Clinton News-Record, 1985-4-10, Page 34Page 6
Regular $2.75
3FOR 599
Monday April 15th & 22nd
111 off
®®a Penman Rugger Pants '/2 Price ..®
Ladies° Jeans 1599
Lady Shirramel
Reg. $8.50
SALE 599.
Weight Training
Muscle & T -Shirt
SALE 799
World Class
T -Shirt
Regular $15,00
SALE 999
7hRIIIIK5 Chariot
Lady Chariot
Regular $84.99
Pegasus GX
Regular $6499
SALE 5499
Lady Pegasus
Regular $59.99
SALE 3999
Regular $39,99
;SALE 2999
adidas Liverpool
Regular $59.99
SALE 999
Adidas Grey
Fleece Pants
Regular $20.00
SALE 1499
Life On The Run
by Paul Roberts .
1.ife is complicated enough.
\\ ith Joh resp.onsihilities,
houseliold duties. and• social.
actI\ ities. for any one person.
Now, add a naar'riage, as well
a\ t\\tt separate 1rainfrig
pitil,rams,and \ott'\egot "life
011 the run". Paul and Kathy'(
Roberts not only lead this
hectic blest\ le. hut the\ take it
111 in ~trick.
1>.ini, the rn;tttagrr of the
\tllleti s l+t't Irl.1 ttndon, I, a
-fiatloimtl\ ruukctlsteeplechasir
incl h.0 11111 .10:05 for In)knt.
11is \ills' K,ltI1\, a natnrnall'
ranked lila' ath,•tnel \\ 1th :I hest
111 ;:, I . pursues a master's
I, ii I'll C\eicase 111„
tllCtlll,.11\ ,11 the Lill\eislt\ 1,1
e,iern Ontarl,t, girt\\coal the
i\\1, ,11 them. the tildes 111 one
tri\ can ti.lIl\ ;1(It1 up.
lint it', not ,i hard as it all tlrl\
sound. '1 et.11 Io11o\\ them
111t'tugh ,1 1\pi'c.11 tf;1\. •\s Patti
I\ reti11111i1L' 1111111 his mot 111I1g
i un. K.Ith\ is' usu.11l\ .heading
tt,i Iters. Ii\ ,the time she
:'et, hack. Paul has l re ikfast
v1 the t;lhlt 1 x,1111 lheie. lite\
heat) out in their sepatatc
tllrCL1ntn.. \\ I1li the (1,1\ IIIIee1
\\illi' \dII,IIIs ,\IlIcs. 1,0111
,till discipline iheinsel\es to tit
in ,eland tr.uningsession.
fiat \clime\et torn) thee\ ening
\cotk out ma ht' Hiller\al,
I,11tle'k, hllI tib. t1 ,I 11111).
1',101 anti kalh\ are 1101 Iegul,'
11(111111.' p(dIlglees. \\ h,tt'\ei
,111 nes 110111e i 1Ni. Is resp,,nsihie
tin ,1,11 ting dinner,. \\1111 till
lest „I the e\e11111' \bores
L 'ilipletcd as •t team.
end. their'\ ustt.Ill\ tiI11C HI
't11111: 1et.l\at10n •
'MI oh thus (lids up 111 0110 bus‘
dit\. but \i illi a tittle team"„1
and ,1 I,11 „ 1 tllgatll/,il11ti1• Ills
stn the run I\i1 I al\v;l\s ast,isl
,Is It tna% seetll
MEI 410Rio
Regular $34.99
What's New •
By'Mikel Dander
1„u see them at all racks now.
'sleek. ,hummer} anti fast. Running
!'(.gilts I he ne\test Ileln In runnrrlg
I I I„ ,:. \\ I1' \' 1 111: Ill . s\\ r,' b\
111,111 \,11111,111\ 111,1ilr11,1111011l1,1i1'
11\1„11 .ung 1st 1,1 .11,tt1tlr\. ,1 blind
1.11,11 .,IIr1'. ,1 t.111111111.111.M • Ill
.01111,111 \' ii'1111 .Intl pIl,irtI1,Iil.
,11', I0u').111 1 IIrI1' • ,11e
„n11,,I 1 1 '3. III It 1111 1,11 III, • 111,\1 n
111 101 tl.11
11x111,,11, 11,1\\ hellli1 t\,1111 I,\ lllrll,
.11it1\\l1111t1 .1\1111„1 \\111i'111,11.t11•
cr I,tp.,It 1, 11.1111• .,n1t1111},1,11111
,11111 IIIc 111.,,I1 „I III, di ltI. i
\\ III I I 11:111 1, Illi It
tell 111 ill, Iln,I:'111,11i1,lt 1 1,11'11
IIr'lll It , ,1) 11k i,,1 1„ IIIc tt i Id
tl,l••'•,Ilhltl:. \\h't\tlt 111••111 tt11,11
nl 1111.1k1111 +I „tin t crime) nlrnt,ll
11,11 11. I . 1 :.1111'1: 111, n1.IL ,tl IIIc
.I1tt1., 111 ,11.11111
111 F., \ .inti, 1:. . 11111 ,1 \\ 1111;
l 1,'111. \'lla (.0
I e\t l' til Illllt II,+11.11 .Iib allyl l',
I,II „111\1.. w11"1 di, ,11a\\I+at b „1
bona, .t n 111 11:•111.
\i„Ill Iii It, I,I I III111111:' ,\1.11 (1.1,
1111 1,1.1111, 11111 .11 ( 11 1. I1nut.
I'It ,l,l_ Ill .11'11 . I1 I.'1111ilt I ,11
1111111, \\. 11• 111, 111 1 .1111.,1 111.1
(lett' • 11.11 k, i '(inti •1, .111 ( )1\ ntrI,
\air 1),,k, il1\t1 It11 Iaii 1111Iht
.‘‘.1111‘‘t .11 I,11•Illr,• \\111 I, !IL \\,1,
Int,1I\t•tl Iii I11.1Il11l,lt 1111 II1,' mi. II,
.111,1 \t , 'Mr 11•, It,. 1, , 1,,11111 town
stilt, 111 111, t+\\ 11 \\ (1'. ..I (1 .1'
111111' Irl(ti•I +I1 ,,nr ,111x111,11,11
and !call/ell that gunners dirt hill
share in the a daantages that
tiwirnmers have. A tight titling
garment for a runner would reduce
wind resistance and gl\e the edge that s\.\im !ler, till,"\,
\\ It\ I1„t pi\L' saint henelil 1„
the runny''�
'In lair 11)x1) the Ilintls
sltortlght wash,trn, \ light, \\rlght.
I,,t\ hulk garment that , III,t\\etl ,1
l 1iuie1 1„ \\arnt np tlni\k1t \\tole
it'ttllt Ills' then. hanee t,l „\ii 191 •11111;'
It ,1,1, had the ,1h1Itt 1„ \\ Il k
1st 1,1111,111,w hi•,lll 111e ,kill \\lint
it'I,iullllt „Ilttt b, Ill\ Iii ,11. 111,1111
1 1 11. ,in 0L111i,1111r ball\
\ 1 'l`.t ;l utt\ III 1111' \Ikt• ,311111
01., 11 1 ah1,1.It111\ 11.0, r\rn
1111111..11i t1 , small 1k•t111to. 11 nr
1-,\\ 1'1.11 t 1/11,01111111 1011 111 ..I ,1111ir1
prl1,I1111,111i1.• \\ 11111,' wra1110' i1L11t1s
\(isi'(, i 111111111)2 s111,11.
Ilk 10,1111 a,l\,illI,ISdt 11, itlt,e skill
Ill i nig \\t,ildl'Is ,Iltlti,Il 1 ' ht
nl itht i 1111, lick ha•nit al Ifni pll\,Itt
but p,\t1tl,I,,g1t,Il I \rl\
glint \I,II ,tilt init, ,I pall
t11u let 1 111sr 'I lash
,nr,inlfinid anti at:1141 ',milt 111,1
1 kii,ul s11tvtlti t1+p\ \Init 11143\
ICH t,ist ,Intl I,,,,k t,l,l ,In11 tht
Its\t di 'et1,11 111111,1 I'• ills itvliltlr
\s 1, oti,ill\ the k,i\e. 11,,' IIttI 10
n„I k hr,Ip l ights ,ni 11) Ihr '•tit
s.I,ll range and .11s I„i1 1111 11, 1111,1
111 the ,nt,lllei t1111e. 3I„\trtti
'It,l,itr Ihr (11,111 1„ 1111(1 Illinl
,burl \,101 lust tun to Ilton \1,11 .ire
Iu 11,krt1'
Itt I', nn1„11111 1 111 I ttO\ 1 171 \\I It
by Rob Zilles
1)uring• n1> long tenure .u.
runner I've seen all kinds 0f
rtlllllel•\ Coilie and otl. I Ike
birds. there arc llldl)\ \artetles
which ii \iu're \\atrhlul, you
too can come Upton. I hese are a
few of the trlati\ • species 01
•r'lltlner that .1'\ e.elassii ied: •
Al The Kamikaiee
111is outward little gu\ can
usually. he seen running Indite
lights and ignoring signs, 1 he
biological reason for this i' sell -
irup tsed h•I1 idness 111(1 the I O.
d a ,iiit tIe Oleg,: t't 111111111111
become a hood
ornament explains • why they
prefer to catnt)tttlage themselves
by wearing dark elothcs at,
I3) I he Ie.\an
f .ike its namesake these runners
like to spray; I thentselyek
around. I•he\ usually travel in'.
groups of two or three and villi
cin usuall\ find them running
side-h\-sltIe in ani major
trattic lane.
O I he Anti -Socialite
1 hese reelusl\ e runners can he
easil\ distinguished h\ the fact
t11,11 the\ mouth the words to
the songs liliering through
their headset. If you are easily
hurt by lack of acknowledge-
ments, give this species a wide
I.)) Misplaced Californians
Poor sense of direction has .led
these sunshine boys/gals, to our
Northern' climate. .Does this
deter these brave runners'' No
way. Easily distinguishable •by
red -coloured exposed skin..
(specifically legs, hands, arms)
iron) insufficient clothing in
sub -zero weather. ' ,
F) The Optimist
Closely• related to the above
species we find the Optimist.
l'suall\' found inside waiting'for
the thermometer to creep up
anywhere above 0. C, w I ereupon
they dash out in shorts and
-shirts. This species is extremely
rare ,and•can only he found for
•10 — 15 minutes and onh on
stlnn\ days..
Remember keep your exposed._
areas protected from the wind
and the cold and you'll he able
to keep up the mileage during
the harshest \sinter.
Persuader Hi -Cut
Regular $59.99
SALE 3999
Power Cuda 111
AL 3 9699
Power Score
Regular $39.99
SALE 2 699
Hollywood Casuals
Regular $22.99
SALE % 8 99
„amt,tgtaM,wt+• u11N, ,,A1kU n,1%fttuu•,.,%mvx inaVaslVIM