HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-4-3, Page 16i Pap14-0,11479N NEW&RE TID,InplIESDAY,AM11143, 1.905 1. Articles for sole YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.--44tf0r STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturers' clearance. Limited quantities. Buy Now, while supplies last. Substantial discounts during sale. Widths 30' to 120'. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. Area code 807 call (705)335-5972.-8tfo NORTHERN FOOD TREES: Old-fashioned apples, pear, apricot, nut trees, shrubs, evergreens, seedlings. Guaranteed delivery. Reasonable prices. Catalog $1 Golden Bough Tree Farm. Marlbank, Ontario KOK 210.-140 ANTIQUE REFINISHING SUPPLIES. Wholesale/Retail. For Catalogue, send $3 (Refundable with first $25 or more order) to Dou- ble D Enterprises, Box 183, Kincardine, Ontario, NOG 2G0.-140 PINZONYA! Does your club, organization need lapel pins, medallions for fund raisers? Receive a free brochure and sample. Canadian manufac- turer. Emblematic Jewellery, Box 70, Rodney, Ontario, NOL 2C0.-140 STEEL BUILDINGS, 4 only Quonset Models, order cancelled. Immediate delivery. First come- first served. 25 x 44, 35 x 52, 46 x 94 and 55 x 260 com- plete with large sliding door. Call toll Free 1-800- 387-4932. Miracle Span Buildings. -14o WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory direct prices. No middleman. Quonset and Straight wall buildings. Won't be undersold. Guaranteed best value on market today. Call (416)221- 7353.-14o WATER PROBLEMS? New technology to Canada - C.S.A. Approved - Eliminates chemical con- tamination, nuisance and coliform bacteria, staining, smell, iron, • bad taste and more - no messy chemicals - maintenance free - tested and , proven in over 10,000 rural installations - Free 30 -Day trial offer - Try It'Out - SEE the results for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by ,a 20 -year written warranty - If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUNTRY LIVING Call toll Free 1-800'-268.2656 or. (416)624- 4344 or write Water Purification Systems, 203 - - 1030 Kamato Rd., Mississauga L4W 4B6.-140' 1982 SUZUKI RM 125, safety seat, side winder sprockets, best offer, 4829995., ask for Todd. -13,14 EVANS FARM MARKET has Ont. grown tomatoes, English cucs. 75c each, red and white potatoes, eggs, maple syrup. 2 miles north of Bayfield. 482- 7562.-13,14,15x KROEHLER colonial chesterfield and chair finish- ed in Tight plaid. Like new. Please call after 6 p.m. 524-8423.-13,14nx WHISKEY BARRELS - also 45gallon heavy plastic barrels, excellent for spray, rain or water bar- rels, Phone,• 524-8037,' Art Bells Fruit Farm.-l3tfar ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING' CENTRE. All Steel,. wood frame, Straight/Slant, half r'ound cladding. Free brochures on request. For action Value and Answers. Call Wally (416)626-1794. Leave message or collect evenings & weekends. -14o Smart, " Simple and very profitable. Pedal Powered PEDICABS. High Tech, light weight, 3 Wheeled, 6 speed, 2 passenger vehicle for hire. Transportation for city, Tourist, etc. Brochure available. Transcanoda Pedicab. ' 628 East 5th Street, North Vpncouver, B.C. V7L 1M7 (604)984- 9635.-14o WEEKLY SPECIALS! see our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy, 4 north of Clinton, 11/4 mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523.9508.-42tfar FABRICS SHOP BY MAIL: Spring/Summer fabrics available. For information and sample swatches, please write: FABRIC FINDS, P.O. Box 70, Station M, Toronto, Ontario M6S 4T2.-140 COLLECTORS PLATES. Trains, Sunday Best series. Spring Innocence, Cookie tastings, hundreds more..Free plate magazine with order. Send for good prices. Pedden Antiques, Strathroy, RR 6, Ontario, N7G 3H7 (519)247-3341.-'14o LASSIE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE linton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising , - . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles For sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for solo 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for runt 113 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for rent 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice .. 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF,PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAYcn TO FRIDAY . 9:00 a,m. to 5 p.m 1 . Articles for sale; TRUSS FOR SALE 6' wide by 6' deep x 104' long'. Triangular hollow structural steel. Truss Centre support and I -Beam A -Frame and supports 29.2' high; Best offer. Call Marcel Aitoro 1.800,387- 4910.- 14o PIANOS WANTED. Give name, height, number found under top lid. Or have your piano refinish- ed, restored. New low rate! Village Piano Shop, Elmira. (519)669.2280, 669.2311.-14o 1980 KAWASAKI KDX175 in good condition. Phone 529.7132.-14,15nx POOL TABLE 4' x 8',, $300.00. Mountain bike, one year old, $125.00. 10" radial arm saw, never been used, $350.00. 482.3305,--14 - GOOD USED PIANO, Sherlock -Manning 41" medium Cherry finish, well maintained, ex- cellent condition, must be' played to be ap- preciated. 887-6182 after 6 p.m. -14 WOOD FOR SALE MIXED HARDWOOD Blocks or split. Any quantity. Will deliver. 482-9250 CERTIFIED - 1972 Honda 350. A steal at $550.00 or best cash offer. Lots of chrome, new tires, new battery and points. In great running conditioh. Must sell.. Call Gary at 482-3896.-14x C 8, E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/4 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even to a trades ILUCKNOW GOMM H +WINOHIAM jll YT11 NTON • w.,014 .MiCHLL ZURICHI • EXETER STRATFORD 6A9PF9EL r Attention 40* Formers EASTER SPECIAL, spring clearance cold storage Macintosh apples. Contact Boyd Taylor 523- 9279.-14 - SAUNA both unit, •complete with switch, good condition. Asking $100.00; Franklin stove and wood,igood condition, asking $200.00. Call 565- 2959.-1'4x DOUBLE .CUT red clover seed, power cleaned, priced right, -also Mingo barley and mixed grain suitable for seed. Robert Fotheringham, 482- 9196.-14,15 ' GIRLS 20" bike .and a large tricycle. Phone 482- 7093.-14 - A. For Sale 1979 GS850 SUZUKI, fully dressed including stereo; one owner, excellent condition, will safe- ty. Phone'482.9481.--14 26" COLOUR TV in good working order, $200.00. Phone 565.5343.-14 PROFESSIONAL PICTURE FRAMING °Huge selection of frames •Needlepoint, Crewel Stretching •Photograph mounting, laminating creative matting. .Conservation framing r Fitz era1d Suciios -Profosslonal Plctoro Framors Association CLINTON 482-3890 OPEN: Monday -Saturday 9 am -6 pm BRAUN FOOD PROCESSOR, never .used, 482- 7713,1.14 READY to lay 20 -week-old pullets; 1 day old chicks (white or brown). Call Rooseboom's Poultry 519-236-4102, R.R. 3, Zurich.-10tf 1982 HONDA CM450, 4700 -km., excellent condi- tion. $1400.00 or best offer. Phone 482- 9902,--1.4x 16 CU. FT. Leonard freezer $200 or best offer. Phone 482.3245. -14 7 CU. FT. Frigidaire fridge., been used; 30 gal. glass .lined electric hot water tank (changed to gas); galvanized double laundry tubs. Phone 482- 7810.-14x 16' FIBRE gloss canoe; 32' aluminum extension ladder. Phone 4B2-7419. • 14x 1982 SUZUKI 650, excellent condition, $2,000.00. Phone 482-7038.--14 SEED BARLEY grown from certified Leger power cleaned and treated, pocked in 40 kg bags. Con- tact Boyd Taylor 523-9279.-14,15 DOUBLE cut Red Clover, Canada No. 1. Rick LeBeau, 482-7294.-12-14 DOUBLE cut red clover seed, 85c a pound. Phone 524-7016.-13,14 CHICKS for sale, mixed, roosters, egg layers and turkeys. Order before April 16 for delivery May 16. Auburn Co -Op 526-7262 or Belgrave Co -Op 357-2711 or 523-4454.-13,14 ALL STEEL BALE RACKS, orders preferred; light and heavy grader blades; trailer bunk feeders. Owen Martin Manufacturing, RR 3, Wallenstein, Ont. NOB 2S0 (519)699.4144.-14o 5. Cars for sale EIGHTEEN 4 x 38 T -Rail duals, fourteen 9 x 28 snap -on duals, Phone 565-5309.-14x ALFALFA hay for sale, approx. 2,000 bales. Phone 482-3780.-14 CLEANED double cut Red Clover for plowdown, 75-80c per pound,, Phone 482-7301.-14 WAGONS and, flat racks, will sell separately, phone 482.7301.-14 1 1974 COUGAR XR7, large motor, air, power steering and windows, needs body work. Best of- fer. Phone 524.9806 evenings. 14 1974 DODGE Monaco, 4 door sedan, as is, price $500,00. Phone 527.0405.- 14 - 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS, good condition, Selling as is, $800. Phone 482.3780. - 14 1980 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88 Royale excellent con- dition, must be seen. Phone 524-2825. 14,15 1977 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 door, 305 Automatic, P.S. P,B., cruise, tinted glass, excellent condition. $2,500.00 CERTIFIED CaII after 4:00 P.M. 524-6239 7. R.V.'s for sale Hensen Livestock Sales SALES EVERY TI-OURSDAY AY 12:30 P.M. All classes of LEvestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clln.ton 482-7511 Barry Miller E meter • 235-1717 KOrk ton _ 22142E5 Gregory Hargreaves 2112.211/ 19' PYRAMID travel trailer with 12 volt and 120 - volt gas fridge, stove and furnace, newly new odd -a -room, includes trailer hitch. 482.9223. 14 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE, Los 11, Con. 10, Stanley Twp. 100 acres choice clay loom, modern frame house, excellent deep well (mineral rights to be retain- ed). Contact John Robinson, Box 419, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 or 482-3444 or 482-7784. - 101.1 LOT FOR SALE on Gordon St., Clinton, 66 ft x 132 ft. $9,000 or give an offer, 482.7654.---14,15x CERTIFIED SEED GRAIN 1 BIRKA AND RODEO BARLEY in stock now.. Top yielders in Clinton area. Also available in mixes with popular oat varieties. CERTIFIED SOYBEAN SEED Hyland's APACHE, ACE, CRUSADER and HAWK. Also most public varieties.Order now as supplies are limited. DURST FARM CENTRE 275 HURON ST. (HWY. 8 WEST) CLINTON 482-7706 9. Automotive MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS *Filters •Tires •Batteries •Plugs •Helmets and many 'more We repair all makes & rrtodels* also' certify motorcycles. ARGYLE MARINE NGI NES 88 88 Britannia Rd. E. Goderich 524-9201 .111101h, VIM& 12. Real estate for sale DUCHARME ESTATES • Bayfield 236-4230 -3 bedroom bungalow at '49,900. -Lots from '13,500 8 up -Financing available -'1000. down will hold your lot or new home for spring or summer construction, 14A. Vacations . ONTARIO WATERWAY CRUISES on, Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway; private cabins and all meals on board; 2 to 6 days; June 1 to Oct. 14; brochure. Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. (705)748-3666.-14o HUNTER CREEK INN, Haliburton Highlands, swim- ming - boating - fishing. Private Deluxe bed/breakfast, Studio, Honeymoon, Executive suites. Delightful accommodation, moderate rates. Bill Redgrave, Box 765, Minden, Ontario, KOM 2K0 (705)286-3194.-14o 16. for rent B. Custom Work CUSTOM bulldozing; loading and spreading manure; also custom chainsowing. Call J.D. Carter Trucking Londesboro, 523.9405. -13-17 CUSTOM planting of small groin, corn and white beans; also post hole digging. Phone 482- , 3518. 13-18 C. Wanted 1 WANTED TO RENT, 150 to 200 acres cash crop land for 1985 season, share crop or rent. Phone 262-2616. 12-14 PLYWOOD FORMS wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau. Zurich 236-- 4954.-16tfar D. Livestock TESTED BOARS, sound, aggressive, Yorks, Ramps, Duroc, Hemp x Duroc, York x Hamps. Reasonably priced. Coll Bob Robinson 345- 2317. 14.17 E. Farm Services FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or ore not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us tday! Appointment times available to process 19 4 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E. Lon• don, N5V 2Z9. Coll toll free 1.800.265-1002. In business year round helping farmers for over 33 years. 14o 70 ACRES workable land for rent, good bean ground, no atrazine. Phone P97.6O79, 8th line of Morris Twp. 14.15 FOR RENT 130 or 200 acres cash crop land by tender. Tenders may be submitted by mail to John E. Robinson, Box 419, Clinton, Ont, NOM 1LO. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -10$f 40 ACRES for rent •plotigheds.In Colborne Twp., Con. 5, Lot 5. Available for 1985 crop season Phone 523.4581 days. -140r 1 12. ReaB estate for sale r JOHN L. DUDDY LARGE MASTER BEDROOM 151/2 ft. by 17 ft. Master Bedroom in this brick home on an 82.5 by 132 fo,t lot. '39;500. with possible Vendor,, Mortgage. No. 120 Townsend St. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Retail or office space with Apartment above. Core Area of Clinton. '37,500. POOL & AIR CONDITIONING 3 bedrooms, heated garage or workshop, built-in dishwasher, sundeck. '53,000. 532,90.0. 117 Ontario St. Close -in location, near Credit Union, walk uptown. All carpeted, fully decorated, 4 bedrooms, new cupboards in kitchen, new main bathroom plus 2 pc. ensuite in Master bedroom. $57,900. 17 Bond 5t. 8 yr. o 1100 sq. ft. rancher with attached e. 66' x 178' lot. Taxes '859.; 35 pot long rec. room. $52,500. Highway commercial zoning, ranch bungalow with 17' x 191/2' office or Commercial retail area. Heats for '58./month on budget. No. 245 Victoria sr. 522,500. 5 bedroom home in Londesboro on 74' x 140' lot with garage or barn for storage. Ff Aced to sell. Immediate occupancy. 542,900. Vinyl siding in cream with brown trim, located near schools, beside I.O.0.F. hall on Princess St. Detached 20' x 22' garage 'or shop. Vendor will hold mortgage. 541,900. 14 Gordon St. CMHeclosure sale. 4 level front tot on corner lot. Finished rec ro on 3rd level. Electric F.A. heat. $39,500. Auburn, corner of Goderich and Egmont Sts. Finished In coloured aluminum including soffits and fascia. '/ acre lot. Taxes '447. 3 to 5 bedrooms. Lovely family room with bay window, built-in display cabinets and bookcase. Pine kitchen. VANASTRA LISTINGS No. 30 Quebec - '19,000.; No. 61 Victoria - '19,500.; No. 17 Toronto - '19,900.; No. 30 Regina -'22,000.; No. 5 Toronto - '22,000.; No. 55 Victoria - '25,500.; No. 74 Victoria - '26,500.; No. 57 Victoria -'29,500 Canada Trust, Realtor BAYFIELD OPEN HOUSE Howard Street SATURDAY APRIL 6 - 2 - 4 PM SUNDAY APRIL 7 - 2 - 4 PM Have you been wanting to move to Bayfield? Then come and view this home with modern eat -in kitchen, 2 baths, cathedral ceiling living room with fireplace plus the many more features this home has. LAKEFRONT - ON THE BEACH Luxury, 2 -storey winterised cottage, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, fireplace, carpeting throughout. -COUNTRY RETREAT 61/2 acres with small 2 -bedroom insulated cottage, down draft stove, garage, spring creek. For More Area Listings and Information call: Sonia Stephens Bayfield 565-2633 JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-3733 or 9428 (Mice BROILER QUOTA 17,128 ON 250 ACRES. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 1 ACRE near Clin- ton, with shop. Rented. Good returns. 2V6 ONTARIO ST;-tteroom home, de- cent lot, '26,000. LAYER QUOTA. 5909, on 75 acres. Split level home, '550,000.00. VERY CLOSE TO TOWN, 3 bedroom split, nice shape, shop, river view. BRICK 1 OR 2 FAMILY STATELY HOME, large garage." SEMI DETACHED brick building. 71/, ACRES, 1 floor home, 1 floor barn, sh- ed, highway location. Near Clinton- JARVIS ST. SEAFRJ� Neal) jr sided 2 bedroom bungalo V� 62 WELLINGTON ST. - Well kept 1 floor cot- tage, could hove 3 bedrooms. '27,900.00. TUCKERSMITH - 78 acres, 75 workable, '100,000.00. COMMERCIAL ZONED LARGE LOT, highway location. FARROWING BARN, good house, small acreage. Near Clinton, '82,000.00. ATTRACTIVE 4 BEDROOM HOMEon 1 acre, paved road, in the 30's, HENSALL - 2 bay service station, ideal com- mercial location. COUNTRY BUNGALOW, brick & angelstone, 4 bedrooms, double car garage. 1,000 HOG OPERATION, 1 floor home, 3 acres. '97,000.00. TRUCKERS WORKSHOP and modern home with pool near Clinton. DAIRY FARMS - several available. LARGE STEEL BUILDING zoned industrial, on a paved rood. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOTS - 1/4 acre, 1 1/3 acres, 3 acres and 22 acres. INDUSTRIAL ZONED LOT with brick office type building. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. COMMERCIAL ZONED PROPERTY near the post office. 50 ACRES WITHI'BUSH near Bayfield. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 21/2 ACRES, house, barn and shed near Clin- ton. 80 ACRES WITH COTTAGE, some bush near Bayfield. NEAR THE ARENA - 4 bedroom home, large lot, '24,900.00. 122 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, garage, '26,900.00. 201 HURON ST. - nice 2 bedroom 1 floor home, carport. 173 HURON ST. - cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot, 109 JAMES ST. - duplex or single family home, close to downtown. 98 PRINCESS ST. W. - 4 bedroom home, large lot, carport, '29,500. 102 HURON ST. - 3 bedroom home, dining room, large lot. 133 HURON ST. - elegant 4 bedroom home, many extras. 56 GIBBINGS ST. - 4 bedroom brick, garage, very attractive. 49 HURON ST. - Brick duplex, very nice In- terior, zoned commercial. 260 ALBERT ST. - Raised bungalow, family room, double garage, plus. MODERN HOME, a lot of square ft., ex- ecutive style, large lot. 1 FLOOR HOME, separate shop, 1 .3 acres, outskirts of Auburn. RANCH STYLE HOME, double garage, 1 acre near Clinton, make an offer. MOBILE, SLEEPS SIX, set up at Pine Lake. EXECUTIVE STYLED 1 floor home In Blyth, large lot, EXECUTIVE STYLED HOME on river In Bayfield. 20 QUEBEC RD. VANASTRA. a deal at '22,900.00. 76 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, open concept '22,000.00. 37 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA, Florida room, '24,900.00. 15 VICTORIA BLVD. VANASTRA. • 5 bedrooms, '28,000.On Rose 8, Harold Workman . Clinton (519) 482-3455 Peter Off R.R. 5 Clinton 482-9849 {{�� 13a�iiiU Steetls_t(r-a R.R, 3 Clinton 48 37$0 Henry Moro Septorth 527-0430 4, •