HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1902-12-25, Page 44 t -
Incorporated hyAet Paament 1858)
e Molsons Bank NE1UURUH1)[[8[1( pllilli
9 I
neat3.0.910e, Nelttreal„,
•Ofteitel (illealdap) fie,600,000
nesisevelved — — ee.250009
eauebee in *titan°, Quebec), Albert.%
Ceittilible and Manitgba,
°Pel3vey r-d'dvf01 Deer Irene 10 a. m.
to 3 P• en.; eXcept
Saterdeys, 10 a. in. to 1 p. n.
rarinerS Sale Notes caelaed or col -
reeled. Ferullpplied On application,
Drafts or? all points in the Dominion.
Great 13ritain aod United States
boughti atd sold at lowest rates of
eX wage.
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards receiv-
ed, Interest compounded half yearly,.
and added to priucipal June 80th and
December 81st. Deposits Receipts also
iseued and highest current rate of
interest allowed,
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
Ageinfs at Exeter for Dominion
01[0105QN 0),DARDING, N. D. HUDDON,
• sozicirous. xtAxAsna
xelor tittles
Calendar fOr December 1902.
SUNDAY.. 7 14 21 28
e, , 1 8 15 22 29
TUESDAY „ 2 9 16 23 30
Vremearesnees, . 8 10 17 24 31
THURSDAY, 4 11 18 25
FRIDAY . 5 12 19 26
0 13 20 27
THURSDAY. DEC, 25ale, 1902.
Hon, Clifford Sifton was liberal
enough to make appreoiative reference
to the late Sir John Macdonald, in his
speech recently delivered before the
Canadian Club at Boston. He pointed
out that the great problem which the
people and goverrunent of Canada
had to solve was transportation. The
problem of Canada was not so much
to induce nature to yield her wealth
as to provide transportation for it
When produced In this connection
he recalled that ir John Macdonald
in his first address, namely, that to
the electors of Kingston more than
half a c,entairy ago, bad for its most
• prominent paragraph a promise to
promote the construction of wagon
roads to open •up the rear townships
to Kingston. The man who began his
career by his humble transportation
policy virtually crowned it by the con-
struction of the Clanadian Pacific Rail-
way: Conservatives cannot but ap-
preciated this just refeeenee to the far
sighted policy. of Canada's greatest
statesman before the citizens of Bos-
Merry Christmas.
mrs. W 3 Heaman and miss Alward
are spending the holidays ih _London.
Noncs—As we go to press some
• hours earlier this week, we are forced
to lay aside several items of- news, but
which will appear next week.
Mr. R, MeMordie of Kippen, has
been ?nominated for County Councillor
• for No. 3 divieion. Mr. McMordie is a
good representative and should poll
the desired vote. See card on front
• Page-
MARRIED,—A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the imme of Mrs, M.
Brewer, Gicliey se. on Tueeday Dec.
23rd by the Rev. Dr. Hermon, when
her niece gess E. 3. Hill, of Loodon,
was united in merriage to Mr. T. B.
Rearely, of Port Huron, formerly of
Thamesford • The bride was assieted
by her sister Miss Della Hill, w Jae
ene George Patteason of Evelyn, done
• similar. duties for the groom. The
reung couple left- ou the evening belie
far Lopchen and Tharee-ford
they will spend Xmas prier to leavieg
for their new home in Port Huron,
snichigare ,
GIVING tT BusntEss. — We are
• sorry to learn that Mr. J. Stewart one
of our agressive and enterprising
• merchants has decided to leave Exeter.
• He will dispose of his business here
and expects ey the first of the year
to take the positioh as assistant mana-,
• ger -1-ind vice- .President, of the Mooney
Biscuit and Candy Co. who have re-
• centlybeen voted a loan of $30,000
• from the city of Stratford for the
establishment of a factory in that,
place. The new concern starts out
• with a capital of $100,000. err. Stewart
• has carried on a most successful busi-
ness in Exeter during the past 14 years
and has done much towacirs improv-
tnents etc „also has established fer
sele a wide reputation for his integrity
and honesty in all his dealings with
the public. He carries with hiro in his
new departure the best wishes of the
entire coznmunity.
"I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in my house for a great many
years. •It is the best rnedicine in
the world for coughs and colds."
r , J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y.
IAll serious lung
troubles begin with a
: tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Ayer's, Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
thretildictlx: M., enough for an ordisary
stsaisse.,juit xight for b±c33idhitii, nostoe-
,ssgs, hard tear, °tee teen economical
ter Olmaildeases and to keep on. hand.
.1.• C. AYER CO. I.O*011 Mao
fill tftG liows of inorost to
• Mos Roac1or8 flaDoonfRO
In nese 6ountio8
James Olio% ozonsaude, Ont., writes
• II was greatly troubled with headache and
constipation, 1 tried Laka-Liver Pills and they
did me more good thananything I ever took.
Mrs. Fleury Atkinson died at her
residence an the River Road, Blau -
shard, on Wednesday, .December 10,
aged 58 years, She bad. deen ill for
several years of that dread disease
Those unhappy persons who suffe
from nervousness and dyspepsia shoul
• use Carter's Little Nerve leelle, whic
are naade expressly fer sleepless, ner
vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 2
1 .es
• 0
Praise the S'Ca but
keep on land.
Adrnir window
shoes — that s what
they were made for.
•But keep on wear-
ing the shoe you know
to be as gooit
looks.”—$3.50t $5.00.
"The Slater Shoe"
%00Ilyeat Welkl"
„ E, 3, SPACKMA.N. General Agent
e" Middlesex county council will pay
St. Marys collegiate the amount re-
, cluired by statute for the number of
d county pupils attending the institute.
Mr. Berey of Blanshard, will likely
be returned as one of the representa-
tives of Number 4 Division, (Blaes-
hard and Downie), for the county
c ouncil.
The young naan Haggitt, who ha
is leg broken a couple of months ago
by being run over by a threshing en-
gine, is now in the House of Refuge at
Clinton, The bone has not knit, and
an operation will be necessary to aid
in the reuniting.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil takes out pain, reduces
• s welling and. allays inflammation. Cures Rheu-
realism, StiffJoints, Contracted Chords, Sore
Throe!, Croup. Quinsy, etc. It does not stain
the skin or soil the clothing. Price 25e.
• Absalom Bawtinheiruer died at the
House of Refuge on Sunday, aged 67
years. Pie was a resident of Brussels
for many years and had oney been at
the refuge since last September. His
remains were not interred in the Pot-
ter's Field, but were taken to Brus-
sels on Monday by his brother.
Mr. W. N. Manning, of London,
prior to his leaving Clinton was pre-
sented with an address by the Wesley
Sunday school expressive of the high
esteem in which he was held by the
school and their regret at losing him
and his family from their midst. Mr.
Manning held the position of Superin-
tendent of the school for a numbei of
Master Thos. Holmes, son of Barris-
ter Holmes, of Wingham on Tuesday
last while climbing to the top of a
polished cherry banister, lost his bold
and fell to the floor striking on his
right temple. It was feared concus-
sion of the brain would result, but
the little fellow's strength and youth
was in his favor and he rallied from
the shock.
Worms affect a child's health too seriously to
neglect. sometimes they cause convulsions
and death. If you suspect them to be present.
give Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
destroys the worms without injuring the child.
Price 25e.
A very pleas int and happy event
took place on Wednesday evening of
last week at the beautiful home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Blubour of Statfa
when their third daughter, Miss Maude
was united in the holy bonds of mat-
rinumy to Mr, James Davis. of Har
rington.. Rev Mr.Cranston, of Crom-
arty, performing the marriage cere-
Mrs. Hibbert Beck-, Newburn, N. S.. writes
"I was in bed for weeks with Itheumatisn3 and
could not move without help, I began usinff•
milburn's Rheumatics Pills and one box relieve
the pain and six boxes completely cured me.
Before leaving South Africa the
Huronites who had gone there, made
applications to the English govern;
ment for a gratuity of £5 over and
above all their other expenses, though
they hardly expected to get it. A few
da.ys since the following persons were
agreeably surprised on receiving cheq-
ues for the amount: -0 Boyer, J Mc -
Ewan, J Moon, G Twitchell, W White-
ly, W Cantelon, W Miller, Clinton.
W Miller, Hullete and J Blaney, Hen -
T! annual meeting of the Domin-
lot? Draft Horse Society was belu at
the Ratten bury House, Clinton. The
different reports showed the sotlety to
,n a prosperous cos elitism. Twen e
new members were adued during the
yepir there is balance on hand of $650.
The election of officere reueited as fol-
lows : President , D. McIntosh, Bruce -
field ;. vice,. S. Sri:Me, elensall ; 'secre-
tary, James Mitchell, Goderich '• trea-
surer, Peter McGregor, Brucefield ;
delegate to Western Fair, A. Innes,
Stanley ; delegate to Canadian Horse
Breeders Association, Thos. McMillan
INECALE eaTAtanzozoera five min-
utees any time and it kills a cough or
cold in the head.
utes four times daily and it perman-
ently cures Chronic Catarrh, Deafness
Asthma and Hay Fever.
utes every honr and it cures Pneumon-
ia, Consumption, Lung trouble and
prevents all contagious diseases. Com-
plete outfit $1.00.; trial size 25e.
Druggists, or N. • 0. Poison & Oo.,
Kingston, Ont,
Mrs. E. W. Le Galling, St, Godfrey, p. Q.,
• says : "I have used IVIiiburn's Sterling Head-
ache Powders for sick headache, After taking
two powders I felt hetterand was able to get
up and go en with nw work."• ,
Always avoid harsh, purgative pills.
They first make you sick and then
leave you constipated, Carter's Little
Liver Pills regulate the bowels and
make you. well, Dose, one pill.
On Sunday afternoon last. three
Iaige bank bares on the farm of Mr.
Nesbitt on lot. 26, concession 13, Bid -
&drill near Granton village, were bur-
eedgo the ground. There were eonsum-
ed 1,400 bushelof oats, 5o tone hey
and a great quantity of roots, some
straw and nearly all of the farm
implements. • The live stock with the
excepeion of orielog, were all gob out
in safety. Tine fire resulted from a
• tercel whieh eves being used to thaw
Iout the weadmill waterpipes. A cob,
web hengieg from the reilieg of the ,
tenk home: became igeited and the'
flames quiekly annul, There Was
sorne insuratee on buildings and cote
tents, 1
In the spring when Grippe was raging 1 had.
a bad attack and the cough was so severe that
1. thought I would cough myself to death. I
got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
and it cured me in a surprising short, tune.
Mrs. J. H. elvers. Isaac's Harbor, N. S.
Smart Weed and Belladonna, com-
bined. with the other ingredients used
in the best perousplastersimake Car-
ter's S. W. & 13. Backache Plasters
the best in the xuarket. Price 25
After an illness of only a few days
Mrs. Henry Babousee died at the fam-
ily home on James street, St. Marys,
on Thursday, Dec. 11, aged 64 years.
She coo tracted a severe cold which de-
veloped into pneumonia resulting in
her death
Mr, Thos. H. Race, of Mitchell, has
been recommended by the directors of
the Ontario Fruie Growers' Associa-
tion as Dominion Fruit Clommissiooer
at the St. Louis exposition. The ap-
pointment could not fall into better
In lanshard township the contest
for the Reeveship will likely be be
tween Messrs. David Bonis and 0, W.
Robinson, bc.th of whom haye been
members of the council for several
years. All the other members of the
council for 1902 will likely be in the
Col. White, of St: Marys, received
a telegram a few days ago announaing
the death at Vancouver, on Dec. 11, of
Mr. Henry Anderson, a well-known
resident of St. Marys. Mr. Anderson
was a soia of the late Mr. Frank Ander-
son of St. Marys. For many years he
has been living in British Columbia,
where his wife died some twelve
years ago. He leaves a family of sev-
eral children all of whom are grown
The Stratford public school board
has adopted the following regulations
with regard to homework; No home
lessons in any grade be given in arith-
meticand grammar. No home lessons
be given below the third book classes,
That no home lessons shall be given in
more than two subjects at one time. or
of such a kind as to take half an bour
in the third book grades, or an hour
in the fourth book grades in prepara-
tion. That the work given shall be of
such a character that it can be done
by the pupil unaided. That these reg-
ulations shall apply to all lessons or
exercises asstgned to the class as a,
whole, but hy special arrangement
: -
with the Laren ts of hankwat d scholp.rs,
the teacher may suggest supplemental
They p ace many young girls at a
great dieadvantage in life, The only
cure is a blood purifier like Ferrozone
It cleanses the crimsonflood of pois-
ons and Ina p inetteS, renews and
strengthens it, and makee. lots of red.
corpuscles that manifest their presence
by a ruddy healthy glow in the cheeks
and lips. Ferrozone qifickly masters
all skin erruptions, builds up broken-
down constitutions, and gives to week
sickly women an abundance of spirits
vitality, energy, and beauty. Try
Ferrozone, it's all right. Price 50c.
per box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, at Drug-
gists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston
tifi ••••
A very servicable calendar has been
issued by the Chicago & North-West-
ern R'y, for the year 1908. The figares
are large and easily distinguished, the
days of the month and the consecutive
day of the Year are both shown ' • and
the publication is of that solidand
creditable sort which makes it desir-
able for business men atd manufac-
turers. Send four cents in postage to
W. B, Eniskern, Passenger Traffic
Manager, 22 Fifth Avenue, Chicago,
Mira Impleffilire,
In every town
and village
!nay be had,
Ito pc Hsi
011 Oa,
A le
that makes your
horses glad.
ER 2 t
• Orand Bend
Reelneall LITMIllelt YAM
levee stook of LuMber—pine and beano*,
170,e50 feet of hendOek lumber for barns, eto.,
also Shingles, laths and oechw poste. Brleeti
ronable.—J'AS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
BRIEES,—.MI, Albert and Mel,
lard, of Balrucral, Manieoba, are at
present visiting friends here.— Mrs,
Will Pattereon, has returned bone
after spending the last month with
friends in Pert Huron, and Detroit, --
Kiss Serail Rush is spending the holi-
day with friends in Stratford and
Toronto.—Mrs, W. B. Oliver, is spend-
ing Christmas with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Hamilton 01 St. Marys. --
Our school teacher, Miss Farrow left
here on Saturday for her home in
Godetich, Where she will remain dur-
ing her holiday, IVIiss Wiggelsworth,
B. line, teacher, also left for her home
in St. Marys, to spend her holidays.
--Arthur Mallard is here from Toron-
to, to spend Xmas. .with Ins parents.—
We are pleased to learn thet Frank
Allen is speedily recovering from a
severe aetack of paralysis. -- Arthur
Edwarde, accompanied by ft, and
Miss L. leldwards, of Linlon, are spend-
ing their bolidays with their parents
and friends here.—Harry Bossenbery
and family have moved to St. Joseph
for tate winter.— Mrs. A. Mdllard
spending was. witb her father,
Mr. G. W. Ellis, of .Ailsa Craig.—Mr.
Walter Statton, has erected a new
holies in tank village, and has moved
into it, .
BRIEFS.—Mr, E. J. Hagar, who has
been attendieg Trinity Medical Col-
lege at Toronto returned home Friday
evening and will epend his holidays
with his parents, at the Parr line.—
Mr. John Dumart attended the Fat
Stock Show at Guelph lase week. . He
also visited his parents at Berlin.—
Mr, and Errs. T. Murdock and daught-
er, Miss Ethel, of Hensall spent Sun-
day with Dr. and. Mrs, Campbell.—
At the semi-annual election of officers
held on Tuesday by the Zurich Young
Peoples' Alliance,the following officers
were elected: Pres. .A. Schettler ; Vice
Pres., Ida Hill ;Rec. Sec., Annie Hess;
Cor. Sec„ Thos. Schoellig ; Treas.,
H. Koehler; organist, Lydia Rennie ;
Asst., Ethel 'Williams ; Librarian,
Oscar Koehler; Asst., Amy Steinbach
and Dora Eilber ; Supt. of junior,
Lydia Faust ; Asst., Lou Andrews.—
Mr, Alfred Geiger returned dome on
Saturday from Napierville where he
has been extending college,—M rs,Hey-
rock is visiting friends at' Dashwood
this week.—IVI.r. G. Joynt, of Efensall
spent Sunday in town the guest of Dr.
Campbell. — Mr, Norman Buchanan
and Miss Clara Buchanan CTniversity
students of Toronto returned home
Friday night.—It is our painful duty
this week to report the death of a weil
known and highly respected resident
of our eommunity in the person of Mr.
Fisher, Deceased had been ailing for
some tingle, and. his death was not al -
Wreaker unexpected. His remains
were interred in the Bronson Line
cemetery on Tuesday afternoon whith-
er they wire followed by a large con-
course of friends. The family have
the deepest sympathy of the entire
community.—Miss Sarah Manson who
has been at; Queenston for the past
few months returned home last week
owing to the illness of her father.—
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rauch, of Dakota
are visiting the latter's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Allan,of Blake.—Mr.
Josiah Geiger who has spent the sum-
mer in the North West returned home
on Saturday.—Miss Clara Koehler ar-
rived homaThursday night from Olin -
ton. --Mr. John Torrance, of Clinton,
spent Monday in town.— Donee forget
the data ef the concert to be held New
Year's Ave, choice program, every -
knee mum.. —Mr, Geo. Ruby, of Dash-
wo,ta was in town on Sunday. — Miss
L. Anthems teaches of the Public
school left Saturday for her home at
Godarich to spend her holidays. ---Miss
R. Zimmerman, of Dakota is visiting
at. her home on the Goshen Line.'
IV urh eympathy is extended to Mr.
ad Mrs. Heitz in *the sad bereave -
anent, which befel them in the death
of their daughter Sadonia; which sad
event occurred at her.home in Blake
on Sunday at the age of 25 years. The
funeral took place on Tue.eday niorn-
ing to theBronson Line Cemetery and,
was largely attended. — Miss Ella
Rennie, who has been visiting in Dash-
wood, has returned. home.
Miss Edith Taylor has been engaged
to teach in school section No. 15, Hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Aquilla of Win-
nipeg, are at present visiting Mr.
Snell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
The Misses Lou and Maggie Talbot
and Mir. Freeman Talbot,of The Gore"
are in town the guest of their brother,
Mr. Will L. Talbot,
W. H, Levett received two carloads
of coal this week which has been for-
warded as quickly as possible to his
most needy customers.
Rev. Dr-. Gifford, of Clinton, will
preach missionary sermons in Main st.
Methodist church' on Sunday Dec. 28th
both morning and evening, Specie
collection in aid of the fund will be
taken up at each service• ,
, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over inxty years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect SUCCOq
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, Cures wind colic. and is the best remedy.
for Diarrhosa. 15 is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value Is incaloulable, Be
sure and take Mrs WinEdow's Soothing
Syrup and ask for ho other kind.
Miss Jones, of Deloraine, Man., ar-
rived here on Monday and will spend
the winter with her grandmother,
Mrs. E. Jones. She was .accompanied
by her uncle, Mr. Joseph Jone8 and
Mr. Potent, who spent until Tuesday
evening and proceeded on to Hamil-
ton where Mie. Jones has beeh spend-
ing the -winter.
wl.he annual meeting of the Willing
W'orkers' M isslon Band of the Presby-
terian church Was held on the 12th
inst, and was addreseed by the Rev.
Mr, Sewers, of Biticeftele. An offer-
ing of $27 o as efterward received,
fhe Band oleo sometime ago sent to
the Filo Hill's Indiau St:boot a box of
eething valued by the Presbyterian
Society at $84.
Steseeee teeny.
What s
ea. sae\ eeeaeese
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor .011, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothingr Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine 1101" other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' . rtse by Millions of
• IVIothers. Castoria destroys Virortris and allays Feverish.
• ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castoria
TCHOYCS Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of IlL.fants and. Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
• Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
• Castoria is an excellent medicine fo.,
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its, good effect upon their children."
• DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Louie, Mass.
castezi. I. so well Adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre.
scription known to me."
II. A. ARCE(ER, M. D, Brooklyn, N. r
1, -SP - •
Ounce o
Prevention is
Worth a Poun
ot, Cure,"
• Why not cure that cough •or.
yours now ? Do not let it
• go on and get worse. A.
bottle of one of our own,
Cough •Medicines will cure:
you. We carry a large as-,
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
'Act wisely and get som. e [of
our remedies.
plue and Black
make dtessy and seryict
able clothes.•-Wea ha'v'e
an excellent stock of
Serges in now. •Come in -
and look them over.
Nexe Senior's.
To Cure a Cold in One Day, Cirr VR:
4rnice Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. "R every
iovon Mil on boxes sold in past 12 months• his signature, w. - /)-02.0"...00 box. 25c.
Th.. Hind of Rangos—u1SUolVS Nappy Thought"
Buying: a Kapled.e7.47
There are three essential things to consider when., buying a
Range,—Quality, Consumption of Fuel, and the Price. The price
is the least important. A good Range will last many years, and ,esbsie.
when it saves in fuel it pays for its self, while a cheap Range is 1-k or
_ constantly adding to its price in extra consumption of fuel.' The '
"Happy Thotight " Range
is the .lightest fuel consumer in the world, and the most perfect
Range constructed. It is 'a perfect cooking apparatup.
Write Me Manufacturers for an Illustratect Catalogue.
1Z mited, • ,,,...r t'imPlofflemcei'
., e gr.a%
'•,II . ' ..1.1.-Eivq.ei.; ::..ft.'4,".t4,14...:-: 41, 'itee:21:::::11:13'eel::-7:11S12:
BrilliSiMitiM,Sboyld W, J. Heaman, Exeteie a basket
old wouinn.
. xol
o had. reinarkg
acsomestortz) did not agree
- had sent him real
W. 3, Beaman received a carload of
stove coal on Tuesday, which he has
distributed as generously as possible
among his many customers, He also
expects another- carload of furnace
coal here. on Christmas day. The
'niece asked is $7,50 per ton, which is
a very n3oderate price, considering the
very extensive demand,
We have completed clubbing ar-
rangements for 1903 with several of
the leading newspapers. .All of the
following with the exception of the
dailies, will be sent to any address from
now until January lst, 1904, foeamount
named. The rates will be as follows:
The TIMES and Family Herald
• and Weekly Star from now to
• January, 1904, for......... .. . . .31.75
"Purity" and "Alone"—two beauti-
ful pictures—are given to all subscrib-
ers for the above price. See sample
pictures at this office,
The TIMES and the Weekly Globe
The TinEs and Montreal Witness
from now to Jan, lst, 1904, for. .31.65
The Tunas and Weekly Mail and
Empire from now to Jan, lee
1901, for. • $1.75
The above includes a choice of two
handsome pictures entitled "The Doc-
tor" and "Contentment". Samples of
whieh May be seen at this oface.
The TIMES atd Daily Mail and
Empire, morning edition, for
one year for $4,25
The TIMES and 'Daily 'Mail and
Empire, evening edition, for
one year for .. . . ... . $8.25
The Tnens'and the Presbyterian
fot ohe year for............ ,$2,25
The Tarn and The IN eekly Sun
fro:n now to San. lst, 1904 for, 31.75
The 'Xmas and London Daily Ad -
Ye: titter for one year for..... .$2,50
Thr Ttelice and London Weekly
Ad vertiser for one year for.. „ .$1.50
New General
Sibrau, I,Tawarden
_cat& as 'h. national
one4., at
At North Exete
_ Having opened up a general store, -consisting of
We Solicit a share of the patronage of the north erict
and surrounding country. You will find we sell as low as
any store in country or city, not including some special lines
which others sell at cost or below.
I also intend to handle Flour and Feed.
promptly filled.
All order&
Tertris Strictly Cash or Trade
I have a Telephone in connection Withthe store for the nonvenience et
all, I might also state that I have one of the heaviest and best set of sveigh
scales in the 'village, weighing from one pound to 10,000 pounds, guarantee*
correct. I will now handle the scales from my store, and charge only half
price, 50 per weigh. Anything not going to market weighed free.
•1). S.—Shoemaker Wanted. A good opening for a good shoemaker.
will furnish shop and living rooms free of charge, until ouch time as he ma,
work his trade up to pay. Address L. MeTA.GOART, Hay P. 0.
The Teems and. Toronto Daily
Globe for one peat for.: .$4,25
The above includes a beeutiful cal-
endar itt color, that is easily worth
fifty cents,
The TIMES and.
oronto Daily
Star for... ,..... 2.50
The Times and Toronto Daily
News .... 2,50
The Teuns and Farming World
for . , .... 1.85
The Teems an cl Farming for 1.75
The Teems and Christian Gaud -
Ian for ... 40 V 0 0 2.00
The Teerne and Free Press, morn-
ing edition, for 3.25
The TIMES and Free Press, moon
or evening edition, for .. .. . . . 275
The Tarns and Free Press, week-
ly edifice:4 for.......: .. , 1.75
NOTE—Our list is not yet complete.
Anyone wishing a paper or magamine-
not in the above list will please inquire -
at the °face for subscription price.
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING NORTH— Passenger.
London, depart......... 8.15 A, M. 4.10
Centralia ...... 0,1 5.50
Exeter ..... " . 9,20.• 6.0
Hensall .. . .. „. 9.44 0.15
•Irippen 9.50 6.25
Brucefickl 9.58 - • 0.53
Clinton . .... . . . " 10.15 '
Wiegaani arrive 0.10: 8.1)0
GO/ el Sowrzi— • ' •passes:Igor
• Ingham, depart 6,53 4; 3.15 r. at
Clinten 7.0 4425
Brticefield 8.05 4,49
Menet) .15 457
HStniall .... . .22 5.02
Exeter ..... 8.35 5.10
Oentraleit. 8.46 6,25
needen.ar;ivC.....*9.37 631