HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-10, Page 24Page 2o—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1995 31. Service directory Horst Feige D.T. 0ODERICH 58. West Street 524®6688 Of busy 1 800.265 1415 Toll Fre) BYAPPOINTMENT ONLY McOUAID CARPENTRY LICENSED CARPENTER •RENOVATIONS^SIDING^ ROOFING• ADDITIONS, FTC. 482-3628 (Evenings) 1 PAINTING Interior & Exterior Experienced • Reasonable Rates STEVE COOK 4829335 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS Four modern rotary rigs Phone Seaforth NEIL -527-1737 DURL:527, 0828 JIM:527-0775 — CAM SCOTT FENCE Fences supplies and installed. 17 Wolseley Ave., London (519) 4391588 '- Rt RR{OERATlON SERVICE •REFRIGERATION *AIR CONDITIONING •PLUMBING *OIL & GAS HEATING •MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE BRYAN FINK HENSALL 2623334 34. Personal DATES GALORE. For all ages and unattached, Thousands of members anxious 10 meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Call, Toll Free 1.800.263- 9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m.- 15o • • ADOPTEES AND BIRTHPARENTS. Born and' or relinquished in B.C. Exclusive B.C. Reunion Registry. Affiliated with International Soundex Reunion Registry. Inquiries: CANADIAN ADOPTEES REFORM, No. 202 • 4381 Fraser Street, Vancouver, B.C. V5V 4G4 (604)874.5950. - 15o LONELY? Don't be! -CHRISTIAN people, Canada - U.S.A. seek correspondence - companionship - all ages - free details ASHGROVE 2,821 E. Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7E 5P5 or phone (807)623.7198, 1 •7 p.m. Mon. Fri 15o • 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 38- Auction scaBe 38. ' .uctiorl sae IN THE ESTATE OF 'CHARLES FENNELL SCANLON, late of .the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 27th day. of December, 1984, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 2.Oth day of -April, 1985, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard 'only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton. Ontdrio, this 19th day'of Mar ch, 1965. E.B. MENZIES. Q.C., Box 68. Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0' . Solicitor for the Executrix 13-15ar IN THE ESTATE OF LUCINDA MAY ELLIS late of the Township of -Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Retired Housewife, dececfsed. ALL persons having cloims against the Estate of the above -Tamed who died on the 4th day of February; 1985. ore required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of April, 1985. after which dote the assets will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario this 19th day of Mar• ch. 1985 NOTICE OPEN FILE REPORT 5552 AGGREGATE RESOURCES INVENTORY OF HULLETT TWP., Huron County, will be released by the Ontario Geological Survey on April 11th. It will be available for public review on that date at the Wingham District office of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Ontario E.B, MENZIES, Q.0 Box 68 Clinton Ontario NOM 1L0 Solicitor for the Executors 13 15ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF IDA COLEMAN, Deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Ida Coleman, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron who died on or about the 16th day of February 1985 are required to file particulars of same with Elmer D. Sell Q.C., Solicitor, Exeter. Ontario. by the 27th day of April 1985 after which date the estote will he distributed hoving regard only to those claims of which notice has been received ELMER D. BELL Q C Solicitor for the executors Exeter. Ontario NOM ISO 15 l Tor 36. Announcements,rnotices TOWN OF SEAFORTH NOTICE To ratepayers of Seaforth and Tuckersmith Township: New Schedule of Hours, for Landfill Site EFFECTIVE MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1985 - The landfill will be open to the public as folld'ws: WEDNESDAYS 1:OOp.m.-5:OOp.m. SATURDAYS 8:OOa-m•-12 Noon J. FORREST Town of Seaforth Public Works Superintendent Ministry of Natural Resources Hon. Michael Harris Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister FARM RENTED CLEARING T SALE of tractor, combine, full line of farm equipment, some antiques, and mist. items. For Bev & Muriel Parsons to be held on premises, Lot 13, Con. 4, Usborne Township, 21/4 miles east of Exeter on Hwy. 83 & 11/4 miles south, or 21/4 miles east of No. 4 Hwy. on Huron County Road No. 6 & '/n mile north, or 6 miles west of Kirkton on Huron County Road No. 6 & '/2 mile north. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 AT 1:00 PM SHARP FARM EQUIPMENT: M.F. 1105 six cylinder diesel multipower tractor only 2300 hours, 18.4 x 38 tires with snap on duals. cob & air conditioning (like new) M.F. self propelled 410 gas combine quick attach with cab, over sized tires. bin extension. straw chopper, No. 43 narrow 4 row corn head, 13' grain head, 10' pick up header (as new), No. 56 row corn planter with insecticide boxes. M.F. 259 semi spring tooth 14' cultivator with buster bar harrow, M.F. No. 880 4 fur. 16" plow semi mountedthydraulic reset: Turnco 10' cultipacker with 2 - three ft. pups. M.F. 3 pt. h 6' rotary hoe, M.F. No. 27 grain drill 15 disc: White 300 gal. stainless steel sprayer 21' boom; M.F. 3 pt. h 6' mower, M,F. PTO 120 bushel manure spreader: 165 bushel gravity wagon with McCurdy fertilizer auger, 225 bushel Turnco gravity bin on 3 yr. old heavy duty wagon 130 bushel Turnco gravity bin on heavy duty wagon, wagon with flat rack, 51' Allied 6" grain auger with PTO; 3 drum roller: 10' chain harrow: 2 sets 3 -section -diamond harrows' steel bars; 3 furrows trailer plow- Herd PTO grass seeder; M.F. 165 tractor fender: barn fans & hoods; 17 steel pig pen gates: Gehl forage harvester; piles & piles of scrap metal, several other implements & items you con find at clearance farm auction. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE PROPRIETOR 235.2027. TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALE Norm Whiting, Auctioneer EXETER: 235-1964 OR 235-1931 iii.CLEARING ,AUCTION SALE Tractors, truck, livestock, trailer, Farm Machinery, appliances and furniture to be held at Lot 41, Concession 3, East Wawanpfsh Township, 1'/2 miles north of Blyth on Highway No. 4 and '/s mile west for Robert E. Marshall. SATURDAY, APRIL 20 AT 10 A.M. MOTORCYCLE: Kawasaki LTD 1000, run 25,000 Km. with saddle bags, windshield, etc.; Boa Ski snowmobile. TRACTORS: Cockshutt 540"with Kelly manure loader, hydraulic buckets; Nuffield 465 diesel with front weights, 18.4 x 30 chains. automatic - selling as is; Smyth TRUCK AND TRAILER: 1977 Ford 150 pickup, V8, built fifth wheel livestock trailer with tandem axle, roof and sliding divider. MACHINERY: 1700 Ib. cattle weigh scale with head gate, cattle squeeze; MF four furrow X 14 inch mounted plow; IHC 141 ft. vibra shank mounted cultivator; 12 ft. chain harrow; Allis Chalmers 4 cylinder engine with clutch gear box and PTO shaft; 2 beater Dion forage box on Dion wagon; Dion forage blower with 60" fan; McKee harvester with self unloading wagon; Allis Chalmers 66 PTO trail combine; Danser post hole digger; J.F. 9 ft. front mount swather; New Idea 7 ft. trail hay mower; Schultz PTO manure spreader with single beater and 1000 x 20 tires; 2 good flat racks on wagons; 2 gravity bins on wagons; Cross 30 ft. hay and grain elevator with electric motor; Oliver No. 5 corn picker; Gehl 65 mixmill with auger feeder; Massey 4 bar side rake; Little Rhino 6 ft. blade; round bale feeder; Webster air compressor; Webster paint sprayer with regulator; Webster paint sprayer with 3 gallon and eight guns; 3 HP electric motor; MF 35 belt pulley; acetylene torch; bolt bin; cedar posts; scrap iron; 36 ft. Aluminum ladder; garden tiller; Lincoln welder; chain saw; 1000 bales of first cut hay.; 3 PT Hitch round bale fork; New and used barb wire; 50 ft. - 9 inch silo pipes and clamps; 6" bench saw; cream separator; platform scales; 250 gallon stainless steel water trough. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Large, modern, double pedestal dining table with 2 - fifteen inch leaves and six matching. chairs with caned back chairs; oak buffet with mirror; Hoover spin dry washer; G.E. chest freezer; Westinghouse 15 cu. ft. square model fridge; Westinghouse 30 inch electric stove; Westinghouse top loading dishwasher; Kitchen table with 6 chairs; large floor model hill with 8 track tape player (fancy); gas barbecue; picnic table; older fridge; recliner chair; Chesterfield and chair; matching coffee and end tables; floor model colour TV; dehumidifier; 3 piece bedroom suite; 2 continental beds; old oval dining table; old table; typewriter; 2 chairs that fold down to beds; swag lamp; 20" fan; upholstered chairs; single barrel shot gun (FAC required to purchase); lawn chairs; Hohner 80 base accordion; dishes and glassware. - SALE ORDER: Household effects, small items on wagon, machinery, truck, trailer and tractors. LUNCH BOOTH -TERMS CASH -LAND IS RENTED Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 OWNER.: ROBERT MARSHALL - 519-523-9220 ,/La • OZ-so%ralr® e.__ _ ..., 7, . 4. "hr-5.PIC/ n -.5.6A sris.0 �. •T-i-.,�Y, R CLEARING G FARM AUCTION SALE NEL. Of P'rnpert.y Shov.,,horses livestock tractors. combine, and form equipment for Doreen and Don McNeil, at the location 5 m,les north of Goderich on Hwy No 21, arid 2'1 miles east or north of Carlow to the Nile and 1 mile west on FRIDAY, APRIL 26 AT 12:30 P.M. CONSISTING OF PROPERTY - PARCEL NO. 1 - Lot 7 con, 11 Colborne Twp Huron Cly 133 Acres including 127 nrrr•5 workable 50 °ries systeinahnrlly drained, halbnce • random tiled 1' , storey modern borne home with all convenieces. 10 x 60 fattening horn for 150,pigs 55' x 60 honk barn frir livestock excellent rash c rop area PARCEL NO. 2 , North r Lot 3 0002 3 .Ashfielrl Twp 100 or res including 80 odes workable all •,y,,fnmotu ally )drained no buildings excellent rash crop terra TERMS: Personal i li"gue for '5 000 00 down on ear h proper fy • bnlnnr e .n 3r) nays SI.11rirl'.01)1'' 110 rr••nsnr,nh'L, rr,rr va SHOW HORSES AND EQUIPMENT: 1' ,'' heron tenni .,f Clark rJrey gelding 4 yr olds standing 17 1 Terinl hos hone shown for 2 yrs This prise winning team i5 well motrhed 1 1 yr old Pnrrheron dapple grr'y gelding with white inane and toil standing 1./ 2 well trnine,l 5 yr old Perrhr•rr,n block mora in fool clue lune 30111 goad up5t0nd,og 1(20)0 show 3)0,2055 rarently new 1 igIi,h leather heavily rhromod 111(1 3 strap hr+1rho,r2 loader,. (rnppnrs and Strop on collar tops (collars sold separately, Chrome wrrk harries.. ext pIliint , rind r ustorn built parade wagon vi singer+ & dr>uhla 1,,t. h H„r•,2 5 sellir,q nt 3 1') P M LIVESTOCK: 2 Limousin rows 16 1 tenr,11•.1,1 & Herr+ln,,l . O'sell 011 slue 111 May bred ' to FII HAM 1ADDIF ,axrnlLv,+ L1,rnnusn, hull ,all ,seep feerlo, rattle feeder for round ' nnlas rattle •,quer,; 0 10 i'li• salln,g at 3 .15 P M TRACTORS AND COMBINE • 1086 Int 1 10 HP only 1 400 firs deluxe , oh front wts 20 8 18 duals nrr,•Ilr•nl rued A r- 1£111 I,,,uf handler ,tinsel < w dual remotes 3 PfH. A ( Glenner F D,es„I C R 8 5p0. 1') 1 rovr roin h. -nil pi(k tip hander grain hood soh air 1)11.ngood (rind ' TILLAGE AND FORAGE EQUIPMENT: Int, (yr to no planter for rorn & beans. roserlir uf2+ cnrple4.ly Burn 24 A r cult with winds r w lev'lhng harrows hyd rye 1 D 20 wheel disc wings hyd rye 5 furrow 18 Int trip' heath plow Int 720 hinge harvester 2 w 7 raw 10 roma 111,013 supe) •,weep hay 31211 up all rle< control, .1 Don 50ll unloading wotJnns t w 3 hentr.r,, 8 inn Martin running gear ,Dion forage plower. 50, 9 pipes fie. pipe & 'nlesrono 42 8 Vr,5nt11r+ PTO mobile auger 555 /Now Hnllond Mix mill auger with food auger & 20 mill 8' , Smith snowblower dhl Huger 2 275 hu gravity boxes with 8 ton running gent 1100 tires 180 bu gravity hex wind power 15 1,1. grnorninr new llyd 12 les t anger Custom built 16 x 8 Irt °•te 5th wheel troller pole hr>r,t 7 sides torp Nurernu% nus) 110rns pertaining to the, typos of business NOTE: All equipment hoe 01 Iten% 01 owtimhranrrs Vorhol °min uetements take presi'de's e over written mntrrial PROPRIETORS: Doreen rind Don Mr Nod 52.1 4172 • 14.1 AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS TENDER BROKERS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS BRUCE RATHWELL (519)4827181/482-312O ✓LR/.4rr// 6"--.:Lassa/r.' CLEARING FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Of 3 tractors, full line of Farm machinery, combine and trucks for Lorry Peck, at the location, 31/, miles north of Zurich, and 1 mile east or 34 miles south. of Varna and 11/4 miles west on SATURDAY, APRIL 13 AT 1:15 P.M. NOTE: Equipment free of all liens or encumbrances, 'Refer to last week's edition for full listing. , RATHWELL & ASSOCIATES INC. Hwy. No. 4, Brucefield, Ont. BRUCE RATHWELL 519-482-7181 - A�fe-l-riCr �.�x �rtiaar •.ns••-fu.�DA. 39. Educaationa CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time fa train for your Class "A” license. For pre-screening and job placement in- formation contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519)432.1726.-15o INCOME TAX: Basic or Advanced courses. $50.00 off until April 30. Write U 8 R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, for free brochure. -15o LEARN PIANO/ORGAN, New, Easy Chord Method! Instruction book, 3 Cassette Tapes teach you Keyboard styles including "By Ear" and simplified music reading. All family members can learn. Progress own pace. Low cost! Start chording immediately. Details free. Write: Ken's KEYBOARD KOURSE, (As advertised on Televi• sion) Box 3021, Station A, Moncton,. N.B. E1C 9C2, --15o CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Tractors, truck, float, machinery, small items to be held at Lobb Bros. Auction Yard, Bayfield Rd., Clinton, Ont. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 AT 10 AM SEE LAST WEEK'S PAPER FOR- LISTING. ADDITIONS: 12 ton, fifth wheel machinery float, tandem axles, 750 x 16 tires, beaver tail ramps, 24 ft. deck; David Brown 990 (White) 12 speed tractor w/power steering; MF 35 gas tractor w/ loader; 1975 GMC 6000 truck w/366 engine, 5 x 2 transmission, 181 x 8 insulated aluminum box w/ rear roll up door and side door - selling safety checked; INC 56 four row plate planter w/insecticide attachments - 4 yrs. old; IHC 12 ft. disc w / 20" blades; 8 x 12 form trailer; 500 gal. Calsa sprayer; 3 inch water pump; 20 twenty inch used disc blades; Rex 3 beater forage box vv /roof on wagon, i WE ARE STILL TAKING CONSIGNMENTS Ad sublect to additions and deletions TERMS: CASH Lobb Brothers Auctions RICHARD LOBB FRED LOBS AUCTIONEER SALE MANAGER 482-7898 482-3409 HENSALL AUCTION keto and Al Scholl, long time resident and business people of ytr the Hensall area,, wish to invite everyone to attend their 'public auction of Vehicles, furniture & antiques, wood working equipment meat processing equipment and misc. equipment to be held at the Hensel! Community Centre on SATURDAY APRIL 20 AT 10:30 A.M. CONSISTING OF VEHICLES: 1977 Lincoln Mark V, loaded, 6000 miles, never winter driven mint condition,- 1981 Grand Marquis, approx. 40,000 miles, all options, excellent. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES:•Henschel Grandfather clock: Anthony Bates 5 pc. bedroom SWIFTS. Andrew Malcolm 3 pc. bedroom suite; 2 snatching Kroehler chesterfields, choir & sofa bed; Sklar matching chesterfield & choir: Leatherette chesterfield & matching char French Provincial chesterfield & 2 chairs: red velvet love seat (modern); ontique choir; 2 platform rockers, lazy -boy chair, Vilas maple ext. table, 45 x.60 2 extra leaves 6 matching choirs; Maple office desk: Electrohome Rhythm Master argon; Fr, Prov Cherry cabinet: Curio -Cabinet: 2 sets coffee & end tables; .dinette table & 4 chairs Paintings & wall plaques, Qty of chino humidifiers: dehumidifiers: mantel clock asst choirs . tables Qty. of lamps: cookware: 26" Westinghouse TV, Westinghouse refrigerator; 21 Cu. Ft. chest freezer, Kenmore vacuum cleaner: Hoover floor polisher, Protector & screen, books: records; cameras. WOOD WORKING EQUIPMENT: 16 Planer, floor model; 6" jointer. floor model: 14" Beaver bared saw. 2 B & D. mitre sows. 3 shapers with asst.:knives; air compressors: bench sow, wood lathe,: drill press: point sprayer, Qty.. of hand tools; 30" bond sow: brick cutter walnut, oak ash asst. dried lumber. MEAT PROCESSING EQUIPMENT: Hobart power bond meat saw: Hobart meat grinder 1 Hp.. Electric counter scales. Electric sl, cern sausage stuffer: all meat equipment like new LAWN, GARDEN & ,MISC. EQUIPMENT: 550 White tractor: McKee snowblower cement mixer 'plow 16 Hp. M.F lawn mower with spraying attachment. 3 Hp. & 5 Hp roto tiller 4 lawn rowers 12 electric & 2 gas\1 1' too, lawn roller lawn' furniture gas B Q chain sow wood Stove patio stones Bond stone bricks bodes of straw. & many more mist items • "PLAN TO ATTEND" ALL ITEMS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION PROPRIETORS: Rota & Al Scholl • Retiring. 2622433 AUCTIONEERS: Bruch Rothwell Richard Robinson & Wendy Kloss g,521-J„..4 fie AUCTIONEERS, LIOUIDATORS, APPRAISERS, TENDER BROKERS & BUSINESSCONSULTANTS 1 HWY. No. 4 BRUCEFIELD 482-7181 or 482-3120 1 1 llllll111111111111111111111111111IIIInIIIInnllplUpNBlnRnnllnllnllnn1111nIn1111n1111118111111111111111111101111f11n11111nn1I11n111nnIIIR11111111nn1r_r Gigantic Handyman Auction This Saturday, April 13th at 12:30 p.m. Preview: Saturday, April 13th at 11:30 a.m. at the Clinton Arena Beech Street, Clinton SELLING AT 2 P.M. - 1981 Chev. Malibu, AM/FM cassette, a clean car. PARTIAL LIST ONLY - Press Back Rocker; Bentwood Rocker; 4 section oak bookcase; 9 x 12 ft, oriental rug; brass; glass; china; fibre optic Tamp clock; assorted quartz clocks; 3 horsepower portable air compressor (Ingersol-Rand); air impact guns and sockets; 16 speed drill presses; bits and sharpeners; 4 speed motorized wood lathe and chisels; 6" wood jointer; 6 ton axle stands; 2 toh garage floor jacks; combination torque speed offset and pipe wrenches; air hose; paint guns; 4 ton portapower; sandblaster kits; grinders; vises, hacksaws; router bits; Targe top and die sets; 14" wood band saw; air tools: gear pullers; screwdrivers; welding clamps; bolt cutters; touch up guns; 110 Ib. anvil; 3/4" drive socket sets; plus hundreds of other home, hobby and farm related items at auction prices. TERMS: Cash, M.C., Visa, cheque. Auctioneer: Art Larivee Jr. .771 Auctions Unlimited 268-8748 h-Inmlunulnunnlnmmulluufnnlulnualnlunulmm�nununminnlnlunluuluuunuluunuuumnuuuofmuwnuluRuulfllukul b