HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 5MIENSE OPPORTUNITY 'For Getting a Beautiful Watch and Chain Free, -7 -No Mon. ey Required. --Every 'Man, Woman, Boy, or Girl lias the same 'Oppqrtunity un- der our System. in order to have Dr. Arnold's Eng- lish Toxin Pills placed in the bands of all persons s affering from bale health We make the• following moot liberal offer :-- If you will send us your name and addraes and agtee totell for us twelve boxes Of 'De, Arneld's English Toxin Pills at 25e, per box, We will give you I. absolutely Free a beautiful Watch and telhaerienn. either Ladies or Gents size, or youtchoice of twenty other premiums such, as fine sets of Jewelry, Rings, 'Violins, Mandolins, Tea Sets; Sateen Skirts, Cameras, etc. Remember we don't want any rhoneY until after you sell the Pills • and you don't have to sell any more . than 12 boxes to get the premiums. This is a bona fide offer from a reliable Concern that has given thousands of dollars worth of premiums to agents • • all over the notintr „ Remember also that Dr. Arnold's Enghsh Toxin Pills are a well known remedy' for ail dis- eases of the kidney and bladder,. • Rriglat'adis,eeSei diabetes, rheurnatiem ;nervous •troubles', and demale com- Waiets, and are for salee byall fiest ' 'class druggists' and deafer.'s,' ' ia all parts of the world. You ebaye pialy to shove them to sell them. • 'Mot are not offering something that t e peonle don't know. Our watches atheregularetandard size for Lad- ies oe Gentlercien in Nickel or Gun Metal Gases with handsome illuinin- ated dials and reliable time keepers, Watches such as'no lady or gentlemen need be ashamed to carry, and they will, be sent absolutely Fre to all who 'sell only twelve boxes of those woneerful Toxin Pills. Write . at once and be the first inyourlocality to earn one of those beautiful watches and chain, As soon as we receive your letter or post card we will send you post paid twelve boxes, together with our Illustrated Catalogue and beautifully colored card with your name and address on as our authoriz- ed agent. Bear in mind that you will net be asked to sell any more that the • boxes and we don't want any oney until- after you have sold em. We bear all the expense and e only making this liberal offer as a ethon of advertising Dr, Arnold's english Toxin Pills. Don't delay, mite at once and earn a beautiful resent for yonaelf for Christmas. dress ARNOLD MEDICINE CO • Dept. 0. 1. Adelaide St: East, Toronto. Ont. • Comer FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS. he festival of C- hristmas goes back ry early date, We have notices 9 early as the third centuary. s not, however, always kept on ame day. Clement of Alexandria hat some kept ie on May 20th, month earlier,. The Church tantinople (A. D. 381) fixed r 25th as the day.- Before ?nil of Ephesus (431). the had also altered the, time The Churches of Anti - opted the same date. flowed, but the Ar- il). observes the festi- Epiphany, January church seems to st of the Nativity on ck as can be traced tions • as a anon d • o be so in the entury, The by the name nia :" also as." The mediately naely St, Evange- °cents' Day, are ard. in the twelfth century, toave formed one connect- • ed festival.) A. GREAT SITiTERER CURED, - -- • Mr. Benjamin Dillon, of Leeds, Ont, waenured of Muscular Rheumatisro • by •Polson's Nerviline, and says: "I feel rny duty is to proclaim Poison's Nerviline as an infalible cure for Rheumatism; it cured me after 30 years suffering, and nothing I know of can equal its peneta,a,ting power. Ner- yiline simply has no equal in og uiCkly • relieving and caring RheuMatistXl. Neuralgia, Sciatica, and Lumbago, A trial will convince anyone. Pirce 25c. GENERAL, NE WS The official board of the Central Methodist Church, St: Thomas, decided fo extend an invitation to Rev. W, Kettleweil, of Moutet Fret, to become their pastor. Ifegler, o Ingersol. coin- mandieg officer of the 22nd Regiment, n Ancient k" e health and henronees irate 11, iireVe; since time immemorial. It causes bunchesin the neck, dis- figures the skin, inflames the eateries membrane, Wastes the muscles, weak- ens the bones, reduces the -power of roistance to ditease and the Capacity for recovery, and develops into con- sumption. ' "Two of my children had Scrofula Sores which IcePt growing deeper and kept .thern from going to school for three months., Ointments and medicines did no pod Until I began giving them MOWS Sarsaparilla, This medicine caused the sores to heal, and the children haVe shown no signof Beret- cia slums," J. W. McGullt, WOOdSt001r, Ont, Hood's Sarsaparilla Will rid you of it, radically and per- manently, aa A has rid thousand, T has been recommended to have Con: itroolli ferred on bini the •Decoration of the OQlonial -Auxiliary forces under the provisions of the order, of May, 1809, The Flavelle Willison syndicate has completed the negotiations for •tbe purehase of the Evening news. The new management will not take con,. trol until an. 1st when the paper Will be continued as an evening paper only at least fp r a year. Mr, 3. 8, Willison who Is interested in the new syndi: cate wee formerly editor of the Toron- to Globe. • The by-law for the town of Owen Sound to parcbase tbe electric light • and gas plants, also exemption of tax- es, and free water for ten years of a linseed oil industry were voted on, on Itionclay, and carried by the following figures: for the gas plant, $70, •against 23 ; fox light plant .875, against 24 Lin- seed oil industry, for $89 against 12, More than 4,000 miners at Dritton near alazelton, will go ,out s•irik this week unless their employes adj us grievances t•hey complain of 'beior that timed The, Shipmene of coal t New York -will be decreased 10,000 ton a day if this strike is declared The dissatisfied Miners are employed by Cloxe Bros. and Company, the large independent nperators. They say that the company has repeatedly refused to re-employ all its union miners, Owing to the spread of small -pox in PortHuren, the Mayor, of Sarnia, has taken stringent measures to curtail the traffic between Port Huron and Sarnia, A policeman is now stationed on the Ferry -boat fincl a medioal health officer on the wharf andno persOn is allowed to laid until they are veccin- ated or show- a cextificate -that 'they• had been during the past year. , The same rigid rules are observed 'with persons going on boatd thetoat from " - Sarnia. • The distinction of being the firsyo14' unteer to locate under the grant, by the Ontario Legislature has been won by Pte. Geo. Howard Williams of the 30th Lambton Battalion, who has sel- ected the s. ect quarter of sec. 3, in the township of Tait Rainy River District. This is the first report receivecl at the Land's Department from any agent of the location of a volunteer. Mr. Wil- liams, who is now in the Rainy Riyer District, made the selection after a personal inspection. The past year has witnessed a great demand for cement. It is now being used for floors, sidewalks, foundations, silos, ornamental stonework, etc., etc. It is estimated that the average quan- tity of cement used yearly in Canada is twelve million barrels. There are nine factories producing the gommo. aity, and these manufactured this year, 815,000 barrels. The remainder eequired for use in 1902 was imported. Canadian factories expect next year to turn out over a million and a half barrels of cement. Several new fac- tories are in process of construction. The Monetary Times had an artielin in Its last week's •issue dealing fully with this topic. Robert Adamson, , who has been. in Scotland with the Object of bringing to the Cananian west a large party of Scotch agricultural laborers has arriv- ed in Winnipeg with between 100 and 170 experienced farm laborers. The demand, however, exceeds by far the supply. Acting Commissioner Moffatt has received more than. 160 applica- tions from farmers for these men, In addition ,.to this, Mr. Adamson has received nearly a hundred similar applications and remittances from farmers who will be disappointed. A Medicine Hat resident states that great prosperity is prevailing through- out Me ranching country, and that the prospects for increased settlement and insrease in capital are brighter than in any previous period in the his- tory of the territory. Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the eon sinnptive he brings the strength and fiesh he so mfich ne.eds. To all weak an' d sickly • children he gives ri'ch and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. • Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion of pure cod liver oil—a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and • strength. SCOTT & I3OVVNE. erh elOtts1:1-10. d Toronto, 50o. and $1.00; all ugi slitg The Post -office Department announ- ces that on the 24th instant it will be in a position to supply a seven -cent postage keine) to amounting post -offi- ces throughout Canada. This stamp, which is of a Yellow color will be es- pecially convenient foe postage and registration fee on single rate letters while it may also be used for other postage purposes to the extent of its face value. Non -accounting offices can obtain their supply through the city-post-01116es. This new stamp will bear the Queen's head,the department not having yet'decided on the design for the King's head issue. A four - cent statue Will disci rnake its *appear- ance in the near future. New post - offices were established in Ontario on December 1st, named Latchford, in Nipissing, and Zew, in North Renfrew. It is with pity rather than contempt that the average man reads the life story of a naiser such as lived a pau- per's life and died a pauper' death in Toronto the other cl.ay, while he pos- sessed what to roost pereons would be abundant wealth, When a man with $100,000 to his credit must board it in secret and play the beggar there is something radically wrong with him. The miser is not the product of any i particular race, Be s found, among all peoples and creeds. His trouble is distrust of his fellows, and. a dread of becoming penniless. It is a mental and nervous disease from which he suffere'. He is a monomanie. ' Be- tween him and the hopelets spend- hriftethere is not much to choose, but the spendthrift in the popular judge- ment does better because he at least gets something out of life, It is, no; doubt, a pleasure to a miser to count over bis gold, bub it is merely creating an appetite than can never be satisfied. • Centralia Brimrs.—The Anaiversary services of the Methodist chinch held butt Sunday were a success in spite of the rainy weather, Rev. Andrews of Parkhill, occupied the Pulpit both morning and evening and addressed a tnass meeting of the Sunday School in the afternoon.—Mrs.(Dr.) McDonald of Detroit is spending a few weeks the guest of her mother, • Mrs. • Rev. HtattOn.—Mrs, R. Hicks has rettreried home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Vail, ofNewbury and Mrs, F. Irwin of London.—Mr. A. Elicits, of Wolsey Assa., retarned home on Thursday lase.-- Mrs. A. BoWSlatigh spent SeV- oral days of last week visiting friends in London. — Mee, W. Hicks arid daughter Ruby are visiting friends in London, —We aro pleased t� hear that Mr, Dave Elston, who left Centralia last August, to teach Grahm Short- hand and Englishin the Acme Business College of Seattle 'Wash. has also :re- ceived an appointment on the Y. M. C. A. faculty as chief instructor in Penmanship for their evening Insti- tute. DRS. ORME & ORMF, • — Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone connection with main office in Luca,n,—Cent OPINION OF LEADING PHYSICIANS have used Strong's Pilekone in in- ternal and external piles, and find them more satisfactory, than any other suppository on the market. G. H. WILSON, M. D., London. Price $1.00. For sale by draggists or by naail on receipt of price. . W. T. STRONG. Manufacturing Chemist. London, Ontario. Exeter Municipal Council - The Statuary meeting of the council was helciat Town Hall, :Monday, Dec. '15th. Absent Reeve Levett and coun- cilor Davis. In the absence of the Reeve it was moved by J. Muir second- ed by J. Wood, that Mr. Harding take the Oahe—I:U=10- -• ' Minutes' of previous meeting read and approved. Mtur—Wood.—that the following changes be made in appointment of Deputy Returning Officers, T. T. West- cott at No, 4 and A. G. Dyer at No: 1. —Carried. Muir—Wood—that this meeting stand adjourned until. Friday, Dec, 19, at 7.30 p. m.—Carried, Gno. H. Bmsarr, Clerk. Council 'mob pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, on Friday, Dec. 19, Absent councillor Davis. Minutes of previous meeting read and approv- ed. Muir—Wood—that the following changes be made in the Deputy Re- turning Officers—J. T. Westcott at No. 4, and A, G. Dyer at No. 1.—Car- vied. • Muir—Harding—that the following accounts be passed. and orders drawn on treasurer for same:—Thos. Welsh, laber, $L25; Walter Westcott, do, $1.12 ; Thos. Flynn, do, $1.25; Wm. Creech, do, 40c. ; Geo. Cuchnore. do, $1.80 John Liam), sand, 500. ; Dane Wood:, gravel, 60c. ; .fi E Rueston, error in insurance 30c. ; Miss 'Kemp, part salary, $25.00' ; G. H. Bissett, do, $25,00 ; Secy. of .B of FT, 55.03; Dr Amos, Meel 0;$5:00 ; EE Fish, rent polling boothreferendum vote, 54.00; Wm Weekes, do, $4.00; Vinn Kuntz. do, 54.00; Wm -Kuntz, acct 52,45; 5, Sweet, labor, $3.75 ; W. J. Heaman, tile, $27.63 ; Ed Treble, acct 500; Fred .,..rsoranrseereu Constipation Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pins are liver pills, They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. 411 Omelets. Watt yon.tmonstaelio or beard a beentiful brown or rich Wok? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtrtilitkers ,0 OR. Or 5RUO55t6i OR no O. 'HAW 46 CO., itoRRWOR, Hoist, tile, $ii0.25; Advocate Publish- ing 0o,, Printing, $70,50; Thos BaW, kins act $10.04 ; Geo Ford, ital on gfayel, $277M0; lirannel, rent N Jire Bali, $2,00; S. Sanders, salary, W 1 Biisett, charity to Mrs, Sutton, $3,00, —Carried. -Wood—Harding—that the follow. Mg dog taxes be xefunded.—D Wilcox • $2.00; Jeao Young, $,00; Miss Fulton, 1411,00; Thos horn, $1.00 ; D Bound, $3„00 ; john Manning- $L00 ; ;Ins Wil. lie, $1,09 ; 'rhos Oke, $1,00 ; $ Sam - well, $t 00.— Oerriccl, Har din g—W pc th at the folio w - taxes be refunded, Stephen and Us - borne Agricultural Society, $19.00 ; Mrs, Sutton, $7i2 ;J4rs McIntosh, $3,80 ; Mrs Ra soul e, $3.3$; Thos ilandford, exemption an farm lands, $6,75. —Gam led, Wood—Harding—that the Cleric be instructed to notify Mr 0 B Snell to have electric light placed at railway eroesing on Huron street within 10 days or their franchise will become void. --Carried, Muir—Wood—that commit adjourn tie meet at call of Reeve.—Carried, Go, H. Bissaw, Clerk. BORN D ovoatt— In Usboree, on Dec. Ist, to Mr. and .Mis. Heniy Dougall. sou. MARRIAGES REARELV—BILL—At the home if the bride's aunt, Mrs. M. Brewer, on Deo, 23rd, by Rey. Dr. Tiannoo, miss E. T. Hill, of London, to mr. T, B. 'Rearely, of Port Huron.• • ANN5-3ONES—At the re s d en ce o f the bride's mother, r the 24th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Martin; B. D. '• Mr. Gordon Manna, of Boise)), to Lette, daught er of Mrs, John Jones, of Exetet North. •' FRASER—llei ORRISON-- At the residence of the bride's father, an the 24th inst., by the Rev. AV, M. Martin, B. D., Mr. John A. Fraser, of Manitoba to Mary, youugest daughter of Mr. Peter Morrison, of Elibbert. MED Hant—In Exeter, on Dec. 24th, mr. James Isaiah Hall, aged 18 years. Funeral on Friday to the Exeter cemetery, IRONGPDOX TABLETS llgenimrszausamenagemga are an effective, but gentle, laxative; therefoie an imme- diately perceptible effect upon the bowels must not be ex- pected from them. Therein lies their great merit. QVICK ACTION MEANS VIOLENT ACTION A violent medicine is some- times necessary, but it is a • necessary evil. Never Forgot that IRON- 0 X TAB LETS ARE NOT A CATHARTIC 50 Tablets, 25 Cents NOTICE.- — Notice is hereby given that the 23th annual meeting,of the members of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance company, will be held in the Town i1,ilI. Zurich, on Jan. 13th A. D., 1903, at one o'nlock p, m. BusrxEss. — Reoeiving the Directors' and Secretary -Treasure'r's 4 nnual reports ; election of Directors, and the discussion of other busi- ness for the gold and welfare of the Company. All members arereguested to attend.—PETER DOUGLAS, President ; HENRY EILBER, Secretary. Western Advertiser A Weekly, 12 Page, 7 Column Paper Sent to any (actress in Canada or the United State e for Seventy-five Cents a year in advance. Valuable pic- ture premiums sent to all subscribers. The "Western Advertiser" • "Familia World" —SENT FOR— • SI tl YERK, IN fiDVANGE Balance of this year FREE to all sub- ' scribers for 1903. ADDRESS : WESTERN ADVERTISER, • LONDON, ONTARIO. ee00...000•41000din Qoefascog Winter Term Opens Jan. 5; a CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. A largo, progressive aohool and one of 0 the best on this continent, This is co• strong statement but it is a true one 0 nevertheless. The reason our school has a large attendance is because it is 4 wide- t 0 awake, hustling, working, result-produe- • ing echoed. Recent graduates have act -2 cepted positione at salaries ranging from ene 0 ma mouth to MO per atinum. Write To 0 for Mir new' catalogue. ra W. Y. ELL/OTT, to • • filit•O*****0000•10,08.000011ill* SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISDRADE A Sad Letter from a, lady whose Husband was Dissipated, dA flow She clped 10411,4th a Secret • Remedy. "1 had for years patiently borne the disgrace, • suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvelleus remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- eided to try it. I procured a package and • mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he. did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he stuck to his work regularly, and we now haven bappy home. After he was completely cured I told him what 1 had done, when he acknowl- eJged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break ofr of his own accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady who cures her husband of his Drinking Irabits writes of her •• Struggle to save ber hoxne A. PATHETIC I.4KTER a 5 1 had for a loeg time beep thinking of trying tbe Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, b0 I was afraid he would discover that I was giving hirnmediclne, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitatedfor nearly a week, but one day when he came laonae very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent,I threw off all for and determined to make.im effort to save our borne from the ruin saw corning, at all hazards. I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it m his coffee as directed nest rooming and watched and prayed for the result, At noon / gave him xaore and also at supper. He never suspected a thinmand I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as I had discovered some. dung that set every nerve in my body tingling with hone and happiness, and1 could see a bright iuture spread out before trie—a peaceful, happy home, a share ia the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comfoZts and everything else dear to a woman's heart: for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it, It was only .toe true, for before I had given him the fell course he had stopped drinking alto- gether, but 1 kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. Re never has and I am wrItine you this letter to tell you how thankful / am. I honestly believe it will cure the worst cases." HER FATHER • WAS A DRUNKAR A PluolXy Young Lady takes o melt to Cure her rather of the Liquor Dal*, STORY OR IIRR SIMMS% A portion of her letter reads as follows t— " IVIY father had often promised mother to strip drinking, and weuld do so for a time but thon returned to it stronger than ever, One day after a terrible spree, be said to us It's no. use. I can't stop drioldrig..' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided - to try the Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had read about Si the papers. We gave him the remedy, entirely without bis knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or Mad regularly; according to directions, and he never knew he was taking it. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. health and appetite are also wonderfully im- proved, and no one would know him; for the same man. It is now fifteen rnonths since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change 35 for good, Please send me one of your little books, as I want to give it to a friend." F EE SAMai.p• and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent it). plain L -A-0 sealed envelope. ° Correspondence sacredly confidential. Enclose stamp Cor reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co„ 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. DR. VV. H. CRAHANI, King St. West. Late of 19.5)., No. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue, Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases and makes a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples;Ulcers, Etc. PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari- cocele, Nervous Debility, etc,, (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture ot Long Stand- ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without pain and all bad after effects. Diseases of Women—Painful, profnse or suppressedgraenstruation, ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of tbe womb. Opzma HOURS -9 a, m. to:8 p. m. Sunday 1 to 8 p. m - NOW The Canada North-West Land Com- , pany sold during the month of Nov- ember 28,100 acres of land for $171,300, ' For the corresponding month of last year 11,400 acres of land were sold for $61,000. The average price paid this year is over six dollars per acre being an advance of about sixty-five cents over last year. Four Feeds For One Cent. Forest Gitg CORE London, Ont. SHORTHAND5 HOOKE ERG Business Law, Writing Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. We have no difficulty in placing competent pupils in good positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues. • J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. . 1 INSURANCE. Be it known to all Farmers and Stock Feeders that WorminIGTores ERNE ST ELLIOT, CANADIAN STOCK TONIC AND FEED]1R1 A f the — is guaranteed to be the greatest ani- YANYrAlToorrong ;Watson= tlairglANctorix" London England; FOI„Roisro- mai. regulator of the age. The best NSURALALINACICE°rNEYRIN' %IC COMPANY, of Er,: Tonic and Feed Saver ; acts by cor- and recting all disorders of the Blood, Liver and kidneys, and keeping them in a healthy condition ; will fatten an • MEDICAL animal rapidly and save one-third the feed. T W. BROWNINCe WI. D. M. 0. $2. 10.1b, Box, 200 feeds, 50c; 504b. Sack trYlrie:ineStde,r.rGersaidauenactee. vpiootmoirlualom,23Lai veborsritay, TI16 Worthington Drug Go., GUELPH, ONT. For Sale and Gaaranteed by: CARLING BROS., • Exeter. COOK & SON, Hensel]. E. SCHMIDT, Lucan. MIAMI FOR SALE. -150 acres in ..I.: the township of Usborne, good. soil, large brick house, heated by hot air, bank barns, with power windmill, plenty of good water, 12 acres good bush, a mile and a half from Wood- ham. Apply, A. Frretnre, Woodham. STRAYED.—There strayed from lot 15, con. 14, Hibbert, on or about the first day of November, a light red steer, coming three years old, a ring. in the right ear, and long white horns. A liberal reward' will be given for any information as to the ainmals where- abouts. • Address, WM. Towuns, Far- quhar?. 0. "Christmas Box" Full of IA onderful Things Portraits of Aetreestis,20 PopularSongs 2Magle Telescope and PiCtutes, 60 Amus- ing ExperiMents, Love's Puzzle, 20 Itenuses;100 • Finley Conundrums, Book of Love, Game o Letters, Magic 1Nriting, 321 Jolly jokes Receipt tor Moustache Grower,100 Money Mak ing Secrets, 1C0 Toilet and CdolongReceipes, 255 Self:animas for Autegraph A.lbums, 10 Model Lteve Letters, How to Tell Fortunes, Dictionary of' Drearoa, Guide to Flirtation, Magic Age Table, Lover'e Telegraph, and our new Cat, or Xmas Tovs. Books and Notions. All by mail FRE , for se, silver to•nay, poste KINNer, g, Pk. Yarniouth. Children Cy tor CASTOR NA. LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Barrieters, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the IVIolsons Bank, Etc. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :—MAIN STREET, !EXETER. s. R. CARLIN% B. A. L. H. DIORSON Fe W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladmaia) Barrister, Solicitor, liotary Public, Conveyancer, Etc. Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER DENTAL .01•11106O1OR11,61•RIMEIM N1170122[1.1 if KINCIVLAN, L. D. S. AND * DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D . S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effeets, Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treet,'Exeter' • VallielaeRNMINNIVIO. OUT THIS OUT and send it to ire with 6 cents in silver and Yos. will get by return mail a eomml BOX 01 000109 that vvill bring yen in 11,1our Moxity In one Month than anything else in America, •• A, W. XnxxV,E. T. Yarmouth, N„ Foit SALE--.13RICIC„iu S1DENCE WITH AN ACRE OP LAND IN ExEmBu–we offer fer Salo on reasenable terms, that Very' desirable residential property known as "The Hooper ItOmesteacl" situated 00 Ldb 80, south of Unroll Steeet, Exeter. There is erected upon the land, a centfertable and commodlaus brick dwelling, else the necessary nathenSes. The 110'08(31s an geed re- pair and has 9 rooms. The let cOritainS an acre of land and% exeellently adapted for garden Mg or fruit greWing. There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and. soft water The property is ' to date and the teats easi. for partienlars ap- rlY to .0rO1csox & CAMARO barristers Exeter or to A.. E. HOOPZ1t, Rew P. 00 Penna, U. A.., nreprietor, MONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private f curds for invest mutt upon farm or village property at lowes rates of interest. DICRSON & CARLING Exeter: rIONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of private funds loan on farm and NiKaat lir /rzi at tc'w of interest. F, W. GLADMAN, Barrister Main St. Exeter, 5 Pack Q of Cards Free. One Pack, "May I. C. U. Home," One Pak "Escort" One pack, "Flirtation" One Poen "Hold -to light." One Pack, "Our .Sofa Ju Holds Two." Sample of 21 other styles, with book full of notions. Send Se silver for postagei A, W. KENNY, E, T. Yarmouth, SN. D.A. ANDERSON. D. 5. L.D.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto 'University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. • Everything known to the Dental Profession done m this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectls harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Carling t Brat's store Exeter. Ont. BUGGIES! BUGGIES ! IN you Want a Buggy? We have the finest stock in town All the latest styles, in the newee colors. 'Our prices are low as can be found. for first-class material and workman. ship. BEFORE YOU BUY OfILL fIND SEE -Ua J F Russell Two Doors South Town Hall. PIANOS aufflonagenmEnzatemsamarstossanimme Two second hand Upright Pianos and one Square Piano for sale cheap. New Pianos and Organs always in stock. Scth Md61111CS Our experience. in the Sewing Machine Business, (xi years) is a guarantee of our goods. We carry in stock the best the market affords. Needles and Repairs for all kinds of inachines always in stock. • Music in Sheet and Book form. Call and See us, It will Pay You: IVIartizio