HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-10, Page 20THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS 1N VERY POOR CONDITION
Naturally Speaking
Better . fishing
Fishermen can help themselves to better
fishing by spending a few moments improv-
®ing habitat each time they go out. While -this
is true of almost any kind of fishing, it is
especially effective when applied to brook
trout streams.
The typical brook trout stream in this part
of the country is a small, fast flowing, cold
water creek. The things it must provide for
the trout are food, shelter and spawning
beds. Natural food is difficult to' supply to
trout and spawning channels are expensive
to build and maintain, but the angler can
and should help the little brookies out by
creating little pockets of habitat for them.
Anyone who has fished the tiny streams of
Ontario knows that log jams invariably hold
at least one nice sized speck along' with
several smaller ones. These jams are also
relatively easy to build, and a half hour
spent creating one on your first outing of the
year will probably reward you with several
fish in the pan during the course, of the
The easiest way to build a jam is to gather
up as much fallen timber as you can find in
the immediate area, keeping an eye out for
an especially stout piece to useas the key
log. When you find your "key'', 'wedge it
firmly into place, either straddling the
creek, or with one end firmly secured on the
bank and the other in the water. This, is the
most important part of the structure so it
pays to take your time here. Keep in mind
that as more material is added to the struc-
ture, more pressure is brought to bear on
this particular log. It is more than a little
frustrating to have a jam almost completed,
then have it break away and go floating off
downstream. '
Once your key log is in place and secure,
the rest of -the work. can begin. The next few
pieces of wood should be jammed against
By Steve Coke
the log with the idea of holding back the rest
of the material. It is then a simple matter of
adding more branches and logs to the pile
until the desired size is reached.4nvariably
some of the branches will work loose and
float away on you, but by adding a little each
time you fish the stream, you can create an
effective and permanent home for a large
In the late fall, when the water is low,
several log jams can be started quite simply
for the following year. This involves little
more than setting the the "key" logs in
place. If the logs are set properly and firm-
ly, they will catch debris washed down in the
spring freshets creating instant hotspots for
the coming year's fishing.
The serious trout fisherman also knows
that brook trout like to "lie" in the smooth
water just in front of boulders when feeding
and in the slack tail eddies just behind when
resting. While it's difficult to manoeuver
large boulders into position in the middle of
a stream, the same effect can be obtained
by piling up more manageable size stones at
the head and tail end of riffle areas. One of
the big advantages of these structures is
that they are far less noticeable than log
jams and can provide some pretty exclusive
fishing for the builder even o streams that
receive a lot of heavy pressure.
One of the best things about stream im-
provement is that you are very, very unlike-
ly to get any complaints about doing it. I
personally do not know of any landowner ,
who would object to an offer to "help in-
crease the number of trout in his stream",
and that is precisely what creating habitat
does. The next time you are out fishing, keep
an eye open for areas that could stand a lit-
tle improvement. You may even find
yourself taking a half hour break from
Marty Bedard of Seaforth is working at the Clinton Recreation Office on a six week
placement program as part of his studies at Conestoga College. Marty will complete his
two year college course in recreation leadership this year. His career goal is to be a
municipal recreation director and he is gaining some practical experience in that field
through his work at the Clinton Rec Office. The work term program is offered free'of
charge to the employer and offers on-the-job training. (Shelley McPhee photo)
Muscle knowledge test
These days people are putting muscle into
fitness. Not only to look better, but feel and
perform everyday tasks better. Muscle not
only increases a person's strength, but also
makes them more mobile.
The following true or false quiz is designed
to test your muscle knowledge.
1. The most important factor in muscle
fitness is strength.
2. You need specialized equipment to build
muscle fitness.
Ballet - Modern Dance Progra m
Attention Parents! The Clinton Recrea-
tion Committee has made arrangements for
a Ballet -Modern Dance Instructional Pro-
' gram for children ages five to 13 years. This
program will be instructed by Marg Dupee
and Jayne Snell, both students of the
University of Waterloo Dance Course. The
program will be held Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from April 30 to July 4, at the Clin-
ton Town Hall Auditorium. This 10 week pro-
gram is geared for children interested in
learning the art of Ballet and Modern
• Dance. A registration session will be held on
Saturday, April 20, 1 to 4 p.m. at the Town
Hall Auditorium. For more information
please contact the Recreation Office 'at 482-
Calligraphy Course .
The Beginner Calligraphy Course being
held Monday evenings from April 15 to May
6 still has a few openings. The course will be
held at the Clinton Public School from 7 to 9
p.m. For registration information please
contact the Recreation Office at 482-3398. •
Youth Gymnastics
Good News! The spring session of Clinton_
Recreation Youth Gymnastics will begin on
April 15. This 10 weekcourse is held at the
'Clinton High School and Features two age
divisions, children ages four to seven from 7
to 8 p.m. and children ages eight to 13, from
8 to 9:15 p.m. The course also features a well
rounded and fun instructional program
k lls and
mnastics enthusiasts
to lea nnew to be with friends. A
"demonstration' night" will be held at the
final class featuring coffee, juice, cookies
and of course our young' gymnasts. A.
registration session will be held 6:30 to 8
p.m. at the first class. For more information
please contact the Recreation Office at 482-
Trim -A -Size News,
Evening Trim -A -Size classes featuring in-
structor Eleanor Ritchie have started once
again. Classes are held at the Clinton High
School Small Gymnasium on Monday and , (and have fun) and supply your own pitcher
Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 p.m. and
8:15 to 9:15 p.m. You can register at the,
class or at the Recreation Office. A great
way to look your best at the beaches during
the summer months!
The Afternoon Trim -A -Size class featur-
ing instructor Dorothy Haan begins on Tues-
day, April 2. The program is held Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons from 2:15 to 3:15
p.m. at the Clinton Town Hall Auditorium
and features a reasonably priced babysit-
ting; service., You may register at the first
class or at the Recreation .Office.
For more information about either course
please contact the Recreation Office as soon
as possible. Roller skating will be held Wednesdays
Video Dances for families and youth ages 12 and under
The Clinton Recreation Committee in con- from 6 to 8 p.m. Fridays from 7 to 10 p.m.
junction with the Clinton Optimist Club are. and Sundays 7 to 9 p.m.
staging P.R.S./Rock Video Road Show,
Video Dances at the Clinton Arena for Youth
ages 12 to 18 on Friday, April 26 from 8 p.m.
to 12 a.m. and for adults ages 19 and over on
Saturday, April 27, 8 p.m. to 1. a.m. Both
dances. willfeature the hottest of videos and
Tickets are now available for both dances
at a number of locations thoughtout Clinton.
Only 800 tickets are being sold for each
dance. Make sure to buy your ticket today.
For more video dance information, please
phone the Recreation Office at 482-3398.
Co -Ed Softball
Attention not so -serious, former big
league softball enthusiasts! Want to have
some softball fun during the summer? Tired
of win -at -all costs, threegames a week soft-
ball? Well, the Clinton Recreation Commit-
tee has just the thing for you, a Co-ed soft-
ball league! ! This League is open to softball
players (or those who would like to try or
learn to play) of ages 19 to too old to admit
your age. The League will feature a three -
pitch rulee,, 10 batter maximum per inning,
seven innings, everyone must play and hit
Plan now to make up your own team, or
plan to be part of a team, or plan to cheer on
a team. But don't plan not to be part of this
world-class softball league!
For more information (serious now folks)
please contact the Recreation Director at
Roller Skating News
Attention roller skating enthusiasts! !
Clinton Arena roller skating will start on
Friday, April 19 from 7 to 10 p.m. See this
weeks advertisements for admission. infor-
3. The kinds of activities that build
muscular endurance don't necessarily build
muscular strength.
1. False - Strength, the greatest force a
muscle can exert, is only one measure of
how well a muscle is working. Other
measures are muscular endurance and
muscular elasticity. Muscular endurance is
the ability of a muscle to sustain repeated
contractions. For example, when a person
saws a piece of wood. Elasticity is the ability
of a muscle to stretch easily and return to its
original shape. Building good muscle fitness
means developing all three: strength,
endurance and elasticity.
2. False - Weights and other specialized
equipment are great for isolating muscles
and for working against high resistance. But
ordinary floor exercises, stretching .and
calisthenics that work with the body's own
weight can also give an excellent and
complete muscle workout.
3. True - There are actually two different
kinds of fibres in every muscle, fast -twitch
and slow -twitch. Generally speaking, fast
twitch fibres contribute to strength and
slow -twitch fibres to muscular endurance.
Because different kinds of .exercises use
different fibres, the component of muscle
fitness you develop depends on the kind, of
exercise you do.. Fitness experts call this
"specificity of training." Muscles working
against high resistance in lifting a heavy
weight, for example, build strength.
Muscles working repeatedly against
relatively low resistance, resistance low
enough to allow 10 repetitions or more, build
Records set
® from page 16.
Steve Souch, who finished in 4:51 minutes.
Jodi Mustard led the way in the midget
girls 1500 m. with a time of 72.7 seconds.
Close behind was Teresa Van den Elzen
completing the race in 73.62 seconds.
Steve Nevin had a personal best of 55.0
seconds in senior boys 400 m. Steve placed
twenty-seventh in a field of 43. Mike Rad-
ford finished with a time of 63.2 seconds
follpwed hy Steve Souch in 65.7 seconds in
the midget boys 400 m.
In the 60 m. races, Steve Hearn placed
third in his best with a time of 7.3 seconds. In
the midget boys race, Joe Smith placed
fourteenth out of 62 with a time of 7.47
seconds. Karen Uyl, Susan Govenlock and
Julie Thick competed in the midget girls 60
m, finishing with times of 9.17 seconds, 9.28
seconds and 9.30 seconds respectively.
The next scheduled meet will be at
Westminster in two weeks.
Atoms' stats
• from page 16.
Scott Rathwell
Danny Wildfong
Chris Kennedy
Darrell Lavis
Jeff Riley
Gerri Cappelli
Mark King
Scott Wright
Scott Shaddick
Robbie Marriage
Derek Hoggarth
16 20 36 10
13 20 33 38
17 15 32 8
6 20 26 6
11 10 21 4
11 7 18 0
4 10 14 6
3 11 14 32
1 6 7 8
0 2 2 12
0 1 1 0
Team Records
Goals for -254
Goals Against - 92
40 Wins
16 Losses
Goaltenders Records
Derek Hoggarth, 9 shutouts
Robbie Marriage, 7 shutouts
(6 shutouts were combined)
Goalies combined Goals Against Average
was 1.64 goals per game.
Figure Skirting
Monday, April '15
at 7:30 p.m.
at the
Clinton Towoi HaII,Meeting
Parents of all members
should attend
Terrific Value
Genuine Sapphire
with 12
The Sapphire is almost a carat.
Why not lay this ring away
for Mother's Day NOW!
Quartz Movement
Brass Base
Glass Dome
k.ur..ehe t
unh.nn M4er
1 year term.
Interest paid annually.
MemberCanodo Deposit Insurance Corporation
138 The Square, P.O. Box 295 Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Z2 Tel: 5247385
Open: Mon. to Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-6; Sat. 9-12
237 Josephine St., P.O. Box 850 Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0
Tel: 357-2022
Open: Mon. to Thurs. 9-5; Fri. 9-6
Mede m