeter, 50c. a bottle.
What better Xmas, box than furs?
Stewart has the bulge on the fur busi-
ness, fur ruffs, mitts, muffs, caperines
There will be a Christmas song sere and coats, just the thing for Xmas
vice on Sunday evening Dec. 28th atMiss Elsie McCallum, who has
the James st. church, ught in the Orediton Public Seri ool
Mr. and Mrs, W. Oke, and family for the past year very efficiently, has'
been engaged by the Exeter public
are spending Ohristmas at his mot- school board to fill the vacancy caused
hers, Mrs. Hugh Oke. • by the retirement of Miss Irwin.
Men's black beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, fly front, box back, umbrella skirt,
Italian lined, were $12.50, cut to
Men's black beaver Oyercoats, velvet collar, fiy front, Italian lined, sewn
with silk and Iinen were $8,50 now .. $7.00.
Men's blade:heaver Overcoats, velvet collet,' fly front, good linings, sewn with
eaen's greeand.• Ieviot Overcoats, silk velvet collar, mohair talian linings,
• Talma.pockeis, brell skirt ba
back, were $12,00,
cut to $6.50
Men's Oxford grey Overcoats, velvet collar, Taima pockets, cuffs on sleeves,
Raglan ty1 , were $0.50 cut to. .... .. ....... ..:$8.00
Men's Ohevlot and Frieze Overcoate, velvet collar, raglan style,`talma pockets,
cuffs en' sleeves, twilled Italian lining, linen and silk sowings, were $8.50
for..:. .. $7.00
Men's frieto Overcoats, Oxford grey, storm collar, wool lined, strap on back,
linen seevin s, were $6.50, now.... ............ .....:....., 85.00
Boys' and youths Overcoats in best cloths, latest . style and lowest prices.
Boys' reefeCoats and Pea jackets in blues and greys, lined with xnatellic
Sateen said wont linings, all at cut prices.
Our prices can't be . beaten our styles sur assed, and no
n Specialty. One Door Norttxi
Miss Horne wishing to dispose of
her millinery business, in order to re-
educe the stock still continues her sale
of all goods at and below cost, millin-
ery, Fancy Goods, Underwear, etc.,
all must go,
Miss Lillian Robinson another one
of Exeter young ladies who has re-
cently graduated in the Model school,
Goderich has been engaged for the
coming year to teach at School Sec-
tion No. 16, East W awanosh.
Miss . Lulu Dempsey, youngest
daughter of Mr. Andrew Dempsey, of
Toronto and fcrmerly of Exeter- has
.entered the list of pedagogues and bas.
been successful in securing a school
in Bervie, Grey;Oo, Well done Lulu.
Miss Irwin. F ho has been engaged
n teaching in our public school for a
Si number of years has resigned her pos-
ition owing to home duties, and Ieft
on Tuesday for her home in Wingham.
Miss Irwin was a very painstaking
teacher -and won .the high respect and
confidence of'her pupils.
The Weekly Mail and Empire is
offering the choice of two handsome
artogrei.vure pictures"The Doctor" and
"Contentment" to their subscribers.
Our subscribers can secure either of
these two pictures and the Mail and
Empire to the end of next year for
only 75 cents by ordering direct from
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco.. Amber smoking tobacco,
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tobaccos -are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
e have also extended thetime for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To
Last Sunday was the shortest day
as far as daylight is. concerned .and
that of the longest night or period of
darkness of the' year. It is also the
day when the winter season is suppos-
ed to commence although many
believe it started with great earnest -
'aims a month ago if the weather is
a,nyways indicative of such.
There will be Ohrietmas services
old in Trivitt i Memorial church (to-
Christmas..—Holy Communion at
8/a.. in., preaching at 10 a. m., followed
by a communion service. The Rev,
Mr. Ten Eyck -will conduct the . ser-
vices. This will be his fine,' service in
connection with his pastorate here, as
he expects to leave this week for
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Tuesday,
Dec. 30th, 1902 ; Wednesday, Jan. 7th ;
Wednesday,. Feb. 4th ; Wednesday,
March 4th ; Wednesday, April 1st ;
Wednesday. May 6th ; Wednesday,
June 30th, 1903. Spectacles and eye-
glasses properly fitted. Next visit will,
be Tuesday, Dec.' 30th.
The following officers were elected
for the year 1903 in the Epworth
League of James street Methodist
church:—President, Dr. Anderson
lst Vice Pres., Mrs. H. Parsons 2nd
Vice Pres., Miss L. Halls 3rd Vice
Pres., Miss B. .Hartnoll ; 4th Vice
Pres., Mr.E. Heywood; Pres. of Look-
out Com., Mr, P. Frayne ; Pres. of
Temperance Com., Mies . E. Down ;
Pres. of Floral
Corn. Miss M. Tay
Secretary,Mi s C. Manning: ; Treas.,
Mr. H, Teama
n ; Organist, Miss
The Central Business College, Strain•
ford, Ont., sustains a national reputa-
tion for thorough, progressive and ad-
vanced educational work. Tliis college
enjoys a large patronage arid many of
its graduates are to be fouled teaching
in business colleges. This should show
that the C. B. 0, is a popular school
and a, safe one to patronize. Mr. W.
J. Elliott, the Principal offers to `send
his handsome catalogue to all who -in-
tend securing a business or shorthand
SEwfNG MACIlINE--Sieger sewing
machine in good order for sale. Apply
at this office,
DATES CHANGED. --The dates of the
turon Poultry and Pet Stock Associa-
n have been changed to Jan, 20, 21,
nd 23. Sharp Butterfield, 'of Sar
well known expert, has been
Our stores will be hoadcluai'ters for' Qhrisbnia,s supplies
tnd anything you purchase at any of our stores carries
this guarantee with it your money back if you are not
satisfied after making purchase and the article is returned
in good order."
This has been the best Fur Season we have ever had,
we have just opened up a beautiful new lot of nobby furs for
the Christmas trade and can suit you, try us
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets well made and lined, good glossy ' black cure
splendid fitters, special at $25.
A great line of Ladies' Black Astrachan Coats, special satin linings, fash-
ionable lenghts, beautiful garments at 30.00, 35;00, 38,00, 40,00 and $45.00•.
Ladies' choice Oaperines in all the combinations that are popular from
2,25 up to $15.00.
4 pounds good recleaned Ourrnts 25e 3lbs, fancy ginger Biscuits for ,25c
2 pounds Cross & Blackwells Lemon 2 cans best Red Salmon for.... ,...25e
or Orange Peels for ..........25c 2 lbs best mixed Nuts: 25c
'7 pound box extra fine Select Valencia Good, large, Messina Oranges per
Raisins for..... 75c dozen 25C.
Scc our Socctal Displall 01 Christmas Gandl6s
2lbs. regular 20e. a lb. chocolates for
j2lbs, regular 20c a lb.Creams for
,1 pound regular 40e a lb. chocolates for
1 pound regular 40c. creams for,
1 pound regular 25c. Tatty, clear, and Nut Taffy for
2 pounds regular 25e. a In Maple Cream, all flavors for 35c
Special line of Bon Bons in boxes, .15, 25 35 and 50c
All these candies are being made, specially for our Christmas trade. Don't
buy your caudies until you see our display.
Quality Shoes
-A pair of,
—Queen Quality Shoes .
—Will make a
—Beautiful Present.
—For " her,' •
—Useful too.
Handkerchiefs for Xmas
5 ladies' good hemstitched Handker-
chiefs for:... , ...... .25c
3 ladies' worked, hem stitched Hand.-
andkerchiefs for...... 25e
A great range of ladies' fancy Hand, -
kerchiefs at, 10, 12e, 15, 20,25,35,50c
Ties for Xmas
All the newest things in men's Neck-
wear may be found here in strings
bows, puffs, four-in-hands, knots,
etc. A great range of the nicest
goods at 25c and 50c
A Certificateon that Beautiful $45o•#leintzman Piano
goes with every $3,00 Purchase for " either ' Cash or: Produce
.Crockery, Lamps and Glassware
We have a Beautiful Stock of useful articles in both Chinaand Glasswear.
97 piece Porcelain Dinner Sets, in a
number of different colorings,
heavy gilt decoration, a big snap
at $10.50.
50 new Berry Dishes at 25c, 35c, 50e,
75c and $1.00.
30 Glass Pitchers, special at 25c.
25 Glass F'itehess, "'special at 35c, -
25 Glass Tea Sets, special at 25e.'
20 Glass Tea Sets, special at 35c.
A. great variety of Glass Lamps at
25c and We:
• Silks and Dress: Goods
500 yards, French dye, pure Silks, 27 inches wide, in all shades, .suitabl
tor fancy work and waists, special at 50c.
300 yards, 23 inch Japan Silk, all new shades, special 25e.
200 yards,latest patterns,me Blouse Silks, at 50c,7oc
85c and
$1.0 0
100 yards 56 inch home pan,'Dress
Goods, in blacks and Greys, special,
heavy goods. 75c.
44 inch Ilep Sacking Dress Goods, all colors, special at 50c, •
We pay highest prices for 'Farm . Produce
Butter 17c, Eggs 20c, Dried Apples Fic,
Turkeys 10c, Geese 6%,c, Chickens 6c, Ducks 7c.
The R. Pickard Co
Direct Importers
appointed judge. Charles Reid is the
secretary of the Association for this
HEAVY' WEIGtaT.—Mr. E. Follick
delivered to Mr. A:: Ford, butcher,
on Wednerday two very fine hogs 9
nmnths old, onetipping the scales at
s and the other at 337 lbs. dress-
ed. These -hogs were raised and fed
by Mr, Follick and he,challenges any
one to beat it who can. He would like
to hear front them;
noniinationsfor County Councillors for
div. 4held on Monday last in the Town
Hall resulted in the re-election
of Messrs Hugh Spackman, of Exeter
and Richard Hicks of Centralia, As
there was no other candidates -nomin-
ated they were declared elected 'by
acclamation. These gentlemen have
represented this division during the
past two years and their return is a
matter of satisfaction to their many
SPECIAL Orr-nrt.—boring the next,
two Menthe or up to Marchlet, we
will glire subscribers' a special club rate
for the Mae and Loddon Daily Ad;
vertiser for . $2,25 in advance. Sub-
scribe now. •
FARMEIts' ADvoCcATE.—We are in
receipt of the Christmas Number of
"the Farmers' Advocate" it is a very
handsome paper which• cover eighty
pages and filled with practical
h for practical eo le. Renew
now and secure this Christmas num-
ber. Every new subscriber will receive
a copy.
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption. of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st�,�•1904,—Tna EMPIRE To-
NEW YEAR TO Arae• -We are nearing
the end of another year, which
perhaps to all of us has not- been
fraught with the happiest and bright-
est eyelets, yet withal we desire to give
expression of our appreciation for the
continued patronage of our friends and
express the hope that the present good
Fancy Embroidered and Lace Edge Handkerchiefs, great va
at 5c, 7e, 10c,12e c.
Lace edge Handkerchiefs, insertion to match, different styl
beauties at 15e, 20u and 25c.
Bee our Embroidery Handkerchief at25o.
Ohildrens Fancy Jap Silk Handkerchiefs, in
silk, •embroidered, at 8e, 1Oe, Vele, 15e h•
A great assortment of men's white
hemstitched; in plain and initiate
White and colored figured Silk Han
pi's Ties
Newest styles having end strings and pu
a nice assortment of Windsor Ties.
We carry a full line of Men's and Ladies' G
See our Ladies' Silk Lined Mocha Gloves in
"The Adelaide" at 81.25, '
price paid for produce, Dried Apples 5c, T
Geese 6c, Chicken 6c. Ducks 7c, Eggs 20c.
Our big stock of Furniture is up-to-date in every wa
If you have furniture needs prepare to fill them now. Styl'
were never prettier nor prices so low. Inspect our stop
and select now,
• Bedroom Suites Parlor Suites:
Fancy Chairs Extension Tables
Iron Beds. .. Sideboards
Dining Chairs Pictures
Couches and easy chairs at easy prices, Curta,;j
and Trimmings. Give us a call, and. -If --o e- Piave not got
what you want we will soon get it for you.
Vi s C
Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Gidley's Block.
faith may be continued. No pains will
be spared to, keen the TIMES up to the
high standard it reached under its late
management and the paper will be
continued as heretofore under the
firm name of John White & Sons. We
wish our • many readers • a merry
Christmas and a bright and happy
New Year. -
George Samweil having lately resign-
ed her class in Caven church Sunday
School after having taught ' in the
same school for forty -.two years. The
teachers and officers of the school met
at her home on Monday evening the
22nd inst ,and presented her with the
following address beautifully framed
and done on a scroll in old English
letters, by Mr. Frank Weekes. Mr.
and Mrs. Samweli kindly entertained
the company the remainder of the
_evening. •
To Mrs. Geo. Barnwell,—Your' recent,
resignation as a teacher of our Sab-
bath school has impressed us with .the
feeling that, we cannot allow the occa-
sion to pass without . expressing in
some way our: appreciation of your
labors as . a Sunday . school teacher.
For forty-two years you have been a
faithful and earnest teacher of this
school. This long term of service is .a
record to which very few are privileg-
ed to attain, and fewer still. are per- ,
mitted to remain so Iong connected
with the same school. Your work bas
been entirely a service of love. The
good that you have accompiisbed
through the influence ' which have
been set in operation by the numbers
of scholars whom you have had, under
your charge during these many years
cannot be estimated. We .sympa-
thise with you in the cause . which
has brought about your resigna-
tion, namely, • declining health and
we sincerly hope and pray that you
may be long spared to other ser-
vices fitted to the afternoon of life,
and when life's day is o'er, that you
may receive the commendation, " Well
done thou good and faithful servant
enter thou -into the jog of thy Lord"
Signed on behalf of the teachers and
officers of Cavan Presbyterian church
Sabbath 'School. F." W. GLADMAN,
Superintendent ; Wm. M. MARTIN,
Minister ; Exeter, Ont.
Special Bargains
Roller Mills
We are giving excelle
fisfaotion in flour sine
modellingour mill ..'
"To reduce our extra .. large
stock we will ,offer special
bargains for the :.balance of.
- Remember Christmas
is Coming
-G0 TO T1
For Pure Manitoba
Fniftily Flour ('Stas
•Pas#ry (Princess)
Wheatlet (Breakfastfooa,)
A• ood, upply of Mill Feed
on ha'.
Give_ our Flour. and •F
and be. convinced
is all right
Dry Soft Wood Wanted.
tn .and Elio p
Dorso ?To ti
Wheat eta ,
*ate new
Peas .....,
Bettor, .....
Turkeys - ,..
phlokeen ver tb
tiled Alslilee, r wfiax", - ..
Perk live weight w.. , .-.» -•