HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 6COalaillPfaIONER aODSON ,r,"asa MARGES. " AN OTTAWA 13AxErt AT TUE OSAKA, Exliurrrox. eita the Vact that the Sheep InaUstry in Canada Is Declining. lily et-teat:Ion iseee been called to an CM eatitlea "Commiseloner Siva son's us Steady Charges," ia the Clotbier and Ilaberelaster for No vember. , The oPening naragraPh e teas article is estate raisleachng, for reasoas winch 1 sllall point out lat- ea The Editor �f the Clothier %len "Dominion Live Stocle Conamissicaser Hodeon ias publisbed a series al at- tielee with a. view of inepressing Canadian coueumers with the idea that Canadians as well as British, and Au -arm -au man- ufacturers., are constantly prac- ticing the deception of palseina_ of fabricade Almost entiaely of cot- •, ton or shoddy as genuine. all -wool goods. He charges that The pur- thasers of meltons, :svorsteds, dress goods, etc„ •get neither value, wear • or worth for their money, and that the wool -growing industry has been • lathed." • The fact is that in the at:Vales sent to the press by me, no ehargee whatever were made against Can- adian manufacturers of Woollen goode. The articles in question were eight in nuraber, live of 'tviiieh were portions of an address deliver- ed by Mr. Alfred Mansell, Shrews- bury, England, before the -Meeting of the International Sheep Breeders' .A.ssoeiatioa at Carlisle, England, in July last; two were made up of dis- cussions following the above ad- dress; wed the final one prepared by myself, drew attention to the desir- ability of legislation in. Canada to • require that imitation woollen goods be sold on their merits. As may be • verified by reference to the copies sent out, all of Mr. Mansell's articles were DULY CREDITED TO HIM. . Again the Clothier says: "To say that t the shoddy industry flourishes in Canada to such an extent that it leas ruined the wool -growing indus- try is a big statement, and one that is not borne out by facts. Some of the Canadian mills have no ma- chinery at all for working up shod- dy, and others use but small quan- tities:of it." This is very different from the statement actually made by me, which was: "The stheep industry of Canada has been steadily declining for years on account •of the low prices of woo/ and the ravages of dogs." One has only to turn to the Statistical Year Book to prove the truth of this.. According to the cen- sus of 1SS1 there were in that year 3,043,678 sheep in Canada; in 1891 there were only 2,563,781; the fig- • ures for the census of 1901 are not yet available. The export of raw wool from Can- ada in 1901 was 1,043,673 pounds, -.maids is less than in any year from 1868 to 1884. There are no figures available showing tbe total wool clip of the Dominion, but the clip for Ontario, which was 6,235,036 pounds in 189, bad fallen to 5,- 805,921 pounds in 1000. This does not look as if the sheep -growing in- dustry were prosperous, as it cer- tainly ought to be, considering the suitability of the country for the • business. Although there is no aoubt that •slioddy is used in Canada, yet I made no reference to the fact. The whole tenor of my article was along the i1n of demanding that "so -call- • ed woollen goads should be sold for just what they are," anti ..!•'that something should. be done to-/Spro- tect, our woollers manufacturers against the shoddy products of for- eign countries and to improve the condition of the Canadian wool growers." X realize that Ca.nedian • manufacturers have been almost Com- pelled to snake cheap goods in or- der to compete with the shoddy pro- • ducts of Yorkshire and other mills but I believe that. if foreign as well as domestic fabrics were required by • law to be stamped with the relative proportion of the component fibres, our consamers would soon show a decided preference for honest Can- • adian goods, to the great advant- age of Canadian manufacturers. I do not feel and have not expressed any hostility toward our manufac- turers, for recognize that the pro- • ducer •and the consumer are MUTUALLY DEPENDENT. • The letters from. the well-known manufacturers, Messrs. Rosamond of • Ahnonte, Ont., and Howson. of Am- herst; N. S., published by the Cloth- ier, only confirm, the statements made by Ma. Mansell in his address at Carlisle. Mr. Meevson expresses the ;situation eicactry when he says, in speaking of the difficulty of de- termining the composition of a fab- ric:, • "They (the ordinary consum- ers), have to rely almost wholly on the dealer or his clerk or this in- formation, hence we quite agree With• I the idea that every rnanufacterer should be called upon to brand his oods under Go*vernaient regulations. so that the consumer may be pro- tected and encouraged to buy such goods as are of pure Wool, and the • most economical and satisfactory in •the loag run, for he is always Avila ing to Pay a fair price for a bit of pure all -wool goods, provided he is obsoletely sure of getting it," We believeethis view, of the eaee places the responsibility more where it he - lenge; and at the same time em- ishasises the need of Government reg- ulation, and helps out the deserving farmer who has a right to look to his brother Canadian for a market for hie waol. • ln eoaceeteion I may say that the C I o th ler' sarUcla appears very inticla a, ease of wilful' inisrepreeentar tion of my poeition in regaet] to this question. Onla a weak ease re- quires such. methods to support it. V. W. HODSON, Live Stock ComMiseioner, "Mamma," exclaimed a little bee', ledigeantly, atter the visitor lied gone, "ivisen I get to be a titan net going to get up a. eociety far pre-- •. westing ugly eid Women from kissing eace l4b eseae."' • Our Trade With arsenal 3‘Taaf Be Greatly Extended 3,11, Many, Lines, No kingdom, on the face of the earth, in either ancieut or modem tinsel; hate forged ahead MOre rapidly than Japau not only in civilizatioa in its eQuiMonly acceleted eense but industrially in the fullest commercial meaning. A quarter of a. century ago Japan Was practically -known as four large and nany small is- lands off the northeaStern coast of China, where people employed their time in growlea tea, allaying trays, and deftly embroidering silken gar- ments with golden threads. To -day Japan is an empire worthy of the name, comprising an area of 162,- 655 square miles, with a population of 41,000,000 of people. The adop- tion of western manners and MIS - terns, the abolition of the feudal system under which the country was governed by a few lords, the con- version. of an. absolute into a limit- ed monarchy as the result of the 1863 revolution, and the introduc- tion in 1890, of a popularly elected Parlitunent, have raised the empire of Nihom from a petty sovereignty to be one of the powers of the world which has- now to be reckoned with in all matters of difference be - BABY'S FIRST TOOTH. A Family Event That Does Not Always Bring Unmixed Joy. Baby's first tootle does not come unannounced. Inflamed gums and impaired digestion produce a fever-, ish and fretful condition about whica the another often feels concern. The baby boy of Mrs. George McGregor, of Hamilton, Ont., was troubled \vita diarrhoea. while teething and was cross and restless. He did not sleep well and matters became serious. The mother writes as follows: "My sise ter had used Baby's Own Tablets for her baby and advised me to try them. I got a box and after giving the Tablets to the baby a few times he began to improve and was soon well. He is now a. big, healthy baby and whenever he gets fretful or does not feel well 1 give bine a Tab- let and he is soon. all right again." Baby's Own Tablets replace with great advantage castor oil and other nauseous, griping drugs. They sweeten the stomach, quiet the nerves and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to contain no opiate and to be absolutely harmless. If your druggist does not keep them you can obtain. a full-size box by mail, post paid, by sending 25 cents to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Outs or Scaenectady, N„ Y., tween the Occident and the Orient. Japan lias a national debt of $257,000,000. While not more than one-sixth of its area is arable, the soil Is very productive where it can be utilized at all, and there it teems with every variety of AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT. Tobacco, tea, potatoes, rice, and wheat are all grown ; its floral kingdom is rich, beautiful, and varied ; but its fruits though abund- ant are for the most part of .poor quality. Japan has 2,652 miles see privately owned railarays ana 768 miles of Government lines.. omi which last year a net profit in the aggre- gate was made of $3,734,885. Japan possesses an army of 300,- 000 men, and her war with China cost about $225,000,000, of which $80,000,000 was repaid by indem- nity. She has a well equipped navy manned by 19,000 men, and her mercantile marine is worthy of her progress. During the last ascal year, Japan exported to the United' Xingdora copper, curios, drugs, jute,' silk '(re,w and Manufactured), and straw plaits to the value of $1,494,761, while during the same period her imports from the old country in alkali, arms, carriages, cotton yarn.. cotton. goods, machinery, metals, ships, and ship machiner y , and wool- lens lens reached the value of$8,619,v1 During the same period Canada exported to Japan only 3188,683 worth of goods, while she imported. therefrom materials to the value of $1„620,86a. But this is, in process of change. Four years ago the Hon. Mr. Nosse, now Consul -General for Japan in British North Ameisica, with headquarters at Montreal, was despatched to Canada by his Gov- erraisent for the purpose of advocat- ing the • Federal Government disal- lowance of certain legislation passed by the Province of British Columbia prohibiting the actrniseion of Japan- ese into Canada. Mr, NosSe's suc- cessful intervention was. folloWed by the natural desire on -the part of his overrunoat to cultiva•to iaterna- tional 'trading relations' between Canada. and Japan, and the •latest outcome of 'his diplomatic mission has been the decision of the Do- minion Government to ab -operate wale the Go.vernatent Of Japan in furthering the s Success of an biter - national , Exhibition to be held in What shrunk your woolens?. Why did holes wear so soon? You used common soap, WAG TitEDUCE$ EXPXNST4 Aar, DM the Octagon Aar, say 1908 in the kingdom of the Mikado, by the furnishing- of a seetion illus- trative of almost everything grown or produced in Canada. Mr. William Hutchison, Exhibition Commissioner of the Canadian Government, will be in charge,. and one ef the main features of the Canadian exhibits will be the making on the.spot of bread from Canadian flour, by alr. Jameson, an Ottawa expert baker. C.A.NAD1AN FLOUR. of the • sort that . will be exhibited contains by actual analysis hunt one-tenth more of •albumenoids than the best quality of Hungarian flour; and the albume- noids or gluten being more 'tenacious yield a dough which rises better and holds its position in the baked loaf. When this is seen the demonstration irs Japan will' be followed as else- where by a demand for ,Canadian flour in that country far in exceserof the paltry. $8,410 worth experted. last" year; Isrom Canadian flour bakers can make not only the best quality of bread but likewise the largest quantity per barrel. Three iadeptnclent tests made by first-class bakers with strong Canadian flour have given the following results. Each using 100 pounds of flour, they obtained respeatively 116, 152, and 151 pounds of blend. Adelteration of Canadian flour by Indiancorn flour. or any cheaper inferior sub- stances is entirely unknown, axed for sweetneee, whiterase, a.nd strength this flour is unsurpassed. In the matter of the exrorts of wheat, flour, cheese, butter, apples, lumber of all kinds, fish and fish products, carriages, raw and manta - featured cottons and woollens, Can- ada is Japan's natural next-door neighbor, contrelling the whole "red line" route from east to west, an.d from the motherland to the furthest confines' of the Pacific. Less than three weeks will transfer cargo from the Atlantic board to Yokohama, wharf, and the Canadian system of cold storage both on the railway cars and an the steamships, renders the transportation of such perishable articles as butter, cleeese, fruits, and meats as safe and as easy as the carrying of the roughest imperishable lumber. Whatever Japan requires in the way of imports Canada is prepared to supply on the most mutually ad- vantageous terms; and when Canada comes to the assistance of Japan with a brotherly readiness as has been the case, the least that Japan can do is to recis rocate by bestowing her commercial patronage where she has not sought in vain for fraternal acknowlcdgmeut. We have onsale went she regusres, and that of the very best quality, and Japan will now .have an oppor- tunity of practically manifesting her appreciation of our generosity by placing her. (seders where she did not hesitate to place her application for favors. • Osaka, the site of tap proposed E-xhibition, is an active manufactur- ing city, its principal exports being tea an d silk ; and i t is the • chief commercial centre of Japan, contain- ing a population of 476,271. It is what is commonly termed A "SHOW" CITY, its principal sights comprising the castle, the Temicai temple and pa- goda, the mint, the arsenal, the lIongwanjintemple, tbe Hakim I3utsu or conainercial bazaar, the theatres, and a multiplicity of curio shops. The Hakim Buteu- will be Open at night, and, condensing all the shops and factories of the town in that one Mace,. the Canadian and • other visitors may review industrial Osaka by electric light. • alas labyrinthine barony is the delight of the natives, and it is the joy of every visitor to follow ils tortuous mazes 'without a thought of fatigue. Each city in the Mikado's kingdom possesses a, large bazaar under Governinent control where, goods mai:keel in plain figures are sold for a small commission. There the useful and the useless, the necessities and the luxuries ol life, the newest inventions, cfatiques, curios, and whatnot unobtainable elsewhere invite the inseection of the visitor and tempt a purchase if only • as a Souvenirtypical of the land of the einarsanthenium. • The richest silk fabrics loom and hand can produce are here to be found in abundanee, ana • the tourist who wishes on hotel couslucteel on the "European plan" will diseover such aleconuaodation at Jiutei's Osakn hotel, which • is pleasantly situated on an island. •Osaka is anos:b delightfully located, and has not inaptly been termed "The Venice of Japan/' for it pos- sesses no fewer than 800 bridges. Formerly Osaka was a military capital of Japan. and within ite •WATCH )viLia durable goal pate ansl handsorriely ettgasved ease in different doigns, Amettean Toyer, qua!: beat, stem Wind. and stein Set, Opsn face and heaVy bevfl erydtal, r hi size —two inches IA diameter -with short wind and long run ot 51 hours, and fuly guaranteed by the tintkors, a relluiro timekeeper. 21'hlis watch is good value: at $N but all we ask for it 1 5/.35, and ECU id. 15 50 you by` mall postpaid. In buying this watch you ran ne risk, tor if not as roprassinted, nd 0 back to as and We will return your' ratitiog. We art labie and will carry' out ur Israel -es and you are el sate in sending tts yeur money kg yott would be in giving ft to atty. Merchant in yOur own tbwr,. Remember ytu do not have to open the back or front of Otis watch 10 wind it up or setthe hands a1 some of the cheaper watches offered, Mit is 'wound and set by the stem, Tho case is 1-kot blekol or whito nielat. birIiesa tienvY gold Plato that will wear, 50(1 15 mu.ch superior to the ordinary g d Witte finish. Road earefu ly the above deseript'on, for we gdara woe every word to bet trim This is a watch that no Mon or boy need be ashamed to carry, rind it can ba retied upon every time. Pay a little Mors owl get rectifyiro0 I watch. 'What eonld bo hiCer for s Chrit Present trOM Ibi Miter to 111-.. boror from OM YOtnig Dian h 0 father, or the sister toherbr'flhor,artho yOUng, lady to her avatitr, Mari friend, than this beautifiV *arch? A. mraf, desirable g ft. Evory. body Who receiVeit one will be4selightrd We adtrise you not, 0 nnse, oppertunit,y to seem:se wets& that Wilt giVe gat sortoet satisfaetinn for nsny yeS,r,t, hernotriboe We trotUrn eense snenea te the liataildh la MA 5i9 We reterOsent Et Vete salsa Aetna elaftly, and addrees . lrf7:4Zia /157.7700301t."'Sir Qt' /a mvve 3Elatastatilts:iore. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world producesg and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green, '-epan tea drinkers try 44Salada" eea ti, castle , walls much of its history has been made, for therein were played the nnal acts of the Shogunate, and with the surrender of 1868 the Re- storation began. W. H. COMM. DePartment of Agriculture, Ottawa. MISTRESS AND MAID. "Jane," said a mistress the other day to her servant, "5 am sorry to part With you; but I can put up with your impudence no longer. You must go." "All right, mum," answered Jane, pertly; "a change will do us both good. I am going to 'be niarried next month." "Indeed, Jane! Well, I hope you may be happy, .for, apart from. your temper, you are certainly the most careful .girl I ever ..knew or heard of. During the twelve months yoss have been with nee you have never once broken a pieta of glass or china of any description!" "Not that you have e -ver found out, mum," said Jane, with a, re- vengeful smile. "But I have smash- ed nigh everything in the place at one time or another!" Had a bombshell struck her the mistress could hardly haves been more astonished; but she managed to gasp: "What do you mean, Jane?" 'Pretty nigh everything, I say; but the 'joins' • is so fine that they haven't noticed them; and I'll leave you some cement in. the dresser drawer, for 5 den't bear me malice, and you'll find it come in wonderful handy, seeing as how you ain't 'bad at brealeing things yourself." • MODEST. Ho— .`,!T lona he true, the goods the beautiful." • Mine Serleaf — "Oh, Mr. Blank, this is so sudden." THE USUAL KIND. "Tbe true philanthrorlst shrinks fremanalting his generosity' known." "Most df 'cm go a step further and shrink from the generosity." Themagnolia has a more power- ful., perfume than any other flower. POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism • Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache • All Bodily Aches AND N UE PAIN. Mother — "Why aren't you -raid Georgie as good boys as your little brother?" - Young Hopeful — "1 s'pose it's 'cause you'd had more ex- perience bringin' up boys when you commenced on him." Deafness tJannet be Duren by local applications. as they cannot resob the diseased portion of tho ear. There leanly orn way te cure deafness, and that is by conatflu. tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inftafried condirion of rho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in.. flamed you have a rumbling sound or iniper tact hearing, and' when It is ent rely closed deafness is the resnit, and unload the intiam. attrition can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal coaditita, bearing will be de- stroyed forever: nine Cases Out Of ten aro caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in. flamed condition of the mucous Surface,. Wp Will give. One -Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that eau tan ho eared by Rail's -Catarrh Cure. Send tor oireulars, free. . F. 1 CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0.. Sold by Druggists, 78c. • qalls Podni.y Pills are the best. Wiggs (gloomily) -= "Ah, what can be worse than the tagged edge of despair'?" Wagga -- "Humph! The ragged edge of a collar." SOUTH VIA WASILINGTOaT, Philadelphia, • Atlantic City, Balti- more, Washington, Old Point Cora - fort, and the South via Lehigh Val- * Railroad • and its connections, Pour fast express treble daily for Wash i ng t Orl, Ashev ill e, Seuthern Pines, Charterton, Savanala Jack' ,eonville, St. Augustine, Palm Beach, latilma, Miami, Nassau, Cuba. and all Plorida and winter resorts south, laxeursion tieitets now on sale. For full particulars, illustrated literature, armee, etc,, call en or addrese Ilobt, S. Lewis, Canadian, Passeriger Agent, 33 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. • The average amount of rain . Which fails kWh Of the equator ifs may 20 inches; north, it is abotit i37- inehers. inerd's Liniment Curet llisfewer, mArallo, aux= wousz. I.± Philanthropic lady visited an aeye ellise net lOng ago, and displaeod great interest In athe inmates, Chle , old Man partieularly gained her coal- Pa'ssealsdn. how long heve yeu been here, my man?" she inquired. "Twelve years," was the answer. "Do thee treat you well?" "Do they feed you well?" After addressing a few mere ques- tions to him the visitor passed on, She aoticed a broad and broadening an ,Sie on the face of her attendant, land on asking the cause heard with iconsternation that the old man was !none other than the medieal super- inteedent. She hurried back to =lee apologies. , How successful she was may be gathered from these Words: "Iall m very sorry, 'doctor. I Wi never be gaveraed by appearances again." ACCIDENT TO A STRAINED HIS BACH AND wA3 SENT HONE IN AGONY. Laid Up All Winter, but Dodd' Hidney Pills Put Him on His Feet Again an Now He Is Com- pletely Cured. Indian Brook, Victoria Co., N.S., Deo. 15.—(Special) — Angus D. Mc- Donald, soh of the postmaster here, is prominent among those in this district who swear by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills ae a sure cure -for those terrible, pains In the back that are one of the surest symptoms of 'Kid- ney Disease. And Mr. McDonald has good reason for the stand he takes, While at work in the coal pits he -strained his back and was sent home in an agony of pain. The nearest doctor, twenty-five miles away, was sent for, but he could do little to relieve his, suffering. This was in October, 1901, and he couldn't do a hand's turn of work till the spring of 1902. • Then 0 hotelkeeper advised him to try Dodd's Kidney -Pills. -That hos tellteeper didn't see him again till last August, and then, his first ques- tion was "Angus, how's, your back?" "As well as ever it was," answered Angus. "What cured it?" "Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me com- pletely." And the postmaster at Indian Brook is always ready to testify to the truth of hie son's statement. Pains in the back, Lumbago, Rheu- matism, Dropsy and Heart Disease are caused by diseased Kidneys. Dodd's Xidn_ey Pills will cure them. Togg,s' Old Friend — "Good ' gra- cious, man! Do I find you re'duc,od to playing a, cornet at a street cor- ner to make a. living?" Togge "I'm not doing this to make a liv- ing. My wife won't let rae practice in the house." She — "Mrs. Boreton called to- day, and I thought she'd never go." He -- "But you are so amiable, I suppose you never gave her the slightest hint that you wanted her to go." She -- "indeed, did not. If I had she'd be here now." SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. When travesnia you should bear in mind the road and the trains that will take you to your destinatiorx in. -the fastest time, and in the most comfortable • manner. The Grand Trunk service excels in both par- ticulars and passengers from. To- ronto to Montreal, Buffalo, New 'York, Detroit and Chicago, will find the day trains equipped with wide vestibuled coaches, handsome Cafes Parlor and Dining Cars serving meals "a la carte." • The night trains carry Pullman sleeping cars to all above points. You can leave Toronto • for Montreal and east at 9 a. m. and 10.p. ma for Banal° and New York at 9 a. in., 4.50 and 6.15 p. na and to Detroit and. Chicago at, 7.35; m., 4.50 p. mn. and111..20 'la m. Tickets, reservations, eta, at city. office, northwest corner Xing and 3tonge streets. • ' Prospective Employer — "So you want a place as porter. Do you think you are strong enough?" Por- ter—"Don't worry about that. I knocked in. three ribs of the last guvaior 1 had, and he was five W•eelta in the hospital." mount's ili111110111. CVOS COMel In OWS, Nervous Employer — "Thomas, I wish you wouldn't whistle at your work." Office Boy — "I ain't w,o,rk- ing, sirs' I'm only just whistling." Minard's Liniment Citres...Colcts, etc, The 'battle of Tours, in 732 A. D., le said to have been the most mur- derous on record. 350,000 uteri in all were killed. Yazokviraresucvaiklealileixededmrlistrib....t Acranmorkes All ADMIRABLE FOOD Foe IMAISTAIDINC ROBUST HEALTH 111 COLD CLIMATES TEACHERS ON STRTXE. The little principality of Dirken- fold, in the Grand Duchy of Olden- burg, is threatened with the. strange spectacle of • a general strike of eehool teachers. The population is about 43,000 all told, but the pay of Sehool teaelters is so low that, after Many train efforts to obtain redress, they have drawn up an ultimatum 111 totemdeelaring that unless a new scale of emolumente be granted with- in a epecined Ulna, the entire body of school teachers,swill regime, idM 31•••••• tr, Tho international School of Telegraphy, Toronto THE OREATEST RAILROAD SCHOOL THE WORLD. YER11/19-815.00 Per Month. Docks andinstrumente Free. Position. Cluarentewd when Qualified. For Full Information Apply to , L. A. SULLIVAN, Prillcipa1, ;3-24 Richmond Chamber's, Toronto, • OUR BRANDS. King Edward 10005 " Headlight " "Eagle" —173-57T200. " Victoria " "Little Comet" Oct)! Extierituent with other and infarior. • USE A South Sea Islander was con- stantly boasting about his British nationality. • "Rubbishl" said a friend; "you haven't got a 'drop of British blood in yeti." "Indeed I have," he proudly replied. "My great-grandfather helped to eat Captain Cook." Messrs. C. C. Richards ass Co. Gentlemen,—My three children 'were dangerously low with diphtheria, On the advice of our priest my wife be- gan the use of MINA.RD'S LINI- MENT. In two hours they were greatly relieved, and in five days they were completaly well, and I firmly believe your valuable Lini- ment saved the lives of my chil- dren. Gratefully yours, • ADELBORT LEFEBVRE, Mair's Mills, June 10th, 1899. Wig -- "I always like to hear gt. inan say what he thinks." Wagg — "But the reople who always say what they think generally think such disagreeable things." Dr. August' Koenig's Hamburg Drops, as a blood purifier, strength and health restorer, and a specific for all stomach, Jiver, and kidney troubles, leads all other similar me- dicines in its wonderful sales and marvellous confidence of the people, especially oer vast German popula- tion. It is not a new and untried product, but was Made and sold more than sixty years ago. "You ought not to 'beg," she said, "No, ma'am," admitted the tramp. "Why do you do it?" "Well, ma'am, I wouldn't if I could git people to give me money by jest lookin' seed." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT removes all -hard, soft oreallousecirLumps- •end Blernisliekafrom horses. Blood-Spavine Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, aprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta. Save $50 by use of oee bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cora erer known. Sold by all druggists. • Haul coal, exposed to the weather, loses in bulk 8 per cent. per annum; soft coal loses fully 12 per cent. --- Leeser's Y -Z (Wise I-Tead) Disinfec- tent Soap Powder dusted in the bate softens the water at the same tines that it disinfeets. Lake aranasanovara, in Thibet, is the loftiest in the world, being be- tween 19,000 feet and 20,000 feet above sea level. Per Sixty Years. Ota AwD _ WELL -Panto Ilmirstvr. — Mrs Winsldai'm Foothingsyrup has heon Used for oyes sixty yeare by millions ot mothers for their children' while teething, with perfott success. It soothes tho ohfld softens the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colic), and is the best remedy ter IThicritcca. Is plerOant to, the trout Sold by drugglits in every part of the wor'd. Twenty-five °ono a bottle. Its vallaS is boaleulablo. Bo sure and ask for Mrs. WInelow'el Soothing Syrup, and tele no other kind. Ile (adinlring ly) — "Yon're not the aort of girl to give yourself away.'' She (insinuatingly) — but •you might ask father." Minard's Liniment Coles Iiiplithorla, Many watches tick five times to the second. This, awning 157,788,000 tasks. in. the coarse of 0 year. paeaseeseesseeressestatana-e-aessaaseeneaaene TH MOOT POPULAR osturirniott. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. Iireuirves the teeth, Oweetete the Woad!, the glans 4,1 11 if59 M Si Teachers INTE To send fol. our ',tete Sheet Catalogues and Special kates. We are equipp . supply every Teacher in Can WHALEY, CL11M3 a o., ox aS6 Main Street, 158 Yonge Str WINNIPEG, MAN. TORONTO STAHEE The Arnott Institute, Berlin, Ont. rr Arnett, Super ntendent. We treat i:se not siMply t le habit, and thereto dude natural speech. Write for par Gents'Suits Cie ori.dDyeinodu;setallsolgiadnigefover oevaerr.yotd•„soBori' Goan MEDALIST DYZI18. 821.TILISollatreAMel, TBottnnittliOtaw%IrAlitrdr,it 4 or YOu oan $ kneltt,.t6ixix. $In7r. • wHopt tret:rtiyf, son cirt,11 intarTilie gray r iie IneMOT estaana the:officer Lancers. ', Was sempris P,hotlda. iv'bOatzSlIc.aerit is . Turk /2%mitionaswita , 3 r that,..riecr.,21'kEtil tyIft.cYt..odid not agree had, sent him real poultry Alie li as:.-attztvtaittineani, t. mptedtl d'sits1,0i:4 at red r ),1 ....Clonsignolerits and one 'ill' 110 Basfiilo 77 KING ST, EAST, TORONTO, 30 Yefare in the Fur Trade In Toronte.•ce.-<eb,se--cze--lat- Manufacturers of Furs of every kind. FOR LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR. • Send for Cataleg. Merchants will lind it pay to sort 1ipWthn. We pay highest prices for ULW FURS and GEN -SING. ProMPII returns. Ship by express. ' Send for PrIce List. Donaltilon Lido Steamshipi mont,..1 to Liverpool. Boston to LIT01, PoTtland to Liverpool. Via Queens - Large and Vast Eteamehipe. Superior. neaornmodotlea for all classes of passengers.. Saloons and Etarereeme are amidshlba Special attention hos been given to the SecondrIlaloan and Third•Olase neeornmedation. For rates of panage and all partieulexe, apply to any 050011 of the Company, or _ Itiohards, lane & CO, D. Torrance kClo“ 77 State St.. Doitoa. Montreal anti Portispe. AS TURItE Jowl of all kinds wanted. Po prices etas -an Seeca, Ship, at .. once W It.SMITH, Wtc-004,,„4, • 33 Church St. Toronto Our commission, is only five s.er cent. ; try us. "snirlozmmt.. We want the services of is lion -cher of Wallies 50 4, koicene for us st beins, 951)50Or spare time, We furnioti fr:9 'machine trod • supply (sa turn iron, arid pay 19 1110 work assent lit D.,g'tkr)CtI no • 57 lo SIC 5 reek made • ea,mitott to (Ina devoted 10 the syyi k. Wrifo, al 0134r for pa ritoultio. , Name reLrentilia The Dominion IiVfittia CO.) Dept. 11, 'TORONTO, ON . • WOOD a PHOTO. 11..ERIGIZAVINTI 30410 ENG.° 4' 166, SAV ovot– vohosioif